Angelo did not propose to his model girlfriend last night | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 26 August 2013

Angelo did not propose to his model girlfriend last night

I'm sure some of you read online that Beverly's man (for now) South African dancer Angelo Collins proposed to his girlfriend last night? Erm, no he actually didn't. The photos you see above were posted online by friends of Angelo's girlfriend (before he entered BBA) Candice Arends, who were obviously angered by his public display of affection with Bev during the BBA finale. They made it seem like Candice was at the after party with Angelo and already got an engagement ring from him. But the reality is, the ring Candice is flaunting above is a promise ring Angelo gave her when they were dating before BBA. Angelo has since said his relationship with Candice wasn't serious and is happy with Bev.

Candice and her friends are not happy about it and have been posting photos of the two on Twitter since last night. To prove what? That he was serious with her? More photos after the cut...

 Angelo with his new love... Beverly


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Anonymous said...

Bev aint a match 4 Angelo's chic....fink d dude shud go wiv his white gf cos she's prettier n sexier.....#jezsaying#

Anonymous said...

I can see the passion of luv angelo has 4 beverly in his eyes...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Drama! Can't wait to hear what happens #JayBeyBlu

Oluwakemi Anna said...

Wether it's true that he propose or not, am waiting as things keep unfolding.....oju wa lo ma shey.

Anonymous said...

Oh really? Cool
Am I first?
Angelo is ugly oooo

Anonymous said...

I seriously dunno what they see in this guy. Mtchew,

Unknown said...

I really don't give two hecks about em!!!!!!! So it's a ((((((K))))) for. Me!


Anonymous said...

I reserve my comment

Anonymous said...

Shameless girls. But come to think of it? What's in Angelo sef? His dada dada hair or his scattered teeth or his HIV infected penis? SMH! My advice to Bev is to go and get her self a white BF. Y'all wouldn't know what am saying until later. Cos' no African or Nigerian man would want to wife her. Whites are not really decent.!!!

Banana said...

Lmao...please I beg him in the name of God, kindly go back to ur gf. We do not wish to accomodate mop heads like you in Nigeria here, I beg you Brother Angelo. Let such mops only be grown in SA and don't contaminate our country...thanks!

Sir benkord said...

This Dada guy self too they poke ladies oooo hahaha na only u....?? Pls no break Bev heart so that she will not loose it all..... She lost d BBA money she go still loose u......angela Abi na Angelo u be take time oooo.....even if bev fall our hand for d house we still love her as a naija girl....i rest my case.

kblings said...

Buh seriously this is supposed to be wonder you are called a junkie queen. Promise ring kor,guru maraji charm ni. Tshewwwww

Unknown said...

Coming back to read comments.First to commentttt

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

First to comment as always. Your one and only OSun Princess. Peaz;)

Temmy said...

He tot Beverly is going to win ,now that did not happen ,he will go back and beg his babe, u will see, my opinion . Gbam!

MY TURN said...

Angelo we dash you...

Anonymous said...

You two look fabulous together! Beverly dear! Enjoy the lust while it last!

Anonymous said... pls

Anonymous said...

Linda, wetin concern us with all these yeye yeye stories, ehh?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm candy shod chill.angelo's happy wiv bev.linda oya post o...

Utonwa said...

Truth is: 1.You can never be sure of what a man wants.
2. Do not boast that reality shows can not change a when he says "Babe am just going in there for the money" be sure to kiss your relationship goodbye!

Anonymous said...

Awwww! Beverly stole Angelo's heart! She was too nice to him n she was too good 2 be true. He said on d LIVE SHOW yesterday that Bev is d only woman he has ever dated that will wake up in d morning n ask him if he is ok. He said Bev is a vry caring n a nice girl. I wish them well, but Angelo I tnk its time to tak that shit off ur head. I so dislike that long rubbish u ve on.

Anonymous said...

Oh pls Angelo is not a man 2 fyt over... 1st of all he looks lyk a homo erectus I mean wats wit dat mop lyk tin on hs head he calls hair...mtcheww... Na d kyn man wey fit beverly b dis sha.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...


Anonymous said...

Bev should move on. this guy na idiot!. after announcing wen he was evicted that the reason he n bev fought b4 him leaving was cos she wanted "some" n he wasnt in the mood or something. MUMU.
i dey suspect that guy sef.

Anonymous said...

They both look sick in dat pix tho @Angelo n bev #Aids tinz

Anonymous said...

mtcheeew. Most of the pics looked photoshoped. Not real

Lucian said...

Women and drama.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't count, babe got hit on live tv.. The whore of life... she shud just wait in SA ooo, don't bother coming back

Unknown said...

na wo oooooo

ebira babe said...

Don't understand some babes sha,d guy no badu u again,whatz d point of showing us evidence that u guys were once dating...I'm of d opinion dat a woman has d right to lay claims to d man she is legally married to.Even @ that there is a limit on how far u wud go when fighting for ur man.

Anonymous said...

Angelo wil dump Beverly for sure cos she talks too much

prince d preacher said...

comedians always on the move. Cant fit laf

Anonymous said...

woow abeg angelo n beverly match jor..!who follow me see am?!abeg make ona try marry o..!#doctorbobby

Joyful said...

Ha this is ridonkulous

Unknown said...

Bev nd ange al d way

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm Beverly! I ga ebuli kwa...can u fight dz SA fight u r brewing..

marypacy said...

Beverly I pray as u did not win BBA pls try to win angelo's love so u have one at hand cos u can't loose the two

Anonymous said...

Beverly oo afro candy is. Calling you for a scene in her next porn movie, now that u are still broke. Naija don see everything already no need to hide oo, let's make money. Afrocandy said:


I'm porting over to dreadlocks. Looks like fine girls dig it.

Anonymous said...

This guy is damn fugly.....

Anonymous said...

Pweety beverly, I knw ul be more famous than ugly karen igho that won bba and went to be a PIDGIN Englsh Radio presenter.

fancy said...

U can never force ursef an a man, u can only fool ursef. If his mind is made up for BEV. , girl nothing u can do will bring him back instead u rile him with ur actions. A lady is meant to be pursued not d oda way round

Anonymous said...

Make d babe chill ojare, she wud only make hersef look foolish, her part in d story is ex.....

adorable jewel said...

Beverly of all cute ladies****u must be Shameless and cheap as d BEV hoe

Anonymous said...

She's coming back n she's coming back richer dan u bad mouthed people!!!!

Anonymous said...

U ppl should free dis girl who want 2 live her life d way she want it abi ? Wantin b una problem

Oge said...

Beverly is not the whore of life.she sha did with one person in the house and she was carried away with her emotions.So pls dont judge or better still drop by and say nothing!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish it works for them so dat Beverly's name will not be rubbished again. its all about love, though she went too far. Bev pls be creful and stop smoking eee.

Anonymous said...

and no be say the guy even fine o smhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahh,y did he nt propose 2 d gf 4 real,e 4 make sense

cutemumm said...

Angelo is not ugly..Beverly is a hoe and so?? Would that add to your own bride price?? I wish her what she wishes for and that's Angelo's love..

Anonymous said...

If you have not had sex here, raise your hand!!!!!! Because cameras were not in the room when you were doing it abi. She is not a whore. Please shut your dirty mouths and check a dictionary for the meaning of 'whore'

Anonymous said...

Linda, stop giving beverly hope... She n angelo CANT WORK!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow happy for beverly though she messed up but atleast angelo didn't dump her he loves her

Anonymous said...

What the hell is a promise ring??!

MlleP said...

Bev is not a whore of life. She's an adult who made a choice to be with someone in the house. I might not agree with the nudity on live tv but it is certainly not for me or anyone else to judge her. Live ur own life

Angie said...

Candice, move on alraedy....He was never ur man as it didn't work out, fullstop

Anonymous said...

I hope dis end well sha..

aysha said...

What bev did with angelo on d BBA show is morally wrong as a woman I feel bad but pple should expect it cos dats what d show is all about # show of immorality#.BBA should b stopped abeg it has outlived its usefulness.

Anonymous said...

Bev,isn't bad as pple project her to be,I remember Angelo saying she inspired him to read his blible and pray too.Bimp the same.stop hating!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

everybody wants a naija babe jo. cant you see that rich chocolate skin. Almost sweet as mine. Awon haters.she's not a hoe abeg! she's a real woman!

ASHIYA said...

Warreva (in Jennifer's voice), its their business,,, duhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Shut up!Talk active.

Anonymous said...

U never born ur bossom is already flat like slippers.I saw it during dat shower hour.Ashewo jatijati, omo irole aye. A daughter we are not proud to have. Oloso. Linda post ma comment oooo

Anonymous said...

Beverly U never born ur bossom is already flat like slippers.I saw it during dat shower hour.Ashewo jatijati, omo irole aye. A daughter we are not proud to have. Oloso. Linda post ma comment oooo

Anonymous said...

Which one be promise ring again?? Hian!

Ada Joseph Nzewi said...

Which one be promise ring??!

Opeedo said...

i really dont understan this two
click HERE for more gist

Anonymous said...

Abeg wetin b d difference between engagement and promise ring?

Giddytohpweedy said...

Wateva jare.... He wants to be with BEV now.. Make the oda move on biko.. Ppls change , even heart does..

Anonymous said...

Anon 2.43

Maybe, u are so broke, that $5,000 will solve your problem.. For me, I'm richer than that whore...

By the way, isn't it funny that its only Ethopia where are ashewo blood is rili from, dat voted for her

Eida said...

I don't see any sign of "Cute" around this Angelo dude..

nabel said...

If its a show of imorality, y den did dillish win? Did she misbhave? 4christ sake BBA is a adult show dat is optional n evry1 is accountable 4 his or her attitude. Bigbrother did nt list sex as part of rules in d ouse.

Ify said...

I wsh u d best,beverly.i know u have made some mistakes but who are we to judge.we are not one is perfect.i pray angelo gives u d love u are seeking cos u deserve to be loved.i wsh u and melvin d best in u 2 especially u bev.u were my favourite housemate.and pls people angelo and bev didnt have ex so stop calling her a whore.

Anonymous said...

Abeggggieeee u ppl shld free beverly. Did she kill somebody? Her family n most of all bf (angelo) aint complaining. Go girl jare.

Anonymous said...

Bev of life.She's d chase mehnnn and y'all hating on her plz cast d first stone....much love hun

Apple said...

Beverly embarrassed herself , her family and Nigerians!

Anonymous said...

Pls leave her alone,u pple av said it many times dat doesn't make her change,calling her a whore ÈŠ̝̊̅§ unfair,b4 u jugde sum1,make sure u're perfect,though what she did ÈŠ̝̊̅§ wrong,bt leave her alone let God judge pls. Laidae

Anonymous said...

Will they pay d oda top five? Hw much?!plsssssssss post abeg

Unknown said...

Bev may have behave a little bit trashy in that BB house does nt make her d whore here.It was on this blog that I read that angelo was engaged n Bev was just a toy. Well we all saw it yesterday,Angelo said otherwise abt her @list for now.Back to the so call Angelo'fiance,my advise for her is that she shd stop d display of shame, lay low, he may come around. The gal who wins d man heart is the real woman. If Angelo loves her he wud nt have disrespected her so openly even till last night. He even said Bev was d only woman who touch his life with so much care. It means its nt all abt d sexy looks.

Anonymous said...

dz angelo no get sense....hw he go dey follo dat black rat beverly wen he has a fresh babe...........*mumu angelo*

Anonymous said...

BEV of life! U r a whore now o bcoz u did in d open what most of d ppl callin u names usually do in d dark!
Don wori,if nobody gree endorse u 4 africa,Cossy will giv u a call,if she already hasnt_looool!
I no get time 2 judge u! Ur sure of ur nxt meal,me needs go sure my own 2 *bouncing out 2 go hustle*
But last last,try n give ur life 2 Jesus sha,u need him,we all need him!

Anonymous said...

Please what's "KMT"?

Anonymous said...

She no win money but she win man,N his proud of her,nt everyone is a winner,dos ones weh no fuck or kiss sef no win d who d crown fit naim wear am yestday...wetin peepo d do outsyd worse pass wetin bev da BEYACH!!!LoL

Anonymous said...

I wonder oo..!!!

Anonymous said...

I love beverly sha

teewhy izzy said...

This angelo babe fine,but maybeit was not meant to be.I wish beverly,angelo,candicenwell

Careers Nigeria said...

Linda Biko, which one is a Promise ring and engagement ring?
according definition engagement which means betrothal is
S: (n) betrothal, troth, engagement (a mutual promise to marry).

Biko tell me what a promise ring and engagement ring is ooohhh... i dont understand this big brother things

Anonymous said...

Nonsense, why are they fighting over this guy that looks like a ghost, mutchhhhhhhhhhhhh


Anonymous said...

if these two people have kids ehn... a great injustice that would be. to the children and the general public.

Anonymous said...

All you calling Bev names it just shows how shallow minded u guys are. Wonder what u guys do in ur closet cos its not played by God for all to see u guys have mouth to talk. Free d girl joor na her bodi and life.

Anonymous said...

Abeg mak I hear word! Scrap BBA 4 wetn? Is it opened to all to watch??? U can only ask DSTV 4 it if u re interested to watch. Does that ar not interested are not forced to watch, hence it can't b scrapped.

Anonymous said...

Linda post others comments abeg! Hw can u post some n leave some, that so wrong n annoying, mtschewwww!



Anonymous said...

We have no right to judge anybody because we are all sinners. The same punishment that Beverly would get from God for fornicating is the same punishment we will all get for fornicating. Stop the hate!

Unknown said...

Who carez urgly Angelo , and as for our whores sister Berverly nothing for her,,,linda abeg post my post ooh

Unknown said...

beverly=mental Bitch (fake ass my mummy! My mom) sure her mom will be happy to welcome her HOE back home.... And angelo looks like a rabbit eww... As for the soon to be used to be girlfriend quit acting so pained and move on wif ur life and career even stronger, not like stupid Bev and angelo will last anyway.

Anonymous said...

In angelos words ;bev showed me care nd its somtin I am nt used to getin,sory sweet u cldnt show him enough care while u guys wre together. Deal wit it hun he z ur 'ex already

Anonymous said...

Which one b promise ring?pls guyz stop judgin Bev,shejst a human,is der anyone without a dirty past?mitcheww

Unknown said...

Btw congrats to Queen dillish! Always been my favourite

Anonymous said...

Ahhaahahaahahaha PC come and comment oooo waiting for ya hehehhehe

Anonymous said...

Linda you dey vex me o they didn't have sex why didn't you post it, angelo collins latest interview why you no post am you know sey na your blog people dey read from pass. We don finish the girl now make we just dey beg God for forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

None of ur business, why won't she come bak 2 Nig, did she kill anibody or sleep with ur fathers, u all dnt like her buh u enjoi her gist. Thief. Mcheeeeeeeeeee. Love ma girl bev

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 3:16. If ur a woman, shame on u and ur lineage calling anoda woman Ashewo... Its u and all d females in ur family dat are 'ashewos'. If ur a man, dos words are really harsh. Do not judge no one cos I'm sure if ur in d BB hos, u'll even rape biggie thru d walls in d diary room. Rubbish!

Anonymous said...

Shut up!

Anonymous said...

Who curs? Mtcheeeeeeew!my happiness be say,Bev no win that money. She can die with Angelo in SA for all I care. And wait o,upon all dia lovey dovey,na Elikem and Pokello win that romantic trip#dancing#.

Anonymous said...

Berv is fine jor! Haters go and die see her well defined face and her full lips and I love her story with angelo and tnks angelo for not falling her hand.

Anonymous said...

Tym for u guys to leave Bev alone biko, na wao!

Anonymous said...

U people supporting rubbish , who's proud to b associated wit dat bitch here 1da some people want gay right ..dis is what d world hz turn into moral , so sense of doin right anymore ..continue supporting her ...eyin oloshi gbogbo

Anonymous said...

God punish u for saying DAT? Are u better Dan her or's her life and she will live it how ever she want . Hate when people talk shit abt dere fellow while u re not even better Dan her . Gift Phc

Anonymous said...

Looooool! Na so

Anonymous said...

We must judge e o!

Anonymous said...

Angelo is not ugly, bev isn't a heaux and pigs do fly too

Anonymous said...

Erm, duh? Majority of the world's population either have sex or will have sex at a point in life, the only thing making him nd her a whore is the fact that it ws on international tv, who in his/right sense does that?

Anonymous said...

Chop knuckle! Realest woman, lol.

Anonymous said...

BBA is morally wrong, any gathering that encourage pre marrital sex is not good for public cosumtion

Anonymous said...

Lol candice sit ur white ass Down...ANGELO is inlove with bev

Anonymous said...

@wande Abeg help me ask them ooo,is it the sweetness of his nkpokiti that is making them fall inlove or there stupidity.

Unknown said...

Bad belle pple full this blog

ogaju said...

LOL. THe power of new pussy. You mean this Angelo left this "gorgeous" girl for that not so cute Beverly? anyways ever since Camilla vs Princess Diana in the late 80's, I have known looks aint schit. And that is the honest truth

Banana said...

Which fine girl pls?

Unknown said...

Every one pucks, and all, but she went too far, haba...

Anonymous said...

Luv is all dat matters simple

Anonymous said...

Nigerians n their stupidity!u re calling her a junkie queen n yet u re on her blog.what re u doing here?tufiakwa!!God help human beings like u.if u re looking for 'news'material,u ve cnn,bbc n a whole lotta options to explore.don't come here if u don't like the content.foolish!!!*Toni obi*

Anonymous said...

None of my business tho!

Anonymous said...

Why is nigerians so judgemental?Its sickening.plz leave them alone,they didnt have sex in house!

Anonymous said...

first and foremost, Beverly never slept with Angelo( having sexual intercourse) which was the cause of the brief conflict she had with Angelo in the house. when it comes to issues that affect the heart, anything can happen. Atleast,she told her story and made herself an open diary..... we have other ladies that did worst and still have the audacity to throw words at her...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just shutup biko.

Anonymous said...

Bev is that u, enjoy while it last.

Anonymous said...

Ode and u wea are u, still at d same spot u wea 5years ago,karen is recognised and has gat d moni and fame above all not a whore who disgraced herself on national tv,you would foreva remain anonymous and ur bev a famous HOEsu.

Anonymous said...

One persin ke?abi just that one dat gave her the D

Anonymous said...

Contaminate your country????? That is a very wrong statement, your drug dealing, and pimping girls and internet frauding brothers are contaminating the whole world!!! The jails of the world are full of them! The world is just wondering what the heck is the big deal about Beverly??? When your brothers are doing so much worse in this world. Your sisters are prostitutes all over the world, sleeping with old white man to get money. Watch your mouth young man!

Anonymous said...

Why does ds Linda choose comments she posts.*sighsssss

Anonymous said...

Zaynab i just love u

amaka said...

Team Beverly nd angelo...te amo angelo *kisses*

Anonymous said...

I think these are the Nigerians who never went to school. They talk rubbish. I laugh at their comments till my stomach hurts!

Anonymous said...

Not serious and he gave her a promise ring,he luvz her,he jst dnt wnt to insult bevery

HER said...

Zaynab Maleek you are the true definition of a hater and your hate will kill you! People like you don't progress. I am sure you are jealous of Beverly, go faint! Drink some haterade and continue being stagnant

Anonymous said...

@anon5:42,yeah laugh your ass out as well.

Yemmie Oscar said...

Would they make a perfect match? You never can tell

Anonymous said...

Who are you to tell who is sexy, prettier and match for someone? Since wen did u become a relationship counsellor? He has the right to love whoever he wishes, weather match, sexy, pretty or not. So stick ur tongue to ur mouth and mind ur business. Go make perfect your life not that of others.

freshdude said...

U̶̲̥̅̊ wan try Naija

Anonymous said...

Not my business at all.

-Blunt Ibo boy-

tan said...

Beverly pls give ur life to christ he loves u.its not nice dat u showed ur private property to the whole world and those of u that sees nothing wrong in dat will u praise ur mum sister or daughter if they do such?

Anonymous said...

Anon 5.36 u sound dumb what country doesn't have prostitutes and drug dealing pimps? I'm sure your mum was one too.... idiot

Anonymous said...

I tire for the girl got to a point I had to press mute anytime she opened that her mouth to gush self control

Anonymous said...

Does that matter?na goat be her listener?sit down and be busy with your agbero job...mumu.

Anonymous said...

Zaynab very correct,eveybody have sex ooo but do they have it at the national stadium?or there is nothin like shame or caution hidden somewhere in her brain?Bev chase in BBA na man and housemate that chased money got it.

Anonymous said...

Passion or no passion, to me proposed...YAY...

Anonymous said...

True even Elikem said her breast is so soft cos in his words "she started early"she could not say anything...mshweee

Anonymous said...

Idiot, its ur Own sister that is a prostitute...pls, angelo stay in ur country, don't contaminate ours....abeg ...and our girls are sooo hot and cool that they leave their sexier girlfriends for guys should really think about what u are doing wrong b4 u start opening ur HIV stinking mouth.....

Anonymous said...

Ode beta shut up, m sure u have HIV...

Anonymous said...

Mehnnn...u are funny

Anonymous said...

Passion ke, he looks high to me.....#just saying

ashfun said...

Bev. Wonder she love dada aworuru so much. It amazes me aw she is able to cope with dat smelling hair wen she hugs d guy. Well lov is blind lov no get nose sef

Oluwabobby said...

Some men are so gullible and act immature.They kp jumping frm one lady to another searching for what???No self control.Any opportunity to get down wid any woman is never taken for granted.Men ar so wicked,heartless & shameless.I wonder if i can ever get to trust any man if created as a woman.
If the girl should pour him acid or hot ororo nw,everyone wl be blabing..Can u imagine,a man using attachment;looking like d first born of omadioha...

Anonymous said...

You couldn't have been more correct.

Anonymous said...

Linda why u no wan post my comment naa dem say beverly and angelo never had s*x o in his interview where he also talks about his girlfriend saying and I quote: I had a girl before coming into the house but then I met bev

Anonymous said...

Thank u ooo, anon6:25p.m. He's dated dm both, he knows where his heart should tilt so who's this bad belle ninja talking sexy & pretty?
Give them a break jor & take several seats.
Sparkles speaking!

Anonymous said...

Lindz, u mean was??? And yall shd leav d kain Beverly alone.
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Y is she acting so cheap tot she's classy mitchewwwww

Anonymous said...

pls u guys shld leave angelo's model gf alone... huz biz if she posts pics na.. besides, all of u ladies callin her desperate, watch ur tongue. wat do u expect? of cos dey were datin bfr he went to d bba haws, he also gave ha a ring so she has every right to do tins to protect ha relationship jhoor. if u were in ha shoes, u wld even look fr bev's number to warn ha. u do nt kno hw long dey dated or even wat dey had n shared u open ur stupid mouths n call ha desperate... guys will always b guys jhoor...

Anonymous said...

Not my business at all.

-Blunt Ibo boy-

Anonymous said...

This is sooooooooo true , white people don't care

Unknown said...

Good talk.

Anonymous said...

Omg...u harsh dude...lwkmd

Alicia says... said...

And Nigeria is so decent when runs are the order of the day? Fucking hypocrites

Anonymous said...

You clearly dont watch the show yet you keep running your mouth like tap! During his own eviction when ik asked him who he thinks will win...he dint even mention bev...most of you are so judgemental and can see why anyone will love a flawed soul. Go to hell mehn

Anonymous said...

Heya! U cant believe how you and gour perfect self cant find a man meanwhile flawed beverly can..go and jump off olumo...idiot

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck off? Are you a virgin? If not go to hell mehn santimonous..hypocrite

Anonymous said...

You anonymous are the whore...idiot

Anonymous said...

Heya...perfect zaynab i get it..its been long since you got laid eh? Even with your dog looks at you..talkless of man...heya! That must suck...pele...hugs...dont take it out on beverly ok? Keep praying

Alicia says... said...

But Melvin still lost, so..
Nigerians hate themselves. You'll never see other countries hating on their own people the way Nigerians do. And then they cry later when other countries bash Nigerians. Hypocrites

Anonymous said...

And how do you know this? O have insights to the future! You are God wow! Kabiyesi o! Ode buruku

Anonymous said...

And you are so went to subscribe for vip and watched shower hour! There will be surprises in heaven true true

Alicia says... said...

Nigerians hating on their own because of her skin color. So the other girl is better than Bev because she is fair in complexion? You Nigerians are funking sick people. Is marriage all about looks? Shallow minded individuals

Anonymous said...

And who voted for your precious and holy melvin? Lmao....only two countries...roflmao

Anonymous said...

Pls speak for yourself oni jatitjati...santimous cow! Im sure you are a married man fucking hoe/ nigeriN and not family or friend and she did me very proud...oloshi

Anonymous said...

Fake your own advice and embrace christ..cuz if you are for will know not to call anyone a whore cuz christ did not

Anonymous said... havent been laid in ages right? You that is so perfect, holy and beautiful for your own must hurt..but its not beverly's fault na...pele...o vex ok? Ur own man will come soon..lmao. bitch

Anonymous said...

Heya..cuz she dint puck you? Oloshi

Alicia says... said...

Facially Beverly definitely looks better than Candice. Don't be blinded by color. I bet if Beverly were fair in complexion you wouldn't be saying such rubbish.
Besides, is everything about looks?

Anonymous said...

Shat up! Are you God?

Alicia says... said...

neither do you so have a seat

Anonymous said...

NIGERIANS we never appreciate our own. When Karen was in the house they called her all sorts of names, same thing with Goldie. Now Berverly. What we all do in the comfort of our rooms are worse than what she did. We dont like real people. I'm #TEAMBEVELY. Linda post my comment biko

Anonymous said...

i have nothing against Beverly but i think she displayed so much show of shame in the just concluded BBA show.Angelo whom she,s showing so much love and affection for is not a serious dude.imagine him saying publicly on his eviction show that the reason for the last fight he had with Beverly was as a result of her begging for more sex.Which good man with a good heart will openly disgrace a woman he claims to be in love with.i personally think the dude is a player and is just having the fun of the moment.

Anonymous said...

Angelo claims Bev cares so much for him but he doesn,t care as much for her as to publicly disgrace her of begging him for sex. i personally don't think their relationship will stand the text of time.Bev has done a lot of moral damage on herself already.if Angelo refuses to marry her.i wonder which man in this country will.i really pity her.

Debby Oni said...

i see HoEs supporting deir 'hoemate' beverly.hey bev, ts nt like u guys r gonna last, he left his girl cause of u, sure he would leave u cos of anoder.u dont be d reason for a couple's breakup... goan face ur 'job' full time.

Oluwabobby said...

MR or MISS TEAMBEVELY, u must be sick upstairs...Fine,we do worse in our closet bt nt opening ur yansh for d whole world to see bcos one is sexually aroused or weak.It's only a fool who talk like u just did...òdé buruku..oloorun alàinitiju..(oká mi lara mhèèn)

Anonymous said...

Sum of u can b just so foolish 2 fink low, I tot we all here r matured. Imagine d 1st person 2 comment sayin beverly iznt as pweety as angelos gurl, do u fink marriage or relationshp iz all abouh beauty. Plzzz u all shuld stp hatin diz babe abeg cuz only God knwz wah sum of u pplez mum did wen she waz at ha(bev) age.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ Anon 11:22 am~~It is called test of time n not 'text of time'... U hear, thAnk me later n kip wondering wich man in this country will marry her til u get her wedding invite. Fyi, one man's meat is anoda man's poison- dey r stil guys who luv bad girls n nt those who claim t b virgins yet d man discovers dey as wide as a canal afta marriage.

Anonymous said...

Save your pity, she doesn't need it

Anonymous said...

Uncle Angelo in dillish,s voice

Bukkybaby said...

There's nothing you voiceless people can do to her. The people that matter will continue to hobnob with her. She will continue to make news. You will continue to read her news(since u can't make news) and you will continue to hate till you develop high blood pressure and die of your hate. Is Beverly the cause of your many problems? Abi us she the cause of the generational curse running in your family? Mtschew!

Bukkybaby said...

Hehehehehehehehe Queeneth London is truly suffering from lack of "Drilling and oiling. Cobwebs are probably growing in the region. Not Bev's fault na. Stop hating on her.

Anonymous said...


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