According to the entertainment site, Justin reportedly strolled up to her and began singing, “I Loove you Grandmaaaa, how are youu...helloooo Grandma,”. His grandma and others in the home were said to be amused by the sexy show but grandma quickly started begging Justin to put some clothes on
Meanwhile angry fans of the 19 year old pop star attacked TMZ for releasing the photos.
Drugs @work na so madness dy take start oh.
Not API , y d cover me I wan see smthnooooo
Isn't that stupid to do? What was that for.
i have notin to say,lib make una carry on
How eccentric! Getting nude for grandma?? If it were to be a lover I wouldn't mind, celebrities just throw caution to the wind and act out without care all for the fun of it, that's not cool most of the time.
He's on a downward spiral;the Lindsy Lohan way!
loolz this boy is gradually loosing it.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
You with the funny dp you they talk! Make thunder slap your head.
This boy sha...na wah o.
prince charming so u get mouth 2 talk pls change dt pix on ur dp
y do lib readers have so much hatred for dis pc of a guy,every one is entitled to his/her own speech,let him b.
Hmmmm! Na so craze dey stat...Justin easy does it o.
And people still crave for fame,when it can make you do some crazy things like this.
Werey re oo!
But Justin bieber really needs to slow down though...
Na Wa ooo. D grandma cannot slap his face . Mtchewwwww
Say no to Coke,Crystal Meth and Crack...
Say no to Codeine,pot and Molly...
Most importantly,Say no to stupid friends that surroud and yes to everything you do because you throw a little cash at them!
@Anonymous 11:26; And may thunder strike your fermented brain too to help it from reasoning so parochial!
How did TMZ get the photos? So they live with his grandma...
Huh, the guy they freestyle himself jare.
Read Juicy & Amebor Gist HERE
HAHAHHAHAHAHA na wa oooooo can't stop laughing
This dude is realy young. Youthful exhurbirance
Why should they release the photos, what does it add or remove to JB's life or his fan? In fact HTF did they get the photos?
its obvious he has a small prick. Nw i unstd y selena gomez dsnt wnt hm!
Na normal thing na αвι de granny never รєє his thing b4 ? Free de guy jawe #haterzzzz i love you justin
@Anon, they are a lot of stupid and dirty minded fools like you,Princecharmings pic is not anything to say a thing about,its a lady' hands and a babys fingers
This one don dey crase!!!!!! Too early 4 dis madness!!!! I know say e go crase buh @ dis age, it's jes too early (-̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡ )
Dis is really crazy
D@t boi don dey smoke IGBO!
i trust my African Mothers Dem go LASH d@t im small yansh!
slowly and surely he's going down...
This dude is becoming to be a psycho gradually..
Lmao! Farabale no be naija dem dey
D@ boi don dey smoke igbo!#
I trust My Nigerian Mothers dem go lash d@ him small ynansh!
thank GOD say I b NIGERIAN!!!
Hian! I'm sure da thing is small sef...
~D great anonymous!
Ahahaha na like this e dey start
Ds z madness.. N end tm tns.. DIDI
Thanks for this comment, don't know when a pervert became morally superior to Justin.
He's basically stripping for the granny...No Biggy! On a personal note, 'm actually planning on getting my 80yrs old gandpa some female strippers on his 81st Birthday by the end of the month. Enjoyment thingz :p
That is a sheer display of madness. If care is not taken, this mad boy will sleep with his grandma one day.
This is actually weird...lolz
What is wrong with his dp...na u get dirty mind...look dat dp again with a pure mind and u will see something different
Lolz he is appreciating his gran ma so de best way he tot of doing it is appearing de way he came 2 world wit dis is de best appreciation eva hahaha!
He's on cracks of coke, the little boy need serious help.
Wetin dey wori dis boi sef??mtcheeeewww
rubbish...ds s celebrating nudity. Wt has our world turn out to b nw?
That's the bieber fever...lolzzz onye ara
This looks crasy right, but its not. It is humanly right. I did that to my mum, grandma, and my ex gal frnd. But no picture was taken. Cheers. Engr Emy
Dis is hw madness start rubish
money miss road.
How old did u say dis guy wz again? Cos age z definitly @ wrk there...and den mayb insanity. I wonder y dey don't ve "yaba left" ova thr.
Mr anonymous stop showing the world that u cant see well,are u blind? PC's pic is normal,zoom it nd see
Funny and a bit stupid of him. Grandma did goooooood.
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Lol dude is high,definitely on drugs.
Stupidity at its peak....dis is a sheer display of freestyle madness.whats the nudity for??.bieber u re 19years old and not a child of 2
What a crazy thing to do.
to me is not bad just for fun, mi like the dude
Funny but crazy
Lolz, BTW aunty Linda u neva hear say Kanye took to delivery of $2million armoured vehicles for Kim K n baby North to avoid kidnapping
Stupidity is taking over him ,lmao,na wa,well d agba nor shw na,he use guitar cover am,afta all na dat b d koko
Diz pikin sha useless,na cocaine de work am.dem no go hold am till em go naked enta road,na so e de start
Anonymus 11:26 u r a mumu,say tank u
I swear down.. Na so person dey start that kolomental course... haahaa!
crazy!what's dt for?hissss u can as wel sleep wt ur grandmum idiot.
You have said what I wanted to say @ Anonymous 11:18
Lol seee how ignorant you people are , the picture is fake ...Tmz hates bieber they photoshopped the pic. bieber didn't have a tatoo on his hand october 8 2012 as tmz claims so plz get ur facts right before publishing ....linda post my comment ! Signed #belieber
Madness. The act doesn't signify any other thing except stupidity
It was lindsy lohan, recently chris brown, now justine. Hmm
Wetin person no go see for dis life!! Smh. Now whts the essence of him stripping naked??? Mayb there's a message he's trying 2 pass across (am on drugs), hehehehehehe.
Dis one don mad
His butt s fresh tho
It has come to a Time where human beings do not have regards for God's wonderful creature any more. I don't think he is in his right sense.
Lmao! Crazy kid.
Illuminati tinzz! He's being initiated!
Wetin 19yrz old oyibo pikin prick wan do u?oyibo 35yrz old stil get naija 3yrz old prick.
His butt tho!!! *love struck
Lolllllllzzzzzzz.... I for lyk 2 see somthn oooooo. Le Le ndi ala
Hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha wat can I say.NOTHING linda post ma comment ooo no carry am eat banga soup ooo
You go fear , fear Na even Terry G No fit try this kind Free Madness LOL.
Check out www.emekaMacdonald.blogspot.com for mORE jUICY Gossip on Bieber.
Something is definately wrong with JB. How did TMZ get the photos in the first place?
Linda u won't post my comment about u n stella, hmmmm u better behave! I don't know when u started the rubbish of selective posting....n even if.....y won't u post it?? MIND URSELF!
He is still young to control the wealth
Pc should change the dp. It is inapproptiate if we have to zoom it to disabuse our minds. The first tot that would come to a healthy adult is the actual mischievous intent of the pic.
He obviously has a thin brain
If it was a female that stripped,U ppl would rain all sorts of abuses on her,calling her;slut,bitch,whore and would almost finish all d immoral abuses in d dictionery.So what abt bieber?is he not a human as well?Mstchewwwww!!!
Exuberance, dude.
justin bieber...it seems you are now going gaga crazy.He wants to turn to rihinna.
We d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ talk of justin biber wat of prince charmin?
En high?
This pic is not recent ooo...check him out now...its an old pic....his crazy tho lol
this boy is becoming a nuisance...
Uncle Justin is loosing it one crack at a time...
This will be the beginning of his madness story....
Is alright.At least that makes a difference for a change.it's no longer gonna be all ladies affairs.
There is nothing we won't see in dis world oo
Mama it's time to pray
U go fear fermented brain na and perochial reasonin#laff wan kpuf me oo
Overgrown baby...grow up asshole!!!!!
Is he sick???
U wan see prick abi.
Who gave them the photos in the first place? But this is weird.
R.I.P in advance to him...hope uv arranged coffin n pall-bearers sha,cos na wetin go kill am be dat.his heart will not take d pressure.lol...eku oro eyan o
Fuck bieber & his stunts for more fame.
-Blunt Ibo boy-
Oh badt gaaan.see he yabsh like atutupoyoyo...
Lord hv mercy o!!!!
Am so sorry yeah, but i fell off my swivel chair after reading this and looking @ Justin's guinea fowl body.....I just can't imagine what was going on in his mind @ the moment.....ROTFL.....Poor Grandma musta had a heart flutter @ the sight of this abomination. If it were in 9ja, am sure he wudda been stoned or sumn of that nature....God bless America and Canada
The things fame and money will cause
Never imagined this boy can be so unfine nude!
wetin he wan do with his granny?
is this the justin bieber i ve bn hearing ab't?
the small boy behind the big fame and riches.
this boy is an olodo,mumu, infact short of words
he's starting his own series of were(madness) now, world watch out
Oyinbo, any can happen..............
Oyinbo, na too much...... Very sone na our celeb go dey behave i dis$$$
bieber is kinda sick #SMH
Why would you strip for grandma. It's wrong on sooooooo many levels I don't no were to begin.
Photo shop
@cute G. If a female stripped for 80 year old grand father. It will be a different topic altogether .
Y didn't they wanna show d small keke with two flat tyres?
Madness dey take place for..hahaha shit..Aunt Linda! Plz blog sansable blog.
This guy is loosing it gradually!
its not so, women are more ...., u understand what I mean
As for Bieber, he is a man.......he can do anything he likes..but a woman has to respect herself
rolling on d floor! i can't laugh enough o! diz celebrities 'll not kill me...... lol
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