MTN loses big in Mobile Number Portability scheme | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 23 August 2013

MTN loses big in Mobile Number Portability scheme

According to the Director of Public Affairs of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Mr Tony Ojobo, MTN lost a lot of their subscribers to other networks during the recently introduced Mobile Number Portability (MNP) scheme.

According to figures released by Mr Ojobo, MTN topped the losers table among an overall number of subscribers that switched service providers in the telecoms market with 49%; followed by Globacom with 23%; Airtel with 17%; while Etisalat came last on the losers’ table with 11%. Which means Etisalat emerged top in the number porting scheme among the telecoms company. Wow!


Prodigy1 said...

Wow!!! MTN ehn!! U better repent. Lolz

Anonymous said...

yes so true
I ported my Glo line to Etisalat
My Mtn line also to Etisalat
But i left my Zain line

Stupid Mtn......dey dont hv good customer care @ all.....Always so irritating....
Glo sef worse
Pls Linda post my comment,,,I know Mtn/glo/airtel/etisalat top managers will be reading this


Anonymous said...

Its not by Saka...

Anonymous said...

MTN o!
Nd I like mtn o buh deyv bin doin rubbish wiv their ntwrk lately

Anonymous said...

Etisalat na best!!!!unbEATable

Anonymous said...

Good for them... When they will nt better their network

Unknown said...

Sorry saka...I like my etisalat

BossLady said...

Good for them


Anonymous said...

good gof them. their service is very poor. i hope they have learnt their lessons

ujunwa said...

The worst Network of the year goes to MTN

Anonymous said...

MTN wahala too much. This is just the begining

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Its about time! Number portability is serving its function well, which is to make the GSM market more flexible for consumers and would make operators on their toes trying to satisfy customers, because unsatisfied customers will port! MTN's watch out!

Anonymous said...

They have not even started loosing dis is just d beginning.

Anonymous said...

Very true linda.buh I cnt give details biko ma job is impt to moi.nw for the first time I'm gonna comment as anonymous ma job is impt to me biko.

chz™ said...

Lmfao @mtn. Now you guys will understand how people are feed up with your fucked up network

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Its about time! Number portability is serving its function well, which is to make the GSM market more flexible for consumers and would make operators on their toes trying to satisfy customers, because unsatisfied customers will port! MTN watch out!

Anonymous said...

Serves mtn right,rubbish netwrk.

Anonymous said...

Am nt surprised at all. MTN is very useless. Rubbish network. Mtchewwww

Anonymous said...

I think this comment is wrong "almost half of MTN subscribers switched to other networks". The report says 49% of the total "porters" where MTN subscribers not that 49% of MTN subscribers ported. Good job linda, 1st time "commenter" :)

Anonymous said...

0809ja for lyf

Anonymous said...

I guess saka did not dance and sing well enough

Anonymous said...

Still Linda if we compare numbers in terms of percentage of total subscribers mtn is still the largest and etisalat being the smallest is expected to have minimal porting in totalty. im just saying. though mtn should be given that kain slap when sound sultan chop for that him new just saying

Anonymous said...

With all the saka advert....Mchewww.....

fly guy said...

i knew etisalat was d best a long time ago, i threw my mtn no. away and told others 2 follow suite, buh they were still doubting

Anonymous said...

This is the begining for them, Gone are the days where we have no choice but to bear with their endless and non chalant attitude,most annoying thing is their customer service reps r very rude, they even deduct money for absolutly nothing, if I get one more deductiong from my accout for no reason am porting to etisalat straight, thanks to NCC

Anonymous said...

yeah Airtel and Etisal rocks. Many free packages, MTN is always looking for new schemes to cheat Nigerians... AIRTEL + ETISALAT All the way

Anonymous said...

I hve alwys knwn MTN na fcuk up.. I love my airtel line.. Madam linda pls post my comment

Anonymous said...

Yayyyy that's my company!! Now you are talking,the network that treats you like kings and queens. Thank you Nigerians.

okorodudu said...

Not really darling, it doesn't necessarily mean so. You see, statistics is something that can be skewed in various ways to mean different things.

The number of users impacts the percentage of 'snitches' so in situations such as this it's also important to state the actual numbers.

The number of MTN 'snitches' alone may be more than the total users of another carrier.

So, if the number of 'snitches' of MTN were applied to say Etisalat, it could mean maybe 90% of Etisalat users snitched!

Anonymous said...

Na lie jor...classic demarketing

Anonymous said...

Na lie jor...classic demarketing

Anonymous said...

Well...that seems about right! mtn sucks nw

Anonymous said...

this is not true linda, its half of those that request for MNP, not half of MTN network..........logic should make you challenge this.

how many ppl even apply for this MNP?, why are you giving us percentage instead of the exact figure.

Anonymous said...

this is not true linda, its half of those that request for MNP, not half of MTN network..........logic should make you challenge this.

how many ppl even apply for this MNP?, why are you giving us percentage instead of the exact figure.

Anonymous said...

Kassala! Na God catch them!

Anonymous said...

the MNP scheme is just a waste of time and resources, i dont think up to 10 thousand sub has requested for it.

Anonymous said...

the MNP scheme is just a waste of time and resources, i dont think up to 10 thousand sub has requested for it.

@EDDYSYFAR said...

â„“☺â„“, after saka left etisalat, d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ r still balling. Mtn should upgrade b4 ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ sef go port.

@EDDYSYFAR said...

â„“☺â„“, after saka left etisalat, d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ r still balling. Mtn should upgrade b4 ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ sef go port.

Prince said...

You are not completely right Linda. The statistics from NCC does not imply that "almost half of MTN subscribers" ported. It implies that 49% of those who ported are MTN subscribers. MTN still has the most subscriber base of all operators in Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Saka!!!! I don port o!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's where I work!yaaaaaah

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! 1st to comment...I luv etisalat. They are consistent....

Anonymous said...

Good for MTN.

Ginger said...

Awwwww! They never start.Etisalat is the best indeed

Anonymous said...

Linda, you got this wrong. It's not that half of mtn subscribers that moved, but half of those who switched network moved from mtn.

Anonymous said...

I don port oooooo

Nenye said...

Rilly Etisalat is d bestest.

Anonymous said...

God don catch 'em
Bcos pple get plenty MTN line perhaps


Anonymous said...

Why I'm stuck wt eti #winx
~D great anonymous!

rali said...

Yea baby,we don't play!Go Etisalat!!!

priceless jewel said...

Empty everywhr u go...I knw pple jst av 2 port 2 oda ntwrks,nt wit ur unstability dis days...Etisalat rocks #tongue out

freshdude said...

How e take concern us... Does dat change d price of a cup of garri

Anonymous said...

I never believed all these yearly prophesies u til now
Recall that one of the prophesies was concerning MTNs big loss this year
Damn some pastors have to be taken seriously henceforth oh if something as supposedly minute as MTN came up and is coming true

Ikenna said...

Linda, this data is relative to the number of customers each network has, maybe when ncc releases data on the number of customers each network has gained, u'd understand...

dindy_gifted said...

M so among d subscribers dat switched 4rm mtn 2 etisalat nd it's nyccccc

Anonymous said...

oma se o! pele MTN
and more will leave if you dont take your time!!

Anonymous said...

Of course i also ported from MTN to Etisalat.

Anonymous said...

Unbelivabl! Wit al d magic of Saka ,keri kata keri kata carry d same num go to mtn.

WellUninspired said...

Nigerians voted the only honest way they knew how....

Anonymous said...

Good for them, thieves!

Anonymous said...

Eyaaa! mtn sorry ooooooo

Cocogirl said...

NTA is the least rated station yet its the oldest with the largest network in Nigeria.Staff are guaranteed pension after service.MTN is still the largest network provider and so the number lost to porting may not count if that same number equals or is more than Etisalat users in total.I still love my


Dt serves mtn right,too much guy is not good,d worst network ever,I luv etisalat,dts wht I thought they v covered evrywhere n nothin wil check them,dey don see am now,yeye network

Anonymous said...

0809ja for life...its not by SAKA ooooo its by providing exceptoonal and quality of service

Anonymous said...

good for mtn! Shitty services

Chike said...

I am confused...

If MTN lost half of its customers as you say, how come the NCC says they still have 55 million customers!

I have checked the NCC website, and here's the link

According to the reports I read, what NCC said was that of the number of people that ported, MTN lost the most customers.

The question is - how many people ported? That way, you will know how many MTN lost.

Anonymous said...

Saka go soon rePORT bak to etisalat

Collin Emeka said...

Linda u got the stats wrong.. its not half of total mtn subscribers

Anonymous said...

and to think that Saka ported from Etisalat to MTN

Yemmie Oscar said...

Yayy! 080-9ja 4 life

yeahmissy said...

not surprised mtn network is really terrible especially at night arnd 7-10..

Diweri Benibile said...

Mtn na network ni?make dem go play 4 gutter joor.I still dey regret say I use mtn stupid network

ravenmortal said...

NCC, This is a very lopsided look at important statistics. Percentage of porters is important, but to whom did they port? That gives a wholistic picture. While 49% may have dumped MTN, who got the Glo customers? Who got the Airtel customers? Who got the 11% Etisalat? It is entirely possible that MTN got as many people porting in, as they lost porting out!

Anonymous said...

Y wnt mtn lose stingy pple

Anonymous said...

Did Ojobo actually say that or did he say that MTN accounted for 49% of the total number of people who ported? Pls investigate and correct. You are misleading ur readers.

Anonymous said...

Am so happy MTN came out with the highest losses, I didn't even port, I just got an etisalat sim straight up, MTN is WACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Some heads will definitely roll...poor service, poor campaign and law of diminishing return always applies.

MTN and GLO are just too poor in service delivery, thumbs up to Airtel and Etisalat.

Anonymous said...

This story is at least 2 weeks old. Wuz up? News drought? And the chap is not even correctly quoted.

Black Mamba said...

TeamEtisalat rules!!! 15mb free for teens no b beans, stop signing useless ambassadors and start schemes like GEEKFORCE by Etisalat.

Though Etisalat is expensive, it delivers and that's all.

*knees down* Etisalat kindly sign Ice prince and the whole north is yours #thankmelater

Anonymous said...

Am yet to port and definitely will, of course MTN to Etisalat. lol

Fast is an attitude

Anonymous said...

Signing of artist will never get you more Customers, get that MTN and GLO.

Good service and truly cheap data plans get customers

Anonymous said...

Only Etisalat advert sef go make customers come, i swear.

Etisalat never in a rush to sign anybody. penetrating customer base with quality services

Na Arab money if them start no be here oh

Unknown said...

Am very happy to hear dis news...â„“̊ think MTN should ßє̲̣̣̣ scrapped..shikena !

I love PC said...

just fews years into the market and they are there already. I love Etisalat, very expensive data plans sha but fast.

Chikito said...

Yeah dats my Etisalat baby! Pls 3 gbosas for them...oya...gbosa! Gbosa! Gbosa. Lol

Unknown said...

"almost half of MTN
subscribers switched to other networks during
the recently introduced Mobile Number
Portability (MNP) scheme"....
Linda, that is a very wrong statement.
What the Director means is that of all the subscribers that switched to other networks, MTN subscribers account for almost half.... Not that half of MTN subscribers switched to other networks.

Anonymous said...

Bad math guys. The real statistically analysis will be how many people use these networks relatively.

Obviously, MTN has more customers, so it they obviously will have more customers willing to switch.

Anonymous said...

0809ja for life..Now we are talking..To bad for MTN

Anonymous said...

my understanding is that only about 22,000 subscribers across all four networks out of an industry total of about 114 million have actually exercised their right to port. This comes to 0.019% of subscribers that have ported.
So if 49% of this proportion is from MTN then it is really a small figure, particularly when we consider that MTN has the largest subscriber base of over 50 million customers.
We are essentially talking about 49% of 0.019% which is 0.00931%.

Anonymous said...

(-_\\ Saka... LOL.

Anonymous said...

These stats do not mean half of MTN subscribers ported, the correct way to interpret the percentages is that of all numbers ported since the scheme started, almost half are MTN numbers; 23 percent were glo numbers, while Airtel and Etisalat recorded the least amount of lost customers.

That being said, I expected glo to have a higher percentage of customers walking away; dem guys suck!

Anonymous said...

Finally. Wind don blow, fowl (MTN) nyash don open. MTN can mow stop ripping ppl off. God bless Etisalat for coming to d rescue of Nigerians. Kumosky....

femi said...

Thats interesting to note. So 'Saka' made a mistake of porting from a winning network afterall

femi said...

Thats interesting to note. So 'Saka' made a mistake of porting from a winning network afterall

Anonymous said...

With all the whole Saka i don port ☺º°˚˚°Âºoo , dem still carry last. What ∕̴Æ– pity mtn, n to Airtel n etisalat good one

Daughter of Zion. said...

What an irony. Can't imagine..*in Sakas voice- My number don dey portable..even me sef wan port to Airtel.

Anonymous said...

Linda got this all wrong, It's not 49% of MTN's subscriber base but 49% of total number of people that switched network in the period under review.Kindly check the NCC publicationagain. Pls post my comment.

Anonymous said...

Now MTN can finally see that people were with them because of just a number not their terrible service. MTN needs to rebrand to gain trust once more. The first shall be the last and the last shall be the first.

Unknown said...


tani said...

Definitely not accurate. I'm not a fan of MTN but these figures cannot be accurate.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaahahahh....hand mEet mtn...dis will make dem sit up!!!yeye netwrk!!!d worst part b say me too still dey use d netwrk!!!

Anonymous said...

Ironically, mtn was the one that pioneered this porting of a thing.. Talk about "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"...

Anonymous said...

please they should wait before bringing out this statistics because i'm sure close to 15 of my friends including me are yet to switch networks because MTN got serious issue.


Na only Saka port to MTN.

Anonymous said...

Go etisalat!I also ported from mtn to etisalat.MTN really messed up my birthday!#angryface#

Aniwura #battinglashes said...

Yep, I suspected it and told y'all back then but it took NCC to convince y'all #SMH #tonguestickingout: the kirikata dance is a jinx but it works in the opposite direction... straight into Etisalat's arms #lmao #thumbsup

P.S. Does your phone tell you the MTN line you are calling is not available, even when the fellow is just next door, or is it just me???

1st to comment... #faint

Anonymous said...

Congrts to Etisalat.... even though i am indifferent abt dis portin tingy, it should be stated that all ntwrk hs to improve

BadGuy said...

Yes, I work with a Etisalat and I'm proud to say we are the BEST despite being the latest entrant into the Nigerian Telecomunication Scene....Big ups to 0809ja for life....please keep porting to our network. Cheers :-)

motivation to lose weight? click me said...


MTN are theives

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised.

Anonymous said...

It really doesn't mean that because they all don't have the same number of people on their network.

30% of people on mtn could equal 10 of people onetisalat.


Anonymous said...

To be honest etisalat deserves it cos to me they are the best for now and they should also put hands into programms and promos cos that would draw more people.

Anonymous said...

Etisalat truly cares.

Anonymous said...

Its not as if their services r good but hey m still loyal to dem tho! Hoping to port to etisalat soonest! @xclucivexter!

Anonymous said...

Good for them,foolish network

Unknown said...

That's a really outrageous percentile a (once) Telecom giant. Hope they don't completely crush themselves in the long run of the MNP scheme. *now who wants a private jet*

Anonymous said...

Mtn sucks

Anonymous said...

MTN network dey sick na. Ordinary to subscribe since one week now na war; ve almost finished d credit for calls. Me self wan port.

Hawk-Eyed said...

The percentage is in proportion to their respective network base. I see you're not aware of that.

Anonymous said...

Linda, seems u didn't like maths in school abi? well it is the percentage of the TOTAL people that ported. Not the percentage of each network's total subscribers.

Anonymous said...

Poor reporting. 49 percent switched to other networks? Is it 49 percent of total subscribers or 49 percent of those who ported?
What is the NET gain/loss for each network? That is the most relevant information, and the best way to rank gainers/loser etc Etisalat can never accomodate half of MTN subscriber. Please cheack NCC Market share report for Q2 FY 13Adoki

Anonymous said...


priceless jewel said...

Empty everywhr u go... I knw pple wil jst have 2 port 2 oda ntwrks nt wit ur unstability dis days...Etisalat rocks #tongue out. Miss Linda post dis one o

Anonymous said...

It serves them right. They have d crappiest network eva. Wots d pt bin"everywhere u go" n nt provide connectivity

Anonymous said...

runs to get an etisalat line

Anonymous said...

Good! Now MTN be forced to provide better service!

Anonymous said...

Yessssss *dancing*😂😂 best news iv heard this year. I hate mtn from the bottom of my ass

bunmi said...

You got your statistics wrong
its not the half of the mtn network
but half of the number of people that ported
they are two different things

Anonymous said...

Na dem spend money pass na dem lose pass. Walai, I sure say Saka still dey use Etisalat line for him bedroom. #MAGA thingz#

Anonymous said...

You misinterpreted the figure, what they are refering to is 49% of subs that ported. I can tell you authoritatively that the total number of people that have ported so far is less than 250,000. For a network with over 30million subs, you will agree with me that this is insignificant !

lil miss sunshyn said...

dis iz d best news eva, mtn plzz get ur ish straight cos ur network iz d worst laffin in Spanish heeehheheheheheh

Alloy Chikezie said...

I am using MTN, but really their network sucks

Anonymous said...

Good. Now we need to deal with DSTV.

Anonymous said...

N̶̲̥̅̊ø̲̣ be by saka

Anonymous said...

MTN so sorry i'll be the latest person to port out of your so called network, after eating my 23k all in the name of yeye Z10 bundle you expect me to stay? mba nu

Anonymous said...

Seriously, for abt two months nw I haven't been able to download anything larger than 10mb with my mtn bis. I plan 2 port immediately my bis expires. Come 2 think of it my parents also ported ds month too. Tough luck mtn u guys shld pls improve.

Unknown said...

mtn been dey do well oh

Anonymous said...

Linda, english you no sabi write,maths sef you no sabi interpret. you know how many people port their number? E no reach better 20,000. 49% percent of that is negligible when you know that MTN is a market leader with over 55% of the market (subscriber base of over 50 million) and the 2nd market leader Glo has less than 30 million subscriber. It is always a given that where you have such a large market leader,they lose the most in MNP. Check out other markets and confirm. Nothing new there. MTN is bad but it is still the best.If only Etisalat came earlier.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting and insightful comments; I hope MTN is listening. Well I happen to know that MTN is listening and has no desire to take the mick here. I mean the sheer investment in infrastructure and social programmes in $bn is a testament to MTNs commitment.
Take the security challenges and unfair policies of different govt agencies and opportunists particularly as affects MTN; and the size and reach of the network, then the challenge can better be appreciate.
That said and not making excuses, a lot is going into improving the customer experience across board.

Anonymous said...

Funny anonymous, abeg keep ur job!Etisalat is the best, data and voice, tho basically I use them for data. Tinking of porting my MTN soon.

Anonymous said...

Yellow sucks

Anonymous said...

I don port 2 Etisalat oooooooooo,O8O9ja 4 lyf.Laide

Anonymous said...

Are you Lynda Saint Nwafor, the CTO of MTN? You should be fired. I'm MTN Staff and I ported!!! Fix our network or step the fuck down...

Angelic said...

Dey got served #bloody airtime thieves

Anonymous said...

They suck. Simple

Anonymous said...

I just ported from MTN to etisalat today!!!!! Screw u MTN..I was with you for 4 years and the servic just kept getting worse..I'm good now! Hehe!

Anonymous said...

who are the 11% that left Etisalat? me am happy people left mtn cos there are crab. i plan leaving also not enjoying my z10 bundle . no netwrk, there are just crab. they beta sit up.yayo pple

Anonymous said...

EMPTY N...the service has been soooo poor

Anonymous said...

simple logic situation....the statistics did not STATE the number of subscribers on each network....

Anonymous said...

Abi na true say mtn bis na ₦500? Kai bad market, they really need customers now...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pls , aw can I port to etisalat oooooooooo, my next sub na etisalat things ooooooo

Unknown said...

i did not but will still port. I started using mtn right from the ist day they got to nig but they keep stealing. My money .

Unknown said...

...and the fact that ETISALAT had d least number of subscribers leaving dsnt necessarily mean they had d highest number of new subscribers from other netwrks. The losers' table isnt always the inverted view of the winners' table.

..unless this report is talking abt the net-movement.

Unknown said...

..and the fact that Etisalat had the least number of subscribers leaving doesnt necessarily mean they had the most number of new subscribers from other networks...the losers' table isnt always an inverted view of the gainers'...

..unless the report is talking abt net-movement

Anonymous said...

Mtn used their own hands dig their grave..cos I knw a lot of nigerians didn't knw about d portin tin till dat saka advert

Anonymous said...

Rubbish ntwrk,dat is y dey gave everibody additional 3days on BIS subscription,infact mke dem close dwn mtn...nonsense

Anonymous said...

if all the networks had porters, that means they all have problems. NCC, we need another strategy to shake them more to best services. As per 'EMPTY N', words can't describe u guys. U need to start recruiting a new set of customer service reps, and it's no joke!

Beautifullllllllll said...

Its nt by Saka or by size but by the grace of God. HURRAY, ETISALAT ROCKS!!!!

Anonymous said... true. I ported from mtn to airtel. enjoying my android now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah..better for SA companies, they think they will continue to rule in Nigeria..Can't wait for competitors for Satelite dishes to rubbish DSTV..were the fee of 11,500 is paid to view major channels...can't just wait

Ayodeji Olabode said...

I don't know about Glo but Mtn is so so terrible....I still subscribed this weekend and when I was browsing on my android I was enjoying the mtn speed unknown to me that it was my airtime they were deducting...I then called customer care which took forever before they answered (like say dem go refund sef )...they said it was an error say make I no vex say make I comot sim put am back..I did I put am back the next thing I saw was your last session was" 0.0kb lasted for 0min" and all my airtime was gone..all my updates were off!! My sub was still on!!!!.......I no even bother port..the sim card is in my trash can....

Anonymous said...

Chai, see analysis, you guys be bursting my brains

Anonymous said...

Guys pls who would tell me hw to subscribe for Etisalat bis. Coz am tired of mtn mischief. Deducting peoples account for no just reason despite the fact d mtn bis subscription is still on. I can imagine. Damn

courage said...

there's always a next time.

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