It all started when Karrueche posted a picture of herself wearing braids with the caption 'These braids and my peanut head lol." (pictured right). See what happened next after the cut...
Rihanna's cousin LeLe reposted the picture on his Instagram page with the caption "Why did one of my boys send me this?' with a bunch of alien face emoticons. Right after that, Rihanna cracked up laughing online talking about how she loves her messy friends. See the tweets below...
Karrueche noticed what was being said and tweeted...
Rihanna replied...
they are back at it! love triangle.
They are never tired!
How old is this cunt? 25? Whore grwo up! Boring attention seeking whore
Fight on Gals,am loving dis!
Y dis Riri u re bigger dan dis
LOL! I don't blame Rihanna sha. I'd be mad too. Karrueche was looking like a beauty queen in those Hawaii pics. Me that I'm a babe I was beginning to trip for her sef.
POST MA COMMENT Linda! Thankies :)
lol... When will i stop loving Riri???? This gal is threemuch
Mtchwww rihanna shud berre move on, Drake looks like a wonderful guy for her n breezy n karrueche looks good 2geda.**barbie**
Lol Na wa o Chris yaf cause wahala..letz c wr dz is gonna end#stilwatchingsha
Riri and Kerrueche, grow up!!
Riri go die leave the girl na her fault say u and chris no workout?u just dey fool urself becos of chris brown he choose her not u. Linda I never see my massg b4 make I no look for this one.
They are having fun...Rihanna needs to move on...she is way above this..
They need to stop the bickering at each other. Rihanna is better than this. She should get herself busy
They are having fun...Rihanna needs to move on...she is way above this..
Pple r living their lives u fool is saying "they r never tired"....are u never tired of getting in their biz?
That's my bad girl riri, love her scara. Buahhhhhh @ d diss
I prefer karueche to riri. she is so immature and acts dumb kinda!!!!!
Ghen!! Ghen!! The battle over Chris Brown's D. My first post on LIB @_MichaelChavez_
1 tin i no understand 4 d full tin wey dem talk.
Breezy jus stay out of it
You definitely can't buy class.
Rihanna still wants Chris.
Bloglord were the hell have u been? Missed u like crazy, welcome back.
Karuska is suffering from the naija woman syndrome aka mama iyabo!
Why the fuck is her hair so scanty and her hairline :/
Btw, rih nd her friends shld grow up!
Oh dear,is it really so hard to grow up?like seriously?these girls are acting like some 3yr old baby! I shake my head!
Whoa i thought she was happy with drake this rihanna is still in love with cb.Karruche is matured than her no wonder they say sense is not by age
Personally...this gal has better better personality to riri...if ur boyfriend leaves for anoda babe,obviouly he sees somfin better in her,u dont have...riri shuld just lawlow,grow up and shut up
I wont be surprised if chris brown gets married to this karruche girl.Rihanna and her cousin needs to grow up
You break up with him, yet u wnt allow him b wit sm1else. Tot u were finally over him. Hian, Bitter much?
Riri is deep in love with Chris and there's no hiding it.
@ lady dondada u must be a fool to support riri...cuz i knw u're raz like her...linda post dis ooo...
Rihanna needs to get a life,tour is over she's now bored cause she's boyfriendless, she should stick to her canadian wanabe boyfriend(drake) and leave karr alone!
Like rhianna can talk with the size of her own forehead...girl u have too much money for all this mess#Growup
Abi o, rihanna is just too messy,shebi ur ex's situation shouldn't bother u again!she's probably bored her tour is over.
Karrueche doesn't look for her but rihanna does. Rihanna should let go!
Abi o, rihanna is just too messy,shebi ur ex's situation shouldn't bother u again!she's probably bored her tour is over.
true story karreuche. Bitch needs 2 b told d truth, cant get over hersef. No wonder she ws seen fully dressed in one of her outing, instead of her infamous less-is-more style. She learned well. The truth is bitter
No class dat y! Riri free d gal, she is d preferred!
Hehe get over ur ex riri
~D great anonymous!
Smh for Riri.A child hiding in d body of an adult.Poor confused child.
Rihanna plz get ova ur high horse,chris is nt evn fit fr u,watz ur P sef?ve had enuf jare.let d poor gal b
Who is karuska?? Lol, or u meant Karrueche? Tank me lerra.
Abeg pack well, two idiotic fellas Una dry fight for man. Tufiakpa!. Nndie ara abuao.
Charming without brain...and is this tran's fault
She acted like d grown up here
Dξγ̲̣̣̥ are both childish FO̶̷̩̥̊͡Я this anyway... But chris Α̲̅πϑ his uche babe have Α̲̅ way of trying †̥☺ get her attention bcos dξγ̲̣̣̥ both follow her especially karrueche who always stalk her... But she should let dem swallow in self pity as his album won't make headlines like Rihanna own did cos he won't have no1 album Jayz will make sure of that!! Aunty abeg post ma comment
I don't know why is still aches when u see cb with another girl. I thought u said u don't need him again so why should it bother u RiRi. The girl beat u hands down and looks far morev beautiful, decent and well mannered than u. Big forehead stupid illuminati girl mtcheeew.
We think alike
Yawns and walks away silently
Like she can dare braid
Dξγ̲̣̣̥ are both childish FO̶̷̩̥̊͡Я this anyway... But chris Α̲̅πϑ his uche babe have Α̲̅ way of trying †̥☺ get her attention bcos dξγ̲̣̣̥ both follow her especially karrueche who always stalk her... But she should let dem swallow in self pity as his album won't make headlines like Rihanna own did cos he won't have no1 album Jayz will make sure of that!! Aunty abeg post ma comment
Drake can force himself into her legs but not her heart
But good thing he knows where he stands.....I hope he's happy there
Riri U re once d sexiest woman alive, des ppl ve nuthin on U so let Go cos u deserve beta. U shldnt b exchangin word wt karrueche. U re way bigger dan ds!
AGBAYA Linda! You're always excited when rihanna starts bullying this girl, cos CB finally choose the better woman.
rihanna shud leave karr alone na,do she tink she can ever get cb back by being a torn on karr's flesh?or by being a freakin beef seekin bitch,.,.she shd jst get a life nd grow up!!
Rihanna is just a dumbass with no brains.
LolzZzzzz riri!! Her weakness na her bad mouth!!! Besides riri didn't look 4 her bt was gossiping with her cuz!!! Leave her bitch stole d worthless CB!!!
Buhahaha! You r damn right..
=))º°˚˚˚°ÂºÐ½aĦaнaº°˚˚˚°Âº=)) abi Ooº°˚ ˚°Âºoo the thing wey I knw be say pple just dey comment....rubbish!!!
1st anon, she's not thanking you for anything, cos you didn't get the joke..
I wish Chris Brown would propose to this girl so Rihanna can take several seats.
Rihanna should fucking have several seats...idiot aye !..dat girl is the problem we have in this world. She should grow up abeg. I swear to God I still wonder what Chris Brown saw in her..like they don't even fit abeg. Like Karr just suits my lovely Breezy abeg. And bia Linda enough of Rihanna already, like enough !
Linda she didn't shade the heck tho...calm down ! And yes you truly can't buy class. Dat other girl is so pretty.
people can say whatever they want about Rihanna but I get how she feels about Karrueche I have been in Rihanna's position or should I even say I am in it right now and its very tempting to get nasty but hell yeah she deserves it little (bleep)
Lyk cwiosly yhu cnt buy class! Riri shud get ova er sef alwedy..#team karr!
The hair doesn't fit her truely!
She looks like a child.....no she looks like ermmm can't even understand her looks#confused face#
Braids? Ignorant Americans.
See what dick has caused. Childish oafs.
I love U riri..classy aint trashy girl u rock....2 all riri hatterz goan suck sand
If u dnt support riri....u ll die broke,oloshi set of pple
Rihana u rock..jes live ur used toy 2 ur maid,u r bigger dan dat....go girl
Thank you!!! People need to stop praising Rihanna for her foolishness. Stardom is not an excuse for her ratchet/childish behaviour smh
y'all saying "Rihanna is better than this", r silly! how is she better than this? isn't this what she does best? has she ever exuded anything close to class? or self respect or home training?? abeg!
She is just that one EX that just won't go away!
That name changing is so old skool
Grow up rir. You don't need all dz
Am I the only one that thinks Rihanna is TRYING too harrddd??? C'mon.. U're the loser here! I can see u're pained.. Chris is better off with Karrueche than with yo sorry ass! Fine, he hit you, he's sorry, he has apologised, and he's still suffering from that mistake but girl... MOVE THE FUCK ON!!! And don't let one silly mistake disrupt a whole nigga's life.. WTH!!!
By the way, I don't and would never support a guy hitting a girl! And Linda, quit being sentimental! Stop making us think shit before we even get to read it!
na one man them dey fight for so, money is good
Rihanna don forget say na she be the queen mother of alien head!!!! I pity her government
Dats y ya a mumu! She jst insulted d gal w/o provocation and ya saying shes threemuch! Olodo rihanna follower! Like rihanna like fan! Mtchew.
Hahahahahahahahaha...ds fight no b hia ooooo. RiRi dat babe js finishd U̶̲̥̅̊ wih words#Damn!!!!
@anon 10:55pm GBAM !! you hit the nail on the head
All these na beef,riri be matured let the girl be, she has the quality u dnt ve that's why she was chosen over u
I second that!
riri please grow up ok. chris has made his choice. you are one of the hottest woman on the planet. #MOVEON
Which kind obsession be dis nah? Riri abeg carry u ghana must go commot make this couple see road. I pity breezy,this gal won't go till she ruins him for sure.karru u don enter wahala, wen riri high scara na horror film be dat oo
This is the kind of language many naija girls are copying now.Thanks Linda.You keep bringing up this Rihanna thing like it's one big deal.You dey fall my hand i swear.Maybe this is just your own obsession,but don't draw other down with you.This comment was intended for your eyes only.
Rihanna fore-head self na die!!!,,see what love triangle can cause.
Mschewww, its like rihanna doesnt know what else to do with her time, she should come to me, i have clothes for her to wash........
Mscheewww,its like rihanna is less busy. she should come lemme give her clothes to wash.....
May ur generation live long dear
May your generation live long dear
Hell hath no fury like rihanna busted and dumped.
Marq u r vry stupid..I wil even hide u for ha
Mmcchheww!! Next biko. Dry gist.
Pot calling kettle black, riri try and plait that hairstyle and see how your forehead will look like. To know a girl who truly is beautiful is when she plait her natural hair in all back style.if her own forehead is like peanut then what will her your forehead look like when u braid ur hair .
U̶̲̥̅̊ better stop before U̶̲̥̅̊ get hurt ΛƓΛĪИ @Riri
Rihanna is such a child. It's so obvious that d tin is paining her die! Upon say CB De use two of them play suwe. She should see it as good riddance if he's no longer with her instead of being jealous and bitchy abt it
Easy anonymous 8:05, Karreuche Trash shouldn't have responded in the first place. I guess that's what P.C's saying
Linda do these bitches speaking English i swear i no hear one word way dem talk
Riri ur way bigger than this....rubish,who no big pass!,if kar had nt talked of doin sme sleeping d matter for don still dey on,cos riri mind na to tear d grl apart wit insult,na sh gt mouth pass na,tll me who dey go insult,wey no atleast say two wrds commot nd dats wat kar dd,.nt withstanding riri,I luv u life,jst b a lil mature,kar was u weren't.nd all of u knw dat drake is into riri's legs,not heart,he's quiet nd all dat,but he's no lover,if he wld be d woman has not been seen yet,nd as fr. Dat bone hea c.b,his a confused mess,dat I luv his style too,but u knw kar ain't ur woman,find ur woman,shs smone'else out there!
Buhahahahahahahah! Serious movie
Wow! Primary school kids now visit this blog. U guys should stay in school. Hw can u not understand dis simple thing?
MUMU hw wud u stop luvin her wen u cnt read n unnderstand????
Karrueche is a fine babe.
Both Females are dumb. Why do they keep taking Chris Brown back after he dumps them? He keeps going back and forth with both ladies. They are both classless. Rihanna should have stayed with Drake, I liked the chemistry they both shared in their songs.
She has a name if you can spell karrueche u can spell tran, the attitude of replacing her name with demeaning words is just a down low shameful act and also so old. Grow th
Grow up.
And childishly retarded
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