OJB leaves for India today | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 23 August 2013

OJB leaves for India today

Pic taken today at the airport. OJB with his first wife, Mama J, who's going with him to India and their children. Please pray for him as he undergoes a kidney transplant in a hospital in India.


Anonymous said...

The lord is in control Uncle OJB

Unknown said...

God is wit u sire

Anonymous said...

~D great anonymous!

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Return back hale and hearty, IJN, Amen!

Anonymous said...

Bia linda....which one be "first wife" nah???? How many wives does he have???abeg nack me gist....

Unknown said...

Safe trip
Hope he shaves off d dreads

Anonymous said...

Journey mercies, and speedy recovery for him IJN... Follow me on twitter @funkiedipsy

Akinsola adedoyin said...

wish u all d best ojb

Mich said...

God Speed!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

The Lord is your strength OJB, we love you. Wish you quick recovery...

Unknown said...

God will see U̶̲̥̅̊ tru

Anonymous said...

First wife??? Wish him a safe journey and a successful transplant. God be with him.

@EDDYSYFAR said...

Wish him luck

chizzie said...

It is well with you IJN.

Anonymous said...

First wife?ok ooo God will see u through

kunle said...

Yes, our prayer for him. May he come back well and agile. amen

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bitchplis said...

May God be with u b4,during n after ur surgery...anon 2:55 (ese walters story)u r such an,ignorant idiot for thinking u can cast out demons with a bible alone.all u need is d 'word' of God in d bible n d spirit of God.without dat,wat u carry is just a book...bcos u can't afford an ipad doesn't mean u shld condemn ppl who can.ode

Anonymous said...

First wife
Shey na 2 em get
All d best tho

Anonymous said...

Wish U̶̲̥̅̊ safe trip OJB&a successful surgery

Anonymous said...

In d name of Jesus christ d Name above all names,ojb will have a succesful kidney transplant and he will return alive n healthy in JMN amen. N so Shall it be amen. Ngozi

Online Gist In Nigeria said...

He goes well and come back safe IJN

Anonymous said...

OJB my prayer for u is that God will see u 2ru,may he be ur strengh in ur weakness,go and come back in peace we are waiting for u.janolala

Anonymous said...

God will go with you in Jesus Name

Anonymous said...

First wife???

Anonymous said...

Wishin' him a safe journey nd quick recovery..9ice looks man #StillHawt

Anonymous said...

God will perfect all the transplant process in Jesus name.

Anonymous said...

linda why would the children come along is this not extra expense?

Anonymous said...

May u come back well and agile ijn

Anonymous said...

May u come back well and agile ijn

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a successful transplant broda! Am sure God will definetly see you through!

Anonymous said...

Biko how many wives he marry??

Anonymous said...

Doctor cares,but

God heals.God is ur healer,amen from Ojemudia kenneth

Anonymous said...

G̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ ll guide U̶̲̥̅̊ ‎​ althru

Anonymous said...

The Lord that saw myy mum through her own kidney transplant will see you through. It iss well wt you...

Diweri Benibile said...

Wish u success dear

B€£ said...

U shall nt die.u ll come back healthy.

B€£ said...

U shall nt die,u shall come back healthy

Unknown said...

The Lord will surely go with him and make him well again!

Miracle Onuoha said...

first wife???? so he has a second and a third??? they all look ratchet abegg... i'd sha pray!1

Anonymous said...

Godspeed my brother

Anonymous said...

God wil see himm thru,buh I need 2 understand why he is goin with his kids too..aunty post my comment abeg oo cz u no dey lik post am..kim

Anonymous said...

This mann will not kill himself with this iron sponge hair...I wishe him a successful transplant sha

Anonymous said...

Safe trip Mr OJB,God is on your side.

Anonymous said...

God See him tru, IJN.

Anonymous said...

He will do it for you Amen.

Anonymous said...

First wife ke??? Ogaaooo!!!my mouth shut up.Wish him a successful transplant.

Unknown said...

God will c U̶̲̥̅̊ tru

Anonymous said...

He will do it for you. Amen.

Unknown said...

The Lord will see u thru.

Anonymous said...

It is well bro.Av faith and u ll com out of d theatre smiling and dancing skelewu.

Anonymous said...

Safe trip n a successful transplant in JESUS name. Amen

Anonymous said...

You will have a successful operation IJN.Amen

Anonymous said...

First wife???hmmmm,where's d second n third wife??God is strength OJB,its sure gonna be a success

Anonymous said...

Ojb God will see u tru n d transplant will b successful ijn

Anonymous said...

May God see u tru.IJN. XTA

Anonymous said...

If you want don't save your money. Always partying

Anonymous said...

1st wife kwa? Hian! God be with you,it'll be successful IJN.

Anonymous said...

The Lord be with u.

Anonymous said...

His family looks their famzing him ewww!all the best OJB...

Anonymous said...

It is well! Ojb u r well boss

Anonymous said...

Where r d other wives? Oyibo

Nenye said...

Almighty Goa ll' see u tru safe journey dear

Anonymous said...

Go and return healthy IJN. The lord will take control of every thing. The transplant will be Successful Amen. It is well with u body n soul.you will make it. I cancel every negative report ijn. We love u God loves u more.

Anonymous said...

Pls ooooo is it just my eyeshe doesn't look sick like does pic he used when he was begging for donations
I hope this not fraud
Can't be trusted

Tunji said...

1st wife? Does he hv 2 wives?... Linda ova 2 u.

Anonymous said...

Wishing u d best in surgery and fast recovery, but don't come and start carrying babes around afta dis trial o, na to test ur faith in God.

Anonymous said...

So he never go since? Anyways God go waka go n come back with o°!


First wife ke???? Nawao, it means there's anoda since u indicated. Most importantly, wishing u a successful kidney transplant.

Unknown said...

Yeah....... I think I've heard him sing about his 3 wives...... May God grant him safe journey, successful operation and speedy recovery!

Yemmie Oscar said...

May almighty allah guide you sir.
Have a successful operation!

Yemmie Oscar said...

And errmmhh thats a cute family

Vivian Love said...

Wish him a successful transplant & a quick recovery.

Debby Oni said...

It is well with you IJN Amen.

Anonymous said...

Who is dis now?!

Anonymous said...

Wish him all the best

Anonymous said...

Safe trip brodaly..... Bia!!! 1st wyf bawo? Meaning bros gt dem plenty. Hmmm....


Anonymous said...

Eeyah , finally.. I pray he returns home in good health and start up his career again. And I also hope he uproot that thing on his head before he comes back.. Doesn't fit him at all.

@Divalicious_Mia said...

It is well wit u OJB

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the second wife? She took the picture, yeah..??? Yeah right..! The first would always be there.. Niggas take note!

** Is it still a crush that I'm asking of Billie Jean? **


Anonymous said...

Ok. Lemme get dis, is he goin 4 operation or family vacation???

Anonymous said...

May he come back safely ijn . God is with him

Anonymous said...

I just learnt a new word- Godspeed, tnx to u PC :)

Unknown said...

i wish him speedy recovery sha,buh his children though! y d daughter mouth region black like dat,and d son! lipsealed anyway God will see him thru..

Anonymous said...

It is settled ojb!plz. Repent and. Work 4 GOD!is not only wen we av issues we. Call him!we shld also serve him wen. We re doing well,hope 2 see u


Anonymous said...

May God Almighty guide u throughout d Operation and bring u and ur family back safely, AmeN.

Elsmama said...

may God make him whole

Anonymous said...

U see, no one can ever displace a real woman in her husband's house and heart. If he has grown kids like these ones, then it means they've come a long way. So he prolly trusts her better than the rest to take good care of him. Linda u may choose to call her his 1st wife o, but I choose to call her his life wire. Make the rest dey house dey sleep jare. It is at times like this that women will know their true position with their hubby. Weda when time for party reach na the last wife hin go carry go. But on serious matters like this, na the responsible of the lot he'll pick. Just like if it has to do with his lawyers and estate. Godspeed. Thus sayeth the Lord, you shall return. I hate coming here bcos this linda will make u suffer to type finish n not post ur comment. Very discouraging. #okBye#

Anonymous said...

God is wit u.U r already healed

fredy said...

mbok linda wish 1 b first wife how many him marry sha we all wishing him a successful transplant

Anonymous said...

Then u must be blind. As a man tinketh so he is.

Anonymous said...

the lord will take control of everything...

Anonymous said...

I can authoritatively tell you that OJB has about 5-8 baby mama, but nobody knows about it because he is not a top class celebrity. This guy is worse than Tuface, his numerous women and kids is one of the reasons he is so broke. I hope he becomes a better man after this.

Unknown said...

whishig him quick recovery and a sucessful sugery.

Anonymous said...

Ppl like u just want to talk trash. Did u not hear that he has been in the hospital for some medical treatment? Before he will go to India. Fraud ke. Just shut up ur mouth next tym if u have nothing to say. Did u even donate kobo?
I don't even know. Ojb personally . I hate wen pple talk nonsense. if u re how will u feel?

Fela/Osun/Otemi/DeMayor said...

My question exactly...

Anonymous said...

Na Linda u de ask?? Which one b Linda own inside d matter? Go ask OJB.

Anonymous said...

Was abt asking too,shey he has a second wife ni? Abeg gv us gist asap.

Anonymous said...

U must b an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I wish u d best OJB. And 4 those shouting first wife ke?? Yea, he has 3 wives, na 2day man de marry more than one wife? Especially in ds part of d world? Y d surprise comments?

Unknown said...

Wishing u speedy recovery & yes bloggers,OJB's goh lyk 3 wives! Signed: #QUEENTY#

Anonymous said...

Linda,try marry before you castigate people with morethan 1 wife.Check your family if u no get uncle or ur papa sef when marry morethan 1 wife.We are Africans and Americans

Anonymous said...

this kidney thing sef....claiming one too many.....i wish him well...may God guide the doctors to do a good job on him...amen!!

Anonymous said...

Looooool this got me in stitches! Hw can they famz their father? Lmao

Anonymous said...

God will see u tru,you will come back in good health IJN Amen,Is weLl.

Anonymous said...

Lol Its a vacay

Anonymous said...

Yep, Ojb married one festac girl called June who was a presenter and tried music but failed woefully&they even have a song together as in she&Ojb did a collabo flaunting the love they think they had&all of a sudden Ojb's fame reduced badly and d babe took off for greener pastures...

Kush Alabi's Blog said...

OJB, IT IS WELL WITH YOU. Mama J u're a real woman with large heart.

Kush Alabi's Blog said...

OJB, IT IS WELL WITH YOU. Mama J u're a real woman with large heart.

Anonymous said...

You are bless and may the lord be with you always.... positive

Anonymous said...

May God guide him safely. Wishing him the very best.

Anonymous said...

The Lord will heal u & u will come back safely.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha u badddd!!!all these men with things between their legs. lesson learnt

Anonymous said...

the lord i serve would make the forth coming operation be successful long live OJB

Anonymous said...

Be well.But why going along with his children ?waste of cash.

Banquets in indore said...

wow all the participants in this blog are really looking great.

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