Michael said he tried contacting Kourtney after seeing a photo of Mason and believes he's the biological father of the boy who is now 3 and a half years old.
According to TMZ, the model has filed papers at a Los Angeles court asking a judge to order DNA tests for Kourtney, Mason and Scott Disick. He's also asking for joint custody of the boy.
Kourtney's lawyer says the accusation is absurd, claiming Michael is only looking for money and fame "His claims are absurd and this is simply another shameful attempt to gain publicity and profit from fictional stories about my client. Scott Disick is Mason’s father,'
Let them sort themselves out......mtcheeeew
I kinda see the resemblance with Mason...
This Kardashian(stone carver) family sha...dey aint done dealing wif d lamar/khloe ish, then dis
Hmmmn, dis is serious...*EVE*
They should leave the kardashians alone na..
Just lookng for fame jor
Like seriously??? Can pple jux allow dis family to breathe? First it was d Kanye being Gay nd Kim being disappointed, den Khloe nd Lamar odom's Extra marital Scandal, Now its khourtney's Son's paternity issue, dis Oyibo pple get wahala o, dem Do meeting to dis-organise d Kardashian family? Na wa o!
D kids look so much like their real dad , Scott Disick!
They should leave this family alone oh...
tho' she is d coolest of d three
Mason kinda looks like him though.. just saying
Na wa o! But mason sorta kind looks like this guy sha... Scott is written all over mason tho...whatever mehn...jst do a DNA bikko. All these paternity things sef! DNA!!!!!!!!!
They shud just order a DNA test jare..1st to comment
D guy na bastard... Mason na scott's carbon copy, he doesnt know what he is saying... foolisg bastard looking for fame
Thats what they said about Anna Nicole Smith Camera man, he turned out to be the actual dad...SO.....
o boy na todai you done dai see that boy .ok who am i to judge dna dai sha
Nna mehn dz ppl shud leave d kardashians alone na...
Abeg dat guy shld free kourtney alone cos Kourtney's son Mason luks so much lik Scott even witout a DNA Test. He's jst a Broke Ass Intruder lukin 4 fame n moni, mscheeeew!
Her son looks like Scott nah.
DNA all d way! I do not trust any of these Kardashians at all.
Mason kinda smiles like Michael Girgenti sha #okaybye
Mason Looks exactly like scott dis One is just lookin 4 cheap publicity cos dat child dos nt look anytin like him.Unprotected Sex ni kourtney is a Smart Gurl she sure ll use pills der after.nonsence I wonder wen dey ll leave dis people alone it's nt a crime 2 b naturally famous witout aving any talent na God.haha
this kardashians are full of ashawo's
Have u seen Mason and Scot?? Its so obvious Mason is Scots son its like na my papa born me...ewu model go find hand work!
They kip abusing the Kardashians buh still wanna use them to be famous.Mtcheeeew.
Hian! They like the attention!of course ppl like linda are obssesd cos she works on her laptop lying on her bed watching that dry show
Enough of dis family na.
Its a simple matter, DNA is the answer!
Keeping up with the Khardashians. Well it seems fantasy is now catching up with reality and we really have to try hard to keep up with the Khardashians.
Enough of dis family
Enough of dis family na.
Kardaswhore family! Like mother like daughters. Tomorrow we go hear say baby north no be Kanye pikin. Infact deir reality programme should be renamed ' keeping up with the whores'
Oh pleaase mason has gat scott written all ova him,he doesn't even need a dna test to prove dat
Juz sm broke ass dude trying ƮΦ be popular. ΨђΦ cares? *rolling eyes*
Dis Americans can f**k for Africa. As in, its noffin 2 dem. No formin, no buy me card, no Mr biggs, no he must be rich, no he must hav motor, no dis & dat. Jst wen d lady gets in d mood. She wud allow any fine or okay boi to help her fill her empty tank witout stress. So I'm not surprised. Hian! Kourtney oooooooo
D guy is blind can't he see d resemblance btw mason and scott,abeg make d guy go sit down smewhere nonsense,they won't allow d kardashians to rest.
Mtscheeeew! Were was he all dis wyl? Seeking for cheap popularity!
Abegi dey shld do DNA test
Dey r out to get dis girls
A DNA test will not be a bad idea, the kardashian clan too get issues joor, from sex tape to naming pickin NORTH to lamar and kloe infidelity saga,mason kinda look like this dude though ****close eyes***
Hehe Michael gets his fame and kourtney gets her 15mins . Everyone wants their 15mins b4 d KKN cla(Kim Kanye nd Nori) is chilling
Ok let d comment begin
nawa o for guys luking for fame. Isssh
Isnt â„“̊Ï„̅ the same way they rose †Î¦ fame?....controversial lot!
Funny enough,mason kinda look like d guy oo! Lol.. the kardashians are now hot and on every news. That's what they wanted,to be famous for being famous.
Av had it wif ol d accusation, first my baby khloe nw kourtney, @least if its Kim i wont mind plzzzz enof of ol dis
Mtchewww!!! Attention seeker.....
This guy really got serious...
O ga ohh!
But Scott and mason have this resemblance Biko
And mason looks like the younger one tool
But mehhnnnnnnn
This model is foiiiiinnnnnnn
So masculine!
Even a blind man can see the resemblance between mason and Scott, if he's lookin for money he won't get it
Y did u liv ha in d first place $ now u came 2 claim nothing,,dat gay na big fool
È‹̝̊̅ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇ it with u pipu! Cheap publicity I gues! Its nt easy to b a in d media sha
idiotic man...just look at his mouth. mason is soo not ur son. he looks like scot which is so glaring..attention seeker oshi
everyone wants to be attached to the Kardashians....smh
Abeg Linda, u must follow this story to its logical conclusion oh.
Abegi,mason is jus scott disick jnr.d striking resemblance aint hidden.
Na wa o..kardashians again..abeg sup wit dz people nau..dey shld free dem nau
D nigga cray!!!
lol what a looser mason duz not even look like him get a life mr hot model
Mason looks like dis guy oooo. I can see d resemblance. Lol
Wow kourtney is pretty
What if the guy is right? Dna wouldn't hurt if koutney knws he is wrong.
Crazy americans!
Wow kourtney is pretty. Linda continue 2 play politics wit peoples comments.
But seriously mason sure looks like this dude in the second pix,so kourthney had a one night of unprotected sex dats if na true sha,so much drama when ure rich and famous...
Lols, one man one wife,one woman 1 husband, dis de only solution to dis kind drama.
Do the test joor if na lie we go still know#see Gobe.
If d guy z jst lookn 4 fame den dey should prove us wrong by hvn d dna test..after all kourt z so sure dat scott z d father..
Broke arse fool get a life ass wipe
A moda knows d fada of her child no mata wat.....
All for fame,fastest way to make it nw is to lie abt sleeping wth a celeb..#just saying#
then they should go do the DNA na..nothing to hide nothing to loose...shikena
Mason sure luks lik ds guy... U get 2 luk at d kid closely...cuz 4 real,he does nt luk lik scott...
If D guy think he is the father,make them go do DNA,naa wetin too much of sex with deferent men dey course b that.
I just tire 4 world people. Why can't they just leave d fam in peace.
The Mason in question even looks like Scott Disick, No DNA required.
Men, is it this easy to make ur name popular? I should also be on the news afterall I was a surrogate for kimye's daughter!... Lol
Na them sabi.......
Obviously looking for fame...leave kourtney alone abeg! Famzer!Linda post ma comment o!
This dude is such a big fool! Mason sure looks like his father Scott,one doesn't need to be told. So he should go and rest jor
See gobe!
Na wa.mason looks lik ds guy nor doubts abt it. #fact#
Abegi make dem free d kardashians na!
They should ve a DNA
But mason looks like scott
Eehn!d judge shud ask dem 2 go 4 DNA test nau,@ least dat wud solve d problem.
No need 4 a DNA test, Mason is a carbon copy of scott! D guy shud go n sleep jare
The onus is on kourtney 2 proove the douche wrong..Take the test n let's see..hehehe.
America is just full of a crazy bunch of people who won't mind ruining another person's life just to be popular!!! Its just absord!
Do the DNA first.
He is just a kill joy!!Tofiakwa
A family of ashawos, who wouldn't wanna make their way to fame using them? Mtchewwww
Joker! Mason dat looks jus like his dad scot. All dis attention seeker should get a life abeg. U had a fling wit Kourt, oya we don hear. Next!!! Lindodo we need more new stories jor. #Nekky#
Dis man sef too blind y e no luk d pikin face first before e clam......cuz dat boy na scott proper...
Somebody is definately hell bent on ruining the kardashians!
Mcheeewwww, see talk oooo. This is laughable. Mason is the spitting image of his father(Scot). Na waoh. See fame hungry model ooo. LOOLlLL.
Being an attention whore is a full time job now.
Everyone's trying t cash in on their 15mins of fame.
By hook, crook or whoring.
In this case, man whoring!
Buh come 2 fink of it Mason looks like d dude
r u kidding me? dt boy is like the spitting image of LSD! ughhh! they shud free these pple abeg
DNA won't b a bad idea
No doubt abt d resemblance btw d cute lil Mason n his 'DAD' Scott Disick. Dat asswipe is jes lukin 4 cheap publicity, maybe he's gettin outta shape n needs sum money cos no1 wnts 2 hire him again. D claim is jes 2 stupid 4 my liking, is it d way Mason n Scott smiles, hair color, lips, etc... Abegii, dis guy shud jump inside lagoon joor. Kourt should jes do d test n show him hw stupid he is. AND sue him 4 embarrassing ha...
Mason looks exactly lyk scott dis guys r crazy tey shld leav doz grls alone na..haba mason is a caboncopy of his daddy
Mason sooooooooo looks like Scott. Shut up man! Tee
I am 100% sure that this model is Mason's father. The resemblance is so much esp d smile> Iv always known that Scott isnt Mason's dad.
hw wil dis touch africa nt 2 talk of nigeria
celebs and their twisted lifes
Some guy??? Dat english sounds somehow to me. Though u r a graduate of english, u wil hv knw d simple thngs dat cause confusion in english.
The Kardashians shud take heart.All these challenges comes with been famous.The truth wud finally come out.
Mason doesn't even look lik d micheal sef, his d real son of lord disick.. Micheal go sel bread Biko *phew*
Jeez,mason is obviously scott's kid,the resemblance is just tooo much...
Fat lie
She admitted on d show 2 having sex wit random guys & wit scott b4 she got pregnant. So d guy cld be right.
Go for the DNA test to prove him wrong, shikena!!
Well from the show her and Scot had broken up, then she started seeing him on code next thing she said she was preg even Khloe was shocked because she didn't even know Kurt and Scott were seeing... So I think this guy has a right to find out if this child is his or not....
I aint surprised
Yes we know that mason is scott's son bt wat if its true that mason is d model's son? Na real scandal e go be!
Ds guy z sick so afta three years ♈o̲̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ decided †̥☹ come for d child nw. Msschheww ♈o̲̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ need psychiatric help
No doubt d little man luks like scott
Am really tired of the kardashians
What is wrong with all dis pple looking for cheap publicity....see his Face like tolotolo#notinterested#
Wen mason is a chip of d old block!!!dis dude is delusional...onyoshi nmuo!!!marakunya!
Hmmmm..why did he wait till now
Hmmmm..why did he wait till now
The chase continues on the kardashians. I have never seen my comment on your blog Linda even when i take d pain to comment every morning.
The chase continues on the kardashians. I have never seen my comment on your blog Linda even when i take d pain to comment every morning.
The chase continues on the kardashians. I have never seen my comment on your blog Linda even when i take d pain to comment every morning.
Even a blind man knows that the little boy looks like Scott,
Y ah pple so wicked dey hv destroyed kloe now its kourtney's turn?
Come 2 think abt it d guy kinda luk like scott, same eyes.... So I can see where his confusion came frm.
I know people will start saying looking for fame
But this guy had been asking for DNA since 2010,y dint they just give him until he goes to court.these Kardashians like drama too so that they can have something to be in d news for.
And its not like kim dint stick to famous Paris for her fame so y does it pain them when someone does it to them,stingy with their fame.
Publicity stunt or not, let's look at this issue without sentiments....did they really have unprotected sex and did she sleep with scoth at the same time? Either way a child was born 9 months after. If I am scoth I will be the one pressing for a DNA test.
These guy shld take several back seats abeg. Bbm rolling eye smiley
If they had done d DNA since 2010 when he started asking then he wouldn't have tried to chop their almighty fame and fortune
Rubbish thy should jst leav dis family alone.watin happennnnnnnn.na wha America
But publicity apart,Mason looks so much like hot model.i tik they need the DNA test for real
But if it is his kid can he claim child support?
Plzzzz the boi looks exactly like †̥ђε father so have a seat and be calm.......*sarcastic face*
Will not be surprised if its actually true
Mason looks so much like scot! Ths one shud gwan rest biko
Story! Mason look somch lik Scott....dis guy is lookin 4 cheap publicity!!
No! No! No! Ofcourse, She knows am d real father of d kid, so she's got nothing 2 worry about
At least he is better looking than Scott
Fame wannabe. That boy that looks exactly like Scott. Mscheew. People can look for money to buy food sha.
Its ѕσ obvious dat scott is mason's father..dis one is jes looking 4 15mins fame..oloshi
Dnt mind d mumu guy is wants 2 be noticed I turst der mum she wii giv it bck 2him
Na wa ooo
If kourt conscience is clear .mk she do d dna ohhh.cos any tin is possible wit this family
Well Mason can decide to suddenly look like Scott by virtue of calling him daddy even if he is not!
It's not unlikely he's d model's son,so they should do a DNA if they have nothing to hide.#walks away##not like I care#
I believe the kardashians plant these absurd stories to remain relevant in the news.I wonder why the guy is just coming out now if mason is his son,where has he been since? The kardashians are just attention seekers.
Na wash!!!
Wateva!! I despise d kardashians personally..kim married 4 72 days n den divorced..khloe snatched sumone zz bf..kourtney has 2 kids witout marriage..dia mum kris is avin affair outsyd marriage..d ar bunch of morons dat family is cursed!!!
Daft guy...its so obvious mason is Scott's kid...
Pls, point of correction! They are not full of ashawo's just like u called it! Khloe is happily married to Lamar! Kourtney on d other hand has been with Scott for as long as we all can remember! So watch your poisonous mouth &leave that family alone! Everybody nobi ashawo! Mtcheeeew!
Ur not funny @ all...
R u sure all dis things r nt so dey can b in d news sef! Evrybodyz lookin 4 15mins of fame! I think tonto dike shld hv her own reality show- time wit tonto... Nw dat'll b intresting 2 watch
Abi, Mason looks too much like Scott, ah ahn, people no dey see???
See in America negative and positive stories attract fame esp those dat lie just for the fun of it this is a very simple matter let them summit mason for dna and if it turns out that this dude was lying Scott should sue the living day light out of him for emotional trauma psychological distress and the sleepless night this issue has brought to him in America there is always a law suit for all these emotional trauma bull shit but sadly the oda dude would have gotten his 5minutes of fame and spotlight that is the way it is sick nation
make them do the test naaaaaaaa
Hmmm lyk mother lyk daughters!!! Dis family drama sha na wa! Anyway Mason luks so much lyk dis guy evn d way Mason laffs,u'l see dis guy in him.
They shd do a DNA test period,2 determine d father of d child.
As in mason over resemble scott he shuld go and sleep jare. Mason and scott re like will and grave... Copy and paste
These pple n their paternal-triangles,1st the mum n Khloe and now Court...did i hear someone say Kimye?i'm not there o! *takes off using speed
Thank you jari
Tell them, but na money matter
Scott is constantly dealing with alcohol related issh , hates there mother cos only him knows exactly what the family is abt, if this is tru, I c a trend bw mother and child. lamars wife is not kadashne in as much as they try 2 hide d truth, the only thing they will do is pay scott 2 keep d news out of the media, y we never c kim pikin pix sef... na so so copy copy, anything Beyoncé do, she go wan copy, 4getting B has a talent...its either they re trying 2 push this story 2 throw pple off Kim's back abt her babe or...
Mason looks like scott na. abi which kain ode be this model.mcheww. jobless moron.
I don't see the resemblance with this guy; Mason looks so much like Scot.
Oscar! Real tlk...hahaha
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