The event which served also as a networking event had in attendance several important personalities, including my humble self. Hehe. Met Mr Elumelu for the first time...such a gracious man. M-NET Africa MD Abiola Alabi, Rita Dominic, Iyanya, Uche Nnaji and other fabulous people were there. More photos when you continue

Absolutely love ur bag linda,its cute...and u sef u just dey sample am!Nice!
Linda you sure look amazing in those pics ;-)
Linda you are looking glamorous and on point! Is that Rita Dominic I see with the side parted dress? Not cool!
This overrated Rita sef..see the way she is looking like a mad woman here.
Linda looking good.Must've been a Gracious event cos everyone looks happy.
Nice outtfit linda...rita looks good too
U too dey rock ds ur green dress o!
Awwww c aunty linlin o!u luk good
Linda, this your tummy sha* strolling away*
De Mama
Linda I see you
Nice pix and kudos to Mr Elumelu for organising such a program. Learn the secrets to burning fat and eating healthy
Linda na to come tiff dis yr bag o...Gorgeous
love the hair..but that dress does nothing for ur there is a lil pouch there...try spanx naa..and the overall look, including ur makeup, just looks a bit blah...its not about a pretty facce
and the expensive tags, its about how u combine them...u r in the public eye and when although u rarely do public appearances u should always endeavour to look HOT always...sorry......
BPL countdown
Linda u lookn absolutely fab!
Y is rita dominic behaving like a 25yr old lady,abeg in as much as I like her she shud stop opening the slit dats out of her league.lindodo u na fine gey anytime anyday.dash me ur bag and shoe *winks*
Pls Linda buy a good pair of spanx. That bulge isn't good.
Linda is looking buxom in those pictures; the add on fits so well. Shows she's eating and living well. The era of skinny model is long gone.. Keep looking round and curvy like the true African woman my dear sister!!!!
Rita totally totally a BIG NOOOOOOOO. U got it wrong this time....pls burn dat dress..sorry tho if dat sounds harsh.
Rita totally totally a BIG NOOOOOOOO. U got it wrong this time....pls burn dat dress..sorry tho if dat sounds harsh.
Woww! Linda you are looking gorgeous.
Rita's outfit tho'
Woww! Linda you are looking gorgeous.
Rita's outfit tho'
Linda am coming to get that your bag *wink*...rita my gurl always looking good,ONPOINT..I love her fashion sense mehnnn
Rita always on point!!!lindar u look gorgeous nd I love ur bag...make I come carry am na #wink#
Chyka chic
Suck belle next time Linda
Linda u look wonderful
This rita self, must u use ur hand to show us that ur skirt is slit? Naaaaa dint think so
Nice opportunity to hook up for a yemuke.
Must Rita show off her wrinkled laps?
Fine Linda,buh dis ya bag na 'casting' things oh!!! Rita is gradually losing her fashionsense! Kilode? Emma Nyra,trutru I no undrstnd ya face...not that u'r ugly o..just dat som of the features dnt add up,and plus d fact ur facial colour is a contrast to the other partss of ur skin. Iyanya looks cool..and yeah Elumelu looks distinguished as usual.
Must Rita show off her wrinkled laps?
Linda start doing sits up abeg... Your tummy is not flat at all, ASAP former model. Outfit not bad, but you need a stylish tho.
Nice gown wiv the handbag you are my role model,pls I want to go into modelling can you assist me?wiv ur influence I can get registered wiv belle naija
Can't hide class. Good 1Linda!
I see Adaure Achumba, I admire you Linda, I know we would connect soon.
Linda u have a well constructed fake smile, u look good tho, Rita mehn wats dat
Why is Rita doing the Angelina Jolie leg?
Linlin I luv dt nude shoe. And Rita's dress tho, lemme reserve my comments before her voltrons start attacking me from behind.
Nice outfit Ur bag more dominic and er dress sense sha..hmmmm
Dear Linda, had it been yuo had a little open teeth, u smile would have looked great. Your teeth makes your smile look stiff. I loves you still. Seriously. Secondly, pls, all these egyptian cream and bLeaching cream that dem Rukky sanda , moyo lawal and co are mixing and rubbing, abi you don't see them to also buy, rub and tone yourself. You for fine O! Thirdly, pls I know Tony Elumelu gave u his number, and knowing you, u don't do runs, u will only go and talk business, so pls forward his number or introduce me to him as a friend. U berra help me o. I will thank you later. I am very burriful and I rub egyptian cream. I'm more burriful than Linda.
Is it me or is rita dominic desperately parting her skirt slits just 2 expose her rinkled legs...m.mmcchhheeewwwwww....dats so lame puulllleeeaaasseeeeee
Lovely pics. Linda, u look gud.
Linda looking fab! Muah!
Linda u look good as always and ur bag is Nice too.
U r gorgeous Lin,Rita Dominic I love u but ur attire this time,epic fail!wow!what were u thinking girl!d maxi splited skirt and big top and big hair,nooooo.Monalisa Chinda is almost overtaking you in the fashion stake,mhu.still love u though
Again Linda, don't mind all these people saying you look glamorous. You only lOok cute. you Want glamour? I'll show u glamour in mystyle. Will send u pics of me soon.
Rita totally totally a BIG NOOOOOOOO. U got it wrong this time....pls burn dat dress..sorry tho if dat sounds harsh.
Lindiway looking gracious! Thats quite an event.
Lin lin ooo cutie of're looking good *smiling*
Seems Rita dominic doesn't knw wah to wear to events again..ds gown shez wearin is ugly nd I dnt undastnd d concept behind d gown.
I don't understand Rita Dominic's dress sense. Either she is wearing a dress shirt that looks big and funny or she is wearing some funny looking dress.
Rotf, Rita Dominic but why na? Notice how she keeps holding the skirt open, better learn the pose from the pros like Angelina Jolie no need to open am by force :p
LINDA tell the person that fixed that weave on your head that I WILL FIND HIM/HER and I will destroy HIM/HER. WTF!!!! Love your dress, shoes and bag looking like billionaire already sef. Behhht you are standing too close to..... Nah it's all good, I know you are a good girl. ;)
Beautiful Linda.Awwwwwww!!
Lindodo looking so on point! Lov lov ur look, I so much like dat bag of urs. Biola Alabi looks gr8 in black. Tony Elumelu d boss.
Love your dress Linda. I want!!!
L♥√ع your shoes and bag sis linda.
Wow! Linda u look so gorgeous. I heart ur bag and shoe. Where can one get it?
Side parted. Really. It's called a slit. Thank me later.
If person bleach,wahala,if person no bleach,another wahala.....go and sleep
And you dey do runs. Yeye woman. Make u no go work hard like Linda.
She needs "a stylish",and you need an ENGLISH TEACHER!!!
Dear Linda, I luv u so much, you're indeed an inspiration to me but pls don't u think u're looking too old dis days? My sister is ur age wit 2kids, you're richer than her nd d husband but she's hot, I think ur hair do or dress sense, there's sometin u need to change, she's also dark so its not about d complexion. I luv u still....
Linda I have some to love you more and moreveveryday.but I heed to say this'll fo not wear dresses as they make u look older and do not much shoes and bag in all out fits only d queen does.u are a very fine girl try Capri pants and fun you loads
WHY are some rea now complaining about rita's slit skirt bla bla bla. Is it not you people that always write about how she looks hot when she Shows off in those baggy shirts she wears? For me, she's just that overrated dame.
@PB; Clap for yourself! Thank you!
Abeg na wetin dey do rita dominic? She no get d memo abi dem no share reach am? All her mates are formally dressed she went there looking like someone going to a disco, if person talk now una go say we dey bully them. Nonsense. Btw, linda you look gorgeous, your hair *thinking* not bad, but not your usual nicely done hair, as for your stomach, watch it.
I love the way you placed Rita Dominic's foto between Adaura and the other lady. Lol
Wrong choice of dress for ds kind of occassion....rita dominic wat d f*k were u thinking.
#1 inda u need body magic, its not for fat ppl alone but skinny ppl wt bulge like urs
#2 As Mr Elumelu take grab u n both pixs get as e be o - fanning maself
the man no get close contact wt anybody like that for any of the pixs
i like ur Dior bag
10k u Bitch!! Nah he should thank u now!!!!! Mr Big gramma. Mr i2 know. Its called Slit moron.*side parted* indeed.
Hhmmm...That's my man. I love u loads...Always. P.S anyone that will curse me out bk 2 sender. Yes his paying my fees here in canada and am soooo proud of him duhhhh... U can't be me okay? Deal with it. I Just ask 4 a 2nd car. *dancing* Baby am sorry if u reading ds comment. Couldn't help it. Kisses!!!
nie dress LInda but you kinda look old. try some botox
Linda, I sincerely wish you get married sooner than later to a YORUBA MAN! You heard me right. And if you come here to insult me, God will deal with you in His own way because He is NOT tribal.
Linda, your dress looks nice. The hair is not cool for a lady your age. it ruins your ensemble and makes you look mama-ish! de hair destroys de beauty of the dress! nice bag and shoes tho!!
Rita looks like a jewish rabbi
Linda is pregnant? congrats o! wow. and Iyanya still has his calabar house boy swag, even the clothes cant cover it up- b
Linda, wassup wiv ur smile? Looking fake, Nice outfit, I love your bag and shoes. But d smile doesn't do it 4 me,u knw wat dey say , a smile is a lady's best asset
so u no post my comment, just do the thong thing linda
Linda I love u so mch so amma be honest wiv u.This dress looks dull.U should try short floral dresses or even jumpsuits.They look vry simple yet vry stylish.This green dress is nice but too serz and dull, plus its too long.And it seems u appear too look older than u rily are,or maybe its d smile, u should work on that.And ur skin, u need to get rily good cream that'll make it shine, not necessarily bleach,jst toned and creamy. And lastly who wears matching shoes and bags these days? No one.Its unecessary and outta fashion.You rily do need a good stylist.U're like an A-list celeb now and can't afford not to look ur best at all times.A wonderful person like u needs to look wonderful at all times. Thumbs up.
Linda, wassup wiv ur smile? Looking fake, Nice outfit, I love your bag and shoes. But d smile doesn't do it 4 me,u knw wat dey say , a smile is a lady's best asset
Your hair stylist should be flogged, asides that you rock! The whole event was just a confed of poorly dressed people
Rita appears to be trying too hard. We love u already babe....u dont need cheap publicity.
linda u need to start working out (ur arms ,tommy need to be toned). u also know center parting fits u perfetly,it's also nice u've tried these other styles but my dear, it's time u go back to center parting.anybody telling you otherwise is simply not being truthful to u. u are a pretty girl
Linda forget all these arse kissers telling you you look lovely. You don't. You need to hit the gym ASAP. See ur belly! And those arms are beginning to look the aka Christian mother. Biko nne m, do something NOW.
Linda, one word for you: clutch. Every event doesnt need a handbag. Rita Dominic....
Been an LIB reader 4 a long time but this is my first time commenting. Just wanted to tell you Linda that I've learnt a lot of things from you. Starting with the courage to post both good and bad comments about you and still ignore them. You are strong and consistent, dats inspiring seriously speaking. As for your outfit, it seems green is ur favorite color? Well I think it fits well with event even though I noticed you like to play safe with your outfit which is good cos its ur choice. Buh I suggest u try something not so Linda-ish next time cos u really have a nice physique to rock anyfin. Finally I don't think u need a spanx, what will Ini edo and Waje do then? As for the bag and shoe, not saying anyfin cos I know u didn't buy them in Niaja... Ama steal dem
my lin lin. big babe looking real good.But babe wetin you want to enter Elumelu life. See as you close n guide am with those hard boobs of ours. Babe i hail
That's linda ikeji right ? the lady in green in the first pic? she looks like a nursery school teacher! Rita dominic is glowing...Nice pics
This Emma Nyra girl is really trying too hard. I feel sorry for her.
Linda as you dey there yourself na to dey snap dey win dey go. Nice1
Afi stylish naa
Linda you were very elegant ooh, but my daling lin lin you are adding weight, hit the gym now before that tummy settles in.
Lol side parted dress indeed ewu nor go find work. U dey here dey comment on every single tin wey linlin dey post mugu.
No center parting??..linda u r adding weight o..hit the
Shut ur stupid mouth biatch, n how do u look like wif ur irritating comment, mumu.
Linda u lk simple n sweet jare...ahnahn Rita nawa oh u lk so odd with dt thn u wore and 'sup with trying to force the slit open
Decency is classy...linda luvly outfit...
Pls i need to ask, is emmanyra dating ubifranklin now? They should let us know now? Rita dominic pls do us a favour and dress your age,honey you are out of your 20's. The carpet looks flawless. Nice one linda.
Linda looking drab! I get she wants to look decent, could have achieved that without looking dull, change that green color on d dress to Nice bag( 3 years ago),too many fakes(not that hers is). #JayBeyBlu
Linda, it's good to see you in a non-black colour for a change! Soo refreshing!
you look sweet linda... luv d dress and shoe
Rita tryin so hard to expose dose laps at d 8th n 26th pix#rollingeyes#
Well Linda, may wish to work on your tommy...
Emma nyra looks tacky as always.....must she always he half naked and her weaves always look a mess!
Linda you look old in these pix,don't let any sweet talk you. The hair is a no no for me and you face looking very strong
Whoz dat blind monkey?? D hair, d bag,d dreSs n d shoe looks gorgeous on linda jare. Thumbs up girl...
Wtf is going on with Rita?
You look nice plus you purse aunt Linda...My girl Rita D always muder it as usual..
Linda, please how can I gain access to your breast?
linda,if u folw pple mouth u go just die.U must'n luk perfect.
Dear Linda, you look amazing... You shoes et bag is just WOW! Rita Dominic looks like a witch. Who did her make up?
Linda so u sef like this kind thing? O di nma. Hard work pays. U look nice. Change this hair FAST!
Linda, I have gotten tired of talking about it but just gotten some new energy prompted by these pictures.
I love you and love u now my hubby even more. That being said, please hit the gym. While you are at it, drag Rita Dominic with you. The time is now to combat that middle age spread that is riuning your looks.
I totally agree with zinny,4.42pm, Aug 17TH. It's like we are telepathic. I'm a big fan linda and I do think you really need to step up your game. Of course you can't please everyone and I like the fact you try to keep it simple and stick to good cut sheath dresses in solid colours with minimal jewellery. The matching shoe and bag combo is so lame. with the nude bag and single green dress you could choose any colour of shoe to wear. Then the hair!! haba linda! you can do so much better. oh and most importantly, the tummy thing. spanx, body magic.....with this few tweaks, u'll be stunning girl! check out
I just like this Linda day one day I will meet you...friendly meeting o...and fear not, I am a woman.
Beht please what does Rita Dominic think she's doing? Did she think she was in a "show me your ugly thighs parade"? hian....Jesu gba wa.
Hey Linda, you are naturally beautiful and i hope you stay that way. As for your fashion sense, i hope you realise that you are a celebrity now. So spend a bit of your income on some moderate high street fashion and keep your fans expectant with varieties. Love you sister!
Looking good Linda, everything is on point.
Na Rita i no understand oh!!! She know say the dress go cover her legs abi na shoe and she want dem to show so y she wear am? She come the hold the dress for like 2 pic for here, no classy at all!!! But love her make up sha
Debola ore mi looking good. wetin rita wear so?hian.
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