Feyi spoke with Encomium mag about the incident and other troubles with Daily Times. She said:
"They have been trying to take my car for months now. They have been harassing me all around to surrender the car. The first time they tried it, they tried to for my car open. The second time I had to drive into a police station where the car was impounded and later released to me. Later, the Lagos Police Command invited me for a meeting. They spoke to me and Mr Anosike (Daily Times MD) and they requested I provided the car.
I told them it was in Ogun state and they gave me three policemen to follow me to Ogun state to retrieve the car, that's where the kidnap story came from. I don't understand why they keep requesting for a car I won alongside the crown at the pageant. Maybe because I was given another car by Ogun state governor for being an ambassador, but even at that it's still my car. There was never an agreement that I should return the car after my reign. The car is presently with the police. I feel so harassed and humiliated. I didn't enjoy my reign. Even when I wanted to go abroad for my scholarship, I couldn't do that because when I asked for my scholarship which was part of what I won at the pageant, they told me it had expired. They didn't do anything for me as a beauty queen. I was not even invited to this year's pageant. I was the last queen and I should have crowned the next one, but they didn't even invite me."A rep of the Miss Nigeria pageant, managing editor of Daily Times, Mrs Isabella Osamor said...
"I really don't know the genesis of the whole thing. All I know is that Feyi has two cars and we wanted to recover one and we have asked the police to do that, so the matter is now between her and the police not us.
This babe is greedy, can she drive two cars at a time? Moreover, how did she win the crown? Pelumi!!!
Who does that?
All these sham peagenats,why harass the poor lass?
This could discourage other girls from going in for such contests.
On a second thought,maybe she should just give them the bloody car so they let her be.
They appear to be hell bent on retrieving their car,crazy lot.
So crude!! This is the 21st century pls! The organisers need have no amour-propre! Pitiful of them to act in such a way to the queen, I know sponsorship and endorsement deals have terms and conditions but if they feel she violated any then they should do things in a formal way.
loooolz @ " all I know Feyi has two cars"
see gobe so she shouldn't own another car?
I said it earlier all these scams in the name of beauty pageantry.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
They have eaten your scholarship money and swanky to chop the car too. Simples
Defunct Daily Times, shame on you for harassing and intimidating the young lady. I advise her to get a very good lawyer to sue both Daily Times and the Police. And why is it that all that concerns Daily Times and its new owners must always end up in controversy?
Total rubbish...d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ shud free †̥ђε babe like terry G.
There's surely more to this story. That's all.
Sincerely if daily times cannot sponsor this pageant any longer they should just hands-off it and allow other organisation that are not as broke as they are to sponsor it,,how can they be embarrasing their beauty queen because of a car,if the lady has other cars what's their business with that,,seriously they should think of how to revive daily times and put them on profit ways instead of tarnishing their already damaged and battered image!
This people are very mad, y wud dey take d car????? There can neva be any reason, justifiable to collect dat car oh..... I hate anytin dat has to do wid miss Nigeria I prefer MBGN (dey re genuine)
That's not fair she won that car fair nd square..they shuld stop it
what kind of rubbish is that. she won the car and why are they trying to recover the car. Even if she has 100 cars and so? its so childish
These people are funny. where does a beauty queen give back what she won after her reign is over???
Nothing person no go hear?
This is ludicrous!* in PC's voice*
Imagine that! D Miss Nigeria organisers are mad!!!!
Shame on the organisers. Fighting for Hyundai accent........
Shit happens in Nigeria o! If the car was given to her because she won the contest, then why try to collect it back. abi dem hire am! Really sorry for the queen about the harassment all that would have caused her.....
These people are idiots. What if she has million cars? She won it jare. I hope the police will not do wuru-wuru and take her care from her.
All these ratchet wanna be pagents don tire me sef. So what are they going to do with a used car? Gift it to another winner or sell it? She shd take them to court for her scholarship. What a rip off.
Stupid. She has two cars so? Wat bizz of urs is dat. U ppl gave her her prize, why want to collect it back. Na wa ooo. Bad mind. She has two cars.na watin dey vex una? Onu kandas.
Why collect d car from her. How did d second car get to her? Abi she steal am? Abeg dey should leave her
Imagine the talk "feyi has two cars and we wanted to recover one" rubbish
Na waooo.they shld leave her. Haba. Is it a crime to win a pageant
Na waooo.they shd leave her
Pageants in Nigeria is a huge SHAME! Y can't they allow her be! She WON d car as her prize alongside her crown! Its HERS! It doesn't matter if Ogun state gave her a car or not. Miss Nigeria Organisers OWE her a car, so they should let her breathe!!!
"She has 2 cars"........
did u pple give her the two?not fair.abeg leave the poor girl alone to enjoy the cars...
Hmmmm, they better end this miss naija rubbish, if they don't have money, abi they wanted to sleep with the girl and she refused. Pls my dear hold on to your car.
na wa ooo..this is unheard of ooo..only in nigeria can this rubbish happen..what business of there's is it if she has a gazillion numbers of cars..what a stupid country...abi has she refused to sleep with one oga at the top and they've decided to her pay...na wa oo.naija which way ?
Pageant gone sour! The car given is suppose to be for keeps and its not their business whether she adds another car to it or not.
What rubbish, what's their reasons for wanting to collect the car she won during the pageant and that idiot is even saying she has 2cars and they wanna collect one of it. Yeye dey smell
Which car do you want to retrieve from her, the one she won or the one the Ogun State Government gave to her? Was it part of the package that she shouldn't own any car apart from the prize car? Her crime now is that she owns two cars. Nuts!!! I find this very insulting to the intelligence of Nigerians, under whose noses these retards practice and prattles. A big shame to the organizers of the Miss Ngeria Pageant.
Hehehe!its er car! Weda 2 or 4!Bikko.#firsttym
Let's get this straight...
* Daily Times is so broke now that they can't afford a nex car for a new queen?
* Besisdes the one awarded to u, u have no right to buy or accept another??
The organizers must be crazy! Where is it done that you're asked to return a prize you actually won for whatever reason??? SMH! Anything is allowed to happen in this Gaddamn country
Mrs Isabella Osamor I am so ashamed of you, how can you make such an unitelligient statement. Did your organisation give her two cars? Was it written in any agreement that she can't have a second car? So if she bought the second car what's that got to do with anything? Pls n pls let the girl be, if she was sleeping with one oga at the top nobody will bother her. Let her be!
David vs Goliath. Go David.
what a shame...
Why wud they try that? Some Nigerians and their mentality, silly ignorance!
~D great anonymous!
are d organizers smoking????!! i know Ezinne Akudo got another car...if dey try anything funny with her...dem go hear am!!! one by one!!! Starting with Isabella Osamor #numberoneEzinneAkudoFan
stingy GOATS!!!!!!!
Isabella Osamor is irritating!
I dont believe in or dis beauty pagent organizas dey are all fake
I dont believe in or dis beauty pagent organizas dey are all fake
9ja! Even if she owna 10cars so? She has been given the car as a price so I see no reason trying to take d car back from her. This is wickedness !
So stupid of them to try and collect one of the cars. Wtf nonsense is that
Someone should help these girls sue these idiots. Its a breach of contract. Her winning was not contingent on not receiving other gifts or endorsements so how can they now say she has to fork over a car she rightfully won. And to withhold her scholarship money????? there has got to be more to this story!
That very wrong of them. as long as there was no agreement that the car be returned after her reign then they have no right to take the car from her even if Ogun State Government gave a car also. It's her luck!
Not fair nw,cnt she hv two cars Nawa
I swear we jst av loads of dumb people in this country, what is their business, nawa o, am jst so. Sick. And tired of all dis trash in this country and the dumbfuck isabella asamor can stil. Oprn her. Mouth and say the nonsense.isabella ko, isacandle nii. Mtcheeew. Shameless people, maybe its by force u organise it.I pity daily tymz sha
And Mrs isabella Osamor nd crew want Feyi's second car back because? Its her luck that she got 2 cars. Y would anyone in their right mind want to collect a gift back even to d point of harassment.
All the backward people we give the rights to have authority over us sha.
I am quite appalled by this.
The wickedness in the hearts of a lot of Nigerians prevent us from moving forward. #rants#
I can't blv dis @ all wot exactly is d matter? Nija wiv dere ways of handlin tins
Wonders shall never end
Agbaya people, so it is true? "all we know is that Seyi has 2 cars and we want to recover one"? So is that how you guys recover all the gifts given to your Queens by dignitaries? Oloshi people. If the car is in her name she should just sell it Jare to end all these wahala.
" the requested i provided the car". Gbagaun linda :P
Na wa...Daily Times always has issues with this pageant, at some point it was about the name and who should represent Nigeria on the world stage. The stupid pageant should be scrapped its too shady
Wat kind of rubbish is dat?where does dat happen?someone won a car and u want to retrieve it bk,is dat ao its done else where?even if she get 100cars its non of their business.are they praying for her to go backward or forward?dey shld even b happy dat she was made an ambassador.rubbish
To Mrs Isabella Osamor and the whole lot working with Daily times: What is ur BUSINESS with the number of cars she has? You gave her a car cos she won, y are u trying to retrieve it?
Nigerians and der small minds sha....
U motherfuckers should fucken leave dat young lady alone. Na she say make she find favour in the eyes of the Ogun state government? Mind you, it is God that has chosen to bless her. So if you dont want God to visit you with a sledge hammer of punishment, u better leave that gurl alone. Criminal.
Isn't the pageant crew stupid? She freakn won the car and even if she buys 10 more, there is no reason why the car she won should be taken from her.. And for that goat that replied that it's between her and the police, it should be ashamed of itself
Isn't the pageant crew stupid? She freakn won the car and even if she buys 10 more, there is no reason why the car she won should be taken from her.. And for that goat that replied that it's between her and the police, it should be ashamed of itself
Omg,S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ becos she has two carS now,she can't enjoy her reign dats wickedness na,leave her alone na
Its kind of funny! Why would they want the car back?abeg! Linda there's more to it
" they requested i provided the car". Gbagaun linda :P
What rubbish. The organisers are crazy oh! See beef! She has 2 cars so u want to take the one u gave her. Was there any agreement dat she can't accept anoda car frm anyone?? 9ja peeps...smh
Let her bash d car and return naaa.. Or mayb she has refused to kip fucking who made it posible for her to win.. We knw all ds
this people trying to get this car from you are just greedy and they are all thieves.
She should get herself a lawyer n sue them
This miSs nigeria organizers are very stupid, WTF Is wrong with them S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ because she has another car they want to collect the car she won. Its S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ bizarre and dumb
Haba! Why would they wana take the car when she clearly won it?? Its her luck that her state govt recognised her. Daily Times leave the poor girl alone biko. Linlin post my comment oo....typ'n on this phone is hard enough without you frustrating me more by not posting it
They should allow the girl rest and stop harassing her. If her home state gives her car why would daily times be fighting her. Ogun state govt should help her sort out this issue with daily times or has she stopped being an embassador of her state even at that she was once.
Haba! Are they supposed to take her car back? Nigeria own dey always dey different.
Madam u much b very stupid u dnt knw d genesis of d whole isue ad u wnt 2 collect a car she ritely owned frm her,she shud go 2 court 4 redress das all
All this broke people that will be doing pageant, she won one and the other was given to her as part of her right as an ambassador, so what is their headache about it. The car has been given to her already why do you want it back? FYI the car now belongs to her and she has all d right over it. I suggest she talk to a lawyer and she should take the matter to court to address and restrain those idiot from harassing her any longer. *ThatFunctionGuy*
My candid advise for her is to get herself a lawyer and sue them so that court can restrain them from harrasing her and so that police can release the car to her. Shameless broke ass people, who force them to organise a pageant? That's a breach of contract. *ThatFunctionGuy*
Hahahah if she z given 10k cars its nat ur damn biz miss isabella let her flex/flaunt wat was given 2 her abeg pls oooo free d babe like terry G dou. @sassylisle
Na wah o!
Go back and read de story well. The car is suppose to be a reward 4 de pageant she won nd its nt suppose to be retrieved xcept there was sum kind of agreement. Ode
Rubbish,imagine de harrasment.
Y must u say she's greedy,which ever way she won d car its hers to keep.
My thoughts exactly!
l fink she won d first car? wat is der probs if she has more dan one car. she wrkd for it she deserves d luxury dey should just let her b. abeg
You are very stupid, why will u say she's greedy? Is d car not one of d things she won as a beauty queen? Wats their reason of saying she shuld return it? Oh, she cannot own another car bcus they gave her one? You and this Daily Time peeps are very foolish nd broke..idiat!
I`m tired of reading craps abt Nigeria fashion shows
hahaha... she refused to lay down her p***y again,down they are after the toy called car.Nigeria suck mehn
Na wa ooo
O ga o
If this is true then it's a big shame buh then again,ds is only one side of the story.in believe theres more to it.
You must be a broke ass bitch. A saddist n and enemy of progress. When does owning two cars become being greedy. She worked for it, she deserved it. They have no right to collect it from her because she was given another. You must be one of them. God punish u. Think before you open your poverty stinking mouth
U jus open ur mouth gbosa and say nonsense.if na u,will u drop d car?she won it,so make them let her be.my dear if u drop d car u r a bastard.by d way dey no giv u ur scholarship.hold unto u gift.
Lol @ Isabella ko, Isacandle ni....buhahahahaha!!!!
Abegi for wat .. How is she greedy .. She won the crown wit the car.. So its hers till her grave .. Only if she choses to give it out.. And more over dey didn't even give her her scholarship money.. So y should she give dem back the car.. They are very insane
all these pageant organisers use their winner to make money.dailytimes and co were expecting multinationals to sponsor their pageant.since no company did they became bittered and broke.maybe the pageant winner refuse to share part of the money donated to her that is why they are after her.
That's ma problem with all forms of beauty contests.Sometym ago sum1 won the face of Democare n was given a car as a prize n a one year contract with d company.two days later,the car was collected and she was asked 2 pay a huge amount of money 2 retrieve the car, as if that was not enuf,she has not appeared in any of their products,a part of the prize for winning the face of democare. Such a shame!
Really? Like,Seriously? A beauty queen enjoys perks, how is a gift from her state government any of their business? The funniest part of this whole ish has to be the fact that a member of their dysfunctional organisation shamelessly spoke up and regarded her gift as their property...Lmao!
Do you all not know that Fidelis Anosike who "owns" Daily Times is a criminal. His picture was displayed for years at Alagbon for 419, and if I may remember, it was also displayed at the International Airport, Lagos. We do not have good investigative journalism in this country, if we did, the dirt on that stupid chap would send him to jail. Go to Alagbon and investigate his past. How a chap like that can "buy" Daily Times is a story that can only happen in Nigeria.
Who ever crowned her a beauty queen... #yawns# couldn't even wank wit her pic.. Next pls!
U don't win cars u buy dem..M.I already told u dat. Anything dat has worth is worth paying for. #bitter truth.
It should have read "u must be". Thank me now. #tongue
please please contact a law,file a law suit against them,the organisers are greed and jealous.she has right to get another car from anybody..
please please contact a law,file a law suit against them,the organisers are greed and jealous.she has right to get another car from anybody..
Get a lawyer and sue them save urselve the long talk,
Bad belle people
You're so dumb! Gosh!
Pelu Pelu! Ode Oshi, dat means Daily Times should cheat her abi... VIA 3249E543
U are a fool u are also shallow minded.retard like u
Uncle abi are u aunty, how is she greedy? Isn't it her entitlement? So because she had one car b4 she shld refuse the one Ogun state offered her? Cos I don't understand your thinking at all.
Oloriburuku people..leave the girl and her car alone ..hungry bastards
God save naija babes ... am sure this is not the full story
Go n edit it n correct her!abeg leave linda alone joor!u no fit do mistake!ITK
all this pageants sef. The girl should free them and release the car.Better things will surely come her way!
She won the car as Miss Nigeria and now got another car as an ambassador for some state in Nigeria. Unless she signed a contract stipulating her to relinquish her car she got from winning Miss Nigeria, then the organizers of the pageant have no merit whatsoever to be harrassing her to return the car.
Elohor what are you doing about this?
Miss Nigeria organizers are just cheap ass. Why don't they focus on giving their first and second runners up for this year the prizes they were promised. Nothing has been given to those girls till date and they dare call the pageant "the most prestigious pageant in Nigeria"? Smh
She won d car shikena!!!..even if she had 10cars before..she sha won dis 1...naija sef nawa
Arrant nonsense.it is a wa 4 pageantry in nija.
Babe, take d matter to court and let's see who wins. Better still, bash d car very badly and call them 2 come n collect it. I tell you d Daily Times people could be so cheap as to say they want d Ogun State car. Nonsense!
I noticed most LIB readers just comment without their brains,she said she wasn't invited to the last pageant,if Agbani Darego that won Miss Nigeria some years back cud be invited,it therefore means this present queen has violated some of the rules during her reign,cos she cudnt av just been denied schholarship,the car and invitation just bcos she has two cars,there is more to this,Linda dig well,u will get to know.
She should sell the car and use the money to buy another car for herself. Its stupid for them to ask for the car back.
@ anonymous 7:03 pm, God punish you too!!!
sell the car let everyone rest.
NCHIMERE, Dear linda kindly post my comment, i hardly post commet on this blog but this is an exception, Daily Times Nigeria, pls just a quick one for why stoop so low as to drag ur name in the already dirty mud, respect is the word here how can you give some1 a car for what she earned and then want to take it back from her, because she has another habba. she is not related to me but justice has to take it's course if it were in abroad u wudnt try it she wud so sue u to court and have more than double of what u claim u have given her and am not sure the car is more than N5mil. Be careful
get a lawyer if you truly know that you are true to your statement. Period 9ja dey watch ooo
This is nonsense. The whole miss nigeria thing should be scraped off if this is how they intend to treat pple. The gal got two cars, it's her luck. How can you give someone a gift that she was entitled to after winning the crown and want to take it back all of a sudden. Makes no sense
Let the poor girl be now
do they want to give the car to the next queen? what kind of rubbish is that..she won the car so she owns the car. Who gives a gift/reward and demands for it back. Daily Times..who is that greedy manager that feels this car is his/her birthright. abeg dash them the car...or let someone ram the car...lets see if they'll want it back.
so they didnt give her her scholarship..broke people...
infact all these beauty pageants are a lot....why Lacasera.....loads of pageants that arent necessary..ughhh
How's she greedy nau?? She won a pageant and was given a car alongside her crown. Una no dey read but sabi judge.
If na me, I go drive am go jam molue, 10 danfos and some walls, then they can come pick up the car. Stupid people!!!
Why is Daily Times creating a nuisance...Abeg free the lady joor.
I no like to de comment on blogs but this Miss Nigeria organizers are stupid and unprofessional. why collect a car from the poor girl. Even if she has 1 million car, a gift is a gift. Or is there something behind going on that we dont know. Na only for naija this nonsense go happen. smh
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