But the best part about getting this info wrong is that Paul has, for the first time, acknowledged Elshamah and her son. He tweeted that he has never accepted the baby and NEVER will. That's kinda harsh considering no paternity test has been done so far. I found this out a few hours ago.
Anyway, no man in his right senses will deny his own child, so maybe he knows something we don't know, even though Elshamah swears she was a virgin when she met him at 17. The story continues...
PAUL OKOYE, be a man do DNA test. if the baby is yours take care of him.
Linda shine your eyes well well o b4 Ɣ☺ΰ hear am from paul o. Moreover Ɣ☺ΰ can so lyk gbeborun. Chai
Kai Linda ameboo! But keep up d gudwork. Just sayin...D Curious1
Oooops!! Yo Never Can Tell!
Baby mamas keep rocking d music industry.. Nawa o, wot happ t contraceptives any ways..
D family of dis girl should allow d DNA test if their daugther is sure paul actually 4got some sperm in her p***y so paul can cater 4 his son.
Hmmmm,linda! U guys shld stp giving us wrong info o! Ma fingers re crossed on dis 1 tho.
Paul only you know if the child is yours though
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The ladies look alike, their babies also look alike. I also think he shouldn't have said so and I actually told him on twitter. There's life beyond today.
Of course, he can't accept the baby when the prove test hasn't been done and never will is just a joking matter.
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Lesson to be learnt... Be sure of your facts first before telling the public... We need credibility.
Love your blog though.
No Business Linda!
Uhmm...linda get your facts girl...virgin or not once the toll gate is opened any oda person can enter ...this is d kinda disrespect u get wen u sleep around as a minor instead of sitting your butt n setting your priorities right. anyway na paul get him mouth so him fit yarn dust ....besides there ate three sides to every story ..your side,the oda partner and the truth ..wisdom is profitable to direct ..
Issorite! Waiting to hear from the supposed 2nd baby camp
Three kids wit diffrt mama nawa.ooooo marry one na abi na kick and go u dey do? wel sha congratulobia my guy
Linda must u talk*mumu* y wld he father a baby that is nt his own! Abeg use ur common sense..all these hungry girls that wld do Anythhing to get attention next time use a condom or u put a permanent paddlock to lockup ur dirty..At age 19 already having sex? shame on women
Eya I feel for Elshama. But if the baby was actually Peters he would have taken up responsibilites. May be he is not.
Linda pls try n verify well B/4 publishing to avoid prison yard
at 17? *shocked*
So all this Psquare boys do is to have baby mamas and not wives.Odikwa egwu oo!Lindy post my comment ooo cos u don't always do dat.
Linda hope se he delete u sharp sharp ...I like u sha always forcing out truth smhow..lol #waiting 4part 3#
This is really serious.
I pity that Elshama girl if all she's cooking are lies, but paul shud be careful too, cos if the son turns out to be his, it won't be cool if he grows to realise his daddy publicly denied him at first.
Heart of Linda...U can't disguise completely where your allegiance stands. He accepted, he recognized, he confirmed there is a baby. Of course we know there is a baby...this young man seems a gentle type to me with the way he has handled your wrong report taken from his personal media... U now snoop on BBM to get a gist...maybe he needs your good and bad side...fair play to him
"Bloggers, shine U̶̲̥̅̊Я̅ eyes". More like Linda, shine U̶̲̥̅̊Я̅ eyes, in fact, wear goggles! Haba!
Omg Linda u'r such a wannabe ugh!! What is 'My bad!'???? Abeg cut it out already n speak n write correctly! Mscheeew
Pls Linda be credible! That's a very expensive stunt u pulled!
Paul Nonso Okoye, read this, go and do paternity test to make sure God will not punish your dumb ass in the future for deny a child he gave to you. If it is yours, then act accordingly. Plus if you are not married, please show your child that your mother taught you better; that you are a man worthy to be a husband and marry Anita. Stop acting and behaving stupid, selfish and foolish.
Linda, I think he meant that he never made a baby with Elshama and never will
No man in his ryt senses wil deny dis paragon of beauty....... They luk lyk one hapi family already "winks"
Paul I always tot u were sensible. U deny d boy without a DNA test. And wat makes u so sure Anita's son is urs,it seems u don't knw life yet.u better do a DNA test on Elshamah's son to be 100p sure before u turn ur back on ur seed.that boy will grow up to be somebody and u wld av missed out on his life. A father publicly denying his son, what life do u want d poor lad to have.u r such a shame, banging al ard d place,y bed a girl u can't marry or father a child with and u don't use protection.at least 2baba claim al him pikin, may God forgive u sha.
Was wondering toooooooo.......first toi comment *winkz*
Linda u really need to verify ur stories before posting and wen u get it wrong at least have the grace to actually apologise! There is no'good part' to posting a lie. Just apologise instead spewing further trash! Have some class abeg.....
Poor Elshama, i can imagine how she'd feel.
Poor Elshama, i can imagine how she'd feel.
Linda linda...pls alws check ur wordings,I mean ur syntactic construction is quite confusing "acknowledge Elshama" ??? Like seriously? I'm I d only one seeing this? The truth is, Paul didn't cum in Her! So She is such a Gold digger n a Relationship wrecker.
Virgin?? It might be true sha but what kind of mind did she have as a virgin tho!! She might b lying u knw...
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oh! I thought as much,Lindiway shine your eyes.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
she was not a virgin, dats y d guy was mad. She lied
I hardly comment. But dis is reli bad,u nid 2 get ur facts strait b4 rushing 2 put it up. Sme1 evn made a comment dat its Anita yet u didn't quickly gets ur facts rite and make an update
Guy, dt son may one day be d miracle u need and archives will be against u. Man up and be responsible
Real men know how to filter out the groupies. It shows in your conversations and interests so we know.
Linda get your facts right. Na wa o. Disrupting people's lives. Nonsense.
Linda,do u think I believed u b4,someone can just edit his/her profile and screen grabbed it.
Na wa I pity d elshamah gal may God not let us see such shame IJN.
Linda linda,u knw say u don fuck up...lol if u like nor post my comment.
You have a very big problem Linda. Hw can u say Paul acknowledged the girl and her child and at the same time say that he denied them. So contradictory.
LOL! Just like I said back then that the BBM profile thing linking Paul to the baby was so fake, and then, for him to harshly denounce the baby means he knows better, I just hope he isn't lying though, because let's face it, he could be lying!
Linda Linda.....u didn't confirm the information before passing it to the world... Na wa to u oooooo...
Am beginning to hate this guy.
Plz Linda I dnt understand d whole info, how many kids does Paul have?
This is just 1 of the reason why I dislike beauty pageant.. beautiful girls get abused by rich guys.
Paul is just too rude no wonder he sounds jealous abt that champagne. Better go get a DNA test done
Waoh! So the girl was dis flowered by paul_psquare, congratulation over 2FACE who said and I quote " I have never met nor dis flowered a virgin all my life".
they no best we don't. So gud luck to dem
All this drama, when will it end.just feeling for the infant been called a bastard.
Respect to 2face Idibia..... Taking responsibility for your actions shows how matured you are.
Let the father of this beautiful lady try and understand, keep your daughter's baby. It is well
Hey Paul, I like the way you've responded to Linda on twitter...really matured way but what I don't like is the "NEVER WILL" part...that was totally not necessary.
If that child is his, I pity the idiot called Paul. Linda, if you know Paul very well, u better warn him. What he is doing is the beginning of his downfall. If he doesn't desist, within the next one year, everything he has owned will be history. Warn him!
*milo clap for aunty Linda* #sigh
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Lindi way get ur facts correctly befor posting them o
Let him gerrout, all ds irresponsible omo igbo's. When he was fucking d babe witout protection, he didn't knw dat she can gt pregnant abi. Make d girl sef agree for d DNA. And all ds men dat rejects their children sha
Hahahahhaahah... fake news from Linda
SMH...*picks up my bowl of Eba again* Na dem know..
The story continues...... When Linda?
Elshamah is a fool. She should have kept his items e.g tootbrush for DNA test. He is denying her because he wants to please the other lady. That is most Nigerian do a lot. Beware! He chopped her pussy and fled like chop my money chorus.
Elshamah of life, lol... Well you can't be too sure if he has done anything or not, allow a niccur !
Men are not dogs, girls just happen to sleep with dogs called men. Imagine denying your own son
sooo many men deny thier kids abeg,its a norm with them
Now Linda hope ure ready 4some finishing frm LIBers hehe!
~D great anonymous!
Mr paul okoye when u were sleeping with a minor (18 is the legal age) you didnt know abi? Una fit buy shayo of N300m but una no fit buy N500 condom abi? E dey sweet you to dey skin the minor but to take responsibility dey hard abi? Get ur mind rite bro.
Story story oh story!
let peter n paul get married b4 they full nija with single mothers,half brothers n sisters lik 2face
Too bad
Linda pls jus stop makin assumptions. Ur nt in d pix of wat really hapnd so pls drop n zip it.
lindiway......ogini ne meh?c y i said u shud alwz b sure of d stories u post.n i tink dis paul has a point,no man in his rite sense ll deny his baby no mata d circumtance of birth.so linda shine ur eyes ooo n pls post ma comment.last 2 comment yipeeeee!
Linda be careful with the kind of infor you provide. dont just be too fast to carry rubbish gist. take it easy pls.
Linda pls stop carrying contradicting news
At 17 she already opened her legs... Hmmmm
Whose approval RUBBISH
No wonder! I come dey wonder how dis jos girl go born such a 'white' child...was tinkin probably some1 in d extended fam or so of either of dem is/was light! Toh! Linda shine ya eyes
Ghen ghen!
Good for her;just bec moneyfool.
Rotfl tooo funny! Bet he has deleted Linda from his bbm. I wondered if she ran it by him before displaying his bbm profile. Obviously not!
Linda do have fun out there in the united states wella s for peter he is only burning the mid night candles in vain he is not going to convince the world that he aint the baby dada there is always this saying only a girl knows the true owner of a child so if she refuses to let go of peter then its obvious he is d dada for elshama knows that if she is lying a dna will expose her rump to the public and she would not want that drama coming down on her and her family in the end i hope this kids no wat they are both doing
Pls always get ur facts right before uploading them mtchewww
Jeremy kyle show is the answer
Never say never Paul...
Jeremy kyle show is the answer
Why would a 17 year old go after someone like Paul, stupid girl her mate are still in school and she is busy going after a popular star
The story continues where?????
anoda 2face on display
You can't bring a child into the world out of wedlock. It is reckless and inconsiderate . We have control over our bodies, keep your legs shut , use a condom, birth control pills, injections etc. abortion is a greater evil not an option. Baby mama at 17 wat an achievement, all in the name of Love. What about loving and protecting your future, wat are u going to tell dat child , dat ur father rejected u. God forbid dat idiot mentality dat makes young girls so stupid and irresponsible .
I won't just blame paul but also d girl,she's just to young for dis kinda drama
Don't these people know about condoms? In these times were there are sooooo many STDs flying around.
I swear My 6 month old daughter is more matured than this paul guy!!
see how he's publicly embarrassing the girl and her family.. What if the child turns out to be his???
Why not condoms? Paul. Paul. Paul. Get a trailer of condoms pls. Aids is real.
Na dem sabi.
But how a grown up, educated, and exposed girl come up and lie about somthing like this when she knows DNA can prove her wrong, hMmmmn! If that baby is Paul's that will be bad o! For denying ur son publicly, If I were such a child, to grow up to realise u had publicly denied me even before I had the chance to exist, it wud take a long time for me to forgive you, so paul be wise, think before you speak, don't just say things cos you don't want to hurt Anita, there's life after this era. #THINK# you're more of a real man when u embrace your own.
the Bible has a reason for no sex before marriage. God forsaw all these. girls be opening their legs for 2mins fame. the society doesnt judge the man, it does the woman.its a sad thing but women shd be concious of it. anyway its a pity
its possible Paul is like Kanye West who always carries his CD(condoms) around so maybe Elshama tot the CD broke at some point poor girl!
Please u ppl shud stop throwing stones @paul ks he knows y he used d word 'NEVER'...dnt u tink dere is a possibility dat d girl in question knows d truth and datz y she hasn't pressed 4 dat paternity test...
Shame on your mother,sister,!!I'm sure she's a slut.Asshole!
Shame on you for saying shame on women.
Shame on your mother, future wife and future daughters.
Paul ur too sure of urself 4 a man who hasn't taken a DNA test.
Loosing your credibility Linda.
get ur facts right madam!
be kiaful! *rme*
Good for elshama. despe gone wrong!
How can this runs babe lie that she was a virgin before she met paul in this modern time?paulo,you sharp jare.do dna for european hospital.naija hospital dey lie.
Why all dis fuss?...let them go 4 DNA, simple,pauli,if u're sure u're nt d fada,prove it by doin d test,it doesn't take anytin off u.
More like what's happening to wearing a rubber around their john? They all make me sick!!!
"Eyeshadow"3:25am Thunder fire you for ur comment. Hollier dan thou.... Mtcheeeeeew. Rubbish dey talk
Elshama never bring pic wit her n d child, conc evidence...rubbish, go 2 her Facebook, I hv gone thru it, beauty queen nonsense, ugly jos pit. P2 knw beta tin choose oyinbo gal. Lindiway amebo!
Paul why are u doing what peter is suppose 2 be doing?
That's her football age
Paul, think twice.words are like china plate,once spoken, they are shattered. Can't put them back together again! What if the child is urs ? How will u face him tomorrow ?
All d perverse hungry bastard bitches shd learn dat money also transmits HIV. I beseech y'al by d mercies of Gød to Zip Up. Damburo uba, shege!
The issue is pretty simple to me...submit to a DNA test and prove once and for all that the baby is yours or not. As for Elshama...well the deed is done(but rlly girl,u brought half of this on your self,dating such a guy at your age.he is too matured for you in everyway). Take care of ur son wit the help of your parents and make sure you go back to school,the truth will surely come out one day. No child is a bastard,some one's sperm produced that innocent child. If you are very sure the boy is peter's, then the truth will surely prevail.
Paul okoye should not make me hate him oh. If he injected his penis in her vagina ge needs to man up & find out if that child is his. Do a fuckung DNA test, do not make the biggest mistake of your life
Linda u need to get ur facts right!! U keep doin ds all d tyme nd wen u r suppose to Apologise...u aint usually sober abt it
People with senior arabic certificate should be given admission into the university said by minister of education. Is time we remove people that dnt knw their jobs. Pls let an educated, i mean a learned man run that post pls. That woman should be removed before she turns Nigerian education into arabic.
Hummm"eno easy eh"...singin, dancin while cookin mah concontion noodles...let da movie continue...ghenghen "action film"....smh 4 my fellow girls/ladies...owk females
We've got lots of baby mamas on this blog,some are happy,sum depressed,sum are still bitter, sum are furious,pls am not a baby mama so am gonna say d truth! It aint Paul's fault, its d girl's fault,so she wan follow chop Psquare money! Thief ole,make she carry her cross, na d baby I pity
U actually told him on twitter? Like he will ever read ur tweet!
Bitch sit down!
Billie jean
Dat was how eddy murphy denied,paul will b singin daddy lovs u soon 2 elshama's baby.
You all should leave linda alone. She just doing her job. Anyone is prone to mistakes. Afterall she aware of it.
Funny how a lot of people assume he is denying the baby,but i think what he is saying is never will he use d elshama's photo as his dp'that's what i think....
LOL Linda the Ikeji. You're going to get yourself in big big trouble one day. MRS BLOGGER
This lady has succeeded in embarrassing herself,family n child.Shame on u and Paul!What exactly were u guys up to? U both messed up!U shld just do a DNA n resolve this issue.We are tired of reading abt it.
Omg, EShamma I tot u said u don't even know d father of ur child....is Paul ur bus stop? SMH
I read that anita and elshama were good friends before this incidence?so these babes wan come shop money abi?
Just means verify ur news before u post. Very essential, before you loose credibility
Shut up...I bet u dnt even know ur real dad:that is if u hv one
I knw right
Jude never marry sef talk less of psquare and Jude is about 6 yrs older.
na una sabi
Elshamah or woteva she calls her self should flew away wit her BASTARD child coz dats nt Paul's child
Such a young little girl already sleeping wt a man,look what it has yielded,rather than being in school and focusing on a career.Those saying there are no virgins just stop already pls,this babe could hv being one at d time she met wt Psquare. my older sister recently wedded,and her husband wept telling my mother that he met my sister a virgin,no one knew of this, and guess what?my sister married at age 35 her hubby is 38,she got a current BMW jeep from hubby.
Which kind paternity be DAT again , were we there wen he supposedly deflowered her, §ø wen the time is right ma man will take his baby n we won't hear about it....he is §ø unreasonable to have gone for underage n d gal is §ø promiscuous to have open her legs ,she wanted sex, she got it,
Real men sure man up to their responsibilities, only little boys run away from their responsibilities and if you're not ready to marry a girl or father a child with her, zip up or use a condom. That's what REAL men do, empty vessel. Let me remind you irresponsible idiot, KARMA is a BITCH and God's judgement knows how to bring you out at a time that you least expect it to...you must pay for your wicked act of rejecting your seed at the right time, MARK my word today.
it is rumored that Paul Okoye has conducted a paternity test and the baby is not his. And that Elshama and her parents have aplolgized to the Okoye family for causing them such embarrassment.
Why does Paul seem so confident and adamant in his tweets?
Besides if he posts the results, won't u guys be the first to insult for publicly humiliating this girl?
Whether Paul is the father of this child or not, i feel for the poor baby...
While others are desperate for the fruit of the womb, this innocent being is outrightly rejected in the most humiliating way possible, the minute he comes to this world.
At one point, he was called an "APRIL FOOL JOKE". Everything is on the internet for all to see.Poor little angel.
His mama will have a lot of explaining to do when he grows up and starts asking questions regarding his birth.
And i won't want to be in miss Benson's shoes at that time.
Poor poor baby...really feel for him. Reminds me of Abraham's son Ishmael who was sent away and lived in the desert like a wild donkey, hostile towards his brothers.
May God watch over this rejected child, no matter who his father is. sigh
Wide is the road that leads to destruction.
Ladies, there is not shortcut to happiness. It's true it is not easy. Who likes hard work , perseverance and sacrifice? Everybody wants goods things without sweating; it's so easy yet the end result is dissappointment, regret and sometimes death.
See such a Young girl. Instead of focusing on what is right,she opens her legs for celebrity and now she and her family are Under disgrace everywhere! And i won't even mention the innocent baby.
History never stops repeating itself yet some senseless people (especially girls) still fail to learn and become Wise. This is what i see when i read this El-shama saga.
Linda, please put a post on BARACK OBAMA's (yes, US president) ex-girlfriend MEGAN HUGHES.
To make it short, Megan Hughes was Barack's secondary school sweetheart. After secondary school,their ways parted. He went to Harvard and guess what? Megan instead became one wakapass actress, since she felt she was too pretty for hardwork. When wakapass roles finished, she went to soft porn, then hard porn, then drugs,then escort (runs) girl and prostitution. Megan and Barack's ways crossed again when he was president and was signing autographs when he launched one of his recent books. She was among those who bought his book and were waiting for an autograph. When she stood in front of him, imagine his disbelief and shock when he saw this finished old woman!Out of compassion, he decided to help her out.
This Megan would have been First Lady today. Such a thought can kill someone with remorse. How sad!Had she known!!!See some bad decisons and their costly conséquences.
Linda, do your reseach then write a post about it. It's important. Why can't girls ever learn? There is no shortcut to happiness. You have to hustle even if it pains, then you will live the rest of your life like a champion. The greatest people (even Jesus)who made their mark on this earth were hustlers with passion and strong values coupled with conviction.
With these (hard work, perseverance, strong values, convictions), why won't God bless u, even if you're not a christian?
There is dignity in hard work. Shortcuts only lead to destruction.
Linda, have you heard that Paul may have carried out a DNA test and that Paul Jnr may not be his? Linda abeg, investigate on that.
failure on your part......and what is d deal with showing us his dps and personal info
Nigerians, discuss on how to move d country 4ward and leave private issues be tackled privately...smh.
As for Paul, let ur mum rest in peace.
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