Pick the best before and after JJB make-over | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 26 August 2013

Pick the best before and after JJB make-over

It's client 1 - 4 starting from the lady above to the ones after the cut. Pick the before and after Joyce Jacob Beauty make-over you think really transformed the client. Continue...


Client 2
Client 3
Client 4


★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Client 4!
Its a complete make over! Juxtapose the two pics of the same lady and you wouldn't see much semblance, that's what's called a real make over! Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Client 2...The transformation in something else!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Were client 1

Anonymous said...

Wow 1st 2 comment

Anonymous said...

Client 3 looks the most natural. So she wins.

Anonymous said...

Linda na client 3 thanks to make up and JJB

Anonymous said...

Hmmmh!!! Extremely ugly gals!!!! But I think no1 is the best sha!!!number 2 and 3 are really ugly...arrrrghhh

Anonymous said...

the moral of these pics is " what you see is not waht you get" Guys wash the face with soap before you commit/propose.

Anonymous said...

I think client 2. And client 4 looks like Ada nwadialo's sister. Client1 looks very pretty sha.

Anonymous said...

client 1

Mzz Becky Wright said...

The last 2 pics re awesome... Buh the 2nd one I don't understand is it my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Client 3 ''s d best before n after

didi-promcy said...

Btwn client 2 nd 4...I reali fink its client 4

Unknown said...

Thank God for makeup sha... They all look lovely after.. I think d best transformation is No.3

Unknown said...

The third client.....yayyy!!!! First to comment. Whew.

Anonymous said...

Linda pls can i get a link to JJB?am very sure you won't post my comment,only God know why you always refuse to post my comment.

Anonymous said...


Aseqsman said...

client 1

Aseqsman said...

client 1

Debby La Figure8 said...

â„“̊ L♥√e client 1, 2 and 3. Wonderful make over.

Anonymous said...

client 3

Anonymous said...

Client 2

Anonymous said...

client 4 definitely

Anonymous said...

I believe in the power of makeup

Anonymous said...

Waoooooooooooow! Pretty gud. Pls I need her contact

Visages Parfait said...

Ok,I don't get what happened to the skin of the 1st chic,so let's move on 2 d 2nd chic,looks like the pics was taken weeks or months apart after she had been fed 2 nourishment,the makeup makes good sense though. The 3rd one took a few years off the chic,so yep,that's d real makeover in my own opinion. But if we r lookin 4 d prettiest,number 4 is d ish.

Natha said...

Choi! It's number 4 ooo! See transformation

ibeakwadalam said...

Di first candidate... She mos choplate my money, all of it, leave nothin for me.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Men are suffering. see the power of making which can deceive a man.

African Sweetheart said...

Client 1 look amazing! Joyce Jacobs is super talented but to be honest they are all beautiful women.


Anonymous said...

no 3

Anonymous said...

mmmh, na wa o! power of make up. Make up has gone beyond pancake and eye pencil o. Thank god for yuotube sha.

Anonymous said...

Cilent 3

Unknown said...

Power of makeup

Anonymous said...

They are all cute

dimmy vee said...

Linda u sef nawa..u just went to joyce jacob's instargram to get pics..tot u wanted to say hw to apply for a training.shez quite gud

dimmy vee said...

Linda u sef nawa..u just went to joyce jacob's instargram to get pics..tot u wanted to say hw to apply for a training.shez quite gud

dimmy vee said...

Linda u sef nawa..u just went to joyce jacob's instargram to get pics..tot u wanted to say hw to apply for a training.shez quite gud

dimmy vee said...

Linda u sef nawa..u just went to joyce jacob's instargram to get pics..tot u wanted to say hw to apply for a training.shez quite gud

Gistyinka Blog said...

client 4

Anonymous said...

Client 4

Anonymous said...

I am a sucker for natural look! I hate make up with passion, can't stand girls with those powdery stuffs looking like dolls.

Anonymous said...

Client 2.....the transformation is quite huge! ZODIAC

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

none. her highlighting is wack. i dont get the hype about her work. NEXT PLEASE!! And if u like no post my comment o aunty linda. i guess she is paying u to overflog her work

Anonymous said...

Thank God for makeup o. Taking number 1.

Anonymous said...

Dey all look perfect bt d fourth woman ÈŠ̝̊̅§ been given a whole new different look bt kudos 2 d make artist. Laidae

Anonymous said...

Dey all look perfect bt d fourth woman ÈŠ̝̊̅§ been given a whole new different look bt kudos 2 d make artist. Laidae

Anonymous said...

Texcote paint....

Anonymous said...

3rd one

Anonymous said...

Number 1 is best. More natural than others that are a bit too much.

Anonymous said...

#2 looks better without makeup, nd I thought nose contouring is meant to make noses smaller, this one doubled their sizes :(
#3 is the best for me

Anonymous said...

Pls how did she manage to reduce their lips. This is really nice but I go with client 3 cos she had an amazing transformation.

Anonymous said...

Cool but pictures are treated though. Lol

Anonymous said...

1 and 4, awesome

Anonymous said...

2 and 4

Rubynnia said...

Client 1 is it for me.

Anonymous said...

Linda u did nt mention d gifts to be won after playing d game

Anonymous said...

None....I can do better

Anonymous said...

Linda I think client 2 $ 4. Komama.

Anonymous said...

Client 1

Anonymous said...

The 3rd one

Anonymous said...

No 3 is the best

Anonymous said...

Client 1

Anonymous said...

Please where is Joyce Jacob,I need to contact her

Anonymous said...

Pics 2 and 3 very nice, makeover made both ladies more beautiful. kudos to the make-up artist.

Modupe said...

Clients 1,3,4! Client 2 looks really good even without the makeover! I prefer her before than after!

Anonymous said...

Client 1

Anonymous said...

Client 1

Anonymous said...

Client 1. I'm sure that is why you put her first. But the lighting and scaping helped in all cases. Then Client 3.

Anonymous said...

Client 3

Anonymous said...

Client 4..

Anonymous said...

Client one n four,client one cos she's ma friend,d current miss unilag sherifat omogiafo n she a vry pretty geh.client four is also vry pretty too.pls post ma comment

Anonymous said...

i think it's .. .em..it's.. I choose..em.. number 3.. no, 4..em.. It's all damn incredible. Men beware!


Anonymous said...

First n first to comment

Modupe said...

Clients 1,3,4! Client 2 looks really good even without the makeover! I prefer her before than after! I give it to client 3

Anonymous said...

Will choose de first one .gift phc

Oby Azike said...

The first picture - See transformation!

Anonymous said...

Picture 4

Anonymous said...

Linda abeg dis babe brows no fine at all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The fourth client will make me have a rethink about my village girl (wife to be)I rejected last xmas .

gloria said...

Luvly make-up I lvu dem.

Anonymous said...

Client 4!

Anonymous said...

oboy na so girls take dey decieve us ooo. see make up

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is a hard pick becos they are all lovely but I. Will go with Client 2

queen hadassah said...

It's between client 3 and 4. Client 4 almost looked like a member of DL church b4 her makeover but after her makeover she looks like my church member #COZ....

Anonymous said...

Client 3

SHORTIEPIPEN2013 said...

CLIENT 4 JARE.... :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm Linda... Client 2 all d way

Anonymous said...

For me client 2

Anonymous said...

Chai. All 4. Jesus. See the miracle of make up

Matt said...

I prefer the before look on client four. She is beautiful regardless of the make up. But good job on all sha.

Anonymous said...

Isokkey not spectacular tho evry body dey do am

Anonymous said...

Client 1

Anonymous said...

Can't seem to decide but client 1 really caught my eyes.....she looks arrr herself but from wtf shez looking really creamyy

Anonymous said...

Can't seem to decide but client 1 really caught my eyes.....she looks arrr herself but from wtf shez looking really creamyy

Anonymous said...

Client 2

Anonymous said...

I think the second & third one. Lovely make over,so clean.

Anonymous said...

Much more beautiful without jjb's makeup jare...

frank Harriet. said...

I pick client 3.

czar said...

#eyes wide in shock# So most girls we trip for outdoors actually look like dat indoors?

Anonymous said...

Client 4

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rubbish! the picture on the left na wetin man go see in bed for morning. Everything else na mask...

Anonymous said...

number 1 all da way

motivation to lose weight said...

Client 4

Unknown said...

I like 1 n 4!! But this the clients agree to this tho'...loool

The Fashion Engineer

Unknown said...

Client 3

Anonymous said...

This just shows dt no matter how much make up u use who don worwor don worwor client 3 nd 4 re okk

Anonymous said...

1st client..but on d oda hand dis is how ladies decive guys pesin go tink say dem fyn..well thankGod for make up sha

Anonymous said...

Client 2 has bin transformed most, she lukd lyk a child b4 nd den lyk an adult after,incredible

Anonymous said...

2. @funkiedipsy

Anonymous said...

They all r beautiful. Make-up is d best tin dat has happnd to ladies, evn some men too*giggles*.

missy said...

1 and 2 are cool..2 is better sha,but I dnt understand d hair.all in all,d grls are not so fine -_-

Anonymous said...

No 1 is No 1

Anonymous said...

Our Chief Grammarian i totally agree with you

Anonymous said...

client 1 is superb, the lips was reduced by the make over lol... but client 4 is a total transformation my best.

Anonymous said...

Client 4 definitely looks better without makeup, she's got a beautiful skin

Anonymous said...

Only client 1
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Totally uncalled for!

Anonymous said...

Client 4!

Anonymous said...

The first one is the best, but i luv how she widened the second ladys eyes, and made them pop!

Anonymous said...

I have always said the same thing. She doesn't have how to properly contour and highlight
Too much lightening. Where r her natural makeup looks. All her looks always look the same. Over dramatic. IJS

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Abi ooh....not just d highlighting, d brows are not fine at all.Linda if u like no post my comment.

Unknown said...

Client 4 looks much prettier without makeup. I think the transformation is on client 2.
Lessons 4RM BBA @ kaylachanai.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Client one_ what did she do to d eye bags nd lips. Client two_she looks barbie dollish. Client three_Jees where d giant nose and thick lips. Client four-only made her cuter. Choi see wetin makeup dey cover

Unknown said...


Cute G said...

You re so right.

Anonymous said...

Wayyyy to treated abeg I think she is overhyped jare wtf

Anonymous said...

Mayb its ur face..

Flo said...

Client 2!

Unknown said...


To me, it's a tie between Client 1 and 4.

Unknown said...

Client one noni


Anonymous said...

She's ur frnd indeed coz u dnt even know her name,if u care to know she's d current miss unilag,a model nd her name is Amanda,tank me later

Unknown said...

Client 3

dads son said...

Nna mhen, na God go save we Men ooo, I'll make sure I visit dat sharon girl as early as 6 in d morning without informing her, I nid to see her real colour cos I dnt trust dat beauty of hers, she looks too much like dis edited ladies... Chaaaii

Anonymous said...

Linda pls I need her contact fast

Anonymous said...

Very lovely work of facial art, the make-up is flawless...thumbs up jjb. Now you must have a great skin that goes beyond a grt make up..beauty is skin deep that's why you should visit www.orabellacare.com

Anonymous said...

i think they are all really good, sorry Linda it's hard to pick one

Anonymous said...

Client 1 is d best

Anonymous said...

see as dem worwor die wuthout makeup

Rough Diamond said...

Client 1! Dis is real transformation!

Opeedo said...

click HERE for more gist

Anonymous said...

Ahan...! Diz ppl re wicked.I knw client 1 Amanda and she is beautiful without makeup. They must av done somethn to d pic. Not fair

Unknown said...

client one wins it for me.

Anonymous said...

yeah client 4 is Adaobi Nwadialo's sister

Queen E said...

Client 2 for me, cos without d make up she looks like a little gal, with d make up she looks like a mature woman. And by d way Linda pls r u giving away prices LIB readers who comment 1st? Am tired of hearing "1st to comment"

Queen E said...

Client 2 for me, cos without d make up she looks like a little gal, with d make up she looks like a mature woman. And by d way Linda pls r u giving away prices LIB readers who comment 1st? Am tired of hearing "1st to comment"

Anonymous said...

Client 4

Unknown said...

makeup helping ugly women since 1960

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly. Looks like 2 different people. The before picture: Small Madam, you call me? The after picture responds: Yes Ekaette, please throw these clothes in the washer. Oma

Anonymous said...

Linda is not really asking for the finest here,its the question of who really got some sort of total transformation with the makeover and I think its the client 4

Anonymous said...

All their wows disappear.. Please it's a tie o! All of them over transform.

Anonymous said...

Only the first one is nice, HABA the second one is something else altogether, makeup can't help the poor girl. the third one i see no change and the last girl is prettier without the makeup. it makes her look TRASHY and CHEAP, i would expect her to be standing on the side of the street at midnight, what happened to natural colors?? my dear i think this make up artist is terrible.thanks for telling me her name, i'm never using her.

Tee said...


Anonymous said...

Na wa o...for all dis falsehood wey we d embrace dis days...see wash abeg..henceforth if I see any babe wey d look fyn,I go trace her house...the following morning I go enta dia go toast am make I see wetin she look like..client 4 na I'm be total deceit..linda beta post ma comment,u d dull me dis days

Anonymous said...

Client 2 is the biggest difference. It doesn't help that they had her hair back in the before picture though.

urboy said...

this is fucked up...this is how girls deceive guys

Anonymous said...

Men, if you must marry a woman...see her first without Makeup

Jonpinjeff said...

Its so so hard to come by a real beauty these days. Why?

Bolanle said...

Wallahi! No be lie.

Anonymous said...

They are all good. But most of these MU artists photoshop their after pictures and use good lights too.

Dee said...


Janelicious said...

client 1

Anonymous said...

CHOI see transformation!Please can you tell us if JJB has a shop in lagos and where it is located.Thanks

Anonymous said...

Client 1 and 3. Make up should just enhance not change you altogether and that's wot 1 n 3 are abt. Tranformation in client 2 is too much. You can't even know its the same person. 4 looks prettier without.She's naturally pretty n all she needed was something natural

Anonymous said...


You toast woman like this...she agree. Una dey do. You come wake up one morning see am...No be depression be that?

Men dey suffer o!

MY TURN said...

Client 1 and 4 are ok 2 and 3 are BLAAAAH....

Anonymous said...

I am sorry , but u men r really stupid to think that women actually look like that naturally.

Anonymous said...

Yea she is, she looks better without the makeup

Anonymous said...

Majority of women look like this or even worse without makeup or weave . Like they say if u don't like something about yourself change it

Anonymous said...

I think client 1 and 4 are still pretty without the paint . I think the biggest transformation is client 2

Anonymous said...

see how women lie and deceive us men and they (women) expect us to be truthfully...f**k you!!!lol #messingaround

Just Me said...

Men....see the wonders of make up!

Client 1 she pay in triple folds cos the make did wonders to her....wow!!!
She looked scary before the make up and looked like an angel after the make up...

Thank you Lord for make up!!!

Anonymous said...

sooo all these women just dey deceive person....na wa ooooooo

Syndy Gurl said...

Client 4

Anonymous said...

client 4 has natural beauty

Anyanwu! said...

but girls why so ugly?

Anonymous said...

It has to be client 1, her eyebags totally disappeared afta make up! wow!

Anonymous said...

It has to be client 1, her eyebags totally disappeared afta make up! wow!

Anonymous said...

client 1 is d real deal,amanda has always been a beauty even without makeup......stephy says so

Anonymous said...

Client 4 is the best..her boobs sagged in the before photo and she had some nice cleavages in the after photo...kudos to wonder bra not only to makeups!

Anonymous said...

Client 1

Anonymous said...

I hope u guys have the permission of these clients to post their b4 and after pics. Hmmmm.....

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