Monalisa Chinda’s and Lanre Nzeribe’s marriage of inconvenience, By Kelvin Keshi
It was Tuesday August 27 and another lifeless day filled with uncertainties, inconsistencies and a shameful lack of direction at Monalisa, the white elephant magazine misadventure of Lanre Nzeribe and Monalisa Chinda. Lisa had suddenly gone AWOL for close to a month from her ceremonial publisher’s seat, staff were being owed two months’ salary and Lanre was stalling. He rarely showed up in the office and whenever he did, he barely spoke with anyone before he would zoom off again in his black Maserati. Outside, he was always conscious to give off a deceptive public image of the hip ‘big boy’ and perfect gentleman to camouflage his real insensitive, aloof and condescending sides.
to the farce at 19 Ademola Adetokunbo Street, Victoria Island (Chase Mall). After
their publicised breakup, there were whispers Lisa had reconciled with Lanre
and was coming back to her ceremonial seat. The ‘news’ cheered up some of the
junior staff. It wasn’t surprising
because to some degree, she was the life of the party in the company with her
chirpy, free-spirited, girl-next-door, almost simpleton nature. Some of the
workers wanted to buy coloured cardboard and decorative materials and another
one got external speakers from outside the office. The driver had angrily left
the company two weeks earlier because he said Lanre paid him N25, 000 as salary
instead of N40, 000 they had agreed, so I offered to drive them to the store.
waiting at the park of the megastore, I glanced at my wristwatch. It was 3pm.
The ‘party’ was ready, but no word yet from the ‘red carpet’ guest. I decided
to call her.
Keshi, what’s happening in the office?”
she asked.
really,” I replied and hesitated to gauge her mood. “…just that some of the
staff are excited you’re coming back and are planning a small welcome for you.”
no ooo. Who said I’m coming back? I’m not ooo. I’m not talking with Lanre. I
don’t know what they’re talking about,” she answered tongue-in-cheek.

A fading façade
me pause here and introduce myself. My
name is Kelvin Keshi (pictured above) and, until Thursday August 29, was the Assistant Editor of
Magazine. Lisa and Lanre had hired me sometime in April, on the
recommendation of a mutual friend, to help set up a trendy lifestyle magazine
that would in no time set the pace in its genre. Even though it was an onerous
task, I was set for the challenge and knew I could draw from my skills and
experience to deliver on their request. I earnestly set off for work, most of
the time multi-tasking as editor, administrative and human resources manager
and working late into the night. Incidentally, I had another offer from an Abuja-based company to be an Assistant
Editor and Lagos bureau chief of a political magazine but I turned it down on
the excuse that I just got engaged with a similar job and wanted to give it 100
remember the several meetings I had with Lanre, Lisa and the mutual friend –
sometimes lasting till 10:30 pm – to discuss and deliberate on issues like
editorial thrust, philosophy, mission, vision, target demography, templates,
sectionalisation, themes, pagination, story ideas, online presence, USPs,
advert generation, circulation and distribution and staffing for the magazine.
In all of these sessions I noticed almost everyone else was shallow about what
they really wanted; but after much prodding, Lisa said she‘d like a lifestyle
magazine with a mass appeal. Truth is, they were largely vague about the new
magazine concept, but I still tried to decrypt their nebulous ideas,
concretised, gave life and substance, documented and presented to them.
as it would appear eventually, that was all Lanre wanted from me: to use me to
set up the magazine and then whip up and amplify inexistent and inconsequential
issues along the way as convenient alibis to sever the working relationship. I
first suspected when he issued three-month temporary employment to the first
batch of staff and arbitrarily fixed salaries without giving room for negotiations.
When I questioned it, he said salaries would be reviewed upwardly at the end of
the three months and permanent employment letters issued. Lies!
in breach of initial discussions before I agreed to resign a job and join him,
he affixed the title ‘Assistant Editor’ to my name instead of ‘Editor.’
Curiously, after all editorial work had been concluded, he introduced his
sister, Ejine, as ‘Editor’ and requested me to forward all edited materials to
her. Another devious stunt by Lanre to sell and credit my intellectual work to
someone else. Ingenious! This is the true Lanre. (You’ll wonder why this guy
cannot maintain five seconds of eye contact. Psychologists, go figure. And no,
he isn’t shy). It was the same
manipulative ploy he used against the first Fashion Editor, Margaret that
forced her to resign angrily after he paid her N50, 000 less than the agreed
sum on the sly excuse that she didn’t write enough articles. Amusingly, his
current ‘Fashion Editor’ and ‘Creative Director’ cannot boast of a single story
in the magazine!
only fear for some people. But I guess the saying ‘once bitten, twice shy’
doesn’t ring a bell for everyone. Ejine never showed up in the office once and
her editing via e-mails was just so-so, forcing me to re-edit again.
also asked that since stories for the first edition were completed, my team and
I should write for subsequent editions which I obliged him out of trust. As I
discovered later, his wily game plan was to get as much intellectual and
editorial contents out of me for subsequent editions before he schemes me out
of the set-up. (Round of applause dude, but like the Warri man would say, ‘Lanre, this time, u don dive rock.’).

He who pays the piper…
next day, Lisa was back in the office and to her glorified seat after a month
forced hiatus. Lanre too was there, as happy as a lark – or more fittingly,
like a little boy whose stolen toy had just been found. They wanted to meet
separately with some staff members over some petty non-work related issues
Lanre had deliberately sensationalised with willing pawns to create distractions
and play out his script of getting rid of me after I’d created a working
structure for him.
Lanre repeated those same trivial lines -
about some staff having tiffs, being emotionally attached to each other and
some people not working enough. …The same worn-out quibbles he had rehashed
over and over again and magnified as excuse also not to pay salaries. For the
benefit of doubt, all editorial assignments for the first issue had been
completed, edited and designed on the template and he had no complaints about
that. In assigning stories, editing them or relating with my team, I operated
with a spirit of fairness, objectivity and balance; the very sacred principles
of ethical journalism.
the pictures and images were outstanding. He had hired a flashy and dreadlocked
mannequin ‘Creative Director’ with zero media experience or knowledge and side-lined
the professional freelance photographer that was initially engaged for magazine
images. But it was taking Mr ‘Luxury’ forever to get the job done. He was an
overly ambitious, smooth-talking, I-know-it-all-and-should-lead-the-team kind
of guy. He understood Lanre’s self-centred language of luxury and elitism and
fully explored it to manipulate him to take some drastic decisions, including
his breakup with Lisa.
(the guy’s name) said Lanre had handed over the project to him and he was
ecstatic about it. He told me Lanre said he (Chuks) was now ‘in-charge’ of the
project and could sack anyone he wanted. He said Lanre had been having private
meetings with him and told him he wanted to lay me off. I felt offended and
asked why. He was rambling on I ‘not being able to lead the team’ or ‘being
incompetent.’ How? What insult! Was the magazine not ready for the first issue,
from an editorial point? Were my stories watery and substandard? Like Lanre
when I confronted him (with due deference though), Chuks was incoherent.
to the assertion, Lanre cut off communication with me, and without a cogent
justification, gave off a body language that suggested he was done with me. All
of these were after I’d laid the foundation that none of them had the knowledge
or experience to do.
knew Lanre’s game plan. He (and his ilk) only sees people as tools; so Chuks blind
ambition was a perfect diversion and pawn until he’s filled and needs to go on
to the next meal. Chuks kept changing concepts and philosophies at will midway
through production and walking through a maze. He was what you might call inefficiently
busy (maybe eye service or in Warri lingua, ‘forming activity’). The team was groping in the dark. They had no
idea. It was three months and the debut issue was not out, except my team’s
editorial contents that were 100 percent complete. Where in the world does a
greenhorn photographer-turned-Creative-director-overnight lead a magazine
project? Without a single previous experience? It was a cul-de-sac!
they want to build the fantasy magazine on the stories my team and I had
painstakingly researched and written. But I have my aces up my sleeve. I’ll
come to that later. On behalf of his future victims, I want to change Lanre’s (and
his ilk) skewed and twisted use-and-dump immoral business beliefs and gimmicks.
I digress. Back to Lanre’s merry-go-round ‘luxury’ magazine house. Sneakily, he
blamed the editorial unit still for the delays. ‘How, sir?’ I asked him
exasperatedly. But he kept prevaricating. How dumb did he think everybody was!
If he thinks he could buy people’s voice and opinion and maybe love, I wonder
what makes him think integrity, intelligence and grit are for sale too.
had obviously schooled Lisa on what he wanted – of course without the
underlying motives – and she was already playing the tunes he dictated while
putting on a flaky bold face. Classic Lisa! Even when it seems she finally has
an opinion of her own, it’s always shaded by Lanre’s ego-fuelled preferences
and biases which often border on his crave for a God-like reverence and being
ensconced in his little elitist burble world. God help you if Lisa agrees with
you on a matter in private and Lanre has a differing opinion later. She’ll deny
you flatly.
The lies you didn’t know
was back on the project and they were suspending the editorial unit, she
announced to me in Lanre’s presence. Rather than being miffed, I was amused and
felt pity for this stunted project. In the weeks Lisa went missing, Chuks had
suggested to Lanre that to publish a ‘luxury magazine for upper class
citizens,’ as they myopically re-termed it midway, he doesn’t need the
editorial unit on full-time (Huh? Tell me about it. Definitely, another world
surprisingly, Lisa did a volte-face and agreed – a sharp contrast to our
discussions on phone when she was away on protest, long before it became
know there’s a problem. You’ve not been in the office for two weeks now. Please
what’s happening?” I had enquired.
a very deep problem, Kelvin. Chuks wanted pictures of naked girls in the
magazine and Lanre is on the same page with him, but I don’t want to be part of
any of that. He told Lanre to remove me as publisher and face of the magazine and
that the magazine project can go on without me, and would you imagine Lanre agreed?
He’s changing the magazine at will and spiritually manipulating Lanre. Chuks is
illuminati. He’s evil and God will scatter them.”
“But I don’t understand why Mr. Lanre has
stopped communicating with me. Does he have any complaints about my work?” I
asked, deliberately sidestepping the rash of issues she raised.
Your writings are standard and OK for any standard magazine anywhere,” she
replied in measured tones. She paused and then asked, “Are they still planning
to use my name as the title of the magazine?”
can’t say categorically; Mr. Lanre doesn’t talk with me much. But Monalisa’s
still the name on the template.”
can’t allow them use the name I built as a brand over the years. How can I take
it back?”
get it registered with the Copyright Commission and the National Library. And
if they still go ahead to publish the magazine with the name, you can report
them and the government agencies will take it from there.” I shrugged and
paused. I didn’t want to be part of this any longer. It was clear too many
things were wrong at once. “But I didn’t bargain for all these…” I complained.
sooo sorry, Kelvin. I’m really sorry about how everything turned out…” Her
voice was tired.
are you going to do now?”
just want to leave the country to clear my head. Later, I’ll work on my
project, a tv talk show.”
Although I wished you guys would reconcile; it would be great for the magazine.
You’re the brand they wanted to leverage on. Most new magazines don’t last
beyond a lifespan of six months because certain key elements are missing.”
I’m not coming back. It’s a deep spiritual problem.”
weeks later, Lisa was back and giving her nod to Lanre’s baseless grudge against
me. But that was OK; the atmosphere was suffocating already. One week later, I
sent Lanre an SMS requesting for my salary and that I had other engagements
that wouldn’t allow me frequent visit to his office to recover his debt to me. He
felt offended. “I advice (sic) that all communication from you should be in
writing and directed to the company, please do not use this channel to reach me
again,” his reply read in part. I sensed the Nigerian typical case of social
class bullying.
It’s half time whistle
I called Lisa to complain. But she told me to stop calling her too. She told me
she was with him when my message came into his phone. “I don’t even know why
I’m dignifying you with a response,” she added cheekily. Such a cocky
submission from Madam ‘Celebrity’ and ‘Superior.’ But I knew that attitude: the tame voice of Jacob and the wild,
arrogant hand of Esau – as always.
I have a piece of advice for them too:
Lanre should tell whichever ‘editor’ he plans to name on the masthead to get a
new set of writers write new stories for his or her editing for the magazine. I
will never allow Lanre credit my intellectual work to another ‘editor.’ It’s a
promise because all the stories and articles are with me and I will publish
them online and in newspapers and magazines before his magazine goes to press.
my lawyers have slammed them with a court notice over the monies they owe me.
Lanre (and Lisa too) probably thinks I’ll be cowered by the ‘might’ of his
wealth and high-powered connection. They also probably believe that as ‘upper
class citizens’ – as they have classified their stillborn magazine – I should
beg, grovel and lick their boots in exchange for the ‘favour’ of being given MY
OWN MONEY. But they fall into the common trap some people make when relating
with ‘unknown’ persons. Asides, an ‘unknown’ cannot be stereotyped.
and Lisa have had their time in the sun to play, trampling at will on my right,
dignity and pride. But the half-time whistle has gone and it’s substitution
time. It’s my time to play on the field and I sooo want to score!
1 – 200 of 233 Newer› Newest»Too long abegi
Mehn too long for me to be interested in an issue not mine.
unless imma be paid to read this.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
this is serious click here Genevieve's secret exposed.
Oh shuttup already about the open mind nonesense! We seriously need laws & terms that will guide emplyees in this country. Most people who work abroad dnt neccesarily earn alot but they are been treated fairly. I was a victim & my dear i can't forgive those ass holes
Wow! I soo didn't want the story to finish. Well articulated and I trust you're in the best literal position to take this ish head-on. It's soo 1-0 brother make sure you reduce the deficit and create a substantial bonus.
A disgruntled person's perception is always subjective and not objective, so the plausibleness of such is always either a 50% lie, or a 50% truth, a "false truth" is the perfect oxymoron for it.
Wow! I soo didn't want the story to finish. Well articulated and I trust you're in the best literal position to take this ish head-on. It's soo 1-0 brother make sure you reduce the deficit and create a substantial bonus.
Liking this editor already!!!!
i dey crase to read ds novel, abeg too long, am passing
Hmmmn! If this is true, then, its unfortunate.
B/cos d mag failed ur mouth is nw running. N u expect som1 els 2 employ u wf trust
Very well written! The writer is one of very few Nigerians who still express themselves in proper English. Way to go!
People shouldn't take others for granted or try and trample on them. I hope you have an employment letter though which clearly spells out both sides obligations.
You've done the right thing - instituting an action in court. Lanre Nzeribe is a typical example of the saying "Some mothers do have them".
Now I'll wait for part two of this story.
Why do you describe him as disgruntled? Many Nigerian business people don't pay their staff.
Will come back later to check comments.
Honestly...I think this guy was treated unfairly...based on his account of the story and I believe him...
Good job standing up for your man companies are jokes in Nigeria...they want to to fly high..but not ready to pay the price....another joker is Wale Ajisebutu of 21st Century technologies...
Why are pple so wicked?I beliv his sayin the truth.Monalisa am rily ashamd of you.See the lanre sef like ova grown monki.God wil xpos u soon.alikas
I don't know why, but a large part of my heart blives dis story. The rich wanna get richer at d detriment of d average man. They show up on red carpet events all glamorous meanwhile dey r so full of corrupt and manipilative minds. Dis Lanre guy seems 2 be so egotistical and self-centred. Mr kelvin, dis is a bold step 2 unveil their true nature cos and may God help u.....
Like u said linda,it was one sided story bt all dis so called super rich just believe their wealth can gve dem evrything bt not like intellectual property. U pay for it.
Abeg too long a story, as an editor you should know how to sumerise so ur readers won't loose interest. .... I am used to executive summaries as a busy working class girl.
I need a glass of loya milk...Don Jazzy where re u biko?Gobe!!!
#breaths out# Na wa oh d tori long oh. but i personally dont beliv in publicising disputes.. so settle ur scores Mr story teller and stop talking about oda ppl's bad sides like u dont have. U might evn be a busy body kind of person sed, who nos, even tho dey obviously wronged u.
U got the email last night??? a lil too late.anyways let's hear the other party b4 judgement is passed
hmn!!!! this guy is good tho...cnt believe i can hv d patience to read all of that... get wats urs bruv... datz all!
This almost reads like a movie script, although too complicated to be a nollywood script. Waiting to see how it plays out
I believe this story. The problem with Monalisa is that she feels lucky to have an aristocrat big boy to be interested in her. She feels privileged. She has been revealed for the type of person she really is.
Everyone knows Lanre as a narcissistic fraud, why she would go into an emotionally abusive relationship after what she went thru in her marriage is beyond reason.
Did she not tell Kevin there is a spiritual angle to this mess? Where did she get the money to donate to kirikiri prison when she hasn't paid her staff? Very arrogant, unfair and elitist.
She doesn't even belong to that social class-I guess Lanre is rubbing of on her.
when romance mixed with(un experience business and work
Linda...This thing too long o..But I go try read am sha....Before I comment..READING
I read this on Ladun and Stell's blog last night and to say I'm disappointed in Monalisa is an understatement, smh
Choi...d guy dey para gan ooo..shit happens..lols
Linda too dey fear dis kind gist
I really feel for you bro.,,thats what most one-man business do with their staff(i ve got that experience until i landed myself a multinational job years back),,these people just waste your time drain your experience and dump you with pay and they will be gallavanting the town as if they own the world,i know a lot of them but will not mention names,,however i know you are very bitter but i donot think you should refer to them as illuminatti without verifiable claims!
Pls oh oga debtor and madam celebrity pay him his money you want to use him nd dump him that wount happen ,that what you guys do owing ur workers why run an organization you can't manage nonsense
Hmmmmmmmm dis lanre guy never realy liked himm,he has dis wayo face my broda as u talk dem don dive rock
Linda...This thing too long o..But I go try read am sha....Before I comment..READING
Dat is very good and will teach all this so high n mighty who not to mess with.. First to comment:)
Whew!!! Z
I was just Yawning When Reading this, in evry rumour thrz alwys an element of truth. Am. Indifferent about Lisa. Don't Hate or like her.
TOMATO JOS Whoo hooo! Can't belive I actually read all this! What a long epistle! Hav already saved some nice Mona's pictures. Not taking sides but dat Lanre has always had dis cunning evil look tho. So is my Monalisa now under his spell? Lmao! Abeg they should sort their issues wella! It is well.
#breaths out# Na wa oh d tori long oh. but i personally dont beliv in publicising disputes, so Mr story teller settle ur scores and stop publicly talking abt oda ppl's bad sides like u dont have. u might evn b a busy body kind of person who nos,cos u dint mention d mistakes u made while u worked with dem, evn tho they obviously wronged u. So good luck wit d court case and stop disturbing ppl wit ur long onesided stories.
#breaths out# Na wa oh d tori long oh. but i personally dont beliv in publicising disputes, so Mr story teller settle ur scores and stop publicly talking abt oda ppl's bad sides like u dont have. u might evn b a busy body kind of person who nos,cos u dint mention d mistakes u made while u worked with dem, evn tho they obviously wronged u. So good luck wit d court case and stop disturbing ppl wit ur long onesided stories. Linda darling pls post my comment
So Pained!
Na dem sabi
O di ok
This has gone viral.
No surprises when it comes to LN.
#breaths out# Na wa oh d tori long oh. but i personally dont beliv in publicising disputes, so Mr story teller settle ur scores and stop publicly talking abt oda ppl's bad sides like u dont have. u might evn b a busy body kind of person who nos,cos u dint mention d mistakes u made while u worked with dem, evn tho they obviously wronged u. So good luck wit d court case and stop disturbing ppl wit ur long onesided stories.
Very intelligent young man and writer. Very pathetic and sorry story. Linda, you may consider him for freelance contributions to your blog. He's is a good brain worth tapping into. well written!
#breaths out# Na wa oh d tori long oh. but i personally dont beliv in publicising disputes, so Mr story teller settle ur scores and stop publicly talking abt oda ppl's bad sides like u dont have. u might evn b a busy body kind of person who nos,cos u dint mention d mistakes u made while u worked with dem, evn tho they obviously wronged u. So good luck wit d court case and stop disturbing ppl wit ur long onesided stories.
*Yawning badly and feeling so hungry*.......too lengthy and boring story o jare even if na Phd exam i wan read for sef.
WooW!! This is sounds true tho...
#breaths out# Na wa oh d tori long oh. but i personally dont beliv in publicising disputes, so Mr story teller settle ur scores and stop publicly talking abt oda ppl's bad sides like u dont have. u might evn b a busy body kind of person who nos,cos u dint mention d mistakes u made while u worked with dem, evn tho they obviously wronged u. So good luck wit d court case and stop disturbing ppl wit ur long onesided stories. Lindy post my comment biko
Typical nigerian n unprofessional way of working n the fact that they always use people n owe them knowin they have families to feed n thy are living the life of the rich n famous come on.... I don't care about the work ethics etc but no b lanre suppose to they owe workers leave story pple who have their business in Naija n don have the kind of money he has dont owe their workers.
Ok o mr kelvin,i know ur type,u try to revenge and loose out in the end.after all this is done,what kind of personality of urself are you portraying to the world? Wicked man!be playing lets see who will hire u again!
Two things come to mind. This is either a publicity stunt for the magazine (its actually working cos the name Monalisa Magazine is actually now widespread than lots of others that have been in circulation) or the guy is just looking for cheap publicity!
Well said, but there are too many iota of lies in this writeup, plus it remains one sided until we hear from the other parties! Next! *SipsTea*
Hmmmmm. This is what social media has caused. All dirty linens are not just washed but aired in public. I want to feel sorry for Lisa but shouldn't she know better? What on earth is she doing with Lanre? Who even does business with a boyfriend. I just tire abeg. Women need to smarten up. As for this Kelvin boy, what does he hope to gain by this? I hope he knows he may never get another job. I know I would never employ him. He has dragged them to court, he could have simply said they were owing him? Do we really need all the details? He's made himself the saint where everyone else was bad. I hear! And putting up pictures. Involving people who would have preferred to forget they ever worked there. The magazine might never have succeeded. How many magazines even succeed anyway. And they've all just made a mess of themselves. I'm a lawyer and would be willing to defend Lisa for free. I see so many holes in Kelvin's story.
Story! Story!
What a dumb person they hired as assistant editor. This stuff makes no sense. Who would ever hire this fool again. You should have just sued for your salary instead of all this empty noise
Isn't this the same Kelvin that left Genevieve Magazine and started saying all sorts of rubbish against them and Betty Irabor the publisher. Now your next victim is Monalisa Magazine, and you're not telling the world about your unlimited atrocities. people biting the hands that fed them. God will certainly judge you!
Hell hath no fury than a writer scorned...lets watch another drama unfold. Hahahahha!!!! PinkP
Wicked human being, after they employed you all you can do is lie against them. Heaven will be the true judge
Linda, u don dey slack o. I read this article ages ago in another blog. Yours came in pretty late....
Well this is a one sided story, but if i will go by this, this is quite unfair, its real bullying, the youngman should be paid all that is due to him and honour and credit should be given to whom its due!
ROTFL. Na wa o
Hmmmmm I smell foul play. You didn't tell us what you did to have been sacked at Genevieve Magazine, now you're saying all sort about another employer. It is well
*yawns* no comment
i won't totally dismiss this guy's accusations.i av a boss jst like dm, and wat do u expect lisa and lanre to say.they'll deny it of course.they are "public figures" remember!!!abegi make dm gv d guy his money jare
I believe this dude 100 percent. Monalisa has poor taste in men. She's a sweet person but her amorous relationships with manipulative and treacherous/controlling men such as the likes of Dejo has destroyed good working/personal relationships with a lot of people. I thought she has learnt lessons from her past. Coming from someone who knows her personally.
this story is not far from what I encounter in my place work.... all these organisations na wash! and they can owe salary eh! they even rub it in urban face that they are doing a favour and how some people are jobless. still putting my chalet in water for a govt job*Ada Nnewi*
Linda, from your remarks i can sense that you either friends with Lisa or Lanre. Because you are trying too hard to make the writer look like the bad person here.
This write up is too long. Guys are not smiling at all. This Lanre guy face sha, so stong. Linda I love you small
The 1st two comments on this article are based on sentiments. The dude has gat prove of his works and I read dis on anoda platform and the comments there shed more light to the issue. *lights cigar*
What's this? Baby babble? The emotion and image thrashing issues stink. If you have issues of legal ramifications I suggest you write in a more professional manner rather than as if you are writing chick lit. If this is the overall look of your editorship, man...
Abeg what is all dis...... niggar get a life u sound pained #callmeEVULS#
Publicity stunt my foot! U re probably lanre,lisa or chucks.idiots! The poor guy is fighting for his rights and see what u re saying.......before u say thrash put urself in his shoes
Let's hear from Monalisa's or the skirt chasing Lanre. Oya, spill! The guy has worked for you, pls pay. Dont be like Jimoh Ibrahim that does not pay his workers. God will judge you all.
We dey await the responses that will follow this very interesting piece. I am sure "part 2" will be as interesting.
@Linda,Monalisa issues is better. There is s1 in the industry who claims to be grooming pple, but instead he use them to his advantage. he is owning his staffs and some have resigned cos of this. You can find out about this, sola fajobi is also one of them...
ok well written, wating for episode 2
As a writer, i appreciate and admire your prose skills but it's either you wanted to show off (which you succeeded in doing anyway) or you are not in tune with editing principles. You goofed badly with the length of the narrative. As an editor, you should have kept it short and simple, the KISS principle boss!
Wow, no be small thing dey happen o
I actually believe the guy anyway. Nobody has ever had anything good to say about Lanre so I'd never drop a penny in the name of "doing business" with him. Secondly, why the hell does he look like a mouse?? Monalisa, you can do better mbok.
Wow ,this Is serious matter o, anyways we dey wait mona n lanre response
Which kind yeye long story be this? mchewwwwww , Nonsense and ingredients
It is well, only God knows the truth for now. I know this Kelvin Keshi of a guy, he used to work for Genevieve Magazine.
All na publicity things...Why was he now showing the magazine...Dont be surprise if you hear say Linda sef collect money to share this...Isshh..I cant finish reading it..I don tire
Ummm,,, I dnt see any reason sumbdy wud make up such story,especially on "upper-class" and well connected pple!!knwin fully well he can b hit wit an enormous law suit!! He's probably right!iv knwn all along lanre is an anu*s!! But monalisa???? let's wait 4d response of lanre's team!! Unnecessary gobe *ONYX GODWIN*!
Mtchewwww stupid move dude.. Monalisa won't do no such tin.
No wonder they broke up,anyways if its true what d editor guy said then that's a great shame.I dnt understand monalisa anymore,you must you be misled by a man?
#breaths out# Na wa oh d tori long oh. but i personally dont beliv in publicising disputes, so Mr story teller settle ur scores and stop publicly talking abt oda ppl's bad sides like u dont have. u might evn b a busy body kind of person who nos,cos u dint mention d mistakes u made while u worked with dem, evn tho they obviously wronged u. So good luck wit d court case and stop disturbing ppl wit ur long onesided stories.
Linda Abeg, Wetin go dey the magazine wey i never read for your blog or go see for here in the future. Abeg.. Next Gossip abeg
#breaths out# Na wa oh d tori long oh. but i personally dont beliv in publicising disputes, so Mr story teller settle ur scores and stop publicly talking abt oda ppl's bad sides like u dont have. u might evn b a busy body kind of person who nos,cos u dint mention d mistakes u made while u worked with dem, evn tho they obviously wronged u. So good luck wit d court case and stop disturbing ppl wit ur long onesided stories.
well, publicity or not, i know a lot of these celebrities cash in on the fact that people are ambitious and want to succeed and think they can cheat everybody. just saying...
I'd rather read the whole magazine than reading this novel....ain't nobody got time for this
well, publicity or not, i know a lot of these celebrities cash in on the fact that people are ambitious and want to succeed and think they can cheat everybody. just saying...
Of course this I know Kelvin Keshi was a Features writer at Genevieve Magazine before he left in a bad state without resigning, I used to work closely with their office as the bike man. THis guy is always in one fight, problem or the other, always! What money is he asking for again, na wa o!
This is so typical of a one-man business. I've been in his shoes before and don't need the "other parties" viewpoint to conclude in all effrontery that he is saying the truth. Hit them were it hurts most mate. Ain't nothing wrong with giving idiotic entrepreneurs with myopic mindsets a taste of their own medicine in the worst ways!
I believe this guy for some reason...something done wayy too often in the entertainment/publishing industry
ђã† on earth do these women see in lanre nzeribe? As in ђã†? The man isn't handsome to save his life, he's not from a prominent family that is known, he's not one academic scholar, so ђã† is it with u women! I Can't seem to get it, yet he has rolled with some very powerful women in the society. This is just to show that being a celeb doesn't give brains! Them female celebs ® even d most gullible n dumbest. Cos an average smart babe won't b dis fooled by D̸̸̮̮̃ foolish lanre nzeribe. Ever since i knew d existence of this man, iv never heard anything good about him, if he isn't defrauding 1 of his daft mistresses, he's fighting them over money. I neva knew mona was dis fish brained, both of dem can take a dive into d ocean biko, na dem sabi. Just pay d keshi guy his money!
"Inefficiently busy" haha
Long what is the point exactly.
Publicity stunts in my opinion
This is what happens in most media houses, go ask hiphopworld staff.
Angry staff wey employer dey own salary.lanre n monalisa sud pay their staffs ooooooo.
I don't believe this is a publicity stunt. I can relate to what this guy wrote, cos I have a boss that behaves exactly like Lanre. The guy is even worse. Because he is an empty business man wannabe. Funny enough his partner's name is Lisa and she has the same slyish and terrible persona.
Linda y u no like to dey post my comment na,wetin I do u
@ anon 1&2 and y is it difficult for the story to be true and just what it is? The pple in the story, r they angels? Abeg
BULLSHIT. Plus "Lanre cut off
communication with me, and without a cogent
justification, gave off a body language that
suggested he was done with me." - YOU ARE GAY BRO.
Lanre should better pay the guy his money. Moreover, my Monalisa should better be careful with this Lanre Guy so that her reputation would not be negatively affected.
What exactly is our business with this mumbo jumbo and how does it concern us? Abeg Mr.disgruntled element, go and get a job and stop making a mess of his stupid self.
@Anonymous 1:40, How do you know there are too many iota of lies in the write-up even if it is one sided? man business in nigeria na nonesense ohhhh,but watin man go do na?man must chop.
Ok oooo.i go jus sitdon dey my comment linda! I dont kno u dont alwz post mt comment
oh please, he sounds like a disgruntled ex-girlfriend!
true maybe it is 4 publicity purposes cos i'm hearing about this mag 4 d 1st tym.
I think i understand the whole situation here. Lanre is a business man protecting his investment, i presume. Monalisa most likely is the visioneer and Chuks...i dont know. Obviously Chuks doesn't know his job and the industry. His job is to simplify the vision and channel everyone in the right direction but he is obviously confused. You simply can't do a women lifestyle mag with naked girls in it and you want to sell it in a conservative society like ours? Lots of hypocrites are here. Go online instead with men magazine. Kelvin is obviously a good writer but it takes a lot more than that to make a magazine successful. It takes creativity in an amount enough to communicate to your readers, sharp business skills and a strong vision to make it in a very competitive industry like publishing also good money. I think this is a clash of journalistic creativity/direction and business prowess, which hardly mix. Obviously none of these people understand the industry and its not a shame. Just get someone that understands magazine business to help out. You can simply start a magazine without full time staff with monthly wages. Lanre simply found out what they call freelance writing to cut the costs but needs to pay what he owes sha. I think its too early for so much controversy surrounding a magazine that is not even out. You dont even know if people will buy and also the advertisers. You people should know only one out of about twenty magazines make it to the 5th edition. Monalisa doesn't have to have a mind of her own especially in a business financed by him (I guess) she just needs the vision and passion. She has good following and people like her. Lanre also doesn't need to understand how magazine business works (Its a complicated industry that you can lose all you money overnight) but with a good team and a good creative director that knows his onions, the combo will be bombastic with Monalisa's essence in it.
Wot a wonder? Pls we need to hear d other side of the story. As for monalisa, she seems sweet but there is just something iffy bat her, lanre looks the part of an elitist, bragger nd user bt don't kno him so can conclude, then dis asst editor has issues I think he has a complex cos he does not hesitate to state d fact that some one is a celeb or elite or talks to him in a condescending manner. Woteva it is they née to work it out nd stop treat each other wiv respect.
Nuff said..................
Monalisa should have started her magazine alone. That Nzeribe guy is bad luck. He has stupid history with women old and young his irresponsible.
I agree wit anonymous 1.39pm pls
wel i might have 2 beliv dis kelvin cos his tale sounds typical of 'struggling media' owners.
lf true, m
Can't belive I took my time read this up.. Mayne, I'm more patient than I know !
Story da touches... #yawns! Awaiting response.
~D great anonymous!
This guys sounds like one of those " i too know" people you would not like to work with. See the way he's been going on and on abt himself. if u are too good, start ur own na...
Linda, why don't you ever publish my comment? stop am o
Hmmm nothin we no go hear 4 dis world so many of dem r just formin bigimanism but dey ar'nt big
Hmmm nothin we no go hear 4 dis world so many of dem r just formin bigimanism but dey ar'nt big
Apart frm monalisa n larne in dat 1st evryoda psn luks lik househlp, if I'm d psn I won't agree to snap wt dem
What e-mail last night????...mtchew!So,is he going round emailing all bloggers or you took this from Ladun Liadi's blog (she posted this wayyyyy earlier than you-this morning!)You only got pictures of staff to back this up so stop all this "email last nyt" rubbish!If you got it last night,why wait till 4pm today to post it when you've posted quite a few stories this morning...Abeg get real Linda!
hmmm. so so interesting. lisa please you are too pretty to be involved in this kinda shit. if this is actually true, then that Lanre guy aint good for your reps at all.
Hmmm....I have heard very unpleasant stories about this Lanre guy. Well, lets wait and see.
hmm. so interesting
What's my business,go and settle yr case with them,if u think u have one,then get a lawyer .
I soo much believe this guys story; i don't even want to Listen to the order side of any cover up story...before i forget, this guy is really a good writer.
I can't even finish reading this, Pls can we get d abridged version
Lol at "stillborn magazine" this man has got a big mouth, goshhh! But why, why, if ur lawyers are on the case like you mentioned why come public just to reduce Lisa, cos she's d only one I'm concerned about right now.
i belf this guy 100percent based on Lanre's 419 from one woman to another. i also know that Monalisa is desperate woman, her former husband was right why he left her. Lanre will leave you worst than your former husband. Guy make sure you fight them to the last. God will arise on your behalf
Abeg, disgruntled staff; go look for another magazine to work for. However, I doubt who would hire you now.
I soo believe this guys story, i don't even want to hear another side of the story. But seriously, this guy is a very good story teller.
hmmmmmm, we've heard from one party. It's time to hear from the other parties. Lanre, Monalisa over to you!
Linda, this one you not posting comments, abi did they beg you not to post comments.
The guy na mumu! He doesn't make sense sef.
if you don't post comments it will only make people think your blog is irrelevant.
No lies here cos I was a witness to everything
how can dis be stunt~?if this is publicity stunt then they re all stupid nd wa oooo,but i kindea blv d guy shall coz some so called boss re just what he described dem to be
how can dis be stunt~?if this is publicity stunt then they re all stupid nd wa oooo,but i kindea blv d guy shall coz some so called boss re just what he described dem to be
still one sided story it's vry possible to b true, dt's what yoruba will say "won fi owo ola gba e loju" waiting 4 d other side of d story. can i hv som shepe pls
Now you know it is a one sided story. So when you post other sided story and people attack you on that, you refused to post their comments. Useless Linda. You no well sef. So you are worried that it will raise a controversy on you. Idiot. Ewu. If you like, no post my comment. I only wanted to make my point clear to you.
Hmmm Very interesting lets hear from Lanre nd Lisa
Bitter fella. Eyaaa. Make I no lie I no read half of d venting. Vent on n on they will still be rich n famous. Move on bros!
Who cares?dats ur cup of tea
all this so called lagos big boys just bloody empty vessels...anyway am not suprised lanre has always been a fake arse guy, lies for africa and never going nowhere dude....and for u who think this can be a publicity stunt i raise yansh for you oh....u will use something negative to get publicity? smh
I love to see Nigerians fight for their right, he isn't d first they've used nd dumped without salary, lanre $ Lise are both shameless, dis is just a tip of d iceberge my ppl.....Pay kelvin up, he worked for it so why hold his money? Wicked souls.
Isn't this the same Kelvin that left Genevieve Magazine and started saying all sorts of rubbish against them and Betty Irabor the publisher. Now your next victim is Monalisa Magazine, and you're not telling the world about your unlimited atrocities. people biting the hands that fed them. God will certainly judge you!
For an editor, this guy's writing is totally devoid of character and smacks of incompetence. He definitely has scores to settle with the couple (un-coupled) but he should have edited the story properly to avoid any room for doubt about his competence.
This Lanre guy as i have read previously, has a lot of issues. I believe the editor, i know he is telling the truth. As for Monalisa, she has always come off as a weak female an example wiill be from her previous marriage. She needs to get a mind of her own. Period. U cant be a brand and be dis weak.
Its too long n tiring. I got lost on the way. If ur truly an editor den I must say u didn't do justice to this write-up. Its all mopped up.
Even if this story is true! It is not good for Kelvin's career... Who is gonna hire his likes in future if this the way he handle dispute?
where is PC? he's gone AWOL,i thought he would have been all over this
looked like a contender but was always a pretender!!sheesh
-Warriboi in London(lost forever)
I worked for a number of magazines. This is classic magazine publisher behaviour in Nigeria. It's always an ego trip.
These celebs... I blv the guy jorr. Dem be faworaja( use skin dey shine)
I believe the guy, celebs can be tricky...
He just projected the magazine! And this will make us anticipate for it....Trust libers na, we go read am and pretend as if we didnt see it!
Hehe.....and after u hear from them, you pass ur judgement right? Which will be?
I sense self pity. You worked for them. For the period of time they paid you, everything you produced was theirs. They might have a bad attitude, but you too have a bad attitude-the attitude of I KNOW IT ALL. Watch it. You might as well move on and watch God pay them,or take them 2 court and spend a lot more than they owe you without a result to your favour. All the best.
What a long story.... Who cares????? Mtcheeeeew!!!!
one thing though... This guy is a terrific writer! Reminds me True Love's segun johnson. I just miss that magazine soooooo much esp when I see all these 'kponkilabia' magazines still thriving.
Hmmm quite confused!
Lisa & Lanre should be ashamed of themselves...and this guy is ready to draw blood. Na siddon luk I dey as d drama unfolds!!!
that Lanre guy sure looks like "sugbe", but this editor is making aLOT of sense!
Why make the guy help you set up the magazine and you kick him to the curb? Really?!!
Nor be so oh.......
I though you were intelligent, but the moment you mentioned illuminati, I just knwe you were either an ignorant desperado or an ignorant desperado. No way out bitch
Bc I have been a victim of such in. January 2011 with a newspaper called"The Moment" which had also die a natural death. This kelvin guy is not lieing. This line is actually the same line Moffat Ekoriko use to discard staffs after oweing us 1year salary. This is not fair. Why use someone and dump d person wtout benift? If it was that easy,why did they not do it themselves?As for monalisa, she is so desprate to be with a man that she will do all shit 2impress him.I pity her though. If u ever worked an way near a media house,u know that this guy is saying d whole truth. Its painful. To think that dat fair rumble goat called monalisa was @ kirikiri to show off her philantropist skills yet salary are being own. Na so moffat Ekoriko been D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ do. Sleep @ hilton,yet salaries are never paid.
Well nothing to say yet until Lisa n Lanre speaks. But really unto the next one.
unmanageable employee...cannot work in a team. I advise you get a career where you can work alone.
When u talk or write for too long, people tend to misunderstand u. Mr whaterver u call urself, there are always lies in multitude of talk. U practically made no sense abi u use style dey find editorial job here?
Jeeeez.... Imagine, this guy on white shirt told me he works with Chevron!!!!!!!!
Is this Monalisa Chevron??????
God don catch am... Wey my fone????
Very boring gist... *not interested*
Asiiin!!!y soo long???
Abeg!!! This is just a bitter guy jare. Free this Lisa. Let her live her life. Too much bad belle. Atleast a nollywood babe is tryna do something different
Who will trust this kind of a person to hand him a project? Guy, focus your energy on the future!
I don't know whether the guy is saying the truth or not, if that's the truth I feel for him bt if not den I am speechless but one thing I am certain of is that dis guy is a good writer. carried last with this gist
My major issue with this issue: The Kelvin guy should have not sent in this mail. Most of what he did could have been handled by his lawyers(s). Like the issue of not using his intellectual property... Going all out like this is a pointer to being disgruntled but may be bad market for him as well. The case of Eva Alordiah and Ugo 3UD comes to mind. Also, by publishing images of potential covers of the magazine, I believe there's a breach of trust or rather, a non disclosure clause would have been inclusive of his contract and the covers would not represent his intellectual property, maybe titles and stories but not images per se. Dunno, just saying...
I know Lanre well enough and I worked for him briefly when he ran a night club (it was opposite bar beach, if I recall; it was called Waves). The club was dead on arrival because of the kind of behaviour the guy narrated in his story.He didn't pay me after the first month so; I quit. The things the guys said about his modus operandi is very typical of him.
Na wetin dey kill us for this country be dis..."Leave it for God" while would someone work and not get paid for fudge's sake? If only our legal system and human Res. Policies are effective, people won't be suffering all these injustice...Nonsense!Expose dem joor, your career just took off...
this is the first ever long email I've read on Linda's blog, like just look at lanre's face in the pictures, I believe the guy sha
Love from Miami
No wonder the magazine you worked for failed. OMG!!!
God am so disappointd in libers wt dia stupid comments of either too long to read or de guy is lying. Neva knu na bunch of illitrates full here. Av read hs piece twice wtout gettin bored. Infact i dnt rmba de last tym i read an interestin piece as dis, evn if all de guy said is false its obvious hes an 'editor-assistant editor material'. He sure can write. N i hop lanre n monalisa get wat de deserve in de end. Neva knw mona wt her fine skin n all ws so dumb!
Illuminati ko, illuminati ni... Who dash monkey...
No wonder the magazine you worked for failed. OMG!!!
Na wetin dey kill us for this country be dis..."Leave it for God" while would someone work and not get paid for fudge's sake? If only our legal system and human Res. Policies are effective, people won't be suffering all these injustice...Nonsense!Expose dem joor, your career just took off...
And d name of ur English teacher na?
Says d numbskull. U misunderstand bcos ur slow boo
Ήм̣̣̥̇̊мм̣̣̥̇̊‘♌⌣ .̮ ⌣♌Ήм̣̣̥̇̊мм̣̣̥̇̊” Ήм̣̣̥̇̊мм̣̣̥̇̊‘♌⌣ .̮ ⌣♌Ήм̣̣̥̇̊мм̣̣̥̇̊” Ήм̣̣̥̇̊мм̣̣̥̇̊‘♌⌣ .̮ ⌣♌Ήм̣̣̥̇̊мм̣̣̥̇̊” another ukpai oti.
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