He released the statement below through his lawyer, Rotimi Akinola, yesterday
“As our client said earlier through his press secretary some of the words he used to describe his friendship with Ambassador Ojukwu in his article titled 'A Word For Those Who Call Me A Tribalist” were indiscreet. He hereby withdraws those words
"They were good friends at the time and they had a few mutual friends who are still alive today. The bizarre, absurd and inexplicable assertion that they were not friends and that Ambassador Ojukwu has never met our client is patently false. Though he has not seen her for over 25 years he spoke to her on the phone when her husband passed on last year"So if he's withdrawing the comment, it means he never dated her, bah? So why write it?
That is called personal decision lindaNokia 3310 with Google Adsense
Dis fani kayode must be a very stupid man..den y write abt her in d 1st place?I knw mrs bianca could deny knowing him @ all cos of d way he initially made d nasty statement so 4 me I don't blame her 4 totally deny knowing him...FFK abeg go rest jare, u jst wanted nigerians 2 remeber u re still alive
yea i know the truth will finally unveil.
Bianca was a virgin when she got married to Ojukwu!!
Am sure bout that!!
In my opinion he dated her but only withdrawing the statement to help her safe face...
Obviously the r/ship wasnt a fragment of his immagination and she lied that she never met him and that they were not friends!
Question is why lie when you have nothing to hide...
This man is too cunning. Tender your apology and withdraw your comment and stop fooling around with words.
Let FFK kill d matter and not prolong it...he should just be a gentle man
This man is too cunning. Tender your apology and withdraw your comment if truly you're lying and if not, face her in the court of law rather than fooling around with words.
he is crazy
this guy is mad......NEXT TOPIC PLS
I hope FFK see's how much of a duplicitous person this whole thing makes him seem, the circumambulatory nature of his lawyer is even more despicable! You need be a man of your word and the discrepancies in his statement before and after just scandalous!! SMH at you FFK!
If you ask me, na who I go ask.
Femi Kayode seriously needs prayers
FFK there r more discreet ways of tellin a woman u like her and want to pursue her.
All them attention seekers!
Now, we need to take whatever he says with a pinch or is it a tablespoon........
Because he is a bloody liar.... In addition to being a tribalist!!!! And must never hold political positions ...
This man needs to grow some balls.
Whatever happened is between he and Mrs Bianca.
They should go sort themselves out in camera instead of doing their laundry in public.
~D great anonymous!
Femi Fani Kayode Liar ... He is one very senseless person still looking for relevance ... Shame on you FFK. Stay home and teach your children how to be better than you are and will ever be ...
FFK is a contorted,confused and discombobulated being.
FFK is just confused
He's just a big goat.
First to comment!
when you talk too much you lie....... ffk u see ur life? i hate men who kiss and tell. the guy is such a lowlife. Very painful that such a scumbag attained the post of minister in Nigeria where much more honarale and gentlemen abound. shioooooo!
FFK's friends should check him into a Rehab. he is mentally deranged. At this rate, he a danger to the society.
Best knwn to him. Attention seeker.
FFK is one cute man,dunno why he would go this far to state a claim...too bad.Linda am first to comment oya post sharply.
Dis man need his head checked,he is sick
He dated her,am a mutual friend and am alive.....
Fani kayode don enter hot soup, he will explain till the end of his life.
Dis fool stil get pride. She day una neva meet b4 for life y u dey complicate issues?..ezibida!
he is withdrawing the earlier statement because the integrity of the woman is at stake.the more you look the less you see
i'm short of words. it's gettin interesting...
What is Mutual friends, lot of people have common and mutual friends but that doesnt mean they know each other
This man is unbelievably Stupid , i have friends who are cousins to Dangote , but have i ever met Dangote and family NO .........
Linda,this doesn't sound like he is wirhdrawing anything and why would Bianca say she has never seen him in her life? That's also a big lie.
Ur face is now every where Mr Man don't even try to come to my State...cos I go pour u Acid
Fani Kayode is just an attention seeker
You just don't mess with somepeople, even if they had an affair, he shouldn't hav broadcasted it. Big mouth oshi...
Linda ffk did joor. This is just a good way for amb bianca to get back her image and brush dirt off herself as late ikemba's wife.it is disrespectable for the wife of an ikemba to have had coitus with a junkie like ffk.
Hhahahhahhha,I laugh in greek,Will there ever be an end to FFK and his antics?I tire for dis guy oh!GEJ should pls giv him one position in his cabinet to kip him busy.if not we re in trouble.its idleness dats causing all these.Mtchewwwwwwww.
dis is vry nice n i love it
I have always maintained that FFK has flashes of brilliance which are undermined by his tendency to court publicity by making controversial statements. Why retract it if it is indeed true? I hope his apoogists are as embarrassed as he should be? SMH....
This FFK is full of it, at his age he is still name dropping. To think that he was a one time minister makes it more embarrassing. Ewu Awusa\Hausa
I just tire 4dis ppl,but y will bianca say dey'v neva met b4 wen dey knw demselves...I tink der's sumtyn dey r nt tellin us...linda I no go like find my comment ooo
Dah man sef*smh
FFK! bianca is 2 gorgeous. Hw I wish u never made that comment b4 now.....mutual Biancas!
Foolish man.next time think very well before talking.
No Oº°˚˚ is nt Ewu Awusa/hausa Oº°˚˚!!! Is Ewu ofemmanu/yoruba,kai d bible covers all tins mehn, dos dat tlk to much most tym show d signs of stupidity, lies and all ... Mtycheeeew
wetin i dey do dis fianca sef.
@George Abj, u are as dumb as FFK ...what do u mean by FFK did joor, so because the fool claimed it means it happened. May pple tell Lies on you Geroge and may everyone beleive .........hiss GOAT.
Olodo , trust me if it was true FFK would never have withdrawn the statment .
FFK is a big "Ewu" goat. This man is so useless. Can you imagine . Thid is someone obj appointed a minister!!! Shame on h's entire generation
Linda don't mind him! STUPID Man!
Stupidity @ its peak
*sexy diva*
It very obvious that this Femi Fani Kayode a.k.a "cray cray" needs to be sent to rehab ASAP. We have all met 'men' like him sometime in our lives..a pretty and classy woman meets them, says hello, has one or two mutual friends with them and then BAM!! they go around gossiping and claiming that they have slept with the woman.
He is a moron in an automated form _O
Did u read that properly Linda?
Ffk itih
mtcheww...this Femi goat needs a dirty slap
He dated her and actually had intimate relationship with her, if you read between the line well enough you'll see that he just had to withdraw that statement to protect her image and because there's no need hammering on such matter. The both schooled together in their youthful days and I guess it was then the relationship happen, that was before she met ojukwu. FFK might be a jonkie but he won't say such if it never happened. *ThatFunctionGuy*
So u witnessed it when they were having coitus abi? You better keep quiet.
This FFK is too childish. I wish other women he mentioned their names will take it up as Bianca did. Its a clear indication that he doesn't have respect for his wife n family.
Embarrassment! That's what a man gets for running his mouth like diahorrea. @ George ABJ does FFK look like he care if anyone's image his redeemed? It would have been his utmost pleasure to stand his ground if he actually did.
Enof of ur story mr kiss and tell,wat a shameful act!!! U aren't man enof to stand by ur words Tongue out
This is pure nonsense. Just political settlement to satisfy Bianca and her image.
shey na yoruba guy diz idiat(idiot) be...?am nt surprise,dts hw they behave,u could barely distingush them from animals.tufiakwa bad tin.I beta be childlez than fatherin dz animal(FFK or wateva) in d name of a song.yorubaz r they major prblmz naija haz to tackle.dirty tins.linlin post my comment o...
I think they had an affair and she is just denying it because of the issues she is still having with ojukwus people. on the other hand ffk wasnt supposed to have mentioned her name atleast out of respect. they had an affair, probably a long time agao, he is only withdrawing his statement so he doesnt cause more harm. in my opinion though
This FFK needs to take to Psychriatic hospital for better investigation on his mental health for all Nigerians to know his health stability, if one normal at his age, he must be responsible enough to know what sould be come out of his mouth. Big bastard!!! Must he say everything he sees? Idiot
This FFK needs to take to Psychriatic hospital for better investigation on his mental health for all Nigerians to know his health stability, if one normal at his age, he must be responsible enough to know what sould be come out of his mouth. Big bastard!!! Must he say everything he sees? Idiot
He is jst a bloody liar!
Anything dat comes out of his mouth is lie!
Bloody yoruba goat @ffk!
If u reply me wit an insult dat means u r abastard As well
Of course he did ΐτ̅.ΐτ̅'s just that he shouldn't have bared ΐτ̅ out in the public.They probabaly settled in private and he had to withdraw his statement...hmm what goes on behind closed doors..
who cares
FFK has never met Bianca neither has he spoken to her b4 so he should go tk several beds @ d assylum where ppl like him are made permanent residents.... Onye ara
#foolish man......
Read between d lines.. Saying they have mutual friends who are still alive simply means he has witnesses who can attest that they know eachother well. He is just saying this to save bianca's face.. I believe very much tha they dated but that was a long time ago
Funny Kayode, the child megalomaniac
Never knew what exactly it meant to say or call somebody an ‘ Adult in child’s body until I read Fun- Kayode’s rumbling chatter or schizophrenic gibberish. I swear Kayode like my nine old son (when he is frustrated) does not own enough intellectual development to either hate anybody or mean or constitute a real threat or any evil against Igbos as he rebelliously test his vocabulary war-chest and debate abilities. And like most nine 9 year old, Kayode is seeking attention by displaying what in his mind, his great oratory abilities. As we all know, when one in self-deceit and self-doubt exaggerates one’s own abilities, importance he then challenges him or they he perceives as equals or better than he or she thinks of self. Great men or warriors do not challenge the lowly or the ordinary person. So when the child megalomaniac, Great Funny- kayode calls Igbos name and challenges them for a duel he either undoubtedly assumes Igbos as his equal or greater than his self exaggerated worth and believes that he will get a good run for his bet and challenge. But the only problem here is that there won’t be any show or spectacular to watch because kayode is that 9 year old boy test-taunting a vicious, ruthless yet benevolent warrior that he is dreadfully aware of, the Igbos. Kayode’s schizophrenic gibberish op-eds or whatever they may be called were childishly boastful that he reminded me of my elementary and junior high days when we boasted of the superiority and great accomplishment of our towns, people, and groups. Like students of junior highs, Kayode’s rants are but self-serving comments that can only be made by a tribal xenophobic airhead that his is;kayode is that nine old Yoruba boy trying to escape from, to overcome , to immune against, his Igbo fear by taunting them; trying to know how far he could get or trying to see if he could get away with it. But gripped by fear as he realized that he has gone overboard in his taunting of Igbos, he then begun to coalesce futilely all Nigerians against Igbo. He began to narrate Igbo crimes against all other Nigeria ethnic nationalities. But being a 9 year old he neither witnessed the civil war nor was he aware of the resilience of hated but blessed Igbo people. Kayode is too childish, not old enough to know that no amount of gang up against Igbo would rival the one that preceded, led to and prevailed during the civil war. Being only 9 years old, Kayode is too superficial to notice that Igbos are in full cognizance of their true nature in Nigeria, their bad fate but blessed nature. One could not resist asking how this 9 old inarticulate buffoon with empty ego become a minister in Nigeria. Well this puzzle is not a rocket science because this is Nigeria for you, the land of mediocrity.
Every important personality, learned, every reputable legal scholar of Yoruba descent has said that Fashola’s internal deportation of Nigerian citizens is immoral, illegal, unconstitutional and therefore condemnable. So Igbos should take comfort in the unbiased nature of Yoruba’s important personalities. Nonetheless, Igbos must not make the mistake of be naïve or complacent because the ordinary, unaccomplished, common Yoruba man like any unaccomplished man anywhere in the world dwell self with envy, jealous hate and dislike of the accomplished men living in his midst especially if the accomplished man is seen as a foreigner an outlier. The poverty of the unachieved but hateful person or persons is like vicious circle that reinforces itself because these haters instead of pursuing their goal and destiny they spend greater percent of their time, and human energy unproductively, extorting, hating and envying...ICEMAN
Total jerk
Bia Jenyking...I have told you..housegirls are not allowed on this blog!!!!!!
He fucked her.
Anon4:41:its obvious they did know eachother well,he is just trying to save her face,kapish!
This guy is obviously trying to remain relevant. Unfortunately it's working.
@george fine boy with no sense ...what a pity
Big shame
Oboy! Where is my dictionary
And after getting my dictionary i need panadol to help me understand all ur heavy grammar
Can u read between d lines?.. Read his statement again,he is acertaining that they know eachother well and he even has living witnesses,he regards her as a friend now and he even has her private phone number and still called her to console her when she lost her husband,he actually didn't mean to embarass her with d earlier statment dats y he is rephrasing it now.. He is doing this just to reduce d embafassment he may have caused her. Sumple!
Obviously, Linda didn't read his statement very... This man didn't actually take back his words,he simply rephrased and told us he has living witnesses.
Thank you!. Even Linda no understand d statement this guy just made.. He did not deny anything,he just used milder words
So so grammar! Lwkmd
Am sure a lot of people must have Intervained and advised to rephrase d statement for peace sake.. Read between the lines.
FFK and JFK hv things in common. I hope you wont end like JFK.
Ah ah ah... Prince charming pls take it easy,i dey beg u,am on my way back home o,make u no make jam my head reading ur comment
Dis is Nollywood thing. They have settled it behind d scene, both of them cant deceive us. It is very hard for any woman dat marries a man old enough to be her father not to be playing "away" matches.
Pls men, don't marry anyone you are too far older than.
This George Abj guy is cute sha
lol with all your mouth ffk, you not get liver to stick to ur words.
I'll help those that would not know the meaning
circumambulatory-to avoid the point
Boss i am learning more & more
It is only a stupid and foolish man that never had regard and respect for a woman will open mouth and say silly things about her after their Relationship. FFk could have mentioned her as one of his friends of diff. Ethnicity in the passing. Meanwhile is it only bianca that is his friend from another tribe?. Too bad. If not why her or is he is seeking to belong. He should plz grow up.and don't open mouth when he has nothing to say.
Wow!!!.....I guess you are bianca's personal doctor,or no,her BFF...mba,her mother.....oh no!!,why am I getting it wrong??...I remember now....u are her private part.....lol....abeg don't mind me jareee,but u can't be so sure....a popular igbo proverb says that"a monkey cannot testify for any1(unless its unborn baby monkey),not even the baby monkey on its back,cos it might have plucked a banana without her knowing.....
Lol......CONGRATS SEXY BITCH,I hereby confer on you an "HONORARY FESTACIAN AWARD" for being a "MUTUAL FRIEND"
Don't be pained, there are lots of misfits and scumbags in Nigerian politics...
Says d yansh inspector
Ure guessing,because they attended the same school....so don't rush into conclusions...
Wow!!!.....I guess you are bianca's personal doctor,or no,her BFF...mba,her mother.....oh no!!,why am I getting it wrong??...I remember now....u are her private part.....lol....abeg don't mind me jareee,but u can't be so sure....a popular igbo proverb says that"a monkey cannot testify for any1(unless its unborn baby monkey),not even the baby monkey on its back,cos it might have plucked a banana without her knowing.....
Rat bastard! Trying to rationalize his tribalism and stupidity by soiling other people's image. S.O.B!!! A goat can don a wolf's skin but will remain a goat! Anuman!!!
How u sabi Madame story teller???? Naiha girls with there gossip attitudinal behavior. I tire for Dem o
Those of u saying FFK witdrw his statement to save mRs Ojukwu d embrssment,are only saying dat dis man is not a credible man, and who should ever believe him,4 coming out already to say wat he said, a credible man will only Appologise 4 making d tin public but will never witdrw d statement. If it really happen den let him stand by it and defend it to d latter, if nt den, his words means notin and carrys no substance, y he no save face 4 her at d very begining??? Y nw, wat has he got to loss. Court can't hung him for dating her!!
PC you can speak big big english for Africa o,i trip ur way though
It's also honourable of him to withdraw the comment if there was indeed a relationship and he's falling on the sword to end the chatter. Bravo.
See as FFK come provoke Prince Charming to unleash his grammatical krin krun and vocabulary higi haga on him. Ntooo gi, next time open ur mouth talk rubbish!
FFK's use of wrong word - Intimate!!! Bianca "her sharp lawyer" use of right word - MET!!! Shez never met ie "had any sexual relationship" with FFK!!! My take on this, FFK "VERY VERY MOST LIKELY" dated her and did "EVERY"!!! We be MUMU abi? Like say she be Virgin Mary! Mtchhheeeeewwww!
FFK, you are cockless...dats all!!!
Linda this is 100 level law:
"He hereby withdraws those words" - WORDS not the intimacy claim, meaning he wants to rephrase to save her blushes but the claim stand for those that can read between the lines.
"They were good friends at the time and they had a few mutual friends who are still alive today." - meaning we have witnesses if need be to produce them. Friends usually know who is bonking who.
"The bizarre, absurd and inexplicable assertion that they were not friends and that Ambassador Ojukwu has never met our client is patently false." - this is typical FFK, he used the last paragraph to rubbish the niceties and denials of the earlier paragraphs. Go figure.
It seems to me that they actually dated but he embarrassed her. It is now time for damage control. He has to apologize and insinuate that they did not date but so as not to lose too much credibility, he says they were friends. Read between the lines. This whole thing was caused by the fact that he was too hasty in the first place.
Tolu ko, tolu ni! .lolll!! All haters here are oyigbo. Stop fooling yasef. Linda be careful, u are not untouchable or invisible, I dey warn u....
B4 she met ojukwu? Is ur brain paralysed? Ojukwu is her godfather in church,this means he knws her frm birth, he was her father's close friend! Do ur research b4 u yarn trash
Eiiish! The way ppl come 2 blogs and start feelin familiar is jst appalling!
That makes you how old sexy bitch?
FFk did not do anything, if he did, he will gladly prove it to the world to boost his ego. But unfortunately men like this exist, say hi to them, tomorrow they will tell whoever cares that they have slept with you. Just for the sake of name dropping.
Yes, because u were d white cloth dt was used to clean d blood wen ojukwu disvirgin her.
Oya clap for yourself. You really believe the claims of a deluded serial liar and money looter than a respectable woman who has kept herself in clised doors and out of public controversies, just because they went to the same school with years apart?
I love u Bianca!
He's got mouth diarrhoea... Obviously an encumberance to the society.
With your raunchy profile name, I so much doubt you. Abeg famz small small.
Whether he did or he didn't, it was very childish of mr FFK to say dat publicly,and even more stupid to use dat to reinforce a point! Dis guy is just a confusionist nd shld nt be taken seriously....
Figment of imagination not fragment. Thank me later
lol at jenking ekemezie. im guessing u were there when ojukwu was popping her cherry. see u ode of life..... lmao. i cant mehn. people can be so naive its unbelievable. see if fani kayode did know her and slept with her of course he would retract his statement. thats what is called friendship. its only if hes really a big fat fool that he would want to start forming hes proving himself. infact proving himself would go against all of fani kayodes agenda. he would rather the public see him as a liar now so in the future he would be able to accomplish what he has in mind. people need to be smarter these days. a wise man always picks his battles. bianca was a virgin. lie of life. oshi. like ojuwkwu doesnt know why he married her.
Ojukwu might b d one 2 hv disvirgined her doesn't mean dat she didn't stray somwia along d line,u can't tell
you people on this blog cant really be so stupid. infact linda im highly disappointed in you. of all the people to be naive and stupid u too u join. tsk tsk.
i attended one of the highbrow secondary schools on the island and we all know how we act. we all know our secrets but we would never do anything with the intention to harm our old friends
fani kayode dated bianca. im sure it was when she was younger. but obviously now that he has seen that it is causing her problems he would obviously retract his statement. rich people arent concerned with what d general public thinks about them. they are more interested in maintaining ties with those they grew up with. its the sense of life. what would it profit fani kayode to further diminish binacas name when he knows shes having issues presently. its because he really did know her that he took back his words.
lets all learn to think outside the box and not be fooled by these political people
Linda pls why are u not posting my comments? Is there a special criteria to post comments on ur blog?
Of course he dated her, but for the SHIT head to come and put there business in the public like that must have embarrassed her. This is not an apology though.
Idiot!!! U were the one that was holding touch for them wen they were having the kind coitus abi... berra shut ur mouf.
Mumu FFK.I thought you were bold.Ewu.Ode.Coward.
that man is insane, ole! He stole our money when he was aviation minister which resulted in so many plane crash.
It seems you don't know this guy sha. There are different levels of madness and his is tending between mid-high. He needs psychiatric attention. I don't believe there was even a friendship not to talk of dating.
Funny Kayode, the child megalomaniac
Never knew what exactly it meant to say or call somebody an ‘ Adult in child’s body until I read Fun- Kayode’s rumbling chatter or schizophrenic gibberish. I swear Kayode like my nine old son (when he is frustrated) does not own enough intellectual development to either hate anybody or mean or constitute a real threat or any evil against Igbos as he rebelliously test his vocabulary war-chest and debate abilities. And like most nine 9 year old, Kayode is seeking attention by displaying what in his mind, his great oratory abilities. As we all know, when one in self-deceit and self-doubt exaggerates one’s own abilities, importance he then challenges him or they he perceives as equals or better than he or she thinks of self. Great men or warriors do not challenge the lowly or the ordinary person. So when the child megalomaniac, Great Funny- kayode calls Igbos name and challenges them for a duel he either undoubtedly assumes Igbos as his equal or greater than his self exaggerated worth and believes that he will get a good run for his bet and challenge. But the only problem here is that there won’t be any show or spectacular to watch because kayode is that 9 year old boy test-taunting a vicious, ruthless yet benevolent warrior that he is dreadfully aware of, the Igbos. Kayode’s schizophrenic gibberish op-eds or whatever they may be called were childishly boastful that he reminded me of my elementary and junior high days when we boasted of the superiority and great accomplishment of our towns, people, and groups. Like students of junior highs, Kayode’s rants are but self-serving comments that can only be made by a tribal xenophobic airhead that his is;
kayode is that nine old Yoruba boy trying to escape from, to overcome , to immune against, his Igbo fear by taunting them; trying to know how far he could get or trying to see if he could get away with it. But gripped by fear as he realized that he has gone overboard in his taunting of Igbos, he then begun to coalesce futilely all Nigerians against Igbo. He began to narrate Igbo crimes against all other Nigeria ethnic nationalities. But being a 9 year old he neither witnessed the civil war nor was he aware of the resilience of hated but blessed Igbo people. Kayode is too childish, not old enough to know that no amount of gang up against Igbo would rival the one that preceded, led to and prevailed during the civil war. Being only 9 years old, Kayode is too superficial to notice that Igbos are in full cognizance of their true nature in Nigeria, their bad fate but blessed nature. One could not resist asking how this 9 old inarticulate buffoon with empty ego become a minister in Nigeria. Well this puzzle is not a rocket science because this is Nigeria for you, the land of mediocrity.
Every important personality, learned, every reputable legal scholar of Yoruba descent has said that Fashola’s internal deportation of Nigerian citizens is immoral, illegal, unconstitutional and therefore condemnable. So Igbos should take comfort in the unbiased nature of Yoruba’s important personalities. Nonetheless, Igbos must not make the mistake of be naïve or complacent because the ordinary, unaccomplished, common Yoruba man like any unaccomplished man anywhere in the world dwell self with envy, jealous hate and dislike of the accomplished men living in his midst especially if the accomplished man is seen as a foreigner an outlier. The poverty of the unachieved but hateful person or persons is like vicious circle that reinforces itself because these haters instead of pursuing their goal and destiny they spend greater percent of their time, and human energy unproductively, extorting, hating and envying...ICEMAN
Haaaaaaa... Both of them should go pick up their towel where they had their bath please *mtcheeeeeeew* disturbing us with their kiss and denial story *rubbish*
FFK happens to be my friend but I'm so totally not happy the way he has been messing his status up lately....though we had different view and disagreement when I honestly open up my stand on his late articles and so forth.....But all the same.....Mrs Bianca should please forgive and forget.....we human especially men are full of our egos at times....he got it wrong....but has retracted the statement but also made an unnecessary comment afterwards...FFK be cautious next!
Because he is a raving lunatic and a mad dog.
Idiot of a man! Ewu Gambia! You called her when her husband died ......does that mean that she knows you and you are friends? I'm very sure all sorts of random name dropping people called her when her husband died - fool! Does that mean they are all her friends?
@jenyking pls close dat gutter u call mouth. LIB is open 4 every1 to comment and then u came here and started saying rubbish. Do u knw d meaning of virgin? And u said u r sure? I guess u were in her virginal or u were d one dat helped ojukwu spread her legs on d day he disvirgined her. Rubbish! U r worst than d useless FFK. Ewu gambia! Anuofia.
Ewu jenyking, am not sure bianca can remember when and who disvirgined her and u r here saying u r sure? U r a big goat!
Linda where are all my posts? Ppl nid 2 read it cos this FFK is a lowlife.post them or...let me comment my reserve.I got that from a reliable source,so dnt joke with me.
If Bianca ppl really found FFk lying, they would have tried to hang him publicly. They would have gone to court to embarrass him. But since they now know d truth they accepted the same apology that he had made earlier just to save face. Otherwise, they would have gone to court to prove that he is liar. Whatever d truth is, the damage has been done. So, get over it.
Hmmmmmmmm. No comment. Linda did u read what u posted? The man is re-emphasizing dt he knows d woman. Full STOP.
I thought he was stubborn. I guess the thought of being taken to court scared d hell out of him. She could have asked for 50 million in damages. He would be careful when running his mouth next time.
na dem sabi. yadda yadda yadda...
Bianca ignore ds man, No!
Femi act a man...No!
PM or watever ur name is...I jst wanna ask u a ?..Dnt u av a life?U 'over say' things and u r becoming more of a nuisance on dis blog..Jst sayin..Pls chill a lil..MaRyam
PC ,u be correct goat. Dey decieve those u sabi decieve.onuku
This FFK is he okay?how come he was once a Minister of d FRN? He is not a matured man,he talks any how.
I still don't undstd why some are so senseless,frm d onset ,FFK didn't mean she slept with her,its morons dt misinterprets d whole issue, + why is Bianca asking him to withdraw d statement if nt dt its real after all he mentioned three pple , so? + Bianca if u read dis dose pple insulting FFK re doin so on tribal aspects so don't be deceived pple like or prefer u to FFK. Av said my peace
he is withdrawing it in order for peace to reign. He definitely did it.
So what is so special about a woman who slept with her fathers best friend? This is a woman who seduced or allowed herself to be seduced by her Christian godfather. Pleeeese! She would be lucky to have been intimate with a normal guy before. At least that would make her normal.
And what is the big deal about a guy dating a girl.
Yes it was in bad taste to tell the whole world, but Bianca should have let the matter rest. Her response was childish, stupid and dishonorable. Now she should just keep quiet and let the matter die with time.
Linda u are not right. U did not download the entire statement from FFk's lawyers. f u did everyone will know that hew was not backing down at all. As a matter of fact, I read that in an interview granted by Bianca, she alluded to the fact that she dated FFk. She was asked why they did not get married and she stated that "it was not meant to be" Apparently, FFK's girlfriend (now his wife) got pregnant while Bianca & FFK were planning to get married and that was what kept them from getting married.
And there are few thing that can happen to a man worse than taking back your words!
Jennykin u must be so dumb 2 say dat. Idiot
Abeg Pc dis ur make over grammer is enof. E be like say u deey attend household of God. Or is it dat u just grab dictionary anytime u come 2 dis blog.
Bia ozugo b4 u loose our respect here.
Utter rubbish. Senseless use of words. And gbagaun.' The discrepancies in his statement before and after just scandalous!! '. Does this last sentence make any sense? Or did u decide to add pidgin? It should be 'the discrepancies in his statement before and after is just scandalous!! Always concentrating on big words and ignoring the smaller ones which are more important. U can only fool the uninformed.
Seriously,this PC has serious issues. Ur words make very little sense. U are such a bore. Who are u trying to impress? Pssssssshhheewwwww
Guy,abeg fuck off. Who u dey blow grammar wey no get meaning for? Ewu gambia
Huh? Abeg park well. This coinage of words are useless
Ohhh God, wish u all know who and what Femi is. He's a pathological LIAR! He's done it to ladies I know o...believe me when I say that if truly Femi dated this woman, he would av stylishly divulged the info/evidence tru his media cohorts, unsolicited too. And he would av denied it was him ltr. Same way he exposed that girl vivian, which he ltr denied and said his BB was hacked!
That's his operand. Bloody coward had to say something within the 7days ultimatum issued him. The truth is that he may have met Bianca in london, but she prolly didn't know who he was until now. Which is why she's saying they av never met. Femi being who he is, he imagines that every Nigerian home n abroad should know him or his name, or atleast his family. He thinks too highly of himself and he keeps imagining that every woman wants him. He's a deluded Psychotic narcotic LIAR! Bianca should pursue the libel suit. Bloody faggot
@ ICEMAN: you said it all bruv.
Yeah, you are right, he has a big mouth...
Anyone who supports evil, evil will never depart from his or her house, FFK has done evil and i see people here supporting him. This man told a lie against this lady which he has withdrawn but some people here do not like it, may your wish for Bianca come upon a hundred fold.
If all u read the above statement allegedly from FFk's lawyers, I do not see anything that talks about backing down. All that talk about backing down is a figment of your imagination. Ibos are mad and angry and as such unable to see the truth even when it is staring them in the eye. Get over your anger. He (FFK) fucked your queen. It is as simple as that.
I wonder, Linda. Unless we're being told Mrs Ojukwu never dated anyone before she married Ikemba. Who would be ashamed of having dated Fani-Kayode? His education, his pedigree, his masculinity... Abeg, although he's now 53, I wouldn't mind a fling with him.
If u read the lawyers statement u hear they said that " and they have a few friends who are still alive today." FFK is telling u that he has proof of their relationship. So, those of u who are saying otherwise, are all wasting your time. He fucked her and that is the end of the issue. So get over it. HE FUCKED HER.
Please anybody with BB charger?
Yes he withdrew his statements but he dint withdrew the fact that they had a relationship. When will the mainstream Nigerians understand English ? This is what is destroying Nigeria. We do not understand ourselves because only 15% Nigerians understand the official language (English)
He withdrew the statement as a gentleman in honour of a pretty lady ! Its what a gentleman would do ! though if he gets slapped around (ironically) by Nigerians, then its because he was careless to have say such in the first place ! He should have known better that you don't kiss and tell.
Having said that, I suggest the best solution to Nigerian problems is to adopt our local language in each local region. That is, Igbos speak and govern in Igbo language. Yorubas, do the same and Hausas do the same as well. Its the best solution to the Nigerian problem ! All these even coming from the brain of a man in his Twenties.
why would FFK lie?I'm sure he dated Bianca.#fact#
Femi was wrong to have mentioned all his Ibo female friends but in his usual character he did,don't why men these days kiss ad tell as if there are trophies to be won but BIanca should just have ignored him everybody has a past and she is not immune whether married to Ojukwu or not after all he no meet her as virgin.No man would instill on knowing her though rephrase his words as he did if nothing ever happened between them but he realized his error late and want to save her face and restore her honour as a woman.Both should just let sleeping dogs lays otherwise unexpected exposé with come out from dyrhea mouth and could be worse,
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