Popular stylist Toyin Lawani shows off bare baby bump... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 15 August 2013

Popular stylist Toyin Lawani shows off bare baby bump...

Her baby daddy shared the photo on his instagram page. I hear a wedding is happening soon...


Immaculate said...

They should tie the knot immediately, no waste of time? Congrat

Anonymous said...

good for her

Anonymous said...

Awwww cute! Is this a trend?

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand the hype around this girl and her boy toy...#dyra

Mich said...

I just witnessed a drive by in the Bronx...
Fleeing back to my abode,these gangsters though.

Anonymous said...

lovely! cute father btw.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Pregnancy»Baby»Then maybe Marriage, lovely new trend! Congrats to them!

Anonymous said...


Stanley Onduru said...

Good for her.
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Anonymous said...

He is really a Baby Daddy.

Psychotic bitch said...

A daughter from another man, a son coming soon from another man. Na wa oooo

Anonymous said...

Looks like the guy is eating her up... That shit looks punani to me.

Anonymous said...

u sure say no be pussy dis guy the suck so.cus me dey see sumfin else 4 dere ooooo, mayb is my eyes sha.

Anonymous said...

Gud 4 dem congrats

One Gud Chick said...

The jazz not gon llast forever boosh!

My comments are better then yours in everyway.One Gud Chick is better then you all. You welcome!

A1 said...

nce one

Anonymous said...

I swear i thought someone was eating pussy at first....like a leaked celebrity picture

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

OmG!!!!! Dis I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ cuteeee

Anonymous said...

Dats nice and romantic...

Genevieve Samuel said...

Aww so cute,Visit The Inspiration Blog Angel Maryjane David Blog.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Dis wot we get to see wen an adult n a kid, decides to do wot two adults shuld be doing.

Unknown said...

So sweet! Congrats. Signed: #QUEENTY#

Anonymous said...

Hmm she get belle before marriage no body talk! But una want use moouth finish beverly!! Beverly osu for d mulla!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to them

Anonymous said...

Shameless couples. Why not display the real "area"?

Anonymous said...

wish dem all d best.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mehnn dat guy z soo cute αη∂ fwesh!#no-homo#doctorbobby

Ada Igbo said...

Am have for u.... ride on

African Sweetheart said...

Who is she please. I am not even trying to be rude.

Anonymous said...

but the guy is to small for her but any way if dey love each other no problem wit that wish u guys d best

Anonymous said...

That picture looked like the boy was actually eating her pussy.

Anonymous said...

Mehnn dat guy z soo cute αη∂ fwesh!#no-homo#doctorbobby

Anonymous said...

How does baby bump look like pussy!! Or are you blind? Linda if I look for my comment,are u a learner

Anonymous said...

Linda abeg bring d pixs frm davido's sister TM,dnt ve time for dis rubbishhhhhhh

SUNSHINE said...

She's Beautiful..
Usually, them OAPs are ugly.

Anonymous said...

As in like "who wan die make e die.....dis guy is vexing! Lolz

M.c Donfunky

sdk's first lady said...

Dope ;)

Anonymous said...

Ermmmm wait oh!!!is dat her pubic hair?

sdk's first lady said...

Dope ;)

mrs me said...

Which mumu jazz??

Anonymous said...

Na marriage be the next thing na.Hope it ends in that

Anonymous said...

Nice one.

Anonymous said...

Nothin special............but rubbish

reg said...


Anonymous said...

Someone pls tell diz boi to go bck to schl,i knw him we are frnds he is a madonna student having issues almost errytime in schl,in 200 level,stop wasting ur time with ur mothers mate pls,i wish ur parents knew abt this

FAVOUR said...

Congrate 2u Luv Bird.

sdk's first lady said...

Its dope! D guy is cute ;)

Anonymous said...

Who cares? Next pls ko gbagbe oshi!

Anonymous said...

Abeg Na only me dey see pubic hair for this picture? How can I unsee what I have just seen??

cream said...

Eerrrmmmmm Lindoski... Abeg I no know weda na my eye or something, but is dat ha Pubic hair down der or somethings else... Hehehhehehe. *Grins and Walks away*

Yemmie Oscar said...

Yh! It's a trend.
Nice one

Anonymous said...

This your english na war baby.

Anonymous said...

am confused is this guy kissing the baby bump or he's about to give the girl a bj cos i cant see hair everywhere..... wait who's Lawani and who's the boy toy..... u always get this daft gist for us but it took u 3days to report the death in Maiduguri.... nawah sha

Anonymous said...

How does getting pregnant before marriage relate to having sex on national tv???na wa....u just dey yarn out of point...

Anonymous said...

I thought it was someone's Virginia getting kissed have haba Linda make u they get correct foto na

Anonymous said...

# Disgusting gay boi, uv got 2 be gay cos I no see woman wey aproko reach u

Unknown said...

Good luck to them.

Gene said...

Omg this chick is no stylist.. She's ghetto.

Anonymous said...

Have or happy,read ur damn sentence before posting

Anonymous said...

Pls tell us more

Anonymous said...

No be this same mumu geh wey say she wld show pix of baby bump except 4 15mill.who then gave her 15mill 4 dis.pple go jst stay dey run mouth anyhow.shuooo.issok i will properply do enlargement of the pix & hang on my sittin room wall.thank u very much sista linda

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Y is dis a news

Anonymous said...

I tot u were waiting for 15million b4 revealin ur bump? ...Oloshi *spits*

Anonymous said...

She's nt an OAP she's a stylist...

silence() said...

prince charming ,for this your pic wetin that feminine hand hold ? it looks like a charged banana.

Anonymous said...

Lolz @unseen wht i av just seen

Anonymous said...

Lol old woman and a minor I feel sorry for her,does he even know anything about kids? She's is just disgracing herself,classless lady! Pretending she's happy instead she's showing the world how shallow'she is,fashonista oshi! How is she any better than Beverly osu? To me they are same!Rubbish! #old mama youngie.Sad depressed old mama!

Anonymous said...

Aftermath Of that Kendrick Lamar Verse shit?
Loool..just kidding

Anonymous said...

This moron again?
Bitch,she ain't an OAP.
And Ur on d fucking wrong PosT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

That baby Ll be pretty, see the fine boy nah

Anonymous said...

Aww so cute and romantic, every woman definitely wants this from her man.

You can place an order for your foodstuffs. Call me on 07040181994 and have it delivered to doorstep and you can pay on delivery. A trial will convince you.

Linda please I'm just a jobless graduate trying to make ends meet so please post my comment.

Anonymous said...

who cares, linda stop throwing this girl in our face. we don't care and she is not a celebrity

Cocobutter said...

That's d reason why i dn like Lib. Ppl's comment are always eyeservice. Now tell me, whats congrat congrat congrat? 4dis jazz girl? And her #childnotgroom. Of a husband? Linda if u like dnt post my comment. Ode oshi!

Unknown said...

Hv fun congrate

Unknown said...

Congrats to dem

Lucian said...

Hmmm, just passing* kiokio. Please visit www.luciandos.blogspot.com to read true life stories of rape victims.

Anonymous said...

I can't see any public hair in his pic the lower oart looks
like her tummy aswell and also I love that they are happy wether dem marry no marry he no concern me but nowadays I see this lady smile and I know she's happy and as for the person saying does his parents know ..I'm sure they are not blind go and rest if it fails fine but at least they tried and must everything be juju for you People like Dare art Alade and deiola are far years apart is anyone picking on that? Peter psquare and Lola same but they are all happy please leave people let them be rather wish them well and pray for them

Anonymous said...

I thought she said she 15 Million to show a bump?

Anonymous said...

Wash, Wash.... Mak dem go Lukbush or Boil beans.. Linda mak I nor find My Coment ohh...

Truth teller said...

I just want to know what’s the evidence that the belly he is kissing is Toyin’s???

Anonymous said...

@ Cocobutter, If you don't like LIB, then don't come here. Who forced you to come to this blog? There are many others, please go there to make your stupid rant. The two of you must have met at a jazz man/woman's place to know she's doing jazz. Mcheeeeew

Anonymous said...


Chiisunshine(carolips) said...

Whatsup wit men n babbies nowadays? Every male celebs want to ve a child na. Married or not. Nawa o

Anonymous said...

Dat is not a belly but a pussy,I knw wat am saying.......linda nawa 4 u oh,did he tell u dat is toyin lawani's tummy?....smh.

Anonymous said...

kess i cant believe you resultd to dis...ur momsy is in ph nd you doing all dis.....you ran away from home kai!
you should ave chilled...i no its money dat got u into dis...i told him to take you to lag to better your life nt for you to get married to ur momma's mate.

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