It was claimed yesterday that the terror attack in Kenya was being led by Samantha, the widow of one of the 7/7 bombers, Jermaine Lindsay, who with 3 others killed 52 people in a series of co-ordinated suicide attacks in London using the public transport system during the morning rush hour in 2005.
Soldiers said a white woman wearing a veil was shouting orders to gunmen in Arabic during the bloody massacre inside the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi on Saturday.
Samantha may have been killed today as a dead white woman was found among Islamic terrorists killed by soldiers as they stormed the mall this evening. Kenyan authorities haven't confirmed that the woman is really Samantha. Her name was first linked to the attack after Al Shabaab praised her on their Twitter account for leading the attack at Westgate mall.
Moments after the news of Samantha's demise broke, Al Shabaab, took to Twitter to claim that she's safe. Eleven soldiers were also wounded in the fight with the terrorists this evening. Kenyan police said that more than 200 civilians were rescued as troops took control of all the floors of the mall.
A woman as the leader of terrorists??? It is finished!
Firsttt yaaaaayyyy
First biko... back later
This world is getting uglier.
Woman??? click here You also need to see this.
Most if not all women has soft flesh but a heart of a lion.......a nigerian girl that can do 15 abortion na gun she no fit carry all women re wicked in there own field.
They've brain washed this woman...#sad#
Really it is finished, we are on d last race.
She looks scary in the pic on the left.
Lord have mercy! A woman? What is dis world turning to???
Tank God no muslim person dey work for me or dey my compound, I for don do wetin I no suppose do.
Moslims disgust me! Yuck!
Hmmm....a woman! @BlogLord it is really finished. Islam and terrorism abeg Jesus is the way the truth and the light, if you're not 4 him everyoda tin is darkness and mayhem.
Jonathan, I hope you seeing a fellow third world country battling what needs to be battled!
U talk like a child,wat has abortions got to do with this????what about the men terrorist r they in any form diff...pls if u don't knw wat to say I'll advice u shut ur rubbish and smelly mouth...#bigbellyfool#
May God catch her
May God deliver us form this evil
Pls click HERE for hot entertainment gist
Na tru joor a 26 yrs girl wey fit marry her 72 yrs old ancestors na gun she no fit carry.
U fall my hand with this comment o, I no be muslim tho...u r entitled to ur opinion...#disappointed much#
Heartless woman.
Cal and start blaming islam for this.
@rough diamond , you are a big fool
Getwise julius we know ur comments even as anonymous
So after her husband kiled himself ahe followed,this ignorant religious fanatics are of a very disfunctional system of growth nd upbringing, dey must have grown up with vultures
I love you PJ. Thank you for this comment!
@ prince and Rough Diamond , you are both Mad
Furk all muslims mehn. Obama will wipe you out in America soon....
Inclusive of your mum right?...
Didn't u hear or read d part dat states dat her dead husband was a ring leader of a previous attack? Guess she learnt frm him. I just 1da y God dey look twice b4 him send fair inside dia camp!
I am amazed at d level of ur intelligence u wud wipe outan entire religion with millions of blivas cos of a certain few if that's what u were thot then ur family hav faild in educating u I am a proud muslim I am of a religion of peace this is not to start a fight just to question ur intelligence or if u hav the fear of God
Linda don't post comments of your blog visitors that uses porn pictures. Not everyone is interested in that. Thousands of people come to your blog daily and read all comments here. They should find another place to advertise whatever it is they are trying to sell . and no offense to anyone. Thanks.
A woman killing other women and their children?.... her corpse is a disgrace to womanhood.... islam is starting to scare me.... worse part is that politicians are already planning how to make profit from dis horrible situation
On d last days u c all sorts.
Rough diamond u can try
Linda Ikeji, I'm a Christian but I don't support allowing anti-Muslim comments making it to your blog.
We understand that there are radical muslims, we should be condemning all forms of violence and terrorism, while also highlighting that attacking innocent people is not the way (which is where terrorism is different from actual war).
Even Muslims are worried, because Muslims die in these attacks too. I wish at least one Muslim had stood up to the terrorists.
All these posts by Prince Jobless and some other dumb people should never make it to your blog.
Down there in Kenya they understand the need not to negotiate with terrorists. Jona learn a lesson and stop discussing with terrorists in our beloved country. How many Nigerians have died as a result of this carelessness 3000? Must we wait till they kill 1,000,000?
Atleast their government was able to do something... What has jona done in the case of boko haram? They kill hundreds of people and yet, nothing has been done to curb out their rootlessness.. Nigeria my country.. I pray for thy
Stop please , not all Muslim are murderers. Theses are confused so called Muslims . It is not in the Quran to kill innocent people. Its written in the Quran 5:32, that who ever kill an innocent soul is like he had slain mankind entirely and whoever saves one is like he had safe mankind entirely. So those terrorist are confused and lost and not all Muslim condone their heinous acts of violence. It's heart breaking to see those confused murderers tarnish the name of Islam. It's a shame. But I can assure u that not all Muslims are terrorist.
well, from watching homeland, i hope this woman wasnt accused falsely. but if she is the leader, na brainwash dem brainwash am and I pity all this muslims when Gods wrath comes upon u. continue acting like animals..yeye people.
+18, cute chicks only add up 238c2743 :) linda, we love uaa....
Ok!islam sucks! *ONYX GODWIN*
Haba ts not fair
I just wiSh all dis will end, I even heard dat a populr poet;whom I can rem vivdly we used his poem for our dance drama died there... Pls they shld stop dis terror....
Kia wats dis world turning into
Its the same thing we have been saying all day;people are constantly being brainwashed and recruited by Islamic terrorists...brown,white and black colors are not restricted.
Its all a mind game,they appeal to your emotions...Samantha was obviously seeking revenge for her husband's death,a British man who converted to Islam and wrecked havoc.
She is/was merely continuing from where he stopped having been indoctrinated herself.
The real enemy is Religion,not just any but Islam;faithfuls have continued to fold their hands and watch while their brothers engage in killing sprees.
I saw someone talking about how Islam is the fastest growing religion in the West-stupid,just because a religion is the fastest growing doesn't mean its most dominant.
Pakistan which's a Muslim country separated from India because Islam is naturally rebellious,also South Sudan was made to break away because the Muslim North won't let her be.
If not dealt with now,terrorism and religious fanaticism would be the death of Islam.
Her husband went to carry 77 virgins for paradise & she still follow am? Olodo
Pls your d.p is disturbing.How dare you put up a picture like that.what do you stand to gain with that stupid thing u put up.am so sure it is ur penis.we have seen how big it is now take it off.I pray dis terrorist will come and bomb you.amen.
But why does islam permit killing of innocent souls...devilish religion.haba
Islam is gradually becoming a terrorist religion. Its better everybody stand up to wipe these fools of the human race. Kenya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Philipines, Nigeria, etc, are all under bombs.
Atleast now that an english woman's name is linked with terrorism, maybe the can cut us some slakes. No be only we africans (nigerians) be terrorist.. Hehehe pot the call kettle black. Nigerian/bristish born men attacked and killed a white man in the UK, my whole country was Stigmatized, now a british woman attacked a whole country, let's see where the story goes...
:O :O :O. Na wa oooooo.... What could make a woman do something like this????
Well, hope she wz eliminated 4real after all.
~D great anonymous!
Where are the muslims in the house?????lol they will soon bring up one foolish reason why the woman did what she did. I hate u muslims with the last drop of my blood. Foolsss. Linds u av to post. Tnxs
I believe ur a mother from ur dp, at this age ur still doing first to comment ish,i feel very sorry for ur child cos ur know nothing.
If it walks like a duck n quacks like a duck,it sure as hell is a duck. Majority of terrorist are Muslims and they say the religion is that of peace? Bu*****t.
Please kindly let us know where you got this info from
Linda I dnt understand ur bloggers....do u really really allow such dp like prince charming,fola,nd some other charming to use such pix in public...?is dat such pix doesn't mata rather its wat dat is commented dat sells?please ehen..biko correct dis!
Confirmed it isn't her,she escaped on sat with the rescued
Linda what's with some of ur libers using obscene pics as deir display icon?!
For dis kind tin u no fit talk ur mind. -__- all i can do is pray for God's(the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) protection for His children
Religion = Shit. Makes no sense to me.
U r very useless @PJ
God help us all
U r so irritating,idiot wit ur fish brain @rough diamond
God Ђα̲̅√ε̲̣ mercy....wht ΐƨ _̮̮ de world turning into Mbok...me i dnt understand anymore, God help us υ̲̣̥r̶̲̥̅̊ children...
May God have mercy............
May God punish her condenmed soul
I don't thnk u guyz shld always b blamn d whole muslims for a thng dat few people did, is lyk calln all christians arm robbers or prostitute if I saw one. Pls blame d attackers alone, we don't support any type of terrorism and we wil neva do.
Beginning to feel weird around my muslim friends
Is she nt suppose 2 b a mother,wife,aunty,and a daugter?bt she dey as if she no sabi d pains f child bearing.hmmmmm!Let GOD b d judge sha!!!
Ur mad...we still ave d gud muslims
All of you speaking against muslims are so narrow minded! Is every muslim a terrorist? Please think beyond what you see! Haba! Its unfortunate that islam has been used in this manner , that is how religion has been manipulated. Please spare a thought for upright muslims! By the way I'm christian :)
Brain washing is a variable tool for this people.
@PJ pls shut ur cursed mouth!myopic bastard.May God punish all evil doers.this is not nice @ all
Na wa o!
Wat will hhappen to her son now? Eh, madam terrorist!
God have mercy!
Dis matter is sumtin of cncern in dis blog.....wats with dis naked pics of di*ks nd breast nd all wat nt???Linda pls,I no u r nt partial wen it cums 2 postin comments bt m sure if u post ur comment nd tell pple 2 change deir pics or u'll neva post deir comments again,dey'll change.bt pretendin as if ntin is goin on is reali bad....its becumin irritatin nd annoying,let d changes start 4rm us.indeed it is well,Lilybabe
What can of profile pics am I seeing here?pc started it,now fola and sexydiva....linda,cld u pls do something about dis nonsense b4 ur blog turns into a porn site....You all with d rubbish pics are same with dis terrorist....Idiots!
Moron, dnt u think muslims av d right to protect themselves against psychos like u?
I am always a frequent reader n dnt comment buh dis is gettin 2much how can people serve A GOD that accepts all kinds of killing what kind of God do dey serve that drinks blood more than d devil. What kind of religion that even wen dey r 100%people in a town worship this same God dey still find a reason 2 kill eachoda. What kind of religion is that in funniest part is that most of Dem Aint Nigerians. Pls be vry watchful of them if dey gather round ur hood call d police in lag fashola is fully active in that aspect I duno of oda place
Let them b deported back 2 their states or country I am a northern n I dnt support evil
Na wah o. Some of dis Moslem have twisted brain
Linda, one can not read comments on ur blog in office, public, etc, just becos ur some of ur friends are pornstars and u can't afford not to post their comment.... As usual don't post this one.
Wat a man can do a woman can do .............wat is dis world turning into............
Come on jobless Islamic doesn't support terrorism those people that kill in the name of Islam are just psychos
They should luk in2 dis issue properly b4 an innocent woman wil b punished 4 no just cause
U r nt only as ur name says, u r alo a fool
Its really hard to explain to others now that these evil people killing others ® NOT muslims and they don't understand what Islam is all about. They're just hiding under the umbrella of Islam, I'm a muslim and I do NOT support these killings/massacre and I know no true muslim would. Its just really sad Islam is being tainted this way and I know it will be really hard for a non muslim not to develop a warped idea about Islam now, but please let it be reiterated that these people ® neither humans nor muslims. Its just really unfortunate...May God help us to develop World peace
Is it only Nigerian girls dat are into abortion ? Shallow mind #imustcomment.
Is it only Nigerian girls dat are into abortion ? Shallow mind #imustcomment.
You are a fool for saying that...rough diamond and your life will continue to be rough with your entire generation for saying such tinz..you are so dumb.
Muslims....is this wat ahla asked u ppl to do??
Prince Charming, prince Jobless and Fola, all of you can talk about moral but have checked urselves first? Take a look at the sickening pictures u represent urselves with. You might not cary guns but u kill poeple emotionally. Pathetic !
So I just keep wondering why someone will decide to kill another just because I don't share your belief..its crazy and it keeps getting worse..hmmm
Don't let ignorance take over ur reasoning,abortion isn't d same thing as a terrorist attack.People ar simply twisted, and the world is obviously coming to an end.
GOD we dey ur hand woman leader terrorists
The end is near! Jesus is coming soon! SMH. Linda publish my comment o...smiles
What is islam and what does it stand for?what is their. Goals and why do they derive gain in killing.do they think the monopoly to kill another soly rest in their hands and why do they feel the world is cheating them. I am yet to see a teriorist christian group. Any thing get them angry and confuse yet islamic leadders have done notting to check their own. The problem will have in this world is islam,they are alwways not happy and the reason for this unhappiness the people they kill don't even know. I have watch an islamic men many times in my present make mockery of Jesus christ and never for once did I gather my people to go and burn and kill them but at the simplest provokation they will start kiling and burning. What is their problem in this world. Maybe their anger is because the world is not islam. Today is Kanya tomorrow where will it be,may God help us.
it is in their religion kill and go to heaven. Let us wipe these muslims and this world will be a better place.
Rough Diamond, u are a retard...u must rili wish ur rich for u to think a muslim would want to work for u...u dey still live for compound sef and wan find person wey go work for u....park well joooor u dis low life
I realy hate you
Sharrap der! Woman do abortion, shey na she dey gv hasef belle? Ode! Idiots like u r d major cause of such actions....
Linda ...this is obscene!!!! Why r u postin dis fola's comments wiv dat pix ? Its just wrong!!!HABA.
U are shallow minded if u think all muslims are terrorists
Father terrorist, motherterrorist and this child definitely must be one
Its a very sad thing to be brain-washed!!! Very sad!!! May God save them
At least they are linking her Britain. Every country should label Britain a "High risk Country"
From ur pic I can see ur a mother, except u using d child to pose. Can u stop acting like a retarded fuck wit dis first 2 comment tin? Common dnt be childish and stupid!
I'm in.Islam is violent
this is shameful...Religion of death
Linda is it me or my eyes?? Fola has a pornographic pic as his dp. This is really disgusting. Pls linda take him off ur blog!!! Its a sad world. Tai
Why is twitter still allowing the terrorists to use its platform to communicate. And this is day 4. Havnt the terrorist run out of ammunition
Thank God is over now.
Muslims!!!i jst cnt stand em
Na wa ooooooo! What is LIB turning to? Almost everyone here has extreme nudity as avatar! Asides the person I commented under!
This crazy and sickening even d so called faked ass vocabulary intellect! D idiot started with a kid holding a thumb, dat u cud mistake for a woman holding a d*ck if you don't look properly! Bt now he has shown his real fagot self!
And d other people you are all douche bags!!
It can be so embarrassing checking comments in ur office! When there nude pictures every where as avatars! When this is not an x-rated site
Linda post me comment oooo
Linda its high tym Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ start viewing people's profile pix b4 publishing dia comment, haba check out dat Fola's pix, shows how uncultured he is, if Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ keep posting his comment wit dat same profile pix, means u enjoying seeing it.
Hmmmmm. A woman? Na wa ooo. God have mercy!
Dead nd useless religion.bastarrrdddsss
A woman leading a terrorist attack.
Na real wa oo
Pls fola, wat dat on ur dp?
Linda, I love and really appreciate your blogs. For the sake of sanity, can you please help us to block those guys using D***ck as their profile picture...let dignity and respect start from your blog as part of your new contribution to helping the young ones out there. Thanks
Holy spirit help us! World don finish now.
Why re the man people on this blog screaming, with their indescent pictures. God protect us according to your word in psalm 91.
Woman!!! Too bad! 4rm Nneoma
Hmmm why d f is this woman spoiling muslims
It's such a pity the woman was brainwashed. Linda, can you please tell some us that care to know if your blogsite has become pornsite, cos some pics some of your readers used as dp is really disturbing and this may not be good for your business if you know what am talking about.
Samantha are u a muslim or a murderer cause u look lot like chocki the evil doll rot in hell for spoiling islam shame on you
Linda why do you allow all these dirty profile pics @ prince charming and fola,not nice at all.
Nd dt Dia child will End up bin a terrorist too! Lord help us!
Linda what is ur blog turning into? Why do u publish people's comments with obscene profile pics ? It's so wrong n annoying
Baba ex bomber, mama current bomber, d son too future bomber, they shd keep a tab on him before he starts unleashing terror on d masses ESP when he gets into school, if I spot that boy in my child's school in future, it wl be automatic withdrawal of my child! Muslims r evil!
Just because some Muslims took d wrong path doesn't mean Islam preaches violence. You all are educated, pickup a quran and read. Please stop blasphemy. If God so will He would've give us one religion. He knws best. Allah is above all things magnificent.
What a wicked world now see hw terrorisim has rendered dis cute baby an orphan........God punish d devil!!!!!
please Linda i wont comment on this blog anymore,if it is not prince charming's stupid dp,it is fola's immorality,must we all be naked or nude to be noticed,cant you sensor the pics being displayed or caution them,as a mother, i will not encourage my kids to participate on this platform.thank you
It really ludicrous when people that are suppose to be elite or knowledgeable people get things mixed up.The western world has decrypted Islam as a religion if terrorist,but the greatest crimes in history have been committed by who?As Christians go and read more about the popes,crusades,holy grail,slave trades,world wars.Millions of Jews were mass murdered by germans during the second world,the western world as supported a lot of coups in Africa and Asia with an emergency of terrorist as a leader of a nation leading to death of millions.The Usa supported Noriega of panama,Saddam of Iraq,Mobutu of Zaire,suhaarto of Indonesia.Israel at will kill Palestinians on a daily basis,the world has really not done or said something significant about it and all you say is said that you hate Muslims.Before the 90's there was nothing connecting Islam with terrorism,the western world created that monster in them and Arab are not scared of dieing,until the Israelis stop bombing Gaza,western world stop supporting terrorist as leader of other nations,the world will not have peace.
So who is telling the truth?
If there is anybody dat nds 2 b wiped out of this blog, its u, prince jobless, prince charmin, nd fola cause u guys ar more of a menace dan these terorist b/c of ur profile pix. Linda take note.
dis daily massacre is getting out of control, dis is exactly the signs of end time, Nation rising against Nation.
Islam, how far can u go? Killings killings killings. Na wa oooo. I hate dis religion with passion.
Rip to d lost souls nd wateva she has sown, let her reap. Pls I want to digress a lit bit frm d topic. I noticed dat lately dere a lot of obscene nd insinuating pictures used by some pple on dis blog. I won't mention names but I think dis is so disgusting nd irritating. Let's do d right thing nd help to guard our hearts for out of it flows issues of life.
so you re stil one of those that believe that this terrorist are muslim. Look closely at their demand you ll see that they re politically motivated people hiding under the guise of islam.they demand for things that re in noway connected to islam.Please Islam does not promote killing of innocent people so these people re not MULIMS!
Plus your mum
Cute? Where did yu see his face? Or yu don't know the meaning of cute.
Y wud a religion preach violence and u still nid som1 2 tell u its d wrong way. I pray d@ Our Lord Jesus Christ 'll open all u muslim's eyes
Muslims find anoda justification 4 dis cos das wat u alwais do
i have bn tryin to convince myself dat this terrorism thin is more political dan religious. But now dat a British female has gone as far as becoming a leader.. den i belive that religion is actually doin somthin to their minds. Pls lets all embrace Jesus Christ the prince of peace, He that teaches love for enemies.
i have bn tryin to convince myself dat this terrorism thin is more political dan religious. But now dat a British female has gone as far as becoming a leader.. den i belive that religion is actually doin somthin to their minds. Pls lets all embrace Jesus Christ the prince of peace, He that teaches love for enemies. Linda pls post
Idiot, do you know if she is a muslim or not just speaking Arabic then you concluded she is a muslim fool, what do you learn from your religion and the aspect of tolerance guess it is in the closet...........
Stupid bitch. She will rot in hell with Jermaine.
Hmmmm ts well with us
Wicked world
Ur stupid o! These animals are killing people and ur celebrating being 1st? And ur not!
Hmmmmmmm na wa ooo waiting person no go hear for dis world....
Linda pls advice all this people using funny pictures to comment on this blog. its not good at all as some of us read ur blog in our offices. thank you..
The sad thing is, some old fools who grew up to know their great grand children will brainwash this baby into believing his parents died as heros and that he has to follow in their footstep. Lord have mercy!
prince charming, price jobless and Fola please respect youerself and remove those pictures. Linda take note.
Can't believe the British Intelligence failed again!
Wen d men do suicide bombing, they r promised 77 virgins. Dis woman now, what is Allah's promise 2 her? 144 male studs? Haaaaaa
Linda abegiiiii..... can you watch Aljazeera atleast and give appropriate information...more than 1,000 people were rescued and the number of kenyan forces stands at 5... smdh!
islam extremist na wa o. what will happen to their baby. heartless parents!
I want 2 use dis medium 2 talk 2 u linda, plz ur blog is 4 gossips and gist not a place of getting corrupt mind..I will like 4 u 2 look into d profile pix of some libers and find away of taken dem off or not approving their comments until they get a better display picture..its either u find a naked pix of a girls private or a mans private part, plz linda do something fast abt dat....and to all those who find naked pix of peeps cool by using dem as display pix..u can as well go naked on d road all d tym 2 show u love seeing nakedness..
I want 2 use dis medium 2 talk 2 u linda, plz ur blog is 4 gossips and gist not a place of getting corrupt mind..I will like 4 u 2 look into d profile pix of some libers and find away of taken dem off or not approving their comments until they get a better display picture..its either u find a naked pix of a girls private or a mans private part, plz linda do something fast abt dat....and to all those who find naked pix of peeps cool by using dem as display pix..u can as well go naked on d road all d tym 2 show u love seeing nakedness..
I want 2 use dis medium 2 talk 2 u linda, plz ur blog is 4 gossips and gist not a place of getting corrupt mind..I will like 4 u 2 look into d profile pix of some libers and find away of taken dem off or not approving their comments until they get a better display picture..its either u find a naked pix of a girls private or a mans private part, plz linda do something fast abt dat....and to all those who find naked pix of peeps cool by using dem as display pix..u can as well go naked on d road all d tym 2 show u love seeing nakedness..
See this terrorist... Pls go write your essay for the UN
See this terrorist... Pls go write your essay for the UN
LINDA!!!!!, nothing like "islamic terrorist"....they are just terrorists...Thats all!!!!!!!!!!
if we called those pheadophiles in the catholic church "Christian pheadophiles", it will not be fair on the totality of christians as it is just a very small subset that enguage in such.
Please take note!!!!!!!!
No offence but we know these people are muslims. Their demands may not be islam related but tht does not change the fact tht they are muslims abi
I just dey wonder the degree of wickedness ur Mama dey practice since all women are wicked!!!!!
Odedoyin monsuru, u re d idiot! Ode dats what ur name stands 4 u, jus shut up ur gutter.
Plus him grandmama join! Fool, imagine ur utterance! What has abortion got to do with something as dicey as this? Some people that come here to comment are really crazy.
Prince jobless, u re a stupid fowl, was she/he talking 2 u? Idiot, ewu gambia!!! Jus mind ur gaddam business n jog on too.
They are muslims. And I say fuck em'. A word of caution for all u insane muslim idiots..the world will get tired of your antics shortly..and you will be on the receiving end of this genocide. I promise
@ Anon 8:45..why are u checking LIB comments at the office? Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Anon 9:49am, clap 4 urself! D great historian, see ur mouth lik isreal shld stop bombing gaza! And u write like an historian, n u dnt know what's happening betwn isreali n d moslem world? I want u to know that no matter hw many moslem nations rise again isreal shall go under, d world of God does nt return back to God void, it must accomplish it purpose as God has said it will. D moslem nations around isreal keep troubling dem n when isreal retaliate d moslems cry foul, una jus start, I pity una.
Pls make I hear word jare! Ur illustration is so funny bcos some paedophiles are christains while some are muslims so u can't evn say christain paedophiles! People say islam terrorist because d people who partake in ds hideous act are muslims, dat is y they are reffered to as 'islamist terrorist' get that in2 ur head.
its well. anyone noticed how the British and even the Americans are silent and nearly denying the fact some of their citizens are involved in this mess. its just amazing but i trust them, the truth will prevail eventually once the dust settles. RIP TO THE DEAD
just so tired of dis blog.simple comment like this she wont put it up 4 dis monsters calling muslims a terrorist to see..which religion preaches killing of innocent ppl expt dat of evil worshipers .abeg WE MUSLIMS ARE NOT TERRORISt.
Exactly the bold point in all of this terror thing. These religous faggots are driving Islam to a dead end and all sentiments are going red against all worshipers of the violent jihadist known as Mohammed who has nothing better than erotic virgins for his faithfuls in his paradise of demons that is overflowing with alcoholic wine. What an idiotic and hopeless religion in an age of knowledge and mighty civilization!
Stop please , not all Muslim are
murderers. Theses are confused so
called Muslims . It is not in the Quran
to kill innocent people. Its written in
the Quran 5:32, that who ever kill an
innocent soul is like he had slain
mankind entirely and whoever saves
one is like he had safe mankind
entirely. So those terrorist are
confused and lost and not all Muslim
condone their heinous acts of violence.
It's heart breaking to see those
confused murderers tarnish the name
of Islam. It's a shame. But I can assure
u that not all Muslims are terrorists...sme xtians sha.
@Mich you speak very well...Islam may seem popular NOW but only because its going DOWN...
As far as I know, Islam still remains a religion of peace. to those critics of Islam, do u know d atrocities perpetrated by the crusaders or d brutal killings of Cesare Borgia in the name of Pope Alexander? also d book of matt: 10 : 34 buttresses my point which says " do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword" so please every act of terrorism is political and not religious.
All this muslim people I don't know what is wrong with then boko harem ,suicide bomber terrorist even country like Egypt syria all of then are Muslim
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