Just like some of you, millions of Batman fans are against him playing the role and have asked Warner Bros to drop him or they will boycott the movie.
There's already a petition on Change.org for Warner Bros to drop Affleck; a petition that already has over 10,000 signatures. What do you think of Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne? See what others think..
Lol. The petition...
1st comment!, im too just good and too jobless on a friday night!
First to comment yay!
Ben has all the acting charisma and all but I don't place him as the trademark action hero guy type, so I dissent to him being the next bat man too.
Tha stephen whitty is crazy.
Gotta go check out his tweets
He must be damn hilarious.
*runs to twitter
not in support as well
Linda I guess u run out of gist atimes, what has this irrelevant post got to do wth d economy of my country?????? I knw Libers won't comment on dis irrelevant post of urs
Prince you talk like a pro,you really know your stuffs. i agree.
I don't think he is tough enough for the role of batman. He comes across to me as a romantic comedy type of actor.....
D̶̲̥̅̊ guy I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ kinda dull
They might as well use Jim Iyke to play the lead role for the movie adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey!
I personally think Affleck was boring on Daredevil,why use him on another action hero movie?
man of steel? isn't that superman?
You just had to post something
He can play any role. After all he's Ben Affleck.
Why wud Christian Bale be dropped in the first place. Jim Caviezel is farrrrrr better than Ben Affleck. Its 'Batman' we are talking about o not 'Samurai Jack'... Make them sign petition shap shap!!!
ehhh if it's irrelevant y did u comment
Its just so wrong to play 2 different superheroes na, he is daredevil already. Daredevil can't become batman na
Opening in 2015, if na nollywood: opening next week.
omo 2 b honest ehhh ben ix 2 dull 4 my liking ,bt any way sha jus gv im d role so dat ix popularity star will increase linda abeg pam my comment
Lol @Adadio. I only read cos I was bored nd comnted cos I saw just 8 comnts as at d time am comntn
That's why its an entertainment blog everything goes she's not a political bloger...About that Ese's story there's no space there I really need to air my opinion,I belive her I av been a victim of such I had no choice dan to swallow it she's brave!its not until when you are forced to av sex u r abused Nigerians need to understand dat and for the love of God will Nigerians stop worshipping their pastors??? I lost interest in church going because of this terrible behavoiur,all these pastors r human some were called by God,many are just using it as a business venture! I feel for d Ese girl but she's strong though..... linda biko post this
i don't want Ben Affleck i've watched every Batman with Christian Bale in it and he embodies the character like he is Batman i'm not judging Affleck i have nothing against him i sha don't want to see him playing a role he's not suit for when there's a better alternative
In ma eyes, Matt Damon can do no wrong. Ben ain't an action hero. He's too...parochial.
Ada my namesake, without sounding rude I want to remind you that life exists beyond the Nigerian borders.. Even if this info is of no use to you, some others will find it very useful...
Linda, on d COZA story, last month I had a similar story with dis so called pastors but in another ministry, dis pastors of nowadays r somethin else, I hv stopped goin to church for now, thinkin of goin back to deeperlife where I ws born.. The end tym is truely near
Is this a joke or what,can he fit into that role,Visit Angel Maryjane David Blog.
Oh Linda! What hv u got do with me, are u a Pharisee? U won't enter & u won't allow those who want to enter. Just post my comments. U leave important comments & post rubbishes like "ayam the first to comment" etc
@Adadioranma I guex it didn't occur 2 u dat u just commented...lol!! Nxt tym wen u dnt find linda'z post interestin dnt call it irrelevant wen itz relevant 4 some odaz...just read an passby.one more thing if d economy of your country iz of big importance and concern 2 you start now soo u can improve it in d near future 4 your nxt generation!!#flipz hair,rollin eye and walkzaway#
Motion seconded
I'm not too sure this role fits him sha ohh
God knows how much of a Batman fan I am. All the comics I've read, the shows and movies I've watched.
I can say Ben Affleck is an okay actor and wonderful director but you need someone special to play Batman as you'll be playing 2 roles: Batman and Bruce Wayne. Complexity is here and I highly doubt Affleck is a good choice for this especially when he blew his first chance as a Superhero.
Ben Affleck as batman, might as well have taye taiwo play Cinderella.
i tot ben affleck was already a superhero which is DARE DEVIL, its just like asking his wife jennifer garner to play Catwoman when she is already Electra.... they shld look for another person abeg. Some of us are used to seeing him as Dare Devil.
Flop. Doesn't suit him.
I fink fans shd cut him som slacks nd allow him prove himslf worthy of d new lead role.Who knws he'll outshine christian bale.u neva can tel.criticism has a tendency 2bring out d vry best in us
Am sure u guys are saying NO cos the Americans are saying No to Ben Affleck being †Ñ’ε̲̣̣̣̥ next batman. Ben Affleck is the best man for the job, he is one of the greatest actor of our generation and am so happy he is playin Batman can't wait to see the movie.
Trust me if ts nt christian bale ders no pt mkn a sequel
Wetin be my own?
nobody cares
nobody cares
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥Æ ̴̴̴͡k⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ ooo. Laidae
We haven't forgotten dare devil . WE HAVEN'T .. Ben is more of a biopic ,drama actor/director but super hero ? Naaaaaaah .I join the petition sef .
U know prince directed "coming to america" so he knows a lot bout movies......
Why is christian bale out of it.
Is bale sick of being bat man
its just for that superman movie duh...ur batman franchise still dey kampe, besides, he's got a good jaw
i like man of steel
The hell no! He can try the Joker role of better still they can create his own super hero role. For example daffy duck!
Shey dis prince charming and bonario really de exist sef abi na linda handwork?
Ben affleck ruind daredevil. He lookd bored n out of character. Nd he lookd awful in d costume. No more chances. I join d petition, stick 2 drama. Just sayin...D curious1
Watch it when it comes out and then decide. Parochial ko parachute ni.
Ben as wart!!??? Bat gini??? It's like its bcos his name starts wit a "B".. I can not place him in dat character at all. He isn't as poker faced or honestly as awesome as batman, and dis is coming from a girl....Ben don't make pple hate u more plz, just say no.....leave gotham city and stick to....wateva it is u do better....I watched daredevil and.....*bursts into tears* don't ruin batman for me too....*runs out crying*
( this is going to be dare devil all over again):) we have Gerard Butler and other very cool actors na why this guy?And again hope they have called a pastor to brake the voodoo abi death jinx that goes with the movie ohhhhh
If Daredevil was any indication...Ben Affleck should definitely not play the role of batman PLEASE...he should stick to directing. At least he did a good job with Argo!
Ben ben are u sure u can play that role of a batman,he is a good actor anyway,Visit Angel Maryjane David Blog.
If the other Bale was that bad in their eyes, they shd give the role to Gareth Bale (of Totenham) na...or any of the Bale's in Lagos...Bale na Bale!!!
WHAT! Ben afleck does not have d "BATMAN" Persona. Why shud they drop Christian Bale??? Even Jim Caviezel wud make a better act!
WHAT! Ben afleck does not have d "BATMAN" Persona. Why shud they drop Christian Bale??? Even Jim Caviezel wud make a better act!
No be fight na! Na u get blog? Lol!
Shawty need to lighten up a lil',taking life too seriously!
Soup wey sweet,na money kill am! Takes time,money,the right backing and a whole lot of planning amongst others to shoot a good movie for maximum R.O.i. Corporate bodies& the Government especially need to throw their backs behind nollywood for significant changes to be witnessed. Till then,its produce this week, release next week. WORD!!!
Try this u can earn good...http://ThePaidTask.com/?refcode=124598
And no one cares about you ode.
Linda hw far I never see my comment.
He will make a good batman.Which one is your own Linda
@Bonita, the only shock will be if Daredevil is better than his portrayal of Batman, abet, they should toss Ben. After that disaster Daredevil, they shouldn't allow him play a Superhero, unless its the Invisible Man
He shld stick to drama. He's not funny, neither is he superhero material. It's like asking Jim Carey to act as President of USA in any movie
Do u pple ever think of his wife and little kids u ar destroying their lives, its not enough that u slept with a married man and pastor, she had to come and post her dirty linen in public. What victim exactly ar u guys refering to?? Dat she didnt knw he was a pastor or a married man?? Or dat she was jazzed into going back a second time?? Wen d going was good, did we hear d gist, no. Y ar some women so selfish self, u went to a pastors hotel room, u sat on his lap, knowing d full implication, u kissed him and had sex with him severaLly, u went back dere over and over again? Wat victim here? Ese made her choices, d very moment she went back to him a sec time, she made her choices and i expect her to be a big girl and live with it. Dont get me wrong, am not supporting d pastor one bit, he made his choices too and he gonna live with it all tru. But i dont want to hear victim here ohhh, dey had an affair without thinking abt d consequnces. A strong woman will look d pastor in d face and say, no sir i cant sit on ur laps and leave immediately, but weak women alws give in, so dear Ese, u ar not a strong woman, infact u ar so weak. To make matterz worse, u fell inluv with a married man without thinking abt his family and pple ar here praising u for illicit affair. Its just a pity.
Ben is a cool actor sometimes and a wonderful director, he shld leave it at that. Not sure I would love to see him in the costume and I feel he is old for the character even if he supposed to be mature and all. As for playing two super heros, Chris Evans played the human touch in fantastic 4 and Captain America I guess that can slide.
Hmmm, doesn't sound bad to me!
I can't STAND him please let him not come near a super hero movie.
he didnt do well in the movie..DARE DEVIL he starred in...so i pretty tink he wouldnt do well as BATMAN. Word!!!!
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