See President Jonathan's New Official Portrait | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 25 August 2013

See President Jonathan's New Official Portrait

This is President Goodluck Jonathan's approved, new official portrait...sent to media houses to use henceforth.


Anonymous said...

Lol so?! It gonna stop BH? #JayBeyBlu

Cute G said...

Smile for the camera #Big Smile#

Tiana said...

Dos dis call of d strike every where? Both asuu nd health workers? Over pimp work of art!

Unknown said...

Abeg, what difference does it make in the state of our nation?

Anonymous said...

Well, he still looks like a clueless mofo

Slikkys said...

Is thr really any difference from d old one? Linda,u shld hv posted d old one for those of us dat do not knw. Slikky

Anonymous said...

Looks same to me

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Official frivolity I must say! Well, seen and noted!

Adi said...

Mr President changed his profile picture!!!.... he can never get funnier! LMAO

Anonymous said...

How į̸̸̨Ƨ̷ dis suppose †̥o concern ASSU n students resumption into d university

Nas said...

So? How is this news or have it impacted the price of commodities or improve power supply pls I pass next news item pls

Mich said...

Dear presidito,it doesn't matter what portrait you send to the media.
What matters is the portriat Nigerians have of you in their minds and believe me when I say its not such a pretty one.

Unknown said...

WTF is dis wat we nid?

Anonymous said...

Nice, but he should die his hair. The gray is not looking nice.

Anonymous said...

Do I even knw what former one looks like.....ptschewwww

Anonymous said...

Whats the difference btwn this n the older one now... lol

bettyblue said...

Does it change anything. Abeg this dude shld just step up his game,we ain't asking 4 a new portrait pix,we're asking 4 a step up in Courage,Charisma and Leadership. (just hope u're wearing shoes now in dis new pix).

Unknown said...

I'll use this as my screen saver right away.

Anonymous said...

Na so! Ebele 1

Chibaby nzewine said...

Ok! First to. Comment!

Anonymous said...

Sis linda...wetin make we use his portrait do now ooo... First to comment #gbam#

Unknown said...

Errmmm,I can't spot the difference.

Anonymous said...

What is the difference? Well maybe contract for a friend to change photos.

Anonymous said...

Na potrait we wan chop.... Abeg e.

JSBunny said...

And that is the most pressing issue on your desk!

Unknown said...

How e take affect the common Nigerian Student @ home as a result of ASUU strike...mtchewww misplaced priorities...Next Pls. VIA 3249E543

Anonymous said...

Biko! Make dis man intervene 4 asuu mata na....m so fed up!

DownUnder said...

Same face, Same apparel, what's the fuss?

Anonymous said...

What is the diffrent btw the former ones? As for me I u see no diff.

Anonymous said...

please how is this different from the rest of all the pictures we have seen of him . A hat , and the traditional Bayelsa shirt and an ugly face

Aisha said...

Not different from the previous one to me. Maybe except from the white hair. Still looking same,no changes.

didi said...

yawn, lindy, slow news day? Why are you posting the fattened version of this guy, na?

freshdude said...

Instead of releasing funds to ASUU he's releasing a portrait, instead of creating jobs for graduates or devising means to stop killing of innocent men,women and children he's busy releasing a portrait that adds no value to anyone SHAME. How does this portrait affect Nigerian students or Nigeria's economy. Does it scare the Boko haram, does it reduce the cost of garri or will d portrait reduce the number of jobless citizenzzz...Your answer is as good as mine. NO!

ary said...

How does it concern me na? Will it pay my salary? Put food on my table or call off ASUU strike? Abeg GEJ and his cohorts should set their priorities straight. Rubbish!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, this guy is funny..... Nigerian students are @ home and he is there approving portrait..... Hmmm.. He needs to see a shrink!

Anonymous said...

Asuu dey strike, bad road, no electricity, nan potrate picture he dey share all over d world.

Anonymous said...

No difference

Emma said...

When is the blue and red introduced to Nigerian flag?

I am the only one seeing that?

Unknown said...

Deres no significant difference between the previous one and dis new one. If not because you said a new portrait,I would have tot it was the former one.
Nigeria and her misplaced priorities tho. Asuu is dEre,but nothing has bEen done.
We will keep praying.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... You dey vex o

Unknown said...

Still d same.

Anonymous said...

Old wine in an old Bottle!!!

oak said...

What's d diffrence. The only thing I can spot is the change of writing. How is that relevant

Anonymous said...

Can't spot the difference abeg or maybe its his thick lips. He should do something about ASUU strike

Visages Parfait said...

Linda,you should have put a picture of the old portrait side by side and asked us to spot the difference. Not just to put the 'new' picture as if to say "ok y'all change your dp's' now,the president says so"...well I guess that's what it means,literally,for the organizations where his pics hangs. *rme..sways tiny hips outta d rm*

Anonymous said...

Please, out of all d pressing isssues in our land... SMH

Anonymous said...

Who carez???? No one!


My man for President of this mumudom. Till 2019.

Anonymous said...

And so hw hz t changed his ways???
~D great anonymous!

SH said...

And so wat? Pictures nw important dan oda things? Its well,2015 z almost here-God will deliver us from ur hands,till den-enjoy it wyl it last. Shioo

Anonymous said...

Which kind tin be dis na....pple dey hungry 4 here oga dey show us portrait 9 we go chop abi??...SMH

ejikebiggerdick said...

Millions of students are sitting at home due to strike doing nothing....while dis man is over there chasing shadow, I don't even knw wat dis man is feeling lyk? WTF!

Anonymous said...

Mumu face will remain mumu face even if he wear suit,

Anonymous said...

our great presido! Looks like u have exhausted all ur smile..... It will take like 6 months to recover them back again!. Lolz.. #abeg na joke oh

ejikebiggerdick said...

Millions of students are sitting at home due to strike doing nothing....while dis man is over there chasing shadow, I don't even knw wat dis man is feeling lyk? WTF!

Unknown said...

ow dese one con take consine us nau.mtcheew. ASUU dey dere na portrait be e own wahala.

Anonymous said...

Abeg dere is a big difference frnm d old protrait and d new one mr president is trying. Keep doing d good work

Anonymous said...

wats d fuss.he has tym 2 change pics wen universities r on strike

Anonymous said...

Long live our President!!!
Long live The Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!!!
R E S P E C T!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Long live our President!!
Long live The Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!!
R E S P E C T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rough Diamond said...

Misplaced priority! See d face sef?!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a handsome man. Your excellency please ride on with your good works.

Anonymous said...

Oya na as e be say na photo-shop e con do for Aso-rock. Jona u can like to face BUSH!!!

Unknown said...

LMAO!!!!!!! *wicked*

deeshyer said...

New picture new tinz okay letz seee

Anonymous said...

Gosh this man makes me sooooo mad!!!!
the things that make his priority list always involve spending money.
what has he achieved since coming into office??
Other heads of state r solving their peoples problems, while this big hump of idiotic stupidity is busy causing more problems for us!

wandy said...

No difference, same old boring position..

Anonymous said...

its far better from the old one. .

Anonymous said...


The Disciplinarian said...

So??? *Raised Eye brow* what has dat got to do with me or improve the situations n conditions in Nigeria?

Or how will solve my financial problems? Mcheeeeeeeew! Nonsense n ingredient!

Btw he's got some sexy full-pink lips sha! *RollsEyes*

Anonymous said...

The most pressing issue on his table is to make a new portrait while some student are at home useless...mttcchheewwww

Anonymous said...

The JAZZ No Go Work

Anonymous said...

doesn't look any different

Anonymous said...

Nah.... Its gonna stop ASUU strike.

Anonymous said...

lolz... Diz Mr President sef, i dey house dy wait make strike finish, u dy Aso rock dey snap pics. Wonder wats d diff btw d old nd d new pic. Mtcheeeeew get bck to work nd stop smiling Borin President

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Isn't dat dsame pic as d former one? #confused #samestiffpose

Anonymous said...

My thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Dp picture just got changed. And then what next.....smh

Ifeoma Adeyinka said...

How has this new pics helped the condition of Nigerians? Btw what happened to the old one???

damilola said...

Tell him I said ok! Pls does he look finer n thinks deres a need for new one? Or will his yeye pisure make my sweet naija beta? Or will it give me a good job? Mscheeeew!!!!! Iranu

Anonymous said...

lol photo-shoping thingz

damilola said...

I over like ur comment. Lwkmd

damilola said...

I love ur comment like crazy. Lwkmd

CovertNigerian said...

It breaks my heart each time I see yellow horses on our coat of arms - they are meant to be WHITE for goodness sakes! Politicians that stand proudly in front of this false coat of arms display yet again how little they know of the country they lead.

Anonymous said...

This man is totally confused i swear. so of all things that require attention its his portrait that matters to him.

Anonymous said...

Foolish country and foolish president, have you resolved the issues encompassing the nation. This is what they indulge in, taking pictures when there are matters at hand!

Anonymous said...

Oga Presido change DP no be bad tin

Anonymous said...

No much difference jus d neck and chin don fat...#3million per day for feedin alone wat else do we expect.Jona!Jona!

Anonymous said...

You always have misplaced choice of engish words.stp trying to impress us wit words u dnt even understand the exact meanings.

Anonymous said...

Diz man funny sha

Anonymous said...

Bro Jonah, thanks for sharing the new pix with us. we still dey wait for you to take aggressive action on many issues. Love ya.

Alayo said...

Already ur daiz are numbered sir.... Muntula!!

Anonymous said...

You may change the frame, but the picture remains the same. Oga Joe you needs to do more work. God is your strength

Gloria said...

God bless Mr. President. May he also grant you wisdom to rule Nigeria.

Unknown said...

so this is what they do with Nigeria's money abi? like it's any different from the previous ones *hiss*

Anonymous said...

He still looks like a #fuckboy

Anonymous said...

Very funny and uninformed comments. You guys really think the president can afford time for such privolities as official portrait?, such things are handled by the communication and media people. That said, whatever your issues are, state them respecfully, show some respect. Remember some of us went through the same asuu strikes and the likes and still kept our good old values which includes respecful dissagreement. God bless y'all.

Anonymous said...

Waooo!He looks like a pimped up..........fisherman.

Anonymous said...

Who made him a dr.....too like title sha..would be nice to know the qualifications of some of our leaders

Anonymous said...

@Anon,what word did PC use thats wrong above? Frivolity? You really b big mumu! Check your dictionary for that word

Anonymous said...

Monsters go chase u for dream enter hell tonight...

Anonymous said...

Fresh air Noni..
Fake guy

Anonymous said...

Monsters go chase u for dream enter hell tonight...

Unknown said...

D man don dey use cream

Anonymous said...

Same look all the time

Anonymous said...

He's just unserious.

Anonymous said...

ASUU... Ode

Anonymous said...

who is interested in his fucking ugly look?We ask for a better economy and job creation, he's carrying his rubbish smelling corps all about the nation.He should learn from Lagos state governor on good policy and Job creation and leave this acake idiopatic policy of governance.Fool Jonathan.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....I see no difference..still looks like an incompetent asshole to me.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:05...aka Prince charming..all we are asking you to do is stop using unnecessary big only makes you look stupid dude. If this ishow u speak evryday..I'm sure u get laughed at a lot.

Anonymous said...

Dear GEJ..while you're there updating updating your bb/fb/twitter profile pic..students who wld otherwise be in schl are getting burnt beaten to death or shot by police men because of the ASUU strike..graduates are jobless..Boko Asswipes are giving the nation a bad name..and your wife is acting the fool all over the planet. So take sometime off your DP and handle your business

Anonymous said...

Who cares mtchew,I would rada deny masef franchise dan vote 4 u. Rubbish

Anonymous said...

Hahaha....Linda you are mischievous but I love you sha.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha....Linda you are mischievous but I love you sha.

Anonymous said...

Bad luck jonathan,,i no blame u kkkkk, I blame myself wea go waste tym vote 4 u, now u wnt frustrate me as a student..u wnt make i become grandmother 4 jst 4 yrs course.. Na only God go help me polish u....

Anonymous said...

This man is a stupid fool,u dnt need a new portrait cos we already v ur image in our heads..u r a loser!u call ursef a DR an d education system in nigeria is sufferin,we all now realise we made a big mistake wen we voted 4 u as president.So dnt disturb ursef contestin cos as far as Nigeria is concerned u r 'rest in peace'.I HATE YOU 4 makin my education suffer

Anonymous said...

mscheww no difference

Anonymous said...


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