Fred and Mor met in the US in 2011 and started dating a few months later. Unfortunately it didn't work out. Fred is now back in the singles market.
Mor, a single mother with two kids, is a Soul/Jazz artiste who contested in singing reality show - X Factor UK a few years back. She's currently a management consultant.
Na wah o,girlfriend kwa? This man never reach to become grandfather?@times I just hate celebrity life,mtcheeeew.
Who cares
Nothing lasts forever.
~D great anonymous!
Dz man na real ashawo...
Well with the way he was hugging abi kissing obinabo...duhhhh! I'm not surprised at all
This man sef!! His lifestyle is jes sumhow...mtchewww. Nd I used to like him oo
Life goes on ................
This is what we call 'Rock,Paper,Scissors,Shoot'!
Sad indeed
Dis guy doesnt knw he is old sha...Agatha shud av bin best for u.
Sad indeed!
So Sad Fred Amata, u better go to d village and look for a girl da is not yet exposed to marry. She will be submissive to you.
Surprising!! What went wrong? I don't wanna sound stereotypical but the fact is that most celebrity hook ups hit the rocks faster, lots of reasons though, how sad!
1st to comment!awwwwww such a saddening news in a long while here!n dey looked kinda kul 2geda u knw?wondering who left who n for what reason!!!Olofofo Linda abeg carry d full gist,I dey wait ooo.
Too bad
Wait! Does Fred thinks he's gettn any younger, at 50 his still datin ND partin. Oga Fred is it wen u clock 70 u'll realize u are ready to be a fada. Rubbish....
Nawaaaah for them, i get as d the tin sound for ear.
Is it now a thing of pride?
She was prob 2 FAT 4 him!!
Billie jean
Mehn relationship is not his thing.
He should let it rest,atleast being single is somewhat bliss.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
celebs and breakup What lesson are they trying to pass to their fans?
Searching for the perfect woman, wait till u clock 80 nau.
Old cargo guy
Awwwww! Whata shame! Fred God is indirectly telling u 2 reconcile wit Agatha, I will lov 2 see u guyz back 2geda, I pray it happens sooner or later. I won't mind u guyz spending Xmas with ur kids 2geda. Dat will b really kool. *wink*
celebs and break up,what lesson are they passing to their fans
There's something wrong with that man. I can't place a finger on it but he gives me the heebies-heebies. I don't know why.
Awwwww.... Take hrt u too.
Na she loose afterall the guy don pour custard inside on many occasions. Another bad market be this...hehehehehe
Linda give us better news abeg.,
Fred amata wat is d mata, not again so soon abi na u no good.Agatha go dey laugh u nw.o boy make u change ur pattern or style.anyways all d best.
Na them sabi.....Suliya whr are you now?????
If he couldn't derive happiness from his ex wife, where else will he find it?
Lοο°˚O˚°Î¿Î¿l.. So she has Two kids??!! Mayb dat was y he left her..
He shuld go back tu his wifee
At dat age his still doing gf's,he should be married
What do you expect from a randy guy like Fred?
lindinor hw far na, longtime u jus trowey me .anyways do hv a pleasant wkend.no forget to pray 4 me on sundy.muaaah
Old man...is he supos 2 stil b kipin gfs,supos 2b marid jor rubbish
This old idiot shld nt go en marry..d wOman was evn tryna hlp his lyf sef..mtchewww,ds is no news.his mates r grandfadas naw yo der endin relationshp
Pls Fred go bck 2 ur first love
Suspected as much after the show of love to baby mama Feberesima last week.....he can't change! Singles market indeed Linda!!
For me its guud radiance to bad rubbish.......although i like z attire in †̥ђε second pix
»̶-̶̶ ☺ķªª¥-► old mama and old papa...kip fooling ursef lik high skul kids...rubbish#nxt jor#
Hw long dis Fred won do all dis nonsense? Serzly I Dnt wanna knw wah happened! Dis is disgusting! Heww!old MAN get a life! U r nt a boi!
You mean at 50 Amata is still single? and happily engaging in boy friend/girl friend stuff? at his age? when men in late 20's count that childish and get marriage minded? irritating, think i hate this Linda my love what do you say?
-Blunt Ibo boy-
Not all women can cope with Nigerian men..Hmmm..
papa u never still tie d knot abi u dey wait make my 2year old. (Logged in as ellajohn)
He wants 2 turn 2 naija clooney
Your mates have grandchildren and you're still breaking up with girlfriends #smh
My first time ever to comment.I must say am proud of what linda is doing.God continue to bless u.
With Fred,he sees the end of a relationship before the beginning!
She was just his next ex'best of luck to them
I tire for these old peeps o. ought to be experienced and matured enough about wat they want in a relationship, hence should be decisive before beginning anything.
Ah so soon... Na wa ooo
Uncle fred, u still doing the boyfrend and gurlfrend fin. Lyk aren't you too old 4 dis sh#
Fred Amata is 50 0_0 wow!he luks younger tho
So at their age dem still dey do bf and gf things? Am so ashamed of this news...may God be the judge of this case!
Ok d both of dem are back in d singles market.fredie is still a cutie tho..buh @ 50!hei dude give ur dick a break biko.it has tried!!!
On to the next. Back to Agata, or to Ibinabo or a totally new one?
Randy guy. Enjoy!
No Comment..mtcheww.
Hiaa! Who's still talking abt breaking up with girlfriend for a 50 year old man.like seriously? Get lost already... Go get married.
As in ehn? Young pple talking abt break ups n old dudes wanna join too? Smh
Just a typical isoko man! Mshewwe
He shld nt go nd marry,mschwwww
Dis old man still dey do gf tinZ,ok oo I sorry 4 u.
Lmao, naija's very own George Clooney, Mtchwww!!! Old agadi.
Tym 4 him n agatha 2 cm bak 2geda,only God knws y dey parted ways in d 1st place
◦⌣A⌣◦ man of 50 yrs is still talking abt friendship!!! He know dey shame?
Fred amata...I thought this guy is happily married...did i hear you say girlfriend???
Old cargos
MOR o what are u doing with ur father age mate
Hiss i tot it was even a divorce, U̶̲̥̅̊ pple shud stop foolin ur sef @ dat age joor! it sickening
Lol, anonymous 11:36 pm, u took the words right outta my mouth. Agbaya, both of them.
Lol, anonymous 11:36 pm, u took the words right outta my mouth. Agbaya, both of them.
Fred retrace ur steps, is never too late. Release ur true self $ stop being ridged. May God help Ʊ.
He has got kids!!!!! Lol
Awwww Bonny(as I've nicknamed u hahaha) a few months back, I'd scroll down to ur comment, read it, have a good laff and get off LIB. Whatever happened to u? U seized to be witty, ur comments these days ehnnn?! It is well(naija speak) hehe #JayBeyBlu
That said I hail u, PC and d rest of the regulars y'all make this blog,Linda owes u guys big time! Still find u and PC the most interesting tho...if only u'd bring ur witty self back! #JayBeyBlu
50 yrs still searching... O boy, this guy should not be thinking of girlfriend again oo. Wetin he dey find self? Aha.. 50 yrs still searching for Miss Right or Mrs Right?
U and who are we?
U jes said my mind.
U jes said my mind.
That same womanizing habit dat made him breakup with Agatha, will make him break up with other women again and again.
Fred, abeg check yourself. I think d problem is from ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊. If not, how can ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ reconcile all †Ñ’c̷ break-ups. If your relationships aren't working, then try to work on yourself. Just an advice.
I knew it wont last.....nt suprised with Fred.
Does Ibinabo Fiberisima have anything to do with this? Just wondering....
Fred strikes me to b a womaniser n player.but dt ur age is too old for dt pattern of life.dt is wat sum men like u do dt have kids already.very indecisive n so many untruth.ladies beware.
The first time I saw this lady with Fred I just said this lady is a fool, how can you date Fred?
Better go back to ur wife, only both of u can make dis relationship last cos she most hv learnt to tolerate ur foolish attitude.
Karma is a.....
fred amata is exploring ladies but is high time he relax and change his ways
D reason is obvious. Ibinabo has rekindle old love, afterall there is a child 4 fred.
Agatha is praying ceaselessly...
Go back to your wife.nothing dey under skirt. Chikena
FooLish u, she lost notn. Didn't u hear shez a single mum? D man serviced her 4 dez few months. Now she has moved 2 anoda guy. Im a single mum & I do it too. But in ma case, I go 4 younger guys...
For u sis linda its sad news but for me its a very good news. U berra go back to agatha agbaya buruku.
Fred again? Wats wrong with this grandpa dat refused to grow up? Dont even knw wat women see in him, Gosh, cant stand d way he talks and his Kleg.
Oh Lawd...Fred u are 50..go get yourself a wife u are too old for all dis girl friend stuff..am disappointed...................THE DON
D only solution 4 dem is 2 go and settle wit dere previous lovers.
Get well soon Fred..hope its nt cancer of d emotions n mind dat s worrying u!
It though they say live begin at 40, why is this man still doing girl friend thing at 50
Who are the ugly peeps on your DP?
She waz smilin nd doin d cat pose bt now she wil b cryin,datz life.fred cnt control his dick or kip it down,hw many galz u wan date @ur age?go bck 2ur wife jo
Watever makes u loose ur first wife,u can never get it again in life bcos it only one person God has assign to one man,hardluck anyway!
Back to Ibinabo. Their recent hugging episodes.......
E be like say d man get problem, dis wan wey him no fit keep women. Abeg go reconcile with Agatha
Fred is gay...that's d reason his relationships doesn't work.
Hw does dis affect ma life.linda tk tym.as 4 fred one word #repent#
Fred amata kwa?he neva marry?hmm! Too bad.
I saw them at One Eleven club owned by Charlie Akpruka, during Easter. Doing love and supported by Uche Ogbodo and Adaora Okoh. So this is how it ended? H'mmmmmm
Don't think this guy can stay with a woman. Now we. Know Agatha was not at fault. Serial dater
Linda according to u, they met 2011 n started dating few months later and according to u also, they ended their less than a year relationship. Ur gossip don too much abeg
Awwww less than a year?
try to reconcile with agatha.she is the only one who stood by you for a long time.
Please, Fred go back to your wife,she is the best woman for u.
u jus hav 2go bck 2ur wife, relationship aint workin 4u cos u've pass dey stage. There is time 4evrything, it's high time u realise dat u're no longer gettin younger. By Morecute
How does his pouring "custard" inside on many occasions make her lose?, u are a mumu sha..........
Lol, if I hear!!! Recon* wetin??? He is just an ashawo,.....hian, @ age 50, still dey date n partin...mke e just go turn rev fada 4 1 village.....cz I fink he'z gat a big p
Oga Fred, can't u see that God is not happy with u? Go back to your ex wife n kids jare. Old papa youngee
Ode @ 50...msheeeew!
Mr fred I can see life is sweet LG!!!!!!!! U never sample reach remmber u get children o go back to ur Wife cos JESUS is coming soon
No suprises.
Go back to ur wife and ur 3kid they surely miss u and beg them to forgive u
prince charmin ur c'mmt is always out of point,beta get smtin doing.abi u go skul atall?
Girlfriend kwa....Oga Fred abeg abeg abeg go and reconcile with your wife Agatha that the best thing.
i keep telling women with kids to try and keep your relationships very discreet its not gud to be seen today with one guy tommrw the next..in this society
Pls oga Fred go and reconcile with your wife Agatha.
why am i not surprised? after all the publicity to prove ownership..when will women learn dat u cannot change any man.....
chai na him mate they celebrate daughters wedding and all....im embarrassed for him...
Tooo bad
Fref, just go back to ur wife dats all!
LINDA, MAKE WE DEY CELEBRATE...HISSS Pls, make una tell this man say he don old....A man that cant keep his marriage ...even relationship.
That is what happens when u hurt and leave ur god sent wife. You had everything but u were not satisfied with it. Before u can get someone to replace her, it will take time that is even if u get at all. Agatha is way better than all these trash u call girlfriends. Stupid man without brain
Lol afi obinabo na........
I was kinda expecting it cos by the time the birthday came by, the relationship appeared to have kpafukad already.
I don hear. Thnk u aproko linda
They don't miss him one bit,if anytin they're beta off without him...but for his stupid ways she wd av had more than 3kids
She and her village chief #justsaying
You are a funny biatch
Hian!! Linda no dey go church o. Na gossip-gossip she dey do o
U living under a rock???
Na she loose o. Una no sabi say even @ 60 fred go still dey pour custard inside even tighter holes? Make she reach 50 n see how many matured men go approach am. Na only small-small boys n na to use u shine for their friends face say their prick big n dat u too like sex.
Anon August 18, 2013 at 8:56 AM; gay ke?
Winex see how stupid you now sound.
So Zack Amata,Fred Amata and Ruke Amata are all Divorcees? Jeta, em em em.Signed.WE
Abeg unable leave Fred Amata alone jor...lots of u critiques are not any better...but because we don't know u ..u think u can pass judgement behind a computer... Unless u know d story of this breakup...then beg Shut up! Mind ur own buisness and butter your own bread jor
It's insensitive to say he should return to his ex-wife because he breaks up with other people. She's a person who should not be her ex-husband's back up when he cannot find anyone else. She deserves love in her own right from a sincere partner. They've closed the chapter on their run. Let it be.
our people say: if you shoot the first arrow and it lands on the 'ogwe' and you shoot the second one it lands on the 'ogwe', then the cause must be from the 'ogwe' or the shooter himself.
His first wife won't have him back, thought she said they broke up due to domestic violence.
Hmmmm, George Clooney wannabe! Na Nigeria we dey o!
U guys have a loooong way to go.I guess u re just hearing that for d 1st time.loooool
Agatha must be having the last laugh lol!
If Ibinabo accepts this guy... she go fall hand big time!
Eebie-jeebies even
FRED GO BACK tO THE WIFE OF YOUR YOUTH!!!! Instruction from the Bible!!
BEFORE!!! He's a woman user.
Seriously?At 50 cant bliv a guy is doing dis.
girlfriend at 50? hian some Chidi Mokeme things.
if you ask him now, he will say he's not seen any good woman for your 50yrs on earth.
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