"We don’t trust the results and believe it could have been fixed. Still going to court to fight for court ordered results.” a spokesperson for Michael Girgenti told Radar.See the LAB report obtained by Radar online after the cut...
News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
"We don’t trust the results and believe it could have been fixed. Still going to court to fight for court ordered results.” a spokesperson for Michael Girgenti told Radar.See the LAB report obtained by Radar online after the cut...
Dats nice!
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Who cares? Its their flipping cup of tea.
Am I d first to mmnetco?
That Michael dude was just a gold digging attention stunt! Next pls!
So Michael,how do you feel now?
Whoever doubted Scottis Mason's father...dat model shud stop looking for limelight n go n rest.
First to comment.
Only God knows what these people want to turn this life into........ It is well.
duh,wha'ever *yawn*
How does this information affect the ongoing ASUU strike.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Of course, he's Mason's father! That model guy is a loser!
Serious matter
And I have two ears
"lies being spread by an individual I met BRIEFLY at a photo shoot"
That explains why your legs were spread to the east and west for him,BRIEFLY.
Anyways,I really do like Scott.
He has a proper/elite sense of fashion...can't overlook dude's taste for Presidential Rolex's either!
Lmao.. That model jazz no work, so onyibo native doctor tell am mek him just look the kourtney babe. for eye and she go carry belle for am. He is not the holy spirit to get a woman pregnant without doing the real thing
Lmao.. That model jazz no work, so onyibo native doctor tell am mek him just look the kourtney babe for eye and she go carry belle for am. He is not the holy spirit to get a woman pregnant without doing the real thing.
This guy is looking for cheap publicity
This guy is looking for publicity
Finally so kourtney can hv rest of mind biko ooooooo.
Dis guy most be sick
Na wa ooooO
Micheal na crase man,Mason wey resemble wetin Scott spit. How the hell can kolo Micheal stupidly think he's Mason's father. Abeg now we know you slept with Mama Mason, next please #strolls away.
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You will love it!
Fool is just looking for his 1 minute of fame. Kimmy leave the trash be. Only a woman knows the true father of her child.
Great, abeg dey should leave kourtney alone, she is d responsible one, ist 2 comment
Seriously! this family should be left in peace.
True or false really doesn't matter, the guy should just take a back seat and let them be.
Pple shld leave d kardashians alone,nd I am sure the model is doing all this for fame
Gosh! :(
Micheal should STFU and take a seat abeg.He should have gone for eye test before DNA test na,he be like say hin eye don deaf.
***EDO BABE***
It is only the mother of a child that knows the real father of her child.
Abeg mak dat yeye model let diz pple be,evrybodi wantz 2b famous tru d kardashianz nd is nt jst fair.anywayz dia mama de 2 fyt fr dem
Na wah dis dude shud take a chill fa!!
Na wao house of kadarshians
Na wao house of kadarshians
Na wao house of kadarshians
What were they doing in North Carolina? Hmmmm
Na wao house of kadarshians
What were they doing in North Carolina? Hmmmm
Oh! Good to hear. But then there's no smoke without fire.
D result was definitely fixed. I am 100% sure dat d model is d father, until d court says otherwise. D resemblance is too much to ignore
U can't beat d Kardashians loooool.sorry mr michael looool.behind every rumour,there's an element of truth. 'DAN'
that dude is just an attention seeker. Even a blind man would nknow that mason na Scott pickin end of story QED
Na them sabi... Oyibo people and them wahala!
She should explain more, what "met briefly" means!
These Kardashians pulling stunts to remain relevant. That guy was definitely paid to make that claim.
Yes, you're the first to "cotcommet"....lol
Heeey guys.....deres dis new blog I came across today. ....it really promises to be superduper cool. ...pls lets support the young blogger..... timisthoughts.blogspot.com
The idiot model is just looking for his2minutes of recognition. as if she is an amature that she wouldn't take the precautions to ensure not getting pregnant after un-protected sex. mschewww.
I don't think she is an amateur, that she would not take the precautions to avoid pregnancy after unprotected sex.
You prolly need glasses! Mason is a spitting image of Scott.
U re jst as stupid as d model! Bad belle. Wat r ur eyes 4? Can't u c mason luks so much like scott.damn!
Dear micheal giant abi wetin b ur name,u'v goh all d attention u wanted. U shud b honoured dis cheap lie has jst brought u 2 limelight.....bloody gold digger. Wonder y sum peeps jst find joy in ruining pple's home. Signed:#QUEENTY#
kourt said we never had sex how com his d fada i beliv ha cos she is smart even she had she knows how to handle it lov my kurl
Publicity stunt!!!! They were so desperate to remain in viewers mouths that they had to come up with a ridiculous story. They have been signed on to their own reality show and just used this to kick it off. Disgusting.....
Evn d dead knos scott fathers Mason,dis michael of a guy is jus a gold digger....LEGGO!!!
Fuck you haters...i trust my kourtney so much...she cant mess around...Micheal was just seeking for public attention and he has gotten it...Micheal the losers!!!*singing
That's so ridiculous!
Is it for free?
And y r u signed under anonymous
So u wil use pples songs for jazz abi
Bigbrother is watching u
Micheal doesn't give up, pls keep trying ...he will soon. Release a naked promo picture.............smh*
It's just a shame, nobody is immune to stooping low for fame! Even guys, just for a few seconds of fame! I hear papers pay these people to make all these false claims. They use entrapment to lure the celebrities and then blackmail them in the papers. I hate the Khardashians but don't why I like khourtney
Even a blind man knows, d boy looks so much lyk his father
Good to clear the air about this cheap-ass publicity seeking dude. get your free ebook on blogging by sending a maik to bloggersmanual@getresponse.com
Well said Curvy.....who da fuck cares?
And the dude's fame has ended, just like that?
Did any 1 ask u to read, or did u see d caption as " ASUU to call of strike"? Ppl should stop commenting like imbeciles. A topic is up for discussion, if u don't have anything to say, just read and pass. Stop all these asuu strike and price of garri in d market comments.
dats gud no more omo oba 4 osun,
Gold digger, but any how sha he has the right to claim the child. After all he had unprotected sex with her
OMG can she rest in peace with her family and babies daddy now Mr Model. enough of that please.
Where've u been?that Leslie dude scared u away ryt?hehehe.
Only a mother knws d father of her kid....moreova d Kard's shud jes rest alrdy.dnt dey jus get sick of evrytin?
Shut up mr man, loser! Your five minutes of fame is over.
Next please....
U need 2 get ur eyes tested!
Yawning!!!! Pls how much did the khardashians pay this Micheal dude for this publicity stunt?
Lmam o @Babs@Edubabs....ur funny...also read interesting Stories HERE
We've alwys known. Kourt hz d highest sense of decency amongst dem all tho a snub like Lindz..
~D great anonymous!
Na dem sabi!
nice move she did it for masons' future so he doesn't have doubts like Khloe who still (i am so sure) believes she's not a true blooded Kardashian.
Really happy for kourtney, #sighs.
am so happy for kourtney, Michael shuld go nd sit down, Mason looks like Scott frm on set , i think Michael just want to make a name. i kno Kourt is decent
Mason 2 resemble scott 4 dis michael 2 kon lie dis kind of lie
Oh Lord, this guy needs to get a life. Seriously!
But this still doesn't take away the fact that Kourtney cheated on Scott with Micheal.
At anonymous 7:08, seems u don't know ppl steal peoples songs, no artists who believes in herself will just sent her song out like that to individuals she barely knows.
why do i always see ur repulsive pix on every thread! Like u aint got a life or smfin?
I love my Khort o! Mr micheal free her
Lmao!very funny
My tots exactly!
You want to steal people songs and make it your own were buruku..go get your head check you know big name and you are anonymous...garri infested brain
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