The Syrian government carried out chemical weapons attack in Damascus in the early hours of August 21, killing at least 1,400 people as they slept in their homes. Although the government is denying being behind the attack, president Obama says the military action against Syria is necessary to deter future chemical attacks...not only in Syria but other governments thinking of doing same.
"We cannot and will not turn a blind eye to what happened in Damascus. What message are we sending out if a dictator can gas hundreds of children to death in plain sight without paying a price" Obama saidOnce the US congress reconvenes on September 9th, president Obama will have his answer. Do you think the US should take any military action against Syria? Meanwhile Britain has said they will not take part in any military action against Syria but UK Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted that "he understands and supports president Obama's position"
Hmmmm. God take control
abeg... Make third world war no happen ooo...,obama nd in crew..
My humble stand is that the Arab league shud take the lead if they actually wanted Assad out of syria.
Chemical weapon or not, meddling by USA wud b a huge financial commitment which only the arab world can provide. Saudi,Turkey and qatar shud take charge
My humble stand is that the Arab league shud take the lead if they actually wanted Assad out of syria.
Chemical weapon or not, meddling by USA wud b a huge financial commitment which only the arab world can provide. Saudi,Turkey and qatar shud take charge
I admire thos man's wittiness and intelligence somuch.
So as not to share the same fate with Cameron he unequivocally stated that America must respond to this insult to human dignity,but will wait foe the consent of the congress which may coincide with the release of the UN investigatin team report.
This will help his in winning enough votes needed for his proposed action on Syrian government.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Finally their Is a legit reason for US to attack syria, russia is against it but I think obama will strke syria eventually
Remember Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, how did it go out? US don't engage in this, we know the complexities and politics in all this.
Lol,this US and their busy body.But what the Syrian government did was very wrong,they claimed so many lives. I think the US govt should take up the action,I support.
Yes why not... Obama ride on!
o wow, itz lyk 24 n real life...
Asaad should be taught a lesson. U dnt officially commit such act against humanity, never.
Sept9 is too far abeg,killing ur own citizens for no just course is insane babaric n animalistic.that govt shud be overthrown,captured and tried for 1st degree mass murder or better still genocide period.
america did it!!!looking for a reason to go in on syria!!
Dat man shld b removed. Am against surgical strikes on syria. I support Obama. America shld engage in a war dat wld remove Assad. just imagine over 120000 hv died in d past 2yrs.
Please Linda, next time add viewers discretion when u wnt to post such news....imagine that I was on bed and decided to check ur blog before sleeping, only to found dead bodies everywhere....
I concur to the move made by Obama. Syrian issue is getting out of hand. Those guys needs to be taught some lessons in other not to engage in massacre of innocent people.
I maintain that if the Western world wanted to take out Assad, they would know how to go about it. I do not support military strikes but Assad needs to be taught a bitter lesson. Honestly, right now death is too good for him. "Port Harcourt Girl"
G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ move,buh aunty linda help ♍ƺ beg asuu make them call off strike ooo
This nigga shld calm down! What is actually wrong with americans and their government?
Over sabi made bush to go to iraq and fight, but has it made anything better?
America has its own problems, yet they turn their backs on that and spend billions on useless military action against others
Nna, go ahead wit ur plan, I will support u wit prayers for GOD to give u & ur cabinets more wisdom to fellow Umu -Ishamal. Enough is enough.
Obama should remember it is their country and he can only intervene with their support. Boko Haram has killed more than that here na. I sympathise with them she.
And foolish Obama is gonna kill more innocent citizens! People are so blind just because Obama is black! He's one of the worst president ever
Of course! B4 it spreads to a reach dat wud b difficult 2 stop
Yes, I think military actions in Syria is necessary if it would put a stop to this rage going on..
Of course! B4 it spreads to a reach dat wud b difficult 2 stop
I completely support the use of force in Syria on the grounds of humanitarian intervention. A power drunk monster cannot continue to slaughter his own people while the world sits back and just watch because, we are no longer living in the Stone Age!!!
I think the Syria Govt carried out the attack on purpose to see what would be done. Cos the US govt has placed a warning and action that'll be taken on any govt that uses chemical weapons. So I support Obama, the US should do it, to serve as warning to oda govts.
Yea! Of course! B4 it gets 2 a stage where it gets difficult 2 control...Britain doesn't want 2 b d prime in dis scenerio...wnts 2 hang around
I support!obama should take the action.syrian attack is a threat to the survival of mankind.it should b corrected to prevent a re occurence.*boske*
I support u Mr president, cases like dis shud be looked into b4 it gets worse.
Yes. I think they should, it is long overdue .
Stay out of Syria. End of.
hey blogger, who told you it was syrian govt that did that?? dont b spreading rumor
He shud do abeg its too much for Assad
well......God dy sha....bt u shuld knw dat the US can wage war against any country who hurts her citizen....even be it a dog pup....so Obama.....do ya tin bt dnt spank dm too much oo!!!
I support taking military action against syria as Assad is one hell of a mad man, but who made America world peace enforcer, they always decide to go into any country in the name of stopping dictators... lo how they destroyed iraq and libya, what is the function of the UN???? this americans should go and rest joor
God punish devil
OMG! 1400 pple killed?
Yes boss carry go
Abeg I support am ooo
Haba! D death toll was very bad.i tink us shd carry out militray action straight before dis beast kills more..Aunty linda more updates pls..
Were chemical weapons used in Syria - yes, by whom???? rebels or government ??? no-one knows.
Games are being played in Syria and the middle east and its unfortunate innocent lives are being lost cos at the end of the day its all about money and power.
Ask yourself, what does Assad stand to gain by using chemical weapons knowing it was a hardline that would bring in the US? they are not THAT stupid. who stands to benefit from the US striking Syria??? I can name 2 or 3people.
But the wider implications of a US attack on Syria are dire and will draw Iran, Hezbollah, Israel and some other key regional players into a mega conflict. The objective is clear, and may God help the innocent people that would loose their lives in that chaos.
Linda post my comment cos I was the first to comment
asad has taken this too far this time. U.s abeg make una back off joor
Had it been i wasn't aware 3 days before reading this dumb article, i would just have read and believed just the way others will..
the UK PM is always standing to strike russia alongside obama, but the UK lawmakers' votes 2 days ago prompted an 'against the action move'... And conclusions hv not been made yet if the UK is striking... This linda, you need to start posting like a sexy and clever but young lady you are, and stop being silly with your posts like you're an old fashioned woman feeding fishes (LIBers) with some stones.. OkBye
Hmmm Iraq, afghanistan,viet...now he wanna add syria...allow dem settle their scores for once naaa obama haba..stop wastin d lives of the marines on issues dat doesn't concern the US.
Ok. Fuck you
Simple English!
Mind your business!
the problem of syria is like the problem of nigeria, for decades the minority has been ignored and mistreated badly, fortunately they finally got a dictator that is from the minority group( Alawite), this finally gave them a say in the countries policies which has long been under the dictatorship by the shites Muslims, so the reason for the conflict is that the shites Muslims wants to bring back power to there own side which Al-Asshad family and there tribes men (Alawite) has strongly fought against and becos Al-Assad is not western friendly, they want him out of the office. let us pray that this does not lead to a world war, becos Russia and China is Strongly against any US military action.
So pls no one should put all the blame on Al-Asshad.
Obama shd allow dis arabs to settle their wahala on their own o,aftall same set of pple hate d americans like hell,lives in d arab world is kil one and get 2 free to kil o they don't attach respect to life
Thank U!!!! The sooner the world realises dat AMERICA knows n plans everytin d beta 4 us. This is just anoda aspect of Ghadaffi in action! Bloody hypocrites! They killed d people in Syria!
Linda wat news channel do you watch? The UK has NOT ruled out completely military action. With the Iraq invasion still fresh in minds, the UK is merely preceding with caution. Once there's irrefutable evidence, they would back actions.
Hmmmm,,it wld be very disastrous if the US shld proceed in attacking the syrian goverment.its gone far beyond the "Revolution and change of power" that it is tagged to be..it's basically a war btw the Sunnis and Shias which is masterminded and sponsored by the most irresposible state on earth today "Saudi Arabia".All I see rt nw is world war 3 in the making if any invasion shld commence..cos RUSSIA nd CHINA r obviously against the us goverment invading into syria..I strongly suggest Obama shld av a rethink.from the look of tinz National diaslogues seems to be the best option they have.
Major world countries taking sides for / against Syria.
I don't know again.
I ran away from Nigeria thinking I don escape from boko haram.
I'm in the u.s now.They want to go to war?
Chai...which kain life?
I can bet with anything dt american government was behind d attack in order for em to invade syria jst like dey did @ iraq, cus till date we v nt seen any (WMD)weopon of mass destruction from d iraq invasion. They r maniputive to create panic to create reasons for there attacks
They def did, watch nikkita, dts exactly hw they operate, they create havoc to justify dia quest, its only in oil regions they show dia useeless care for humanity, why didn't dey invade senegal and sudan
The right-libertarian faction is stronger in the House than the Senate. Plus there are more than a few of the teabagger caucus who will simply vote no to whatever Obama says. Add in Democratic defections and it may get dicey for the administration.
If Obama goes ahead with an attack in spite of Congress rejecting it, he will have announced more loudly and definitively than Bush ever did that Congress is a nullity, that they have no authority to constrain the president from making war. That would indeed be a Rubicon moment for America.
Unlike Cameron, Obama's government will not fall if he defies the will of Congress. So he can do what he likes.
Question is, will Congress impeach him if he ignores their decision? If Obama takes the responsibility for the war completely on himself, and it goes sour, it may boomerang on him.
How is it Obama's problem? Amebo oshi, he should just leave them to keep gassing themselves for the sake of the whole world, humanity won't survive a third world war that will start if he goes ahead with the military intervention.
August 31, 9:50pm.....u just said my mind
There is Fire on the mountain..
Gbagaun prince,ow did it go out?it shld b "ow did it turn out"...same way u gbagauned again in d piece on omotola..(She is really worthy of celebrating)..it shld b she is rly worth celebrating....bros u get work so?...as regards syria,d end is near...repent pple,its ur boy xavier..no beef PC,am feeling d way u play wv words...kip it up
Ur English is appallin please go back to school, and while you are at it, study very hard.
The us did it.just to be able to enter syria which would mean they are backing the rebels .if they strike more civilians would be killed
It is a conspiracy, I don't support any military strike, it will lead to third world war, Assad isn't foolish to use chemical weapons on his citizens, Obama said he doesn't support terrorism yet he gives arms to al-queda to fight in Syria, who is he deceiving? Assad didn't use chemical weapons on his citizens,I strongly believe it is the rebels who did, russia and china have warned the USA,and if they strike it will lead to third world war, Guys open your eyes, don't be deceived by USA
It is a conspiracy, I don't support any military strike, it will lead to third world war, Assad isn't foolish to use chemical weapons on his citizens, Obama said he doesn't support terrorism yet he gives arms to al-queda to fight in Syria, who is he deceiving? Assad didn't use chemical weapons on his citizens,I strongly believe it is the rebels who did, russia and china have warned the USA,and if they strike it will lead to third world war, Guys open your eyes, don't be deceived by USA
It is a conspiracy, I don't support any military strike,it will lead to third world war,Assad isn't foolish to use chemical weapons on his citizens, Obama said he doesn't support terrorism yet he gives arms to al-queda to fight in Syria,who is he deceiving? Assad didn't use chemical weapons on his citizens, I strongly believe it is the rebels who did,russia and china have warned the USA, if they strike,this might lead to third world war, Guys open your eyes,don't be deceived by USA
HoW Far , we don finish our Boko Haram matter?? abi na until dem kill 1,400 at once .Their killing sef go don reach or pass 1,400 chemical or no chemical..Die na Die.
Ohhhh wait, Americaa now has enough funds to do all this ??? Has d economy suddenly bounced back ?? In as much as this is some kinda good stuff, I personally do not think America of all countries should be the one verging into this...dats a whole toll on the wrecked economy abeg. And if this happens, how is Obama gon be able keep up wih his medical care and stuffs in that line ?? NO NO, Obama, leave it for the tax free countries..lets talk about Qatar, Dubai e.t.c.
US shouldn't embark on this journey alone...they should get their allies' military support, Germany, France, Israel, Italy since UK is no longer an option. God should never make China or Russia world-power because of their nonchalant attitude toward wars, even where people are massacred on a daily...So-Nature
Hmmmmm,I say slay em
It is ok for the us government to intervene to safe the lives of innocent children from this ruthless Syrian government.haba chemical weapon on its citizens,that one bad oh!!
First save urself frm Ūя̲̅ grammar..«Found»
...I guess u don't even know wat u r saying,I believe u r underage.ask daddy b4 u comment.
All ye conspiracy theorists,I bet you think the world is flat too America makes it looks otherwise.
The earlier you lot get your heads out of ur arses the better it would be for you all.
America couldn't have attacked Syria,the Assad regime has always had chemical weapons which the US I'd aware of but couldn't really take any action.
This incident makes it easy for the US to intevene depending what Congress votes.
If at all any other party besides the Asad state army is to be blamed for this dastardly act then it should be the Free Syrian Army.
I mean those rebels have shown the manner of monsters they are,they eat human hearts,desecrate graves and what have you.
Its logical to conclude that they gassed their own people so as to bring international intevention,seeing that they don't seem to be winning the war.
Don't forget,the rebels are also allies with Hezbollah,a terrorist set that hates the US/Isreal and has no respect for human lives.
Should America go in?should there be "boots on ground" in Syria"?
Are u saying the US shouldn't intervene when obviously the Arab league have portrayed it self as too weak to handle assad.its is the right thing that the US exert it's vigour against assad to bring justice to the people of Syria
The Arab world should note that this is the only way america can weaken them. America is broke and they will rather die than see an arab super power because of their ties with isreal. America should take on their mate (e.g russia or china) let's settle this best military in the world bullshit. Assad must GO regardless.
Usa! Dis is a waste of money, lives u can't spare. Dis cud be d brink of a mega war. But den again, iraq had oil,so did afghan now syria. I rest my case. Just sayin...D Curious1
What are your proofs that Obama is the worst president ever? Is Bush black? Did he not take millitary action against Iraq even without evidence of chemical weapons? You mush be nothing but a racist!
Ya das de point,bt its obvious the arab league can't stand up to that task not even when putin the russian president is backing this syrian muderous regime,USA is a world power,they can take a surgical strike to disarm that dictator.
@anon 12:30,are you saying America killed syrians with chemical weapons?
don't you think the word is too slow in responding to syrian govt's attrocities?
The best comment ever,they uSA shld seek legal confirmation,let them show the world evidences,then strike syrian militery facilities with every force they can.
I would want every politically thinking person to open their mind,President Assad is very much aware that the use of chemical weapons will cause international reactions and most definately U.S reaction,and that is the least thing he want.This is another propaganda Of the west,it is a well calculated attempt to get the sympathies of the average man on the street all around the world to justify the invasion of that sovereign country.Remember it was nuclear weapon that was the justification of invasion of iraq and as i write this there is still no evidence of such till day.the world should not sleep and allow this international bullying to continue. This is write up in support of Asssad and policies but the U.S should allow each country handle its crisis.The only reason Nigeria was invaded during the Niger delta crisis is bcos our govt sided with them and so they will turn the other eye to any form of masacre as far as ure on their side.it is unacceaptable to only bring out ur human Right sword only when it pays you
Shut the fuck up
United nation is full of time wasters, they keep quiet when things go wrong they come out with white vans and press conference, ridiculous behaviour. I applaud united state president Barack Obama. If America don't act this guy would kill more and soon they will have the courage to use it in other country or continent which America could be one. Or even zoo called nigeria or Congo you never can tell. Pretty sure the master planners of boko haram wish they had access to chemical weapon.
That remind me people do you remember the research institute in Kano is that still being built. Atiku and this Assad once had linking parter
True, but it's not funny.
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How did it go out?....ok
God bless u. This is how pple should think.
Obama should do whateva he likes'''m waiting for d actions on ma Al-jazeera
U are right that is what is rationale in thjs situation
Madam political analyst can you prove that it was the government that used it the same day the UN chemical inspectors they invited to investigate other alleged case entered the country, and used it on their own soldiers too, why has the US failed to show the world even one of the proof it claims to have, why is nobody talking about the barrels of deadly chemicals that has been reported by western media that the rebels have in their possession and continue to develop, including the extremist terrorist cells, who else has an interest in Syria that will benefit from such action. Why should the Americans brake UN regulations of going through the security council to uphold the same UN resolution, are the British MPs all daft, is this not actually a grand plot to invade like they did in Iraq and Libya to overthrow a government in the name of going to collect weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist, in case you don't follow the news closely the sectarian strife they planted in Iraq kills over 700 people monthly now and will not end any time visible, Libya has been totally destroyed and today terrorism as a result of that is why Nigeria is suffering the scourge of bokoharam that are killing us with Libya weapons, let me tell you why congress like the British parliament will vote it down, because the now have new source of energy so are hopefully not totally dependent on eastern oil which has always been the driving force and the desire by the US to continue playing a role they lost its credibility long ago and using Israeli intelligence to judge Syria is just a big joke because Israel is a US partner and core Syrian antagonist that cannot be said to be unbiased @patattah
Here is how I think it would play. Come September 9th the UN report on the Syrian Massacre would be out and the White House will present it to Congress. He would also have returned from the G-20 summit in Russia and had time to tell President Putin that the US will take no radical unilateral action against Syria.
Congress by split-vote will veto US military involvement in Syria citing various reasons from funding to 'we don't want another Iraq/Afghanistan'. However the White House would have backed this no-vote behind the scenes.
Obama will get on the phone with his principal NATO allies (Britain and France), and they will plan a covert "target elimination" of Assad and key Syrian regime members. The operation will be carried out by Israel and backed by Turkey (Syria's neighbours).
We will all wake up one morning to hear how Assad fell ill and died suddenly. Key regime members will be taken out and it would be made to look like the work of the FSA (Free Syrian Army).
The West will have their man out of the way, no boot would have been on the ground, and cynics will say it was an act of GOD. Make no mistake, Assad is only alive because the US have not found a cogent reason to eliminate him, NOT because the US cannot eliminate him. There will be action against Syria, but the US will try to ensure it is not directly fingered.
All the lunatics of the Middle East have either been eliminated or forced into exile. Even the strong man in Iran (Ex-President Ahmadinejad) has chosen retirement over having a perennial position of being in US cross hairs. The US has enough assets to eliminate any living breathing target on the surface of this planet within a few hours if they so decide. The rest of us are just fortunate that such power has never been granted to a raving lunatic.
I agree with you but sometimes when we fold our hands and allow evil to prevail when we can actually speak up we are more evil. POTUS is recommending a 'no boots on the ground' action. Target a few SAM sites where the chemical warheads are launched from and cripple their capabilities, but it is not really about Syria and Syrians its more about the next mad man who will rise up in North Korea, Afghanista, or anyone from the axis of evil to do same because we all keep quiet.
Hmmm' End Time! #rubz•handz•Like•birdman
They should let them continue to kill themselves, wicked muslims.
2 years and counting,the Arab league,Russia and even china has done nothing, Syria is not under a monarchy the man should leave the place joo. Obama is not has stupid as bush, it's gonna be a targeted strike on their chemical factories, missile sites and maybe a no fly zone conducted by drones. Russia will eventually move their base to Greece anyways. Innocent people are dying all because of power struggle and the whole world is watching like it's a Hollywood blockbuster. Only the US is willing to do something about it. Because they care about all humans alike.
I like President Obama's reaction those islamic country are too wicked pls dear president take a good action!!!
@Xavier: Feel free to correct me if you see any error pls! But you ain't right here of everything you said(including the Omotola post)
Definition of "GO OUT"
a : to go forth, abroad, or outdoors; specifically : to
leave one's house
b (1) : to take the field as a soldier (2) : to participate
as a principal in a duel
c : to travel as or as if a colonist or immigrant
d : to work away from home
a : to come to an end
b : to give up office : resign
c : to become obsolete or unfashionable
d (1) : to play the last card of one's hand (2) : to
reach or exceed the total number of points required
for game in cards
:to take part in social activities
:to go on strike
:break, collapse
:to become a candidate
Source= www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/go%20out
Taking a look at all these meanings If your Lexis is robust you would know what I meant by "go out", that's your homework to do! Cheers!
Was watching the uk debate on whether or nt they should join Obama in d Syrian invasion n all I could pick up as a reason for refusal to join was the fact that they don't fink there's a trust worthy replacement for ASAAd. They consider not just the reasons for the Attack but by also considering the lives of almost over 2million Christians at stake should the Islamic aspirant succeed ASAAd. This and more are the reasons why dey decline to join the u.s. pls consider their reasons rationally. For precautionary reasons, they've launched a typhoon to protect their sovereign regioNs in anticipation of an ambush.
I think proper investigation should be carried out by the US before drastic action are taking and if syria is found guilty, the US are free to do what they want.....using chemical weapon to fight innocent citizen should not be encouraged at all...especially in nigeria where we have boko-haram ,I tell you they are wacthing to see what americans will do and if we don't stop them they can use it on innocents citizens of nigeria...#Beauty#
May ALmighty lead us well in dis world
Your stupidity knows no bounds, ode oshi we talking nuclear attack here u talking nonsense.
U jest spoke my mind! (y)
Yes, am in support, to kill a human with chemical is to make him equal to an animal.Enough of this madness from Syria, am offering my self to lead the operation.
I swr, wit the asad guy ba... Next tin nw una go hear so 1 badt guy 4 syria don dey catch dem 1 by 1 (jack bauer)
A black confused racist...
Let's break it down..
1.The assad regime might av used this chemical weapons,with confidence in their allies(russia,china n tehran) to dare the US.if u think the russians n americans will find common grounds over syria...then u shud ask who edward snowden is.
2.The FSA might av carried out dis chemical attack ,so as to draw western world into the conflict,yet again there is a report that syrian soldiers used gas masks days before dat chemical attack..which again points to the fact they were aware of a said chemical attack.
3.If US along with its allies ,turkey,france,saudi strikes syria...it automatically draws the syrian army,tehran,russia china n israel into the conflict..den again these countries have their own military mights.
4.If assad is ignored..n the west says its an arab affair...will same be said if dear leader uses same chemical weapons against seoul?...evil persists wen good people do nothing.
5.If US strikes...wat den follows?a regime change or an intensified campaign against FSA by the assad regime.
6.Syria has oil..sudan doesn't.iraq has oil somalia doesn't ...libya has oil.
7.We all agree assad is bad...so if a bunch of protesters decide to stage an uprising against their legitimate government..does it then follow that we should expect the western world to come topple dat regime??
8. Russia is not weak...china is not weak...iran is not weak ... The EU is not even behind Uk n france yet...US Turkey saudi israel ...etc..too many countries involved in a conflict is definitely a blueprint for another worldwar.
In summary...me sef typing this analysis...its a delicate scenario n I can't categorically advise obama to strike assad....it will be made known by my oga @ the top. So so dats all.
plss..... Some ediots should stop that rubbish that america should not intervne
Linda, check your facts before you post on your blog. It has not been established who carried out the attack. Dont be a western propaganda carrier. You owe it to your auduence.
As tragic as it is U.S should mind their business.they teach them a lesson and more than 1400 people will lose their lives
A War Hungry man.... But has a fair point though. Syria needs to be taught how to respect their small land mass
I fear US might get into big trouble someday with their pseudo good samaritan approach to conflicts in other peoples nation. Its however sad that one man can actually mastermind such homicidal violence on his very own people. Wicked world! We'll all die and leave behind wat we're killing ourselves over in the end. RatRace
Are you ppl sure Syrian government did this to His ppl? What will be Assads gain for Killing innocent Citizens? No government will fold His hand and let Terrorists overthrow them. Obama should fight Terrorist . Immigration reform in his country should be His number one Agenda. Leave Syria alone....
This make more sense. Why should Assad risk turning world opinion against him and inviting US retaliation by using chemical weapons when he has military superiority? "He may be bad, but he is not ma
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