The people killed were squatting at the uncompleted building, mostly abokis who polish shoes and sell water.
According to eyewitnesses, the owner of the uncompleted building had warned people who pass the night in the building to desist from it, but they refused. Then the massacre this morning happened.
A survivor said they pay someone N200 every night to sleep in the uncompleted building and had been harassed and warned severally by military men to stop coming there...but they couldn't because they had nowhere else to go.
According to eyewitnesses, the owner of the uncompleted building had warned people who pass the night in the building to desist from it, but they refused. Then the massacre this morning happened.
A survivor said they pay someone N200 every night to sleep in the uncompleted building and had been harassed and warned severally by military men to stop coming there...but they couldn't because they had nowhere else to go.
A resident in the area said that at about 12:30am he heard gunshot severally throughout the night, causing panic in the area. The number of people who died may be more than 10.
See photos after the cut. *Viewer discretion advised*...

«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 257 of 257this is Barbaric ,,,its not nice at all
Strange tins are happening,let's get closer 2 God dat is d only @ final solution.RIP 2 d departed souls.
This is wicked.
Oh my God! This is cruelty. If just sleeping there is their crime, then its wickedness!!! They went too far!
Hmmmmm... Na wa oo may dere soul R I p
That's My Area!!!!
God av mercy. Wats dis country rurnin in2
And their offence is not having a place to call home. May God help us
Jesus! See somebody's intestine. Must everybody stay in the city? If u don't have where to sleep,go back to ur village or get a house in a slum.ppl like this are prevalent in all the big cities in this country. Lagos,ph,abj,everywhere. I hope the killers are fished out. But then ......this is Naija. May God protect the living and bless the dead. Amen
Breaks my heart. Man's inhumanity to man.
Linda, dis people are boko haram members. they were killed by SSS according to punch
What on earth will make a fellow man do this to his fellow being? SAD... GOD help uz.. i live in Abuja and very close to the area where it happened.. surprising cuz u normally find lots of security details around there.. AWKWARD!
4 some strange reazns , newz like dis don't suprise me no more . May de R.I.P. God save us in dis our country ... Last to comment
Gosh, this is not fair at all:( God have mercy
God will fight for them, this is too cruel haba killing them because they are living n sleeping there, to think that they even pay to sleep there!!
Even The damn Abuja ain't safe,so where else will there be security?,,and one 'Jona' is telling me about corruption
Y is d human race so heartless? Even Animals are so considerate! RIP 2 them!
Oh heavenly father! Dis is getting too much oooo
Man inhumanity to Man!!!!!! the owner of the house must be a ritualist!
God where are you am getting tired of dis world pls God help us in dis wicket world pls Father, tears has filled my eyes seeing innocent souls dieing bcos of no home to stay chaii chukwu ebube were are u?
God in heaven have mercy on us and touch the heart of bad people
God in heaven have mercy on us and touch the heart of bad people
OMG,signs of the end times.
so sad!a country where we don't cherish human lives.
What a wicked world we live in,y will a human kill another like dis.God save us
Haba this is bad!!But why...?
Its just d work of boko haram daz all
Y ar dey taking laws into der hands.... Dis is unfair he would hv gotten Dem arrested instead of killing Dem ... By d time d house is done dey will surly attack back... RIP to d dead pple
This is not fair to humanity @ all. What a barbaric act.
What has happened to our conscience? How can someone be this wicked?
That's so unfair.Why didn't the owner of the building order their arrest?So many wicked pple in Nig..
Oh my God! What in heavens name is this?
pure wickedness...Nigeria is gradually turnin into a jungle...full of animals goin about like human...
Is better abokies were killed mostly im so happy this time around.
This is mean. The owner of the house should take the house with him when he dies. Shiooor
My father in heaven, hear our cry. Come to our aid and save us from this misery, save us from the snare of the fowler. We need you in our country Nigeria !!!!!
What is nigeria turning in, God please keep your children save.
Oh Lord! Pls touch d heart of this barbaric pple, so that they will change. *weeping*
gush this country is dead...the poor getting poorer and the rich richer.the masses have nothing and everyday in the news,million and billions of naira are stolen.i cry for my country.RIP countrymates
You're a big fool and a devil. Are they less human? Can you take less than 10 seconds to read what you posted again? What crime did they commit? Being poor? Or maybe being homeless. Which? Those people are people's sons, uncles, brothers, cousins, friends, and relatives too. These kinda comments are what adds salt and pepper to an already grievous injury. Be careful. Be very careful and pray for the souls of the departed to rest in peace.
In fact am short of word,Were will all this act leds us to? Well, may there souls rest with the lord.Amen.
How cruel!
Oga IG..hope honeymoon is over and you can quickly get back to work because we do not understand anymore..people are being killed like chickens everyday. God help us!!
Bona, so na Abj u dey?
I doubt if all human are actually created in God's image and likeness.. I think the process malfunctioned in some human...There is enough evidence of it everywhere in the world.
Oloriburuku oshi Ni e. So does it bring back the souls that were lost ? Smh
Ok so why are you telling us? What should we do if that's your area mr criminal? Mtchew.
What brought Hausa people here now eh kwa? Hia. Ene kwu na oku gbara Fada, onye araa eburu Holy Communion tinye nime oku. Don't cause more drama and confusion biko.
What kind of country is this? Are we trsaining carnivers or what. Are these people humans or animals
killing is wrong..but you must understand these people were squating in another mans house. plus what if they were planning an attack of there own..
killing is wrong..but you must understand these people were squating in another mans house. plus what if they were planning an attack of there own..
With ur big head Æ”☺ΰ see dis kind tin still D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ find who go folo Æ”☺ΰ for tweeter mtcheew abeg swim for ocean joR
With ur big head Æ”☺ΰ see dis kind tin still D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ find who go folo Æ”☺ΰ for tweeter mtcheew abeg swim for ocean joR
They were not Boko Haram. Just sqautters. General kills em and tags em BH. The confession from 2 men... Really this is Nig. After wat happend 2 their friends they will confess 2 anytin.
This is barbaric. The wicked shall know no peace!
Oh. God#big sean's voice#
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