'Chief Femi Fani-Kayode hereby expresses his deepest regrets for mentioning the names of three distinguished Nigerian ladies that he was once associated with in his last article titled ''A Word For Those Who Say I am A Tribalist''. He meant no harm by doing so and neither did he at any point make references to having had any sexual relations with any of these ladies when they were associated with him as is being suggested by some members of the public. He was simply trying to emphasise the fact that he has nothing against the igbo people and that his friendship with these three ladies in particular over the years provided some evidence of that.For the record he has not seen Madame Chioma Anasoh, Chief Adaobi Kate Uchegbu and Ambassador Bianca Onoh in many years and he admits that it was inappropiate for him to have mentioned their names in the essay, to use them as a point of reference in a public discussion or to make any references whatsoever to the nature of their past association. All references to them have been erased from the updated version of the essay.
Chief Fani-Kayode has reached two of the ladies concerned and he has personally conveyed his unreserved apology to them both and to their families for his indiscretion. He shall endeavour to reach the third lady to do the same in the next few days. Chief Fani-Kayode has nothing more to say on this matter and would prefer to remain focused on issues of national importance and not of a personal nature''-
Mr. Bisi Lawal, Press Secretary to Chief Femi Fani-Kayode
Maybe this press secretary should start writing FFK's articles from now on. #justasuggestion. :-)
1 – 200 of 258 Newer› Newest»Apology accepted.
Mumu man
This guy is definitely sick
He is so stupid,that is all i can say
Issorai!!!Of what use is this apology now when the head is already off? "Kiss and Tell" men! The hunt is on....Miss Variety 2013!!! 08096078206 or email info@jonfamous.com
Maybe this press secretary should start writing FFK's articles from now on. #justasuggestion. :-.
Linda lol, just what i was thinking.
the deed has since been done.
-D great anonymous!
FFK hand break? make him use dat his useless hand write, abi him don tire? Any day he stops writing hate articles, his name would change. mtchew randy bigot
This dude shouldn't even be referred to as a chief. He's a shame.
FFK aka Ewu Npama! Aka Mr Wanabe! Aka Brokeass Nigga! Aka Jobless cow! Aka...plz dear LIB readers help me add urs.
Never do something for which you would end up apologising.
He that bridles his tongue has control over his life.
In this internet age,he that brings his fingers under subjection and refrains from typing crap on the internet,has control over his life.
An old man with an 18year old's thought pattern.
partially accepted!!!
Now he has nothing more to say, Mumu he should keep talking. Hisss!
Deed's been done. You can't erase the imageries in people's heads and their opinion concerning the women especially Mrs Ojukwu whom people are confused as to the time of the "friendship". Apparently, by refering to her as Miss. Onoh, it is deemed to be when she was single.
Lesson: you can't take back a bullet that has been fired. The harm is already done.
This man has simply refused to grow up!
This only proves ur question linda,he wz seeing bianca onoh wen her husband was still alive,cos he mentioned dat he hasn't seen her for many years
I personally think this guy is high on something. He is so immature. Orji Uzor Kalu he talked about has not even said a word to him. That's a gee. If he wants to fix him, he know how to, not on the pages of newspapers. I think he comes from a clan of nosemakers, toothless bull dogs. That war he is looking for will be doused with his blood.
Stupid old fool,EX mininister my ass sm pple dnt jst deserve to be leaders,aporo for park beta pass dem
FFK next time think before you just go out gassing and writing drivel, if you can't do that then soliloquise!
He's only human. dats d bad side of being an outspoken societal figure, u get caught u in ur ink at times.
He is a very callous man. I wonder how such human being will call himself a man and caution his children on knowing what is called "a private life" anu m pam, aturu yoruba. F****k you there mr bruhaha.
Na big yoruba idiot u be Femi fani kayode , u don call people wife n mother wey u fuck nw u dey apoplogies daz to show u r nt mature n ur family shld be ashame of nonetity n daft lyk u.
This old fool shld stop taking drugs.... His mate re hiding enjoying stolen money u re here comparing notes of gfs.
D guy is a pompous asshole,why isn't he apologizing hmsef?Why all of a sudden he has a press secretary?Why d continous use of his self acclaimed title to tender an apology?He is such a shithead....
This man is just a dumb-ass attention seeker. He has just washed some people's dirty linen in public.
Now we know he is not very intelligent as he claims
Bullshit! The dirty linen is already spread out and hanging to dry...but remember the sun rises from the East...will it ever get dry? kiss my igbo a** FF**K!!!!
Thank God somebody has educated this irritant. Grow up FFK!!!
we now know he is not very intelligent as he arrogantly claims.
OK. But bros its better not spitting shit in d first place. Numero uno commento. yey!
Unfortunately, you can't take your words bk Femi, learn to control your mouth.
dis man is damn childish......
Its just a shame an ex minister can stoop so low to engage in such baseless issues,more so doing such in a moronical manner tarnishing the reputation and goodwill of certain individuals who trusted him in the past,provoking a particular tribe just to seek relevance.it shows he's a man of no class regardless his educational background.well I'm not surprised cos its coming from a drug addict so we can excuse this stupendous display of foolishness from this individual.what a scumbag.
FFK shd be sued for image damage or watever the law may call his utterance on individuals. Wat a dirty public figure he is!
This is the first time I will be commenting on Linda's blog even thou I have followed her on daily basis since late last year. I am particularly concerned about the character of the so called Nigerian leaders. Fani Kayode has once again shown that he hasn't got the right judgement on national issues and even on private matters relating to his personal life. The essay about Lagos is not befitting of a politician with national colouration. I used to see him as one of the brightest of our time but I was wrong. He forms part of the crop of Nigerian student leaders!!!!!!
This is the first time I will be commenting on Linda's blog even thou I have followed her on daily basis since late last year. I am particularly concerned about the character of the so called Nigerian leaders. Fani Kayode has once again shown that he hasn't got the right judgement on national issues and even on private matters relating to his personal life. The essay about Lagos is not befitting of a politician with national colouration. I used to see him as one of the brightest of our time but I was wrong. He forms part of the crop of Nigerian student leaders!!!!!!
Dear Ex-Minister, How could u be so juvenile in your thought. Now you have to retract those allegations. Haba, Shame on you.
He is a foolish man what does "long standing & intimate" imply from his earlier unedited article? Rude mannerless fellow.......
Heyyy apology rejected αη∂ overturned!e don reach 2 apologize 4 his mumu-ness,him com carryam giv press secretary!we no gree!make him write am by him self or else.....
Linda d lord z Ʊя muscle!ride on gurl
What's going on with dis ffk guy, he has been on d news, Hi linda
My gal said that its easier for u to retrieve ur wrong steps than spoken words.....Luchy luv.
wonders will never end. this man is a thoughtless fellow and now the whole world knows it. i am sure it is bianca he cant reach. well my dear you are miles away.he said in the first article he nearly married the uche lady and here the press Secretary is saying he never had such relations with them. i laugh in polish. that lady who he nearly married that was his personal secretary when he was a minister for many years LOL LOL LOL
ffk was high wen hw wrote dat shitty worda article? why not apologise by himself? ZEPHYR SAID SO....FFK is a diagrace to yorubas nd dis nation. dese idiots occupt public offices in naija abi?
I used to like this guy. See what garrullousness can cause.Talking before reasoning...
It has already be known dat yoruba Men talk callously witout tinking,so no need 4 d apology, it's 4 we 2 take precaution of dat! How can a full grown Man Kiss n Tell? Yoruba n dr Big Smelling Mouth!!! Smh... *sips wine of Life*
Is this bipolar or depression because I know for sure something is wrong with him.
I used to like this guy. See what garrullousness can cause.Talking before reasoning...
I really don't think we should give much mileage to utterances from an old fool. It's said that a fool at forty... Just sorry for the other pple bearing fani-kayode.
Whether he apologize or not, the fact is, he mentioned their names for us to know that he had affairs with them period. Femi should shut-up a lil, is as if his mouth and hands do scratch him at-times. You are a tribalist hoooha!
Grown ass man acting like a child, moron!
Post ma comment Lin Lin.
I`m sorry I dont have the time to read it cos I have better things to do in the kitchen. I have to prepare breakfast for my kids. well, apology accepted. Linda pls post my comment
Is it jes mi or does dis man sound lyk a broken record, apologys all u want bt men hu kiss n tell r worse dan an infidel. U even went as fa as creating a fake twitter account in Bianca's name
It has already be known dat yoruba Men talk callously witout tinking,so no need 4 d apology, it's 4 we 2 take precaution of dat! How can a full grown Man Kiss n Tell? Yoruba n dr Big Smelling Mouth!!! Smh... *sips wine of Life*
Hmmm well that's a good move in the right direction. I still love his write up tho.. Its good to always say the truth on certain issues. Please kindly visit theonlineimportationguide.webs.com for business opportunities.
This man is cute sha..#no offence#
Very on point.FFK ensure she reviews all ur speeches going forward.u will soon b in a lot more trouble if she doesn't
This man likes unnecessary attention,sad that he was once a Minister in dis country.He acts like a pre grade kid. Grow up
i respect chief fani kayode 4 who he is nd what he often does.apology 2 those three ladies is just d best this 2 do.
D man is not responsible. Although we re not saints but dat doesn't make us stupid.
Whether he apologize or not, the fact is, he mentioned their names for us to know that he had affairs with them period. Femi should shut-up a lil, is as if his mouth and hands do scratch him at-times. You are a tribalist hoooha!
Femi on d news again, he has finally gotten d desired negative fame. Enjoy while it last.
Ok, linda...stop juicing the situation n causing a minitribal war on ur blog. He wudda ended up apologizing irrespective of the tribes the women belong to cos no mature man should KissnTell, especially when his ex (es) are married, distinguished members of society.....I guess, even if she's still single too....he just shudnt snitch. Ok, we've endured enuf of this matter......so, pls droe the convo linda....
Dis guy is a mental case!
ffk simply mean FUCK,FAKE,KAYODE*tongue out* (logged in as ella john)
Whether he apologize or not, the fact is, he mentioned their names for us to know that he had affairs with them period. Femi should shut-up a lil, is as if his mouth and hands do scratch him at-times. You are a tribalist hoooha!
Nice one... dts what we get when we make statements without clearly defining our thoughts. In between i dislike reading articles/write ups with tribes being mentioned. lets face it, we are stuck togeda as a nation.....d moment we realize dat love and unity can bridge ds long lasting feud between tribes,half of our numerous problems would be solved.
How else are we to know he's just another Randon yoruba man... They talk! Talk !! Talk !!! ... Same way MKO Abiola who sponsored about 3 coup_de_tat in Nigeria had an agreement with the North... He knew and agreed June 12 election was to be annulled after collecting so much money. The fool ran to America and Uk for support. No doubt Abacha had to kill the bastard... FFK is disgrace...
Nice one... dts what we get when we make statements without clearly defining our thoughts. In between, I dislike reading articles/write ups with tribes being mentioned. lets face it, we are stuck togeda as a nation.....d moment we realize dat love and unity can bridge ds long lasting feud between tribes,den half of our numerous problems would be solved.
I used love this guy but d past years he has prove me wrong with his rants. My advice to him is to stay off social media. Obj said we lack young leaders, he is right.He is out of his mind.
Is like d ex-minister has notin doin or has suddenly turn into a writer?
I like his courage.
dis Femi are not getting sense. In short his a imbecility in highest order. Womens is standin up against he insulting dem by carryin sign board. He not shaming himself to talkin like his a widow.
Lousy, loud, lewd punk. I wonder how/why the overgrown tribalistic baby became a minister in this Great Nation. Good thing he's got sane people around him. I hope the ladies in question overlook his indiscretions.
lol. talk shits and try to erase it. who you wan fool. look here, clown!! u meant every shit u spat. i use to think it was jst Buhari dat talks without thinking...
An ex-minister?!!!
Is a lie jooor,to me this guy is just a bloody civilian.
Yoruba really are tearing Nigeria apart with their tribalism.
An ex-minister?!!!
Is a lie jooor,to me this guy is just a bloody civilian.
Yoruba really are tearing Nigeria apart with their tribalism.
This fool again?. Get a life foolish fucked kindergarten(FFA). Puerile,green, immature,inane,infantile,trivial,ingrown,juvenile,silly,petty, young, irresponsible, baby like, jejune,naive,weak,callow prat with odoriferous/ uncouth yappinngssss! U simply stink. Tot ur madness was cured? I get it! A relapse. U mendicant. For the last time fool SHUT UP. Swine
Can u just imagine, this retard need rehab period!
I love Yoruba people. But FFK is a bloody fool!!!
I didn't c anything he did wrong in mentioning their names in d first place
Its like bill clinton trying to prove that he's not a racist and stating that he dated beyonce,megan good and vivica fox in d past
Is it his fault that they became famous....there would have been other igbo ladies that aren't popular
If it upsets u about being referenced as someones ex then close your legs until marriage so that it won't happen
He wasn't kissing and telling he was defending himself
I'm a female from d south so I'm not being biased
The writer is vast. Chief FFK should always remember that "Gbogbo Aso ko la sa l'orun" (meaning 'It's not all clothes that we spread in the sun'. Elders should endeavour to bridle themselves and never respond to issue with anger. My father sed to say that 'Inu buruku l'agba nni, Agba kii lohun buruku jade l'enu'
Stupid man...
The writer is vast. Chief FFK should always remember that "Gbogbo Aso ko la sa l'orun" (meaning 'It's not all clothes that we spread in the sun'. Elders should endeavour to bridle themselves and never respond to issue with anger. My father sed to say that 'Inu buruku l'agba nni, Agba kii lohun buruku jade l'enu'
GEJ and DBM have put their immense political machinery to save the reputation of their girl from Enugu. FFK is FINISHED.
FFK is a lunatic. he even went ahead to say his relationship with Bianca was beautiful....somebody's father.
Dis ffk has no brain
He don sleep wit dem tire,clean mouth nd we don know.Datfunctionguy. "Anythin done in darkness will come to lightness" (Apology to Mr Femi Otedola)
Yur problem is dat yu talk too much,nd its a terrible thin dat a man of such ur calibre is diagnosed wth mouth diarrhea.ELENU JAWAYA. Why talk rubbish only to start apologising?
And in the process of apologising, he continues to mention their names. What a moron!
Hmmmmm was he dreaming while he went personal nature,this man just like to talk sha. Those ladies mentioned expecially Our former queen her reputation is stained#sigh#
Am tired of Nigerians and their gutter mind. Nothing he said suggested having a sexual relationship, na the bekee wey una no understand abi na wetin?
I thought the idiot knew it all. I thought he didn't give a damn what people thought. He shouldn't have apologized and he'd have gotten what was coming his way. This FFK will soon end up dead in a hotel room with cocaine and opium as companions. Or he might get shot by people he has slandered.
I support your suggestion. FFK articles of recent have done more damage to him than he could imagine. i pity his future political career.
Its late, the deed is alraedy done, he went too far.
I use to hv so much respect 4 U, see d way u re messing up ur slef,looking 4 cheap publicity.
Was she an Ambassador when he dated her and actually that would have meant that she was busy as a very young woman and who was herself then......hmmmm
He obviously talks more than he thinks!
What a plonker
The Nazi Germans slept with Jewish women. Did it prove that they had nothing against the Jews? Afterall they killed them afterwards. Stupid man with a careless tongue. Mchewwwww!
It'll beta o linda.....make d press secretary kuku dey write him articles.
Thank u linda, its tym 4 ffk 2 shut d fuck up.
The damage has been done already and there is no amount of apology that can errors it. To me I think he is just still mocking those ladies, did he not thought of that before publicising the so called essay? FFK needs to visit a psychiatrist for check up. Apology mY FOOT!!!
his a goat for insulting their husbands not even d women in question wat a nonsense man obj made a minister?
Dude is a no-talent, idle-minded, media vampire has-been. Lets move on!
we should always know that hurtful words are like bullets once shut , it has gone to destroy and kill.Nigerians are watching and listening.
What a nonsense man in such state of delirium that can't guide his utterances n he wants to be a gov.
I pity ur wife.look hw he insulted oby ezekwesili again can u compare ursef to her pedigree?
This man is very confused and should britle his tongue .its too loose for a person of his status
Ladies beware ooo of the FFKs. Sorry for any of those ladies mentioned wey tell her husband you were my first Femi Don tear wrapper
That can "errors" it? Be like say u sef need press secretary.
You only indicated that you ve no sexual preference when it comes to women and not necessarily any liking for the Igbo people. You don't need to tender any apology, it has been something we know but ve decided nt to deliberate on it. Save the love for your wife and kids.
Tufiakwa!! so this is the calibre of person that is made a minister in Nigeria.Dog(Nkuta)!!!! that screws around
I ve already advised that man to go back to school and learn manners and how to make public speeches, All. Of these statements is to tarnish the name of the Igbos. Foolish tribal vagabond
Sometimes this man just talks too much*eyes rolling*
1,You need to improve on ur english (no offence meant pls)
2,FFk talks too much nd most tyms without thinking. I don't think he mentioned their names just to mock d ladies. He mentioned thier names just to establish his unnecessary points! That essay was just so uncalled for.
JESU!!!! Ur post jst killed me!!
When Peter Okoye of P Square posted pictures of ex girlfriend, you Linda, posted it on your blog. Many of you were hailing him, now it's Bianca's name that was mentioned, you guys want to kill yourselves. So Peter Okoye's ex is not human? Hypocrites!!!
U just hit d nail on d head. Careless and disrespectful tongue.
My Guy sort out ur english.... Jst dey blow shaka Bula anyhow for ere.... U should address ur english first before u even think of commenting on matters that require your using complicated Vocabulary.
Ok FFK gerrout!! NEXT
Y'all don't get it...its all calculated! It's an attempt to get your attention. This FFK man as is he now "popularly" called has endeared himself via Media at a little cost to him. See his unfolding saga. I'm sure he has a grand plan. After all he understand media more than many practitioners themselves. His background is reads essayist, poet and lawyer. Dont forget Fani-Kayode was the Special Assistant (Public Affairs) to President Olusegun Obasanjo from July 2003 until June 2006. He was appointed the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Republic of Nigeria from 22 June to 7 November 2006 amonsgt other appointments. No dulling!!!
The Problem with FFk Is that he talks too much..the bible in the book of proverns repeatedly advised that we guard our Lips...it even emphasized that a talkative is a FOOL...the bible doesn't lie...read proverbs
He should shut the f**k up an go get his brain checked
Fani kayode is just dellusional, how can a matured man and an ex minister name ladies he dated who are now other pple's wives in the media without caring of d damage it will cost them and their families. I read a disgustful article he wrote about the igbos on moji's blog which I know LINDA wouldn't want to publish here bcuz of its tauting nature. Femi is bloody tribalist who needs and urgent psychiatrist. Soon he will start telling us how he makes love to his wife. He should hv been named mongo park.
Imagine this FFK enjoying our fresh meats.....I cry fO̶̷̩̥̊͡r these ladies! *crying*
Cmon we should give FFK a break.
@yelnatsfashion. Amazing clothings for just 2k
Cmon we should give FFK a break.
@yelnatsfashion. Amazing clothings for just 2k
Well, at his age, I feel he should have known what such careless statement can do....but the damage has already been done. I hope he grows up
FFK is a stupid man which means he can't withstand pressure he should not be allow to hold any sensitive position since he can't keep top secrets LOUD MOUTH
And u need to go back to school. Your English grammar is porous to say the least. Smh!
whatever you call you name KKK. YOU MUST BE CRAZY, after mentioning their names you came up with idiotic apology,can you earse it from the mine of people that have already read the article?
i dont blame you, THE IGBOS are to blame. coming to develop another person state leaving their place undevelop.
am not IGBO man but i feel for them,
TRIBAL WAR COMING SOON.may God save us if it continue like this.
KKK be guide.
Na wa for English. No be by force to speak English oh.
Jesus wept..u r a murderer!!!
Yeah, that's a good suggestion cos it seems he has no control whatsoever over his mouth. The damage has already been done. Seriously, no one needed to know that he dated these people....what a shame.
Stupid oaf!!! Amadioha will surely strike you down!! Mark my words.
Stupid old fool! Shame on him!!! May thunder strike you down!
this no try whats the point of apologizing when u don open fowl ynash.lol
.....Stupid man. Take a sit jor.
Your comment is on point.
Same goes for the atrocities meted out on black women during the slave trade era by their slave masters. They ravished the ladies even though they still hated blacks.
FFK is a disgrace to all Elites in this country.
He has also dragged the names and dignity of the 3 women he mentioned in his article in the mud. No amount of apology from him can repair the embarrassment and damage his loose and stupid brain has caused these women.
I hope the idiot FFK is happy now. Wretched waste pipe!
This man is now mouthing off to remain relevant! People should ignore him already.
Eeeeehnn! Cry! That's what happens to us ladies when we open our legs for every Femi, Fani and kayode in the name of 'dating'. The guy has gobe ballistic and guess whose names are sauteed with mud? Mine? Ha ha! You sure guessed right. Feminism has only given women the short end of the stick and time has come to chew up on that end. Ladies, take note, some guys mouths leak like their d***k! You better be careful who you drop pants for in the name of I'm single and searching'. Just how many frogs do you have to kiss to reach your prince???? Spew all the liberalist rash you want, and thereafter close your eyes and imagine the humiliation the husbands of these prominent women (undeniably FFK's premium past bed-mates) have to swallow. Little did they know a day like this would come. Utterly utterly disgusting! Like someone said it, it just won't go away... deal with it! And the point of this grand tirade is... Women, close your legs and keep your dignity! Who is going to buy a cow if he gets milk for free anyway? Disgusting!
Eeeeehnn! Cry! That's what happens to us ladies when we open our legs for every Femi, Fani and kayode in the name of 'dating'. The guy has gobe ballistic and guess whose names are sauteed with mud? Mine? Ha ha! You sure guessed right. Feminism has only given women the short end of the stick and time has come to chew up on that end. Ladies, take note, some guys mouths leak like their d***k! You better be careful who you drop pants for in the name of I'm single and searching'. Just how many frogs do you have to kiss to reach your prince???? Spew all the liberalist rash you want, and thereafter close your eyes and imagine the humiliation the husbands of these prominent women (undeniably FFK's premium past bed-mates) have to swallow. Little did they know a day like this would come. Utterly utterly disgusting! Like someone said it, it just won't go away... deal with it! And the point of this grand tirade is... Women, close your legs and keep your dignity! Who is going to buy a cow if he gets milk for free anyway? Disgusting!
Eeeeehnn! Cry! That's what happens to us ladies when we open our legs for every Femi, Fani and kayode in the name of 'dating'. The guy has gobe ballistic and guess whose names are sauteed with mud? Mine? Ha ha! You sure guessed right. Feminism has only given women the short end of the stick and time has come to chew up on that end. Ladies, take note, some guys mouths leak like their d***k! You better be careful who you drop pants for in the name of I'm single and searching'. Just how many frogs do you have to kiss to reach your prince???? Spew all the liberalist rash you want, and thereafter close your eyes and imagine the humiliation the husbands of these prominent women (undeniably FFK's premium past bed-mates) have to swallow. Little did they know a day like this would come. Utterly utterly disgusting! Like someone said it, it just won't go away... deal with it! And the point of this grand tirade is... Women, close your legs and keep your dignity! Who is going to buy a cow if he gets milk for free anyway? Disgusting!
this man is such a douche ...
Someone really needs to Shut dis Man up, Maybe by SuckerPunching his throat or a Jab to dt his big mouth! He has no Love for d igbos, so he shud stop pretending, He deliberately mentioned those women's Name, Now he's apologising after d Damage has bin done! Mumu! FFK pls take a Hike to Tiimbuktu, dias a Python waiting to french kiss u dia, Onye Ara!
Perfect example;those bloody Nazis saw Jewish women as objects of gratification and siezed the opportunity.
It didn't in any way change the fact that they despised the Jews.
FFK probably saw those women in thesame manner but had his spite against the Ibos hidden.
If he truly respected them at any point in his sorry life,he wouldn't have brought their names up.
Name dropping them just further shows how much HATE he's got for the Ibos,its like saying "not only are you lot what you are,I also had affairs with your women,how about that?"
Nice analysis Chizzy!
A step in the right direction?
Ah Ah Don Funky (1.24pm) you want to kill us. You just de blow bad english left, right and centre. Easy with us please. We are just trying to get past the day. Thank you.
why is someone else apologising on his behalf...was he not the one that used his fingers to type the article??? this is a tongue in cheek apology...he should apologise himself if he truly means it...does this man even have a wife????
Moral of the lesson:
Don't open your pussie for an idiot,
It might come back and bite you in the ass.
I think say FFK no dey fear.Apology ke?Na shame dey catch am! Some dude wrote a long n shamful stuff about him and his household -How Femi Fani Kayode’s Wife and Daughters Slept with Atiku, Obasanjo, Shama And Others Under Femi’s Nose – By Shama Maliga-FFK done hear am! Hahahhahahah!Linda post my comment oh!
I hate this guy so so much but will give it to him for having chops some lovely chicks.
Chizzy, the Igbos are not Jews neither are the Yorubas Nazi Germans
wait so now we are comparing the tribalism in nigeria to the germans and the jews. sweet. u fools do realise that it only takes a little to start a war if u like be running ur mouth about any tribe be it yoruba igbo hausa or the minority tribes. me i sha want one nigeria. no time for all these tribalistic ish. it wouldnt get us anywhere
Sorry 2 say old,educated and untribalistic man,bt u acted rily childish. Keep ur apoplogies 2 ursef and think b4 u speak nxt time!!!
Too late! STUPID MAN!
I think say FFK no dey fear.Apology ke?Na shame dey catch am! Some dude wrote a long n shamful stuff about him and his household -How Femi Fani Kayode’s Wife and Daughters Slept with Atiku, Obasanjo, Shama And Others Under Femi’s Nose – By Shama Maliga-FFK done hear am! Hahahhahahah!Linda post my comment oh!
If I may asked, who made dis basket man of a man minister? Is it everyman on a pant dat they will pick & make him minister? The way he open his mouth this days, one day he will tell us how he slept wit his wife & produce his children if not cautioned. Ode! Mumu! U're not man enough by opening ur mouth so wide.
I think just like me kayode is idle.... Linda it's only when sombody is idle that he or she will have d whole time in d world to talk trash, d pain of leaving office and not getting some juicy contracts is getting on him..my advice to u kayode is go find smting doing,if u find non I can employ u in my pig farm its very lucrative u know..Maclav said so..bia linda I will marry u let's bet!
foolish man
Some men r just too lousy n uncontrollable. At his lousy age he didn't know wot he shd say n wot he shd not. Abeg comot 4 ma eyes joor
"Chief" Fani abi na Fali?
Pls kindly grow up!
U are so immature!
the term "apology" was actually created by stupid and non-entity human beings who "talk-before-they-think",and not the wise and intelligent ones who "think-before-they-talk". Femi fani kayode u definetly knw where u belong so go and bury ur face in shame.
apology not accepted! D more he talks (writes) d more tribalistic he shows himself to be, so he shld just shut up.
I wonder why Oby Ezekwesili dignified the tantrums of this demented and frustrated good-for- nothing bigot by joining issues with him. As if throwing a blanket of generalisation on the entire Igbo nation was not enough,this deranged political nonentity went as far as casting aspersion on the personalities of some Igbo ladies that had crossed his path at various times in the past. If Femi Fani Kayode's place is not in the psychiatrist home,then tell me where else this uncouth and loquacious element should be cooling off?
It still baffles me how he claims to have an aristocratic background, and yet immerse himself in such an ungentlemanly conduct as to mention the names of ladies he had had whatever relationship in the past with(be it sexual or) as he put it, 'long standing intimate relationship'.Someone should check out his tweets with one May Ubeku and see how childish and inarticulate how this supposed opinion molder is. With people like him in APC,I weep for Nigeria.
To all those fans of his who are drumming up the instruments of dance of shame;go on with your ethnic bigotry and tribal innuendos but I tell you something - with people like FFK, Nigeria is doomed. He may have been forgiven by those his apologies are meant to assuage,but one thing is clear;this man lacks the common sense to know when to apply restraint. Therefore, he loses my respect for ever.
soliloquise-meaning---talk to oneself. I must confess that i have secretly learnt a lot of new words from u,there is a difference from someone just using a thesaurus to get same words but can one use a thesaurus to find a word like sililoquise? No,because u cant find 'to talk to oneself' in a thesaurus to see a word like sililoquise,u have to have a good english knowledge to know words like this and for that u have won my respect and love here on this blog
Lesson to all ladies. Pls Look and Think b4 you shagg
Thank you my dear. See them falling over themselves still pouring insults, they will NEVER CHANGE! I am also from the south.
Intimacy does not mean SEX. You start a fire by calling another man's heritage a no man's land but you refuse to see your own wrong when you get a harsh response that you called for. It is better every man knows their boundary so that we can all respect one another. No tribe is special than the other whether you call yourself Oduduwa or Jews of Africa. Respect is the key.
Nigeria is a country where people steal, kill and they are still politically relevant. So because he mentioned he had a relationship with Bianca, so in your small mind, you think he is finished? Get over yourself.
Men of class don't kiss and tell.
I'm not Igbo but as a man a felt insulted by his writing with name of those women?!!! It only proves one thing:that Femi Fani-Kayode is a chronic failure in life, a never do well that equates sex with success!!!
For those who may not know, being in government to launder oneself (with the peoples money) does not translate to being successful or grown-up (matured)and Femi proved that here!!!
Lastly, to worsen the matter I search his write-up to identify where he helped (assisted, favoured, etc) any Igbo man or woman in his entire useless life and could not find any? What does tell about him as a person???!
The man is a mental personality, he is not stable, one day he said if not for Obasanjo that help him where will he be now, even before becoming a minister, he takea drug at Apapa Gra and strongly believe he is still at it.
Yeah right. U didn't hav sex wit em but they were ur girlfriends. The stupidity goes on.Am 30yrs but more of a grown man than ffk
FFk is delusional the truth is that Lagos state is no man's land as a matter of fact lagos state was created by the British as the crown colony and not by the yorubas. Lagos was also the then capital of the present day Nigeria, if according FFk the igbo are trying to acquire what doesn't belong to them which I partially support doesn't call for an hated essay/article or whatever by ffk, althought I didn't read the essay top to buttom but with the little I read all I saw was self hatred against the Igbo tribe...and what really amazes me is the this whole scenario resulted from the sole called 'destitute' that where deported to some Igbo states by the lagos state government so who should be the one(s) arguing? Well I think a rational answer would be that the state governments of the states concerned and not someone who saw this as an opportunity to to express is self hatred against a particular tribe under the guise of objectively telling the bitter truth about the Igbo. Am not and Igbo but I want us to just study the situation. When the Igbo wanted to declare themselves independent as the republic of Biafra why didn't the government allow them so the can go away with their troubles rather than engaging in a 30month civil war that lead to the death of hundreds of thousands which were according to records mainly civilians and also the government wasting millions of dollars in the war.....to cut the long sorry short some of the presipitating factors that lead to this war was the coup of late Gen. Agusi Ironsi while some also added that they also discovered fossil fuel in the Biafra....and government then fought to the last to make sure it was not cut out of Nigeria .......what am saying is that if according to FFK the igbos are acquisitor and also capable of trying to dominate the what doesn't belong to them(Igbos) what then would he say the yorubas or Hausa/Fulani's have done to make Nigeria a better place why can't he also write an article title 'the bitter truth about the yorubas' and 'the bitter truth about the Hausas' instead of making other tribes look like saints.
The guy is suffering from a disease called mouth diarrhea
Dis man is more dan stupid!
Go nd cook beans!
He apologized becos non of the ladies replied him...."silent indeed is the answer to a fool"
every bdy hv past life xo jst 4get abt evry tin no smoke witout fire fani right on point
This is what happens when you have misfits in places of authority..it's sad Nigeria has been enveloped in plain Khakistocracy for a long time now and until we get rid of the likes of Fani Kayode and his cohorts..I'm afraid we are from from the promise land
You are 100% IGBO! It's so obvious.
Igbo women should rather BEWARE of their men who may end up using them for rituals!
FFK dated Bianca in the many years ago. Neither was married at the time. It was during his time at the University in the UK. He has mentioned this a couple of times in his previous writings. Go through his write-ups on Women and love and you'll see it there. They're all on his website.
Give him a break!
you are still an IDIOT!
Is he gay? He looks like mama Chinasa.
The Apology would not have been needed if he took is time to respond carefully to the issues of tribalism and hate speech that arose from his essays ('LAGOS, THE IGBO AND THE SERVANTS OF TRUTH' ,'THE BITTER TRUTH ABOUT THE IGBO').
Personally i have been in background reading and watching the developments that arose from his essays and frankly it is been blown out of proportion, what FFK was expressing is his feeling on the fact that some individuals living in a place like Lagos could call it a "No man's land" which personally i find a little offensive.
I have read both essays and their is no reason why FFK should be labeled a TRIBALIST, he just reminded us about the facts that most seem to have forgotten, his essays are not calling for Yoruba's to pick up arms and fight or make a Yoruba Man or Woman get upset/violent at the sight of an individual who is of Igbo descent .
The Essays just allows us to understand that Lagos can't and shouldn't be called a "No man's Land" just because we have mixed tribes residing in Lagos.
My last words on this issue is this if some individual see Lagos as a "No Man's Land" than what would we say about Accra, the capital of Ghana where we have different tribes residing there but it's a well know fact that is belongs to the Ga's, and no Ghanaian would ever call it a "No Man's Land". If you really want a "No Man's Land" than make sure that 99.99% of the individual residing in Lagos are products of inter-tribal marriages and not because we believe one tribe as more individual or generates more revenue to the state, that my fellow bloggers is a recipe for conflict, which frankly no young Nigerian would take to arms for a war that where for our fathers and not for us.
DD Adeleke
diarrhea of the mouth!
This guy needs more work. I don't think he has enough to be focusing on media like this. Nna, icho oru? I need an assistant.
Give him a break for being continually daft? The man needs help with his verbal diarrhea. Rubbish.
LINDA I HAVE BIN OUT OF CIRCULATION FOR A WHILE AND I JUST GOT IN AND MY FIRST POINT OF CALL WAS YOUR BLOG I WANTED TO TAKE ON THis dick-less clown fani kayode whom i m being told by the way has a penis as small as a puppy but decided not to when i saw yorubas of his own stock reigning abuses and insults on him if his own people find him despicable who am i to join issues with him i rest my case
Most men kiss and tell, it is even worse when a woman becomes a huge figure in society.
Advice for the ladies out there, conduct yourselves properly in any relationship, so that in the end your man/ex would respect you.
There is hardly any man who dint have a love interest before he met his wife (some after), but the difference in how they remember these women is how the women conducted themselves
The stupid man is a huge joke. why must he use women as his example of not being tribalistic if he has no intention of disparaging them. dosent he have any Ibo male friends he can use?
@Nnabuike Ezeh
If Yorubas were tearing apart the nation with tribalism, why are you writing from Lagos
okwa ndi ofe nmanu very soon onisha port will begin 2work they will all kiss igbo ass seing how igbo nation will be flourishing wit the vast exposure on inport and export of goods, bet me 1st Enugu int. Airport is on from now 2 december the igbo nation will witness a new turnin point. Igbo kwenu!!
Mr FFK, always tink b4 u write, mr know all.. mtcheww... my ass
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