"The past week has ‘killed’ me. It has stripped me of whatever ‘self-importance’ I nursed in the corners of my mind. It has broken me and opened me up to my real self. It has brought me to a deeper level of self-awareness, one I am most grateful for.
When I sat with my MacBook to type my last blog, I never imagined it would generate the kind of attention it did and continues to. I have one last thing to say on this issue before I lay it to rest and move on. (I also hope others can move on too, we have too much going on in this Country to continue to peddle one for longer than necessary.)A very big thank you to everyone that has felt it necessary to talk about this issue and spread it throughout Nigeria and the foreign scene. I read every email sent to me with awe that people would take the time out to reach a total stranger like me. Some were cursing, calling me a witch from the pit of hell sent to destroy the church as though one individual/church is bigger than the body of Christ. As though God is mere man and would cringe in heaven saying, “Ese don did it this time.” Or as if the good Book didn’t state clearly that ALL things work out for good for those that love God.
Do you love God? If yes, trust that it will ALL turn around for good.
Some people say, ‘I support you, you are brave and courageous’ and I wonder if those terms really define me. I do not think I am brave or courageous. I do know, however that after decades of sleepwalking through life, I am now becoming aware not just of myself but also of my environment, my world, and the universe.
Some say, put out the evidence and we will believe you. Hmmm, the morning I sat to write that post, I really didn’t expect anyone to believe me. Well, apart from those involved. And my motive was simple, let one more woman be spared. Let one more minister of the gospel be mindful and let the church rise up to its responsibilities as God’s legal representatives here in the earth realm.
A copy of the ‘evidence’ is with a respected minister of the gospel should the christian body decide to deal with this issue now and that becomes needful. I am not looking to have a ‘me against them’ case where I need to prove I’m right and someone is wrong. I am far from right, but I have used the only means available to me to free myself of the bondage I put myself in.
Lastly, to all the media people seeking interviews and whatever else mailing me, I have nothing more to say on this issue. I cannot reply every email as reading them is beginning to seem like a new job.
I remember asking a friend once while reading the book of Acts, “Why do we no longer operate in the power the disciples did in Jesus day?” What has changed? How do we ‘unchange’ it?
God is not mocked, if we serve Him, let’s serve Him. We cannot continue to grow as a Nation by oppressing, delaying justice, hating, having the ME ME ME mentality. As Martin Luther King Jr said, ‘no one is free until we are all free.’
Things have got to change and it begins with us. It begins with each and every one of us borrowing courage to stand for what we believe in. Fela Durotoye once said, ‘that thing that annoys you most in society is a sign that you carry its solution.’ (I’m
Nothing has called out to me more than people, especially women, suffering in some way and hiding the pain. Whatever we cover doesn’t go away. It grows and it finds different outlets to rear its ugly head until we deal with it.
I am not perfect, I will never be, but I am enough to try what I feel might work. I don’t know what the entire bible says but I am learning and applying the little I find out
daily. And I think everyone owes it to himself or herself to figure it out for
At the end of the day, we agree that ‘men of God’ are firstly men, right? This means it’s needless expecting them to help you in your growth with God. I fell into that trap of thinking a ‘man of God’ is equated to God and it is not new to find people fall in that hole.
How do you begin to learn to serve a God you have never seen? It takes another level of faith to do that but we live in a generation/Country where people don’t want to study for themselves. They don’t want to read the Scriptures. Well, they don’t want to read, period. They want to pursue things instead and have somebody do the praying and studying for them. If you fall in that category, you need to repent.
I learnt that when the veil was torn, we all were given equal access to the Father. No matter how long you may have been in church, if you don’t know what that means you better ask somebody. And seek a real relationship with the God you claim to serve.
That is what I am spending most of my time doing these days. Praying, studying, seeking, knocking. The peace I have felt despite all the hate mails and tantrums shows that God is not angry with me and I did what I needed to do to the best of my understanding.
My apologies to everyone this has affected in one way or another.
Firstly, my family: I don’t know how you guys aren’t sick of me yet

Secondly, ‘the body of Christ,’ my intention was never to cause trouble but to stop a rot I felt might spread and become worse if nobody spoke up about it.
Lastly, to those who said I shouldn’t blog again, I respect and understand your concerns but the truth is, writing is not just my gift, it is also my ‘curse’. I cannot ‘NOT’ write but I PROMISE, this is the last I will say on this issue except the christian body needs to see me.
God is building His church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. No sin is too big to wreck anyone’s faith. If it does, then it means it’s working out a greater good for you. You will definitely come out stronger and better in the end. Like my best friend says “in the end, it will be all right and if it ain’t alright, it’s notthe end.”
“…forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Paul.
Cheers to the weekend people

1 – 200 of 385 Newer› Newest»And the relevance of using a MAC laptop is...?
wetin this ugly thing dey talk
I don't even know what to say....
Ese walter your a fucking nuisance!! Looking for attention hear and there Gosh u disgust me!! Frustrated ugly gal
And dtz how the whole tin will be rolled under the carpet. Wt a country...m
Tz 2 long 4 mi 2 read evritin
Hmmmmmmn.... Nice words from Ese, she has said it all!
my concern ????
Ese God will surely punish u! For sleeping with another man's wife!! Don't worry your down fall is near by! Bastard! Ashawo!!!
Yes,it takes faith to serve a God we don't see.the mistake we Christians make is to "worship" the "messengee" and not the messenger! We deify our pastors and forget they are human and thus prone to mistakes! Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Look to no man for redemption but unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith
Good 2 know ur moving on...
This is a lesson to other pastor's and also to the ladies, we should all b carefull in our dealings with heavenly things, our fellow human beings and d church as a whole. . Let us not b an instrument to the devil ti use us.
Ese walter e don do na We have heard Do u want an award For ur almighty confession? Oya take sweet And lick
Abeg who go help me summarize the whole thing? Aint nobody gat time for this.
Soo wat got u started................state purpose on a price why???????????????
Too long.......so???
Well.... all I can say is hmmmmmmm
Now this would be my 1st comment on linda's blog ever.I am not one to post comments,I'm jst a reader.....but what this gal has written lastly has shown me all this hapnd 4a reason.people should quit criticizing her and focus on themselves o-this girl is working out her salvation wit her God-our all forgiving God.let's not fall into sin too trying to become "Judges" over her-if u be without sin,cast d 1st stone.she did wrong,accepted it,owned up to it and got the msg out to stop anoda girl 4rm falling into d same mistake and deceit she did.I say God be wit u girl and stick to Him-He's all you need to pull thru in this life!
Soo wat got u started................state purpose on a price why???????????????
Ese don't mind the fake ass dog of a pastor Biodun. He's doom. I admire your courage hun x
I'm just tired of this girl and her ranting.
Hmmmm, wise lady...
Moving on with her life...
Ese walter all this for fame??
Thank u so much for this...god bless u
Ok.u didn't v 2 tell us u used a "MacBook" to type.i thank GOd for d peace u v found.continue to draw nearer to GOd
Again and again
Go and sin no more!
Good girl. Tell them!
Ohhhh my God, not Ese Walter again nah...Itaff do. Okay we've heard.
Brilliant piece,well written with appropriate scriptural verses to drive home her point.
Like Paul would say "Let he that thinks he stands take heed lest he falls".
Also "work out thy salvation with fear and trembling".
Like she said,its high time people studied for themselves...don't let another man's revelation of God's word be the yard stick for measuring your faith.
I'm yet to even find Faith by the way,I still think organised Religion is a bloody facade!
Well said!
Well spoken. I applaud you speaking up...now many will be free because of your voice.
I applaud speaking up...:) Blessings
Heaven knows no fury like that of a woman scorned.
Ever since I read Ese Walter's confession,a question begging for an answer has been on my mind. "What is the motive behind all this? Even if she's telling the truth what does she seek to achieve with this herconfession?From her story,its obvious she wasn't raped,manipulated,drugged jazzed etc. But her conscience was appealed to and she saw no wrong in the act. All of a sudden she realises she did wrong and then started crying victim. And she thought the only way to seek closure,is to discredit a man with followers who see him as is just a case of a prostitute after sleeping with her client,wakesup the following morning claiming she was raped. And sought legal redress,on the day of the judgement the wise judge asked her owk u said u were raped,don't worry the man will be duely punished what will u then do to his bedspread u stained with ur shoe while cliimbing the bed,the foolish prostitute replied nooo my lord I carefully removed my shoe before climbing his bed. LolEven if Ese Walter felt she's doing abused women good,what of many other women who through this man of God have been tremendously blessed. If she feels she's doing the Christendom good by exposing a purported randy pastor,even David the man after God's own heart failed at some point in his life.Plz don't get me wrong,I stay in Abuja but I can't even describe the location of the COZA church,am a Catholic by faith,I would av choose to sound judgemental just like many protestants do when any issue involving a Catholic priest is raised. But I choose not to be an acusser of the brethren.To Ese Walter u pass to me for someone very bitter and seeking revenge. I hope this would be the last time u will engage in fornication. Am sure the COZA pastor wasn't ur last.Now u're in the limelight,but for what reason? Let us live that posterity will be fair in judging us.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310ReplyDeleteAdd comment
I need English lecture from this girl seriously,move on,God is with you
It is well... I jes love this girl!!! Das all...... I thank God for everything!!!
Very courageous. But again u are in a wrong society. . The country situation is beyond hopeless. I thought I prepared enough for the shock that awaited me when I came back to this hell-hole few months ago - how wrong!! , Nigerians are gullible by nature and you can't blame them. 98% of the population have lost faith in govt, so the only thing they hold on to (and desperately too) is the peculiar ‘God of Nigeria’. So faith-hawking is a big business here and for a people who have lost all senses of faith in their govt, the only thing they have is faith in ‘God’ and no one can take that away from them. And that precisely is where fake pastors come in - to fill the void and hopelessness created by government neglect. Just few days ago, a church programme was going on behind me with pastors 'releasing' favour and 'binding' Satan - , on a Tuesday morning when people should be working - how pathetic is that!!!
Whewwwwwww!!! Perfect
And she's done! I like that! The man of God hasn't said anything contrary to the allegations!
u might have made sense in all wat u said, but this ur indecent dressing dosent speak well of u. Hop u wer not halve naked wen u walked into his hotel room?
Issok! I'm tired mhen!
Linda, i strongly believe this girl is the thruth
Girl, be strong IJN.
Am looking forward to a live debate btw ese and d man of God
Dear, I think u've said wat u ought to say. But there's one tin I want every1 of us to believe....God is d only judge. Stay blessed dear
Na waoo...whats the head in this long note now???Next time,you fight to the end...
I quote ese from her blog article: Writers Block "All I can do is write. Even when I don’t feel like, I think I should just write. I mean, I am discovering that I cannot notwrite. No harm in blabbing once in a while, no? Heck, no harm in blabbing many times in a role if that’s what it is. I mean, it’s my blog and the whole idea of starting this is to write whatever my head comes up with. And some days it would be total rubbish but the rubbish ought to be said anyways."
This lady is a blogger in desperate moves to succeed. She said herself no harm in blabbing! Sometimes it would be total rubbish but rubbish ought to be said! I guess it is one those! Rubbish Dont worry u have the traffic on your blog now, and the cash will start rolling in.. She portrays herself a changed person a bornagain christian but everything about her shows a celebrity/lindaikeji wanna be, am not saying her story is false or true, but her motive behind the whole story certainly is false.. Only time will tell...
God bless you Ese Walter! May he heal your wounds and take the guilt away. May he put a smile on your face and change your name. Because you have sort 2 seek him,you'l find him. The main reason I beliv you,is because the man involved has not shown any form of denial. An innocent person will not wait for a ruboost reply, he'l say it immediately dat he is innocent. And please,he should stop saying God told him to be silent. If he's a leader,he should lead in truth. God bless the body of Christ, with truthful ministers, and may God cause those standing straight,to keep the faith all the way. Amen
My dear, God bless u. Jesus is d way. D Truth is in His word. 2dy's xtians v stoppd seekin God 4 demselves. 'Pastorsays'. I thank God ur family support u n in d end d rot in d church must be exposd not hidden.I pray we seek like d apostles of old wit Faith n zeal. Just sayin...D Curious1
I sincerely hope that we all find that peace in us,in everyway we can.Knowing that afterall, we're just mere motals. God help us all.. Pls aunty linda post my comment
perfect rubbish
Babe abeg make we hear word oh!!! Haba.
Its too long. Nepa don take light since yesterday. My battery is low. :(
D way u dress is d way u re adressed.Story of my life.So long a letter.Ok we hav heard.
I don tire wit dis gal issue.. Make she bring prove na. I don't know why peopl bearing this Ese name are controvercial people
Ese, Thank you! Thank you for the perspective about the Christian Faith you shared. God be with you, and Us all.
Pastor Biodun should please admit his sins and seek for forgiveness. Its obvious he had an affair with Ese. Lets not lie about this.
Well said,my dear...very well said
Read in another blog of another Man of God confirming her stories..His life in illorin and those who were the co founders of coza and student of unilorin too dat can confirm the allegations and like I said earlier... When people start believing in God without the help of any spiritual leaders and believe God answerth prayers without the need of third parties that is only when all these spiritual hypocrisy can be handled properly..I blame blind followers,how can any1 believe a mere human is so righteous and can't commit sin,the believing that the most righteous is not far from sin is the begining of wisdom
Well said darling! I believe everything 100%. Pastor Biodun should confess now or wait till the christian bodies deals with him. Or maybe. He's still typing his robust response.
Well said darling! I believe everything 100%. Pastor Biodun should confess now or wait till the christian bodies deals with him. Or maybe. He's still typing his robust response.
Ese, I must let you know, first of all you are a courageous girl and your exposé was most inspiring. I am currently writing a book on the injustices met on women and the lack of voice women have. It is about time women speak out on this topic and how men the supposed stronger sex prey on women's vulnerabilities and consume them, while this very act is capable and often does destroys the woman psyche and self confidence. Men must be made accountable for their actions rather than hiding under a religious covering or for the simple fact that they are men, after all the word of God is gender neutral. It says the soul that sinneth shall die, adultery is a sin more often committed recklessly by men who often believe because they are men, it is permissible. Unfortunately, God doesn't think so. Ese, I wish you God's guidance and wisdom.
Keep the faith, girl. Your posts have given a lot of people solace and strength. Only God will judge us all someday.
SHAME ON THIS GIRL, Touch not the anointed! she's going to be punished. You have an affair with a pastor you both agree to it you were both wrong why cry wolf now? You should have called him and forgive each other. His judgement would be in heaven. Saul was a murderer samson was a player and a prostitute they are Gods chosen ones and God dealt with them in his own way. This girl just want to be known
Hmmmmm..nahwah ooooo,shebi she is seeking for attention?she has gotten it now,what is she saying again?mschewww*sipkunu*u bang pastor,u noe bang pastor,wats our biz dia now..#linda wt ur big head if u like noe post my comment#am use to it anyway
I can't even figure out a single point you've made through out the lengthy write up! What exactly has the pastor done to you?? He slept with u, that's it? You're just seeking popularity and linda is just helping you.
Your write up is understandable, but i think you went too far. A lot is at stake. You could have threaded with caution.
Have being waiting to her this from you but finally you broke the silence...
Your write up is understandable but i think you went too far. A lot is at stake, you could have threaded with caution.
i honestly didn't want to say anything about this but this young lady just hit the nail on the head....in d end God is not mocked. He knows it all.indeed,if our hope were of this world,then we r d most miserable of d lot.i say this to all christians including clerics.if dea is truth in her accusation,then Ese has freed herself from d world's standard,Pastor Biodun do d same
If only the body of Christ had not turn political,its something they should dig deep into and discipline the parties involved!
It seem no one cares,d quest for material acquisition has taken over our CAN.i pray the church will not continually rot in this country.smh.#sad face#
For one thing I know,our God is able to fight his battles.and d truth will prevail,one day....just one day!
It's well with u Ese.
Hehe she's a writer joor
~D great anonymous!
Nyc piece - preshy
Clap...clap...clap....(curtains close) ur 2secs of fame is over. Thanks for all ur efforts. I must def commend ur timing tho'. FLAWLESS
my dear go and rest.....U shd get busy with your MBA certificate
If you see the mess that is going on and you don’t report it , that is a criminal silence. Welldone Ese Walter,you did great. You are blessing to womanhood.
My dear Ese......Get busy ur story is stale biko
Sweetheart , i love you . You are a Godsent . Pls ignore those fool . No one can stop you , but believe it you have opened the eyes of many girls going to church to adore pastors.
Just speechless.
Only God can judge you! Nigerians fall victims to the mentality that pastors are the same level with God!
I like the spirit ure showing. U were really prepared for whatever criticism u would face as regarding this issue. And once again i say THUMBS UP for your courage. THUMBS UP to all courageous ladies coming out to expose the ROT growing in churches today. We call Churches 'HOUSES OF GOD' or 'PLACES OF WORSHIP'. It would be very hypocritical of we christians to turn a blind eye to what churches are becoming. Of course, we were all told in the bible that all these acts would happen even in the church.
Yes, we are all imperfect. U are also imperfect that was why u fell for this Man's trap. But i am glad that u have come to the realisation that your action was wrong and u needed to warn others. Please keep being as courageous as you are. You are going to inspire a lot of other ladies who have being in your shoes to come out and speak. The ROT in the church must be exposed and thrown away so that the HOUSE OF GOD can remain HOLY as it should be. This is not to say that people in the church are holy or perfect. NO. But we have been told in the Bible that God will judge his people first b4 judging others. This is why the Bible said that fornicators and adulterers WILL NOT INHERIT GOD'S KINGDOM. It would sucha a shame that someone headiing a congregation is involved in gross misconduct and the congregants did nothing about it by condoning it and allowing the rot to spread around the whole congregation, stumbling others into SIN. Then the purpose of the church is DEFEATED, breeding nothing but GROSS UNREPENTANT SINNERS. You are very right. People love to shy away from their responsibilities, leaving everything to a "PASTOR", elevating him to a 'godlike' position. It is a pity. Christianity is sinking. Only very few christians are applying what they read in the bible.
Umm, Ese , your name rings a very loud bell way back to F.G.G.C Bwari, Abuja. I Know you are the same Ese Walter we knew back then only that i can't recognise your face really well. But a couple of my school colleagues have confirmed that you are indeed the one. I pray that God continues to give you strength to overcome this trying time. KEEP BEING COURAGEOUS. And i urge other ladies to come out and speak.
Wow,this is like a whole book,but I took my time to read it,I guess she has a point,the man of God can deny from now till tomorrow,I don't expect him to own up either as many things are at stake,his church,his family,the body of christ entirely,common,let's free this talk.am done next...Sandra
Move on and sin no more pls
Hmmmm Ese, I see so much sincerity in ur write up, may u continually find favour with God n man.
What exactly was she blabbing? Couldn't read meaning into this long Epistle.. Madam Ese Walter be more specific, you sound more religious.. Did the pastor did what you accused him of or you want to apologise for the wrong accusation? I didn't know you have this level of knowledge about the scriptures..#lip sealed#
When it comes 2 controversy and scandals concerning'men of God',we seem 2 b hiding under d cloak of 'Touch nt my annointed...'Am neutral in dis case buh ppl shud b open minded wen commenting on stuffs lyk this#I rest my case
Am loving Ese's attitude & self expression in all these.I pray d truth comes out ASAP.
My sister, well said!
God bless and keep you as you try with His grace to get on with your life.
Well said.
Lets not all act like what she is saying doesn't happen in churches. I remember going to church as a child and an older kid in the children's department asking me out. i was 10 and didn't understand so i said no and i remember how i was treated by my 'friends' n fellow children's department goers. They all started snubbing me afterward. I hated going to church soo much after that and when i was old enough to stop, i did until after my Uni, when i rediscovered my relationship with God.
The point i'm trying to make is, these things happen. imagine me as a child getting that kind of treatment from kids 13 & 14 year olds, how much more an adult. We go through enough in real life and the church is supposed to be a safe place.
I am happy Ese Walters came out and i pray this instills fear in the mind of all guilty pastors, enough fear to make them repent.
If they cannot handle the calling, then please let them sit back let the rest of us and let those who can handle it preach.
*walks away*
I like the spirit ure showing. U were really prepared for whatever criticism u would face as regarding this issue. And once again i say THUMBS UP for your courage. THUMBS UP to all courageous ladies coming out to expose the ROT growing in churches today. We call Churches 'HOUSES OF GOD' or 'PLACES OF WORSHIP'. It would be very hypocritical of we christians to turn a blind eye to what churches are becoming. Of course, we were all told in the bible that all these acts would happen even in the church.
Yes, we are all imperfect. U are also imperfect that was why u fell for this Man's trap. But i am glad that u have come to the realisation that your action was wrong and u needed to warn others. Please keep being as courageous as you are. You are going to inspire a lot of other ladies who have being in your shoes to come out and speak. The ROT in the church must be exposed and thrown away so that the HOUSE OF GOD can remain HOLY as it should be. This is not to say that people in the church are holy or perfect. NO. But we have been told in the Bible that God will judge his people first b4 judging others. This is why the Bible said that fornicators and adulterers WILL NOT INHERIT GOD'S KINGDOM. It would sucha a shame that someone headiing a congregation is involved in gross misconduct and the congregants did nothing about it by condoning it and allowing the rot to spread around the whole congregation, stumbling others into SIN. Then the purpose of the church is DEFEATED, breeding nothing but GROSS UNREPENTANT SINNERS. You are very right. People love to shy away from their responsibilities, leaving everything to a "PASTOR", elevating him to a 'godlike' position. It is a pity. Christianity is sinking. Only very few christians are applying what they read in the bible.
Umm, Ese , your name rings a very loud bell way back to F.G.G.C Bwari, Abuja. I Know you are the same Ese Walter we knew back then only that i can't recognise your face really well. But a couple of my school colleagues have confirmed that you are indeed the one. I pray that God continues to give you strength to overcome this trying time. KEEP BEING COURAGEOUS. And i urge other ladies to come out and speak.
I like you Ese Walters...I believe you too (if that matters)...and I respect you for speaking up regardless of what d repercussions are..
Don't worry Gods got your back...and that's all that matters...
Do I love this girl. A very big YES. Men of God are also men. This might be Pastor Biodun's salvation point. Salvation does not come by riches or opening churches. Jesus said it, on the last day, many will call out lord, lord but we did miracles in your name, and He will say go away for I do not know you. Pastor B should take this thing in good light and change his ways. No one is perfect.
And for all those(especially women) who have taken Men of God as their gods, please change. They are only there for guidance. With the Holy Spirit, you can do all things.
Also, for all the ladies frolicking around men of God, please stop it.
I like the spirit ure showing. U were really prepared for whatever criticism u would face as regarding this issue. And once again i say THUMBS UP for your courage. THUMBS UP to all courageous ladies coming out to expose the ROT growing in churches today. We call Churches 'HOUSES OF GOD' or 'PLACES OF WORSHIP'. It would be very hypocritical of we christians to turn a blind eye to what churches are becoming. Of course, we were all told in the bible that all these acts would happen even in the church.
Yes, we are all imperfect. U are also imperfect that was why u fell for this Man's trap. But i am glad that u have come to the realisation that your action was wrong and u needed to warn others. Please keep being as courageous as you are. You are going to inspire a lot of other ladies who have being in your shoes to come out and speak. The ROT in the church must be exposed and thrown away so that the HOUSE OF GOD can remain HOLY as it should be. This is not to say that people in the church are holy or perfect. NO. But we have been told in the Bible that God will judge his people first b4 judging others. This is why the Bible said that fornicators and adulterers WILL NOT INHERIT GOD'S KINGDOM. It would sucha a shame that someone headiing a congregation is involved in gross misconduct and the congregants did nothing about it by condoning it and allowing the rot to spread around the whole congregation, stumbling others into SIN. Then the purpose of the church is DEFEATED, breeding nothing but GROSS UNREPENTANT SINNERS. You are very right. People love to shy away from their responsibilities, leaving everything to a "PASTOR", elevating him to a 'godlike' position. It is a pity. Christianity is sinking. Only very few christians are applying what they read in the bible.
Umm, Ese , your name rings a very loud bell way back to F.G.G.C Bwari, Abuja. I Know you are the same Ese Walter we knew back then only that i can't recognise your face really well. But a couple of my school colleagues have confirmed that you are indeed the one. I pray that God continues to give you strength to overcome this trying time. KEEP BEING COURAGEOUS. And i urge other ladies to come out and speak.
U spoke well Ese, when I first read your write-up, I asked myself what's d purpose of you writing that piece and........
I wasn't far from ur reason u highlighted it
"And my motive was simple, let one more woman be spared. Let one more minister of the gospel be mindful and let the church rise up to its responsibilities as God’s legal representatives here in the earth realm."
Nigerians and d general public should start learning how to use common sense, good judgement and good reasoning rather than criticizing.
This girl meant well and she doesn't want anyone to be intimidated into such actions in d future....
Let he that has ears hear and apply counsel.
she has really nice legs sha
What is the pastor waiting 4,he should tell the world the truth
Besides the truth said, She wants † be popular noni
Beauty+brain,God sees ur heart.
Hmmmm, all said and done, I believe her. She has bein tru a lot so let's all drop dis case and move foward with our life like she wants to. God alone knw who is truly servin him, most men of God are men of the devil!!!
Well, I don't think I knw her but all d same she talks well.
Keep off the media attention before you start being seen as an attention 'whore' or something!
Hmmm..*yawn* ok you can now move on. You have made your point and many more people now know there are too many fake pastors in not only Nigeria but the whole world. Let God deal with him, and to all those who enjoy sleeping with pastors and married men, i hope you all have leant from Esse's case? It dosn't always end in marriage, not all married men leave their wives for their mistresses. Esse i am proud of you for calling this pastor out but at the same time you wanted more from him You are a woman scorned. MOVE ON!
The way Nigerians treat issues, smh, hisses and walks by
First to comment
Happy Weekend Everyone!!! Some of us know that we will be celebrating the #2nd #InternationalDayOfTheGirlChild come Oct 11th 2013. In my list of plans in commemoration of the day, as a #YouthLeader championing issues on gender and girl child, I am collecting messages for an article from people starting today 31st August 2013 - to 7th October 2013. Your message should address any of the points below :
1. What would you like to share with young girls (teenagers) in our society be it at the grassroots, national and international level in order to grow into a proactive responsible females.
2. What message will you love to disseminate to our government on how to tackle the issues of gender and girl child education/marriage.
3.Lastly, what ideas will you pass to parents on how to protect/raise their girl child.
You can share your opinion on either of the points or all of it. Message collection can be done either by inboxing me via preciousajunwa@gmail.com, and by tweeting me @Presh_Avtadak
Lets keep building our communities to a greater height ''Together We Can" #ChildNotBride #Yes2GirlChildEducation
Nice 1
Wht a brilliant write up. Confirmed ur point swty. Igbinedion university (LAWSA 2007 set) we no dey dull. Carry on swty
Thr dressing doesnt do much to authenticate her message..all be it a good message. ?.could have tried to look more responsible...
D Bible says dat true worshipers shuld worship in spirit n in truth. It also says we shuld first seek d kingdom of God n its rytousness n oda tins shall be added unto us. Its so unfortunate dat many re miracle n vision seekers. Wot do u xpect. If ur desire is to worship God, please look for a church wia d Bible is preached n d preachings ernestly practiced. As long as our minds re set on miracles n visions, stuffs like dis wil neva cease.
Oya haters cum nd talk lemme hear*stupid hypocrits* i believed her story 4rm d begining anyone smart enuf wil knw she's bin tellin cos 4 one she used her real name which shows dat she was ready 2 totally surrender her self 2 God...how many young ladies wil cum out nd say dey had sex wif a pastor usin their real name knwin it wil tanish their image...ese my dear stay strong d lord is ur strength...nd lindiwe...post my comment make we no fyt
Pls I have had enough of this girl and the pastor!let's move on already
Well said!
Hmmmmmmm, oga Õøº°˚˚°º
Well we can't judge anybody o but God knows d truth sha #lipsealed#
This girl is such a hottie, no wonder the pastor fell 4 her.
go girl......I LOVE YOU
Madam Linda!! I can't see my comment here.. Did u use it for lunch? *smh* mtchewww..
oh shut up already Ese... the damage is done already. If Pst Biodun's wife can lay a curse on u, do u know it will follow u? after sleeping with a married man u r here claiming to clean the rot in churches. for the time ur affair lasted, every blessed day u woke up from ur bed, took ur bathe, dressed up to go to pst Biodun's hotel, did he force u come? no one abused u, u r indeed cursed..
Ese,God bless your courage,and I pray for strenght for you to move on,let those that have ears listen.all those that worship Pastors and Imam,please they are all Men,you love your pastor more than your husbands and family.
God help us .
This is not fear, this is not self-justification, this is the full cycle of repentance in public display.
Many people today, men of God included have never let God heal them. They harbour sin, unforgiveness, hate, greed and pain from things in their past. Maybe bcos Ese is much more emotionally sensitive, that is why her pain and sin kept pulling her down, till she was able to identify that evil and fight it. This might not even be her only sin or vice, she might have several more battles to face.
Even in my personal life, I have seen people I know (through secrets they divulged to me) that have issues. And like Ese said it rears its ugly head somewhere, either destroying their ministry, family, their own selves or their career.
Pastor Biodun too needs to humble himself and not let the spirit of Pharaoh continue to dwell in him. He needs to fight that human nature of wanting to maintain his pride, his position and fall flat before God like David did. Repent and restitute Pastor Biodun. Please I beg u in the name of God, so that the gates of hell don't prevail against u and ur ministry.
Remember whoever tries to save his life, will lose it and whoever tries to lose his life, will save it.
I so much love this girl nd her spirit.Wish i could meet her nd av some real good talk with her. She inspires me nd the most wonderful part in all these is that christ love covers up everything. God bless you more sister
Nice.it's best to speak d truth despite all odds.eh see preachers.lovely. like d fact dat we are all wakin up.
Ese Walter You are very courageous and I like the woman in you.. Abraham lincoln ones said " When I do good, i feel right when i do bad i feel wrong, thats my religion". So pls say it no matter whose ox is gored.. Nigeria will never grow until we look the tempter in the face and say to it " Get thee Behind me satan"
Thanks to Ese Walter, the wolves in clothing reserved for men of God tread in fear. Hallelujah!
Dear Ese,
U are 1 of d best d world has produced. Alot of ladies had fallen victim of this particular man,but bcos of stigmatisation dey wipe in silence.U were wrong and u accepted. With dat u said the truth, 2 @least lessen the no of people who falls victim. Am sure u went tru a lot in this past few weeks. I follow this blog in silence bcos its not everytime there need b to comment.
pastor B,u have got this going 4 too long, way too long. repentant is not by luking sober, crying @ your father in d lords feet( u know who am talking abt. becos he is a true father in d lord), neither is it by playing politics on d ulter saying David neva said anytin. my little of advice is to take time off, reflect on ur past sins and truly ask God 4 forgiveness. I personally do not care abt u cuming out 2say the truth. Just be repentant. The worst problem any1 can hav is pride(which cometh before a fall)especially to one's creator.
And Dear Ese u just Keep being strong. Keep ur head up. Seek d face of God 4 forgiveness and U will find peace. #hugs#
OMG! I just L♥√ع Ese Walter,Goodness! Her parents did a good job raising her, She is such an intellect and well behaved young Lady..we all make mistakes,I believed her even from the first time she released this story...instead of people to criticize the man of God,they rather chose to criticize Ese for exposing him..Truelly,she just wanted to free her conscience and Move on and Girl,i bet God has forgiven you..stay Strong and still Believe in God and not the 'so called' men of God #Lots of L♥√ع
Beautiful, intelligent piece. I haven't lost my faith in men of God but I better understand that they have failings and flaws. I understand where Ese is coming from. She had to undergo a form of'catarsis' to help her become a better person and forgive herself and the man of God involved.
Shud I also mention that I love her writing style? It makes me green with envy. Gods grace to you Ese in this journey we call life. IAI
See,dnt try ds again!!!y nt open ur own blog abi d pastor molest u too???..jst dy pack space anyhw*mstcheeew
Ese I laud d strnght n effort u'v shown in dis mata. Wat u re sayn myt b true or false I dnt care bt one thn is certain it happens in churches I mean evrychurch. Dis shud instill fear into dem(all those who do it) may God b with u. I knw u'll find a gud man 2 still marry.
Waoo Did anybody read That? "A copy of the evidence is in the hand of a respectable minister of God" so no foul play.CLICK ON MY NAME TO LAUGH AND LAUGH UNTIL YOU FORGET YOUR NAME
Ese, you are not quite right on your stance with regards to this your blackmail. I am not saying that the Pastor did not have sexual relationship with you. Infact it will be an understatement to say that you knew very well what you were doing and its consequences before consenting to it. But the very truth is that for reasons best known to you, you conceived the plan to seduce the Pastor and to later used it as blackmail to destroy his church, his marriage, and all about him. That is actually what you are doing right now and whether or not you will succeed is another thing. How can you claim to be a victim? Are you not a born again christian? Do you not know that even for a non christian, it is not good for any lady to sleep with a married man or another woman's husband? You went to the hotel by yourself to see the pastor and perhaps dressed in a seductive way. You went by yourself and sat on his laps. You kissed the man all by yourself and probably suggested either directly or indirectly that the both of you should go to the bed and make love. After that you went to that hotel every day by yourself to have sex with the pastor because you were enjoying it. Even when the pastor did not have any more money to spend you brought your card and was paying the bills by yourself. My sister it takes extra grace from GOD for anyone to be able to resist this type of temptation, no matter who is involved, be him a pastor, bishop evangelist or whatever. Men of GOD are flesh and blood like me you. We should not be happy and be celebrating when we get into trouble but instead we should be in constant prayers for them. praying especially that GOD will give them the super grace to overcome temptations and that even when it happens that by his grace they should be able to repent of their sin and come back even stronger. We need to pray strongly for this pastor you seduced and blackmailed. You just have to stop this blackmail. You are not a victim and can never be able to convince any right thinking person that you are a victim. You have done your worst and now your next calculated move is to smartly sweep everything under the carpet and foolishly chicken out. Who next will you be targeting to destroy? The Corza pastor is not the first person you have done this type of thing to and I am sure he will not be the last. How will it take before we hear of another mischief by you???????? What will it be next?
Ese God I bliv has forgiven u cos its jst his grace dt made u voice out, but what baffles me is y pastor fatoyinbo hasn't said anything yet.. May God save us from d hands of our men of God ohhhhh
Ese, you are not quite right on your stance with regards to this your blackmail. I am not saying that the Pastor did not have sexual relationship with you. Infact it will be an understatement to say that you knew very well what you were doing and its consequences before consenting to it. But the very truth is that for reasons best known to you, you conceived the plan to seduce the Pastor and to later used it as blackmail to destroy his church, his marriage, and all about him. That is actually what you are doing right now and whether or not you will succeed is another thing. How can you claim to be a victim? Are you not a born again christian? Do you not know that even for a non christian, it is not good for any lady to sleep with a married man or another woman's husband? You went to the hotel by yourself to see the pastor and perhaps dressed in a seductive way. You went by yourself and sat on his laps. You kissed the man all by yourself and probably suggested either directly or indirectly that the both of you should go to the bed and make love. After that you went to that hotel every day by yourself to have sex with the pastor because you were enjoying it. Even when the pastor did not have any more money to spend you brought your card and was paying the bills by yourself. My sister it takes extra grace from GOD for anyone to be able to resist this type of temptation, no matter who is involved, be him a pastor, bishop evangelist or whatever. Men of GOD are flesh and blood like me you. We should not be happy and be celebrating when we get into trouble but instead we should be in constant prayers for them. praying especially that GOD will give them the super grace to overcome temptations and that even when it happens that by his grace they should be able to repent of their sin and come back even stronger. We need to pray strongly for this pastor you seduced and blackmailed. You just have to stop this blackmail. You are not a victim and can never be able to convince any right thinking person that you are a victim. You have done your worst and now your next calculated move is to smartly sweep everything under the carpet and foolishly chicken out. Who next will you be targeting to destroy? The Corza pastor is not the first person you have done this type of thing to and I am sure he will not be the last. How will it take before we hear of another mischief by you???????? What will it be next?
Dear Ese,
U are 1 of d best d world has produced. Alot of ladies had fallen victim of this particular man,but bcos of stigmatisation dey wipe in silence.U were wrong and u accepted. With dat u said the truth, 2 @least lessen the no of people who falls victim. Am sure u went tru a lot in this past few weeks. I follow this blog in silence bcos its not everytime there need b to comment.
pastor B,u have got this going 4 too long, way too long. repentant is not by luking sober, crying @ your father in d lords feet( u know who am talking abt. becos he is a true father in d lord), neither is it by playing politics on d ulter saying David neva said anytin. my little of advice is to take time off, reflect on ur past sins and truly ask God 4 forgiveness. I personally do not care abt u cuming out 2say the truth. Just be repentant. The worst problem any1 can hav is pride(which cometh before a fall)especially to one's creator.
And Dear Ese u just Keep being strong. Keep ur head up. Seek d face of God 4 forgiveness and U will find peace. #hugs#
Attention and dick seeker.
I love her spirit
I can't help but like this lady and I strongly believe that she's saying the truth
Linda if you like dont post my comment again, dont be biase in moderating
I quote ese from her blog article: Writers Block "All I can do is write. Even when I don’t feel like, I think I should just write. I mean, I am discovering that I cannot notwrite. No harm in blabbing once in a while, no? Heck, no harm in blabbing many times in a role if that’s what it is. I mean, it’s my blog and the whole idea of starting this is to write whatever my head comes up with. And some days it would be total rubbish but the rubbish ought to be said anyways."
This lady is a blogger in desperate moves to succeed. She said herself no harm in blabbing! Sometimes it would be total rubbish but rubbish ought to be said! I guess it is one those! Rubbish Dont worry u have the traffic on your blog now, and the cash will start rolling in.. She portrays herself a changed person a bornagain christian but everything about her shows a celebrity/lindaikeji wanna be, am not saying her story is false or true, but her motive behind the whole story certainly is false.. Only time will tell...
The gal is good looking and sexy, I for chop am too if I be pastor. Could it all be a stunt to be famous......
I admire your courage. U are indeed a heroine. A lot of women are suffering this kind of abuse in different dimension. I pray they take a cue from you and speak out. Don't be bothered about the criticisms. It's normal. People see and approach issues differently. You have begun the healing process and God will defintely give you the peace of mind the world cannot give. God bless
Let God take charge.... For his word shall prevail nd d truth shall come out.. Brave one girl, the lord is ur. Strength..*OG*
Thank you girl. The Supreme Being will sure judge everybody.
Ese, you forgot to apologize to his wife and kids.
I love you Ese Walter. God is using you to help alot of people come out from their shells. I love your courage, pls move on with your life. God bless you luv.
just a way of fixing herself into the limelight!!!
Ese, you need †o apologize † the Pastor's wife! Apologise foя cheating on her, with her husband. She's human, put γφυrself in her shoes...
Hmmmmn, she does have a way with words.As long as she can sleep easy @ night, den u have done the right thing.
stupid girl,you thought coming out publicly will help? didnt you think it will not ditter your chances of getting married? didnt you know of confessing and repenting to God AND MOVING ON? IF YOU DID THAT GOD WILL FORGIVE YOU AND YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN FREE OF GUILT..YOUR ONE WEEK STAND WENT BAD, YOU THOUGHT WHEN YOU COME BACK TO NAIJA IT WILL CONTINUE BUT SORRY YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED.............
I'm a man and I totally support her write, pastors are human and nt God, so therefore they make mistakes as well and this should be a turning point for all the people inthe house of God that put women and even little boiz thru all this emotional and physical abuse. Guild and protect our nation oh lord and return us to our sanity state and moral senses, Thank you jesus
A very wise girl,people pastors are men and human like we are. 'Touch not my anointed',doesn't mean that bad things they commit shouldn't be detested. My instinct tells me that the Man of God is fully aware of all this. Nigerians and Christians ,we should know that we all are 'Prophets ,Priests ,and Kings' before Him,read the word of God,but don't let people read and interprete for you
Good right up. But another mistake is just knocking on your door. Who is the Christian Body you are referring to?. I hope you don't mean the likes of Orisegiafors, Adeboyes, etc. If na them, babe you are in for a long thing.
The pastor has given her money to shut up and she took the money.. thats all
God keep keeping you Ese Walters
Nonsense!!!After enjoying her self without being hypnotised!My dear,if it hurt u that bad,u would have left the church and ask God 4 forgiveness!This public noise is what I don't understand!You r not his God,leave him to his God to judge him!Stop making a mess of ur self!
Well done babe, you are indeed strong and courageous. Trust Nigerians to be very judgemental and call you all sorts without looking at the issue objectively. May God heal you
She writes really well and eloquently so one has no choice than to believe her. I dont know if she is telling the truth tho. can any sane person cook up such great lies? i doubt it....i still cant believe the pastor didnt address it tho. That was wrong of him
dont know what to think, seems like a different Ese from the last time she wrote on her blog. really I dont think you exist and if you do, youre a man pretending all these happened. now u quoting BIBLE , saying your intention is not to destroy faith and the church. You have done that already, too late. Many turned to God because of this Pastor's teaching, he brought some out of darkness, some husbands became better men cos of his teachings. Many have been left hertbroken, emotional and wondering whether all these accusations are through. Even if its true, these should have been handled in a better manner. Lets be careful how we deal with matters concerning God, he is the head of the church, not man. What gives u and other critics that are false witnesses the ordercity to abuse and shame this man of God. read prov 6;16, its an abonination to GOD to sow discord amongst christians, believers, the church etc. I pray the truth will be revealed soon. True confessions I will love to see. I still believe u Ese Walter do not exist. where do u live, who are your friends, which secondary did u attend etc. God bless u all.
Linda pls post my comment. have a blessed wknd
God bless you ESE! I personally believe your story on the COZA pastor! And from this your second write-up, it's obvious and can be deduced that you never intended to maliciously malign Pastor Fatoyinbo. You only ventilated all that was bugging you so that others could learn from your mistake and also to free yourself of the guilt burden. Atleast, now you can go to bed at night knowing you have confessed your sins and dropped the excess luggage of guilt. You look young and I salute the maturity with which you wrote this second time. For those who are deceived by the holy dispositions of some pastors, I hope they also learn from your story. I personally think it's dumb for people to resort to mudslinging and insults because you narrated your alleged first hand experience in the hands of a man of God. People should wake up from their religious slumber and digest the fact that some of these pastors are humans and are not infallible. ESE's story mustn't be replayed or re-experienced by members of your family before you know and accept it's TRUE. As much as pessimists would want to hate, they cannot refute the fact that YOUR STORY IS AN EYE OPENER FOR PARENTS, LADIES AND CHRISTIANS WORLD OVER. May God help us all! Amen!
This country is crawling with
sick, evil subhumans disguised
as people.It unimaginable to hear so called men of God sleeping with church members,it is sin against the holy spirit,an unforgivable sin for dat matter. God bless her for exposing this agent of satan who is determine to ruin the house of God. God bless Ese Walter and other girls going through similar situation. God will expose & shame them one by one.
What exactly is her point? She slept with her pastor...so? Her pastor should suffer for having "sinned" with her or what? A lot of things trouble some minds sometimes...I am yet to understand what she is trying to achieve. Maybe the church will stop the pastor from preaching, pastor's wife divorces him, she gets her pound of flesh from rubbishing the image of her pastor...what exactly? Cognitive dissonanc...a good introspection is my advice to you Ese.
I know dis pastor Biodun very well when I was in Unilorin. I graduated in 2003 and den d church (COZA) was unknown, he made me give my life to christ cos of his swagg, for the first time in my life I saw a pastor dat combine christ with swagg which was what I like. I was tired of boring churches and I stopped attending until COZA came up in Wonderland( d take off site) in Tanke(Unilorin road). I alsmost didn't want to leave Ilorin after graduation cos of d church. I was happy when I heard d church was really growing in Ilorin and since den I lost touch. I even forgot d name of d pastor and d name of the church, dat was 10yrs ago. When I first read about Ese Walter's confession and she mentioned d name of d pastor n COZA, my mind told me he may be talking about dat pastor I knew in Ilorin den, plus d fact dat she mentioned dat he was an ex cultist. Anyway, I am not surprised cos too much hype and swagg can make a pastor derail and feel dat he is God.Anyway, I rest my piece here. Femfal
Can someone tell dis bissh to shut d fuck up and go to THE LORD's CHOSEN??!!
Biko this ur writeup dey too long jare_mtchew!
I have seen dis type of case before its so true a pastor sent a photograph of his dick masturbating to my frend who happens to be a church member and the church is a big church as well dou I won't mention name cuz of my frend.But believe me dis tins are real big tym!
Am sure the first 4 set of pple dat made comment sleeps with their pastors, no doubt. Are u guys high? Can't u read btw d lines dat things happen in our society? Well, only God knows who truelly serves him. Ese, we have heard ur story, let's see how God will do d judgment. Word of advise for all- the end time is here, desist from doing evil!
Vengance is mine says the Lord, Ese i cannot conclusively say it is not true or not, but i say it happens am a victim in the sense that i have this high esteemed, well respectable man who hails from the united states though he's a nigerian but he lived most of his life in the USA, claims to be an 'APOSTLE' and is always hanging a BIG CROSS round his neck.
He visits abuja once in a while he likes me as his lil daughter so he invited me to his apartment in Transcorp Hilton Hotel Abuja.when i got in2 tha room he was lying on the bed without shirt and of course with his cross as usual but b4 i knew it he took it off. Do you guys knw that this man lured me in2 romancing him that i shoud touch his nipples & suck it and all what nots b4 u say jack he forced me to give him HEAD I refused but he held my head down and kept saying "you can do it jst try i will tk kia of u bla bla bla!! and asked if i have a BF and i said yes he now said ok is not that he wanted to have sex with me but that my BF will do that while he will take kia of me so long as i will make him "come" why am i saying this?
please anwer the question for yourselves,
Judge no 1 but know that there's no perfect being on earth except for the fact that we're striving towards perfection.
Am serious about this story i never told any1 thats why am not writing my name. Ladies pls be outspoken and be kiaful who you trust easily.....
Biko mummy Linlin POST ooooooo!
This would be the 1st time i would comment on this blog despite having been 2 yrs older on it.I am highly impressed by this ESe girl,and there is no better success story than turning weakness to strenght and her own story even has a special twist to it because its is also a calling.A lot of us have been hurt but veryfew of us can ever put it to words like she did with so mch impact for a positive change......She shouldnt stop tlking about it infact she should make a career out of it by constantly engaging the people of this country for our interlectual laziness in allowing and believing in unaccountable leadership be it in the religious,govt,or business sectors.
Elejo wewe ni babe yi sha. She can talk!!! But this is so sad if it happened its just hard to believe she would cook up such damaging lies. Biodun hmmmm God is giving you a second chance o if it is true
One near my house is even sleeping with small small,even forcing them to take oath to keep their mouth shut. It is a common problem in nigeria. Their mothers are not helping matter.
ese work on your salvation with fear and trembling, pastor bimbo change for the better if not this is the tip of the iceberg.story like motivate me to having a talk show, which i will soon.let everyone know now the road to heaven is a personal one n itz narrow too."religion is the opium of the masses, religion is the sigh of the oppressed, itz also the soul of the soulless" Karl max.#pinQue
Things happen in churches these day! I can remember when I started follwing my sister to her church,I was young and prettier, I loved d church somuch, then I started attending all d church programs even bible study that was when the brothers in church took interest in me, 2 brothers even started having misunderstanding bcos of me, and they always agure in bible class! It was very obvious! One d brothers visted my hus and my sister wasn't around,he said he wil wait for her, was just 17 then and he came close to me and started kissin me, didn't no wat to do! Now he is a pastor married wit kids but he still calls me tellin me how he love me! Each time he comes up to preach I wonder how they manage to combin sins and christanity! God save us, I hear things that happen in my church how brothers get sisters pregnant and abort it, its really bad! Now I just go to church and I don't go for all programs like Easter I study my bible at home
All you people insulting Ese and making unnecessary noise here pls go and rest! How many of you will come out boldly like she did? You guys will rather go to your graves with your sins. Stupid people. And for all you coza members worshipping your pastor, God will judge you all. Amen!
Linda you better post my comment if not I will kiss you. Lol.
Its nt anoda man's wife bt anoda woman's husband tnk mi later madam
I'm begining to hate this ese walter slut!! Can't u just confess to God and ask him to 4give u! Wat is all d blabbing for? Rememeber you are even more guilty than d pastor!are u 16years old or what! If he made moves on u, you would have turned him down simple! Wats all dis rubbish for again?
God is just tooo patient on both sides!!!!!!
Y e dey pain U like dis and all d insults on d lady? Abi na U b d "pastor" real babe? Put ur real name if dem born U well. Na ur type dey go church to worship pastors...... Psycho!
Ese the fact remains that you had an affair with your pastor who is married and you are openinly confessing it . Where were your senses those days. Go rest joor. If I were u I'd confess only to my God, try and abstain from such and move forward. Y d fuss? The pastor is stil a pastor and still married to his wife.
Your attitude to reading was addressed here as well. Read! Read!! Knowledge is power.
shut ur silly stinking mouth if u have nothing to say, who r u to say that God will punish her? u have no right to judge her. we all are sinners anf fallen short of God's glory. God will judge us all d last day.
I can bet it with you girl, this is not your last time , you are on a revenge mission. you've not forgiven urself or the Pst. you dont have pity for other girls , all I can see from you is that you want the church to abandon the Pst.you will still come back , am so sure.
U do not stand alone.
Mehnn dis ladies attitude to dis whole issues is "wowing" Big ups girl, no mind all dos mumu haters deep dwn der hrts dey knw d truth jst don't wnt to face it,d gud tin is we can hide frm Man but nt frm God, keep doing Good deary
thank you for this comment. some people think they are God and they keeping judging her, she did something wrong and has confessed to God and man. she picked up the remaining pieces of herself and building it back up. May God in his infinite mercies ne wit u Ese
Why the hate??? It's silly idiots like u dey form "na me holy pass". Before u say she's ugly plz let's see a picture of u. I don't know u but it's obvious u are a hypocrite. Ese here is wishing u all the best in life. Even if Ese had a motive or not, was the affair a lie??? I don't care what her motive was so long as she wasn't lying.
Sharap. See ur mouth like dey too long jare. Can't u appreciete good write ups for once? Kudos Bonario.Its always goof not to be judgemental.Though I'm surprised its coming from u that always going for ur vaseline.*winks* Joking
God bless you Bonario. Your Head dey there.
Lovely writeup Ese.......God bless you with a good life. All i know is, whether true or false the next apostle/ManofGod will stop and think before his next extra marital affair. Ese i salute your courage, i could not have come forward with a confession. He who has not sinned should continue casting stones at her.
Thank God you spoke out move on with ur life & let our lord do the rest
Hahaha joyce.. u got me rolling wit laughter
Luv u gal! God is Ur strength
Lol the hate in ur mind cldnt allow u reason well...Anoda man's wife hahahahahahah.
Meanwhile, Biodun is just keeping quiet in the hope that Nigerians and their short memories will wash this matter away.
We know your type. Babes, you come across to me as either a very stupid or selfish girl or perhaps both. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that you speaking for the voiceless. You knew very well what you were going into and I would expect someone like you to accept the consequences of your actions. The truth of the matter as far as I'm concerned is that you gamed from day one and you wanted more cos you felt the sexual gratification to this man confers you that spot but you were dead wrong babe cos it dawned on you when you got to Back to Nigeria that you were a small fry amongst the numerous girls on his tick list. If what you have stated is indeed true and you had really wanted to nail this man, I believe you went about it the wrong way. And apart from the fact that you haven't presented any evidence either verbally,visual or documentary, your argument or rather storyline are not credible enough making it so so difficult to want to believe you. Btw, way have waited this long b4 coming out? Did you know he was married? If yes, u equally guilty.We leave everything to God
@Anon 12:34 - Oh shut up! (in my very lilting fake British accent!)
You do not make any sense in all you've written. Did you not read that the Pastor invited her to the hotel first - why would he do that if not for some pre-meditated plans. I beg, let's call a spade a spade and not just a working tool. Clearly, you've been using your so called 'brother' to have unlawful affair with the little sisters who look up to you as a genuine 'brother'...
As God will surely punish you for judging someone else. Wot is ur own??? Are u the wife. Na u holy pass abi??? U have never sinned b4??? Bloody hypocrites like u irritate me
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