The inmate was forced to jump over a railing and fall one story to escape his assailants, who are believed to be members of a rival gang in the Miami neighborhood of Liberty City. (The shirtless guy is the one who was attacked) Continue reading.
The Miami Herald reports that this has led some to speculate that the prisoners knew that their doors would open and that they were waiting to be let out to execute their attack.
The Herald obtained a copy of the June 14 surveillance video.
It shows an attack on Kenneth Williams, believed to be a leader of the New Moneii gang that deals drugs in a Liberty City public housing project, by three rival gang members - all of whom were allegedly armed with shivs - crude prison knives.
Williams jumped over a railing and landed on the floor below to escape his assailants. He can be seen writhing in pain, holding his leg.
Doctors later said he suffered a fractured vertebrae and a broken ankle. Watch the video below...
Source: Daily Mail UK
Prison is Fucked!
Haaa!!!why would inmates be allowed to handle deadly sharp weapons?A maximum security jail for that matter.I'll rather call it a death Zone!
Nothing compares to freedown. that crime is not worth it so pls stay out of trouble.
This prison is more beautiful than most of the university hostels in Nigeria. Sorry Linda, I just couldn't read d whole story, na only picture me I dey look
Poor guy jumped for his life,,,so much for US prisons,,,thats just one of numerous vices. #SeunLondon
Ehya.. Its never easy being a prisoner.
~D great anonymous!
This is serious,anyway the worst treatment there is better than the best at Kirikiri.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Omo! See how clean the prison dey. Cleaner than several homes in Nigeria! I weep for this country.
Pele.....we got lot of pressing issues here dear.
Lol.. nobody wan die
oso-ndu things.....
Eh ya! Just dt some of dis criminals dnt wanna learn deir lesson,dey kip being violent even behind bars. Hope d guy wud b given proper treatment
this is so serious
So many drama,meanwhile ,Linda nwa oma u never sleep
Inside prison again? Sho!
all i can say is, look how beautiful there prison is, makes u want to commit an offence
They just never learn.
Back in the streets,he probably thought he was untouchable and stuff...peddling drugs and having dudes from rival gangs messed up.
Now he's jumping over railings in jail like a ninja from a Chinese movie.
Crime never pays,enjoy your fractured vertebrate and broken ankle...Gangster!
No video link 2 click..Thx
Prison life is another jungle of its own, gangs, territories and all. SMH!! Well, even people condemned there should have rights in there to avoid things like this.
Is it not that liberty city in Grand Theft Auto?. Niqqas are mad in that game. Always fighting gang wars..Really good at killing them. This one is GTA live..
Hey , you are losing touch. What has that got to do with Nigeria news
They would have killed him anyways. They have nothing to lose. Most of them sre probably doing 25 to life. African americans are the scum of the earth. I loathe them eith a passion. Brainless fools
See as prison clean pass the majority of dwellings for naija...
I am sure they werent going to stab him to just give him a scar. He would have been dead meat. I think he is better off with broken bones than firbthem to have gotten their hands on him
Wait o, i am confused. They have railings at a jail full of hardened criminals. Wont they be killing themselves and throwing themselves over the railing easily? I guess the jail is meant for survival of the fittest
U n ur spirit videos.
omg some ppl are just mean and heartless
The street is military!!!...it pays buh can still take Ūя̲̅ head with it
wow this is really intense, jumping a railing well its better than being stabbed, only in Florida smh
The guy jumped 4 his life oh!
No remorse. Even in prison they are still committing crime
Oyibo people dey enjoy o! . See as their prison bi like shopryt. Even their clothes bi like parrywears...ol'boy, no bi small thing.....TLX
Well that is U.S men's prison for you. Even when in prison beef among rival gang members never end. Plus prisoners are always carrying shanks( hand made knives). This inmate was very lucky he would have difinately been stabbed to death. The prison guards have to do more shakedowns ( searches) on the inmates and their cells. Anyways the inmate will now be PC( protective custody) housing.
There is no video below.Abi i get eye problem?
Where iz d video madam???
Hehehe na prison dey lyk silverbird galleria so? Mehn dude sory bout ur fall sha, bt I aint paying attention to u again.. Mehn dis prison ova mke sense(a home away from home). Unlike d one here in naija.....SMH......»»Nenye««
Govrnmnt: dd Ʊ see HO̶̶̷̲̥̩̥̅̊͡ florida prison luk lyk?
Please o, i can see an old man with a walking stick in one of the cells.
How this one take concern us? Na we send them go Jail?
Na wao!which kind life b dis?
hmm may God hlp him ok
jeez... american blacks disgust me
That dude na nigerian dude.....
linda all desse watch video below and above.were d link nah. (logged in as ella-john)
See prison like heaven! Choi no wonder e no dey hard dem enter prison. Compared to 9ja cell this na another planet! Na y u fit relax sef dey do biz. 4 9ja prison, frustration no go allow u reason biz talk less of anything else.
So dis tins hapen in real life......
how does this affect the price of garri or on going assu strike. take ur time madam Linda.
The best way to avoid all these is to stay out of crime's way and be good citizens. Its much more easier, my brothers and sisters.
Its a pity o. Let him be freed bcos of dat. First to commnt..:D
Its all Life on the Streets,.... Fast Life, Risk, Death, etc.......
Lindiway were the video now?U don start againoooooo!!!
My dear how can you call a knife or tool made in prison "homemade"...Is prison a home?
Officer Bellick set him up
Such a beautiful prison..c bright lites..
See as the prison resemble shopping mall. Clean and beautiful.
This jail fine pass my house choi!!!!!
Blacks I really think we contribute more to this racism thing, why must all these kind of news be centered around a black man?
Wao! Sorry dude.first to comment. Lyn pls post ma comment.
So how is this news?
Incurable drug peddlers. Still running things in the project. see bloggerssecrets.com for blogging tips
Wow ist 2 comment. Well dats very bad well its nt sometin 2 worry abt cos der r camameras everywhere to detect something dangerous. God help us all.
Wow ist 2 comment. Well dats very bad well its nt sometin 2 worry abt cos der r camameras everywhere to detect something dangerous. God help us all.
Na wa oo! C as dier prison be like hotel. Ђδω dem no G̶̲̥̅☺ dey commit crime anyhow. When afterwards dem G̶̲̥̅☺ put dem for dis kind place. Maximum security prison for dat matter. Ok ooo!!!
No video naa linda.wat is happening,we don't get to see any video dis days..
That's d function of wat reflex action does to a human being. Woow he survived d jump. Hmmm he must have been inspired thru watchin james bond movies. Maybe next time he won't be gangster.
Gangster shit !
Serves him right..they r all criminals n they all get d punishment dey deserve.
Ur so right, d place is making sense even tho I wud rather prefer 2 stay in d hostel than there. Lol
Sup bruh?
How was life @the pen,huh?u seem to know a lot about jail life
Na wa o,d place be like hotel,lol.
These African-American boys won't wise up and do something useful with their lives. They make up a small percentage of the US population but so many of them are in prison. Yes, for a number of them their imprisonment can be traced to racist law officers and judges, but for the majority it is a consequence of their own stupid life choices. I wonder when the African-American community will wake up to the reality of their situation and take steps to change things? If they continue the way they are they will become the permanent underclass of the USA. I just hope the foreign born blacks in the US will be smart enough to ensure that there is a clear demarcation between them and the African-Americans so that they do not get sucked into the mess that is the community of US black slave descendants.
JJC!...dey don't allow dem handle "deadly sharp weapons" d inmates turn simple objects, such as dier toothbrush into sharp objects!....and some wardens do give d inmates in exchange of cash...
Wow! this is serious ooo.
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Lol. Ikeji are u aware u hve all sort of people on ur blog? Cos most people who commented are all ex convicts! They use d prison terms very well...
@anon 11:11am, dumbass my brother is a CO ( correction officer). That's how i know about prison. I guess you were a former convict to ask that question.
@ Anoymous August 15, 2013 at 1:16 PM that is such an ignorant statement. Some of us are attorneys, law enforcement officers, Some are even FBI agents on here, some probation officers and some work right in the jail houses. That was a very rude statement from you. Get a book, read and be civilized.
@Anon 11:11 was abt saying d same tin. I'm sure u've been jailed so many times. Jeez!
Common shut d fuck up ewu!
If u watch the series "OZ" u'll understand how life in prison abroad is. This story reminds me of some scenes in d movie.
Na so shit happens even for kirikiri he still dey go who no come no go no''''
@anon 11:11am,azzzzzin d info's just 2 detailed.U'll be surprised how many naija elite kids dey behind bars 4 yankee,even aviation minister-stella oduah's stepson served a number of yrs in maximum prison 4 here but he's back in naija now doing big tinz n wud prolly end up in govt.
Broken vertebrae, and ankle!!!! Hmmm na serous wound be that o. I hope he can walk again.
Really fhuked. Jezzz
The prison fine pass Madonna University hostel by 100%.. Poor thing,well there isn't smoke witout fire
Luskii or wat do U call urself "Buski".Use toobrush nd make knife naa.Ignoramus of d highest order.
Mumu u don watch too much prison films.oops or u b ex convict ni?
Oh plss!!!
Can you imagine some people just admiring jail simply cos for their mind they must go to yankee whether it's nice or not,whether it's jail or not. Damn! Some people were just born to be SLAVES. Gosh!
Dats why u shld not be in jail in the first place
Homemade knives. #keyword homemade. Prisoners improvise and make weapons in prison. Screws, nails etc are turned into weapons. Read well and don't just gloss through.
Mehn see as prison fine sha... Damn!!!
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