publishers of Global News were yesterday arrested in connection with a
scandalous story involving Tunde Folawiyo, the business magnate and
Segun Ogunbunmi of Global News and Kunle Rasheed of Global Excellence were arrested after publishing a story in Global News which alleged that Mr. Folawiyo had been involved in an affair with former beauty queen Ifeoma Williams. (Screen shot of the story above)
Mr. Folawiyo had responded, through his solicitors, demanding a full retraction of the story as well as a public apology. In a letter, Folawiyo’s solicitors gave Mr. Ogunbunmi a maximum of 7 days to issue a satisfactory apology.
Segun Ogunbunmi of Global News and Kunle Rasheed of Global Excellence were arrested after publishing a story in Global News which alleged that Mr. Folawiyo had been involved in an affair with former beauty queen Ifeoma Williams. (Screen shot of the story above)
Mr. Folawiyo had responded, through his solicitors, demanding a full retraction of the story as well as a public apology. In a letter, Folawiyo’s solicitors gave Mr. Ogunbunmi a maximum of 7 days to issue a satisfactory apology.
The letter, dated 12th July,
warned that Mr. Ogunbunmi was liable to face criminal charges based on
the defamatory nature of the Global News article. Following Mr.
Ogunbunmi’s failure to retract the story, the matter was reported to AIG
of Zone 2 as well as Umar Manko, the Lagos State Commissioner of Police
in another letter.
The letter stated in part:
sincerely urge you to use your good offices to investigate the actions
of Mr. Ogunbunmi and his organisation with a view to prosecuting them
for criminal libel,"
"I fear that the very fabric of our society will continue to decay if 'journalists' such as this are allowed to publish defamatory statements recklessly and with impunity against well meaning Nigerians."
arrest of Messrs Ogunbunmi and Rasheed was a direct result of an
investigation of criminal libel as investigated by the police. It was
also instructive to note that the pair had failed to respond to several
invitations by the police and were consequently detained in Zone 2
police headquarters. Mr. Rasheed has since been released while Mr.
Ogunbunmi remains in police custody.
If its true his wife should bail them! Happily!
The person wey go enjoy this pass na Linda, bcos she go read the real thing, enjoy am finish cum they censore form goody goody famzer for us
The truth shall come out some day
There is no smoke without fire!
Trying to be rich at all cost....... nawaaooo
Serves them right! All for sales there is no credibility in the news much any longer.
Serves them right this unprofessional journalist will know that not everyone is cossy orjiakor....
When i first read this story, i found it hard to believe but then again, who knows?
If the story is false then am disappointed much at the journalists feeding us with false stories.
True journalism is a factual presentation of an account. Too bad if what is served is falsified
Let's see how this goes!
If reporters were arrested for every libellous story written there would be NO reporters!
Its one thing to sue and another completely different thing to arrest them.
Anyway na naija we dey!
This crap can't happen in obodo oyibo where the people behind the daily mail, tmz and perez hilton his gay self are alive, well and very much not in jail
Very very very good! Bloggers too should begin to be held accountable for the lies the publish. Nice one! Ugly people write ugly lies
Its about that time!!!
Na wa for naija sha!
Bloggers and media folks be warned!
~D great anonymous!
Abeg make the rich let us hear word..who are they fooling? apologizing for people to think it's not true? They should know how to be discreet when they are having affairs.
@lulu So people should be allowed to libel others. I think you're high. Mschew. Libel is a criminal crime. You do realise such lies can ruin a person's business and family? Nonsense journalists got what they deserved. Vultures
Find it hard to believe my foot, When SDK brought the story up no be u first jump go the Blog comment... Jobless Mofo..
They ought to be arrested. The article wasn't reporting the scandal,rather,it was assasinating the character of the Lady
If they are refusing to retract the story, there must be an element of truth to it. Since when did police start arresting journalist for publishing a story? If Mr. Folawiyo is so incensed by the story, he should sue in the court of law. It will give him the opportunity to seek monetary damages if the owners of Global News cannot proove beyond a reasonable dout that their story is true. Using his family's money to intimidate and try to suppress the truth will never work. Go ask Abacha and Babangida. And the stupid Police in Nigeria. Don't they have better things to do.
all these self righteous comments and long stories sef! imagine d pains d story must have caused. see d headline and oversabi editorial as if he was under their bed. the guy deserves to be jailed along with his jobless cohorts! full stop!
In Nigeria, when u have money u can do as you please, including locking up journalists for publishing a true story.....
In Nigeria, when u have money u can do as you please, including locking up journalists for publishing a true story.....
This sets a good precedent for all those who just publish trash in the name of news. By the time they arrest or sue people they will be more careful with their news.
Anoda evidence that u dont fcuk with d rich in the naija
Good for them
This ifeoma williams self, she too dey show herself for everywhere. Dey mingle with yoruba high society by force by force. Make she go siddon self. Who she be? Who be im papa. Her face is everywhere too much jare
Lulu spk what u know ok. It happens but the way it happens is that e.g Daily mail publishes a false story on their frontpage nd makes £5m from the sales, then celebrity sues nd wins, judge orders a retraction nd orders DM to pay costs which is normally around £500k. DM willingly pays costs nd retracts the story but now d retraction is hidden in d middle pages, very small in size nxt to unimportant adverts where no one sees nd the matter is closed. DM hs made £4.5m from the story. 95% of gossip sights nd papers in UK do this.
Good for him!
Hmmmmm no smoke without fire
Get a life small goat! Unpaid frustrated stalker.
Something must be wrong somewhere...
@annoymous August 1, 2013 at 3:42 PM
God bless you for your comment.
bloglord .aka. blogwhore. you are a liar. u also contributed to slagging the couple when the homebreaker, SDK, posted this story on her blog.
SDK also needs to be thought a lesson. in her worwor mind, she thinks she is safe becos she blogs from overseas.
@Anonymous 4:16 well done. Tribalist oshi. So Ifeoma must only mingle with Yoruba people. This is why this country is not moving forward.
U r obviously envious of her.._ u wey get papa we don see u na bt unfortunately no one knows ur name.keep hiddin under anonymous..ewu gambia aturu kenya
So much anvy n jealousy...atlst we know her even if we don't knw her papa...u who knows you nor ur godforsaken papa...awon oloshi
She can do it! I ust belong that Ify for you. Sebi person wey de teach pple how to dress must first show herself shior
OK, I hear u, kill yourself
How can we confirm its false.Where they seen together or do we know what happened in the room.There is no smoke without fire!Why arrest the journalist if they are innocent they should go to court and ask for liable against the newspaper
No mind am. BlogLord ko,Blokos ni.
pls post my comments o
kai... cant wait for more of the story to unfold
One day, I hope we'll learn to leave people to live their lives sha. But then, people like Ogunbunmi will go hungry.
All these reporters and their stories sef
Please tell the clueless ones.
Stupid fool. Since you have no clue who she is, why bother comment? She is married to a Yoruba. Even if she isn't your comment shows you have "Pea brain"
What is 'yoruba high society'? You ape.
Journalists can be very naughty sha! lets see if this will be a deterrent to future fake news publishers.
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I second that motion. SDK is a gossip monger. Zero intergrity. Sooner than later she will be put in her place. Very low class.
Na your type dey hang around the gate at Yoruba high society parties trying to sneak in.
She is in, weep a river.
Linda's scared doesn't want to cross boundaries ...
Bloglord or Blogdog I respected u b4 bt u are an hypocrite. When SDK published ds u were quick to leave ur jobless life to comment. Now u sit back and play dumb. Abeg go take several seats in d local town where u ar seeking asylum make we rest. Onisokuso oniwonranwonran
You get a life double faced Psycho bitch from hell!
Dat thing they call blogwharever was first to type slags with itchy fingers now she is backing out. She go dey do like say she too know. Choi she is just an attention seeking wannabe
Bloglord pipo ar getting tired of ur aprokoism make u go find anoda profession no be to begin dey crack engrish ere like say na u sabi pass. Olodo
You all shut up and leave bloglord alone. Who knows if you were not the ones hiding under anonymous throwing insults at Ifeoma on the said post? Hypocrites! Bloglord don't mind the bloody hypocrites.
Linda u are such a hypocrite, posting only one sided comments. I had heard u were friends with ifeoma, and this just confirms it
Thank you temitope. My thoughts exactly. Just because she has a signature name, everyone is screaming blue murder. They maybe be guilty as well.
This is abuse of power. You can punish them financially but arresting them? naija is so horridly backward, it has got to be a sin. Arrest bawo?
Hmmmm.........a case of not watching b4 leaping.
-Blunt Ibo boy-
Bloghypocrite sebi na u cuss ifeoma Williams die for SDK blog on this said issue? I'm surprised ooh, u come here come form innocent observer na wah o! Meanwhile Stella never mentioned names o, she only gave clues to the infamous tale of woe
Na only I from a dey lagos? Definately if the shit don't happen they would not ave published it make Mr folawiyo go sitdown abeg pshewwww
Bloglord we are require ssce holders to occupy vacant office assistant positions in our office...if you are interested pls send your details to Linda, she will get it across to me ASAP!
Just another case if a rich bully setting his uniformed thugs (the Nigerian police force) on regular ppl. Even if the story was false, sue the paper and own it. "Inviting the DPO to do your bidding just shows the man and his lawyers are innately thugs themselves. Bullies eventually get beat down by bigger bullies
tunde folawiyo has always respected himself...b4 he got married he was a nice humble guy who did not at all have a roving eye, and wasnt sleeping around...he has a beautiful wife...i dont see him going after someones wife..i dont know ifeoma williams but she seems very simple and unpretentious even though she loves going out....i dont believe this story...
Plssss u guys shud leav blodlord alone he is entitled 2 his opinion as much as wi al do mumu pipo
Bloglord please stop making me laff ...all of a sudden your name now na temitope??? Lwkm!
Ewoooooooo! #word
Linda's smart doesn't want to cross boundries...
This is absurd and doesn't warrant an arrest it's purely a civil suit the police have no duerestriction to either investigate or arrest the publishers. This is a case for the courts they would decide whether the publisher is liable and therefore demand they pay damages to the suitor. This is how wealthy nigerians abuse the law to intimidiate others because in Nigerian you could buy your way out of anything. Tunde folawiyo a foreign educated Nigerian should know better very disappointed with him. If it wasn't true then he has nothing to worry about. He should have gotten a court injunction. the IG and Tunde folawiyo should be arrested for breaking the law it's obvious the IG is on his payroll.
Damage limitation.
What the fuck is a criminal crime,u moron?
Jj am not sure u knw how painful it is for people tu publish lies about u, and destroy your home.
Na you go die na, Dangote dey employ female drivers for agbegilodo......go apply get a job gurl!
But the video has been seen by a few people,Tunde has and Ifeoma has made d wrongest move! Watchout for the video people...
Na 2day yansh dey bak...ds story might be true after all said&done...na naija we dey
The most sensible comment so far. Gbam!
Which stupid video??! That's how u pple keep spreading ugly lies.
You posted this since yesterday, a post as juicy as dis on the No 1 Nigerian blog...and less dan a 100 comments...Linda...change ur ways...why re u censoring comments. Allow pple to open ur friends yansh..yeye girl
All of you saying he should not have involved police, go and read the criminal code. Libel is both criminal and civil, the man chose to pursue criminal action. Is he the one that sent them to write what they didn't verify? Mscheew. Ti esinsin ba n je elegbo, aiye o ni soro, ti elegbo ba je esinsin all of you will be screaming. Sit!
Tunde folawiyo really is a quiet and introverted guy hence I'm shocked that all this drama attached to his name.he hardly attends parties and all that...so i imagine how embarrassed and angry he must feel
Linda o!!, stop censoring comments Abeg, abi u dey ifeoma payroll??
its pathetic that we are laughing over this very sensitive matter.tunde folawiyo should ve gone to court not arrest the writers if truly he has a case.police ve no business with libelous or defamatory stories.let the court of law rule on that.but we live in nigeria where there is no rule of law.one day the military will just takeover n we shall still be laughing.by the way i read the story n it was seriously indepth,its not a mere gist its really insider scoop.they had ifeoma williams entire life history on that story so i can understand why tunde folawiyo is very rufled.who wants to see their closet blown open in the tabloids. linda u are really being economical with facts n its obvious u aint the fearless blogger u claim to be
And linda ddnt post my comment cuz she's pained..very biased blogger..mschew!
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