Meet Mr Africa International - Jaydon Anderson from Botswana | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Meet Mr Africa International - Jaydon Anderson from Botswana

The 2013 Mr Africa International male pageant held on Saturday August 24th at the Africa Centre in London - and Jaydon Anderson from Botswana (pictured above) beat 19 other hunks to emerge the winner. Jaydon stands at 6 ft 3 and believes family always comes first in everything. #Betterthingz!

See more photos of Jaydon and other contestants after the cut...


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ujudearieomalicha said...

We have seen oya cover your chest

Mich said...

That last photo looks like they just finished having a suasage fest.
Why not just take off the damn briefs already?

purpledeeva said...

man candies, me likey!!!!

Onyx said...

am wet already...

Onyx said...

Dude is hotttttt!!!!!

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Facially nothing unique. Well, Ok, seen and noted!

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm. This nor b small tin o

Onyx said...

Dude is HAT!!!!

Anonymous said...

whoa hot!!!!

Anonymous said...

gay oshi..

Anonymous said...

He has a nice body but his face isn't anything spectacular

queen said...

Mehn! Dat body ıs temptıng. Come n fuck me....check out hıs nıpples. I wısh all men were lıke hım

Unknown said...

He wants to pull the pant ni??? O_O wa oooo! I'm quite sure the greater number of votes must have been from the female can only wonder where they must have been looking sha to crown him the winner! Na waya!
Me first....Yaaaayyy! *dancing eminado*

Anonymous said...

Not cute!

Anonymous said...

OmG! #phew!
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

jesus have mercy

Anonymous said...

Wow Supper cool _ for the latest gist and gossips around ph yall follow @Trendz_PH on twitter

Anonymous said...


Bonita Bislam said...

Mehn dis guy is smokin hoooooooooot.Dis hunk of a guy leavs ma eyz wide open..Am trippin 4real

Anonymous said...

So one has to go partially unclad to win SMH!

BARBIE said...

Linda if he handles U ehn mmmmmmmmm

Unknown said...

Spartacus !!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice abs

Anonymous said...

Dis guy can make me cum over n over again....really cute.#horny#

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@moro now, una go hear say na gay.

Anonymous said...

Nice abs

Anonymous said...

First to comment, hahaha

Sindy said...


Anonymous said...

Kai...famzing...dripping all over...come take me away to paradise...this pic 1 is soooo tempting

Anonymous said...

Hottie Hottie....ELB

Anonymous said...

Choi,Lindoski nwa,as I see this guy pictures na soso bad bad things dey run tru my mind. I swear,if this guy handles me here eer,walahi! He for open the...u know na make we see A̶̲̥̅̊♏‎​ well. Pls pls pls,lindo,I no wan hear say dis guy na gay 2moro o. He's sexy mbok.

Sindy said...



Omg! This guy is fucking sexy... I like sha

Anonymous said...

Ewwww! Watz up wif him pulling off his boxers nah?! Al of dem jus b lyk kpef

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nonsense n Ingridents he should have removed the entire pant let's see mr Africa indeed.

Anonymous said...


Amber Ree's Blog said...

Wow he looks so cute, and he's got that bad boy looks. Me liky yummy yum hmmmmm

Unknown said...

Stale, nice build anyway!

Amber Ree's Blog said...

Wow he looks so cute, and he's got that bad boy looks. Me liky yummy yum hmmmmm

me said...

in between his legs though

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#fans self# sight for sore eyes



~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

ok, a bunch of half naked guys contesting for what? No, not interested.

Anonymous said...

Oo la la. Nice

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is....I can't wait to fuck this guy,that's all. Hehehehehehehe,choi! O'boy

teewhy izzy said...

Sweats... wow he is hot.that. Aside,lind ik thiink the way you talk abt churches,christains its just always have dis mocking don't do this when it comes to other mite av moni,fame,beauty but u will still end 6feet and rot like evrioda person.wen we will die ,we dnt be careful.after posting ur stories,u will say.kidding or lol but its not funny.just be careful cos. U just mite get what you wish for.if you like don't post my comment

Princess Dee said...

nice meeting u bro...#scared#

Lucyblings said...

His not jst cool ß̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊Ñ’ sexy

Anonymous said...

Nice physique.

-Blunt Ibo boy-

udsparkles said...

hot dudes mehnn!!!!!!

Princess Dee said...

He looks good in suit though..

Anonymous said...

Wow. That body is gorgeous

Anonymous said...

Arrrrrrrrrgghhh! Nt fyn joo

mirabel said...

befitting title .. majestic and he commands the room...very befitting..thers just something about men from the southern part of africa...#wellendowed

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GAY competition;al da way`shame unto all of u out der.big fools showcasn deir foolish talents. Abeg next. «UCHE FACE»

Anonymous said...


DR KHENINE said...

Some gay shii...

Anonymous said...

ewwwww, dirty armpit!!!! Gross!!!!! Naija guys will definitely shave their armpit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wats ds one showing us biko? Get a shave joor! Mtcheeew!!!

Anonymous said...

What's with the tattoos. Anyway, all these blokes no fine o. No be only muscles women wan see and chop now. Ha ha ha. Don't mind me. Better a firm body tham a soft mushy one.

Anonymous said...

Wooooowww!!!! Nice packs n junks!!! :D...lin post my comment ooo

toluwanimi.SLIM said...

Linda ehn. I don't drool ova dese manly figures anymore! They ar rall gaysssss. Oya post .

Anonymous said...

GAY competition;al da way`shame unto all of u out der.big fools showcasn deir foolish talents. Abeg next. «UCHE FACE»

Flo said...

Wts d one of pulling his boxers half way??he for kukuma show us everytin..gibberish!

Flo said...

Wts d one of pulling his boxers half way??he for kukuma show us everytin..gibberish!

ola said...

phew!!! i need a drink.

Anonymous said...

Does he want us to suck his penis? Y is he pullin his briefs down! This kain man, i know his type. Sex with them is painful! Itd hit ur womb! Tah! Pull ya pant up!

Anonymous said...

One Word.......DAYYYYUUUUMMMMM!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!!!
6 packs!!!!!!
can get down with him anytime
also very handsome!! love him

Anonymous said...

gay ass tins

Blackberry said...

This guy can't roll his waist on a woman..looks stiff....

Anonymous said...

Awww! Y did dey carry out d contest now...dey shud hav waited till aftr d BBA na so dat our dear melvin can contest tooo..issorait

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy, I could get use 2 seeing all dis everyday. Linda I know I'm d first 2 comment immediately u posted dis so abeg no play politics

Anonymous said...

why this ngu de disgrace manhood like this

ebimor. said...

Ds guys are sooooooo freaking hot and those bodies goosh am wet gv mi dere contacts.jeeez.

kent said...


Anonymous said...

God Forbid bad thing, If he is d only guy on earth, I rather remain single.
I can't fit do dis biko. Not my spec.

Anonymous said...

Hez well built...

Anonymous said...

Damn these guys r hot.hmmm espescially dis Jaydon if i catch am a corner ,im own don finish.nice one

Anonymous said...

Lord av mercy!!! Wtf !!! He's sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! See doz abs! His huge mandingo!! Soooo huge!!! Wana giv him d bj of his life... And oo!-am a guy!!! Homophobes kill urselves!! Nd did I say hw muscular his butt-cheeks wud be!!! Rimming of life!!! #wanking

linasparkle said...

Hehehe, i can see smth

MsMonroe said...

first comment! :p ... His hotness has got a cape on! (super hot)

Unknown said...

Choloiskoi! Wow!

Toni said...

he is hot though but guys with tattoo a no no for me

Anonymous said...

Dis Mr. Africa sef be like gay

Anonymous said...

80% fags
Post dis plssss

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

E for open d penis na, make we no whether e hot or not...*bi?

Anonymous said...

First to comment, yayyy*tears bra* d nigga looks ugly, though.

Pipi Lee said...

Linda biko kwa!
Some guys will start droolin over dis pix o!!

Anonymous said...

He looks better with clothes on. Nudity in part or full is evil. Please let's try to shun every appearance of sin and call sin by its right name.
God bless you.

Anonymous said...

He is hot o....
*Stan bee*

Anonymous said...

Tatoo's-gross...Packs-Nice...and plz stop showing off half of ur thing..just show the full pix of it already!

Anonymous said...

If dat guy catch person......hmmmmmmmmm!!!na hospt person go

prince d preacher said...

six pack for life. We kno u gat dem all, but do guys also wear pants and even tryin to show deir ministry in public?

Anonymous said...

i'm guessin this is supposed to be hot, but somehow i find it distasteful n looking at him just makes me uncomfortable...its just...too much...too ehanced...
wen someone is fine, dey refer to dem as being "easy on the eyes for a reason"...dis one is just a No abeg.

Anonymous said... dis set of pple fit giv person 1 blow mk d person die 7 times.I no dey dere o.MAMA TEE

Blessing said...

heyeeeeee !! strokes of sonthin

Unknown said...

Won't be shocked if he's gay.. #justsaying

Gemzy said...

Luking dirty!!!!

Jennyfa said...

the thing looks healthy

soso said...

Dis is so displeasing 2 d eyes..I can't deal

Sleek-Lady said...

Congrats to him

soso said...

Dis is so displeasing 2 d eye...I can't deal

Anonymous said...

See my guy....Maduka Jude....Command Boy repping in the Uk...woohoo

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!!!
6 packs!!!!!!
can get down with him anytime
also very handsome!! love him

Anonymous said...

I feel like vomiting

Anonymous said...

Hey! This boy wan kill me wit toasting 4 uk, wen I went visting my aunt. So na him win. He is actually very cute on ground though.

Anonymous said...

This guy dick nor go fit disvirgin virgintoto oooooooo. Chai! Abi linda?

Anonymous said...

All this boys go dey sample big gbola say them dey model. Chai! See e blocus 4 he pantiessssssss, it is called gbola of life

adorable jewel said...

Ooohh sweet!!!dis guy is soo enticing,,I love d body build

dindy_gifted said...

Ah,he is nt fyn o nd y will sum1 wt tattoos all ova his body win in Africa or is dat part of our culture now??nawa o#jstsayingsha#

Unknown said...

Abeg Linda dis guys body built is fyn even tho he is nt cute bt he's okay 2 me sha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gay man

Anonymous said...

His dick looks really big

macky said...

Me like this dude oh, he's inviting...

Anonymous said...

All na washh.....toasting Ko baking of bread niiiii....famzy oshiiii



Anonymous said...

PC, pls do and come and talk abt this guy's gbola. Cos ur jobless nature has made u discover words to every rubbish

Unknown said...

Well. This is displeasing not just to my eyes but to my throat... I feel like throwing up

Unknown said...

Well, I must say, this is not just displeasing to the eyes, it's displeasing to my throat *throwsup*

Anonymous said...

If dis 1 handle person na blood of God u go shout o

Anonymous said...

lekwanu umuoma!!! eye candies ! not all ds fat ass guys here!! hiss ! c fine boys no pimple

mercy said...

@queeneth,u stole the words from my heart/mind.....soon he will comeout as gay...+++ the hairs in his pubic doh *eww*

Unknown said...

Gay thingZ

Anonymous said...

Nice body! Who's feeling like Vomiting? Let's learn to appreciat our colour. On 4th pic after d cut. He's standing out, tho there's another huge dude there

Anonymous said...

Indecent exposure

bee said...

Hmmmmmm damn!! *licks tongue

Anonymous said...

He has a harsh way of dispalying sexy!!!!is too harsh joor

Anonymous said...

Have not had sex in a long time......oh God, this is a remedy for disaster, cause when am done with this chocolate , he would wish..........

Anonymous said...

All dis naked men making me sick cos dis s Mr gay international

jt diamond said...

I see smth heavy!!!!! Speechless guy u set. Chai

Anonymous said...

Lol.All these jealous boys/men shouing gay gay abeg go and work out. Meanwhile he is hot. Never knew how it really felt to be in the arms or a muscled guy until I did recently and it was wow! Hard chiseled body feels good, not all these nigerian men with rubber band arms and sagging belly.

Unknown said...

Linda pls how long is his koko? how large is his koko? how sweet is his koko? Linda I need all this information before i make a real comment.

Anonymous said...

Abeg comot for road make I see beta climate joh!

Unknown said...

oh boy see wetin i dey work hard for....i will get there.....but if this guy na gay na serious fu*k up oooo

nikky smith said...

Lmao @ gbola of life

Pipi Lee said...

Hmmmmmmmmm famzer!!

RENEE said...


Anonymous said...

Cute guyz... Anyways.... Lift your capacity financially through good investment tips. Visit tnk me lata..

Anonymous said...

La sexy!!! I wld love to taste that#runsaway#

Psychotic bitch said...

Not my type. Too built

Unknown said...

gbola of

Unknown said...

Este Hombre es un maricon

Anonymous said...

Fire.......person get 2 eat beta solid food b4 ****** wit dis guy Ooooo:hez hot though

Anonymous said...

Na LIE!!

Anonymous said...

So what if he's gay? What's wrong with you people and gay people! He won a contest full stop. Whether he's gay, straight, bisexual isn't the issue!
I really do hope you all find joy with your bitter lives! Smh

Anonymous said...

Na big lie oooooo

Anonymous said...

Gay tinz

A$AP said...

Bet I'm finer than this guy :( #A$AP CU

Anonymous said...

Leave the Guy alone people.. Nice Body Man

Anonymous said...

They should just stop this MR DIRTY nonsense. They look disgusting in d eyes. Very soon it will turn gay training. Not every thing women do is mearnt 4 men abeg.#justmyopinion#

Anonymous said...

Who dey toast u must u tell us he his toasting u ode oshi

Anonymous said...

Rosie Said........ Will break my heart if he's Gay.Could be making one lucky lady reallll happy,with his huge asset......just sayin.

Anonymous said...

See all dem gay guys,mtcheeeew

Anonymous said...

Omo ifa get pacs lyk dis.....i no go wear cloth again

Anonymous said...

Na wa o, must he pull part of his boxer to show his complete size, shai!

Blackberry said...

Hmm if evry well built n cool looking guy is gay then u must look like a gorrilla from gabon!! Jeez..what a dumb mentality! Abi u b small boy?

Anonymous said...

U r soooo on point Luv. I rejoice wit him.

Anonymous said...

Damn!!! I'm so horny ryt nw!


Emeka Repping Imo said...

I'm gay and proud...And he's hot!!!

Emeka from Imo -08147797019

Anonymous said...

D 1St picture, Lord have mercy

Anonymous said...

May be dem dey do audition for spartacus!

Anonymous said...

Na so una dey talk. Shey na every attractive guy be gay? Jeez!!!

Anonymous said...

And dats how its suppose tÆ ̴̴̴̴̴͡ look yu knw 'wink'dis 1 na die... =))˚°◦hahahaha.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope he's not gay I want to fuck him yummy

Anonymous said...

Why is he showing off his dick, abi na only him carry big thing, mtschew

Anonymous said...

Gay pple knw dia felo gays

Anonymous said...

Tru talk...â„“̊ really wonder wats their problem..they 4get hez a model..Haters!go hang urself

Anonymous said...

Sweet body...â„“̊'m loving ÐŽ☺ΰ

Anonymous said...

ÐŽ☺ΰ all shud know dat hez a model.Cuz he posed wit pants doesn't mean hez gay...jst shatap nd go get a life...ÐŽ☺ΰ blab wit out proofs*rubbish*

Anonymous said...

Dis one just dey flash him Rod..smh....I know say linda don wet scarter just by posting this pictures...same goes to d ladies on this blog

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 3:32, if d guy catch u...u are a dead woman

Anonymous said...

Hw do ÐŽ☺ΰ knw hez gay if ÐŽ☺ΰ ain't same...ÐŽ☺ΰ blab Without proofs..hez a star nd ÐŽ☺ΰ r nathing..go get a life nd stop talking trash.mtcheeew

Abeke said...


Soul said...

Damn!!! This guy just got me dripping like a broken faucet. Mmmmmmm... all I can think of is his huge package filling me... fully... deeply... real hard... inside... Hmmmm... aaaahhhh...
Linda, you shouldn't do this to a red-blooded single woman nau. Not fair... * reaching for my dildo*

Anonymous said...

Ds dude is freaking hawtttttttttt! I want oooooo! I realy want a boo as hot as ds!

Anonymous said...

The guy looks like some of this porn hub gay dudes!!nice body build!!even if I wanna fag nah wif dis kinda guy.!!oboi!all dis guy tinx go d resemble fight!congrat bro

Anonymous said...

I dey notice sometin na wa days!!so all goodlooking guys are now gay!!gay issh wud b an interesting experience

Anonymous said...

Chai!! Want hm 2 fuck moi too,dat 1st pic got ♍Ñ”̲ wet.already havin fantasies bout hm

No name o esp on this body said...

The body no bad ! unfortunately am not allowed to covet..

Anonymous said...

wondas shal neva end all of u girls trippin n getin wet pwaaaaahhhhh!!! 4 u ur so shameless do u av parents atall,in d end u say ur xtians.Not judgin though.trumpet go soon blow o make tins ryt wt ur God, d devil has so many ways of decievin us cos he(devil)wrks wt d desires of our hrts. Congrats 2 him sha

Anonymous said...

Ode! What do you know?

Anonymous said...

Prince charming does not even know what to say! Thats how blown away he is!!!

Anonymous said...

Loooooool how do you know?

Anonymous said...

Looooooooool eww ur gross.

Anonymous said...

Bitch! U had to say it twice right? We got u the first time.

Anonymous said...

Ode! Which one is licks tongue?

Anonymous said...

Looooooool @ anon 4:20 pm baking of bread ni. Anon 4:04 ur a liar! Who dash you?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ok o. U go girl!!!

Joey ADN said...

U slut!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jaydon is not handsome in the conventional way but he is sexy. His package doesnt look big to me. Anyway sha ill love to sample him for one night and if i like him then for life.

Anonymous said...

I like the way all these women are wet for such picture. I am proud to have same stature and will be glad to do some ladies for free


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