Reality star Amber Rose, Hollywood actor Boris Kodjoe, Karly Redd and our own Genevieve Nnaji have confirmed attendance according to the organizers of the pageant. D'banj and Timi Dakolo are billed to perform. See the rest of the contestants after the cut and tell us who your favorites are...

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1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»All of em average girls.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
They look good . . .
Make Naira Online
Earth must be in shortage of girls.
I will buy ticket to watch this ugly girls live.abeg they are tooooooo ugly
I know the Olive,Lavender and one other babe there. This photo didn't do them justice atall. They way prettier esp Lavender.
May the best girl win!!
First of all, any contestant with a weave (straight artificial hair) should be disqualified. Shame on you black girls.. trying to be white!! You don't know how stupid you look. Be proud of your nappy hair!
i wish u all d best of luck..
All this girls ugly o
marie milla?
Model runs girl doin der.
Na only miss earth wat of miss heaven n hell.....all dis pageant rubbish is jt too much y can't nigeria be reasonable for once......there are so many people out there who need dis money to survive dan wasting it on gals jt to show case der body which is d temple of God all in d name of modeling
Dey r jst usin every possible means 2 dupe ppl in dis country,which one ÈŠ̝̊̅§ miss earth again?very soon,dey 'll com up wif somfin new like 'Miss hell fire'
I fine pass most of them sef
The 1,2,and 3 girl are fine, bt are well known olosho girls, especially d 2 one.
yayy! buttercup...ya'll should vote for pretty Tomi... text 'MEN 110' to 33810...
All dese girls wowoo oh! Chai
Most of these girls aren't striking in terms of beauty, just looking very regular!
Lindiway am seein some old women here oh...hmmmm ...#lipsealed
Wishing them all d best. Linda better post my comment
The panel of judges will definitely find it difficult deciding who the winner will be.
In short, the two damsels are winners in this contest. They all took first position
thesw girls are ugly
D fourth girl is so pretty(Galax)....she's my favourite
More than half d girls r far 4rm stunning
Lol @ 1mil to watch these girls
Who said blAck isn't beauty??? Den d person must b blind.. All are prety jor.. Eleanor
Woohoo...Go Gail. Hope you win it
lovely, she is very beautiful also see CLICK HERE.
Ugly girls!
Jst one or two of them is actually pretty.
Good luck to dem!
The 1st one looks like Dillish!
Next1 we wud hear is miss heaven and hell....*nd d'venue wud be in hell,lol.
Wtf is dis? They all look basic, I'm schleeeep!
I see my girl Ezinne Iffy okuosa...finest girl der. Buh wtz dt babe wit broken teeth doin der. Most of them r ugly xcept my Zinny baby
Vote for buttercup....tomilola kolawole. Beauty queen extraordinaire
I don suffer. Na who send una???
God forbid
Wats all dis ugly girls doing here for christ sake. Linda pls post good tins nd not dis village girls" linda ikeji post ma comment for once nd 1st to comment* dancing skelewu
Sage all d way!!u go girl
Team tessy all the way,come home with the crown,miss sage
I can only see one miss juniper amongst all. D rest nah bunch of chimp's.
*singing*|O girl you know|you're beautiful as you are|.. Can't say nothing bad afterall nature is beautiful abi. Every flower has its own uniqueness
ORCHID all the way!!!
Wow pretty girls!!! Thank God their re still dark girls in this country.
They are all having the same ugly Smile and looks except for the first girl.But generally they all have small boobs.
Linda plz dnt say 24 stunnin girsl... Say 4 stunning girls... And 20 ordinary girl r contesting 4 d crown... 1st 4 r cute
Linda, abeg who are these people kwa?
Beauty contest,hmmm.hian!
I noticed der ar al dark skinned,mayb it ws 1 of d requirements tryin 2 promote d African colour,it is onli in a dark geh u si true beauty nt al doz bleached gehs wow dark skinned gehs rock jor#TEAMDARKSKIN#
Oh my! Hw mny Misses in a yr?????
~D great anonymous!
Go tessy baby..shiz a queen olwedy.wish you luck
They r all pretty.....d 2nd girl is a model and a video vixen...hope it will be aired on tv
D girls r not so fine o! And I'm not so thrilled,anyways wish den d best..
Orchid, hibiscus, juniper and Galax all the way
They are all ugly.
Shame on u Ibinabo, u picked girls u knew and ignored the best girls.
God is watching u!!
So dat Daisy in UBTH dey go beauty pagent too? Na wa oo
Na hibiscus fine pass oooo;followed by Rose.as for the rest,tho pretty ladies .......gaskiya dey no reach pageant Level!
Dammmmm this gals are pretty I must admit, Gud luck @Seun miss buttercup, may U bring home d crown *Chigoz*
Whr re d beautiful ones?stil unborn?cos I can't see dem
now I'm the first to comment on this
i love the galaxy gurl...i love you
Galax is the finest to me...miss lotus flower shouldn't even smile on dat day cos her dentition eh #lips are sealed
Linda post my comment o,pllz,all dis gehs r ugly,aprt frm d frst,scnd nd galax,oda r gosh'can't say'
They are beauty!
Tessy Bibowei beauty n Brains...go girl!
Linda,if you got Arrested everytime you misused the word'stunning',you'd be in jail by now,L0L..Goodness! These are a bunch of Ugly,scruffy Looking girls am very sorry to say...The first 3 girls are actually the best here and they Look fairly presentable...the rest,please let me not even start! This is what you get when Organisers of beauty pageants constantly cheat to pick a Queen,so beautiful girls are no Longer interested in beauty contests(In Nigereia) because they know the best hardly wins and as such,they're discouraged#Pathetic...SMFH
Sage ur the winner
This line-up is very very wah, wallah!
Maine idera no wan gv up.. D hustle continues.. Ms lagos nw ms galax smfn. All d best bebe
All I see us lots and lots of fake hair miss earth should be earthy so all fake hair should be removed nt saying der r no fine ghes der
All W0w0. Ill ch00se junnipar 0nly. Rest ar ugly
All ww0w0. Junniper and galax mayb. Mtcheww
It is nice to see that even girls in their 30s are contesting. I'm tired of all these peagents in Nigeria. They've lost their relevance and class *sighs*
Some of those sash names remind me of stripper names, but they're really pretty girls. Good luck to them
Juniper,Galax,Dapodil nd d last girl r really beautiful.btw in sure arsenal fans r smiling to d bank.
dey are not lookin bad though some of dem are not lukin fresh..... jus passing
Juniper,Galax,Dapodil nd d last girl r really beautiful.btw in sure arsenal fans r smiling to d bank.
Bibowei Tessy (sage) for miss earth
Say what now? Did you say Karly Redd? Trust Naijas to take z-listers and turn them into something/someone! puhleezzz
Say what now? Did you say Karly Redd? Trust Naijas to take z-listers and turn them into something/someone! puhleezzz
Judging by the names on their sashes, this should be ms ratchet Nigeria
TOMATO JOS Some girls re preety, while sume look scary! Abeg na names of flowers be dat? Lmao! Miss earth? Ok oo! Miss PLANET go soon comot.
Is that isabella I see there? Anyways most of 'em have pretty smiles, they okay
They ar beautyful.
I can identify two benue girls there..
Both finished from my alma mata, FGGC Gboko, benue state.. go girls!!!
How is Karly Redd relevant in any way shape of form?
Pls vote for my frnd hibiscus fnks
Linda pls wen is miss heaven?
Seems to me like d beautiful ones have already contested for Miss Nigeria and MBGN cos I can't seem to find any here. Miss Prime is an exception though.
miss earth or wat did i see,che na for heaven d event wan hold THE ONLY HAUSA MAN DAT BLOGS
Hahahahahaha it would have been Miss FLower na... So many beauty contests.. miss Nigeria, mbgn, miss globe, miss earth, miss elu uwa n miss elu igwe.... Odiegwuooooo # miss charismatic, miSs uni, miss beauty.. If you don't win, go ahead and organise your own
The girl with the green earrings and the girl with the title, 'orchid' are both very beautiful! Nice also to see that they are natural beauties and have not been photoshopped like the MBGN! I noticed the girls with the dark skin are also more beautiful as well
Vote Miss ButterCup, Tomi Kolawole!!
The girls are all beautiful,so I urge them to be focused and remember the importance of the environment and the planet "Earth" needs one who will help protect it for our generations and the future once will continue to live! We At pinehill international modeling Agency are proud toassociate with Miss Earth Beauty Pagaent!...goodluck to all the girls and our state rep, miss resident Ebi...we wish you the best and be calm to succeed
See how daffodil and lily were spelt!
Cheiiiiiii!!!!!Wor wor the wor!!. Visit www.ansuencore.wordpress.com for the latest university gists
Pweety ladies is al I see..bt sum are too old.nd sum aren't jst wort it
Is this all we have in 9ja.
1million for table...for wat? d girls na mermaid dem be?? Mtchew
Ibinabo with her fake pageant. ...
The Orchid gal z soooo pretty. The pixs are cool.. No filter.
Hian make contest no kill nigeria inukwa contest hmmmm
Nd y are dey all carrying same hair style huh?
And all dis contestants hv weird names
pageant no dey finish?
Miss Juniper(amarachi uwakwe)
Ugly eyebrows !!!
Ugly girls
Go tessy,queen sage.. pls bring back the crown. God's favor rest upon u
Abeg miss Linda Wetin I do naw, why don't u post any of my comment? Na wa oh......abi u dey beef me, hian
Anyways team Tessy for the crown, the 1st picture.... if u wanna see true beauty,.... come to our base,
D dark skinned girls apart from orchid, nd buttercup do not really stand a chance buh I'll vouch for orchid, den apart from no 1-4, dey all are ugly, no 4 is cute, lyk a baby'sface. #Fair is beautiful, cuss ur generations out, bleh!
Idera stop hyping urself, u ugly beast!
Idera stop hyping urself, u ugly beast!
Idera stop hyping urself, u ugly beast!
ORCHID..Black Beauty :* :* #Nohomo hehehehe
Orchid, hibiscus, galax nd maybe rose, but wetin dat miss gilli...dey find dia?
Na u wey dey dis picture,abi derz anoda "u" ure talking about??
I bet you went for the auditions
To watch this normal looking people.no special beauty joor ...mtschewwwww!oya I must be noticed people go buy ticket
Yes oo. I agree wiv u Ezinne is d finest. She deserves 2 win. Pls vote for Ezinne , contestant number 5 by sending ;MEN 105 TO 33810. please vote as many times as possible thank you. She is Miss Hibiscus.linda pls post my comment oo#tolu#
Hibiscus and galax are very beautiful
Galaxy...love her!
She is one of the fakest whores she fucks her mothers. Friends husbands who send her to dubai to avoid der wives finding out she is a liar too
Lwkmd na idera dey hype her sad self like say u knw wetin I wan tlk nasty roach like her
Tessyyyyyyy (sage) u don carry ur old sef cum here again?? Anyway school no favour u so maybe miss earth will shoot u into limelite......lolz....no beef tho....linda, if yu don't post this eeennnnn, I'm done checking out ur blog!!!
Most Beautiful Girl In Abuja , Miss Earth and all the other backyard beauty pageant organisers are crooks and should be very ashamed of themselves.
If u don't know d organisers and if u don't know any friend of theirs that would send u, don't even go near the audition venue cos u won't be picked, despite ur beauty and charisma.
Pls vote 4 EBI RESIDENT. She's ORCHID n a black beauty. Pls kindly Send MEN 121 to 33810. Thks
learn to apprecoate black beauty. so ladies in there menopuse will claim 19.what a world. lilly al d way. natural beauty no makeups nd al dem painting just natural.al oda girls are pigs nd chip munks.
Yes I did.
Most Beautiful Girl In Abuja , Miss Earth and all the other backyard beauty pageant organisers are crooks and should be very ashamed of themselves.
If u don't know d organisers and if u don't know any friend of theirs that would send u, don't even go near the audition venue cos u won't be picked, despite ur beauty and charisma.
Miss sage is cute, be at ur best to win d crown go tessy pls vote for her (MEN 116 to 33810)
learn to apprecoate black beauty. so ladies in there menopuse will claim 19.what a world. lilly al d way. natural beauty no makeups nd al dem painting just natural.al oda girls are pigs nd chip munks.
learn to apprecoate black beauty. so ladies in there menopuse will claim 19.what a world. lilly al d way. natural beauty no makeups nd al dem painting just natural.al oda girls are pigs nd chip munks.
Girl 10 is really pretty...
Is that amarachi? #pic10 ....... u go girl!!!!
Yayy!! #teamAmarachi text MEN 108 To 33810!!
Yayy!! #teamAmarachi text MEN 108 To 33810!!
Vote our Amylynn as queen!!! Text MEN 108 To 33810......
Half of diz girlz ar Runz Girlz...lol I know una...
Amarachi nwaobiala is realy pretty!!! Vote vote vote vote for her!!!!!! Text MEN 108 To 33810!!!! #teamAmy #pic10
this Ibinabo don come again, she never pay my cousin wey win last year oh (Munachi Uzoma). Any way my favorite of all miss earth queens is Alozie Modesta. the 2009 queen. Linda abeg where she dey now? she don marry? cuz I wan marry am.
Blue bell is beautiful, keep votting MEN 111.
Go girl, the Buel Bell Angel is hotting keeping votting MEN 111.
Errmm! *Takes 2nd look* abeg! HIBISCUS! Goodluck to the rest!
U go girl "prime" u rock!! Pls vote for this beauty;text "MEN 120" to 33810
Go girl, the Blue Bell Angel. keep votting MEN 111.
Miss Olive (Marie Miller)is actually very pretty buh diz pix ddnt do ha justice @ all....wish ha all d best tho
Picture no 10 is my face......she looks natural
The second girl in red is pretty......she is Miss Fuchsia
All of you that are calling these girls ugly should have auditioned for Miss earth.......
Miss Fuchsia for the crown!!!
Amarachi nwaobiala is realy pretty!!! Vote vote vote vote for her!!!!!! Text MEN 108 To 33810!!!! #teamAmy #pic10
Galax..ur D one. Luv her
Linda post my comment o!
Hibiscus is pretty, Fuchsia for the crown
Btw why is it that some of the pictures don't show the contestants sashes fully????
Linda, did u over crop the pictures?????
Is this an intentional attempt at promoting ur faves?
Better post my comment
Linda I sight Galax-»Idera(Miss Lagos) and Holly-» Boyewa(Miss ondo) contestants in MBGN...Mehn every slim babe for naija just bin think say their talent na modelling or beauty queen warefa,I taya oo
***EDO BABE***
Number 1,Sage is the best looking. Better pictures though, not done her any justice
Sage number 1 is the best looking and should win. Better pictures though,it did her no justice
Bibowei Kiri Tessy for MEN
Number 1 sage is the best and should win. Better pics though picture did her no justice
its only Orchid i see amongst the girls....go orchid go orchid go orchid...# TEAM ORCHID #....text 'MEN 121' to 33810 if u need free 1000 naira airtime
Thought as much,Anuri Nsofor....Feddy gal owerri all d way,wish ha all d best...Linda beta post my Comment ,warris all dis
Anon 9:18 I wonder o! See how ugly d bitch is n she's talking. Damola U not even anywhere near my female dog not to talk of dis beautiful gals. Wit dat cheap weave u av on. Idiot
I'm telling u! Lmao!! Bitch is so pained
What do u love about that omokekere oloshi of all people that olosho one of dapo aura's whores
ORCHID - paragon of natural beauty, no mistake!
Number 4 is miss Lagos na from mbgn 2013...abi?...miss ogun no dey aka Rooney ronke tiamiyu,she dey Dubai camped in married man house doing ashawo job.lol.linda if u like don't post it,I know she b ur friend!!!
KARLY REDD KE? WHY O WHY DO THESE ORGANISERS IMPORT THESE KINDS OF RUBBISH PEOPLE for shows what has a love and hip hop has been star have to do with saving the earth..kai
Ah ahn. Are you sure all is well with you? I wear nappy hair but everything is wrong with your comment. Everybody cannot like the same thing. Oya, run along; your nappy hair is crying for attention. Bye darling.
PlssssSs vote for amylnn by textin men108 to 33810 as many times as possiblenur vote rlly counts......thanks!
i love sage
@ the commentator asking about the 2009 Miss Earth Queen, Alozie Modesta. she is doing well. she is done with her masters now in Environmntal Management from University of Manchester. E be like say na environmmntal studies dey reign now for beauty queens. na wetin Omawumi study too. i go go read my own too.... just passing.
Pals dunno for you o,But as for me them gals ugly only "Blue Bell" z worth it,me,friends & fam have been voting. Simply send 111 to 33810 for the BEST!!!
If u don't av anything gud 2 say den shut it
This person has been beefing idera(galaxy) fr quite sometime same comments u posted when she was miss lagos lol go n meet her one on one to squash this beef so u don't die of anger cos u are angry your comments r funny sha
The hibiscus, olive, sage and galax and daffodil for top 5 the rest pls they shoul contest for miss hell
Dese girls are beautiful, take a closer look @ Dem especially Rose and hibiscus even without much make up and photo shop, u will see they are really pretty. I will gladly vote 4 dese two anytime..
I wonder why some people are so vain.. these are one of the prettiest girls ever in any beauty Pageant in nigeria.. if u check, dese girls do not hv heavy makeups on and d picture was hardly worked on and you can still call them ugly? Na wa sha. People just like to talk.
Galaxy...no 4....those eyes mehn........
Please vote for Beta Benneth by sending MEN 111 to 33810,thanks and God bless
Go blue belt.....go
Blue belt is the Best from the rest!
All the gals are good but blue belt,Beta Benneth is the BEST!
Truly average... Where are the "fine fine gehs" on instagram. Abi we don't ve fine girls again? - king gooner
There can only be a winner and that should be Murberry. #teammurberry ..... Text "MEN 113" to 33810. You rock beautie !!!
Mulberry you rock, come home with the crown baby. I gat faith in you !!! #teammulberry . Text "MEN 113" to 33810 to vote for Mulberry ....
Well she is beautiful I dnt knw her personally but I know she is determined to win a crown and her personal life doesnt realy apply to the topic at hand btw yu are either a virgin or some other guys whore byes
Pls this girl is drop dead gorgeous hater make una leave her alone! Or rather hater because all this negative words abt her is from one frustrated hater get over the poor girl abeg galax for the mulaaaaaa
Which kain olive?? Abeg next pls see her bar head like lekki express way she has a nice body sha but her k leg na die
U have been commenting about this galax girl are u not tired she must be blocking ur success o for u to be lashing her like this it will hav been cool if u could write ur real name and not be a coward
Yes, text MEN 121 to 33810
I see Orchid - Ebi Resident,
winning. Text MEN 121 to 33810
I see Sargitarius (Tessy K.), Orchid (Resident Ebi) and Hibiscus! U guys rock Dear! Go make me proud! Especially the 1st two mentioned!
I see #Sage (Tessy B)the 1st girl. #Orchid (Resident Ebi) and the Hibiscus gurl! But na wah oh! Madam IB had pure love this time around 4her opposite colour. The photos are something else, very poor 4d grand prize they re contesting for. @Linda IK, pls POst my comment! Tnx <3
What is Linda doin with my Comments? Anyway, tot I should ask Cuz am bout 2do anoda! A word to Anty IB, #1milli is too outrageous and extravagant to watch ur carefully selected chaffs 4rm MBGN n Miss Nigeria. What's wrong with Nigerian pageant organisers sef? How would u xpect a Politician 2giv a pageant verdict? Wats up wit "Karl Redd"? Why can't "Ex-Queens" be one of ur Judges? Imitate good tins 4rm the western world not by breakin a record of Int'l Judges in Amber Roses' cover. Ppl like Linda IK can also do a fair judging. Such a corrupt nation to it's finish! Left politics nd has eaten deep in2 pageantry also. Venezuela nd Philippines are way too disciplined nd beautiful 4Int'l pageants Dan corrupted Nigerians! Breaking Agbani's record would need...somfin else! #word! @Mimie
still votting my sweet sis, blue belt. Pls pals send MEN 111 to 33810.
Team Blue Belt (Bether Benneth) let's make our girl proud.
team blue belt (Bether Benneth) let's make our girl happy by votting.
blue bell's stunt just get going
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