Chris Brown tells Jet magazine...
“No disrespect, because I’m a fan, but nobody brings up the fact that [Jay Z] stabbed somebody and sold drugs. He gets a pass.”In 2001, Jay Z got three years probation for stabbing record producer, Lance 'Un' Rivera, for leaking his album Vol.3...Life and Times of S. Carter one month before its release date. Jay Z explained what happened that night. Continue...
But first, more from Chris Brown's Jet magazine interview
On his relationships with Karrueche Tran and Rihanna:
"Relationships are the most difficult part. That’s why I was honest with those two girls and I put out that video. My ex and I broke up because of the “situation” and she had moved on. I fell in love with another girl. Then my ex came back, so it was like, 'What is a man to do?' I told them both the truth. I didn’t do the sucker role."
Read the full interview when the issue hits stands Monday, Sept. 23.
On the media:
“The media is full of yellow journalism. A lot of things I say, they will flip it. Instead of them getting off on all the positive stuff that I do, they will bring out the negative and draw out that story.”
On the media:
“The media is full of yellow journalism. A lot of things I say, they will flip it. Instead of them getting off on all the positive stuff that I do, they will bring out the negative and draw out that story.”
Now to Jay Z. In an excerpt from Jay Z's new book, Decoded, he explains what happened the night he stabbed record producer Lance "Un" Rivera.
From the NY Post
He says he was infuriated because someone had leaked a bootleg copy of “Vol. 3 . . . Life and Times of S. Carter” more than a month before the release date of the album.
When he asked who was behind the leak, everyone kept repeating the same name: Rivera.
When Jay-Z saw him at rapper Q-Tip’s album release party at the Kit Kat Klub, he confronted him. Rivera “got real loud with me right there in the middle of the club,” Jay-Z writes, “It was strange. We separated and I went over to the bar . . . I was . . . in a state of shock . . . I headed back over to him, but this time I was blacking out with anger.”
After this, chaos ensued in the club, “That night the guy went straight to the police and I was charged with assault.”
He says he decided to plead guilty after watching Puff Daddy’s trial on weapons violations that same year. Puffy was acquitted, and Jay-Z says he feared the state would be harder on him after failing to convict his friend.
“The hilarious thing,” he writes, “if any of this can be considered funny, is that the Rocawear bubble coat I was wearing when they paraded me in front of the cameras started flying off the shelves the last three weeks before Christmas.”
D world nd politics...ts xpected, jayz is so respected...
My man Breezy, listen up, beating up a lady is as low as a man can get! I don't justify Jay Z's frantic actions that made him do what he did but at least I understand why he did it. In general, everyone's gotta control their iracund demeanour so as not to do something nasty or unlawful. Iracundity has messed up a lot of folks!
Jay Z is an ICON in music world. I like his swag
dis is very intrestin
Self Made Millionaires, Chris B, Jay, Puffy, Linda. Menh, I must join that list. Linda must blog my story one day.
hehehehehe this boy is cray lolz @ he pleaded guilty after watching Jigga and badboy's trial.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Jay Z gt mouth pass u
5th to comment. Heheheheheheheheheheh
@Ravvaneli...jay_Z is still feared by most dats y dey dont touch him..@Ravvaneli
you see why is good to marry a good and strong woman?...i agree with chris a bit....JayZ should thank God he married Beyonce.......she cleaned up his image and made him more acceptable to white America and the business world.....yes he had money before but his wealth increased so much when he started dating beyonce as she used to earn more than him, and in return he is like a protector, father and good husband to beyonce....
Na them sabi jare! Not my biz!
@home making a new dress for church 2moro. My sewing machine dey fustrate me here #sweating
First off,Decoded isn't new...its been out for over a year now.
I think CB is beginning to talk too much,what kind of dude drops names on interviews,eh?
Jigga went against a man,CB did against a woman,who's more gangster? Why is he even comparing his 'woman beater' situation to Jay's?
I guess he's trying to get Jigga'a attention/sympathy since Rihanna is Jigga's signee.
Viva La Hova!
Young Hov!
Hola Hovito!
None Greater!
Jay Z is an overrated piece of shit. Thank you, Chris!
Chris Brown should keep his mouth shut!
click HERE for hot gist
Illuminatin tinz...
I'll be back to read it am in d market now. Rubbish!!!
Oshisko Chris Brown so cos JayZ got a pass for stabbing someone dats Y u wanted to design RiRi's face to also get a pass, Lol. By now I think u know u and JayZ no dey d same level. Mtcheeeeew ~Ritty~
Linda congratulations on trying to mislead to public to carry your personal grudge with u
Congratulations on your yellow journalism
And congratulations for giving jayZ a pat on his back for stabbing and drug sale
I hope you grow conscience and stop being biased
How does this concern an average Nigerian man?? I will pass abeg...-KaS-
See this naughty CB boy! ......Jigga is a real man!! ...Proved by stabbing a bootlegger.....Rivera was a snitch nigga! .Him bin wan pour sand sand for JayZ garri....He got what he deserved..........................................But a man beating up a defenseless woman is bullshit! .......Real men dont pick on weak women...Any man wey dey beat woman must b a weak man .CB should shut up and gan pik a fight with mike tyson...
Chris Brown were u told that d producer Jayz stabbed was a female? Probably u thought u would get away with beating up a lady. My friend behave urself, u are just looking for cheap recognition
Cos jay z is a big boy..wot do u expert? Jst forget dat ur current gf n go back 2 rihannah u both make a great couple
always verify stories properly,that incident happened in dec 1999.Jayz the backstabber,killed rap music.
He had bera watched his back!
~D great anonymous!
Jay gets a pass cos he didn't hit a woman,next time u shld go pick on some1 ur own size,lemme no if dey won't give u 1 blow 2 akpus,ewu
Ɣε̲̣̣̣̥άн wteva...
He's right, jay-Z had a past but thats what it is..a PAST he has gone on to prove himself to be changed and a better person. i think thats the lesson Chris needs to learn here. people will forgive but u gotta grow up already. sheesh!
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Jay Z confronted a man who did him obvious wrong. He was remorseful and tried showing it. He didn't go about it by tattooing himself up or with piercings,he managed to erase it with a responsible look
He's a legend. don't ever compare yourself with hove
Dis man Chris deserves one hot backhand slap plus unexpected head boot 4 dis talk. How u go raise ur hand hit woman? E get luck say no be my sister im touch#%€ WALLAHI I for treat Im f#€kup... Shegu Dan banza Nonsense... Mitscheeewwwwwww.
Honest and no-holds-barred chat frm chris. That chris got a pass doesnt mean you should expect same neither does it make it right
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No mind dem Chrissy. Dat's d way of d world. Dey only c wat dey want 2 c.
this guy talks like a sane dude but act stupidly.
Jayz stabbed sum1?? Jzzz! Scary!!he ddnt realy explained wat hapend dat nite na??shuu! Hope he doesn't go cray on bey!! And chris shud shut up alreadi!! Tired of his nagging!!to think he has soooo much talent is even mor annoyin!! Mtchwww!! *ONYX GODWIN*
I never knew Jay-Z stabbed anyone woah :0
Love from Miami
Jay Z dis, chris brown dat, Rihanna dis. Una don chop?
O gosh........chris I jez dnt knw, buh I underatand ur point of view tho'......I luv u anyway
Can't de media just let dis boy. He has asked 4 forgiveness times without number. Let Cbreezy be 4 crying out loud
They shld free CB plsss .., haven't they done enuf alrdy..,
That's true Breezy,what's good for the Goose should be good for the Gander!!!!!! Ignore the negativity by the media,cos if you keep listening to the them,you'll never make head way.......... Xo xo luv this boy----no homo.
So why does Jay Z get a pass? Huh? It's been years and they still giving my boy grief.
this ppu sha
Shuuu shutup Cris separate d boys frm d men ur a boy whil jigga is d man lol
is it a crime competition now???
He I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ dehm right. He should get ┏̲A̶̲̅┓̲ ρ̩̩̩̩̥α̇̇̇S̤̥̈̊Ƨ̷̜̩̌̋.
See this idiot!!!!! We know u went begging riri and now it's "my ex came back" lolzzz. I await riri's response.
Stop tryna make an issue out of nothing...He was just making a reference,don't see the big deal in what he said and he clearly stated#No disrespect...y'all should Leave chris and Jay alone!
He needs to suck it in. He and Jay Z aren't mates in the "establishment/firm." As if he doesn't even know this. Let it go.
He's angry @ him cos JayZ. Did №†̥ allow beyonce collaborate with him!!!! U̶̲̥̅̊ don't mess with him,his business or property Α̲̅πϑ expects him †̥☺ give U̶̲̥̅̊ Α̲̅ hand shake... Suck it up boy Α̲̅πϑ move on. When JayZ was on probation he did everything possible to make sure he carried out his probation instead of whining..
Oh no he didn't.I love chris brown buh pls dnt mess wif J.ur too cute to be toast
Chris Brown needs to stop pointing fingers like a child..Bloody fool
Truthfully speaking,I agree with breezy.he beat rihanna,we know,that was years ago and the world won't let him forget even if rihanna has too. And jayz stabs someone and gets a pass,that doesn't even sound right.and pls for the record,breezy pleaded with the victim forgiveness and was a kid compared to jay z then.did bee help him plead with victim too? So unfair
Why wasn't jayz banned from performing in other countries too? Very partial
Pele...tz ur language dts "fustrating" u, stop heaping blame on d poor machine......Odabo
Ode..@ least hez an overrated piece of shit...u're jst a piece of shit
Overrated?? Retard! Same mc who survived and lead every era! He did it with jaz o,big,big daddy kane ,odb,d lox,snoop,dre,dmx,jarule,eminem,outkast,talib,mos,busta,nas,j.cole,rickross,kendrick,big sean,drake,etc...and u say such a man is overrated...all dis pipl wud do aything to have him on their songs!and he's still here! Google reasonable doubt,blueprint,black album,american gangstar,vol 2 Think b4 u talk,ode!
Jayz na baba!
U be otondo!
Overrated?? Retard! Same mc who survived and lead every era! He did it with jaz o,big,big daddy kane ,odb,d lox,snoop,dre,dmx,jarule,eminem,outkast,talib,mos,busta,nas,j.cole,rickross,kendrick,big sean,drake,etc...and u say such a man is overrated...all dis pipl wud do aything to have him on their songs!and he's still here! Google reasonable doubt,blueprint,black album,american gangstar,vol 2 Think b4 u talk,ode!
Chris! Jayz,puffy, ....
*puffs smoke*
@prince charming u r a pervert...pls stop using offensive pics as Ur dp. if u r addicted 2 sex, keep it 2 ur self we dnt care. Dis blog is 4 evri1 nt is nt rated so u might jst b misleading anor growing teenager...respect Urself n respect ethical values.*omoh*
cb if u hav apologies to d pason u hot and u are forgiven forget d media let dem tak all dey want,jay z hav alot of bak up so he can get pass on many tins
He is right in a way. People have not let him live down one mistake he made as a young man, he'll, Rihanna forgave him!! Jay Z on the other hand, stabbed and sold drugs to his fellow blacks, just to make a buck and yet people on here are still down on him and praising Jivga for his business acumen, Wow!!
I loathe all dis stupid ppl dat worship jay z.fuckin idiots
Shut up if u have nothing to say
That's y ur the prince of joblesness, what do u know, u obesere loving nigga,....his overated for. Howmany years and his still ontop,or his money,u borrowed him abi,bi his succesful buisness its for ur dad.
Dr Dre beat a woman and nothing really happened.
You're a fool for saying chris brown is a bitch!!!!see her name self mama ifu,asshole like u
U just had 2 do it,u just had 2 bring up d illuminati
Prince Charming, you got my attention... You Rock!! Chris Brown sucks!
@eje,just cos someone has a particular celebrity they love doesn't mean they worship him or her.u sound like u just had an abortion,go kill urself and yes,I love Jay Z
Chris brown is just a bitch ass nigga...... Fuck anyone who doesn't like jay-z
@anonymous u are very right
Anonymous 2:13 shattap u know nothing about the music industry, how can u say beyonce made Jay, Jay made beyonce who she is from destiny child, yh she sells more than him nw but he has money more than her.. He is a business man
Very predictable! Attack without proper scrutiny. Apart from PC's vocabulary acrobatics, he is also quite witty if only you can get over your prejudices. Take a closer look @ the so called offensive picture and you'll realise it's 2 pigs and a piglet in btw digging in for food. Nothing wrong with some mental push-ups to stimulate the mind.
Jay-Z shot his older brother Eric when he was 12 years old. He's gotten numerous second chances as should Chris.
quite unartistical to say dat_chris b. A man mustn't rais its hand on any woman
quite unartistical to say dat_chris b. A man mustn't rais its hand on any woman
Oga please cover ur crotch! No evils, this is an open space.
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