From TMZ
The marriage of Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom is in crisis, TMZ has learned ... the core reason is hardcore drug abuse. Multiple sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Lamar has had a problem for 2 years. It got so bad, last August Khloe pressured Lamar to go to rehab. Lamar went to a facility in San Diego, but he was so resistant Khloe hired private investigators to secretly stand guard at the rehab place to make sure he didn't leave.
The P.I.s stood guard 24/7. Our sources say Lamar constantly threatened to leave and Khloe made several visits to prevail upon him to stay. We're told after 3 weeks, Lamar left for good.We're told Lamar actually stayed clean once he left rehab and was able to play well for the Clippers this past season. But when the season was over, sources say Lamar slipped deep back into hardcore recreational drugs. As for reports that Lamar was cheating recently, we're told Khloe is convinced it happened, and she feels she's been hit with a double whammy ... but drugs are the main problem. As for divorce ... neither Khloe nor Lamar has contacted a lawyer. As one source put it, "Khloe is more concerned about saving Lamar than ending her marriage."We're told the situation has become dire. Sources tell us ... within the last 2 days, the entire family staged an intervention, trying to convince Lamar to go back to rehab, but he wouldn't have any of it. In fact, on Wednesday morning, right after the failed intervention, Khloe threw Lamar out of the house and as you see from the pic (above), one of Lamar's friends is loading Lamar's stuff in his car as Lamar watches.We attempted to reach Lamar for comment ... so far, no word back
Sort ya'self out. Abegii
its not yet over until its over,nah wetin drugs dey curse, mayb he's going nuts.#ella john#
But I like khloe,y is all dis happening to her nw
Oh my!!! Tins we do 4 love..hope dey sort tins out. Lovely couple tho
Heya,it Ȋ̝̊̅§ well,these black american guyz $ drugs sha.it Ȋ̝̊̅§ well Khloe. Laidae.
Bad decisions make good stories... Go on with wrecking your life Lamar, while I sit hear reading about it, nice story for my ears. I don't know what these celebrities want, they got it all but still act so flighty!
~D great anonymous!
O......k so now he does drugs.... Athlete, women, drugs, marriage in crisis....sounds like a typical hollywood marriage to me,so Wats all d fuss about? I am sad for khole tho, going through all dat and still Tryna be a good wife, and now d dude can't even try and work out his issues? As for Lamar..n**** plz get yo black ass the much deserved help u need before u screw everything up. Oh wait, he already doing dat...Next!!!!!
Lemar should calm down o its not everyday a Kardashian wants to save her marriage o
Lmao @recreational drugs.
You can't be in the midst of all the Kardahsian family drama and not turn to drugs or alcohol...its either that or absolute insanity.
I can pretty much relate to dude's predicament.
As for the Clippers,they haven't had a nice game since peanut butter was first used on bread,I hope they don't blame Lamar for their many flops!
Nawa o...for this couple....so what are we supposed to believe now? Some say its drugs and some say his cheating...they are a really nice couple and i really dont want to see them divorce>>*SAD*
Kartastrufic family wants to destory Lamar as they did with Kris humphery.its alrighty,waiting for part 2(divorce )
I think am with u on this khloe,rehab is d best solution for his drugs abuse but d funniest part of it is that here in Nigeria when a man misbehave & his wife wants to correct him,he sent his wife packing whether he's right or wrong but in d state ur wife send u out.......O boy we are bless here joor......if u do any how in other country as we do here u're in soup.
Dancing kukere...am first to comment.)Yay!!!!!
thats a strong woman, she's trying to fix the situation and not throw it all out of the window. I swear kris jenner did a good job in raising her kids. they have values and a sense of family. I love the fact that she has been there for lamar and not abandoned him. Khloe is my favourite kardashian. lav hur!!
Hmmmn! Dat is their WAHAPS!!! Amala and khloe can kiss my ass 4 all I care.
If only this celebs would leave drugs alone
Mummy Kris keeps giving TMZ the jist. Does she want to jeopardize his career? Useless woman.
Na wa oh.... Khloe is handdling it well... I think
Say No to drugs
I feel so sorry for khloe.she's so inlove with lamar.she shud take him back and make him see reasons why he shud go back to rehab.phummie
TMZ leave pples marriages alone
SPIN...sounds like a fake story to make the Kardashian's look good in the public. All the years in the NBA and not one word of a drug problem, plus he is tested all the time.
The Truth Hurts
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commenting my reserves
Pray she saves it...rili love d both of dem 2geda
And how does this put eba on my table this afternoon.
Quite sad! Y izit happening to khloe tho, shz d one i kinda like amongst em all. 2bad sha
Dis is a serious mater... I will advice khloe to take it cool with Lamal cos dey are both in luv wit eachoda... Poor khloe
Hmmmm! I'm very disappointed in Lamar because I always thought their marriage was d best out of the 3 sisters.
Bad 4 him..khloe loves this man and I knw she will keep her marriage no matter wat..
I honestly don't believe this. Has there ever been a celebrity that went to rehab and we (the public) found out AFTER they completed their program??? C'MON I could go on & on but my honest opinion is Lamar doesn't use drugs.
Linda na u try to reach lamar for comment abi who?
Ppl look closely. Cause dis is wat happens wen u rush into marriage
What a pity!!!khloe deserves better
The high price of marrying a stranger...surprise, surprise: he's a womanising drug addict.
If he refuses ur help, dump the muthafucker!
Nooo...I really luv those two. Wish there is somtin one can do to stop dis crisis.
Sad to know nothing lasts in holywood and celebritydom..Even kanye's rant about his luv 4 kim will soon fade..am sad cos I liked khloe n lamar.
Everyday,another story. Ok,lets watch and see what happens next.
Every marriage has its ups and downs.I so much love this family and I wish they settle d dispute real soon!
Na dem sabi next plsssssss
Say what u wanna say about the Kardashians but they Dnt do drugs, Lamar is lucky, that girl love him very much.
E yah, Lamar pls listen †Φ ur wife, she mean well Fø̲̣̣я̅ Ʊ. His drug problem is really not help matters. Pls God help him see reasons with his pple who want d best for him.
Wow, I thought dey loved each oda
Guess even the cool Lamar couldn't keep up with the Kardashians so he turned to drugs. How sad. Linda,post my comment o...
I love Khloe so much, her maturity in handling situations trips me, saying she's concerned in serving Lamar than ending the marriage is very sensible, God would definitely see them tru dis. Marriage is Forever, I wish everyone takes it serious.
"We attempted to reach Lamar 4 comment". For ur bush mind abi? Jst on a lighter note tho
U beta safe ursef,Lamar.Jst behaving like a kid.
Good for Lamar.now these karTrashians are about to ruin his career.
So bad this happening to khole, she's one of d kardashians that values marriage
This khloe Don try sef! Lamar better straighten himself out!
Linda plz I take God beg you stop posting stories from TMZ on ur blog, their stories n claims are never true, they are all false. Some sick people jz sell fake stories to the tabloid inorder to get paid, Khloe already addressed this issue, any authentic story you wanna know is either from E or Khloe herself.
Na wa o! Looks can be deceiving! Lamar a junki? Khloe is heart broken! Take heart dear.
Na wa o! Looks can be deceiving! Lamar a junki? Khloe is heart broken! Take heart dear.
Na dem sabi...btw Khloe's my fav amongst the K ladies...
I love this couple don't want divorce for them!
Not interested BY d way am I d first to comment????
Linda see as u talk we as if u have is personal number
Hmmmm na wa. Oooo
They'll come back...
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I feel so bad for khloe, don't know why all dis is happening to her;the baby issue, the cheating saga and now d drug issue. All I know is dat shz gonna smile at d end of all dis...God is alive!
I pray their marriage makes it through all dis. Khloe is a good wife still trying to save him and their marriage...for better for worse
Yet all these weren't shown on their so called reality TV.why call it reality TV when there's nothing real in it and everytin is staged?mtsheew
Azonto yes!!! First to comment
I am impressed, this babe really tried for him, not the typical Oyibo that will just walk out, I wonder why he refused to help himself, I wish he loses her,a girl with that kind of heart don't come easy.
Using this to cover d adultry in d media forgeting that as a basketballer it can end his career
'SHE SENT HIM PACKING?' damn! dats why men shouldnt live in a wife's house nomatter how rich she is!
The life of the Khardashians is a regular soap opera
If they check well,d pple doing lamar are from his village.hanhan! Wetin!e wan turn gud boy gone bad.hian!even riri no do reach dat.abeg make e go sidown.hiss
Dis is so sad.can't bear it if my dearest Khloe is hurt.dos of u dat r khloe's fan shud pls follow @khloek4nigeria on twitter.
Oh sad to hear this ! I love the union
And I so much love there marriage. may God intervene cos I wouldnt want to see them divorce
This is not fresh atall
This is called rush our They never see anytin now na monin
Wahala jst de dia huse too much....Drug now nd watz wrung wif em?em wan die leav dat swt babe?abeg stp d drugz jare
They are covering that infidelity story! always want to take pple for fools
Wat is wrong with dis guy 4 God sake,its 4 his own good.he better helps himself nw if nt he will loose his wife n khloe is d only normal person in d family
Kai!Lamar why noww? Mtchew..men! And I really love that Khloe. I mean she's the only 1 among her 3 sisters that has sense.
devil dn finally jam dis once hapi family. Devil u wicked oo.
What does she expect when whe married him less dan 2months after meeting him. Its a pity sha
D only kardashian sis I love. I feel for her. I pray God restores her marriage.
Dunno, but I'm just not in support of "throwin ur spouse out" cos of infidelity n all dat.....I think itz 2 much, well,xcept he is abusing u physically. I hope dey work it out tho......
Lmfaoooo@We attempted to reach Lamar for comment ... so far, no word back...Linda like u cn get anywhr close 2 dem
Nawa for this kardashians sef!!!! May God help dem jare
Dis dude is killin himself! Wat d hell is he doin wit drugs? He's got almost everytin in life alwedi.. And khloe is a gud wife 4 nt fillin 4 a divorce.. Its nice of her 4 thinkin of saving her husband's life instead of endin d marriage! I tink all dis celebrities re sufferin her smillin.. Dey all got big probs in deir homes bt dey smile in public!
Dis dude is killin himself! Wat d hell is he doin wit drugs? He's got almost everytin in life alwedi.. And khloe is a gud wife 4 nt fillin 4 a divorce.. Its nice of her 4 thinkin of saving her husband's life instead of endin d marriage! I tink all dis celebrities re sufferin her smillin.. Dey all got big probs in deir homes bt dey smile in public!
Whatever jare!
Money, beauty, fame.... Can never buy happiness. Contention on every level is key. If this marriage cannot be saved I would feel so bad!
Dis guy is goin bananas....drugs dsnt pay at all
We can't surely say this story is true, because things aren't what they seem from outside. Just hope Lamar knows he has the best woman for him and he shouldn't ruin his marriage or career.
First to comment ode, see how stupid you look with your comment lost in the middle.
So sad
lamar hates goin to the doctor's office even on one of the episodes of KUWTK he's teeth was decayed nd he stil refused to go he dentist until khloe had 2 force him seriously to go
Yankee funny o! Why be say na ladies dey always throw their guys out the house wey him get? #ILoveMyNaija abeg.
I feel for Kholé. Won't want her marriage to crash. Lamar, please listen to voice of good reasoning.
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