According to reports, Ania, who has a serious boyfriend, has already embarked on her mission and has slept with 284 men so far, starting with cities in her home country, Poland.
Anna told the Austrian Times: 'I want men from Poland, Europe and all around the world. I love sex, fun and men. In Poland the subject of sex is still taboo and anyone who wants to fulfill their sexual fantasies is considered a deviant, a w**** or mentally ill.'
Ania is so determined to complete her task that she's set up a Facebook page and a website to keep people (interested in her exploits) up to date with her sex marathon.
Mentally ill comes to mind.
HIV/AIDS alert !!!
Oh God#in Big Sean's voice#,she must be possessed,men lookout!!!
I guess she's trying 2 spread a disease ntn more
Hian! Evil spirits dominate peoples life!
She's a Demon, cant u see her eyes?
She must be very mad
This is Madness. . .
Make Naira Online
Who else visited her facebook page?
Hope u come to Africa then we shall see if u can complete your task.
Let her come to naija
ajo ihe!!!
So Linda you want tell me say you no know say na the fastest business be that? compared to the high price of short time now
Na witch she be!
Goodluck freak
I want one shot 2 Ooº°˚ ˚°Âºooo
I fink she need deliverance
i pway by the end of her task, she gets infected with one deadly disease and fades out!!!
Devilish idea.
Visit this Blog to learn secrets to burning fat and eating healthy
and HIV,STDs came knocking at the door...........guess who opened it for them????Ania.......smh
Long as she doesn't regret it in the long run,do your thing,whoreman!
But then again,if she intends traveling around the world in a quest to satisfy her sexual urge,then she must have the means to pay for flights and what have you.
she didn't say she is gonna be doing it for money hence she can't be called a whore as a whore is one who indulges in sexual activities for monetary gains and favors.
I just don't wanna imagine what her lady parts would be like afterwards!
The World is finally coming to an End. That's a proof. . .
Make Naira Online
Pls come to naija.Men will line up 4 their turn. Am positive she would sleep with 1m men in 3 days *hiss*
Babe u need deliverance! End time tinz. I hope u will still walk normal with those ur two legs at the end of this ur satanic fantasy. I hope u dont start walking like a gorilla after d too much filing#Rollng my eyes#Spencer#
Na money o can you pay ? This one no be init init mata o
Run guys.,,Destiny wasters....
All the best! Maybe she should add naija to her list of countries. Lol.
End time
Men run for your life
this is so wierd that im so dumbfounded right now
She is mad and crazy,she with plenty hidden agenda
Good luck to her.
***Funny people.......these whites. Let her come to naija, she will get more than what she bargained for***
She is a real mamaid so Men be careful.
This one is an agent of the devil spreading plague amongst those who accepts her offer..
Run guys...Destiny wasters
What a woman on a mission!!! dont worry my black brothers in London awaits your arrival, surely you will not remain the same again huni....SeunLondon
Lol..dats if she will even reach 1000! Sister no worry continue,its a nice innovation..maybe na guiness world book of record u wan enter! U go just die...okponu oshi!
You didn't even have to mention that she was Polish. I just knew from the title of the post!
The end time is nearer dan our skins..beware! Ds gal s from d pit of hell!
Destiny wasters....run fr yr life..
Wish u goodluck
I wish her luck..foolish fool
Mehn Thanks alot linda, i have requested her FRIENDSHIP on facebook immediately, Hope to be one of the firsts' as soon as she arrives Nigeria...(begins learning and improving on some of my s** styles and positions sharp sharp) once again thanks alot linda. This is good news and a welcomed development...#LOL
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaahahhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhaahahahhaahahahhahahahahAhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahhahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahhahaahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah. Pheeeew!
Na wa. What does she want to achieve?
Na wa oooo,is she a Dog
Good luck Ania Lisewka
STD's are real
She must really have nothing doing. Wonder why you choose to give her any attention. What a sad person she is.
Of course she will die before she even completes 0.5% of that assignment from hell.
Dis is demonic
LOL and all the best >,>
Hmmm Annie, looks like u've got a nice, good size butt, u don't need to go round to achive what ur looking for, come to naij to get a convincing bang marathon, trust me it will b like a million man ( in wiz kids voice) has passed thru u if u cross my lane. Gbam
when is she coming to lagos?
Jeeez! 100,000 men???? #FAINTS
Sick, possessed fuck that clearly needs Jesus in her life.
Oya naija men make una search am for fb
I honestly dnt envy u..jes b ready 2 meet wit both men and demons...all d best dear *smh* #UNEEDCHRIST#
Foolish babe,rubbish quest,where others are busy breaking new grounds in the science and medical world...na nack she dey interested in! who go finance this her stupid and unGodly quest?
Meanwhile,I know some girls in this Lagos that have done close to 200 guys !they have slept with almost all the "Yahoo guys,Musician,actors and all other Lagos Big Boys" and they still haven't stopped,make I mention names?
So to them,this 1 no news!
Na really goodluck wid dat...
She is obviously possed
#Issorai#..plz Aunt Ania go 2 Korea.
Hiv/aids is waiting for u
If u wanna die,u should have tried somfin easier lyk drinkin Acid ,dat one u wanna do ÈŠ̝̊̅§ long journey. Abi do u wanna grow anoda leg in ur private part ni??? #jst saying
Lol...craziness of d highest order!!!
Plsssss let her cum 2 naija she ll definitely run especially calabar guys,foolish whore.mtchew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ur puSsy go hear am!
Dat is evill spirit talkn men open ur eyes
More grease to ur punani....Let us know when she comes to nigeria
Gudluck to her bt hiv is real o
Mtsheeeeeeeeew. Ode of noble birth
LOL! How startling!! This her quest will surely end if she passes through Nigeria, I can bet it, she would meet what's bigger than her dreams! Hehe!
See as she uGly die....
You really are jobless Ania, such goals. Why not make it 1 million.
Gud luck too,u mite jst hlp dicover a new 'diseases'!!
Good for her.
Nothing we won't hear in dis 21st century...@least oyinbo kukuma say freedom to do anythin
What a waste...I'm sure ur mother wld curse the day she conceived of you.You are simply out of ur mind and really possessed
Goodluck wif ur quest..hope to hear ur name in the d guiness book or record, a bed in the hospital and of course a seat in hell
I think life is so easy for most whites that they have lost d essence of their existence. So when she reaches 100, 000, then what next? Well, dats d path of life she has chosen....good luck 2 her
..just hope she doesnt already hav an STD she wants to share. Good luck to all d men too who would hav her
Pray!!!. Femzing
Mami water ....no come 9ja Oº°˚˚° biko. I reject it for my hubby.
*Olomu Nla
â„“☺â„“. Things dat happen. Its ur life so do as u please
she is sick in the head
Keziah nwanyi obioma!
#Hiv alert
hope she remembers to use protection
Dis gal ugly no be small, let her make mistake and come to nigeria dat her sour pussy go talk am yeye stupid small gal( at 21 wat does she kn abt life) karuwan banza
Lord pls hav mercy!! Dis is bizzare!!!hw can sm one be tinkin of such an adventure?I wonder how d TOTO wil be by d time she is done wit her excapades
Abeg Toscan mention names o! Infact my ears dn stand like antenna....lol, u re a clown.
Hehe as usual, her life, her rules...
~D great anonymous!
Its her choice its left 4 you guys if u wan go and taste, your choice she don make her own
Ur such a fool...u must b an onion boy...
This is CPU of demons.
Lol no mind dem,dem go dey yab her for public but dem go be among the first to visit her fb page...punk ass self acclaimed righteous people
Hmmnnn....Spreading the virus
Lol. Guy u wicked!
This is poland. Get used to it. I'm a student here. And although over here its kinda like a taboo to be open about sex, polish ladies are very ethusiastic about sex. I mean they love it so much, u can easily meet a girl in a bar and after a few rounds take her home. Fuck sure for u. Especially if you are black, plus polish chicks fine die! #come to poland
she shd pls come to lagos oooo oringo men are waiting for her, linda please me and my friends are interested...
Well be sure to stop by in lagos. I will definitely hit that ass.
She probably has a deadly disease like HIV,or has been diagnosed with a terminal illness or she's plain mental. Either way,loads of men will still want to do her.# shrugs#
Is she going to get a scholarship or a gold medal for her quest?
Whore oshi....
Guiness Book of Record
Ania lisewka...Woman with the largest vigina,slept with 100000 men across the globe
Is she going to get a scholarship or a gold medal for her quest?
Whore oshi....
Are you sure this one isn't a Mamiwater or possessed with some mamiwater spirit?
Leading men to hell...
why she wants to travel every citi in the world? Let her post her address and men from everywhere will be there!
She's a devil agent from the lake of hell.come do ma grandpa,weyrey jatijati
Oh yh?..go girl am strongly behind u!finally found someone dts like me*dancing*
Y cnt I stop Laffing? Chai! But will d men do wit dia own CD's or d one she broght, or its a raw contract or she is to pay every man dat crosses her way? I need to update our Native Doctors on it so dey get ready.........
She's jx a nymph
But dat yansh shaaaaaaa
I pirry u babe SMH
@dloeleen joshua, sharrrap ode like you, your babe fine pass her ni,foolish boy abi girl cos I no understand this you gurumaraji name....she is a beautiful lady on a deadly quest that doesn't change the fact that she is beautiful and endowed...#hiss#
She must truely be possessed!
She's from the kingdom of darkness,decent men beware!
-Urs Truly.
Hmmm..m pls our precoius naija guys pls beware of destiny wasters biko ooo
Lol.na my fellow girl be this oo...seriously I don't think she is normal...Goodluck on ur quest white witch
Perfect...holla @ me when in ajegunle!!
wat a crazy mad slut she is......
Dedicating 100,000 men to the devil that's her target cos time is running out men be careful. My first time to comment linda don't let me find this (wink).
100k men no hard na! By the time you pass thru lagos, epe,ibadan and shagamu..naija brodas for don f*#k you die! Guaranteed!
Round the world ke? the boys for unilag, laspotech, Lasu and city college pass 100k na! Dem go tear ur p#*8y to pieces...
This is SPARTA
That's adventure.
Korea dey wait u if death dey hungry u o! #in my Benue Voice... 'ashawe'!
She b like albino(afin)ugly white girl b4 she reach 100k men bucket go de enter da place
Lol. Sharp girl. Yah all check it out. She ain't doing any sex marathon! She is trying to get traffic to her site. Shikena. I don talk am. Polish people are like iBo traders! Sharp girl !
She probably is a sex addict. She needs therapy. I wonder...if Nigerian men were secretly given the go-ahead to sleep with 100000 women without repercussions, would they take it? Bloody hypocrites.
God have mercy heh Ania ur pussy go break before u reach 1000 talk less of100000 sent from hell hiv aids is calling Naija men no answer am oooooh hmmmmm
Good for her! Nah she know!
It is not the woman but the 230 something men she has slept with and the remaining more men she would continue to sleep with. The problem here are the men who allow it. Why would you sleep with a woman who is not your wife? May God help us all.
mad woman I don't think we need anymore proof that the world will come to an end anytime soon
Niger plpp, we don hear wetin pass us now, we no fit talk. If na to insult bev , una mouth go dey run like tab.
Let's assume a round goes for say $10.00
$10 times 100, 000 transactions = $1, 000000.00!
That's a cool money guyz!
Are people surprised? She is a whore and that is what whores do, it is no big deal for them, mtcheew.
Somebody call me when she gets here.
I de suspect her
She need prayers
Please let me know when our are in Naija
Mermaid spirit in action! She's evn lookin older dan her age! Mtschewwwww. Next pls
Chai madness dy dis world
Anti Linda, I beg help me fnd out, if dis opeke dey use condom 4 dis her xploit?. If she dey use condom na him b sy I no dey interested b'cos I bin get 1 mkt wen I bin 1 sell 2 her.
I wish she go enter Ajegunle,
In as much as her quest is mainly to spread something best known to her. She can only achieve that if she dwells in Asia (toothpick penis owners), if she gets to Africa her quest will end sharply.. African men are endowed..gbogbo obo e ma ma gbono feli feli ni...
Madness! me self i sometimes dream of have sex with soo many guys like about 10 who r maybe friends but not 300,000 before marriage! girl u wan die! lol
Madness! me sef i sometimes dream of have sex with soo many guys like about 10 who r maybe friends but not 300,000 before marriage! girl u wan die! lol
Madness! me sef i sometimes dream of have sex with soo many guys like about 10 who r maybe friends but not 300,000 before marriage! girl u wan die! lol
Ur mama fine pass her??
Beverly slpt wt one man! Nigerian's murdered er wt dere bad mouth,ds one has slpt wt over 200,bikko what do u av to say?? #smh op she is also a disgrace to er country?
Her 'thing' go liquidify ooooO, hmmmm
Imagine being this chic's dad.
Lol I kip sayn it these white ppl are so comfortable dat dey tink of nufin else bt their stupid sexcapades...nawaooo demon in disguise men I know evn if u guyz know wat she's up to som of una go still do God sav us !
She's not normal.
At least, one STD will get to her no matter the protection she uses.
Serious boyfriend? The guy must be a foolish tool.
Linda looks like u'r selective wif comments dats not nice I'll realy giv up on commenting on ur post its realy anoying...
According to her website which I just visited, there are rules and here they are for your reading pleasure...
Every game has to have its rules… Every weekend I’m visiting a different city in Poland, where I’ll be in a hotel. My record is counted by people who supervise the whole game. People which are willing to beat the record with me (to sleep with 100k men)have to sign up by adding their e-mail adress on the right side of my blog. After signing in and clicking into the link which will be resend on your email , you will receive info’s about the location of the hotel I’m in and my phone number. Every person interested in joining the game has to pay 40zÅ‚. It is only an organisation fee for the hotel. SEX WITH ME WAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE FOR FREE! The fee will be paid at the people responsible for the statistics of my record at my presence so nobody will feel cheated. After paying the fee every person gets a number and we will stay one on one. Next,the person takes a shower. The fun lasts around 20 minutes. We can have oral,anal or classic sex. After our time together you can again take a shower. In that way is our sex counted into the sexual record.
Wahala dey o! Hmmmn
after una go dey say "men are dogs", which man fit do this kain thing ....
People this is a serious task, I thought was easily achievable, like 3 guys a day for a year that's just 1095 men at that rate she's gonna need 100 years. I think she can make 10K not 100K.
According to her website which I just visited, there are rules and here they are for your reading pleasure...
Every game has to have its rules… Every weekend I’m visiting a different city in Poland, where I’ll be in a hotel. My record is counted by people who supervise the whole game. People which are willing to beat the record with me (to sleep with 100k men)have to sign up by adding their e-mail adress on the right side of my blog. After signing in and clicking into the link which will be resend on your email , you will receive info’s about the location of the hotel I’m in and my phone number. Every person interested in joining the game has to pay 40zÅ‚. It is only an organisation fee for the hotel. SEX WITH ME WAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE FOR FREE! The fee will be paid at the people responsible for the statistics of my record at my presence so nobody will feel cheated. After paying the fee every person gets a number and we will stay one on one. Next,the person takes a shower. The fun lasts around 20 minutes. We can have oral,anal or classic sex. After our time together you can again take a shower. In that way is our sex counted into the sexual record.
Wahala dey o! Hmmmn
You have just seen a serpent
That is eat and die
Pls Nigeria men tie your thing
Run run run run oh for your life
This Ese girl is a beauty. Now I understand why Pastr Bio traveled all the way to London just to fuck her. And she is a darn good writer too....love you girl!!!
She's spreading a disease...
And I ve F..k onli 93 and am feeling bad
Ezekiel! U go kill me with laughter lol...
idoit......dats what am gonna call her...she is reaally in the clutches of darkness....guys u pple should atleast put her in prayers......
This girl is spreading demonic spirit into anybody she sleeps with.
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Gbagaun ...... It is possessed...... Not possed.......
Come she come naija na. Now now now her 100000 go complete
Bitch u crayyyyy? We talking abt like 10men/day for like 28 yrs.......now u definitely crazzzzzyyyy!!!
ITK! Jenyk knows.
I cant wait 4 my turn 2 come. Pls come 2 Nigeria
She wanna bring a sickness stronger than HIV
Wat if she can take 10 guys a day??
Wow ... Yeye pikin ewuju oshi
I no say sme of u bloggers go dey form say una sabi. No one of u fit ask d ?. Wat classic sex means. I beg Sis. Linda, wat's d meaning of classic sex?. I wan tke sex education classes. Na adult educatn class be dis oo. I beg educate me jare.
Choi.. Seems her Vagina was made in China!
Mke una sidon der dey run una mouth. She wan mke Guiness bk of record as d first woman 2 slp wth 100000 men. Naija babes una still dey sidon luk. I beg mke una nor let dis small polish babe break record 4 una head.
Mke una sidon der dey run una mouth. She wan mke Guiness bk of record as d first woman 2 slp wth 100000 men. Naija babes una still dey sidon luk. I beg mke una nor let dis small polish babe break record 4 una head.
Mke una sidon der dey run una mouth. She wan mke Guiness bk of record as d first woman 2 slp wth 100000 men. Naija babes una still dey sidon luk. I beg mke una nor let dis small polish babe break record 4 una head.
Mke una sidon der dey run una mouth. She wan mke Guiness bk of record as d first woman 2 slp wth 100000 men. Naija babes una still dey sidon luk. I beg mke una nor let dis small polish babe break record 4 una head.
She's a devil...period!
She dey want enter Guinness book of record,but na end tym tins for her,before she go complete her mission
when is she coming to Nigeria?!
Big ups to her tho. I really feel she would have aerial expansion at the end of the road
Sick!retarded!..............but if you show naija, ur dreams will end cos u gonna fall in love with ""our mamba's""
This an epidemic spreading... this another form of terrorism... and no government is talking... She wants o drag our young men to hell with her. She is a destiny killer. Holy Ghost Fire!!!
If so many men has gone past that path,then what is the fun in it,,it even irritates me thinking of it...
Just a scam to get traffic to her website... peepshow something.com
Men! it is obvious that this lady is from the pit of HELL. Can't you sense it? Abeg Abeg... Make her movement only end for Europe and America oO0!
she is a demon sent frm hell to capture as many men as possible just pity for those men who womanize alot> she is going to render u useless till the end of ur life if u are even going to live long after having anencounter with her
u need jesus in ur life
I think she has HIV n she is out to distribute it
I pity the foolish men that will sleep with this daughter of the devil. You think she is giving it freely? She has been commisioned to destroy souls of men!
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