I am Omoni Oboli and I represent Naija!
Our country is littered with success stories that have shaped us into who we are. We have icons that have, through their consistency, paved the way for many of us to walk right through. Many have done it unwittingly by just focusing on achieving their personal goals and in their resolve to break through the stereotypes, disenfranchisements and stigmas they have shown the rest of us the endless possibilities in their chosen fields. Others have done it with a plan to leave a trail for others to follow.I will continue to celebrate these icons that I consider to be the true role models for our youth to emulate in our nation. One such icon is our very own Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde. The original Omosexy who has been tagged the African Magic.
Omotola waltzed into the movie industry before it was nicknamed Nollywood and took her place at the top of the industry as a leading lady like she actually owned the place. She fits into it easily like one who knew that she was born to do this. Her consistency at the top is evidence of her prowess at delivering every role consistently from when she stole our hearts in the movie Mortal Inheritance.
The ever-growing fans of Nollywood have been held spellbound by her believability in all her varied roles. At such a young age when many didn’t know their left from right she understood the responsibility that came with being the leading lady. We saw her cry, laugh, rejoice, explore and display other emotions and adventures that Nollywood has been consistently propelling us actors through in the last 21 years of its existence so that we have come to believe that we know her personally.
With her own style and wits, Omotola has somehow shown us her life and yet kept the personal bit intact, even though she got into marriage at an age many consider to be too young. She has stayed in the marriage when many casualties of failed marriages litter our nation and our industry. She simply defied the odds! Even though pilots are reputed to be philanderers, she has been successfully married to one for many years. Actors have a global reputation of divorces, citing the flimsiest excuses for their actions, but she has been steadfast in her marriage.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not putting down actors for their divorces because many other industries surpass them in divorce rates. I’m just showing that these are perceived notions the world over. Many of them, especially the actresses, have had to endure strenuous relationships due to their celebrity status in the hands of their spouses,. Through it all, our Omosexy remains a pillar of virtue as an example to many that it is possible to stay focused, achieve success in any field of endeavour and still maintain a good family.
She continues to break grounds globally, being celebrated for what we already knew she is, one of the most influential figures of our time! This is due to the impact of our film industry, Nollywood. This industry that many do not yet see its direct and indirect impact on our society, but has broken grounds the world over. This Nollywood that gave the opportunity to many of us to find our voice globally. Where we would have been big fishes in our small pond, we find that the world hangs on our every word and action. This is such a huge responsibility for us to bear, and Omotola has held her place there such that she has been commended for it consistently.
I don’t need to talk about all the awards she has acquired over the years, and I don’t know if she can count how many awards she has received till date, but we know that she has not failed to deliver on most of her performances. The Bible says that a man’s gifts makes room for him and brings him before great men, kings or captains of industries, and it certainly has in her case. She has been honoured for her performance on screen and for her activities off screen. She has lent her voice to many worthwhile causes and championed many of her own.
She is the mother of four children and has managed to stay in shape, not only for the screen, but for her husband. She is truly an icon in the movie industry and in Nigeria as a whole. She has shown that with hard work, consistency, diligence, focus and a desire to achieve, there is nothing that can stop your rise to the top of your game.
I try to celebrate the icons in our nation that are worthy of emulating so that our youth and our people can begin to heal from the damage of inconsistent, morally decadent and corrupt role models that we have followed in the past and start chatting a new course for ourselves by looking to people whose lives have paved a walkway to greatness.
Remember to go out there and start or continue buying and watching our movies, like Anchor Baby, Last Flight to Abuja, Doctor Bello and many other titles out there that are good quality products. My movie, Render to Caesar, will be in the cinemas sometime in November. It promises to be a must watch for everyone. I’m starring alongside Gbenga Akinnagbe (The Wire, Lottery Ticket), Wale Ojo (Phone Swap, Johnny English), Lucky Ejim (The Tenant), Kalu Ikeagwu, Dede Mabiaku, Bimbo Manuel and many others.
Our future depends on your consistency in supporting us so that we can keep smiling.
Weldone dear...*EVE*
quite impressive.
Nollywood Icon
She is really worthy of celebrating and all the accolades said! Nice!
True story.
~D great anonymous!
Stop kissing omotola's ass. Linda I know I am first 2 comment so no do partiality.
Shez so pretty mehn....damnn..
Lovely gene vampire can fall out and rant.....omosexy congrat once more.
We don hear!
Yawn! No need to read, we've heard it all. She's d queen oya make we rest na #JayBeyBlu
yawns.......................*flips hair and tiptoe out*
What's all this essay about? Is she ur shagmate?
Say what you want, but genny is better anytime, anyday.
Haters feel free to cuss me out
well written omoni,keep the flag flying.ei too long sha,i no read all.now make i go find tin for wear go flavour ei concert,the place is palais des sports,yaounce cameroon.the time is 7pm...linda i go bring u vibes...princess from cameroon
Ok oh. Nice write up. Dey look alike some how
hmmmm too long,but I'm sure its a nice piece.
will read it when I'm less busy tmao.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Nice article...... Keep it up miss omoni.
Keep smiling indeed...
Gud one Omoni,you shall continue to excel in all your endeavours.Omosexy,a real Icon of our timenmore strenght IJN
Na her movie she dey try promote?
Nice one.
Puleeezzzeeeeee,madam Linda,enof of dis Omotola ish already,wats wit all dis boring gist naa??? If u no show up pix,u go give us one stale articule....make we hear word biko,(ti ilu ba tin dun adun ju,yiya nii ya)
Eye Service
Dis 1 na full Bio. we don hear you Omoni oboli abi dis na anoda way for strategy 2 take market movies lolz... Linda post my comment
hmmm...."Our future depends on your consistency in supporting us so that we can keep smiling."
hmm..."Our future depends on your consistency in supporting us so that we can keep smiling."
hmmm..."Our future depends on your consistency in supporting us so that we can keep smiling."
Pure Rubbish
Is it the Omotola Jalade Ekehinde we know or there's another one in Hollywood because this kind hype?
For this life?
An icon indeed!
Is it the Omotola Jalade Ekehinde we know or there's another one in Hollywood because this kind hype?
For this life?
Whatsup with every1 and omotola, biko the gist is getting boring as it gets too much... Am not hating, neither am I a fan buh e don do biko... Hehe!
mmm... please, next time write on how to move our country Nigeria forward n how Nigerians can join hands with our government to make Nigeria a better place to be proud of...
Mrs Omoni Oboli pls get your fact right okay, Genevieve is still the No1 Actress in Nigeria and she started acting at age 8 before Nollywood came to existence. Omotola is a role model as per married celebrity but Genevieve will still be the youths' favourite. She's a Template for all youths cus she's a testimony and its hard to see negative things about Genevieve. Thank God you also mentioned "Dr Bello"
Nice... Love you two ladies, more grace.
Ass kissing tinz
Nice article! Iuv ur actings too Omoni..
This reads more like sucking up than admiration. Eh.
Nice 1....u av said it all.God bless u.omosexy and others 4 bn a true role model 2 d younger generation.
And the Omotola blues go on...
"EVEN THOUGH PILOTS ARE REPUTED TO BE PHILANDERERS,SHE HAS SUCCESSFULLY BEEN MARRIED TO ONE FOR YEARS". is that supposed to mean the Man is a philanderer? you talk too much girl, just get to your point next time.
Nice article
Brilliant write up,Ǧ☺☺Ï‘ article.well done
Now, this Omoni lady commands respect respect from me... It takes a special kind of person to show respect to another peer..Good job Omosexy..
How much was she paid to write this? All this a$$ kissing yet Wizkid of yesterday is still more famous than her! People who are confident don't need their horns to be tooted constantly... obviously Omotola is intimated and worried that her fame will dwindle unless she goes on a notice me rampage like an attention deprived newbie. Gurl chill out, you are beautiful, smart, famous and got many things popping for you, so stop these cheap antics and stop paying people to write about u because you are starting to look desperate, annoying and quite pathetic.
Fabulous Omoni, one of my fav actresses! I heart U. As u celebr8 a colleague, a fwend, a mother n woman like u, may u also be celebrated. I heart U.
Nice piece. I like I like. Weldone omoni oboli. Your juniors will also celebrate you
There is nothing like when your colleague in the same field of endeavour take out time to honour one of their own. Kudos to you Omoni.
So in essence what is this her write up about?
Is she the mess cleaner or publicity secretary?
Lol!some pple can suck up dou!
Don't worry we will watch ur movies Omoni,just chill.#cant even understand#
So in essence what is this her write up about?
Is she the mess cleaner or publicity secretary?
Lol!some pple can suck up dou!
Don't worry we will watch ur movies Omoni,just chill.#cant even understand#
This omoni is funny o.so she is using omotola headline to sell her movie? This is very low.smh.I knew it was too generous to be true.SMH
Omoni on point...always. national security breach.
Lol! Warris dis?
Bum licking toh behd!
Who is this girl and what gives her the gutts to say flimsiest excuses!! Is it bcos ur husband was kind enof(sorry mumu enof) to keep u after the govenor scandal? Now u have mouth to criticise cos uv been lucky.why r human beings like this.smh
We all need to love one another and stop hating all the time. If we give love, we reap love. Thanx Omoni... Great article.
ok we hear
Good idea, but not a classic writing. Well done, room for improvement next time.
Hmm... Dunno wat to say. U r also a role model Omoni. Nyc write up doh long
very lucky to have endurance and tolerance man. Omotola is high time you grab endorsement in Nigeria. No endorsement yet like Genevieve and others. Wish you good luck
Nice one!...nollywood
brown-eyed beauty
Really good piece omoni....omotola ekehinde is a sucess in all sense of the word....a great wife, a good mother, sucessful career woman....she'z an epitome of virtue! And I admire her a whole lot! P.S you are a whole lot like her....and dats a good tin!! Cheers
I nor understand this hype. She good. we hear. Let her affect the lives esp de under priveledge.
I just wonder how long an article it would be if say,Blake Lively or another new big actress like Jeniffer Lawrence were to write something for either Angelina Jolie,Sandra Bullock or Halle Berry.
People should smell the flower when they are still alive,not throwing them on their coffins when they are dead!
I like it omoni....cos its niceeeee...it takes class to recognise class..
Be a change,contribute positively to the world!
Blah blah blah! Boring! I couldn't even finish the article#whew#
dis masterpiece of pretty Oboli on Omosexy(AKA african magic) is priceless,it teaches us how to celebrate colleagues in this world of ego tripping!
May God touch our hearts as nigerians to see ourselves as God's express image before we see colours and tribes.
Ok..omotola is a great woman..but am sumhow getting tired..everyday lin lin must post something abt her..lin lin abeg its too much.................THE DON
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Honestly if there’s a walk of fame ever in Nigeria, OMOTOLA should be among the first set of pioneers, icons and legends to be inducted. All the leading ladies during her time are all yester-stars or has-been, but she’s still at the top where she was when she started 18years ago.
I remember Regina Askia was the queen then no other lady could do what she does, or even replace her except Omotola. She lost so many roles to Omotola then and one of such was the movie Humilation. It’s the same rivalry that fans steered up between Omotola and Genevieve that happened back then. It was Omotola vs Regina, who is the prettiest, the better actress etc. One good thing about Omotola is her confidence, she knows her onions, her place and she gives you a run for that crown fiercely.
Cocky as she sometimes come across she earned it, in an industry that is quietly tribalised (hush i’m igbo but thats the truth) she fought her way through and refused to back off not even with the emergence of our “in your face” cinderellas.
I love Genevieve, i’m not just a fan i’m a stan but really if that industry was a fashion industry, she would respect Omotola very much. People like Omotola (In Dbanj’s voice) and most times when i see her movie with my family, i often wonder out loud- OMOTOLA WHEN WILL YOU LET MY PEOPLE GO? lol
What i have realized about success is you dont have to love the “subject” but you have to respect the hustle, the years!
dats wat am talkin about, i so admire omotola ehn,,, i wish all nigerian girls will aim to be like her. Dis world will be a beta place. Kudos to d writer..
Love love love
Love love love
All these Praises for omosexy, ok yes we know, what of yours? talk more of yourself than others,rather than making others feel that you have being instigated by something you gained from others- well i think the Julia Roberts of Nollywood according to Opera has it all but an unmarried life... Is Still Jenny from Block #NOTBEEFING Ooooo
special K to this!!!!
Well said God bless u n family n d movie industry
Good one Oboli, me jes lik u styl!
chek out www.marcussunnyc.blogspot.com
End time.
Exquisite write up. Thumbs up.
Famzing of life...
u tried.........aniwais dats our Omotola for u, luv her for ever.......linda abeg ma c dis comment o
Bla Bla Bla.........
Publicity stunt
Hmmnnnn nice one.even though omotola is a very proud lady,I congratulate on her time magazine award.buh madam omoni which one u dey do?are u writing a congratulatory massage to omosexy or u wan promote ur film?
cooooooooooooooool.. get more tutorials @ www.cliqmob.blogspot.com
Typing comment....
Vannesa abi vasline ur huntin for recognition, thumbs up....guess u got one
We don hear o,Omoni my diva!
GBAM... Omoni I love you for dis article. Omotola is the true definition of 'ROLE MODEL'. I more dan admire r life. As beautiful as she was back den, she wasn't finking of sleeping around and making babies, she was carefully planning her future. I hope young girls emulate her. One love 'moTish.
Is omotola trying to contest for the next election?
Well written Omoni!
Can someone summarise all this story for me pls...
Na Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ knw, abeg walka pass, ma Æ ̴̴͡.̮Æ ̴̴̴͡ road.
nyc1, I luv Omotala 2. well done Omoni Oboli
nyc1, I luv Omotala 2. well done Omoni Oboli
So all dis long spEech na for us to buy ur movie abi? Tanx for d advert we aff seen it ooo we go buy.
well said....
Great tribute, now put that in a foreign magazine and sell it!
What's with all this Omotola worship?
gosh ppl should try to summarize long writings like this so that others can read it and find it interesting.
Opportunists. they're seeking popularity through Omotola's success!
Much respect to these two ladies in Nollywood... When a woman balances her an illustrious career with a happy home the best one can do applaud them.
Wats dis pls next omotola stop pushing urself down our throat people dat ar true icon dnt make so much noise like u do stop hyping urself
Omoni u cudnt av said it any betta
It good to celebrate those who have truly contributed immersely to our nation.Omotola is sure an icon.The movie sector is doing great and actors and actresses are really putting their best. More power to your elbows.
Go girl!
Oh puleez!u sound like youu are kissing ass.tell me one thing omotola has influenced.am sure some1 suggested her name to time as they had no1 else to put in 4m 9ja.smh!omot dis. Omot dat.make I hear word.linda post my comment o
How come nobody commented on this post?
Am happy when women celebrates other women. Its rear this days. thumps up.
Praise singer, how much is your worth for all these your so long a praise? Singing praise for a lady who is your junior or your mate, what is your own achievement? madam praise singer trying to use Omotola to become relevant, even with your dying career.And your Omotola the gra gra lady is fading off with her too much media hype.
Waste of place and time second base jaree.
Hehehehe..and omotola's haters'll start crying now..how many actors in Nigeria have been so celebrated by even their colleagues this much?..
Omo T!
Nice wriTe up...popcake
Omotola! Omotola!! Omolota!!! Every were its all about her........hmmmm enjoy while it last.
Love it wen women celebrate other women. Me likey.
Omoni what's your own self?
Omoni oboli go n take several seats jari. Linda make sure u post this.
What an interesting piece! Haters, start drooling.
Nicely said omoni. Well done
Too loooooooOong!
Well said!
visit my blog on http://tolavilleblog.blogspot.fi/
When MOST of your colleagues that are not sleeping with you/ have slept with you celebrate you this much, you are not Only an icon , you are a legend. As much as haters are pained crying, rolling, weeping all over blogs, THE REAL NOLLYWOOD is still and have always celebrated Omotola.
I am a Nollywood veteran actor and this is the truth.
They are not competing fool.
Igbo kwenu! Let's go hating.
Love u OmoT. Wish u the best
In what area has omotola contributed to the nation?
Linda, what is this now??? This Tonto Dikeh "always in your face" format that is now being used for Omotola will not work o.......Kilodee don do abeg.
I used to like and respect Omotola but when I heard of her arrogance, I was appalled. Sing her praises all you want, Genny is still the queen of Nollywood! I love you Genny!
com o dis ur horse tail u r always flipping n walkin away abi tiptoe out is dat ur signature? Or u don turn miss koi koi of linda ikeji's blog ?
Exactly Ooº°˚˚°Âºoo! I still don't grab pple and this omotola's talk...
Flips hair# blows my gum, walks away# still chewing my gum. Ass kisser just to promote ur movie. Hiss
Silverdam,u ar siting on ur brain.who is talking about gene here?wit ur written up u want me to talk Against gene but I wouldn't cos u ar a big fool.beef go kill u.
Ohyea u ryt....genevieve is d best... Mercy johnson is so good(best now) duno y her name is nt stepping up..is js stepping up among fans.. Love her much...btw, genny shud b getting all these praises nt omotola :>
Yaounde you mean???
Hahan you this Aunti don come here again!! Na blog prostitution bi this oo
Fuck off. Are u ever busy? U live @ LIB u punk
Two talented women!- Nollywood Mistakes.
Fuck off u ugly hateful sad bitch
Are u mad? Its hard to see negative things about geneveve? U must live in another planet. Genevive is a secondary school drop out. She got pregnant @ 15, she is regularly fucked by atiku from the anus. She comes to abuja regularly to fuck politicians,u want more?
Fuck off u ugly hateful sad bitch
Fuck off. Are u ever busy? U live @ LIB u punk
nice write up Oboli......bt i kinda smell "Famzing" tinz here oooo.
I love ur piece #respect the hustle
I like u
Infanct ehnnn! I don't know what's up with these omotola this, omotola that!! She's successful and all. We thank God! But Linda please don't force it down our throats! Your blog is getting fucking boring as the days go by.... Always repeating stories...
Nice one Oboli...Omosexy all D way.Thumbs up
Wow!!! Since you know so much about her why not help her live her life as well.....*hiss*
It's official. Omotola's needy and insecure.
nna nawa o!
Too long jor
Oh oh oh!!
The writer must either be seeking something from d hands of Omotala or the writer wants to stay relevant nd be heard wit dis write up.
Nothing so important...omo is jst there..#teampoko
She deserves it
She deserves it
No competition btw omotola n genevieve, u guys are the ones bothering urselves over what is not. But for u haters of omotola remember she's a mother n a wife for over 18yrs. dat record is enof to beat so let geni try n beat dat. Omotola n Genevieve are special blessings to us in 9ja. Love u two
Yes she is soo desperate its begining to irritae me! Trying too hard just kills the vibes.
Tomorrow Linda wil post how Omotala went to toilet and saw her daughter's stool, This woman is seriously looking for fans. What makes her think she is better than Mercy Johnson, Rita Dom, Ese and many others such as Genny. Yea her family is ok how about her movies, mention one that is better than dat of mercy and I wil rest my case. Yes mercy started yesday bt its not hw long bt how well. Enough of dis publicity thing abeg cos its really making me loose respect for her
Am i the only one who thinks that although Omotola is good and deserves the right accolades but isnt she over hyped at the moment. i mean all this publicity when she hasnt really done any recent intriguing works. I mean there are other Nigerian actors who have done so well and deserve even better. I'm just saying...
Omoni oboli , with this lovely piece you have written about our very own omotola, God will celebrate you too. Just mold on to God and don't do anything evil oh.
Omotola you are blessed. Anyone beefing you is the opposite. You too hold on to God oh. Your glory has just even started. Bring home the Oscar mami. Let your haters keep checking up on you to see what you doing and running around dropping comments and wearing themselves out! While you keep winning....hahahahaha hahahaha
Buhahahaha ,anon 10.52 is so cray!! Yea was gonna say that too. I laff @ that silverdam's comment, shioor.genny dat likes taking it steady tru the anus from atiku and other politricians, so what rubbish are u yapping? Ode oloju igo
My dear Omoni, I understand dat u want us to remember dat u are stil existing in Nollywood through this bla bla u wrote. Unfortunately i hv watched ur movie only once and hv forgotten u since den. As for the movie that you are advertising I can't watch it because I watch Nollywood movies only because of Mercy Johnson and Miss Gene Nnaji, They inspire me a lot through their acting and I didn't c dem feature in dat movie.
I bet ure an actress or a divorcee
My exact thots! As much as i acknowledge her achievements. Is she the only woman that had kids and maintained her shape. Or the only one successfully married after several years. Moreover , no marriage is easy to sustain weather you are married to a pilot or not. its all by Gods grace & nothing else. Not by your acting career or by your body shape. There are far more influential women in Nigeria, such as the likes of Ngozi okonji iweala.
GENNY IS THE QUEEN LIKE IT OR YES.NA SHE CNN AND OPRAH RECOGNIZED aNd she dint have to cry notice me evety two seconds like omotola. Pls we are talking of the best in the field and not marriage here?NIGERIANS USE MARRIAGE TO VALIDATE PEOPLE HOW STOOPID
U are so pathetic, haters of life. When omot is alive lets appreciate her now nt when shes dead
Come here you this silver dam, are you not the confused homosexual entity that linda ikeji featured some months ago? So u done gone past ur confusion to be making categorical statements about national issues? Come on take several seats and break melon if u dont have anything to do. Aro. ..werre. ..anuofia
Well said ejike, I want your d**k..wink
Good talk..
Abi o. Joke silva is there no hype and she also a role model..
Honestly well said..
I wonder why people keep comparing Omotola with other actresses,especially Genny.Whether haters like it or not,Omot is a good actress.She's beautiful,bold n has got a lovely family.No one can take these things away from her.She's truly a role model.May u continue to wax strong Omot.Thanks to Omoni for the beautiful piece....
i can see most of you are beefing omotola the thing is make urselves useful so u can also be celebrated how many of you can achieve what she has, she is a success story deal with it
some pple need to chill obn dis omotola's case. if she had insulted her it wuld v bin interesting. nd she wrote abut Omotola nt lyk she compared actresses, y not leave gene out of dis. dey both lovely actresses i love to watch nd dey both deserve d credits dey get,stop dis madness of makin it seem lyk dey r rivals, even if dey r, wats ur own. abeg rest. nd for d records Omoni was nt ass kissing,dt is called apreciating a colleague. linlin post ooo. EVE.
some pple need to chill obn dis omotola's case. if she had insulted her it wuld v bin interesting. nd she wrote abut Omotola nt lyk she compared actresses, y not leave gene out of dis. dey both lovely actresses i love to watch nd dey both deserve d credits dey get,stop dis madness of makin it seem lyk dey r rivals, even if dey r, wats ur own. abeg rest. nd for d records Omoni was nt ass kissing,dt is called apreciating a colleague. linlin post ooo. EVE.
weldone OmoT but Gene is better
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