Khloe has removed her husband's name from her instagram page and now from her Twitter page. 5...4...3...2.. before they announce the divorce...
Meanwhile friends of Lamar insist he didn't send the Tweet that bashed his father for calling out the Kardashians. Sources told TMZ that Lamar Odom is holed up without Internet (by choice) and has no idea his father even gave an interview. So someone else must have sent that Tweet from his account
So SAD!!!
well.. nat new.. gud luk to both..
This is so sad :(.
Uh oooo..2 bad.N she neva got pregnant evn afta wanting it badly.I love d kardashiams tho.
I guess its hard keeping up with kardashians.
Na dem sabi....make she go marry born south
Oww this is so sad
U sound very excited, linda. What if there's no divorce as u predict?
Not interested
Its their F*****G Business!!!!!!!!
Mz Beckhy
its so sad when i see inspiring couples getting a divorce its really painful. first it was babyface and wife, den it was seal and heidi now its khloe and lamar o wonder who next it will be. its heart breaking and i hope kris jenner is happy now o at least her dreams have come through *sadface*
Of all d dash gals, she always has n always will b my fav.....so sorry u going thru all dis dear....Stay Strong! Men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....*rolls eyes*
Chaii ah hate breakups!
mmmm is too though
Men!!!!!!!!!! Dey just aren't eva satisfied with sticking their balls in 1 hole...no mata how innocent dey luk on d outside, dey usually end up been worse dan dogs...*spits*
Mtchewww. Why she no marry oyinbo her own skin color? She dey under estimate black man. Gud 4 her
Na dem sabi.linda hw far na the party neva still start.abeg i dey wait 4 d foto ooo.hv fun sweetheart.muaaah
Na dem sabi.linda hw far na the party neva still start.abeg i dey wait 4 d foto ooo.hv fun sweetheart.muaaah
Na dem sabi.linda hw far na the party neva still start.abeg i dey wait 4 d foto ooo.hv fun sweetheart.muaaah
Celeb n their personal probs
Celeb n their probs
Celeb n their personal problems
Eh ya so sad.
Staged managed life.
So so sad 4my babe! God knows she did all her best 2 save this marriage and behaved well like a real wife!
Oh!!!poor khloe.....I ope they don't divorce....I like dem together
Everyone has a limit!
Khloe i no blame u @ all!
All I think of is kissing dose lips...........................
Old gist!!! Nd u beta post dis comment
Oh noooo! This is not happening!!!!! I love khloe and Lamar as a pair. They looked so sweet together. Why??????
Na dem sabi
Awwwww sad much n she really loved him ooo....Guys r shit face .....okbye
...Ermm, just wondering why the countdown? Not nice gloating over the misfortune of others. Smh!
Dis is old news na linda,she's removed odom since pls folo Enews regularly
Hmmm...there's a path that seemeth right unto man but the end thereof is destruction. Am not surprised one bit, What do u expect from a man that left his children and the mother of his children that stood by him thro thick and thin. IT WAS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME.
Khloe u were in such a rush to marry him. Everything happened in within a month of meeting him. Ur mom gives the worst of advice, she has not been a good influence on u girlss at all. MY ADVICE, All of u need Jesus Christ, embrace him today.
Wow, thats sad..marriage needs more..
I really feel 4 my khloe...dats so sad
Hmmm...there's a path that seemeth right unto man but the end thereof is destruction. Am not surprised one bit, What do u expect from a man that left his children and the mother of his children that stood by him thro thick and thin. IT WAS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME.
Khloe u were in such a rush to marry him. Everything happened in within a month of meeting him. Ur mom gives the worst of advice, she has not been a good influence on u girlss at all. MY ADVICE, All of u need Jesus Christ, embrace him today.
Awww God wi definitely provide a beta one 4 her.i lv d kardashians
Woreva mehn! That's their biz
Awwwwww! This couple I always admired! Damn.....
Kk oo. C u @ d final. Colo baby
Mehn I feel 4 ds babe o,its 4 d best sha I hp dy work tins out o.
I was so hoping they'll work things out.Oh well.. I no know them so on to other matters.
Too bad. I feel so sad cos she is a nice lady, my favourite among all. I pray Baba God restore your marriage.
Too bad. I feel so sad cos she is a nice lady, my favourite among all. I pray Baba God restore your marriage.
Too bad. I feel so sad cos she is a nice lady, my favourite among all. I pray Baba God restore your marriage.
Alright whatever but Lamar u need to save urself.
hmmn.....nd dey made such a lovely pair...stil remember how roberts her kid bro always luvs to visit them @ their home cuz he felt most comfortable der.......na wa
She should go and catch fire and die. All I know is Lamar was having a fantastic basketball career before he married from dat family. D family that devil created on d 7th day when God was resting....
They'll always deny not sending the tweets, all dis hollywood marriages it doesn't last, it's not like africa where women are patient nd prayerful! Dy take marriages as if dy are preparing indomie! 4 better 4 worse ooo. Wish dem well tho
Ds is baaad!Oh poor lamar...they were so cute 2geda
so sad! if the news is 100% true. i was really rooting for them!
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Beta 4 Odom,tall,huge guy wit calabar or igbo name & no brains,allowin dz kardashian of a lady 2 toss him up & down.
Click “MEGA“ 4 amazin gift
Nawa oooo so what happened to all that before before love? This life? Puff puff and egg
The real baby oku
Kris planted those stories about Lamar.
Thatz KIM for you
*sadface* n I use to luk up to dis beautiful couple...
the man she met and married in a month and she thought she had scored?LOL..
Old news, Linda!
Na wa
so sad... For latest gist in the world of sport, free browsing tips,health news , job vacancy et al , always visit - Nairacity our fan page on facebook by clicking the like button - www.facebook.com/nairacity . Subscibed to our site - www.nairacity.blogspot.com for latest gist on sport, jobs vacancies, health tips, free browsing tips and many more.
Soooo sad!
Finally, it has happened, it was inevitble anyway. I feel so sorry 4 my gurl khloe.
Kris isn't, stop saying tinz dat aren't true.
Vry true dear! Imagine putting khloe through all these.
Shut ur stupid mouth! Nuisance.
*rme*who cares...life is too short to be Keeping with the Kardashians
I thought it's =" it is"?
so awful...for more gists..y'all kindly checkout kaydeexotic.blogspot.com
Drama, drama, drama. I don't think the Khardashians will ever have a meaningful and stable relationship until they stop living their lives in front of a camera.
Well Lamar was always like the Mrs in the union...
Ouchhh.....and Lemar is such a sweet dude bt bet,nobody can really cope wit d very dramatic Kardashians.....Maryam
why do the kardashians like dark skin guys? Christiana
As much as I hate break-ups Α̲̅πϑ divorce, who didn't see it coming? She had low self esteem,her sister kim always talking down on her Α̲̅πϑ †Ñ’ξ fact that their mum had an affair around same time she gave birth †̥☺ khloe is enough.. I still believe its kris jenner who planted those drugs stories after †Ñ’ξ cheating stories. Linda! Linda!! Linda!!! Post ♍Æ” comment.
Α̲̅πϑ Kris Humphries gets †Ñ’ξ last laugh over Khloe,bcos of all †Ñ’ξ kardashian she disliked him most which never hid from Kim or him!! Karma is such Α̲̅ b***h.. Aunty Linda post plsssssssssssss
@Aneniyo,where did you see KIM?
@Anon 1:06Am,you must be one bitter fellow,someone else's pain makes you smile? SMH
PS...I feel so bad for Khloe and Lamar,as much as am still hoping they work things out,this seems to be the end of the road for them :(
Actually anoda source said he did send it. Girl if u divorce d guy no 1 wud say u didn't try. D guy is actually cheatin on her on her weddin anniversary. Just sayin...D Curious1
You are such a dumbfuck..nd who tld u colour has anything to do with love? Apoda oshi
So sad
Lmao ..u r evil! (In a good way)..I shld hug u rite now
Wat r u on about? Kris and Bruce love Lamar?
Old news, Daily mail carried this since last week!!!
How about the other woman he left? People are quick to forget that! Karma is a bitch........ The biggest mistake any man can make is to get involved wiv that family cus their mum is the demon herself. But kanye is a bigger demon! Lol
Awwwwe, my own khloe she seems to be the Most stable,intelligent amongst the kardashians n i just love her and lamar together. This so sad really it is
Look at the rubbish you are typing.. illiterate!
...and your point is?
2 those dat wished 4 a relationship like dis m sure u cn nw see be careful wat u wish 4.So sad
This is so sad. Khloe has had it rough. Paternity mess of not being a kardashian, lamar's career setbacks she was there 4 him, not being able to conceive despite her unmarried sisters conceiving without even planning to, then now lamar cheating? And probably a divorce? She was a good wife. Even kris humphries said that. She kept it real and was down for her man. May God be with u baby. So sad....
Linda your grammar is wrong. It's either "It finally happened or its finally happening." correct yourself.
Hmmmmmmmmm poor lamar he won't get anything
Anon 11.53pm and you are saying all these to khloe because u think she reads linda ikeji's blog huh?
Notin surprises me abt d "kardashian$$$$"...dey are FOOL(full) of MEloDRaMa
~D great anonymous!
THIS is what happens when you marry some one you have only known for 2 weeks...marriage is not all about good sex ..i remember her stepfather tried to make her see reason when she announced she was getting married and she abused him...mtcheeew
Her mum is a terrible influence on them her mum encouraged her to quickly marry him and i recall her step father tried discourage here and they quarrelled with him..may we never have jezebel mothers
:) God gives children not man well um I wish them luck all the same it's Kardashian no 'm' guess that was a typo
Fuck 'the Kardashains'. In other news, 'Jehovanni?' Babe u need to chill abeg.
-Urs Truly!!
Oooh nooooo. Dis can't happen, I love this couple 2geda. I pray dis isn't true
Broke ass..!
My fav kardashian...love u to bits..hope errthing works out well
I too know...it was on her instagram that she removed odom...not her twitter handle,cos as at two days ago....it was still there!
I feel so sad for Khloe even tho I always knew all dt perfection she n Lamar potrayed was a farce. Only times they quarelled ws abt the fragrance of thr perfume unbreakable and renting a two bedroom apartment instead of 3 in dallas. Whr does it hppn dt only these 2 petty things made a couple fight ever? Now y'all knw who d fake kardashian sis is,dnt u?
I luv dem buh dat doesn't change d fact dat keeping up with d kardashians and khloe and lamar is jst anoda soap oprah............wot we see on screen is way different 4rm d way dey live,dey are jst too fake
But seriously, what do u men want??? U ask God for a good woman, someone who can support u in ever way, even financially. But when u see that happen, you start to feel she doesn't make u "man enough" especially when she earns better than u( no be Wetin u ask God??). Ok!! U have d one you earn better than.. And shez everything(@least no one's perfect) but she cooks for u, shez pretty, takes care of d kids, yet u still look outside!! I really need to know. What are your fears, MEN!! I'm really getting scared of u guys as I grow up every single day! I wanna know what u men want from us.. Please tell me.. Queenie
Wat more do u xpect she's a kardarsians dey are gold digggers bloody divorcees,they are best in ruining carreers poor lamar he shold get off their claws before her dies he's carrier is already rollin down. Especially kris jenner he should make time in d court instead of filmin reality tv
Mr west ur next, this kardashian family are good in fucking niggers life up, i will not be surprise to see west go down soon.
I will say it serve's Lamar right, Khloe really loved Lamar but the DOG in him ( most men are dogs ) will not let him appreciate this girl. Lamar now you can go to your whores. Mtcheew.
Linda, ur news r old and stale. Keep up dearie.
First of all, she removed his name last week and TMZ has confirmed he sent that tweet.
Keep up baby girl
Ignoramus! If u don't kno wats happnin shut up..must u comment?
I hope its not true sha ........#cos I love em
Somehow, na God catch khloe, she's so judgy of ppl's r/ships, always forming high n mighty in r/ship matas. No be she no let humphries drink water in peace? Na God catch am
Hmmm. Well, I never wish anyone bad but she married the guy only two months after she met him. He was with his ex for 10 years and never thought to marry her even though they had children..khloe you live and u learn. Time is a great healer you will get over it. Next date the guy properly before marrying.
Oh NO!!! My fav couple in d world??? I feel so sad for khloe nd lam
First of all LOL. Secondly, I don't kno u so u cld be a rily sweet person bt as for d kardasians, I pity any guy dat goes into that family coz dey'll either drive u crazy or mess u up real bad with d help of mama kardashian. We can only pray for Lemar.
Lamar n khloe really rushed things. I see lamar as a guy hungry 4fame n he got it. Who knew him as an NBA player? He told his ex marriage wasn't in his agenda and less than a month after meeting khloe,he said I do. Khloe doesn't deserve this. Lamar really fucked up. Its hard to forgive after everything. The drug addiction can be managed but the cheating can't be. Lamar needs help and he should go get some. Ps kris jenner is a bad mom bt a good manager
Satanic Ashawo family roaming around looking for whom to destroy !
Yeeeeeey! At least khloe can try a new man so we'll see if she can finally conceive..lmao, losers*didi*
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