Former minister of Education Mrs Oby Ezekwesili has asked relevant government agency to take in her former colleague, Femi Fani Kayode and stop him from writing further hateful speeches that can disintegrate Nigeria. See more of her Tweets after the cut and tell us if you agree with her...

1 – 200 of 313 Newer› Newest»Once i thought FFK was a human being, he has proven me wrong. Until Some Demented Nigerians like Kayode stop tribalism change dikwa na elu oji ooo.
first ever to comment
SMH!! Nigerians, let's not let our lingual differences balkanize the unity of this country. FFK pls keep mum for once!
ffk, is it the yoruba in u that has been writing those thrash?. u are a misguided bigot dat should be locked up in yaba-left. you shall soon choke on ur hatred for the Igbos. am not surprised, u were raised with our stolen money, dat is why u have gone made. nkita racha gi anya there
Abeg! Wat rubbish! Wat ever happened 2 freedom of speech! He's simply speaking d truth! As accomodating as yoruba pple ve bn 2 u igbos, u wuld neva return it in a million years! All u pple want n love is money! N u think u can put a claim on our land? Ko jor! E wa ibi gba!
I wonder what this guy really want to achieve. Yorubas are not known for this. This is regrettable. It appears he is less busy and or tied of life.
woman, that is not hate speech though he robbed people the wrong way with his speech but there is nothing in it that says hate he didnt call for killing of anybody or any tribe so what is hate? define hate former minister of education.
Abeg! Wat rubbish! Wat ever happened 2 freedom of speech! He's simply speaking d truth! As accomodating as yoruba pple ve bn 2 u igbos, u wuld neva return it in a million years! All u pple want n love is money! N u think u can put a claim on our land? Ko jor! E wa ibi gba!
Ghen! ghen!!
this man has a problem so is better we ignore him
LOL...wow so even these old folks do the twitter fight,,you wonder what the teenagers gon do then...smh
FFK succeded in hitting the igbos below the belt.....where it hurts most. They just cant stand the truth about who they are and their history. Sorry Ndigbo....u are everything the guy wrote!
this Guy must be a BASTARD for abusing a mother and his elder. Imagine the kinda dirty minister Nigeria had, d goat stinks. U represent shit u ........ dunno wht name to call u. u worse than a BITCH. babyboy. former minister ma assss. i wish i can see u face to face and slap the living day outta ur fucking mouth to end this nuisance u r causing in our Sweet Country Nigeria. Fighting for Gov. Fashola to recognize u. U mofo aint Lagosian either get dat into ur thick stubborn skull. For ur info am a full blooded Yoruba Guy but still hate u.
LOL...wow so even these old folks do the twitter fight,,you wonder what the teenagers gon do then...smh
linda y r u sooo dumb, r u nt an igbo girl wat do u mean by 'wat do u guyz thnk' dnt deceive urself by acting neutral cos wether u like it or nt it concerns u... ffk is an arsehole!!!
this Guy must be a BASTARD for abusing a mother and his elder. Imagine the kinda dirty minister Nigeria had, d goat stinks. U represent shit u ........ dunno wht name to call u. u worse than a BITCH. babyboy. former minister ma assss. i wish i can see u face to face and slap the living day outta ur fucking mouth to end this nuisance u r causing in our Sweet Country Nigeria. Fighting for Gov. Fashola to recognize u. U mofo aint Lagosian either get dat into ur thick stubborn skull. For ur info am a full blooded Yoruba Guy but still hate u.
u can hate Igbos but u can never stop them progressing. Am proudly Igbo boy!!
Yorubas never LOVE Igbos, i pity THOSE who still believe in LOVE.
Leave us alone
this Guy must be a BASTARD for abusing a mother and his elder. Imagine the kinda dirty minister Nigeria had, d goat stinks. U represent shit u ........ dunno wht name to call u. u worse than a BITCH. babyboy. former minister ma assss. i wish i can see u face to face and slap the living day outta ur fucking mouth to end this nuisance u r causing in our Sweet Country Nigeria. Fighting for Gov. Fashola to recognize u. U mofo aint Lagosian either get dat into ur thick stubborn skull. For ur info am a full blooded Yoruba Guy but still hate u.
Why wont you post my comments linda? In my opinion, this yoruba-igbo thing is getting far fetched and is starting to become political and soon dangerous.
I am Yoruba and have igbo friends and I have lived in complete harmony with them without resorting to all this ethnic bullshit. I ascribe each of their behavior to their personality and not their tribe.
Fani Kayode needs to stop writing letters that cause division rather than harmony and Obi should also stop with statements like "hate speech directed at igbos". The igbos are not peculiar or special. Each tribe be it yoruba, igbo, hausa, ijaw, itsekiri.....is unique and contributes to the entity called Nigeria.
Its quite disappointing that its the elders who are supposed to be teaching us unity and harmony that are behaviours like lazy school children with nothing to keep them busy but spewing bullshit
ffk old man wit a 5yr old brain, u dnt knw hw 2 talk, u r the most stupid yoruba man dat eva lived! maturity got nuttin 2 do wit age at'al
She's said t all.. P Charming, dts rly d point, inter-tribal chaos everytime, the reason y der wud NEVER b unity in Nigeria.
~D great anonymous!
gushhh dis ffk man is just a jobless bored child, go get sme candy kid.. oloshi
femi fani should concentrate on vital issues instead public stunts
I think that this blog is so pro ethnic war bants.. there are always race wars and bigot like comments on this blog.. I am sad that who ever posts these things are just doing it for cruise to initiate the underlying racism that is so rampant in this country... I dont care about igbos or yorubas or hausas.. no one has really taken the lead to move this country forward and these kinds of segregated thinking would never allow for us to just live like humans and all get along.. Please stop promoting silly rants of bigots just for cruise.. it is indecent and unethical.
By the way what are these fossils doing on Twitter?
Fani is an educated confirmed illiterate. It seems he has no single respect, and as such lack home training. His insanity is becoming too obvious. He should be checked.
Make dis Woman go park well jare. Na 2dy ppl don talk ni,wen asari Dokubo nd d so-called elders of d niger/delta said dis country wud burn,if Goodluck jonathan was nt re-elected again,whr D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ arrested. S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ many inciting words spoken by d Northerners,whr D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ arrested.
Na S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ dat Orji uzor kalu D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ yarn rubbish,ÈŠ̝̊̅̄ b'liv he has a villa of ova 4hundred rooms,make he lease out rooms 4 dose Fashola deported nw. #Dodorima
It is unstatesmanly for FFK to make statements laced with level of hate for a particular ethnic group! No one says he hasn't freedom of speech but restraint is key! FFK obviously is tribalist unfortunately his libido is detribalized, that explains why he would resort to boring us with norminal roll call of his past ibo girl friends. Those are the same supposedly bright minds APC has in her kitty to wrestle power from PDP .... Common jiggolo
This man will soon buy this trouble he's been bargaining.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
femifani kayode u said screaming when havin sex is an act of worship 2 God, watelse wnt u say?? nigga get sme sense, u need 2 grow up!
What is wrong with this country sef? When Chinua achebe wrote there was a country nobody cried o, and orji kalu said Lagos is no man's land no 1 cried,why over flog this issue. The truth is there is no unity in this country and there will never be. How could Achebe write such knowing fully well he has few Months to live,see d seed of discord he left behind. Plus Orji Kalu,ezekwesili,Ffk, achebe should all rest including us all
Abeg how dat one take affect Asuu strike? This woman should face d issue at hand biko
I Heard he was mentally ill one time i hope it has not come back again if not why would someone who is as exposed as he is be writing such nonsense.
There are better ways to still be relevant in the society even without holding any government post.
It is very shameful for someone who once claim to be a born again christian and still have a wicked mind and unforgiven spirit.
The problem with FFK is not what he says but how he is saying it. He needs to choose his words carefully. He can make his point without insulting others or sounding hateful. Even the Bible says that our words be seasoned with salt.
When will muslim and xtian unite. when will african people come together. disunity among my country people evryday. all I want is unity among Jah people and Black people. we shuldn't cause more damage with our comment.
whatever......bitcheeees ass niggas
Is Femi okay? Yeah he has a right to speak his mind and let us be realistic a lot of what he wrote was true about igbos but why is he acting so childish and keeps using such juvenile terms like Crass, prat, oya etc. Is he like in primary school again. So frigging stupid
She is completely out of line. He should be allowed to speak his mind and to me he is not lying anyways but he is being very childish with all these resorts. Someone needs to slap him to calm the fuck down
Cnt blv u r this senseless to agree to hateful words! U ppl talk of racism when in ur own country u practice such! Its a shame! If we treat ourselves like dis, den what wld out siders do to u? U r a fool sha
Silence is ideal for fools
Ethnicity isn't our problem rightly said
But replying to biased comments by sum former moronic minister of aviation isn't ideal
Make dem live am jor
D man is an attention seeker
U mus be a fool to hide ur identity... Evil shall not depart from ur house for supporting ur lunatic brother instead of taking him to psychiatric hospital for mental checkup! Mtscheeew!
This fool is not mentally okay. May we not hear soon that he too attempted suicide. Look guys mental illness is real. Look at the likes of Tonto and co. When they start acting erratic and out of control, family members need to step in so it does not become tragic. Bobo Femi yi ko gbadun rara
May God bless Fani. Kayode. The excessiveness of these igbo people are damn too much, even in d Army presently, the COAS is causing a lot of animosity in the officer's cadre where junior igbo officers are being promoted ahead their seniors. Igbo people are very tribalistic and that is why they will never rule this country
U too much... And I'll go with tired of life!!
I reason with you
For sale: 3 plots of land is up for sale @ Ajah, off Addo road. Title: Gov's consent. Price: N6m per plot. (Mega giveaway). Behind School masters academy contact me on 07030173837 for more detail...
Do u know y yorubas hate igbo, in thr biggest dreams dey can never be a match to d igbo race. Yea even if they r being slaughtered in the north by those shallow minded northeners wif peforated brains, it wnt mk igbo d lesser tribe cos we r great ppl not minding d condition we are, come to think of it upon all d mahem unleashed on d igbo during d ethnic war n losses encountered, we r still forging on n d earlier u ethic groups get it deep into ur physically challenged brains dt we r far better than u both in achievement, intelligent, strong, non lazy attitute , bold etc d better for u. U can nvr b lik am igbo man except in ur dreams so u gat to live wt dt n stop shedding countless tears out of jealousy.
For sale: 3 plots of land is up for sale @ Ajah, off Addo road. Title: Gov's consent. Price: N6m per plot. (Mega giveaway). Behind School masters academy contact me on 07030173837 for more detail...
@ NSUDE, Chukwuebuka your comment is exactly the beef I have with my igbo fam and a majority of igbo people... This man is telling nothing but the truth. But because it is directed at your tribe, now he is not a human being? Read what he wrote again and please refute each one with facts before you tell me FFK is an animal. I am married to an Igbo man by the way and if this were about yorubas, I would still be objective.....
Your father is a bastered, useless recharge card seller
For sale: 3 plots of land is up for sale @ Ajah, off Addo road. Title: Gov's consent. Price: N6m per plot. (Mega giveaway). Behind School masters academy contact me on 07030173837 for more detail...
Only The FOOL thinks he can inherit the earth.. words of wisdom.. @FFK so you have issues with the Igbos abi.. It is ok.
There is freedom of speech u ppl should allow him what wrong has he done? Haba! If u think he is hateful or tribalistic will he date igbo women, he sends them abroad to study and better their lives what wrong has he done ,fashola deported igbos u ppl should face him d way u r facing ffk na, if Orji Kalu believed Lagos is no man's land and he chooses to make corrections is he wrong or tribalistic? Lagos has been good to me and I have every reason to respect and love my host state or else go back south.
This guy is REALLY,ABSOLUTELY sick and mad!!!
Ms Linda, its high time you stop this tribal post, I tot yor excuse for not posting his write up was becos of this but you keep fuelling it. Stop this. No tribe is superior to another, we should all respect eachother esp when your in not within your own 'land' if you know what I mean
Some agents sent to distroy a peaceful country. If those from other countries insult n hate us we too will join them in hating ourselves. Wat a pity. Grow up ffk!!!!
Is dis not d same guy that blamed Oscar Pistorus's girlfriend for being the cause of her own murder? Saying she was a strange being dat came to cause Oscar's downfall, and she provoked him to murder her?? I'm surpirsed he's even getting this much attention, his words should be taken as unseriously as Kemi Olunloyo's words.
Truth be told, I'm just totally disappointed in this FFK guy- I imagined him to be rather distinguished and its such a shame that he's proven himself, time over, to be a total slob.
He has no control over what he says and goes on like an exuberant adolescent rather than a distinguished activist to be respected- I cannot see how the government can take such a man seriously....#smh.
I mean, there's nothing respectable in his inability to stomach slights....
not sayin wat he said is ryt.but 4 heavens sake dis a democratic country he has freedom of speech.Oby is playin d tribal card and dat aint kool
I don't see anything hateful in what he wrote. Gino's need to stop been overly sensitive and also stop playing the victim card.
It makes them look like the lesser ethnic group all the time, and every other ethnic group is above them. Achebe wrote a piece about the Awolowo and Yoruba's recently, don't think we made all this noise.
People like Oby are the people that should caution how they throw the word 'hate' around. Abegi
nawa one love one nigeria
So this is really who Femi Fani Kayode is??? Wao! I use to really ADORE this guy! With people like this still alive, Nigeria can NEVER be one.
Na wha ooo... dis guy and him mouth!!! He is dyeing to be noticed....
He talked down at The Igbo people. The same thing he claims they do to The Yoruba people. That is the true definition of being crass. He could have stated his facts in his eassy (I have no problem with that), its the thinly veiled poking of the bear that's unacceptable. Even his defense of not being tribalistic cos he dated Igbo women was classless.
On point! Two of them are jobless and using every platform to seek attention.
See what tribalism is doing to our beloved country, Nigeria. Please can someone tell these "big people" (my ar**) to quit bellyaching and seek restitution from God for their economic and financial crimes against Nigeria and its citizens.
Who does not know the antecedents of Femi..? When I read the article, I just siddon dey look. I would have expected the same reaction from Ezekwesili.
Anonymous 3:57 I must say that u are totally disrespectful.r thr no yorubas on igbo soil?ds country is for all nd no place blongs 2 any particular group.we r all nigerians!!ur mentality is gross nd timid.shud d yorubas b expectin payback for growth in their country by their fellow country men.wn u bgn 2 see urself as different frm an igbo man,dn u need ur head examined!!gosh we av beta problems in ds country.a war which seems imminent wd do us no good.precious
The man dint say anyfin wrong &hateful abt d igbo's. D igbos strted it by tryn 2claim wts nt their's.ffk jst said nuffin bt f truth.try nt 2b biase and read his write ups well
I Am loosing more respect for the femi guy
Linda I think you are making this situation worse by bringing this issue for debate on your blog where 70% of your readers are illiterate igbos!
Wetin dey this lagos self wey the politicians dey take proud sef?let be sincere,shey na govt dey feed us abi na we dey feed them through taxes and levies?it is not better than other state.The only thing is that it is industrialized.that is all.to come get job wey them go pay you 15k na die.it is the same insecurity that other state experience that is here.many people are being misled that there are money to pluck from trees when they come here.
Na we the poor people dey worry ourselves, this people are attention seekers, my country people leave them alone abeg, be it Igbo,Yoruba or Hausa we are one Nigeria.
He is saying d simple truth we Yorubas are too Accommodating to some extents where some igbos and hausas claims some certain areas in our states and whereas it not allowed in their states I travel a lot and I know how dey treat us as visitors or non indigene but we will keep doing our own part to keep dis country as one
Look at who's talking about love of money,imbecile,ve u forgotten in a hurry the cronicle of our thiefing public office holders,ur broda demeji bankole,femi otedola,olusegun obasanjo jst 2 mention but a few,u guys should learn hw 2 give the east siders some credits we deserve it.
True. The krinkum krankum of the matter at hand is fast escalating into a brouhaha. Let not the higi haga balkanize our unifying state.
(even I don't understand all this)
Arrest who for making hate speeches? Nigerians couldn't recognize the word "HATE" if it stared them in the face. Unfortunately, discrimination of all variety is ingrained in the fabric of our society. We really need to start all over again. Sad set of people.
Fani Kayode is the one that stinks and not oby.How can he make use of such word(stinks)Gosh!!!!!!!!!!
Yorubas dont know how to choose their words.RUBBISH
I nw knw the tribe tht is really the problem of this country....
#MumuKingdom. #Lagbajaforresident legggo.
i nw knw the tribe tht is really the problem in this country...
Dt is oby my woman talking, pls linda post my comment ooo.
Nigerians are jinxed and cursed and should all go to hell.In this day and age when men and women ,mostly men are busy looking for ways to better everything,you are all looking for better and the bestest insult for each other.FOR THOSE WARMONGERS,who are calling this nonsense freedom of speech,remember Rwanda started with the same so called freedom of speech on radio and T.v.
Is somebody who once called for the odi/zakibiam style massacre of muslims a normal human being? The man must have been raped in the anus..
Just another arrogant a#$hle.. trying to tear the country apart
I am a yoruba boy but damnit....this man..sorry boy is very very crayyy! Did his mother not also tell him not to kiss and tell?? Whatsup with the bianca shii!!!
This guy is just wrong wrong wrong for all his stupid yarns
Even though, i know some violent Igbo people....i know some violent yoruba people too. This man needs to be checked....FUCK YOU IN ADVANCE TO ANY IGBO USING THIS MAN TO JUDGE ALL YORUBAS!!!
I have read the 3 Articles FFK wrote and he did not attack or call anyone any bad name. The first 2 was about the origin of the yoruba people and why any one should not call Lagos a no man's land. The bone of contention lies in the 2 tribes not agreeing on the part each played in the Civil War. I see nothing wrong in pure history but I dont suppot him abusing the former minister of education
Favour indeed. when you people stole our properties after the war, stole our money and gave us only 20 dollars not minding how much one had in the bank, is that not pure wickedness? keep ur Lagos, we are not dragging it with u people. Orji Uzo does not speak for the Igbos, that mad man ffk should address Orji Uzo and not insult the Igbos again before Amadioha will tear his boxers.....randy kiss and tell mad man..mtchew
I have heard enough of this Femi and his comments, its getting out of hand & Irritating, if he think that this is the only way of coming back to politics, he should rethink
I pity the ladies that dated or are dating him discreetly that he exposed just to prove his points. Especially the one still working at PDP national headquarters. I pity his family too. It took social network to show all how low the kiss and tell minister could get.
God bless you
abeg abeg dat Igbo babe shud shut up .. deres freedom of speech jhurrr... FFKkip on jare.. mo luv e kpa
im yoruba and i actually feel fani kayode should be arrested for his write up. i have read the write up and even though some of the things he said are true. you shouldnt speak of a tribe in that manner. thats hateful speech. thats how the genocide in rwanda started and it killed a whole lot of people. they used the media to make people kill others. nigeria would not have another civil war. we would not have a genocide. we shall not suffer what the people of rwanda have suffered. fani kayode should be punished so no other person comes out to speak in such a war. also chimamanda should be warned. if nto for the fact that achebe was dead o would have said he too should be warned cause their books dont speak the total truth. their books on the civil war.(i havent read achebes "there was a nigeria" but i hear its mostly biased) but chimamandas book half of a yellow sun is greatly biased. i feel the government and these writers have a duty to its people to speak the truth about an issue which youths werent alive to withness. as those kind of books also bring hateful thoughts.
Like he said, they are always playing the victim...
Are you any different?? Who's talking hate now? Atleast he dint say he wants to slap any1!!
There is fire on the mountain and nobody seems bothered.... Kill the hate now before it blows
Mr prince charming,I am sick and tired of u using grammar when unnecessary.ur 'brighter grammar doesn't move me 1 bit!so stop bamboozu-ing us with ur english.
Anyways,liking ur comment.
Can people please just ignore this Fani-Kayode fellow?
I couldn't help but laugh at d last statement. But come to think of it, something is really propelling this guy n something should be done about it before it goes out of hand.
Fani is just a frog seeking public attention.He thinks his opinion matters in everything.He obviously has nothing better to do with his time
Obi did notn wrong! Any oda gov wud hv reacTed d way he did if dey had pple who ain't from Dia dumpd in Dia state..
I couldn't help but laugh at d last statement. But come to think of it, something is really propelling this guy n something should be done about it before it goes out of hand.
Anonymous, 14, 2013 at 4:02 PM. Go and ask ur mother to define Hate for you
I just believe this man just enjoys the attention of the public and he has been successful in getting it. or he is just some dillusional human being that has failed to realise that before anything else we are first and foremost Nigerians, and to think that this man is educated and a former cabinet member of the government makes me sick.
I just believe this man just enjoys the attention of the public and he has been successful in getting it. or he is just some dillusional human being that has failed to realise that before anything else we are first and foremost Nigerians, and to think that this man is educated and a former cabinet member of the government makes me sick.
U r such a fool...wat is so special abt u? Wat have u done for 'we igbos'. Mumu...keep quiet if u have nothing reasonable to say!imbecile
Well said.
Was this guy like this when he was a minister or is frustration telling on him? The way he publicly throws abuses these days like a tout doesn't seem normal any longer. I recommend a psychiatric check up before things get worse.
Its mr fani have to go and rest for now.. most of his speeches have being heavily criticizes in the recent days.
Fani kayode was honest in his article on d ibos! Can anyone here point out any falsehood in wat fani wrote?
if he really believed he isnt a tribalist he would not need to list a whole bunch of stuff trying to defend something he obviously knew quite well crossed the line. everyone has a right to an opinion but using chopped and screwed facts and selective ignorance to explain a particular situation in a country with so much history amongst its hundreds of tribes is quite low. you might believe you aren't tribalist but that doesn't exempt you from being a "hidden" one. same excuse are used by most racist in the world when the are caught in the act of racism or discrimination, the simply use the common defence of "im not racist, i have a black friend or in-law or driver or you name it." its the classic line used by "hidden" racist across the globe...When it come to nigeria, there is no IBO, YORUBA OR HAUSA..its NIGERIA!!!.
Other tribes will always hate on the igbos...reason which is we are the best and will remain the best. That's how they betrayed us during the civil war, thinking they were on our side only to come to benue and killed all our soldiers. I pity u yorubas back stabbing animals. When they laugh in front of u they will go at ur back and do something else.mara mara na ihu gwompiti n'azu.linda post my comment o..nwannem nwanyi.
dis kayode is still on crack,, he talks like a mad man,,
fami fani kayode shld read chimamanda ngozi Adichie's Half of a yellow sun b4 takin rubbis
This femi is a mad man. But still I can't help but laugh at his comments. Haba! Heheheheheheheheheheheh see abuse nau!
Looool FFK is not normal. Soo funny.
The authorities need to pick up Prince Charming for his grammar! Hehehhehe
Shame on the two of them. A former minister venting so much hate. Also if she is so against hate speeches y hasnt she come out publicly n condemn Boko Haram? Plsssss both y'alll stop this foolishness
Fani Kayode is suffering from Post Traumatic Syndrome having served in the government of Obasanjo where he actively participated in the pillaging and plundering of our collective patrimony. If not, how would one explain his recent antics and rantings via social media which is unbefitting of a lawyer and a former minister. NEMESIS will continue to catch up with all of them. His master Obasanjo is also suffering from the same disease of ranting. Leaders without integrity and character. Kayode's recent article on Igbos and Yorubas which I personally find repugnant and repulsive because of it's ethnic and centrifugal colourations goes a long way to portray him as a tribalistic nonentity. We (Igbos) are yet to forgive him about his recent tweet on Bianca...
I am a Yoruba girl and I don't agree with the display of foolishness and childishness Fani Kayode is displaying. I believe with all this country went thru in the past, we need to get to the place where we forgive each other and move on to better things that would move Nigeria forward because every tribe had their faults in the past. Hating each other is to the detriment of everyone, we all need each other no tribe is better. Nd Yorubas and Igbos need to get over themselves, are we d only tribes in Nigeria? The truth is we all made mistakes and we need to forgive each other. After all every tribe suffered losses as a result of that war. If we continue to hold on to something that happened so many years ago, let's not kid ourselves everyone would suffer it. Pls let's think of how to better this country for our unborn children because we owe them that much. Many of us that read this blog were not born when this whole thing happened so y hold a stupid grudge of something we know nothing about. We need to come together and be the grown ups and let our parents and ancestors know we are not joining them in this ethnic crap. We all condemned the whites with their hatred against blacks, so tell me are we not hypocrites if we continue like this. One Nigeria please. Igbos I love you all, pls lets put aside our differences.
And to tink that he was once a minister, SMH he is such a freaking retard! Am sure he is still going through the heartbreak of bianca that's if he ever dated her! He is a total waste of yoruba sperm!
They should leave the south-west if they are not comfortable with his essay. Your own it all mentality won't get you anywhere in lagos. Lagos belongs to the yorubas. Kalu get that into ur thick skull.
And you yourself, aren't you an idiot for calling someone's father a bastard? Cos obviously, you aren't a father urself. Lest ur useless comment and desire to slap someone face to face.
These guys are made already. Keeping quiet or talking makes no difference in their lifestyles. And he is human too, so no one is above mistake. They are only trying to point out a problem from their own perspective. So shut up and reason along different lines. Omo osi.
Let's make it clear, the dream is dead. You see one Nigeria is now but a mirage. Ever so near, yet so far. Whilst there are people who think of themselves in context of their tribe before their country, then it's the middle finger to the country. Funny thing, it took an American to say we won't last beyond 2014 and look th signs are here.
He the gods want to destroy, they first make crazy.
That ffk is a jobless bastard. Mi o month speech were ti o n ko kiri. I'm yoruba n I can't stand the shithead
This woman shud shut up....I tot there is freedom of speech in Nigeria? Hate or not...pple are free to air their flipping opinions. Eg LIBers
She really stinks. He wrote an essay for crying out loud... The truth is always a bitter pill.if you don't like it leave the south-west. Abi?
If you are upset that he wrote an essay why don't you leave the south-west and develop your villages in the east.
For some people who may not understand the psyche of the Igbo people - they are "a special people": no ethnic group in Nigeria has suffered as much as they have under the hateful hands of their so-called compatriots. The hate to be reminded of the holocausts, massacres and pogroms!Could someone therefore ash Mr ember-Fanning Kayode to shut his hate-filled dirty trap?
Nkita rachakwaa gi onu ebe ahu! Ewu ndi yoruba,Ezi ofia! *hiss*
You are on point,every ethnic group hav it's strength & weakness,fani-kayode should stop fanning ember of strife & war,madam ezekwesili,a woman I so much respect for her frankness on national issues,should stop engaging self wth the likes of Fani.it looks to me Fani wants to re-enact himself & become politically relevant after a dented image & ego.pls you politicians,we know ur worths & also know you lots have adversely affected Nigeria through ur looting,you all have done enough damage.Hear me,am one of those praying night & day for the peace & unity of Nigeria.Nigeria will not divide in Jesus Name.God shall raise for us detribalize & selfless Leaders.God Himself will weed Nigeria of corrupt,selfish & corrupt leaders very soon.OLORD bless Nigeria.-Child of God
You are on point,every ethnic group hav it's strength & weakness,fani-kayode should stop fanning ember of strife & war,madam ezekwesili,a woman I so much respect for her frankness on national issues,should stop engaging self wth the likes of Fani.it looks to me Fani wants to re-enact himself & become politically relevant after a dented image & ego.pls you politicians,we know ur worths & also know you lots have adversely affected Nigeria through ur looting,you all have done enough damage.Hear me,am one of those praying night & day for the peace & unity of Nigeria.Nigeria will not divide in Jesus Name.God shall raise for us detribalize & selfless Leaders.God Himself will weed Nigeria of corrupt,selfish & corrupt leaders very soon.OLORD bless Nigeria.-Child of God
Madam Oby, I am a bit disappointed that you allowed FFK get your attention. There are things that should not be dignified with a response! Leave FFK to his ways.......he can continue to expose the poor quality of his human spirit!
You are a bastard...
Thank God for Fani kayode for writing the essay. Oodua nation has been sleeping for far too long.I remember what my NYSC days in the east.this ibos do not see anything good in yoruba folks... why do accommodate them here? If you are youruba and you disagree with Fani kayode you need to visit the east.
This guy has spoken out what most Yoruba ppl have hidden in their nasty minds. A man that is previledged to study abroad where one meets ppl from all over the world is habouring this type of gibberish and spitting them out? He is even so [petty too, naming women in his past he had fucked, like Bianca Onoh. This man is a complete low life with a low self esteem and a kiss and tell. It is those Igbo whores that fuck Yorubas that brought this shame to us.......Tufiakwa!!
Iinda post my comment.he wrote the truth. Ibos are too greedy. Ask NAFDAC, SON etc ibos are reponsible for all the fake and substandard products in the market. Omo ale niran yin!
Reading all the blogs and comments that this drug addict is eliciting from Nigerians is disappointing.
So what happens now?
So a drug addict is now the spokes person for Yoruba people?
Femi fani kayodi behaves like a child. He runs his mouth and I wonder if this dude was ever a minister of federal republic of nigeria. Shame on you fani kayode.
As much as I totally dislike this FFK of a guy...I actually partially agree with him on this issue. People try a lot of stuff with us that you would never even dare with other tribes. Almost 90% of lekki/VI/ikoyi is named after igbo men..I would like to see us try it in the east..and yet they still complain and act like lagos is theirs..that stupid sense of entitlement pisses me off. That being said..there are actually those enlightened ones who don't give the tribe a bad name..and almost of my friends are actually igbo FYI before anyone start getting any silly ideas. Truth hurts..long/short..ya'll need to chill thhe fuck out
I really do not want to waste my time talking to dis douchebag called ffk
One thing is clear, the yorubas will always be intimidated my the Igbos.
If we aint such a threat, they won't ve anything to fear.
Take it or leave it, d igbos made lagos wht it is today
So suck up urself n go have several seats
Dis guy needs a job asap
Please gej give him a job @ d laundry section of aso rock to get him busy
Lilin biko nwannem post my comment
Security Alert:LINDA!the tribal war dat will take place on ur blog this evening will bomb ur blog!i am watching and waiting sipping my cocacola jeje.#yoruba versus igbo#let the war continue...
FFK? Why does an old man like u like seeking 4 Notice? Gosh!!! I hate u with all my blood. When did u say u dated Bianca again? *smh* Honestly, men like u deserve to be beaten ad be-headed!!!! Oby? We sure need women like u in our society. May Almighty continue to bless u 4 us. Amen!!
Well said! He is so Frustred! Heard his broke too... Lmao! Sip my tea!
Hehe.. Mrs Ezekwesili.. Somebody of ur ilk shouldn't react to the utterances of this baffon.
His infantile opinion doesn't represent that of us (the Yoruba race). He is just a brain dead old fool. Pls ma' stop giving him publicity.
Linda u r one sided becos u r Ibo abi.y didn't u post FFK articles? I'm not is fan, but saying the truth which is bitter. Let pple read history. At least so that those Ibos will knw where dey cme from. I've nothing against them, but I think dey shud knw their limit. D fact that u go nd hustle in London doesn't make u claim their land. So y r dey claiming Lagos? Lagos is 4 d Westerners.
Abeg make dis jobless x ministers go sitdown. Dev had enuf publicitied alrdy,wat else do dey nid nw. Coz dev lost power dey now want to start making noice lyk mosquitoes.*longhiss* Hope inocent nigerians won't b caught up in dis trash*worriedface*
Where was linda when Fashola returned yoruba beggars to Oshogbo nd hausa beggars to Kano. She no post all those. If u don't ve a house to live or a means of livelihood, what r u looking 4 in Lag.
Yorubas r too accomodating dat is y this rubbish is happening. When fed capital leaves Abj may Ibos go claim am, if Hausas/ Gwari no go finish una. Ingrate pple.
This guy is so immature...ur children shld be ashamed!
I love you FFK!!!
Am highly disappointed in this man, whats up with dz bullshit?
Even fools know wen 2 keep silent..... Ur case could be worse.
Abeg before the war go start they should lemme know,make I pack myself n children run o,I no wan die for nothing,idiot of a man,waste of space.
Fani Kayode... is a know drug abuser, and a woman batterer... he has a very bad character and should be ignored...
Bikonu someone should take in Fani Kayode for some Mental disorder treatment. Hhhmmmmmm, his mental state is getting worse and people don't want to do something.
Any person that calls other people's heritage no man's land need to be educated. It is disrespectful and if some of the people that come from the tribe of the man made statement to support it. They need to be educated in a harsh way just like FFK did. A yoruba man should never call Enugun, Anambra a no man's land so the Igbo should respect the Yoruba.
Abeg make we hear word
Now I love this Fani Kayode!!! Lolzzzz, the guy no send again ooooo :D
Femi fani kayode is a waste of his father's sperm a disgrace to manhood he stinks prat bigot insane man he reasons through his anus I wish him six fit down under big fool idiot
Femi fani stinks prat a bigot lunatic he reasons through his anus idiot big fool.fashola and goodluck won't notice u. Femi fani kayode a waste of his father's sperm. disgusting magot I wish u 6 fit down under.
#mumukingdom #mumuism both parties r wrong #FFK cheif mumu #igboandproud #lagbajaforpresident
FFK is nothin less dan a toothless barkin dog......I gues dis a plot 2 get popular....2 pick on d ibos???? Plzzz it wunt wrk....if I wia u I'd jst sit back nd fink on hw 2 resurcitate ur alredy dying political career.....WACKO
Sound like a fool. A young lady like u shouldn't be sounding this way. M sure u didn't finish secondary Sch if not u would know dat Lagos is part of Nigeria n d ibos r Nigerians as well so d av equal right. Jux like asking a British y he is claiming right in London jux cos he isn't a Londoner.
I hope we are observing all these. See the kind of sick people we appoint or elect in political positions. We wuld neva get anything right in this country until we decide to. Am even ashamed of myself reading dis. Shame on FFK!
Shut that yur trap! "Am not is fan" Ewu Gambia
Why do u guys take femi fain kayode so serious, he was a mad man in the 90's, his family took him to Ghana to hide him there, all his close friends know, after the deliverance he now went to bishop Duncan William church to start pastoral college
Then after that he can e back to Nigeria, please let's do our research properly, my father always said that if u have once been mad before, no matter the treatment, the nut will always unscrew at some point again, so I have carefully noticed his madness again in d last 4 months
At his age, he his always mentioning your father, the school you went to, that's d only way he tends to feel sense of security, pls he should be arrested and taken to physciatric hospital
Ayo, Please think before you comment...now, you can see that FKK is inciting ppl with his unfortunate write-up. No one is claiming ownership of Lagos, FKK while reacting to Orji Uzo Kalu's statement made it seem like Igbos are claiming Lagos. His statement was totally appalling and he also twisted facts. If u were in doubt as to his hatred for Igbos, read his tweet "the Igbo in you is talking" that, my friend, is the height of bigotry, and coming from a former Minister. Shame on FKK
Did you say 'be-headed'? You are a potential murderer! Try it and see what will happen.
And you are two times a BASTARD!
FFK may Thunder fire you, tribalist no wonder the Yorubas will always be cowards,i stay very far from them
Femi fani kayode is a waste of his father's sperm a bigot He stinks a prat big fOol castrated idiot
when the elders begin to use some words it means priorities have been displaced or probably they have more idle time to think up issues and abuse instead of facing national issues like the crowd i saw today struggling for few jobs....that an issue worth thinking of an proffering solutions to and not instigating hatred through comments
Go and make your eastern states better. Arrogant idiots!
Yeah, you feed and clothe them abi, FOOL. I have never heard that an Igbo claimed any land that belongs to a Yoruba man in Lagos...they know better. Igbos buy land, they don't claim and will never claim. So what's all this noise about? FKK is fanning the embers of ethnic hatred and he should be cautioned not arrested!
Thank you so much for your comment. Arrogance runs in the blood of Igbo people. How dare you people say Lagos is a no man's land. COMPLETE RUBBISH! If you guys want another civil war, you will get it, this time you all will be dealt with PERSONALLY.
Your response is the reason why Madam tweeted those comments....FKK has succeeded in promoting hatred against the Igbos. please don't join the over-fed politician. We must love one another...that's the only way forward for Nigeria.
Don't mind Linda, she is just like her people. Tribal head!!!
Linda, this man has caused enough damage with his hateful article...please don't give him more publicity. I'm just so disappointed in him, a former Federal Minister?
Peeps, check out this link- http://www.mynewhitmanwrites.com/2013/02/femi-fani-kayode-blames-oscar-pistorius.html?m=1 Is this the man you are all fighting about? Who says stuff like this? An animal or a human? FFK isn't worth the words or the wars.
If you ever doubted that FKK is a bigot or tribalist, please read and I quote "it's the Igbo in her that is talking"
We don't need people like this in this country no matter your tribe.
Madam you re nt any beter,see hate in your own uterances lev ffk he hs right to his opinions nau haba person no fit talk again bcos he no be igbo.All ds nt necesary at all naija hs a lot dt is plaging it nt ds ethnic hate o.Come to tink of it smeone stired d nest first and nobdy said anytin,now dem dy cry wt nicker nose and mouth na haalla dey talk.
Linda pls...help me ask femi fani kayode or watevr he calls himself...wat his problem is nd wats wrng wit him?#Ojimsclaxic
U must honestly be an idiot. If the igbo seperate from Nigeria. Lets see how much ur country will be worth. 80% of Nigerias wealth come from delta, bayelsa and rivers.
you most be a waste of ur fathers sperm
If ur father had wanked and flushed his sperm, it would have been better than giving birth to u
It was fashola's mistake to appoint some Igbo people as commissioners in his administration. That is why they can start claiming and act in a disrespectful manner by calling Lagos a no man's land.
Anonymous 3.57pm and 6.31pm, get over urselves. Yorubas are not accomodating. Infact they are the most tribalist ethnic group in Nigeria, who constantly denigrate other tribes either covertly or overtly. As for Omo Odua, y am I not surprised? FFK is simply speaking the minds of all Yorubas. Lagos belongs to us all just incase u forgot it was developed with Fed govt money. The mindless rantings of FFK and his group simply tells me dat u lot are learn what the word enlightened means! Pls open ur minds! Mscheeeeeeew!
Make all of una shut and pray!some people go die untop matter wen no concern dem!
Arrogant people calling Lagos no man's land. If no one stands up to them now, they will try to claim the land completely in the future
Check mY Biafrian Flag and logo.
We arn't smiling....cos we made nigeria talkmore of Y-people or even H-mugus
One day oga-eme unu vunm n'anya .................Umu Biafria Muooonu...... Kachaanu......Merienu........Ogaoooooooo
Bitch, have u been to PH, Delta, Cross river. Yoruba fool
Y r u insulting the fine girl. She has an opinion and everybdy is free to ve one. The truth be told u can never c a yoruba man claiming he wants to be frm Enugu. Na only una want wetin be una own.
Much ado about nothing! What are we quarrelling about? Please somebody should tell me. We are merely portraying the agelong deep-seated animosity and mutual suspicion which has been part of our existence as a nation. For those who care to know this, please endeavour to read Chinua Achebe's last book entitled ' There was a Country.' FFK is not alone in his view.Achebe also had such views about Yorubas.
Were yu born retarded or yu developed it as yu grew? Kindly cite instances of these accomodationz or u r just a plain moron. We complain of racism frm d whitez yet we can't seem tu cure it within our nation. Learn tu speak d truth no matter wot! Am nt igbo but I I tend tu call a spade a spade and not a shovel.
Yh. And ibos also create 80% of Naijas wealth. FOOL
Ure just a waste of sperm.
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