The ailing music producer and singer told Encomium mag...
"The mistake she's making is that it depends on the hospital you are going to in India. She says she runs a foundation, they might give her a rebate. The procedure itself is $55, 000. When you take out $55, 000, you are left with $45, 000. What about the running cost of the procedure? You don't go to India only to come back and start asking for help again. At least, I need some money to maintain myself for the next one year. So when you factor in all these costs, add air tickets and lodging, you will appreciate what we are talking about.
1 – 200 of 362 Newer› Newest»can you imagine? he's factoring money for flexing into his "hospital bill"
Is it dt his family cannot raise d rest of d money, even if dey have to sell stuffs? Oda dan allow him suffer like dis
He's rite but common guys, dnt take any of these too personal, she only said wat she knows well of, afterall Ojb u didn't say u needed money for maintenance, u said kidney transplant so dnt blame her much. Oya make una go sleep, M̶̲̅ε̲̣ wan sleep joor.
Biko, ojb leave ha, she is jux a stupid persin....God is ur strenght
so sad
You should have kept quite and allow that to die a natural death. Even though what you said is the truth, a lot of people may not take kindly to , "at least I need some money to maintain myself for a year". Keep quite and hope that good hearted individuals and organization will help you reach your goal.
OJB no mind that yellow Ghanian Ashawo wey wan put sand for your garri....her own better if money scarce , she go open legs ...collect...anuofia...Linda no try me o..post my comcom o.
OJB u even have strenght to reply her.
She needed the publicity and she got it.
I'll suggest u leave that bad market and channel ur energy into calling on Dbanj to come drop his bachelor's mite.
Time is almost agnes.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
OJB, u need not reply her, she doesn't know wht shez saying!!! I wish u all d best hunnay!!! Anti(lol) linda,post my comment.
Thought as much..juliet was kinda right..maybe she thought the $100,000 was just for the transplant..we understand 0JB.its well
Beautiful chick
The procedure is not 55k it's between 15 and 20k depending on the hospital. I am about to India for a Kdney transplant so Juliet is right. 50k is more than enough for the surgery, follow up and everything else for one year. These are prices I was quoted from Artemis, fortis and appollo hospitals in India and these are the best hospitals there. I wish Ojb all the best!
We need to create more awareness about kidney disease, it's nothing about drinking or smoking as I never did. Eating lots of animal protein is enough to do it. Prevention is better than cure, let's reduce the amount of animal protein we have to say how it was back in the days growing up when we only had meat as garnishing in food and not a meal in itself.. I have learned the hard way.
OJB don't worry your head over frivolities like that! OJB is in dire need and she is here spitting out financial and maths lessons which I am sure she failed back in school.
Yea we understand Ojb... It is well..
Must she tlk she beta get somtin beta doin inside of poke nosing in2 oda ppl's bizness lik she is jobless no b ha moni slf. First 2 comment yeeeeyyyy
OJB pls Biko stay off d spotlight 4 now and concentrate more on ur health. U should be doing more Praying than Talking.Rmemba Yar'adua had something similar 2 this and am sure money was not is problem but he jst couldn't survive. Pls OJB try being More prayerful dan wasting ur lil strength replying 2 messages wen u have PR 2 do dat 4 U.Pls 4get bout d cameras n magazines n concentrate on ur HEALTH. Mz Beckhy
Must she tlk she beta get somtin beta doin instead of poke nosing in2 oda ppl's bizness lik she is jobless no b ha moni slf. First 2 comment yeeeeyyyy
Now I'm hating dis juliet more 4 stressing som1 dat is sick already. Who even invited her,is she a celebrity in naija?....... Pls ojb don't respond to sluts like dis,u should concentrate more on getting better
She is jes being too straight forgetting dat u have to get drugs nd all dat b4 u get back on ur feet. The Lord is ur strenght and he will see u tru..amen
That's deep
Hian see tlk ooo...loool...he is preparing 4 his future...ohhh she is actually rite..hmmm man gather every every ooo so dAt u won't lack at all after u come back...lmao
No need for this response...no need. "Port Harcourt Girl"
e be lyk say dz juliet or nah juliana dey madt abi.....wetin concern hwr with anoda person business
I wish OJB a quick recovery. It is however right to say that Juliet was right. This explanation should have been stated ab initio. Never was it said that $100,000 quoted also included money for after surgery. It is very wrong to mislead the public in things like this. Every details should have been stated and not just to quote figures. His handlers got it all wrong. I believe lessons should be learnt to forestall future occurance.
#gbammest!!!! Very diplomatic answer no need 4 insults cos she aint worth it; she's just an airhead -____-
Dnt mind that evil bitch...God forgive her.
OJB u get time to reply this yeye Juliet.
Does'nt she have common sense to put all that into consideration before running her stinky mouth.
Guy abeg let's concentrate on ur getting better with God's protection and healing upon you rather than respond to this foolish woman
I don't want to believe that OJB Jezreel would issue such a lame response. His PR people could have simply provided a breakdown of the total costs rather than the flimsy and almost arrogant "At least I need some money to maintain myself for 1 Year". Na we born you? We all need to maintain ourselves for the next one year and going forward. Pls provide a statement of account showing funds received so far and a breakdown of expected expenses, before I regret my widow's mite donation.
She was way outta line sef
This is Just s Stepping stone OJB You will rise and shine again ..Mark My words ...God has a great plan for you .As for Juliet Ibrahim.....You are just an heartless bastard ....You will be molested when next you come to Nigeria mark my words
Why such comment Juliet,u can't help d man!so y trying to discourage people who wanna help.Go get a life babe.
That's just it!
Ojb I don't think you owe her any explanation! Get well soon .
This bitch shouldn't have uttered one word...people should really think things through before they talk!
What a wack response! Mtscheew
She should contribute before talking nonsense.there are expenses to be met before and after such a major surgery, must she be told? What manner of foundation is she running anyway? Its questionable to all now!
He didn't even have to reply her really....
So in other words, you are asking Nigerians to sustain you for the next one year? So you actually sat down, came up with a budget that will sustain you for a year? How greedy can you be? You realize you are not the only sick Nigerian? And alot if people need help.
So you actual procedure is $55k and you just decided to double it you are very greedy, I would think that you will break it down to the people and let us decide we want to give you more. You misled us, gave false information. It took a Ghanaian to come to our rescue.
OJB ur silence would ve been golden,God will touch the hearts of men
Gbam! Oya Juliet we r waiting for ur reply... Wat do u hv to say nw?Btw am tired of dis issue, he shud be offered d help he needs nd lets get over with it. As for me, i've offered my prayers nd i believe he'll get wel soon. Nxt gist pls...
Is the money not complete already???
So she was right afterall.....Nigeria and lies/insults!!! I wonder what this OJB used his money for in his glory days?
Don't mind her OJB
She should ve reached out to you if she was serious
Linda have you donated??? Hope you you're not stingy like our female celebs. No word from any of them except Mercy.
So OJB heard what dis Ghana must go said__pls OJB should be out of social network for now b4 all dis comments and msgs add to the problem we r battling with.Hope Juliet sEes dis explanations..OJB pls travel with the 8million at hand,wiffy will bring the rest,the Doctors will work on u,they will only discharge u after full payements have been made..Wishing u a succesful kidney transplant and may God bless the anonymous Donor in Jesus name
Well said OJB don't mind d ghana Ashawo.Let her Kidney fail I wud give her $200K.She can't even bring out I naira 4rom her prostitution money n she wants to discourage goodwill Nigerians.Foolish Ashawo!
OJB pls don't mind the she goat Anu mpama azuru azu mscchewwwww..Juliet ibrahim pls for future purposes,some things are better left unsaid(esp.when u are not well informed) thank me later.Miss Kidney Foundation Oshi!#Help save OJB
Yeah ryt!!fez 2 comment dou :P
So, Juliet, will you donate now?
Juliet Ibrahim should shut up. Nigerians are not begging her to help our own. OJB will be well again soon. Who has her foundation helped? what has she been doing with the money she has been raising? Does she know what he is going through daily? If less would do, would he prefer to go through the torture and hell that goes with Kidney disease than go for treatment immediately? Look at his before and after pictures. I lost someone to kidney failure so i know what he is going through now. So, Juliet Ibrahim shut up.
Please Sir, don't stress urself she is not worth a word from you....she is an educated illiterate giving women bad name.....
Don't mind the useless untalented runs girl that runs her mouth,u better go ghana and do that ode.
can som1 pls tell ojb dat renal transplant costs about 1million naira at oau teaching hospital in ife.a friend had it done about 2-3months ago and he is a living testimony.i'm sure he is spending alot on dialysis already,pls get it done quickly and move on wit ur life.
Atleast juliet ibrahim was right. OJB asking for X2 of the actual cost, is it not toomuch!!! Na wa oh. You shld have asked for 70 k dollar's and not 100k
i pray God to interven in this matter as in asap .the clock is ticking really fast.i wish i culd help him out.
Then the girl is still damn right.
While dat actress was right abt the $50k stuff she failed to factor in several othr stuff and she shldnt even b running her mouth in the first place, cos she doesn't even knw if he has to pay 4 a kidney or has a donor ready, I had a friend who went to india 4 kidney transplant, there are several test u hv to do in nigeria running into millions b4 u leave, u come bck wit a huge suit case of drugs, and fly bck six months later 4 check up, but in the main time u'll spend minimum of 25k on test everyweek for 6months, so really juliet shld keep her mouth shut cos he sure can't come out to beg any1 again!
He shouldn't have replied dat foolish gal. Now I feel really bad that she put him through all this explanation! Don't be surprised if she replies him oh, she too useless! Dirty pig
Guy please visit the barber shop, dis ailment is supposed to humble you....sometimes I wonder if these people think of life after death......
So basicaly Juliet wasnt wrong after all..smh
Over sabi dey worry d gal
Toh! The man don talk true now... LOL
He did not ve to respond. Peoples response to her was enough.
Its well with you OJB! Leave 'miss know it all' feeling like a celebrity to keep opening đα̅†̥̥ hole on top of her chin stupidly!you for no reply her sef. No be only foundation, na only she know as all the hospitals for india dey do mtscheeeew
How much has she donated,?...anyway,I pray he gets well ...
D Lord will heal u OJB, only believe. But I can't help but ask my self one question, U r are an artist and producer, Y didn't u put ur money to good use wen u made it big at a point say like invest??? Beats me......Uz
45,000 dollars for running cost!!!!!that's a cool 7 million naira...OJB!!like seriously???you mean you can't afford to foot the running costs urself???I think you and ur team re just using this medium to make some free cash!!may God forgive u for deceiving soo many ppl!I pray u get well soon..at least so u can spend d remaining cash d same way u squandered ur personal funds!!psscheeeew!
Juilet is just so stupid... Let her just say she doesn't have money to donate instead of talking nonsense.
True Talk Broda,Stupid Ghanaian Asewo u just tryna be relevant,Tongue out Bitch
He should have just shut up honestly.
Now he's telling us we're giving him surgery money and extra jara to cushion him.
Next will he say the campaigners are also getting a cut?
Please he should go for his operation with what he's raised. I'm sure its enough for it.
mehn! this stupid chicken K LEGGEED cow called juliet shout sharp her mouth there!! anophia!! married ashewo! how dare u question some one fighting to survive and fight for his life..if u don't have anything good to say SHUT DA FUCK UP OR DONT SAY ANYTHING ANYTHING AT ALL!!!!
She was right about the costing cos it fell within the range " 50k and 55k!" Maybe he should have made it clear that the 100k costing wasn't just for the operation but including post operation and sustainance for about a year? Nigerians should please be specific,life is too short!
Well said bros. Juliet ibrahim, plz park well. At least u have achieved Ur 5mins of fame n we have seen u. Fat ass ghanaian bitch. Shiooor.
oh OJB you just confirmed to us this lady knew what she was talking about. why not focus on your treatment and coming back safe before talking about taking care of yourself you should have just shut up man.
Oh OJB, why bother yourself responding to this IDIOT Juliet? Man, please save your small strength and thank Baba God the money needed is almost complete if not already completed. Pray to him for a successful operation and restoration of your full health. Leave the attention whore oponchi goat called Juliet to be famzing Nigerian celebrities.. Tomorrow if you bounce back to the top, the fame whore would still come to your after parties to drink osho free champagne and pose for camera..
I just hope he gets better and soon enough!
Why everything is India? India is on the same level as Nigeria. Why can't the Nigerian govt invest fully in education and healthcare so its citizens don't have to always be going to someone else's country to get care. Everybody knows the medical care in India is not the best. Nigeria has so many brilliant minds, what is the problem getting this done?!?! So much oil and nothing to show for it!
That bitch should mind her business 4 goodness sake. What's her prob in this issue? Can't she mind her business and leave the ailing guy alone. Coniving ghanian Bitch#hiss#
I dnt knw why she talks that way, she did nt even think of obj other expensive,ticket fees,feeding,drugs e.t.c
They ain't serious With the 1year upkeep.
Nice and mature answer.
Interestingly, no one seems to be considering the fact that the kidney donor might also need to be settled.
Shame on all naija billionaire .ojb hold on God miracle wil come ur way.
What happened to the money he charges to produce songs, probably spend them all on women.
A man should be responsible for his actions.
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Hmmmm. Hmmmmm OJB. I smell a rat. So na 7millon wey u nid abi? Hmmmmm. May GOD help u.
Means she's right.
OJB my prayer and love goes to you,why not take what u have now,go do the transplant and leave the remain to God.if HE feeds the birds of the sky how much we he(God)created in His likeness?
Go 1st leave upkeep for one year to God.
Wat juliet's problem? She should better mind her business in Ghana and allow we Nigerians to save our ailing brother.
Wat juliet's problem? She should better mind her business in Ghana and allow we Nigerians to save our ailing brother.
please OJB stop replying all these critics and focus on getting better. God would definitely provide you wit more than you asked for AMEN
OJB, why did U̶̲̥̅̊ have Τ̲̅ȍ reply or answer D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅τ̲̅ bastard dog, ptweeeew, may JAH bless U̶̲̥̅̊я soul IJN brother.
Let's concentrate on saving life! If she so cares then her foundation can sponsor him! End of discussion!
And afterwards Miss Linda,you got this to publish? Huh? What do you wanna make out of this? Be brave, pls.
Don't mind her loud mouth.useless low life seeking attention.
ok o...as the julie no donate make she let us hear word...bikonu... whether dem da try to help ojb or establish am...omakawen...
OJB dearly pls get well soon and stop listening and replying useless and jobless people,our prayer goes with you.
Maybe if you stay in a small lodging like other Nigerians instead of trying to live like a topshot celebrity over there, the expenses will be less. Don't you think so? Leave the woman alone. She knows what she is saying.
Imagine this guy talking of maintaining himself. And this is supposed to be national responsibility? Imagine an ordinary nigerian going through the same situation. This is a guy whohad opportunity to be stable. well people who want to help him should but is not by force.
you didn't have to say a word in reply! plus you sound so confident and even shameless in justifying how you're going to be living off other people's donations, the common man you never gave a damn about as the almighty music producer and even judge on the mtn project fame platform. may this operation also restore your sense so you can be in the best position to advise especially that daft goat or wizkid .... whatever his cheap hoes call him ...
That Scallywag called juliet needs to shut d hell up!!!! Dem ask her for money ni???
True talk ojb..dnt mind dat witch,wat does she knw she is saying?.juliet biko mind ur business nd take ur fat black ass to ghana.nobody asked u to donate...gOod riddiance to bad rubbish...linda biko post my comment oo!
Bro,dont mind her ok... the most important thing is your health.. if she has a kidney transplant foundation and so what, but i will advise you bro,mind your ways and seek God. not after all these u will live a natural life.. Jesus loves you bro.. u have all it takes for the transplant.
Na wa ojb must you reply?so u dint have 1naira to add to what people contributed you want money to take care of you for 1year?people have families what did you do with your own money you worked?no shame you 1monry to maintain for 1year smh greedy greedy
So the money never still complete? I heard 2face and dbanj never donate yet what are they waitin 4?
OJB so Juliet was right after all you need extra money for maintaining yourself nor just for the treatment,i knew that your camp were adding extra money to make more money from it
So you are asking the public for air fare money too, they should have reduced the amount
Save urself 1st nigga and you are here talking about maintaining urself. U should b praying for a successful surgery.Not like if u had told us the truth that the surgery was going to cost u $55k that we wouldn't have contributed more than that..ok, haven't u gotten more than $100k? Abi make we begin calculate? Naija shaa..
Such humility... You just gotta love this guy. Get well soon, boss.
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Ojb need not respond to this girl cos she is just an attention seeker. If she really cares she should assist rather than talking rubbish. Afterall how many people has her foundation helped that we are aware of
We understand o jare. Don't mind this stupid, sloppy shaped hips big mouth Juliet. If not cos condition way make crayfish bend, she won't dare mention ur name. It's well OJB.
Anyway, OJB's comment collaborates in many sense with the comment made by Juliet. And all of you who keep attacking celebrities just because something has come up wrong with other people, I think it is high time you got your butts properly packed in your pants. When celebrities make money, they do not remember other celebrities or call us to enjoy with them. It is not a compulsion on other celebrities to help the other celebrity. We have plenty people out there who cannot just make such kind of announcement but are really in bad shape and need real assistance. You should make the fund raising for them and also contribute for their health needs. Even 100 naira is no joke so stop harassing people online if you cannot do anything for others.
Hmmm.... OJB is a very decent and gentleman because he didn't give her the kind of fire she deserves. What is her business in the 1st place? Did anyone put a gun to her head to give? Any right thinking human being would know that flight, accomodation and other welfare needs are also costs associated with his medical trip. OJB, may God bless and heal you in Jesus name.
I tot he has gotten d money already.
Exactly my tots OJB, juliet is known for always running her mouth. She feels like she's too hot and can say anything she feels like, but she went too far dis time around. ITK tinz. Pls pay her no mind.
OJB you don't owe dz Juli girl any explanation! Na just busy body she be....we no knw her sef! Gbeborun oshi!!!!!
Wetin concern ghanaian with our own affair?
What is this mad man say? Appriciate "wat we r talking abt" untop ur own matter?
She was right in the 1st place
U shouldn't hv bothered urself over her comment. Afterall u never went to her in particular to seek for assistance. Just be strong, pple that will assist will assist. D Lord is ur strength
Exactly my tots OJB, juliet is known for always running her mouth. She feels like she's too hot and can say anything she feels like, but she went too far dis time around. ITK tinz. Pls pay her no mind.
I really wish this guy well but he is sounding so pathetic. How many people has he really helped in his life. Next pls
Juliet dat makes her face like a deformed child is talking.hissssssssss
I think Juliet is a darn moron for her statement.asin she sounds so ignorant it's heartbreaking.i used to love her.nw I'm repulsed by her.hope ojb gets well soon.bein ill isn't child's play
Some bitches be running their mouths. SMH
Abeg OJB beta close dat hole on ur face u call mouth oo...ppl don contribute der hard earned money now u no wan go do d operation u just dey go abt dey do interview...no let us vex talk o
Well,understanding matters most,get well soon ojb
Exactly what I keep telling people..how about accommodation and feeding in india...the k-legged girl should just mind her business. Abi wetin concern ghana concern naija na?
Juliet, mind your own ignorant business. Try thinking and calculating before you speak. Dumb blond!
Hmmmmmmmm, u try well well.
Ojb no. Mind •̸Ϟﻉ jobless fool. She s always ranting like a mad dog online. ΰ owe her no explanation..
Pls wats the account numba again?
The official money for kidney transplant in any of the best Indian hospital is 20,000dollars.Donor fee if Ȋ†̥ƨ̣̇ not his relative is abt $10k. Indian air fees for his attendant, the donor and himself is abt 5kdollars. Running of test b4 the transplant cost noting less dan $3k, let's say 3mths commodation,feeding and odas will cost him like $3k as well. On comin bck he gets drugs for 6mths therapy for a start dat cost $2k. Finally Miss Ibrahim was 100% right.
He shld mek tinz easy for himself. He shld concentrate on the operation first and get his life saved. God is not asleep.
ojb pls make sure u cut this ur hair,it's rily irritating lets know where the ailment is cumin from pls na beg i dey beg oo.
Hmmm, he has rightly said it. Her instagram posts seems emotional and subjective. It tell from the head itself.
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OJB abeg dnt waste ur saliva on juliet ibraham! My prayer 4 u is 2 get d money u seek n go 4 ur surgery n come back in one piece IJN I pray....AMEN!
What happened to all your money celebrities be wise
I love OJB's response, her 1 min of fame is over.
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The purpose of the health support donation is to give him money for his most pressing medical bills n not to 'maintain him for one year'......charity mitigates/reduces loss to a reasonable extent n nt removes all responsibility on d victim's part. Take what happnd in Haiti 4 instance, or wat insurance does. The man should be able to get on his feet after his treatment joor. $55k will suffice.
my dear dnt mind d dumb bimbo..D important tin is u getin better
This OJB is joking with his life. tasking people for money to maintain himself for a year. This is complete and utter rubbish. He for no talk this thing at all.
OJB don't mind that jobless ,useless girl. Aturu like her talking rubbish
O I see
So the money isn't only for the kidney transplant?? For lodging, room service tins n ur transport? Errr this doesn't feel right to me. Guys, think this through. Haba.
OJB Don't mind d senseless girl jor,she is just a low life girl#stupidity is worrying her....
So in some kind of way she was right . Nigerians and their big eye. 45 Naira is too much for extra and expenses
I'm sorry but that chic is an idiot for saying such. Even if he requests for $500k how is it supposed to be her biz? Just bcos God has blessed her wit gud health she's running her dirty mouth abt. If only men were God!
Ojb doesn't owe that twerp any explanation Abeg.
Ojb baba fashy that old witch that parades herself as an actress!! If no be luck,, shey anybdy for even send her!!,, its all good!! The lord will definitely strenghten u and bless dose in bountiful folds that contributed financially and odawise to get that transplant done!!!
d stupid fake yansh juliet and her long face like mongo park own.she is runing an organization dat helps reanal failure patient,pls wat is contribution dat she is drivin her mouth anyhow and addin to d pains of ojb,did she tink its easy for him to go public and beg?
So she was right. Kind of.
julie, did u read dis? U 1ted to anounce to us u have a foundation, we've gotten ur msg. In case of next time, mind ur own business, pretend u dnt c tins even wen dy stare in ur face. Dnt discourage ppl frm giving.
I just hope some people are not taking advantage of OJB's ill health to their own advantage... But why will he want an upkeep of one year? Does that include the maintance of his dreadlock? #JustWondering
I just hope some people are not taking advantage of OJB's ill health to their own advantage... But why will he want an upkeep of one year? Does that include the maintance of his dreadlock? #JustWondering
OJB is right. Juliet shut ur hell hole
⌣̊┈☺KƔ so now Ʊ guyz are giving ЪŦ Ghana witch d publicity she's been looking for..Fine...
Let bare in mind dat atleast 3pple r traveling (ojb,a support n d donor).2surgeries wld b held,remove 4rm d donor den d main1 on ojb. It is not a 1day procedure,4everyday hospital admission increases,accomdation,dey can't rush home immediately after d surgery,e mlst b monitored 4a few days.dey r some medications e most stay on 4a few months..d stupid ghana actress (which neva knew,tanks 2message going viral),runs an organization,dey no she is bringing in numbers of people n it a charity stuff, so she wld definitely get a large discount.also becks she runs a charity,she jst wants 2get it DONE,she won't consider d quality of services whether d hospital/medicalteams r gud or not. Finally, dis ghanian pple don dey pass their boundary if nt 4naija wey dey give dem chance,dey for no grow now
Is he that broke? He should have asked 4 d actual sum needed 4 d procedure, then source 4 his trip fare, accommodation n 'maintenance'
i don't think OJB should be answering to that bitch's query . after all she is Ghanian , all talk and no money .
He's really making a point!!! From de soul of his feet to de crown of his head he's healed IJN......amen!!!
He's really making a point!!! From de soul of his feet to de crown of his head he's healed IJN......amen!!!
bless u broda,she's just being an idiot.if she cares dat much she wud av admitted u it her so called foundation wey she no wnt mk we hia word.
He's really making a point!!! From de soul of his feet to de crown of his head he's healed IJN......amen!!!
He's really making a point!!! From de soul of his feet to de crown of his head he's healed IJN......amen!!!
Ojb God is with u.pls cut that hair already tanx
OJB needed nt to have responded to wat dis cheap prostitute said.u no be her mate for d game she wey jst manage show lime light yest with her quack and miserable acting skills.God will heal u bro.it is well with u.as for u juliashy pray to God u dnt fall into trouble with ur stewpid mouth.
Guy I beg you for just keep quite. I was among the pple insulting this girl for her coments but for you saying "appriciate what you saying" you mean pple shouold appriciate heping you? I dont understand sounds irronical. You mean extra 45USk for you mentainance and ticket? I am dissappointed if i say wetin dey my mind plle go curse me tire. Am out.
No mind her jare OJB, na bad belle dey worry her
No mind her jare OJB, na bad belle dey worry her
Don't Mind d ghanian" WINCH"! Which NGO does she ve? Or is it not charlet, wia she grooms whores like her?#rolling eye#
Don't Mind d ghanian" WINCH"! Which NGO does she ve? Or is it not charlet, wia she grooms whores like her?#rolling eyes#
It is WELL!...this lady is just insensitive!
My dear OJB,Ʊ dn't need †̥♥ waste d little strength Ʊ hav respondin †̥♥ dat mistake of a human being.
Mmmmm it's well. First to comment anyway
Na wa oo.. Na we go feed ds bros again afta efry efry.. Sha get well soon
OJB u dnt av to reply dis escape from albino,attention seeking z list wannabe celebrity
Why is OJB responding to her as if she's important, juliet thinks she's all that. OJB success joRr
"You don't go to India only to come back and start asking for help again. At least, I need some money to maintain myself for the next one year"
please Ojb did you work the money into peoples pocket and all the frivolous life you lived you didn't consider saving money for the raining day. its a shame cos i see and know how you celebrities spend money in clubs and functions only to now come out seeking help. i reserve my other comments.
ooooohh!!PooR Juliet was Correct afterall!!
He didn't need to respond.
Is ga!
I reserve my comment on this one.
Datz a cool and reasonable repply, i luv dat, a reasonable man will always repply in a reasonable manner...... Get well Soon bro
itz mua bonymandude
I dont see anything wrong in what she said joor
Dnt mynd dat foolish gal jiree.afta d transplant u com bck home nd die? Abeg make una hlp OJB o...#teamsaveojb
•Estrano Lala
Don't mind dat stupid idiot...wetin concern her sef...oloshi
You are just a common and local thief OJB...making eve®y one dat doesn't give u money look bad...u know how many people are dying of kidney problem...no use ur own take hold Nigeria hostage#loud hiss#. SAINT
This dude's case was the first news I saw when I first visited this blog so what did I do?I researched upon him,except that I couldn't find much. However,I have been following with keen interest,thanks to this blog so I'm just gon' say this straight up-Mr OJB,u really shouldn't be responding to any little talk made about u cos its obvious this woman is just mad that u aren't getting ur treatment through her foundation,that's if she actually has any. Bitter hearted bitch! And yes,I did make a little contribution even though I'm not in ur country...Bless!
Tnks baby
So he doesnt have a dime to his name? Maintain yourself for the next one year? nawa o.
This is a lesson for all these high-spendinh celebs....save for the rainy day!!!
She just wanna b noticed
Ode Juliet,shey u don hear ni? Maybe 50,000 USD will help reconstruct those your awful klegs that almost makes u look like an imbecile..
Ode Juliet,shey u don hear ni? Maybe 50,000 USD will help reconstruct those your awful klegs that almost makes u look like an imbecile..
Juliet ibrahim also said she was misquoted in the same encomium maga, linda Ʊ no see dat one abi. Ʊ sef like to cause trouble.
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