Cocaine mess update: Redeemers' Univeristy re-admits students | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Cocaine mess update: Redeemers' Univeristy re-admits students

In February 2013, 28 students of Redeemers University were expelled by the university for allegedly failing drug tests. The tests were conducted last November for 42 students during their exam. The expulsion generated a lot of criticisms causing the school to rescind its decision in April. The school wrote letters to the affected students asking them to face a panel to explain why they failed the test, after which the panel would make a new judgement.

Well, the school has reviewed the case and has decided to re-admit all 28 students on the condition that the students will miss a whole semester and go for five month rehabilitation at a rehab centre. A decision that didn't go down well with the affected students and their parents.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of Caritas University. Glorified Secondary school.

:) said...

See their mouth like rehabilitation center. Last time I checked, it's only addicts dat needs rehabilitating. We nigerians likes copying and along the line their over sabi makes dem over copy

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Nice one! The students idiosyncrasies should be checked now more.

Anonymous said...

Gud for them,1st 2 comment lol.

Yemmie Oscar said...

Whoop! A whole semester.


Still no uhuru yet,what a poisoned chalice.
Justice is yet to be done.
Pray they won't decide to conduct virginity test someday.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Rough Diamond said...

They have tot abt d money they will lose n they have reconsider.

Mz MNB said...

Koko of d stowie dnt fail drug test at redeemer university.. *lobatan*

Nneka said...

Na dem sabi. Smppl myt take drugs for special reasons best known to dem.

Unknown said...

Yimu 4 dem.....mthsheeeew

Anonymous said...

Lol! I hope they reject c offer n sue d school.

Unknown said...

Thank God they were eventually called back if it is Covenant University u'll neva be called back and there's nothing u can do about it.
So be thankful that ur yrs in RUN didn't turn out to be a waste afterall.

Ugonma said...

Can't people live an upright life? I taya!

Anonymous said...

Trash! Dey need d money joor!
~D great anonymous!

tan said...

What do dey expect the school authority to do?to just leave d students like dat and use dia own to destroy other students.I think dis judgement is fair enough,if dey don't want it den dey shld send their children abroad or watever.

Anonymous said...

Pls when will pst Biodun Fatoyinbo com out wt his so called "powerful" response?Im fast losing my christian patience o!

Anonymous said...

Wow, only in nigeria that students will be re-admitted after failing a drug test. To make it worse instead of the parents to be upset that their kids are drug addicts and they should enter a rehab ASAP, they are angry at school officials. WOW, what has really happened to the parental responsibilities in this supposed conservative country. Oh i almost forgot a country where parents buy degree certificates for their kids. Well done future generations. hahahahaha!!!!!!

Mich said...

Its ok for unis to try to uphold a high moral standard but truth is,kids will be kids.
If they don't experiment with drugs now then when would they?

Anonymous said...

Interesting to hear...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Gud 2 hear dat. Nice one Linda, dis is exactly d kind gist I expect frm u, thanks a lot. Congrats to the students.

Anonymous said...

Dats a very gud consideration

SnazzyG said...

Na wa o! Am sure sm of dem ll b children of pastors or bishops!GHUS

SnazzyG said...

Na wa o!vry sure dat some of d students involved mayb pastors or even bishop children! MGHus

Anonymous said...

Just plain stupid what parents are becoming these days: shouldn't the question be why their kids are taking illegal drugs?!?!? #endtimes

Anonymous said...

If they're not happy with it, they should go and write Ume again

Anonymous said...

Prince charming don start again o!!! Which one b idiosyncrasies....

Anonymous said...

My brother... (The sweetest guy u'd meet) was found to be using drugs through surprise tests upon reporting to a uni. Am glad! It was a wake up call for all of us to support him. Better now than many years later

Anonymous said...

Rosie Said......These Nija parents sef? Your kids tested positive to cocaine,I did not see any denials that the results were wrong rather you want your kids to be rewarded by the school authorities by doing nothing. Pls take your spoilt kids to rehab..... And to Redeemers University,do not re-admit them until they are clean,Period.

Unknown said...

@bonarios virginity test ke,d skul go turn only boys b dat! Signed:#QUEENTY#

Anonymous said...

Smh this advanced secondary school shld take a chill pill..

Anonymous said...

They have gone for the Rehab and most of them just resumed this week.

Anonymous said...

i hearam, who will bear the financial budden of the added semester?

Anonymous said...

i hearam, who will bear the financial budden of the added semester?

Anonymous said...

You forgot to use an apostrophy after students.
Sparkles speaking!

Anonymous said...

Baba ur name na Charming Ogbahiagbon!

-Urs Truly.

Jbankz said...

Cocaine in church skul?wow!!!!datz reali Hot,do dey ve striperz dia too?rubbish university abeg mak d studentz go anoda skul

Anonymous said...

Its guys shouldn't talk trash about the school. Over in the US some organizations conduct random drug tests and if you fail you loose your job. Its best the learn now than later when its too late. We're not trying to raise a society full of cocaine users. Rccg has good drug rehab programmes ..I've heard testimonies about them.. More grease to their elbows!

Oluwadamilola said...


Anonymous said... is never really a problem for such institutions..

Anonymous said...

PC ur an idiat.....bloody dickhead...freak show,u nid 2be kicked outta dis planet,bonario or whare....u speak off....u guys get a life and stop seeking cheap publicity on LI blog.eWwwwww

Anonymous said...

28 out of 42 tested positive for drugs?

onyi said...

Pc pls ooooo, dis ur grammer is too much o. Anyway I luv ur style

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha REHAB!!!! I thought that place was 4 only addicts? Doing it the wrong way.

Bmacho said...

Am not surprised. Their is drug endemic among most teenagers everywhere now. Bois don't do bars no more. Na chemist fit do am now o. 9 out of 10 undergrad bois of any schl private or not uses cough syrup or Sk, or had used at a point in time. Crack cocaine too is fast spreading. This bois sees nothing untoward in this habit as its helps them repress reality, will becomes converted to auto pilot mode and slows dem slow. Watch out for any youth tha stares into pace for hrs motionless.

Anonymous said...

All these private schools sef. Good tho

Anonymous said...

Nija the copy cat...

ary said...

Big man big problem. If to say una go federal school, una for save fortune, finish school, snort your cocaine and nobody for send una. Now una drug problem don become public knowledge

Rough Diamond said...

Welcome @prince charming
U were highly missed.
*Big hug*

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Dnt ve anyfink to say, Dat means Madonna university still beta.

Anonymous said...

All man for himself pls!

-Blunt Ibo boy-

Anonymous said...

What arrant nonsense! Why do our "so called" higher institutions keep humiliating these "supposed" adults/students by treating them like children/idiots! What do they mean by conducting drug tests on them? Really,it's violation of human right, were d students going for marathon race?! These children shld be allowed to choose their own ways/destinies and not be frog matched into one! Kenny

ejikebiggerdick said...

Advanced secondary school...wat d hell do they teach there by the way? Nonsense! I won't even skul there if u re gon'a pay my fees free

Anonymous said...

rehabilitation is not Meant for addicts only, anybody that need correction.

Anonymous said...

Lolllll..... linda post my comment

Anonymous said...

What's the meaning of "diosyncrasies
Psycho bratt

Anonymous said...

Na wa o skool dis days can be very #smiling

Anonymous said...

Really reminds me of caritas too!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

At least the one you attended isn't better. Imagine your child, being a drug addict α̲̅πϑ you have an institution trying to curb such a problem in order to breed future leaders of tomorrow α̲̅πϑ you call it a glorified secondary school. Think again please. It is either you never had the opportunity this kids have or you envy the fact their parents can pay huge sum of money for their kids to become good. For christ sake it's a missionary tertiary institution where Godliness, good conduct α̲̅πϑ brilliance should be the benchmark. People like you are satanic leftists α̲̅πϑ fault finders. Renew your mind for a better Nigeria.

fej said...

PC,u and ur big grammar reminds me of mungo park in hints magazine way back

Anonymous said...

Why should they experiment with drugs? since when has taking or "experimenting" with drugs become a criteria for growing up or being a youth? Don't you know that allowing or being lenient with drug abuse brings about other accompanying social ills like cultism, hooliganism, etc? and you are wondering why the school is so strict in upholding a certain standard. if the kids want to be crack heads, there are scores of other schools they can attend in naija.

Anonymous said...

Mich u and ur sarcasms though,lol

Anonymous said...

Dese students shud be fenkful I finished frm CU, and if a case like dis occurs those student are automatically thrown out of d schl even if its a dey 2 dier graduation no amount of pleading will make dem change dier decision ooooo.

eje said...

Oloshi.u'l soon lose ur sanity too.idiot

Unknown said...

It is such a painful thing what we have turned ourselves all into. Charity starts from home. Parents, take up the responsibilities and lead your kids the right way to is not only because of today but tomorrow. The school was fair though but not fair enough.its so strange... They proferred a rehab and a semester lost and parents complained! They ought to be role models and not disgrace even to the school, the educational system and our country. Some things are just not right! They are fundamental!

Anonymous said...

if it were to be CU, i can bet dat ur schooling is definitely over. you woud not be warned sef, taking drugs is synonymous to murder. straight expulsion @9ja_Stalker

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:21 u need to take a chill pill,isn't it obvious mich is being sarcastic here?learn how to take a joke. Besides,who says bcos u experimented with drugs as a youth u therefore cannot be great later?I did a lot or drugs as a teeenager,today I'm clean and a professional in my field. Kids will be kids,shikena.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahah funmi don kill me.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for this comment. I am a product of this school and I really appreciate what they have been doing. This is the first time they are recalling students and that is a sign of softness in the aspect of enforcing discipline. We do not want riff raffs to be our products because we have high esteem and intergrity to protect. Anyways, its all good for those that were called back... They had better face what they were sent there to do.

swizz delish said...


Anonymous said...

Lmao @d anonymous talking abuh human ryt...wot do u knw abuh human ryt, abi u no go skul. dnt u knw u wil sign undertaking 2obey skul rules b4 u r fully admited. By d way cocaine is illegal in nigeria, so dey v everi right 2 cari out d drug test so shut d f***up if u dnt knw wot 2type. As 4 d student, dey better jump up n n sing halleluha chorus cos if it were 2 b in Madonna or a place lyk dubai,plea tears or even death won't change d fact dt dey r expelling U#small children dt wnt 2spoil d image of RUN***smh

Anonymous said...

Has anyone considered whether the results of these tests were not found to be valid? Who carried out the tests and under what conditions? Maybe the students involved were not actually using these drugs? Why else would they have such a reaction and be fighting for re-admittance etc. I sincerely doubt the parents are that stupid to seek all sorts of redress if their children were infant independently verified to be using drugs. And as for the university , how does being suspended affect the future chances of drug use?

ChincoBee said...

Am sure the rehab is for the good of the students even the parents cos if they go worse in the longrun,dey wld surely regret it.newaiz,I wish them the best!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're obviously high on something stronger than cocaine for you to say this rubbish!!!!!!Big fool!
So they should allow immature "adults" to destroy their lives because they can't choose to be different! Note that it a Christian uni,u imbecile!
If the "students" want to take drugs they should have gone to federal and state universities where the government doesn't give a damn about their psychological well being!...IDIOT!...plz take a sit if u don't have anything sensible to say !!!..okay?

Anonymous said...

God bls u Benson,dat is a nice one,pple want to go to places where there can misbehave n live satanic lifestyles than where there will b cautioned n disciplined for every wrong action

Anonymous said...

dis is absolute trash...nonsense

Anonymous said...

With due regards you all cursing these schools should shut your mouths these private schools actually make things and new generation Nigerian students better.If there were no private schools I'm sure we will more x3 of crime in nigeria. A rehabilitation center is used to correct.Imagine if ther were no school like these, the students will continue with drugs and end up in yaba left. Its only stupid and senseless people that will see somtin good and not appreciate it, better work hard and save money soo that schools like these ones will help you train your child bcos I know ppl like you that criticise private schools don't know how to raise children. With love (Aka mimi)

Shade's Files said...

Dey wld hv to expel ALL their stds b dt o...LMAO

Anonymous said...

Exactly, rehab isnt only for addicts, r u saying we shd all sit n watch until a familt member becomes an addict b4 taking him/her to rehab? Pls think b4 u talk so u dnt end up being foolish.

Anonymous said...

I went to Caritas. It was a mess. I can't even deal. But........I had time to focus and came out top of my class. It has its good and bad.

Double vee said...

Hmmm, if u find ursef in Rome behav like d Romans. If u find ursef in Redeemers University, u av gat b behave like a Redeemer. My point is evry institution in a society has its set rules n regulations- if u knw u can't live by it, kindly leav n find somwhere else. I dint go t a private university but graduates of private university can beat me down moral wise. Private Uni. or not, pikin wey go misbehave go misbehave- ur parents can only guide u but can't live ur life f u. Peer pressure is still d strongest of all pressure esp f youths so parents nids t really work hand in hand wt d educational institution t bring out d best in d future leaders of 2moro.

Anonymous said...

Mich said...

If they don't experiment with drugs now then when would they?
September 3, 2013 at 6:06 PM



Anonymous said...

To d idiot who said something about human right, r u saying d school should just watch d students take drugs? R u for real? When u become a parent, pls allow your children all d freedom they can get including d use of drugs, d destruction will start with u. U won't die o, ul live to see the children u gave birth to. I pray u change your point of view. To d guy who said he once used drugs, am happy u came out of it many ddnt, so don't encourage others
U ppl talk before u think atimes!

Anonymous said...

To d idiot who said something about human right, r u saying d school should just watch d students take drugs? R u for real? When u become a parent, pls allow your children all d freedom they can get including d use of drugs, d destruction will start with u. U won't die o, ul live to see the children u gave birth to. I pray u change your point of view. To d guy who said he once used drugs, am happy u came out of it many ddnt, so don't encourage others
U ppl talk before u think atimes!

Anonymous said...

@anonymous sept 3 5:01 tnks 4 Ur cooment.

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