So anyway, Antoine was open about his homosexuality for years until he renounced it back in May this year. Everyone thought he was just messing around but he announced yesterday that he is expecting a baby with his girlfriend. The identity of the girlfriend has not been revealed.
So wait, gay people can turn straight whenever they want? Quite a number of people are shocked by his claim, with one writing - Antoine Dodson has set gay black men back 20 years. Lol.
See what he wrote back in May to his fans after the cut...
loooolz gud for him.
Some girls are so cute they can make a gay bruh reconsider.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
yaiks! ayama!
Is this dude A DudE? Well, they say wonders shall never cease, I wil never expect things of this nature to cease. Congrats to him. I hope his child doesn't turn out to be as confused as 'its' dad.
Beautiful Monster
happy birthday Linda.... watching out for more Big things from you: a network, a talk show, an autobiography, a baby...so many things and more, have a great life baby!MO MONEY..MO MONEY! THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!!!
Thats interesting!
Good for him o!
Me I can't sleep with a gay man o! I jst can't !
Who am I to judge?
He didn't find Jesus,he found Judaism...they are two different things but still intertwined;ORGANIZED RELIGION.
Good for him.
To each his own.
Do What Thou Wilt!
Thank God! for his life
Wonders shall Never End..
D first pix tho, he looks like a madman in dat shoot.
God have mercy!
sad, thank God for your life, read how a friend used razor blade to design her friends face because of sugar daddy Click HERE for shocking pictures
lmao......i just love life, so much drama to make the world go round....
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......Thats all i can say
LOL the first to comment ^^. That 3rd comment tho
First 2 comment+
Good for him I tell people homosexually is a thing of choice its not about wrong brain wiring or peoples attractiveness and which sex one feel more comfortable being around with. I strongly believe over 70% homosexuals are in it for the gain. Money, cars and all sorts of thing even power. so they should stop all this blabbing about being gay and do what is right. Go and hustle more especially Nigerian Homosexual.
Nice change! That's a politic decision he took here.
Dis is great.
God has delivered dis 1 al oda cock sucking males tek note tun frm ur evil wais nobody ws born gay there's beauty in havin a family
Dis is great.
Dis is great.
Dis is great.
A gay man turning straight as in STRAIGHT z lyk a camel passing tru d hole of a needle.yea,most of dem turn but dey turn bisexual.it z rare to find a gay man dat turns 100% straight. so yeah dat guy might be expecting a baby with his babe or whoever,I still think dere z a guy by d corner he still f**kz.
Dis is great.
Dis is great.
D problem is 'wat woman will sleep wif dis freak wif d crooked teeth'??
How much was dis 'queen' paid....
I highly doubt a lady was turned on by dis thing and wants to start a fam...
Dis is a big fat joke!!
Billie jean
So u seee..#u are not born dat way# I Thank God for ur life.
My guy thank you very much. May God continue to bring you up in the faith,homosexuality is simply a mental case. God will deliver all you homosexuals INJ and also make u see the light. Then again my guy marry your girlfriend already. PEACE!
Thank God for his life
Dats determination. Congrats Antoine. But come ooo, why are some of them claiming they were born day way then?
Dat guy is a fool. He has realised dat there is no sweetness in banging a smelly shithole and turned bak 2 sweet pussy. Anyway I wish him well
i am really glad we have this kind on news here and surprised this is happening at a crucial time when this rate of homosexuality is becoming alarming. he issues scares me because it is the order of the day i happen to be an industry which is stereotyped by this same act and its really sad how people make conclusions about you without meeting you. i pray for more deliverance
Praise God.. Happy 4 him :-)
Those comments to his statements r actually very funny tho....etooluwa
After teasting everything??see d guy oooo!
ladies here's the your long awaited miracle is your natural hair breaking? Do u wanna give it some rest! Is your front hair pulling due to constant fixing! Your natural hair is crying for help !!! It needs a lil break and here's the best option, order for your Peruvian wig and style as desired, contact me on twitter @snowypee Thank U
Linda iono y u so interested in gay stories.. R u gay???
so dis gay people are doing all dis shit for fame n money....
Gud 4 him. You can tell that...HOME BOY!!!
no matter how crazed a man is to turn gay, d black man will always love p**sy.
Looking girlish in that 2nd pic. OMG I just realized how much I hate gays.
Good for his life
"So wait, gay people can turn straight whenever they want?"----dats wat u asked Linda and I'm surprised u asked dat cos wit God everything is possible. So pls quit asking dat question OK.
"So wait, gay people can turn straight whenever they want?"----dats wat u asked Linda and I'm surprised u asked dat cos wit God everything is possible. So pls quit asking dat question OK.
dis is luvly 1 by 1 their stupid eyes will b open to d truth and their foolish ways ***A-BELLE***
Wetin be this? C how teeth full him mouth... Confused idiot!
He is so beautiful......lol
Oh puhleeeaze. Once gay,always gay. What people will say for publicity. He was either lying now,or he was lying then
I think is bisexual not a gay... Have meant a lot of them, they re gay but have girlfriend..
Well,lemme stat by sayin I am hapi 4 him and I implore oda fags n dykes to emulate him.
Secndly,I wanna shalla(shoutout)2 my hommies n honnies up in here 4 avin my bak n aCceptin d aid I ofad in d past.
Thirdly,wanna say howdy 2 my fans up in here its bin a long tym cmin n nw ur dude is bak.
Fourthly,shalla 2 my folks for dia support,assistance,recommendation and ofcos prayers
Furthermore,a shout out 2 dem facbuk,twitter,myspace,skype,nimbuZz,eskimi and all oda social netwrk fans jst wanna say y'all r supa dupa awesme
To all dem haters who I knw wil hate on my post I jst wanna say b4 u stat hatin n spillin shit outta dem shitholes u call mouth rememba I got d key 2 ur fate and I can choose to lock u out 4 gud thus u remain miserable#BE WARNED#
Lastly and also more importntly all of dese I av taken my tym out of no tym to post is just to let y'all knw dat I DON'T GIVE A RATSASS IF I AM D 1ST TO COMMENT but ofcos I am d 1st and I knw all dem LIB ladies wil b trippin 2 av my digit n pin...well, dis is it 3249f7a0 now do not flash dat pin cos it aint gon' ring. Damn, am I funny or wat?I knw I am...yea, dnt mention I love y'all 2.
Leo "da" Vince
Are u sure he's for real....make him no burst anoda person yash o....buh I love his courage though
He is a bisexual that's why... Not a real gay
No gay,bisexual person can turn straight,, its jst nt possible,its like sayin a straight man turns gay.. Its either e was raped wen lil or forced in2 it,but e was neva a natural gay!! Real ,natural gays can neva even imagin straight sex *unless d person is bi-curios* its jst not posible!*ONYX GODWIN*
Of course,they can be straight because they were born straight. They just chose the life style. God is not a confused man.its just the devil playing pranks on people's mind.however I don't judge them.they don't need that all they need is deliverance but it shouldn't be glorified if other sins are not glorified. Don't build a castle around what is wrong. Eg I am thief and I want rights for all thieves and I am out of the closet. Hilarious. Clean the closet and not come out of it. Congratulations to him though.
Well,lemme stat by sayin I am hapi 4 him and I implore oda fags n dykes to emulate him.
Secndly,I wanna shalla(shoutout)2 my hommies n honnies up in here 4 avin my bak n aCceptin d aid I ofad in d past.
Thirdly,wanna say howdy 2 my fans up in here its bin a long tym cmin n nw ur dude is bak.
Fourthly,shalla 2 my folks for dia support,assistance,recommendation and ofcos prayers
Furthermore,a shout out 2 dem facbuk,twitter,myspace,skype,nimbuZz,eskimi and all oda social netwrk fans jst wanna say y'all r supa dupa awesme
To all dem haters who I knw wil hate on my post I jst wanna say b4 u stat hatin n spillin shit outta dem shitholes u call mouth rememba I got d key 2 ur fate and I can choose to lock u out 4 gud thus u remain miserable#BE WARNED#
Lastly and also more importntly all of dese I av taken my tym out of no tym to post is just to let y'all knw dat I DON'T GIVE A RATSASS IF I AM D 1ST TO COMMENT but ofcos I am d 1st and I knw all dem LIB ladies wil b trippin 2 av my digit n pin...well, dis is it 3249f7a0 now do not flash dat pin cos it aint gon' ring. Damn, am I funny or wat?I knw I am...yea, dnt mention I love y'all 2.
Leo "da" Vince
Well,lemme stat by sayin I am hapi 4 him and I implore oda fags n dykes to emulate him.
Secndly,I wanna shalla(shoutout)2 my hommies n honnies up in here 4 avin my bak n aCceptin d aid I ofad in d past.
Thirdly,wanna say howdy 2 my fans up in here its bin a long tym cmin n nw ur dude is bak.
Fourthly,shalla 2 my folks for dia support,assistance,recommendation and ofcos prayers
Furthermore,a shout out 2 dem facbuk,twitter,myspace,skype,nimbuZz,eskimi and all oda social netwrk fans jst wanna say y'all r supa dupa awesme
To all dem haters who I knw wil hate on my post I jst wanna say b4 u stat hatin n spillin shit outta dem shitholes u call mouth rememba I got d key 2 ur fate and I can choose to lock u out 4 gud thus u remain miserable#BE WARNED#
Lastly and also more importntly all of dese I av taken my tym out of no tym to post is just to let y'all knw dat I DON'T GIVE A RATSASS IF I AM D 1ST TO COMMENT but ofcos I am d 1st and I knw all dem LIB ladies wil b trippin 2 av my digit n pin...well, dis is it 3249f7a0 now do not flash dat pin cos it aint gon' ring. Damn, am I funny or wat?I knw I am...yea, dnt mention I love y'all 2.
Leo "da" Vince
Ewww! Yuck!
~D great anonymous!
So who says being gay can't be cured. Its a decision and not embedded in any DNA. This is an example. He has been delivered. Halleluyaaa!!
linda shey nah gay friend abi girl friend
thank u lord. finally our prayers are now beginning to heal friuts. pls let's continue to pray for them.
WoW......just Wow
WoW......just WOW
linda shey nah gay friend abi girl friend
God that statement is touching I hope he wuld stay on track and nt derail may God help him
Maybe his gay bf don fuck fuck fuck am soteh d asshole don open
Nw he wants real fucking from girls
Heheehehe,afi choosen one naa..All good
the most interesting story i have ever hard today, may God bless u and keep u total out of it. post my comment pls linda, abeg u
You don tire? U have finished serving u master the devil and u flesh finish, now you want Children and family, children of Tunder. Where is Seun London and those kids the Devil is making peper soup with their soul, small thing they will start blabbing is the way they were born. Better repent when there's still time.
It's early yet. Give him a couple of years to get back to his roots lol. Male male loving is very distinct. The men who partake in it can't give it up.
Gay/Homosexuality aint sh!t. Being straight is Life! #BeGuided
mnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn just passing
It is very possible, and linda u don't have to be so shocked/sarcastic in your comment. I was once a homosexual, struggling with same-sex attraction, but to the glory of God, He helped me through it and I am totally free and married, expecting a child. Homosexuality is actually mental and learned. Like every behavior, the more you continue, the harder it is to stop, so my advise to anyone struggling is DON'T FEEL ALONE, don't think it's just you that feels that way and don't ever accept the lie from hollywood that you were born that way. You can be free, I know, cos I am! It's like any other procilivity, there is no special demon tormenting you!
Lmao @ the comments..
Linda yes ooo a gay or a lesbian can become straight. I have been there and I am a living testimony, so forget that thing ooo. I also have friends who r now straight too.
Happy for him.
Yes if one can hold on to God everytin is possible
Lmao @ the comments..
Thank God 4 his life,am happy 4 him.
Awesome God,to every homesexual out thêre,change,dis isnt wat jesus wants 4 u
oniranu wetin do am b4 he leave pussy 4 anus oshisko.
So he got fame by claiming to be gay? Just see how wide his mouth is from sucking ........
Ugly face,,abeg unto the next one,jare!
Too much teeth in dt mouth... Goodluck to him n his gf
Hian! uwa wu pawpaw mehnnn!! d babe sef wey gree 4dis fagot get mind o. So ur eye just clear? Aww! he has tasted a different apple nd like Adam his eye has opened, issorai.
This kind of people r d shameless type who paint d notion that being girly is gay,makin d lives of those who aren't hell on earth,am glad u xpectin tho! So ditch d hair n peacock feathers mtseew
U never know sha. Am a girl who people teased and called a tomboy pretty much all my life but I never had a problem with it because I thought it was cool even though it wasn't intentionally but after people started questioning my sexuality when I grew much older, confusion hit me and started believing people's lies but I knew that wasn't me or who I wanted to be. I had loads of lesbo friends and even asked girls out but never wanted anything sexual with them cause it just doesn't feel right.am now fully into my bf and am in love , I also want a family so it is possible that the society messed his way of thinking as a child and trust me , its not an easy road but it is possible for him to find himself and not believe people anymore , his feminine features might just be physical and not mental .
I'm not Homophobic (Maybe a lil). I personally think Homosexuals are Mentally Challenged...and Need help. Nice this one recovered. lolz
Congrats bro... You are a testimony, from a faggot to a straight dude.. Nobody is born gay! #word
my lastest post is –––> 10 Irrefutable Skills Every Applicant MUST Possess
Come on you faggots! You can do the same
Let's not be naive. Some people are bi. Sexuality in many people is fluid, and one side could prevail at any time. I wouldn't see this as a miraculous transformation from gay to straight. As I said, many people can swing both ways. I hope he is being honest with himself, and that he finds happiness.
I belive homos are not all perverts I believe most need help like deliverance
Rosie Said.......Hmmmmmmmm,Interesting.
Thank God for his life!!!
Classiebelle says so!
D two of themm done mad fiinish. U no see face...monkeys
Cud dis b tru???
All na wash! Once a gay;alwys a gay. *DoOmEd*
Of course anyone is capable of waking up from their share stupidity if they so choose! No one is born gay, its unnatural, and anyone who claims to be (gay) is either just seeking attention, being nuts or is a willing instrument for societal decay and destruction. Call me ignorant, intolerant (go ahead, play that card) or whatever, but gay rights?- there isn't nor should there be such a thing! If anyone had a right to be with any other human regardless of gender, then what is the point of having two separate genders? Why weren't we created as one homogeneous species with no gender difference? If denouncing gay rights is the definition of being ignorant and intolerant, then this is one of the few cases in which I'd happily be called all those things. Gay people of the world stop your act and wake up! It would be interesting to see if this gets published, or if free speech takes sides which happens to be the case in our "liberal" world.
No matter wat d media or homosexuals say or do 2 make it alryt, am neva buying in2 it. Howeva, lemme also add that d same united states dats tryin 2 shove dis stupid lifestyle down our throats once claimed in d 60's that homosexuals were infact possessed, a decade later; twas downgraded to a mental condition and by d 1980 it was suddenly alryt 2 b taking it in ass.
I humbly submit dat d devil is playing 5 aside with homosexuals.
hope he is truly straight and not bisexual? because na so dem de lie.
Pls wer is the "like" button? Loving ur comment. So true...
Its Antonie Dodson...linda correct urself jooh
Honestly Bonaria
A gay man is a gay man. However, about 5% of straight marriages are made up of a gay/lesbian partner and a straight partner, google it. If it works for him and brings him joy, it works for me too. Who am I to judge?? P.S. He doesn't look mentally stable.
If ur bf eats ur pussy , why can't I ? No be mouth , u will enjoy it my dear . Oya! Open and close , go down low , oya baby yodi and am a girl.
Abegi , Una go dey act like oversabi . Some people are born gay and some people choose to be gay. It goes both ways.
Anos 5.03 are u living on this planet? How can u put up this ugly pic and that disgusting environment? See ur legs self
what woman wants to sleep with him na wa o
From Miami with love
So he sabi aw to dip him dick enter correct naturally moist hole? Shior!
E for sidon dey chase shit hole about nau!
It is possible, i'm a living testimony (a former lesbian porn addict) but it wasn't by my will power or intellectual reasoning but by the Most Highs grace alone. The fact is a lot of these people (gays, lesbians, bisexuals) were most likely sexually abused when younger/mature and that demon/those demons stay with them and rebel against any type of natural or pure love and intimacy. If left undelivered, the demon can lead the possessed individual to self destruction all under the disguise of freedom of choice which is really do as thou wilt, a popular luciferian law. I feel it's important for all persons struggling with such perverse desires to take up their cross and deny themselves (the flesh), be dead to self and worldly desires and walk in the spirit. Reading the powerful LIVING word of I AM THAT I AM, prayer and meditation (listening to him) does wonders. No one should be deterred to give up or give in, God IS able and the enemy that tricked or tempted you into that homosexual lifestyle is ALREADY defeated. Notice Evil is live backwards, so which is your choice- death (sin through evil acts, leading to eternal flames) or life (through the way, the truth and the life- Christ himself, eternal life). It's practically the garden of Eden scenario all over again but in a Sodom and Gomorrah world where the likes of things like weed/cannabis is a substitute for the crafty serpent, they don't call it a gateway drug for nothing. Please Repent, for the Kingdom of God IS at hand.
Here are a few verses to read and apply with faith..
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.Philippians 4:13(not any but all things)
Things that cause people to sin are bound to come but woe to anyone through whom they come.Luke 17:1 (It's one thing to be abused, it's another to abuse yourself or allow yourself to be abused)
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you are working for the Lord and not for men.Colossians 3:23 (and that includes our very own selves).
Ask, Seek and Knock, A.S.K, just ask for a renewing of your mind, a cleansing of your soul, a slaying of your flesh and be willing to exchange your will/desires for his. Ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself too so that you can really leave the past behind and grow upright and blameless in a straight and narrow path of righteousness. Ask for that supernatural change to those unnatural thoughts and actions and be willing work on it as faith without work is dead for the devil gives work to idle hands. He is a persistent bully but the Lord is our strength and powerful defender, just yield your ALL to him and know that when he says yes, NO man/immortal can say no. Ask for these things ideally in Christ's original Hebraic name, no it isn't Jesus (though God knows your heart when you say it) and yes there's immeasurable power to it, I can testify.
To whom it may concern, don't just confess and come out of the closet, come into the light, the Most High's guiding light. May the God of Israel Bless you all. Much Love.
They are not Gays. Call them by what they truly are - HOMOSEXUALS. The word - Gay, means 'Being Happy'. They're Homosexuals. Not Gay. They want to runaway from their true identity. Bomboklaat!!
Even if she was , what do u wanna do about it ? Mind ur business . I will still love her
Once you reach a point of discovery that homosexuality is a serious problem worse that AIDS, a fatally diseased state of being, and truly desire help, you will find a ready cure.
This is the one truth homosexual propagandists don't want to concede to.
Is it not a curse for a man to reject the gift that women are to men?
Homosexuals have been hexed by Satan himself!
he looks like an evil stepmother on the left photo.....yikes
Homosexual is a sinful act(tufiakwa)
no matter how much we want to criticise him for being dumb and whatever else,at least he's got one thing right...no more chooking bum bum or being chooked in d bum bum shikena...he's got a girlfriend and they're expecting a child...thank God he finally figured out how to use his shakabula and where to use it...whether it's judaism or christianity, it's a step in the right direction...i hope he finds Christ soon someday though...
all hail d kuchi power..
PS:4 those who dnt knw.Kuchi means PUSSY
Being gay indicates rewiring of the brain that we now know happens to many fetuses when exposed to endocrine disruptors in utero. The animal studies have piled up quite a bit of this evidence as it relates to environmental toxins like the plasticizers. It should be considered a permanent disability. Question is how do we actively prevent creating the wrong in utero environment for our children???
Get Jesus and your life and deliverance will be complete.
A woman can decide not to SLEEP with a man for a long time. . Does that make her HOMOSEXUAL?
He can sleep with a woman too
He is not the 1st to try and stop being homosexual. Repentance is real. I pray he wins over his flesh, cos that is what the Christian journey is all about.
I married a gay man unknowingly when I found out I had 2 leave but d decision was a hard one. What if he gives her aids? We have a son 2geda n I don't think he can ever change coz he brings them to the house n fucks them. He should change his cycle of frnds ist hand. They don't marry coz they changed they marry coz they want a family. Maybe they r being pressurized by family who don't know their sexuality. They usually end up destroying d life of young girls I am 23 now just finished my degree n trying 2 give my son d best coz as it is dears we've been abandoned without support. Don't ever think they can change it takes d grace of God
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