"I am strong sexually for 24 hours. My wife knows that. Each time I have an affair with any lady, she goes out to tell her friends, and her friend will end up developing interest in me. So when I married my wife, I told her if she know what's best for her she should not tell any of her female friends what we do behind closed doors or else she will lose me" Oh yeah? Lol. He continues "When I was growing up, women older than me were coming for me, right in front of my mother. These women taught me a lot of things. I started kissing at a very tender age because it was part of the things they were doing to me, and I loved it. Maybe that is why my lips are red. They taught me how to be with women. They would give me their body to play with so I grew up knowing a lot about what women want. Till today, when I am sleeping with a lady she has to cum before me. I enjoy sex more when the women have enjoyed themselves"When asked if he ever had anything to do with Mercy Johnson, what he said after the cut...
Asked if he ever had anything to do with Mercy Johnson because of the chemistry between them in a lot of their romantic movies, which invovled a lot of kissing, Kenneth Okonkwo replied...
"That is funny, and do you know why? Before Mercy was born, or should I say when she was still in kindergarten, I had already started kissing ladies in movies. So she met me still doing it. Why would her own be different? When you match her good acting skill and my exceptional skill, it comes out natural and people would end up saying is there something going on? Mercy is like a younger sister to me. I am close to her and her husband so it makes me laugh when anybody talks about Mercy and myself in anyway. There can never be a fling between a brother and a sister. We are only professional colleagues.
1 – 200 of 280 Newer› Newest»What a fool!
This is absolutely unbelievable?What is he feeling like?
He makes me soooooooo sick.
Kenneth is so sick.
He is stupid and silly.
What is he feeling like?
Silly old boy!!!
This is absolutely unbelievable?What is he feeling like?
He makes me soooooooo sick.
U started kissing at a tender age? No wonder u av such large lips like kpomo. Mouth dat can take in ten fat sticks at once
so obvious well good for him,...>>>> click here to discover the secret of meeting your right partner.
indeed... Mr kenneth pls tak it easy ooo sha...uhmmm dis kind man one needs to b careful...easy dose it pls
Ok......now I knw y ur lips are dis wide n swollen! Eya.....u started early nwannem!!!
Oh dear!!! Smh for you Hun.... " they will give you their body to play with" .... At a tender age... I would say you've been sexually abused Hun, but hey, you chose to see it as experience, sooo now ure a stallion bcos of it...lol.... Smh, honestly SHaking my damn head for you.. Full stop!!
Love both of them scatter plus kenneth hmmmm bed performance. Me likey
Really! Hope I will stay like that forever. Cos that body chemistry? Coughs!!
he meant to say wide mouth not red lips,sex addict Mtchw!
Nah so, first to comment
Mr mighty lips!!!
Nah so, first to comment
All na wash
Mr mighty lips!!!
ok mr sexual prowess i dey hail ooo,24 hrs? ha u be dog.
This man is so dumb. So he brags abt adultery. I feel for his wife
that explains the big lips....
Nawa ooooh
Wetin dis 1 wit him wide mouth de talk sef! Go and sit down joh wit your big belle and waka lyk duck fowl!!! #Yawns# babie dolly
I believe him! He has that zest in his eyes. Always found him sexy!
Dis unattractive man
lol lol lol lol this man don use laugh kill me this evening. lol
No wonder his lips. Tho. Taaaah!
So is dis 7cm mouth man dts tlkn,lol,do nt judge a book by its cover
Ch0i. Kenneth libers g0 yab u 0
Lips of Life!!! Those huge ass lips na wa sef. Nonsense prowess.
As Mr Bean wud say, dis is total baloony. This man has gone loco,tot he was now born again?
Oga Ken you are old for this kind of discussion plus we don't wanna know.
Ewwww! Hate his lips. Scary #JayBeyBlu
Now i know why your mouth is plate
Well said sir...sweetina gbam
1st 2 comment by BULALA
That good man,I can't imagine having u tonight.ken I can't wait to show u that women are in different categories,I will make u cum b4 u even start.hmmmmmm.I will hmmmmmmmmm I rest my case,anny hv spoken
This gay man. I no him he is very gay he likes to sex boys too
His kids must be so proud.
Ewww its just disgusting hearing this kind of old man talk about sex!
Ken, you talk too much. Seems you are the ibo version of FFK.
Wtf???!!! TMI! Was he high on 'Molly' during this interview???
one word EWWWWWWWWW.
Hahahahahaha LWKMD
Nwannaa piawa door!!.. Na 2day!.. Jee buru cup gi!.. Make we begin de clap for u say na ur blood de use in making viagra!!!.. I na akwa cup... Mtscheeeeeeeww!
If he truly said those things then he's d biggest fool of d century!
Na wah o. Kenneth pls take it easy o.
visit this url http://sms.megastoon.com/sms.php?share=76297 if u re looking for a job.
Lolz...24hrs indeed ofekuni?
kenneth "TMI" too much information, you are a married man, stop speaking like you are a bachelor. Respect your santity of your marriage. Why do men these days have loose lips about their sexuality e.g Femi Fani-kayode. So tacky yuck!!
This man can lie for Africa.. 24hrs ko? one week ni..#hissing.. ***fizzy**
Hmm I c. I gus he hasn't met the rite devil.
Men your age are bragging about their billions and not sex stamina, leave that for the teenagers!
Ewwwwwwwwwww. A man of your status shldnt be making dese kinda comments whether dey are true or not.. My rep for u jst decreased to -0.5.
I am so disappointed that Kenneth O. can speak like someone that has not visited the four walls of a school
This man has a BIG MOUTH. He is Arrogant and DISGUSTING!!!
Kenneth Okonkwo is a piece of shit. Fuck off!
dis kind of talk is essentially stupid of d talker. I pity u kenneth
Cool story bro
Nwa Nsukka!!!
This man is complete fool. See his ugly face.
Ken you will kill us with your love story
U were only asked to clear ur fans abt d ur affair with mercy johnson and not to explain hw strong and powerful u re on sex issues. People like u who brag are evn d weaklings
So now presently u stil do ladies? Na wa for u ooooooo ken. Anyways I lik wat am seeing
Words of a deranged soul.Like seriously?this guy is definitely high on opium.who says this sort of crap in people's hearing not to talk of an interview. Ode oshi.
at ur age! when ur mates are challenging others with cheddars in their accounts, honours, degrees..... U are here forming macho for bed. We know ur type "empty barrel makes the loudest noise/2 minutes type".
Empty vessels.........
Lmaoooooo this interview is
soooo funny I can't even deal.
The guy was too open and honest
a little too open if you ask me. But
the wife is the one enjoying the fruits
of his loins so why should anyone be
bothered? But the guy has the lips of
life, never seen anything like it b4
Oooyyyyyooooolllliiiiimmmmaaaaa!!!!*in flavour n'abania's voice*
linda, u too like sex matter
Wow!!! Kenneth Okonkwo Actually said all these? Who would've thought?! #Interesting# And @ 'Maybe that's why my Lips are Red' Am sure he meant to say WIDE not RED,LMAO...He sounds like a really confident person in bed(which is a good thing) but 24hours?? I think that's just him exaggerating L0L
Mtcheww..."Maybe dts y my lips are red" u shud av said "maybe dts y my lips are big.u told ur wife nt to tel her frnds what u do behind closed doors orelse she ll loose u,it simply means u re a dog who goes abt sleepin wth women.oshisco.cnt just imagine a married man sayin ds trash out.there's nothin special abt u,for all I kno u av a bald head,big eyes,n big lips.thank God u cn go for 24hrs tot u wld say 48hrs.lazy thing.ur physionogmy appearance isn't even appealing.go n find somthin beta to do instead of vomitting!!!
Linda, why did you post Mercy Johnson's pic with him?
This man is big mouthed.
Brother ode ur mates dey brag of greater achievements u dey brag wit sexual prowess nonsensical abeg go hang for bush
I hear u oga linguistics.
Hian!... Boastful 'onye-okoro'. Why wud he be discussing his sex life publicly na?
Pomo lips of life go sit down
I can't just like this guy. With this interview, I just realised how pathetically disgusting he is. Kissing fire with those ugly Pomo lips. #pukes
Lol. Thirsty nigga. Dis guy needs water.
make he come test am with my cow b4 i believe THE ONLY HAUSA MAN DAT BLOGS
Jhoor oh!!!
Aeroplane in a car wash!
What warranted this long tale of 'sexual prowess'
He has just put his wife in a difficult position.
Not fair!!
Ok now you've told the whole world what u asked ur wife not to tell. This interview just made me laugh hard. Laughing out loud. It's no wonder your lips are big not pink. Lol.
Yea mercy and kenneth's movies re always wow, and very nice, the chemistry between both of them is fancinating, and sometimes I could just go into d movie shop in search of a movie the duo acted in, so its really not new. But like kenneth said, the emotions between them is just professional, and I believe its d fact. Kenneth is a very good actor, and mercy is wow also. So it just something nice *smiles* looking forward to seeing the both of them doing more nice movies together
Hmmmmm , 24 hours you know go kill person
That'ѕ α gross thing to say. Mercy is like α sister to me. Nigga pls, stop the incest talk and talk like α lawyer that you are.#dullbrain.
Easier said dan done. Aphrodisiac sef N̶̲̥̅̊☺ fit allow pesin fuck 4 24hrs.
Nw whey U̶̲̥̅̊ cum cast ur-sef,wud ur wife frnds nt cum nd test ur sexual prowess. #Mumu sha.
Empty vessels make d loudest noise!
~D great anonymous!
Kenny marriage is sacred. Please keep your family and your marriage bed sacred and you are better off in this your second missionary journey so don't spoil your peace with loud mouth. Mctheeew
Pls what is the moral about this?
Lol! Y ur lips are red abi na y they are lebecious.. Guy gaan sit down abeg..
Lol, ds man dn kolo o! Frm a tender age? Women started giving u der bodies to play with! Where was ur mum then? U na sharp guy o, lol.
Nigerians forever carryn rumors #rumour mongers
Why brag about his sex life. Maybe he's seeking for attention from d ladies u know how these celebs are. pls linda, next news joor.
some things are better left unsaid
this guy is disgusting I can't stand him in romantic movies I don't care about his so called sexual prowess with a body like his i'll rather be celibate
Love from Miami
You dont want ur wife to talk abt ur bedroom ish but u r blasting it to the entire world?! I just cant with these folks.
Someone shld plss give him award for he's sexual achievements..smh for u
Nna dis man with his pomo lips shld take several seats biko.....
How did rev ezekiels daughter marry this man? who talks like this..
Ewwwwwwww...this living in bondage man!
I can't!!!
Always had this cocky igbotic air anyway maybe coz of his "endowment"
Ewwwww can't biliv I said that....lmao
Oh! N I heard he used to beat his wife in the matrimonial home his father in law bought for them in lekki n that he was sent packing or something of that sort
And has he not just announced to all his wife's friends and even enemies now about his "enviable special powers".mschew! Oniranu! Desperate househusband! 24 hours ko, 2 mins ni
At his old age! let him be there talking about sexual prowess when his mates are looking for ways to better humanity. Mtsheeeeeewwwwwe
Lele.dirty foolish old man with no shame.of which any woman dt finds dis man attractive has 2 be disgustn.u can be a pornstar for all I care.abeg abeg next story
Something about this makes me cringe. I really don't know what....#shakesviolently
Awon proffessional fuckers *ndi ora otu* see ya big lips e fit swallow person.
This guy is arrogant, very annoying proper ibo man.
He told his wife nt to tell anybody dat he cn fuck well so y is he now tellin us he can fuck well? :(
Empty arrogant bullshit! Abeg pack well.
Well he's right about one thing, he's being kissing for a long time. His thick big lips proves that truly...lol
So when did our men become so loquacious in Nigeria?
Even if you started from ur mother's womb and u can go 70hrs non-stop, why didnt just keep it to yourself?
Is that so? Mr Living in Bondage .....
Professional in sex hmmmmm kenneth all dat drama is not neccessary U̶̲̥̅̊ don pass dat level
Iono if its just me buh I hate dis man's face nd acting. So annoying
Kenneth! Kenneth!! All des tlk na for wot now? Hmmmm, i hail o.lol!
As he no go sabi kiss. Wit him mouth. Wey be like tray.
S** machine!
Seriously who cares! Keep ur sexual issues in ur room pls.
Lindaaaaaaa,linda u better post my comment,its really bad,u ve neva posted my comment hian.dis man sha u too much ohhhh.thumb up.
Yeah right. That's another way of saying he can go for only 20 seconds. Jada pinkett Smith and Kenneth Okonkwo are just the same; talking about their sex lives when they did not ask them about it. Sharrap jor!
Na wa o, kenneth u be baba. Dis pix with mercy johnson, hmmmm.
How much value do you attach to your marriage if your wife's friends can easily take over the management as if you are a 17year old. Anyway, that is not exactly what you meant. Just be careful what you say because serious people may question your value system. You have made major contributions to Nollywood. You have the right to boast. In sexual aspect, leave that one for FFK
Lwkm..am only wondering the question tht led to dis type of essay abt his skills in bed, btw his lips reminds me of tht frog in Tabamlina or wotever tht cartoon was called..
How much value do you attach to your marriage if your wife's friends can easily take over the management as if you are a 17year old. Anyway, that is not exactly what you meant. Just be careful what you say because serious people may question your value system. You have made major contributions to Nollywood. You have the right to boast. In sexual aspect, leave that one for FFK
Good for you. Wu cares? Abegi mak we hear word.
For his mind ...long hiss
O ga ooooo
Look at his Okonkwolistic head! You for go be porn star. Big mouth thinz!
Nah wah o.no b smal tin.
the one that brags are usually the laziest in bed
Talks too much*eyes rolling* N he seems very proud* my exceptional skill*
That's why your lips are red....more like that's why they suffocate the ladies. Go and rest you Andy from living in bondage...lmao
Get a life mr so called actor.things like this are not meant to be said in the public.you are an adult moron not a baby so y say this crap...stupid entity.
Oooh linda u have made my nite.this man is so funny!!
Oga. Yours lips are just to bigggggggggg.lol
Anon 8:33pm don oFf me. Lwkmd. Oga kenneth that's too much info biko. I no no wetin una dey see for dis straff sef!
soooo ridiculous, see his mouth like"i have been kissing frm a tender age" no wonder his mouth took such a bad shape!
with dat his big mouth
Which red lip? Abeggi! It only made ur lip fat n ur mouth bigger! Mmttcchhwww!
I have known Kenneth Okonkwo for about 20 years now, but this is my first time of finding out that his mental age is still the age of a teenager. You can imagine how shocked I am.
Any man that has to brag about his sexual prowess obviously doesn't know what he's doing. If you're that good, let the women do the talking. If you have to brag, then you're deceiving yourself and trying too hard to convince us.
Andy Okeke, biko go and nyash down.
Go and park with Merith. Lol
U went through child molestation and u are bragging about it...anyways i still luv ur movies...u are good.
No wonder u have those kissable lips!
Mr Kenneth pls come n do magical things to my body!
Hope ur dick is big enuf sha?
I like it big!
Linda, pls I need his nos, mail it to me asap.
Lol, with dat his wide lips? Ouch! Abeg Y is he advertising himself? Maybe his former wife told her friends abt dier bedroom tinz, datz Y she 'lost him'. Mkpo abao! ~Ritty~
Mr kenneth I respect u a lot bt I was surprise to see ur post, u rilly fall my hand ooo
To even think u once climed d alter or pulpit claiming to b a pastor baffles me wit such mouth diarhea from u, SMH. Lord have mercy! ~Ritty~
Lol, with dat his wide lips? Ouch! Abeg Y is he advertising himself? Maybe his former wife told her friends abt dier bedroom tinz, datz Y she 'lost him'. Mkpo abao! ~Ritty~
Many little boys are sexually abused by housemaids, cousins, aunties , school teachers etc. Parents ! We ought to guard our children jealously as the sheepard guards his sheep. It is our duty to God and our children for bringing them into this world....
What grown man talks like this?... how did rev Ezekiel allow his daughter marry this kiss and tell...men that talk like this cant do anything in bed...trying to compensate. ?.low self esteem. ?.disgusting
I know most of u making all this wrong comments about this dude's sexual abilities are ladies who just wanna have a taste of him or someone with similar virtues!
Nigerians chai!!! Shawllow minded pipo, u take things too seriously. See as una dey run una dirty mouths with judgements and insults, and una nor good at all at all. Black man and their rubbish and too serious mindset. Too bad seriousness here 4 9ja is abused, cos una nor dey ever dey take d important once seriously. Make una change abeg
Lwkmd!!!!! See the pwrson talking abt sex oh!! With those lips as wide as a vagina after childbirth! Biko have a seat! __/
Chiarman! Na u biko. U deserve an award of the biggest and widest lips actor cos indeed ur mouth can kiss 3 women simutenouesly.its well ooooo mr lips....
no wonder he became an actor, to kiss lips.. I pitty the wife, indirectly she don kiss her fellow women...
His mouth is too fuckin wide...and he likes formin sexy in his movies with his thick igbotic accent...how he disgusts me
Lili no D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ do cut and join. Tell us the question they asked him to warrant such braggadish (if there's any word like dat) answer.
i dont know if i may still like him after reading this.....he sounds sooo proud...especially d part where he said 'kissing before mercy johnson was born' ...fat lips tins
What manner of man who say a thing like this!
I feel sorry for him!
I feel like giving this man a dirty slap.
All of una mouth 4 this linda dey smell.
Strange!!!. What else can one say?
This man deserve to be tied with strong twine rope and flogged mercilessly
Shit talk!
And now, the wife might just lose him because he has just announced to the world his ability in bed. Mschewww
Guys, i guess you dont know that kegel exercise can fix premature ejac*lation and stop erecti*e dysfunction. Please dont let ur wify ring up Okonkwo o.
Visit leyejisola.blogspot.com to see how.
Its a Health, rights and beauty blog
I will beat this man any day, any time. What a FOOL!
This man has broken Femi Fani Kayode's record.
ogbeni..your mates dey prowess for boardroom making the cash and entering forbes richest list.... you dey dia prowess for bed like teenager...na u sabi
May b dat is why your lips are red was a understatement, damn!!! Y your lips are wide like catarpilla
andy mouth
why is dat inappropriate prince charming{yea rite] pic still there; last time I checked it was linda ikeji entertainment, news blog not porno blog. why am I being forced to see a dick each time I try to read comments. The sad part is that he feeels the need to comment on every post, u no get job??? please Linda do something about it.
Hot man! U too much! I pity ur wife Durrrrhhhh!
Pls kenneth I truly love u n I want u2 handle me
Used to love dis ANDY man....so u chop merit in living in bondage..hehe
He really does!!! I thought I was the only one :(
And I used to respect this man... CRAP!
this man is sooo freaking annoying,like seriously who gives a damn.....see his big lips if i hear say dat na pink lips,goshhh....ewwwwwwwwwwwwww.linlin post my comment ooo for the last time
Pls learn to read and understand too.. He was referring to his days as a bachelor before getting married. That's y he advised his wife not to tell her friends due to his previous experiences.. Anyways I don't see y he should be feeling unneccessarily sexy..linda do post my comment *kisses*
this man is sooo freaking annoying,like seriously who gives a damn.....see his big lips if i hear say dat na pink lips,goshhh....ewwwwwwwwwwwwww.linlin post my comment ooo for the last time
Team lips Kenneth, wide mouth of life....
Look at it. Smh
he has the right to brag about his talents including sexual prowes
Na wa for this sex loving man.I am very sure that this man with a dirty mouth will be good at cheating on his wife. No man with right brain will say such rubbish in public. Not responsible at all.
Kenneth u fall my hand badly,I am one of ur fan, and I always want to watch any movie u are feartured in,but I never knew u were so brainless even a teenager won't even behave dis way.U just suceeded in making a fool of urself.D secret u warned ur wife not to unveil as u said,u announced it to d whole world,u are too educated 4 such childish talks,And to think dat women were sexually harrasing u at a tender age.Did u have to spill all dat,thereby degrading ur self?.Like seriously I av lost any Iyota of respect I av 4 u.You are not as smart as u seem in ur movies.
So he told his wife not to tell her friends and then decided to broadcast how retarded he is. Pls go and learn English. Ewu Gambia!
If you are good at it, you don't need to brag about it even if ask. That's his life.
At anonymous 10:14 try me u wil 4get abt kenneth..
Bet nigerians r d funniest pple God created! I'm reading comments n laughing my ass out! Proudly naija mehn....
Btw, ds guys lips r loaded oo
This guy is just gross, you told your wife not to tell anyone and you're telling the world...
Did I hear him right. Was he actually sexually abused by old women when he was small. O dear the guy needs therapy.the unfortunate thing is dat he doesn't even realise what happened to him. It's a pity.
See dis old man!!! Make i introduce u to chioma, u no go talk sex b4 u die
Na wa o, u told ur wife not to tell her friends, but here u are telling d whole world
Who cares???Old papa...I bet it is all mouth, no action!
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