Sources at Benin Airport said Daniel Ikehina ran away from home because he was being maltreated and was trying to escape from his parents when he joined the Arik flight. Unfortunately for him the plane wasn't flying to the US, it was flying to Lagos where the stowaway was immediately arrested as he alighted from the wheel well of the aircraft. Daniel is presently in the custody of the State Security Service (SSS) who are trying to unravel how he managed to pull off such a stunt.
Just see how the useless security guy handling a minor. Where are they when the poor boy sneaked into the plane. Our security personnel should be trained on how to handle issues.
That Lad is a hell of an asset.. He should be trained into somffn good for d govt and used!!!!! Period!!! He's got plenty things to offer!!!
Dis boy must be talented
America wonder
Just look at how the boy is being handles by the security men, a minor for that matter. Instead of them to question themselves on how competent they are, that a minor could beat their security.
God save naija,
LOL! I praise his Yankee dreams! How he survived the pressurised nature of that compartment in the plane still marvels me. Naija!!
First off,how did he conceive the idea of sneaking into a plane and for how long did he incubate the thought to such perfection?
Secondly,one cannot even blame the poor lad...he's heard so much of the US and probably thinks its all rosy here hence,his decision to 'board' a plane.
In all,there's need for Nigeria to get better ASAP...only God knows what the next kid is planning;swimming across oceans perhaps.
First off,how did he conceive the idea of sneaking into a plane and for how long did he incubate the thought to such perfection?
Secondly,one cannot even blame the poor lad...he's heard so much of the US and probably thinks its all rosy here hence,his decision to 'board' a plane.
In all,there's need for Nigeria to get better ASAP...only God knows what the next kid is planning;swimming across oceans perhaps.
I weep for the youth of this nation! Just shows the desperation in our people...folks, this is not a laughin matter. Its a desperate cry for help by our youth! Shame on GEJ and past leaders!!!
Lol@handles.. Gbagaun
L̳̿Ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀(=)))ː̖́☺Ö̤̣̇L̳̿ ...dis boy sef,he even carry bag. Lmfao!
SMH. those stupidly wise Edo boiz. learn they wont, even @ d ones in my PPA too would do worst. #2sh
They should release that boy immediately!!! This is an indictment on our government and their failed attempt at governance!! The past and present ruling class shld hide their faces in shame!!
Lol!see wetin jackie chan,rambo,commando n d likes cos,too much watchin of american films,chai!!
Agree wiv u @ idahosa
Still thinking about the whole thing! Dis boy has stuff to offer this country,dey should handle him with care and hear him out.
Nigeria Boys no dey caRry last
You are so right! Use his foolishness for the good of the country...
I think this boy is 1 of d most talented boy ive heard.Arik air need him,cos he has many more.
Poor child! I can only imagine d brushing they've given him. Sigh #JayBeyBlu
What else can I say....how security system in naija hmmm.... we have a long way to go.God pls help us.
Lmao omo lo omo he won run 4 him life na!!! Stupid security pple see as dem hold dem like say dem catch tiff! If na boko dem fit wait!!my dear boi try harder jare next time he go land u 4 US!
Linda dis is too much Ooooooh. Dis little boy needs to be introduced to James bond.i mean he has a BIG heart.do u knw wht pressure it is for a plane taking off abd then landing.....abeg Linda interview dis boy,his got some talent u knw.....
Da Boy Has Got A Dream!!! Da Martin Luther Kind. U Gotta Love His Spirit...
Abeg make una free dat dude jhur,he was only trying τ̅☺ escape from his maltreating parents..............but the boi get mind o
That's one rugged boy............. Нę²Нę²Нę²Нę²Нę²e
What's foolishness he's just a child abeg.dis boy has sense he just needs to be developed for him to use it for good
Heyaah! This is a desperate cry for help from a poor maltreated boy. Who knows what he has undergone to make him think of running away to America! Chai! The Govt. Should please take care of that boy and give him sound education.
That stupid policeman manhandling that poor lad needs to be dragged to Fed. High Court for abuse of his civil rights. What an old fool!
They are trying to unravel gini? Him be winch? Abegi! This is how the government lets talent go to waste. Since he's being maltreated they need to sponsor him and train him well as a highly-paid security agent.
Very silly boy he could have died in d tyre compartment people shld be aware of d danger in such stupid act especially young people oyinbo land is nt wat it use to be stay home learn trade and be wat God want u to be
d boy don watch prison break finish he wan break out 4 dis prison call naija...d boy go get tattoo make dem remove he shirt....naija scoified
lies, lies, lies. the media is speculating nothing but lies regarding the boy's intention. this has nothing to do with the so called maltreatment from his parents as the media claim or who ever. it simply has to do with the harsh poverty experience in the country
God will use d foolish things of this world 2 confound d wise...his foolishness has only further exposed the slack hands of our airport security ppl! I keep asking,what if that boy had bombs on him? Sebi na mid air him 4 scatter every? So why are the security ppl formin action nw? SSS wants 2 knw how he pulled it off? Mchewwwww. I sha hope they don't ova do wit dis lil boy now coz he dsnt hav sm top shot who'll shut their mouth with money. We still have security issues 4 them 2 handle,like making sure this never repeats itself *rme*
My own question is how did he do it and how did he survive it since we cannot breath at 14,000 feet.na wa ooooo
He even wore cardigan for the cold,I love this lad...pray his American wish will be granted.
Hopefully someday lil kid.
They should suspend all the security officials and the boy is quite a strong lad,very brave..
See naija rubbish airline system, if to say na bomb the boy carry enter plane,no be wetin we they talk we go dey talk. F.G should employ this boy before boko-harram handle him.
dis boi nah comando joor, mk una leave am ooooooo, or u na wan learn work?
The lil kid must have been watching prison break lately. Lol
Where is my Bonario, d only guy I like on LIB
Pls leave story, dis poor boy deserves some National Awards mehn. It's d security personnels dat need to be checked datsall
Can't stop laughing may I shuld try dat stunt bt mine na USA I dey go straight up lol
In the middle of any/every situation, just say it is well.
Lol OMG this is d funniest shit ever.. I actually told my friend yesterday that I'm sure d boy thought it was an international flight.. If this happens in the western world, this boy go just become celeb over night. I must say this guy has potential and he's so brave. How did he even survive?
This boy is sooo funny......what was he thinking
James bond things...
I totally agree with u. Imagine the handling like he some criminal...mtsheeew
Nice yarn.he should be trainned and used.
Nigerians always afraid to die that's why we don't bring anything new to the table...the boy didn't die final...the boi na talent abeg make the rest go dey trade and do d normal tin till dey die
ROTFLMAO!!! Omo boy wan enter yankee. The officials are crazy though, rough handling a minor like that?! Useless people.
the return of zik.... hhahaahaha
But this isn't funny. .. that boy could have died in there
@idahosa on point........d boi has got so much talent.
When I read dis when the news broke out I was like stupid boy,e for target plane wey dey go america,now I feel better knowing he had bigger dreams lol
i agree with mich and ,badmus oluwasegun ,
How he survived is still a mystery
in all this.... I see DETERMINATION in that boy....learn from him guys
I feel sorry for the poor child.May Allah help us all cos I don't know where this fucking country is heading too.9ja tire me Ma self.
What da,Menh even Jacky chan can take this much risk.This's a talent waiting to be explored
Like seriously.....as if he's some boko haram.....#itayafornaijao#
Rosie Said....... Anonymous 6:21pm, Pls dont call this child silly. we should learn to have compassion on those who are less fortunate than we are. Imagine your 14 year old self. Who knows what this little boy has been going through in his young life that made him to stowaway? Now our "silly" security and Arik operatives will punish him unduly for exposing their own inefficenties.Pls take it easy with him........ just pleading.
Very funny !abey make una free dat boy or better still take his to US
Nawa ooh...well,i'll just repeat what i said before;the boy na James Bond "0050"
@ least 4 once don't blame our leaders,blame d youths,d followers of our leaders,Who voted 4 GEJ???no be us?dis young boy needs 2 be given a new life,education,care e.t.c $ he wld neva have made it if d plane was going 2 d US,what about d heavy wind up there $ all dat?what about Cold?in a plane tire?no no no,he shld be glad d plane came 2 Lagos isf nt,maybe he wld av fallen 4rm d sky $ landed dead on a desert,forest,cliff or an ocean,bt I feel 4 d boy,everybody had dreams bt life Ȋ̝̊̅§ nt always a bed of roses,na America he go suffer pass sef. Laidae.
You said it.
Abi o, instead of security operatives to cover their faces in shame they are busy displaying skills in maltreating de boy. where were they wen he was sneaking in? What if he had expolosives on him. Mscheeew
If that bag had contained explosives,that's how it wud hv been planted successfully & then kaboom!! In d air.God forbid.shame on d security operatives.
U pple should stop saying government abeg! Na government b d parent wey dey maltreat am? Or na government give am d idea to do wetin he do? We can like to blame d government for everything ! Kai I pity dis generation nd dier stupid ways of reasoning! @xclucivexter
Poor lad...
SEe wat american movie has done to dis boys life! Ehn?
Poor boy
~D great anonymous!
Chai! I feel 4 d kid tho.
Datz gud,wetin em wan go do fr yanki?yeye pikin wan jst wan die
This 1 na bad market!
Tot when you are above the cloud you cannot breathe, this boy na witch
If a child has lost hope in his country...
We r stil lagging in d aspect of security
Thank God the plane was going to lagos and not the US. He would have died on a flight that long in a non pressurized compartment
But dis nigga go hard tho...lol
Instead of maltreating the boy, they should train him so he can work for the sss later. The boy apparently has more sense and tact than all of them put together. Cos of they release him, boko haram go just give the Naija Scofield work asap. A word is enough for the wise.
you are d witch,monkey
Thank you do much. I fell the same way.
So on point.Dont mind foolish asses here calling him a witch
Proudly a benin boy, we must travel, lol
I love the little fella die! He is a genius! He already analysed things. study the lapse security at the benin airport before making his move. He belong to the elite intelligent team. abimboladebayo.blogspot.com/?m=1
They shuld allow him be joor! Iz it nt dem nd there usual lapses! Linda post my comment O!
Boss said so....
Chai!!! Really weeping for this boy. He must av had a tall dream. I pray he is not maltreated after proper questioning. He has a great ambition and dis is how God want to introduce him to the world cos imagine the headlines he will be making in foreign media. I think he has made history if u ask me.
sorry child your dream was cut short. this is really funny and serious
US shd come nd train this guy cos he'll be useful in their CIA.If he can actually break d airport nd airline security.Then he can be used to break into National Security of d State's Enermy.
Please leave the poor boy alone. He is just trying to check out..........I salute the 'jJack Bauer' spirit in him.
Please leave the poor boy alone. He is just trying to check out..........I salute the 'Jack Bauer' spirit in him.
This young boy is a product of a Hopeless nation. I feel sooo sad to see a young child who is supposed to be in school, looking for a way out of his own mother-land.
Where is the justice in all of this, The Nigerian child have no hope anymore and it pains me that no one cares.
This boy has a bright future. @14 yrs to have d liver to pull such a stunt, balls of steel and clearly very smart. A risk taker.
nawao a child of 14yr old knows dat there is no hope is this country o
this is why I love Nigerians they are capable of anything
Supposing it happened oversea maybe cia or fbi would av taken him n trained him 4 d future cos he has gat a g8t talent dere bt 9ja own go different, dey should give him lyf jor and he shall profit dem.
Supposing it happened oversea maybe cia or fbi would av taken him n trained him 4 d future cos he has gat a g8t talent dere bt 9ja own go different, dey should give him lyf jor and he shall profit dem.
Supposing it happened oversea maybe cia or fbi would av taken him n trained him 4 d future cos he has gat a g8t talent dere bt 9ja own go different, dey should give him lyf jor and he shall profit dem.
@ anonymous 5:55PM u are a fool.
OMG! I pray 4 some kind of good 2 wrk out 4 ds boy out of ds incident, a miracle
What are Nollywood film Directors waitng for this boy na stunt man(boy) o!
Why won't d poor boy want 2 run,afta being mistreated at home d stupid security personnels r stil rough handling him..instead of thanking God he's alive and safe..poor baby,God be with u
Na Naija wonder not America wonder
Dis country is fuck't if it was to be london u will see all de paparazzi tin nd histry will be made 4 dis guy nd his family 4 gud gudness sake is a risk taker who desve to be on guniness book of record. As young as de boi is tired of his country dis shuld draw de attention of de government
Too much of american film
Dat show how bad the country iz for dat little boi to be despirate moving out of nija dat is bad.
Lol exactly
Anon 7:37 u said it all.
Don't mind d stupid security. afta seein dis post I had goosebumps..hw d hell did he survive-d pressure,d lack of oxygen,d cold..wat if he fell off.God is really on ur side...its only in a stupid country like dis dat a minor can be treated dis way,when they shud be punishing themselves for endangering his life through their incompitence
That's my BOY!! Please don't relent oh becos by by 25years U shud be gunning 4d MOON. Lol!!!!!
He shld be snt 2 a millitary sch, his got d talent! I wonder what wld ve happened if dat lil boy had bomb on him.may God help naija
Assumin na muslim pikin na,e 4 carry bomb...and it wud av bin a diff story#justSaying#........... Ruchy
talented i tink, obama must buy u@c.i.a
@johnson..na benin d boy dey come from. Gordons don talk am finish,benin ppl can land anywhere!
Linda, I want to sue he security man rough handling a minor that way, please raise the issue, I am ready to buy Keyamo, meanwhile, human rights lawyers please, take note of the rough handling Ben meted out to this minor, after all where were the so called security men when he entered the tyre hole? See the security man holding him like say, " yes, I don catch am" fools.
Ow is dis possible witout d help of arik airlines staffs.
The boy is toomuch
I wish I were wise like you when I was 14. Don't steal, don't make people unhappy. You've got the mind and I guess you are "ambitious" (lol) I've got three words for you: KEEP IT UP. Fellow bloggers, don't bite lines (˘̯˘ )( ˘˘̯)
The best question / comment so far from this matter. People don't think
shaRp Boy....buh next tym strategize better. useless Naija security. incompetent pple, jes imagine; dat small boy breached their security unit without dem knowin!
shaRp Boy....buh next tym strategize better. useless Naija security. incompetent pple, jes imagine; dat small boy breached their security unit without dem knowin!
abeg they shld release d boy o.I keep wondering how he survived it.
Well its not as easy as one thinks bt 2 b honest someone or group of people are behind dis cos as naïve as I may b I've been boarding aircraft 4 as long as I can remember bt does not kw dat dias somewhere by d wheels dat one can also sit or lay down n b comfortable while d plane flys so someone planned it wit one or few of security perssonnels at d Benin airport definitely d sect BH n cunningly wore him d rosary 2 confuse us bt let dem ask d boy his religion n qustion him thourouly d truth must surely come 2 lime light. He is being trained 4 something believe me dis is Niger where everything is possible. I rest my case till further notice.
loooooooooool, so US will solve his batter? poor boy
All i can say is that the rosary on his neck protected him. He is not a witch.
yesoooooooooooo, atleast d plane is not only meant for d rich, maltreat him or not he had eatn with a king, n beliv me get connected to personalities but pls human rights remember his not up to eighten as d law demands. D boy played a nice game, though risky but God was really by his side. Niger fools, dat call themselves security men, stay away from him n allow him to reach his target, ochu okukuko nwe ada.
But serzly, what if dat boy was carrying explosives?
How on earth did he beat the airport security? His name is Bond.....Daniel Bond!
I would suggest he should be taken to the hospital for some medical checks; the ears should be properly checked. I can't imagine him being in that compartment/enclosure with that high pitch noise from those jet engines for abort an hour without ear plugs!.........Nigeria my beloved country!
the guy left the house fully prepared, wore a cardigan for the cold and a rosary for protection.
quite funny but i dont blame d poor boy, y wont he find his way out of this rotten country where there is no hope no future for the youths, with all d rubbish happening. big shame to jonathan n his cabinet
Huge shame on the security officials! Where were their incompetent asses when that boy bypassed check-in, without a boarding pass, and how d hell did he get on the tarmac??? And did u see he had a bag? The guy was ready and packed! Eyah! He's lucky it was a 35min local flight, and the altitude was still ok for him. If that flight was int'l, he pro'lly wud've died and his body dropped in d sea as a snack for the piranhas....hehehehe! Bini ppl sha..."I must travel go outside country"..."I must to go evwebo Europe"...wha dooo oooo! wha hia wese ooo! Lwkmd!
the security should hide their faces in shame. and take it easy with that boy.
Just shows how dumb the airline sucurities are, if a boy of 14 could do that (Amazing stunt) then some1 else will try again, those guys should be sacked and live the poor genius and amazing young boy alone
the security should hide their faces in shame and take it easy with the young man
Instead of them to try and ask him how he did it and help channel his energies positively they'll beat him and throw him in some juvenile home. SMH.Our so called security operatives don't have his sense, abroad he'll be in in the CIA training school na wa.
Lol! Linda abi I talk am...d boy tink say evry oloplane dey go america..
sharp kid. he should not be handled like that. i think he was desperate enough to orchestrate such thing.
Sharrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrap. Anony5.55pm is Right. Ode
The SSS shouldn't maltreat him but rather ask him his mind. He may probably be of help to them. Again I heard that the SSS were questioning the mother of the boy, can a mother send her own child out to do such thing. His a brave boy and need to be train.
In custody? To unravel what? That boy is a minor and should be released immediately... Nonsense...why don't they channel there energy on unraveling the people behind boko haram, smuggling weapons of destruction into Nigeria...
Proud 2 b a Benin boy (100% Edo boi)....†ђع boy don prove sey Edo ₪☺ dae carry last,pata-pata N̶̲̥̅̊ά̲̣̥ draw...nice 1 lil Scofield, it's a 20million dream baby
As funny as this might sound it is a really serious issue.. I'm forced to think this Lad has some kind of possession in him and the fact that he's from Benin(I'm sorry to say).. Tell me who survives 14,000ft altitude where you have no oxygen, the heat from sunlight or extreme cold.. He probably changed into something else in there to accomplish his mission, buh thankfully there were children of God on board that nullified his plans.. Security officials should be more careful, if they don't come through bombs they could come through spiritual manipulation..Lol...CHIC..
D security should pls let boy go, or alternatively d govt should sponsor this poor boy 2 sch.
D security should pls let boy go, or alternatively d govt should sponsor this poor boy 2 sch.
Eyah....Boy didn't do his research well, or he'd have know dat benin airport wasn't an int'l one! Just can't stop laffin at d 'mumurity' of the security personnel and Arik staff! They must all have had a morose and 'WTF' look on their faces seeing d boy-hero 'touching down' from his 'safe flight' with his rosary n backpack! In loud bini exclamation, this is a case of 'Awa bie yuwa'! Tee-hee-hee
@ soul, u re very correct. Let d sss nd military intelligence tak dat boy b4 he ends in d hands of wrong ppl. Dat boy has guts
The Nigerian airport security is crap their scanners don't even work . I recently travelled for muritala international airport and everyone took drinks and water pass the depature gate and the only reason it was taken away was because they manually searched us before we borded the plane
Govt should help him bcos he is ambitious i fink poverty made him do dat but he wants his American dream to come through. Linda post my comment
Hmmm, see as ds brave teen just becom celeb over night... I weep f ds country- security lapses evrywhere, joblessness, no hope f d youths, lack of quality education etc. Even a 14 year old lad feels dat "obodo oyibo" is where life is. smh, Arik air shud b sued. I wonda how d boy even survived, all I can say t him is 'Chi gi mu anya' ( ur God is awake). Biko security operatives shud hide dier faces in shame n handle d boy wt care cos in d face of d law; he is a minor.
Where was the airport security from the airport the plane took off from....shame on u guyz
he would have frozen to death if the flight had actually gone to the US. SO he should just manage lagos and be grateful he is alive
Obviously this lad has not heard of the Congolese boy whose body dropped out of a wheel-well on to a farmer's field,as the plane was landing. Many a stowaway have perished by taking such risks. I hope he does not attempt this again. It could be fatal
The security people are so retarded I can't blame the boy we all knw ow things are in dis country of ours...tank God he is alive
Kristen Stewart has finally responded to rumors that she's a favorite to play
Movie...soon Book awesome written by E L James....
fifty shades of grey movie
This boy is a hero
hahahaa! to whoever who said America Wonder!...lool o shiit...laugh wan finish me
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