The robbers were caught after hotel staff called the police when the robbers stormed the hotel looking for their target. The police found two guns and 12 live ammunition in Chioma's car and promptly arrested her and her gang. She later told the police the guns were for an operation over a land matter.
The 35 year old gang leader said she is a Law graduate from the University of Lagos, where she supposedly graduated in 1999 and called to bar in 2000. A claim that has been found to be untrue. Chioma is currently locked up at Kirikiri while awaiting trial...
Other members of Chioma's gang include: Raymond Chukwuka, 24, Ignatius Okeredi, 27, Michael Madu, 52, Okechukwu Jerome, 28, and Amadi Igwe, 41.
Truely wat a man can do...surely Chioma has done best!Lol....first to comment!Yaaaaaaaaay
did you say female? well that just justifies the saying "what a man can do..."
loolz @ what a man can do,a woman can do better.
God created man and rested,but since he created woman neither God nor man has rested.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
indeed what i man can do a woman can do even better, what i shame a woman a gang leader!!!!!!!
Igbo people! Smh, all they lnpw is to steal, prostitute and do rituals, haba! Curse me n be cursed
correct ...linda u no get news again dis old skool fa......next
Even though nigerian governemt no try onto providing jobs for its citizens still nothing justify se make person go into armed robbery. End of the road hope una dey enjoy una new flat for kirikiri?
Let me hear anyone call a Yoruba person an uncalled name again.... From day one I think it is safe to say the igbos have always looked for quick money making scheme, blood money, robery etc,..... Just saying..oh oh
Wonders shall never end. God pls keep us safe from the wicked ones n touch d hearts of our leaders to better our country so dt d crime rate will be reduced, amen.
Thank God say no be Yoruba People.
We for no rest.
Ur news came very early O Nne. Old last week's news is wat ur reporting 2dy.
The situation of the country is in a mess... but regardless, robbing is not the way out
In addition to all the Tribalistic, Prejudiced LIB readers, that is not the solution to our problems..
Igbo cursing Yorubas, and vice-versa... are u guys dumb to see that this is the least of our problems...
I shake my head in diaspora....
Like Yoruba pple say "yoruba ronu"
I would say Nigerians ronu" "Nigerians think" and use ur God-given brains.
fucking desperate igbo people,they can do anything for money
Bia Linda this na old news now, abi your clock dey run late?
Crime has no gender...May justice take its course!
what ar they waiting, they shld be killed!! wtf, i so hate this peepz...
Omo ibo! O gaa ju!
I know her personally. Its sad she ended like this.
9ja... She probably wants to draw sympathy with the LAW GRADUATE thing... **is wa oh**
52???? Rotflmao
Linda true women can do better buh no b dat kin rep we dey find na abba
Omo see gobee
They look scraggy and confuse. The law breaker herself.Real Secrets to weightloss and healthy eating
Old gist...linda! Hian...I read this last week
Stealing is fun!!! Only the stupid ones get caught!!!!*winks*
Can't stop laffing abt ur comment esp the last part, really got me cracked up.
Imagine a 52year old arm robber, na wa o. Maybe he was planning to retire at 60 and. collect pension. Hisss, stealing no be career o
Igbo kwenu! Lol.
You talk without thinking, 4geting that linda is also an igbo chic,shey she's also stealing and prostituting abi doing rituals, I guess if she werr doing that you wunt have the platform to vomit this rubbish you just wrote.
Abeg don't bring your tribalistic poison 4rm other blogs to come and infect us here
Lol! You're stupid!
Toluwalashe, u look lik a fine masquerade.
Tribalistic fool! Is it nt your people that are so known wit rituals and stuffs like that. If u don't have anything to say, I advise u close that cesspit u call mouth!
Her name is Chioma????????? Egba mi o!
You do realise that the owner of this blog is among the same tribe of people you're insulting?
And those yoruba boys that were found practicing yahoo werr also of igbo origin abi...abi all no be stealing
The day we start acccepting that it all depends on the indivudual the better 4 us
Or you can do without washing your pants for days becus they say that's what yoruba girls do now
Just comment without being tribalistic and bounce abeg
Hungry Ibos stealing on Yoruba soil.Now tell me fashola was not right to have deported those lots.I hope Orji Uzor will comment on this matter cos they are his people.-Odua
You know linda is igbo? If you hate them so much, then stop reading lib
No rest now
You think every1 has hate in them like you do?
Ewu Yoruba! Is it not your people that have the most ritual tendencies in d whole of dis country. Anuofia!
This is the kinda comment I love
Thanks boo
I love you my sister/brother
And I'm igbo
No be gobee na skelewu, its a shame she is a product of our selfish gov that cannot provide solid education and jobs for its citizens, if she wasn't an armed robber she probably would have been a prostitute that one senetor will be sleeping with.
Shut up! Ugly face.
Oh! Igbo people? Including wonderful role models like; oluchi onwegba, linda ikeji, chimamanda adichie, late chinua achebe, chiwetel ejiofor etc?
May God forgive you for the rubbish you say!
Sharp sharp unilag don deny their own.hmmmnnn,if na harvard give am scholarship dem for dey lay claims say na dem alumnus.greaaaat akokites-great,greaaat MAULAG-great.
Hmmm, it is wa sha ooo.
If I talk now, they will say I have come again. Igbo heffas again? Mouth super glued o....
Why do so called armed bandits never look like they are living the life. They all look sick and disease infested yet they rob people of millions, if not billions of naira. Wicked souls
Thunder and ekpenta visit who ever wrote that ibo people steal prostitution and ritual, here in the States all the thieves and fraud done by Nigerian are the stupid ofemanu, Idiots,
Very hard girl..where did you miss it?so this is your own organisation where you employed both young and old? Omo ole ofon!i must be a "bigz gez"by all means!
End time tinz. Hmmmmmmmmm *smh
Is anyone complaining that crime has gender? Mscheew!
Nooo she said Male
Thank God i was not created Ibo...Smh
Linda pubish ma comments, oh, and Bia Ada Nmadu! I have fat diamond ring for you as soon as I make it back
To Nija
All d igbos for blog dey say old news old news.shame on una
when will all these trialbalsitic nonosense again. Does it mean that yorubas don't steal? you gus should grow up and stop discrimating.
WHy do yorubas discrimate?why do the hate Ibos so much with passion? even in workplace,chuch,gatherings etc?is that what you are been taught as children?
This guys are not igbos, igbos worked hard, that name is treet name,
dont mention igbo yoruba cow
Law graduate my foot. They should face the law,that is if we still have any. *eyes rolling*
Igbo Pple Tho...Awon Omo Ole jati jati
University of Lagos graduates can't be thiefs!! *spits*!! Stop spoiling my Alma-mata.....
What a man can do,a woman can do better.
Indeed...But in the wrong way
This life is turnin to sometin else..wit all due respect it can happen to any tribal,igbo or not..look at what moni is causing pple to do...God pls help us all..
Where are all u retarded and tribalistic ibo people now? Oya come and start talking shit now. This isn't directed at all ibo people..only the unenlightened fucking idiots who feel the need to mention yoruba this yoruba that whenever anything happens..like they better than anyone. Where are you now??? Come and carry your people who were caught in the act doing what they do best! I only speak the truth..if u don't like it...fuck you too..I mean it..FUCK YOU!!!
Well said Prince Charming. A 52yr old man carrying arms? Hmmm.... The Nigerian situation need divine and human intervention. It is well.
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See her fine skin.
This ibo people r too desperate
Awon omo igbo noni,shior!!!
Choi . . . 9ja
Make Naira Online
You're a big fool..a very very big fool
They are the most ruthless
What a man can do a woman can do.....
Pls! Hold it right there! Armed robbery is nt a tribe thing! If na so, how can you explain my being robbed by yoruba ppl in Abuja? Ewu Gambia! Fool. Very fickle idiot. Na una type dey coz kata-kata for 9ja. Call d situation wat it is, dnt start naming tribes. Mountain goat!
Idiot motherfucker,sheybi godogodo and sina rambo are ibos..u'll just open ur smelly gutter mouth and be saying gibberish.fucked up imbecile.
As if we don't know armed robbery is number one in Yoruba land. Can't blame Igbos for that one. Bloody juju ritualists
Odikwwa egwu ooo. Oh!
holy lord my name sake lol,God have mercy on her soul cos she choose this path herself.
One female gang leader and you've come to that conclusion? If she was so good, why did she get caught?!
Pathetic that you're showing pride at this kind of occurrence. Can't say I expect any less from you. ;-)
Shameful.....#laffing in yoruba#
Gist us abt her as u knw her personally...ur sis?
See her ooglie face,lyk dt of a tiff
Look at all the tribalism on this blog! Oh Lord have mercy for your country called Nigeria. This is the main reason this country is not moving forward.
Ur mentality is already a curse upon u
Me too dey wonder o, Lmao. Awon werey, drs nutting dey can't do 4 money. Igbo no dey carry last 4 anything, if na rituals, num1, stealing, same same, 419 same thing, use family do juju, same na ni! I hail thee
4 duplex in hell waiting for them
(twitter n instagram for funny pics)
Igbo kwenu!!! Ke kwanu? Igbos no de carry last,dy r talented in evryffin...
Stori....u dy catch thieves wit onli 2guns#y u no go catch dos 1nz wen dy cari...50guns,2000live amunitions,1 big filling machine.2big generators,wit 3hiace truck and 1 hummmer truck..#nonsence...wit nid mor dan dis abeg..*not interesting
...and what kind of useless 52 years old grand pa would allow himself to be led by a girl of 35 in robbery operation???
Na soso ibo women dey do this arm robber thing pass! Hian!!!
Fashola please deport more.
Dis foolish ibo ppl are quite now...assuming its yoruba dey wld talk...listen guys its nt dat we cnt talk we r jst more exposed n matured dan u guys. At 52? Lord av mercy. Quick money is al they want...robbery,stealing,rituals,prostituting is wat dey do best!!!!
All of U̶̲̥̅̊ dt are hell bent on makin dis shii tribalistic,I actually tink U̶̲̥̅̊'ll end up worse dan her. Animals.i
Such is life.
@Anon....y are u calling igbo people? What has tribe got 2 do with robbery. You got nting 2 say just shut the fuck up...mitchewwww
U r already cursed! No need to curse u!
Am not igbo nor yoruba but u tribalist goats always like creating enemity btwn d igbos n yorubas n its bad!
Make una dey give una sef brain.
These brainless ethnic bigots must think they've made very smart comments. I feel really sorry for anyone promoting tribalism in 2013. The world will leave you behind. Criminality transcends tribe or gender. Get that into your thick skulls
Linda y didn't u post ma comment
Yoruba Idiot, ndi ofe mmanu, dirty stinking pigs as black as my shit. I have seen u people are nt the desperate ones okwia. Onyi iberibe. U people are the reason Nigeria is like this in the 1st place. Linda better post this comment for this yoruba fool to see
Igbo pple,wat stops her from doin trade instead of stealing, as 4 dat 52yr old man poverty has ruin his life, ole
Pls reply my comment only if she has robbed you. Is she brutal? Does she rape? *runnin away wit my bucket*
Mr tribalist! Deal with the issue on ground. Incase. U were unable to discern what the issue was: here it is- armed robbery which as a crime can be comitted by anyone irrespective of tribe. Shior
Madam, the issue isnt the tribe of who committed what offence but the offence that was committed. U yorubas don't knw hw to focus
Yea! And u can't!! Mmmtchew
U ar very stupid 4 wat u said.just becos an igbo gal is an arm robber dosnt mean all igbos ar armed robbers. Its ur family dat is an arm robber nd a prostitute nd a ritualist. FOOL
Oh lord Jehova send d light into our live n these nation
When will evil folks stop pushing the name of my beautiful alma mater each time they are caught? The same claim was made by the bastards that murdered Cynthia Osokogu....Just when!!!
Igbo!igbo!igbo!igbo! Kwedu hey kwedu hey lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Na Wa o,Am speechless.
Linda, y are u accepting ndi ala here?
See as they ar calling igbo if this girl is a yoruba and a single igbo utters a word all the yoruba will descend on the igbo.yorubas are shouting bt I havnt seen any igbo respond here.yoruba people ur hatred for the igbos are so obvious,I wonder what nigeria will look like if igbos lives,am sure ur hatred will be transfered to us the edos, Godforbid
People cursing out igbo's ® very foolish. Who told u we ® d problem nigeria has? Can u people count how many yoruba people that have bn arrested 4 armed robbery n co? Pls when u pple talk, be reasonable. Every tribe is to blame 4 dis mess in Nigeria.
Shut up der bonario,where did u see or hear dat 1? Ebot
Oooo did I just talk to my bonario like this,oo my love,just teasing anyway#lol#
Ndi igbo kwenu hia kwezenu eeeehhhh!!smh for u lots ( ˘˘̯)
Nor mind dem! After now they will say na dem develop lagos. If anything na dem bring thievery come this end. Fucking human meat eating, spearpart dealing, arrogant, tribalistic, lousy, thieving, yoruba wanna be bitches
Many are just hearing dis now...pls those dat can get information b4 Linda ..kindly open ur own blog...so dat u feed us b4 Linda pls
L̳̿Ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀(=D)ː̖́☺Ö̤̣̇L̳̿....#"bona...bona"..i hope say ur mooma no dey visit LIB#..her face realy looks "KiriKiri"...if u enter dere once...u no go tink of tinkin of comMitin any CriME#
igbo kwenu
Igbos can use themselves for rituals,I fear that tribe mehn,linda love post my comment o
Wao! What a world! I know one EzekwesiLi who is a great woman - famous in this country, Africa, and globally. Here is a another EzekwesiRi who is a female robbery gang leader. Worlds Apart.
Anon 6:08 kitikpa lachakwa gi anya...if u guyz had d kind of mind we hav,FFK won't b talkin shit wit a woman.#NDIALA#
Of a truth, a fool @ 40 is a fool 4ever! Wot on earth is a 52 n 41 year old doin in an armrobbery gang?????? lmsao
Is this not dsame Chioma that was terrorizing Port Hacourt, Rubbing Banks etc?
The yoruba calling igbo names are all FOOOOOLLLSSS.. You pple are so full of hate and jealousy for the igbos.. Any lil thing igbo igbo, like u guys look up to d igbos with so much envy its not our fault. Stealin, rituals, yahoo yahoo or whatever is an individual tin and not tribe, in festac yoruba brothers killed their own brother for rituals, yoruba boys steal and pick pockets and infact I know yoruba boys in my street who av vowed they won't work but waiting for one maga to pay but I will neva say yoruba dis or yoruba dat. You guys should cut d igbos some slack, the reason u guys are so bitter about them is not far fetched.. And its not our fault u guys get over it so it will be well with u and ur generations. Say one bad word of the igbos and ur tongue will hang in ur throat. What nonsense!
..Beautiful and Proud Ada Igbo
Ole ajibole ole...omo unilag ole,omo maulag ole ajibole ole,great akokite ole,great maulag ole
Lol @ anon 6:08pm, u took d words outta my mouth. those dat always talk shit about d yorubas should start talking nw.
All these foul mouthed morons insulting Igbo people,is "gbomo gbomo' an Igbo word?.Credit card fraud,drug peddling,adultery is like a birth right to the yorubas.Nonsense
Oh so u guyz can be pained? Dats aw it feels 2 mention yorbs each tym any issue comes up...and pls don't drag linda into it. Doesn't she see yur pathectic/bittered comments all d tym. Like I said early its nt dt we don't c or av a reply 2 ur comments,we jst ignore u most tyms.so don't start wat u can't finish
Its a warning
See me see all diz low self esteemed nd no sense of humour igbos, so now u can talk abut bn tribalistic? Who started it? Any lil fin yorubas..can we jst rest 4 once? I knw wt u guys problems are 'inferiority complex'
I think linda needs to really censor some comments. Not everyone is sane to make comments in a social environment like ours. Linda please YOU NEED TO STOP INCITING TRIBAL WAR THROUGH YOUR BLOG! Its getting messier. Be a responsible nigerian!
Pls, criminality is based on personality not TRIBE.... Lets stop being stupid in this country and blaming everytin on d oda tribe...
thief are everywhere, north, south, yankee, u.k...so PLS
What are u waiting for goan kill dem na foolish girl....who even knows if ure not a thief just hiding in sheep skin cos we Nigerians can pretend,when dey catch u say u steal na me go first say make dem kill u big ram!!!!
Ure so retarded.....imagine in dis 21th century u stillhv no common sense dat so common,retarded bastard
Idiot,retarded fool..is it area boys n girls una deydo up n down fools,go get a life yo!cos u suck!
Ur papa get any land fool,wen u die dey find land wey u go carry go na...retarded fool
Evils eeer whr...no work in this useless country,why she nor go thief...mtweeeeewwww
Chioma is not only a thief but a prostitute and a witch.A cursed devils agent.
Y so pained @ d igbos..... Lmao stop playing d victim abeg abi una wan protest?? Abegiii make una rest.... Ati igbo ati yoruba we all ONE... Let dat sink plzzzz
I knew it.. Ibos are the worst tribe in nigeria and ive never been to that country.. international observer !
Like as if we dont know what Igbos do. Sick people
Now Fashola should send all Igbos back to their dead cities ! nonsense people !
I agree with what you just said a hundred percent. But I also hope you have the same advice for Igbo people when they start spewing tribalistic venom too, because they do. It's a two-way street here. We all need to grow up and allow peace and love to reign.
Yoruba Chic
@ 5.49. I doubt if u can define at least to a layman's understand, d word shame!!!!
I cnt stop laughin,women too much,vry powerful beign,hahahahahabahahahhehehehezeez
These idiots came to rob our street 2 weeks ago. in the process they killed one alfa. They should be killed.
@5:51pm..shey na by force to comment? See all d errors on ur comment alone. Kindly get an oxford dictionary plz. It ll help you a lot. Thank me later wen u have an A in English in ur WAEC....
Some people are just clueless,by calling igbos thieves and ritualist,and am sure some of you are employed by igbos in their company's,and you come here to spit rubbish,may God forgive you all.
Former Governor Kalu Ujor or Uzor Kalu is right; this is what the Igbo people have and will continue to contribute to Lagos.....roll eyes
Dear Lord let all of them be caught with ease cos they are everywhere perpetrating evil and going scot-free and i hope she would not blame the devil on this one,,they should please give her a kirikiri welcome!
At least we 'yorubas' don't eat human meat. Whats ur favorite part my lousy, spare part dealing, retarded, yoruba wanna-be cannibal brother? We are wht u wanna be but can never be..and when shit hits the fan..dont worry we'll be right there waiting for ya *wink*
Eje...5:40 pm Sept 11... You are a dickhead you cocksucker....Twat like you do you know what it takes to gain admission into Unilag's Faculty of Law, asshole?
Unilag's law faculty is the best and leading law faculty in Nigeria. Last NIALS ranking says so. Sure you don't know this, fool.
It has produced the largest number of SANs in this country. I am sure an idiot like you don't know this fact, too.
Entry requirement into the Faculty of Law of UNILAG is the most prohibitive. The standard is terribly high. You must be well above average to be admitted into that faculty; and a genius to graduate even with a 3rd class LLB...
Once I saw her claim of Unilag, I knew without thinking that the fucking armed robber bitch was up to mischief, an inveterate liar and evil personified!
I knew with the least imagination.
I am a lawyer. A proud Akokite... If you are a beefer of UNILAG, and love to hear negative news to feed your beef and inferiority complex, not this one, cos its a no brainer.
Woe betide her, if the magistrate or judge to hear her matter is an Akokite!
see what the igbos are doing to lagosians that accomodates them.
Well, I see this in 3ways, first, a thief is a thief, irrespective of tribe, I hav been robbed by both igbos n yourubas but its so bad dat igbos r caught dis time. Secondly,on d issue of tribalism, u wilnt knw d importance of a kitchen knife until u losse it. Yourubas r trying but honestly yorubas wil neva pass a constitution that wil let Igbos leave lagos.. Lastly, Lynda is making her money, making more on her two main idea (wat a woman can do & tribalism). I am Igbo, n I love youruba dearly bcos I live in Lagos.
Ur just an idiot#rollingeyes
Stupid yoruba illitrates nd dia supporters..,wen did armed robbery bcome tribalistic crime, use ur six senses pls,dats if u hav any nd focus on d robbery part nd not on d fact dat d robbers are Ibos pls..,as for u annonymous nonentity dat said ibos r ritualists robbers nd all dat, amadioha mapukwa gina ndi abguru gi niile isi ebe ahu, aturu mamfe di ka gi..// biko linda postukwaa my commnt oo, tnx
hello all,the story has another dimension.this is a land dispute revenge hit gone wrong. let them release the name of the man they after. you will find out the real story.
Chai dis guy on blue right beside her stays in my area in lere,popularly knwn as (stubborn)he use 2 b a soldier b4 o,chai may b dey don pursue ham oga o
I know this lady,she did go to Unilag and she studied law but she did not graduate. We were in same faculty.
Damn!!! You are too mean, wtf mehn . I'm yoruba and dis issue of robbery isn't supposed to be a tribal issue . Anyone can be a thief or an armed robber irrespective of the tribe . Its smh how people think sha
Damn u are too mean, WTF . Stealing or robbery is not a tribla issue . U ppl need to think if u do have a brain , I'm yoruba and haven't u seen a robbery gang consisting of the 3 major tribes ? So what will u call dat ? Use ur brains pls
Lol u are so funny, but u are mean
All you FUCKING YOURBA BASTARDS who have come on this blog to bray like blasted donkeys, have you forgotten about the recently nabbed crime lord, Godogodo (or whatever his pseudonym is) who the police described as being worse than the legendary criminal, Shina Rambo. You've all suddenly developed convenient amnesia in order to bare your rotten xenophobic fangs on this particular incidence and spitting utter tosh. Crime is crime no matter the tribe or color of the culprit. I really wish I could "Jerry Rawlings" you guys from the face of the earth. Fucking, stinking, palm oil drinking, amala chopping bastards.
The tribal marks have visibly disappeared from your faces but they are apparently well etched on your pea sized brains. Smell you later cock suckers.
yoruba people r d most tribalistic people iv eva come across..they r so tribalistic, u people r not better than ibos, ditrtry black yoruba people, d dirtiest people in nigeria r yorubas, ofcus there r some bad eggs in iboland but d fact remains that ibo people r still better in everything, we r richer, finer and have more sense..d only good thing u stupid yorubas have is this lagos... and majority of d people talking r not even from lagos, they r from dead states like ondo,osun and co. so d earlier u people stop being tribalisitic d beta for u. all ur men want to marry igbo gals bcos yourba gals just have dirty pussies and r slots. stupid people.
a proud igbo gyal!
if an average igbo man or woman tell you she is into business. just know the person is a criminal.
show me one igbo that made clean money from hard work. fucking criminals
Is this Chioma that went to FGGC Owerri. If so then she had these tendencies from way back then.
IGBO!!!!! Chai
LOL @Bonario. "God created man and rested, but since he create woman neither God nor man has rested." Very funny
Na waooo wetin ibo people do naa
Linda I know you wouldnt post my comment because the truth hurts.
bastard igbo human eating animal said they are are better. idiot i can feed your family. the fuck is wrong with these animals. lets say it as it is, i can fucking feed your family you fucking ingrates.
which fucking state are you from, tell us where the fuck you fucking animal is from, broke ass bitches. saying they are richer, how many house your family own in lagos. you think is by owing a trading store you fucking animal.
i am a Yoruba boy. fine and fresh like silk. fucking igbo girls, chichi will soon come fuck me again fucking yorubawanabe mother fucker.
fake drugs na dem, fake cloths na dem, fake parts na dem, armed robbery na dem, rituals na dem, kidnapping na dem. all vices you fucking animals are the champions.
get the fuck out of the west you fucking mother fuckers.we dont need your theifing animals. talking about beauty, see shallow mother fucker. lets see your fucking picture you fucking animal.
we going to burn ya all, fucking tribal mother fuckers.
An average ondo girl is finer than you fucking bleaching mother fuckers. dont fucking mention ondo state in your fucking miserable life.
fucking animals cant live in the east, they come in droves to the west like flies. fucking animals.
come to the west and turn to criminals stealing cars and all criminal activities. you fucking animals dont deserve to be among normal people. you fucking idiot saying you are rich, pls what car do you drive. you fucking idiot. chest beating boastful mother fuckers.
Am so sorry for those of u engaging urselves in tribal verbal war,what is this thing about the lbos and the yorubas not aggreeing.Linda over to u,find out the origin of the hatred btw the two tribes.to d subject matter,stealing is evil & it cuts across all tribes,race & colour,there is no need to particularize it to a tribe.O Lord change our attitude towards one another in this nation. .change-advocate
U r jst a bloody fool
I promised myself I wouldn't comment, God knws I tried, but after reading all these comments I am aghast @ d no of brainless whippersnappers who have d misfortune to handle a fone or have access to d internet. I'm seriously smh becos its so obvious an education was wasted on d lot of u!! You nonentities dat are sitting down on ur smelly asses throwing tribal slurs, fuelling tribal wars as if u're gonna get paid for it are forgetting dat d pple who started all dis shit are busy sitting in their houses laughing @ d unending ignorance of morons like u!..For shame! Wat has tribe got to do wit criminality???...anon commentator no4, u're a coke head! Watever speed u're on will fade away soon nd u'll be left wit ur own stupidity, u started dis shit nd d rest of d herd piled on, technology is wasted on u!
let stop quarreling over an issue we should be lamenting for. lady should not be advise to live this way. as for chioma i know that by now she will be learning to live a life without thinking to still or rub anybody. pls, important note: chioma is not the founder of claimed ngo (Youth of All Ntions) the founder is a lawyer he studied in enugu state university. chioma u better change from ur dubious living.
The first person to comment made a huge mistake,and you all followed....I pity the direction this country is going......crime is universal and does not restrict itself to a tribe
Igbo people sha.....they can do begger at all but Ritual and stealing thing dem be baba
what a disgrace!
I have been following comments here with a feeling of deep disgust. There are so many proof the majority here ate their school fees. Whoever said education is wasted on you is a wise person indeed. Basic989
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