The destitute were brought into the state around 3am yesterday and left them under the flyover at Upper Iweka Bridge after being detained in Lagos for months for begging, wandering and other minor offenses by the Lagos State Kick Against Indiscipline Officials. Many of the people dumped at the location said they were not even from Onitsha and didn't understand why they were dropped there. Some claimed they have family in Lagos and were picked up by KAI officials as they went to work.
This is the second time in a year the Lagos State govt will dump people at Upper Iweka in Anambra
1 – 200 of 224 Newer› Newest»Dumping ground? Ok
Ngwanu, let the tribal war begin...lol
Most of these street urchins are actually from Abakaliki in Ebony State.
Hmmmmmmmmm! what's all this shit about?
This is insult 2 Anambra state government,so onitsha nw is where beggars should stay.nawaooooo
Hahahaha......Funny indeed
Yipee!!First to Comment!Y is Fashola Polluting an Already Polluted Onitsha?
Heard the sate slogan is "Home for all" what do you expect.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
That's crazy how can they do that.....
Pls click HERE for hot naijagist
What an insult, why will they be dumped at onitsha? Are they all from Anambra State? These people are humans, is true some of them can actually constitute nuisance but this is not d best way to handle this.
Why onitsha?
Anambra is now a dumping ground? Hmmmn! They shouldn't just jettison humans(although beggars) just like that!
This is absolutely crazy..r ds people not Nigerians..or is Fashola himself a lagosian..ds is pure govt magic in a democracy way..
and they wil keep doin it bcuz d anambra state govt is nt complianin. Bcuz dy r doin their wrk doesnt mean they shld render pple home
Lmao....take 3k and go back to ur state..eko o ni baje tin!!!!
Anamabra Don suffer esp Onitsha... What are they suppose to do theree!!!
To starve n die.... or to be used for ritual by all these big men.. Jeez dis unfair......
what is wrong with Lagos state Government
This is sooo wrong! Y would lagos state govt treat nigerians like trash?
Ha Fash Fash, is this a way of sending the poor out of Lagos and making Lagos a megacity?
Well my people, download whats app for Any asha phone and other unsupported devices by clicking here
A veritable dumping ground....Lord have mercy....
Even in naija 2? Dem no go dump dos child abuse oga @ d top 4 kenya! Lagos 2 do haba! Maka y nw?
so why onitcha is there a dumping ground now?na wow anambra state govt are they sleeping rubbish
WTF!!! does Anambra looked to Fashola like a wastebin where he can dumped waste be it human or materials. C'riosly i think the government shld do something bout dizzz!!!!
Hmmm fashola if peter obi catch u?
Biafra must go...
why wouldn't the government provide shelter for these people or do people choose to beg and become homeless in Nigeria? And dumping them in Anambra state, what nonsense! Are they from Anambra or is the government sending a subtle message-- the same tragic and brutal message they forcefully sent during the civil war?
Nigerians love being beggars. They always beg. No surprises there. Moving on!
Na waa 4 fashola govt shaa,eem jus dey find trouble
Lol...... Naija with issues
If this is true, then shame on Anambra state govt. they shouldnt allow Lagos get away with these.
Lagos state govt is so mean. Where those he want them to go. Lord have mercy
Lol.....lwkmd dis is rili vry funny....
God pls forgive me but it's very funny,i laughed,maybe it's d way some of them were arrested on their way to work ,or the fact that Linda said,this is d 2nd time they re dumping people in onitsha ,or that some don't understand why they were brought to onitsha when they are not even from there.anyway on the radio this morning the presence said they were deported,i was wondering.they should pls give them rehabilitation.
This is so funny,wth.
If dis is tru, Lagos state gov't is not being fair to these poor people.
This isn't fair @ all, they're are humans and not animals. This is frypan to fire!! God will punish KAI IJN
Yes east is the dumping ground for bombs, desrututes etc. Haven't enough been done to them? Smh
They are looking 4 trouble.
shuu! why Onitsha????
Wat is d actual reason for such decision taken by d lagos state govt
My question is, why onitsha? trouble alert...
Okay Linda what do u what us to do about it??do u want us to go and arrest the state Governor cos I don't know y u are reporting him to us...Next Pls
This is S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ unfair....what happened to helping the poor? Is it not i n d Bible or quran anymore.is dumping dis homeless pple under d onitsha brigde d solution.Jaydee
Onitsha has now become 18th century Australia.
Dee dee
What Nonsense, dats not d way to help d destitute if d Lagos state govt wants to take them off d streets, its runing away from their duties . May GOD help us Anyways!!!!!
So Nigerians can be deported in Nigeria??? Hmmm.. All manner of SHIT happens in Nigeria!
Hehehehehehe,onitsha don turn to refugee camp na. This lagos state government wicked o,they get luck say those onitsha agbero boys no see dem as dem dey do the dumping.
Wow! Instead of the so called Lagos government to open a shelter for these people, they just picked them up like garbage and dumped them to another location! From under age girls marriage law approval to the mistreatment of homeless human beings.....good job Nigeria, keep moving backward! Mtcheww
Bia Fashola tk tym oo!!! So Onitsha z now a dumpn ground??
Instead of d govt 2 provide accomodation n basic ammenities, they dumped human beings on d bridge. God is watching..
Why not get proper information from these "beggars" about where they come from and take them there if possible,instead of leaving them hanging under a bridge in some random state...anything could happen to them there,you know.
Don't incure the blood of aged people in your hands all in your bid to rid the streets of "beggars".
No wonder our leaders will not condemn jungle justice and barbaric killing of innocent Nigerians since they themselves are so irresponsible and lawless.....
No wonder our leaders will not condemn jungle justice and barbaric killing of innocent Nigerians since they themselves are so irresponsible and lawless.....
Naija problem!! Watz d useless need of d national identity den
Loooool!!!!This is Funny and pathetic at the same time. Fashola has always mentioned it that Lagos is not for the poor and wretched.
I wonder what form of vehicle was used curvey them to Onitcha> Luxurious Dan-Dollar Bus?
Lagos state is over-populated abeg. The true indigenes of Lagos state can't enjoy their state because of infiltration of parasites from the whole country. Let the parasites go and develop their states abeg and leave Lagos state alone for the owners. My 2 cents!
Lyk seriously is Some one Mad? Why bundle them and dispose them in Onitsha? What's the reason? And Gov. Obi will be looking like moron. God help Nigeria.
Couldn't help buh laugh@ d beggers version of d gist "we were picked up as we went 2 work" begging don become work ni. 9ja I hail oooo
Dis lagos gov na original man but very crasy and correct
u can imagine onitsha is now a dumping ground
Maka gini goomenti Lagos state?????
Does onitsha looks like a human dump site???
He should have set up a home for them,so that some of them can learn some skills and acquire more knowledge.
He should have treated them better
Our leaders should show love towards their citizen especially less privileged than treating them like filty Garbage.
We need change in the way we treat our fellow human beings.
We need a change in our country,in our government and we can be the change(you and I).......
Pesercution of Ibos must stop and are we saying Nigeria is no longer one.All the numerous northern beggers and homeless ones in Lagos have not being deported to Kano like the Onitsha case.
Wat rubbish as In anambra home for all!Peter Obi better bundle them to lagos.
W@ sort of rubbish is this? Does Fashola think d@ d beggars in Lagos r Ibos? Is it not d lazy Yorubas and d northerners who feel d@ dia God given purpose in ds life is begging d@ litter d whole of lagos state. I mean ds nonsense should stop. Go to Agege railway u'll all sorts of beggars and all r very healthy, even some of them r wearing Agbada and chain wrist watches yet dey r begging. Na only God go save us.
Шάτ arrant nonsense. Why wud d Lag State Govt do that? S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ it's Anambra State that shud accommodate dem, abi? Mtchewww. Well, na Anambra State go tolerate that one.
Wwll... Let Anambra retaliate!
fashola pls dont pollute anambra state 4 us by bringing in perverts in dis noble state
Tryin to clean your house by dumpin the waste in someone else's house??
Why didn't they pack up all the Alamajiri's and send them to the north?
Is Onitsha now a dumping ground for lagos state govt.?is it d rite thing for govt to do?instead of providing a better place for d homeless pple.moreover,these are lagos indigens.
This is total mess why must they b dumpd hre in onitsha.k we nw breed beggers abi..
why Onitsha Anambra state, it should be checked this time,so they mean the beggars are frm Onitsha or what? they should have taken them to one of the northern states.rubbish!!!!!!
Humorous!!!they shld at least deliver them home safely.hope the anambra state gov won't start retaliating o!
WTF is wrong with lagos state govt,imagine deporting someone from his own country.the most annoying part is my own state.
Nigeria moves one step forward and several steps backwards. Instead of providing homeless shelter you throw them out of the state.How is that helping them, most will end up dying on the street.
We decieve ourselves if we say we are not a third world country.Every man for himself in Nigeria no government support.
But why?!
That's sad
Why is that? Why not build facility centre for them either in lag or onitsha, they just dump them like that. Like cabbage waste. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. And Every evil act done under d sun must surely come to judgement.
But if they can speak, they should be taken to their states. Not dumped like that!
Heheheheeee...but why Onitsha?
And what is Peter Obi doing about it??? SMH
What rubbish...what's wrong with these govt officials just doing whatever they want, just imagine ur parents being droped in a land they dont even know, and who even told them that onitsha isn't crowded enough as it is. This is just sick mehn
And what is Peter Obi doing about it???
Igbo to dey beg? nawoooo
I dnt knw wat lagos state govt is doing or y D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ will even decide 2 dump all of dem ѧτ onitsha? Is it dat begging originates frm onitsha or wat? Or were D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ told dat onitsha is now a dump site f̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̝̇̇̇я̣̣̥ beggars? Well, lagos state govt has rili underrated anambra state by dis act. They shud hav done it during d day time.
Bro tunde, na wa o. Lol
Hahahahaha, dis oga fashola self can b S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ funy atimes, U̶̲̥̅̊ kiddin M̶̲̥̅ƺ rit?
Somtimes u have to do away with pity to move forward.
lwkmd linda,Why Onitsha? anyways the land is green,just like lagos, Onitsha is also a big commercial city hence they should settle down and feel at home besides Anambra state was home for all,i believe the hospitality spirit still dwell in the state.Nno nu! una welcome! On a second thought, the two states might just be strengthening their bilateral cum business relationship.Nawa for this country, when will our leaders begin to think and implement sustainable developments.
MADNESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Onitsha has now turned into a dumping ground. Lagos state government, ndi ma ife. What about providing for those people by building a home for the destitutes, instead of parking them to another state. Most of them even look Yoruba. If you feel they are dirty and less humans than the real Lagosians, why dump them in Anambra State, keeping Lagos state clean in your small mind at the expense of another state.
Hahaha! I love this! Keep it up BRF!
They shud go back to their various villages(sure they have 1) since d govt aint doin anything abt their plight
But datx nt fair
Lolllllllllll maybe the govt thinks they can miraculously start business n become useful overnight or hoped the cannibals and ritualists will get them first !!! Nonsense why didn't he ship them to obasanjo farm ?????!!
O-boi! Fashola no wan know whether u get person for Lag or nt. As u be ibo stay for east dey beg.
onitsha nw 2 home of homless and beggers....abeg dere should leave dem
alone coz dat wouldnt reduce 2 rate of homeless pple and beggers....
Real pity,y not cater 4 them or set up a welfare system for this pple?fashola u fall my hand,this pple are humans like you too.
Wat does d lagos state govt mean?is onitsha a home 4 beggars?
Anambra is home for all and can accomodate all and sundry. Dey governor is there doing about it.
alright thts just way too bad now. instead of them to build some sorta affordable housing for this folks, and provide some kinda treading jobs for them to retract income from they chose to leave them in dismay. thats just mere wickedness. onitsha is a place for beggers to flock abi? they done try. at da end of the day we all bleed blood. lets treat out fellow human like the human they are. I wish i can do something to help. i pray for them..
Dis lagos state governor is very wicked, claimin to be d best yet he remains d worst being eva, so hrtless and mean.... May God ve mercy on dis beggers
I have always maintained that this so call progressive Governors are worse than the PDP crooks in power,they will do worse things. I cannot imagine Fashola a layer and a senior advocate deporting a fellow Nigerian like a foreigner . The media kept quiet because it is Fashola ,this action should be condemned by well meaning Nigerians,i challenge those back page writers like Dele Momodu ,Segun Adeniyi and the rest to discuss this flagrant abuse of the constitution. Thank God Fashola is not President of Nigeria his dictatorial tendencies would have caused a major uproar ,this isa man that has no balls to tame the lion of Lagos ,the asiwaju the baba iyaolja,shior
Eko o ni baje
Why onitsha
This is a shame ,if US or UK deports illegal immigrants Nigerian law makers ,sorry ,noise makers would cry as if the world is coming to an end ,yet they inflict more harm on their country men ,APC would not succeed with this kind of sectional behavior. Fashola should stop his fast for this singular act and beg God for forgiveness.
I challenge all the human right activist and back page writers to shout to the roof top over this Fashola's draconian style of government ,otherwise everyone of you should keep quite and allow Amechi to carry his cross
Hahahahaha can't stop laughing I like u menh fashola u must contest presidency in 2015 de devil is a liar
eko o ni baje
=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) fashola won't kil me wit laf oooo
This is outrageous!
Does it mean that all the destitutes in Lagos are from the East?
Fashola, kpashara anya gi o(mind yourself o)
Wetin na!
Nawa oo, lagos state govt. Is just looking 4 trouble.(Trouble dey sleep enyanga go wake am)
Oti o. I thought lagos was no mans land. How can they do this to japan of africa? Wiv all their pride of developing lagos for the yorubas! This behaviour is irrational. No man should be made an internal refugee in his own state.
This is funny and incredible. Does it mean they causing nuisance in the state. They should engage them in meaningful activities.
discover secrets to losing some weight and eating healthy
Onitsha has bcum a dumping grnd
so what should be there next step
Is the lagos state scared of dumping them in the north, cuz 90% of the beggers in lagos are northeners. They shd dump them in kano, katsina, zamfara etc. I am a northener b4 some pple will start insulting moi.
Nice one BRF.
Thank God they had a sweet free ride back home.. Home sweet Home am sure they all chorused..
So Anambra has become a dumping ground abi
Why wouldn't Lagos state government do so? When we don't ve a responisble caretaker in Anambra State. If the governor of Anambra state is up to his responisblity, I tell u linda no governor on earth will do such a thing!!! POST linda. I am chichi Emeka
Omg?? Loool
So much for "one Nigeria"
What is wrong with Fashola & his govt?.........D whole purpose ws just 2 move dem 4rm lagos, not even 2 give dere life's a meaning...
Nawa oooooooooooo.
Oya Onitsha ppl over to u
Hahahahhahha this is funny.am sure they speak igbo that is why.aftrall onisha is the capital of biafra.igbo kwenu!!
These govt pple sha......1st to comment, yay......
one NIGERIA indeed.
instead of building care home for them, and to even imagine ppl saying that this man (mr. Lagos state governor) is capable of leading this great Nation is a rude shock on me.
one Nigeria indeed.
What fuck is this?
We ain't gonna take this anymore!
The gov'nor gotta do something 'bout this, 'cos I wouldn't wanna see them when I return from school.
War war war war.kulful! lagos state governor.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.bloodily
am tryn so hard nt to laugh about this post,quite funny & sad @d same tym, abegi, Lagos State Govt didn't do well at all, so by dumping them at Onitsha mks d problem solved abi?
Wonder cease to end..onitsha has turn to refuse dump
When u feeling my ride from Lagos to Onitsha *in wizkid's voice*
Dis man is very stupid!!!! So onitsha don turn 2 home 4 destitutes abi???*angry mood*
This is just not right,this is discrimination on the Ibos. And it should not be condoned,a letter should be sent to Fashola. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wot rubbish!! I hop anambra govt will do somtin abt dis,dis time! Smh
And what is Anambra state government doing about it?
This mad yoruba governor nevar seize to amaze me!!!so onitsha is now your dumping ground???Anambra state government should do something to stop this rubbish altitude!!!if fashola and his mad brothers is looking 4 where to dump shits!!let them go to ibadan or ogun...atleast they are not far 4rm his useless lagos!!linda Lemme look 4 my comment o!
Lmao what the hell
Onitsha Center of refugees..... Lol. Lagos state government I hail thee .
But y ? Dats not fair
Hahhhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhaha appaling
Lolz nawa o
This is crazy act by lagos state govt,why would they do such a thing
Mr fashola u r obviously looking for trouble from peter Obi. Pls does anambra state look like a dump site for destitutes? Yanger dey sleep under blues trouble go cary makosa wakam up. Be ready to dance to dis confused music wen its time. Is lagos dat is meant to be clean so u can apluded for yle onitsha will seem as if obi is not working abi? Fashola! Eheheh I coment ma reserve.
Mr fashola u r obviously looking for trouble from peter Obi. Pls does anambra state look like a dump site for destitutes? Yanger dey sleep under blues trouble go cary makosa wakam up. Be ready to dance to dis confused music wen its time. Is lagos dat is meant to be clean so u can be apluded for yle onitsha will seem as if obi is not working abi? Fashola! Eheheh I coment ma reserve.
Na wa oh. Fashola
Fashola. Na wa oh.
The are more hausa beggers on the streets of lagos. why did they not send them back too. is it because fashola is a muslim. why have they not sent those packing? Or gone to drop some in kano.
My God, a little accommodation in an out scythe will do better dan this. It reminds me of the beggars strikes.
can this happen in Enugu? No!!!! is peter obi a woman?
He better return them, is a shame to ndi igbo.
This is not very nice. Every state must and should be able to provide for its citizens,rich or poor. Afterall everybody,they say is govt. Property so why d descrimination? Or is Lagos for d rich only? Or is Anambra state a dumping ground or a dustbin? Anambra state govt has to do sometin abt this,if they have acted on it d first time d dumping was made,I dnt think there will be a second dumping! Anambra state govt. Pls wake up and do sometin.
Y Anambra, meaning dat those causing nuisance in Lagos state are Ibos. Nt funny at all
Hmm so onitsha iz a dumpin place 4 d less privilage.its nt gud atal,dey too av d right to movement
As serious as it is, I can't just stop laughing...
Why upper iweka? Nawa o! So dey re supposed to start begging dere or what? Government sha
So hwz dt d best
~D great anonymous!
Hope Peter Obi does something about that o. What nonsense. What happened to One Nigeria
I sense tribal e-war already
The details of this Igbo deportation from Lagos State are not yet known. However, if the Lagos State government actually carried out these treasonable offense against Nigerians living in Nigeria then the Anambra state government, the Federal government, presidency, the national assemblies must take legal, executive and legislative actions respectively against the Lagos state government on behalf of these Nigerian citizens whose fundamental and citizens’ rights to live in any part of Nigeria of their choosing was grossly violated by this subversive act. This inglorious act is no different from the deportation of Jews by the Nazi; is no different from the 1966 pogrom or the ethnic cleansing directed against eastern Nigerians leading up to the Nigeria Biafra civil war. That these citizens were picked up on the streets in Lagos, detained in a vigilant prison camp where many lost their lives and then internally deported for no apparent reasons except that they appeared poor is not only criminal in nature but purely a crime against humanity and against the constitution of the Nigerian state.
Now Lagos state has become a Nazi enclave with the Igbos as the target of its newly found Nazi ideology. Lagos state government is now to Igbos what West countries are to Nigerians. In the West, a Nigeria that looks poor is not welcomed in the West. But if this Nigerian is a public official carrying huge amount of stolen public wealth he receives kingly welcome in Europe in US. With this action by Lagos State government says if you’re Igbo and looks poor you’re not welcomed to Lagos. This exactly the same discrimination that South African meted against Nigerians sometimes last year that sparked National outraged and forced the Nigerian government to respond accordingly. Lagos state government cannot differentiate or discriminate between the rich and the poor Igbos.
But by this particular single action Lagos state government have unfortunately spoken out the truth many have deliberately avoided; the truth that we are not one, the truth that one Nigeria is a hoax, a fraud artificially kept as truth by the Niger Delta oil. Every Igbo man living or operating in Lagos take note; you’re welcomed in Lagos as longs as you appeared to be doing well economically well. Every Igbo man in Lagos must now understand that his is foreigner in Lagos state and therefore must not keep all his eggs in the Lagos basket. Any Igbo in Lagos and perhaps anywhere outside the Igbo territory must think what would become of his wealth and properties in these states in the event of slightest national discord. It has happened before, the abandoned property project during the Civil war. History has and would continue to be a very important reference tool because those who disregard it surely make the same mistake time and time again.
However, there is an alternative cause of action albeit a difficult alternative that Igbos can use to confront ill treatment, discrimination and humiliations that they suffer in Nigeria. And that is to defend by any means necessary the artificial one- Nigerianism as long as the project called Nigeria continues in truth or in false continues to emphasize that we are one Nigeria. Igbo must be prepared to either effectively relocate to the East when and if it becomes necessary or they must stand their ground, defend and protect themselves by any means when and if it become necessary to do so. Every part of Nigeria is Nigeria and Igbos, rich and poor like any group has the constitutional to live,
Great men, nations are neither made from among the timid, the weakling, the peaceable, and the pacifist nor from among the awols. Rather great men and nations are made from among the fearless, the courageous and from among those who would stand their ground when ordinary men and nations takes flight. So as long as the song of one Nigeria mantra is being sang Igbos must prepare selves to defend in Lagos, Kano, and north, south, east, and west; this none melodic but empowering song of One Nigeria.
Is dat to say onitsha is d best place for beggers.
Fashola dun dey fyn trouble
What Ȋ̝̊̅§ the meaning of that cruel act. Why pick them n instead of rehabilitate them they now drop them @ onitsha? These Lagos. State officials are biting more than they can chew.
Wats d meaning ƒ that one! Peter Obi should do something abt it... Onitsha Ȋ̝̊̅§ not Ɯђε̲̣̣̣̥rε̲̣̣̣̥ beggars are dumped.
Fashola, hmmmmmm make u carry time oo. Which 1 is dropn peeps by 3am. Mr Gov Obi, what exactly are you doin about this. Let me rephrase,what did u do about the first? Cos if u did someething, the second won't happen.
This na crase work mehn
I guess you re a street lizard from maiduguri.
Idiot ooooo how u take knw say na from abakaliki looool
Why so that they can increase the population right?. Fashola is really loosing his silly mind.
Who ever dat plan or accomplish dis stuff ur faaaaaaaaadaaa yanshiii!!!!!
U noooo well!!! Ur sick my dear look 4 ur medications plezz!
A fool open his or her mouth and talk bc he can talk...process ur thoughts first before speaking.
If every one moves bk to their state Lagos will be dead ooo bcos moredan half of pple dat develop Lagos are igbos
Prince Charming. Jettison means to throw somthing out from a plane but in dis case they carried them in a bus not a plane. So plsss don't use words that are not nesesary
God forgive me but this is funny...
Which village do u stay? U haven't heard of the new slogan 'Light of the nation'. Mkpi nama
Lmaoooo @ bona oooo. Good one
R u in nigeria @ all bonario? Wch 1 s home for all?
thunder fire u there
So onitsha is the official dumping ground for beggars or anything looking beggarly!
Here I come,i have some things' to dump!
Easy with the bullets madam shit face.....Bee
God bless you!!! Fashola should even pack all those hausas begging too. Kmt! ....Bee
I agree with you. Next agenda is to return the decapitated ones to the North. If sharia cut your hand, don't come to Lagos looking for pity!
This cannot be totally true. We have to hear this story very well. We hold the white man to higher standards which goes to show that we actually think he is superior. If they try something not this brutal against some of our people, we cry racism and discrimination. See us and our shamelessness. I'm waiting for other news outlets, e.g Sahara Reporters ,to corroborate this story. Is Fashola not a lawyer?
Would love to fuck you
So all the beggars are Igbos? Or maybe they tried distinguising them using accent ,in which case people from other areas, e.g Benue, were included. What do you even expect when all the Ports and many other parastatals in other parts of the country were all but closed to favor Lagos, the Capital of Nigeria? Will people not naturally flock there? Manage your situation, Nigerian, insteading of pushing it to the next man.
My dear if usee upper iweka yday even till nw uwill tink its zumbie movie dey re shooting,ds pple re so thin lik dey walk lik ropes...@first wen dey wea dumpd pple ranaway oo tinkn its leprocy victims,dt driver gt luck d massob no catch him..he 4 use him teeth waka 4road......
Lagos state gov thunder go fire u. Ur generation 4dumpin shits in onitsha....
Anambra state gov thundergo rape u front n bkfor allowin lagos gov fuck u tru d anus..rita obi..agadi nwanyi na achi anambra state..my grand mum is far beta dan u
Anambra state gov na chritian mother he be..rita obi..my grand mum is far beta dan dt man..he nno knw anytin
Who b peter obi..dt woman cnt do fashola anytin..his name is rita obi nt peter..na chritian mother he be..old grand mama..weak lik a pig
Thunderfire u dea bastard 4 kalin nigerians..
U dnt knw ur father was a slave n a beggar too..ewu gambia
Idiot wot do u knw...gerrout n go watch cartoon u dnt knw anytin abt news
Little wonder the rest of the world treat Nigerians like dirt when we can't treat ourselves like humans.even Ghana here treat us like dirt but I guess it's nothing compared to how the lovely fashola just unloved those poor beggers. Shame on our leaders.
Little wonder the rest of the world treat Nigerians like dirt when we can't treat ourselves like humans.even Ghana here treat us like dirt but I guess it's nothing compared to how the lovely fashola just unloved those poor beggers. Shame on our leaders.
One stupid and senseless anonymous 1:24 has said they are street urchins frm abakaliki ebonyi state as if fashola went hunting for abakaliki people. Some commentators can be brainless for topical issue. This anonymous is really born of animal. Zionzukki.
From all indications, our so called leaders don't give a bloody damn abt d plight of the masses they're under oat to protect. It's pathetically shameful! Beggers're part of human societies.Even in New York, London or Tokyo, beggers & d less priviledged abound.Now, all d aboki wey de waka de beg & get dia daily bread in Ala Igbo should be boundled & sent bak 2 Kano or Zamfara? Make only d criminal rich that impoverished diz masses waka & drive dia big cars 4 Lagos roads? Used 2 ve great respect Raji Fash, bt dis fuck up 2 much. He has unknowingly sealed his Presidential ambition come 2015!
Idiot, mugu ur fada
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