By now most of you must have heard about what's going on at the Deeper Christian Life Ministry but just in case you haven't heard/read any of it, let me summarize it.
The second son of the General-Superintendent of Deeper Life Pastor William Kumuyi got married on June 15th in Jamaica to a lady named Love Odih. A day later, photos from the wedding flooded the internet - and that was when trouble started.
The bride was accused of breaking the church's conservative dressing rules by wearing make-up, a fitted wedding dress, with see-through sleeves. (bride and groom pictured above. The photo on the right is the appropriate way to dress in the church).
Now, John and Love Kumuyi have been suspended by the leadership of the church for this despite the fact that the couple tendered an apology letter to the church. Continue...
The couple said:
“We unreservedly and wholeheartedly state that we did not intend that our acts or omissions will, in any way, undermine the great works that God has done through the Deeper Christian Life Ministry worldwide and more especially, through our Father in the Lord, the General Superintendent.We also use this medium to profusely and sincerely apologise to the General Superintendent for the embarrassment and heartaches our actions have caused him, more so that he had earlier declined to be at the events.”But the church wasn't having any of that (Here's where you ask 'what would Jesus do?) they still went ahead and suspended the couple from carrying out any activity in the church - an instruction that came from the GS himself, Pastor William Kumuyi. The church said:
“The church, Deeper Life, remains committed to the biblical practice and standard of almost 40 years Christian dressing and still remains and does not compromise on biblical Christian dressing. Hence, deviation warrants the displeasure and frown of God and the leadership of the church. John and Love are now under discipline"My problem with this is - You preach forgiveness but can't practice it! What do you guys think?
1 – 200 of 632 Newer› Newest»I think that is what his father can do. And it could be to prove that noone is above the law of the church...
He's a Man of God,Linda let him be I.e let God judge over forgiveness.his son was born,grew up in that church so he knows better.maybe he probably dared his father and felt his dad will do nufin since his father is d G.O of the church.am so glad his dad took this step cos that's what dey do to oda members
Hypocrites, mumu people.
I think he is trying to lead by example, cz he would have suspended another member if it wasnt his son. But their doctrine do not make any sense. pretenders do the worse.
suspenders!!..some people can just give themselves un-necessary trouble all in the name of...
Na wa oh...
i didnt see anytin wrong with that dressing. first to comment
hehehehehe nawaoo,so they want the bride to dress like she's going to Barbeach for deliverance.
Wonder how the church members tell their wives its time for night action. guess they'll first open to Genesis 1:28 "honey lets be fruitful and multiply.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
i didn't see anytin wrong with that dressing. first to comment.
All this hullabaloo originates from Deeper Life itself. The frustrated members especially females were not allowed to look their very best on their wedding day. Then comes Love Odih all lovely-looking and jealousy creeps in "Why her?" they ask.
What is so pathetic is that it is jealousy hidden under the pretext that she has broken the rules.
At least all this has exhibited the hypocrisy of this church who delights in condemning everyone including other churches.
They don't preach forgiveness but they preach Hell-fire.they are worst set of people I know, they never go to other peoples's churches yet they spam you with their messages. They preach condemnation and infact dis is a waste of time cos they never learn.
They look lovely. So because his father is deeper life he cannot do whatever he likes?
This is exactly what happened in the book called 'God's Generals'. They are being religious NOT true Christianity. Jesus talked about forgiveness and restitution. But human being will be hiding under the guise of religion and being unforgiving as it'd just played out.
i think the suspension is just for others to learn so that it will not happen again
True Linda, BUT Standard is standard, if people before them have been disciplined without an option of apology why should their case be different? This has been the practice of the church, some of us close watchers knew this was coming, Linda, its more about precedence than forgiveness. . .
Why do i have the impression that the General Overseer put this lovely couple under discipline because he was pressured to do so?
Pastor Kumuyi himself seems to be imprisoned by the very laws and standards he set for his members and now all of them including him are stuck in them.
linda pls mind wat u say evry church has dir own way of disciplinin dir members more over he is d founders son n shld show example u want him 2 be pardoned so dt 2mrw pp ll say he doesnt prastice wat he preaches pls mind d way u talk abt men of God so d wrath of God does nt come upon u
Linda, apart from preaching forgiveness, the father, who is the one suspending them now was at the wedding. He was a witness. He was there together with his new wife, so I dont understand the furore about them breaking rules. Rules are made by men, rules dont make a man. Abegi Deeper Life should just use the opportunity to amend their rules. The only thing constant in life is change itself.
na wa o. wats wrong with that dressing for Gods sake. deeper life ehhhh!!!!! SMH
I support d church,d couple knw exactly wot dey did even me dat is nt a deeper lifer knws d dress code
Dats my problem with all dis over sabi churches dey will never practice wat dey preach...smh for dem
Catholic nd proud
Na wa o! Like seriously wats wrong wiv d dress? Na wa 4 human being Ooº°˚˚˚°ºOoº°˚˚˚°ºoO! Linda beta post my comment tdai! Iluo
Utter nonsense
Na wa ooo.....christianity has turned to somefn else.....I don't sEe anyfn bad in wat d bride wore. U don't need to dress like someone who is suffeRing before u can please God. Smh for their doctrine
Na only Deeper Life dey? Make dem find another church go na...I can't stop laughing.., the guy dey work for there?
Linda this is not even a case of forgiveness, my first question is what did the couple do wrong? dressing well is never a sin, they did not even wear something open, im tired of this hypocrisy and it is a big shame on deeper life church that they have refuse to upgrade to the 21st century, punishing the poor young followers
MISS linda suspension does not mean they av not been forgiven. but my main point is suspended or not d act has been done. me i dont see any wrong wit d wedding dress but she 4 manage no wear ear ring na.
Hahahahahahahaha,so funny,d groom will b lukin so tushd up wyl d bride wil b lookin old nd hagard,d woman no go fit happi say she wear dt kind gown of ha drms,d deed is done already dy cnt go nd wed agn
Abeggi! Is that not kumuyi shinning teeth and happily holding the girl in the first pic? Why didn't he order the girl to clean off the make-up bfor they progress! Mschew
Hahahaha!laffin my big butt out!r ds pple nt confused?av they nt seen d part in d bible whr God said to adorn urselves wt ornaments?or dm neva see old isrealite picture?d guys 4 dey leave thr hair na as dm wan resemble isrealites.pipi
Let them serve d'punishment first.. Then they can be forgiven
And a church member stated categorically that press Photoshopped the bride cause he was at the wedding the dress,supposed earrings and makeup were not real so why the apology?
Think?...how does dis affect the flood and bad road in Lagos?....abeg abeg abeggi!!
I like the way this couple made their statement.
Love's first dress was rejected because the marriage commitee found it worldly; It didn't go down with Love who seems to be more contemporary. The second dress she's wearing in the pics was sewn at night. So when she stepped in church the next day, it was too late to take action.
I'm glad this couple was bold enough to want to change things. I hope Love's action will be an open door for more Deeper Lifers who want have a personal relationship with God and not be people pleasers.
Is this a joke, please the pic with the 'Appropriate' wedding attire, sorry looks like a nun's convent uniform! And like you said Linda, why cant we christians just endeavour to practise what we preach. Aint nothing wrong with that dress and the bride looks well covered and beautiful to me! God! WhenWillWeStoptheUneccesary
He was raised up with the church doctrine, so I believe he should know better.
Abegi! They had the wedding they both wanted. This drama should stop already!
Ahn ahn, they are both products of the church, and knew how it's done there, so kini gbogbo Super Story yi na?
Linda, please stop adding your one cent to every post
In order to curtail the trend from escalating! John Kumuyi should know better but attime, d fact that your Dad is higly principled doesn't mean the son will bow to the norm.These kids are overly-exposed and have been living abroad for a very long time now,so U shud expect this kind of deviant attitude.Maybe,if the Mum has been around,she would have managed it in a way that it wont gather so much dust as this. No disrespect to the step-mum.I hope Jerry won't deviate too.
I respect Pastor Kumuyi for this.It shows he is really sadden by all this.
I wonder hw it wil b if is God himself.
C'mon de dress was so awkward; i dont blame them... but the church shld listen to thier plea.
Don't mind the useless church,ans I have observed most deeper life members are actually hard hearted,i have gone close to some of them and noticed they have no sympathy, yet they cover up and act like they are extremely holy,i dont Like the church at all, Christianity shouldn't be done this way and no one said as a Christian you have to look frustrated, i have no business with Deeper life church
I TIRE O THE DRESS IS NOT Espousing her breast nah anyway that is the rule of where they belong. As i dont think a particular fabric was mentioned in the bible. The truth is must everyone dress like olumo rock? no must everyone dress flashy? no BUT DRESS UP TO COVER YOUR NUDITY Shikena
I A̶̲̥̅♏ aware in Deeper Life,bridal clothings Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ shown †̥ the Pastors for approval before dعƔ Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ worn on the weddin day...I wonder what could have gone wrong here!Anyways,it takes humility for one †̥ apologise,dعƔ have done so,why still suspend them?Whatever happened †̥ Christ's injunction:' Ʊ Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ forgiven,go and sin no more'?It's well!
See how horrible these mgbeke sisters look with their fake wedding dress and her brides maid,pretenders
i don't even see anything wrong with her gown, its really decent;her makeup is light... hypocrites. the suspension is total rubbish. the church will not pay attention to building members character:all the colleagues and neighbours i have worked and lived with who are members of the church are the worst behaved very judgemental and nasty.
She looked so beautiful and decent to me !!!!! I don't understand these people. Uju
Hahahahahah no be small thing.see d second wedding day so ugly lmao! Dats wat dey all wished for wearing a sweet wedding dress but fear of their G.O(man)won't let dem. If its God He will understand n forgive them!.
Dress still get sleeve them dey para,what if na tube she con wear? #gobe lmao!!!
John Kumuyi apologized out of respect for his old man. These 2 knew what they were doing and they achieved their aim.
At least kudos to John for wanting to have a life of his own and making it known rather than be stifled with Deeper Life principles and laws that almost look like bondage.
God bless these two young people!!!
Many more will boldly step out just like u did. Many pple will not be afraid to speak out their minds anymore!It is only a matter of time. You'll all see.
Preaching forgiveness does not in any way mean that when people disobey spiritual authority, they shouldn't be punished. Daniel was punished for killing Uraia and taking his wife even after he went back to God for forgiveness!
They should go and see Meagan Good's dress, a supposed Pastor's Wife...I'm sure they would burn her instead.. www.belarich.com
Discipline and forgiveness are two different things! I see nuthing wrong wit punishing someone for his wrong doing! He is the pastors' son n am sure he knows how things work in deeperlife so why disobey! Let's not be baised with the comments we make! Linlin post my comment!
Forgiveness does not preclude discipline. You need to wise up Linda
That is total nonsense its their wedding day they have to enjoy it nt dress like people who r suffering the action taken by †ђξ church after †ђξ apology was too harsh my advice is dat the couple look 4 a church dat would accept dem cos I don't see anything wrong wit †ђξ wedding dress.....
Its a wedding not a funeral...the lady on the right looks like she is abt to be buried.its what is in ur heart that matters.dressing without a good heart wouldn't take u to heaven!
the punishment is to
1.To deter other people from doing this 2. To shut up critics and aproko that will say BECAUSE HE IS KUMUYI'S SON THAT IS WHY THE CHURCH OVERLOOK their action.
May The Love of Christ Dwell Richly within them who believe.
WWJD? Forgive.
DlCF and their many double standards...
The Guys(Groom) "always" looking Good... The Women(Bride) always looking TORTUREDLY Dressed...
Thankfully a Broken and a contrite Spirit is what God would not despise...
if one likes dress in the best or worse apparel, God desires a heart/mind yearning for him.
Kumuyi's son was suspended because his beautiful lawyer wife was gorgeous on her wedding day.
John, your wife was very beautiful.
All this is because the other female church members were denied the opportunity to look this fab on their wedding day hence the anger and frustration.
This is first degree nonsense. @ the couple, go and look for a bible believing church to worship. I see nothing wrong in that wedding dress jor mtcheeeeew + 1st 2 comment
Linda what do u mean u preach forgiveness but can't practise. If they don't do anything as a church u Linda will write "the church didn't take any action because it's kumuyi's son" mtscheeew
Space reserved
I Think the question of Man's choice is seriously under questioning!even in the bible,God gave Adam heads up on d forbidden fruit nd left him with a choice!I like to believe we don't serve ethics ,church dogmas and religion.we serve God in truth nd spirit!Itsunami not ma place to church a man of God or Any man atall but sincerelynthe punishment doesn't fit the crime!
Am a lil bit confused o... d GS himself suspended dem...I gues he was at d weddin, dey cud hv done smtin wen he saw d dress like give ha a coat 2 wear....y all dis NW..well I understand whr he's comin 4RM tho...charity begins @ hme it mite seem he (his family) dosent prectise wat he preaches...he wnts 2 MK sure it doesn't happn again
First of all, I see absolutely nothing wrong with the young lady's dressing nor her face.
The gown is very modest and in no way revealing.
As for the makeup, it is very natural and not even too much.
What exactly is he trying to prove with this suspension?
Nawa, all these manmade doctrines self. You guys should follow Christ nah.
They even apologized. I wonder what will happen if the lady was probably pregnant before marriage. I guess they will erase their names from the book of life then.
lmao at the last photo on the lower right, i'd rather just do a trad wedding than come out in that as a wedding dress if i were a lady....abeg make dem suspend the guy, many churches preaching the true gospel will accept him.
Gawwwd I cant imagine myself wearing that on my WEDDING DAY. Jeez, looks like one local mgbeke. loollllllz. I pray i dont marry from that church!!!!!
This is becoming annoying. Why didn't the pastors storm out on the day of the wedding when they saw the dress?? Why didn't Daddy Kumuyi refuse to snap pics with the couple in protest? I see nothing wrong with the dress sef. Na dem sabi.
Hmmmmmmmm ndi Deeper life! And na their own dey always worse pass o! So if the woman was pregnant out of wedlock,they would have slaughtered them abi??*rme* But the fourth pic tho..Lmaooo
I will always say it, Deeper life church members are usually hard hearted with no me cry or sympathy, when I was in School there was a lecturer ,a lady who was a deeper life member she was very wicked na their way
Linda for once try & leave issues that are sancrosanct to others alone. I'm not a member of the church, but they have their rules regarding being conservative in a lot of aspects. The son/family of the General Supritendent should have known better. What moral right would Pastor Kumuyi have to preach & push forward their ordinances, if he can't get his own son or family to do same. Please let them be!
These churches sef and their doctrines. However, this yeye boy and the wife know where there are coming from and yet disobeyed. If they forgive these one, it sends a wrong message to the congregation.
Well forgiveness doesn't mean you should not face consequences for your action. That's the rule in their church and am sure they knew the risks of not complying. The couple won't be shocked about this. Lind just chill ehn.
I personally feel that the dress is decent enough. However, if they have a laid down set of rules that they live by, then church members should try to abide by it. If you don't like it as a member of the congregation you could choose to leave the church or table it before a panel or whatever to have your issues addressed. That is the way civilised people behave.
The leader of the church is in a bit of a bind really cos if he doesn't "sanction' his son, he'll be seen to be taking sides. By sanctioning his son he is making the message clear that there are no sacred cows and they are serious about enforcing the dress code. You mention forgiveness Linda--Yes, I definitely think there's a place for forgiveness but if this particular couple are let off the hook, it wouldn't be read as merely forgivess but as being partial.
what is wrong with the dress?
some churches and what they tag abomination. phew!
what is wrong with this dress I ask again?
mschew! rubbish! those forming holier than thou, na dem worse pass.
abeg make dem comot for road jare.
Don't give a rat's ass
Serving a punishable sin does not mean you are not forgiven, it serves as a lesson and deterrent to others.
The so called GS is very stupid, I don't see anything wrong in the brides dressing, that is why I hate this so called pentecostals church here and there. How can you suspend your fellow human from church for the so called indecent
Dressing, anyway may God forgive their leaders because they don't know what they are doing, and for the couple, Please there are so many other churches that you people will migrate where Jesus Reigns
Linda,U should also report that the wedding dint take place in a Deeper life Church in Jamaica.No Deeper life Pastors joined them!
John is a young adult and that is d way he wanted his wife to dress on their wedding,Unfortunately,his Dad is sadden by the turn of events.Salvation is personal.Apart from being a Man of God,he's also a father and has to grumple with the burden of whiping those guys into line.If you think its easy,go and look at d lives of other children of major Men of God around.You will be amazed!
See as the deeper life conc bride and groom be like mumus even with her brides maid,if na like this white wedding dey be , many people for no wed na
Don't tell me dat's a weddin gown dat lady in d last pic is wearing...dat dress should enter d guiness book of record for d ugliest weddin dress ever
Ha ha ha deeper life... what's a young man and young woman doing in that church sef. good for them
Linda is not about preaching forgiveness and can't practice it!!!please right now u have to be straight forward..I was born into deeper life and grew up as one,but then d standard still remains yeah,dey are suspended so that t will serve as a lesson to others intending to go against d standard,and don't forget we are in dis world had it been they were not disciplined my sister a lot of stories will arise fromthat saying that d church is partial cuz is d case of d General overseer's son,but they want the whole tin to be fair..dey have been pardoned if not dey wld have been asked to leave d church..so check it well.. As for me ehn,nothing is wrong with wearing a wedding gown o,but d babe for no do d extreme makeup knowing fully well dat a lot of ppl will talk!!But wait a minute lemme ask?dos it mean dey didn't see her b4 she left d house?lol,dos it mean d girls mum who happens to be d national women coordinator didn't see her b4 d day of d wedding to know her plans of wearing such and all that?my sister in dis case I won't be a judge but its all hypocrisy am sure if d world or other top memebers of d church didn't talk..dey won't have been disciplined..in other words there's politics being played!!
But above all..pastor W.F kumiyi is a No nonsense man..when I became an adult I started attending a diff church cuz am a grown up youth with energy but dat doesn't stop me from attending deeper life once in a while when am around my Family..
Lwkmd! D guy s so not well..y wld he go against d laws of d church where his father is d G.S. He shud serve d punishment joor. #Laffwankomotmaskirt#
I'm sure deep down pastor Kumuyi had no problem with his daughter in law's dress.
But he set the rules himself. So in principle, what is good for the goose is equally good for the gander. And his son was no exception. He himself got trapped by the standards he imposed and now he can't get out but has to abide by them no matter what it costs him.THIS MAN WAS PRESSURED INTO SUSPENDING HIS SON!
The consequences of bondage under the guise of serving God.
na wao..wat ws she tinking wen she wore dat dress knowing dat d man she is abut 2 gt married 2 is d son of d G.S
as far as i am concerned, this wedding dress is not bad and it is not revealing. what exactly is their problem?
who should we follow? Jesus Christ footstep or Superintendent footstep?
deeper life and their wicked members also known as my brother and my sister mscheww in the name of religion lolzzz
na wa o.
deeper life church nd their walaha....
Now I don't agree with the dress code that the church espouses. But that's not the point of argument. My comments are based on whether they should have been suspended even though the church preaches forgiveness. Well, the simple answer is that forgiveness doesn't exclude punishment. Actually in Christendom it is believed that even after forgiveness for a sin, there are still consequences that the sinful act attracts. If suspension nullifies the message of forgiveness, then a full-time/paid church financial officer or pastor that steals money should be forgiven and allowed to continue in his or her paid post, since taking the post away from him will be seen as punishment. Consequences serve to deter people from doing wrong. Otherwise, we'll always do wrong and always beg for forgiveness thereafter. Still, I don't subscribe to the church's dress code.
they are being punished... "suspended" not "exiled"... they are trying to correct the action and not encourage people from doing the same. But the guy tho, didnt he know? lol...
i get upset when i see weddings like that on the right... the groom looks normal and the bride looks like something from another world
Human beings for u. Sad!!!!
Dey are all hyprocrites, dey preach and cant practise. May God forgive dem.....mstchweeeee. If God is to judge us by our dressings who would stand? So dis is a very wrong step to take. And for d fact that d couple had apologised. So what else do dey want?
Linda, you are totally wrong. Discipline and forgiveness does not go together. Bible says who God loves, He chastises(disciplines).
Dis is one of d reasons I don't go to church.
I think the church was right in doing this because as the GO's son, he more than anybody else should be aware of the church's rules. Also for the church to be seen to be above reproach, they have to treat his case like any other church member's case so as to avoid an accusation of nepotism. The church has sent a clear message that no one is above the law and this should be a message to our elders in Nigeria too. Kudos Deeper life. The respect I have for you has grown exponentially.
Like my father would say 'make dem go siddon for dirty'.. What's the big deal??? For God's sakes she's covered up.. Punishment my foot after apologizing.. The father didn't even attend his son's wedding n they talk abt 'Forgiveness'.. Long hiss
Linda! Leave religion matter alone naa!!!! How e take concern you? Hmmm...everything is not blog or gossip matter abeg.
you better dont say what you dont know, before you incur the wrath of God on yourself
Jesus Christ told the adulterous woman in the bible that her sins are forgiven and that she should go and sin no more. But the GO of Deeper Life has decided to suspend a 'sinner' from the activities of the church...smh
So what's wrong with this dress? Bad belle people
Naaaaa ril wa 4 dat pictur on d ryt o, . Btw...dis s jus hypocricy at it's peak, lik does d son not knw of d 40yrs dress code or d officiatin minister, na til pictur rch internet dem begin suspend. Abegi.!
Dats d church's doctrine, and it will be an act of partiality if they re not disciplined accordin. Disciplines are implemented in order to correct pple, its not an act of unforgiveness. Our parents discipline us wen we do sometin wrong, and dat doesn't mean dey hate us
See my advice to this two is to leave this church filled with sad people if they want to be happy joh. there are many churches with happy good forgiving people who are also very accepting joh. fine wedding dress like this. mschewww
@ lINDIOFLIV bone forgiveness for these people matter oooo, they no dey forgive but i kindda support the measure taken against the couple. They are children of senior pastors in that Ministry hence they shud not feel like they are sacred cows. If ordinary members can follow the church doctrine why not them? but my question is this, when they said "Biblical dressing" do they mean the bible gave them direct instructions on their pattern of dressing(cos me i no see this type mournful dressing in the bible oo)? They shud stop been hypocritical cos it is the they feel women shud dress not the way women in Jesus days dress abeg so they shud not claim it is biblical jor.
Hmmmmmm so short of words. I was gonna say that the bride's wedding dress has a very high neck not knowing that people will still not appreciate it. Na wah ooh.but they already appologised nau, why the punishment huh
After all this, i don't think his relationship with his son will ever be the same again.
It is evident that John Kumuyi wants to live his christian life differently from that of his father and is more than fed up with the Deeper Life regime, their stifling loads they call "laws" where every one is told how to think and behave without contesting nor questionning anything.
Congrats young people! Let your actions spark a positive revolution and be an eye-opener in Deeper Life churches.
Forgiveness? They would have fore warned about their impending actions before taking them, considering the fact that his father refused to attend the wedding shows the he has prior knowledge of this sons actions..... Forgiveness can come later, probably after they has finished serving their suspension!
ROTFL!!!!! I don die!!! Wetin do d cloth na, dat is one of the most conservative gowns I've seen today. Anyway dem suppose know say d church no dey gree for dat kain cloth. And Linda even when GOd forgave David he still punished him... so I guess d same goes for them
My view - once you choose to subject yourself to a particular authority and choose to also 'enjoy' the benefits they provide, most especially, a church, then, you would be bound by their rules. This has nothing to do with forgiveness - to whom much is given, much is expected. The founder's son??? How do u expect other church members to react if they are allowed to go scot free, they might even have punished other members.
P.S I am not a member of that church and the doctrines of my church, except for the fact that we preach Jesus Christ and believe in the Bible and Trinity are far apart.
Even d pastor too should b reprimanded sef! Buhahahahahahaha!!!
Hahahahahahahahahha,what a joke....dis is what we called pretenders does d worst,bt sha make dem still 4gv dem.Afterall no 1 is perfect
Linda are you dumb? Even the bible says no sin goes unpunished, yes God forgives you but you will still be punished!
This isn't a matter of preaching forgiveness nd not practising it. Its one thing to knw d principles nd concepts of how things are really bn done nd not adherin to it nd thereafter writing F̶̲̅Õ̳͡я̅ forgiveness,Nah!that is not it.Once he knws d rules nd won't abide by it den he should face its consequence.It is called "equality before the law". Oluwalobunmi.
WTH are these so called men of God talking about. What is wrong with the beautiful decent wedding dress that is causing trouble?! It is high time we free ourselves from this kind of bondage....take a look around you and tell me if our God is not a beautiful God,have you taken time to see the uncountable beautiful shades of the sky, the colourful and exotic colours of the birds....not to talk of our various skin colours,shapes,eye colours etc, look at the stars at night and marvel at the bling effect! Dem for no dey wear cloth for the church infact if the GO is really serious let him stop riding cars and reject everything modern including use of microphones! Ndi ala...turning the bible upside down.
There are a million and one things wrong with the rules governing how one should act in Deeper Life.
First of: I am sure the kids knew what they were doing before getting all glammed up for the wedding. They certainly knew they were stepping on toes by wearing make up et al. So why render an apology when the deed has not only been done, it was done with full consciousness and knowledge of the rules? That being said, I have to point out that the whole concept of dressing like a clown all in the name of a religion is just ridiculous and you know what's more ridiculous?
Congrats for being so daring John and Love!!!
We are solidly behind you!!
They have put up in broad daylight one of the many grudges some Deeper Lifers have in their hearts but are afraid to speak out.
BullSh**t! WTF! Dey wuld hav shot dem na, no b only suspend! Mtscheeew!
They should be penalised. If you are uncomfortale with a Church doctrine,the least u can do is quit. My question is,who proceeded to wed them in this attire,is he an alien to the Church doctrines? SMH...
It is well
We love you, beautiful couple!!!
Hopefully more Deeper Lifers will also stand out against some outrageous, oppressive doctrinal rules you are forced to follow!
Linda u better watch ur mouth, this is not about forgiveness, i see it as being rebelious to the rules that govern the church they belong to. if u must belong and identify with an association, u must obey the rules. shikena!
all these deeper life pple no dey use normal eye look them! na dem sabi sa're wa gba pass, ko gbeni wa gbe soke gbe si'le! forget all this wedding issh! what u wear doesnt determine weda una dey go heaven oh! beware!
No make up ke? on her wedding day? arent all wedding dresses fitted? na wa for this kind rule oooo. extremists
The fact that they deem it fit to apologize for the wrong that they did not commit. Kumuyi needs to come off his high religious and moral pedestal, give your congregation a freaking break and some respect. As for the congregation, emancipate yourself from mental slavery or remain remoted by a man who is not Jesus.
As for forgiveness, well, no comment.
chai! deep in life please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing
Abeg linda!!! Let them be disciplied joor!!!! If not there would be trouble in the church . Both john and love knw the practice of the church so why deviate? Forget forgiveness and what will Jesus do.
As a social commentator i have tried to be silent on the marriage of John and Love Kumuyi, but as i read blogs and comments arising from the marriage it has become pertinent i make a comment. Though it could be said that they didn't keep to the church doctrines which requires appropriate sanction by the church authority, personally i don't think loves outfit should stir unnecessary controversies if not because critics of the church and perhaps disgruntled members had decided to slam her outfit to the extent of altering the wedding pictures. However am glad to inform critics that John and Love had written a letter of apology typical of committed Christians which they are, the letter had been received and the church had sanctioned them appropriately. Ugo
d@s not unforgiveness pls, he must show remorse for his deed. Wht he does nw after d suspension determines his forgiveness. Dnt judge dem, he intentionally deviated frm their standard
Did is bull shit WTF. Dis pple just keep deceivin demselves was dere a time jesus drove sinners away ad its nt lyk dis pple in question actually did smtin bad left 4 me. Next pls dis pple just keep annoyin me mtchewwWwwwww
Don't blame him-Dr. Kumuyi. He has to show that anybody would be punished for going against the principles of the church- be it his own children
If that is their dress code, the pastor's son should have known better and she should have dressed like a corpse dressed to be sent 6 feet beyond just like their other church members. They are wrong!!! If you look dead going to church, u might as well rock d dead look on your wedding day
chai! deep in life please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing
Absolute bull crap. See how miserable and frustrated d couple and bridesmaid below look. I'm sure Kumuyi's son and daughter-inlaw have bn looking for a way out. How about now? Perfect timing. Conservative christian dressing my ass. Mtsheeeewww.
Шнαт dah! Mehn, this pipu я taking this religion frigging far... Шнαт
Christ will not do a thing like dis, dis people still practise d masaic law of an eye for an eye. Christainity is about LOVE, loving God n loving urself. Bt here in naija its about eye service. He who is without sin cast d 1st stone n no 1 could. God luks @ d heart men luk outward.
Ȋ̝̊̅̄ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ lafffff oº°˚˚˚°º,S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ don bust dem nw,despite d denials 4rm some of deir members dat d picture was 'Edited'. Na dem sabi,me Ȋ̝̊̅̄ N̶̲̥̅̊☺ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ trust al dis deeper-lyf Galz,na dem D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ claim holy pass nd na dem D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ fuck pass,if U̶̲̥̅̊ get dem as gal-frnds,pls shine ur eye nd always av a back-up,cuz dem fit tell U̶̲̥̅̊ 1dy say 'my parents dnt lyk U̶̲̥̅̊ bcoz U̶̲̥̅̊ are nt a deeper lyf member' Bloody hypocrites,Bt 1 tin,whey Ȋ̝̊̅̄ notice 4 deir galz b say,dem D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ endowed,if na Boobs,dem cari front,if na yansh,dem also cari. If U̶̲̥̅̊ doubt me,try go deir annual services nd see 4 ur-sef. Bt be smart oº°˚˚˚°º. #Dodorima.
*mosaic law.
Biko they should go and sitdown!!! D couples r already married. Deeperlife dia own too much. I remember wen they refused to officiate my aunts funeral because my family insisted on wearing her her corpse lace instead of satin " according to their "law".. And would give her a befitting burial.instead of a low key cermony. My aunt was a staunch member of depper life till she died. None of dem showed up. One of my cousins had to get a pastor from his church to officiate d funeral.... God is watching all these men of God on 3D.
hmmmm na wah oh! xtainity is not about covering all ur body alone, what is the state of your heart?
What the Church did is still in order, but I expect the couple to obey to the judgement of the Church while the Church thereafter call them back after one week. This is to avoid future occurrence from other members to save the GS his hard-earned name.
So far the matter is treated fine. I agreed with the Church decision. Please note that I am not a member of DLCM though I like the Church way of doing things.
Let's have others view on this.
Abeg they should rest besides wedding is suppose to be in te bride's family church and not groom's church. Where is it written in the bible to wear china white as wedding gown? Abeg they should stop making hypocritical laws.
Absolute rubbish! But wait a minute, is that how deeper life life brides dress for their ceremonies? Man made rules... Mschew!
Linda,u not getting the whole concept of forgiveness here.That u choose to forgive someone doesn't mean u shldnt let them realize the consequence of their actions.it says they were "suspended" which mins the ban cld be lifted anytime,it doesn't say "banned" forever.this has nothing to do with preaching forgiveness and not practicing it,mind u am not a member of their church.if every member acts the same way and they decide to put out an apology too..don't u tink this wld be an example of what to expect in such a case.now imagine if the church decides not to do anytn just cos they offered an apology then any oda member will get away wt such then cos they will know all they need to do is to offer an apology.u don't understand FORGIVENESS.
Hello linda did u say forgiveness? Deppelife is known for condeming u first, before preaching forgiviness Oo°˚˚˚°!
owing to the fact that the couple are the children of the GO and a senior pastor of the church, i ask why did they even wed them in the first place?
they are just doing damage control cos of the public outcry!! if members of the public didn't make it an issue, i doubt if they would have taken this pointless drastic step.
What's the essence of suspending them when they could have told them t do the 'right' thing in line with their church principles??
They know what they are doing. Mscheeeew! Just look at how the regular deeper life bride is looking like an old woman beside her husband. na wa!
Rubbish, hypocrites hisss. Her wedding dress is more dan decent, dey r just sick people
Linda shut your mouth. what do you know about Christianity?
Linda, these are spiritual things.
The ordinary man (human being) will not understand these.
Besides, the children are supposedly to be role models, whom i believe so many other youths in the congregation look up to.
The disciplinary action is supposed to be a deterrent to other members to be cautious of their actions.
Medicine after death abeg they should live them alone jor...let them enjoy their honeymoon did kumuyi and his church not wed them?oya na kumuyi should suspend himself and the entire church for attending "unholy"wedding na...abeg linli give me another gist jor.
Lin what re u sayin?4givness is preached and nt practiced??if it ws a workers child dey wud def discipline dem so d pastors child is not xemtepted#dasall#
The second pic is soooo lovely.they look made for each other heights on point noni...that dress is my dream dress modest yet stylish not all this common handless rubbish trend every were
Lin wot re u sayin?4goviness is preached and not practice?? Das nt d ish,if it is a workers child dey wud def discipline dem so d pastors child is nt excempted#dasall#
Deeper Life mtcheeeeeeeeeeew why am i not surprised! when i was in Uni. i had a deeper life roommate temmylola. That bitch knew all of plantasion boys lyrics even i didn't know, when they came to campus she was first to attend and that bitch was the slimiest meanest, 2 faced bitch ever. Once, she did something really terrible when we went to report her, the hall mistress didn't believe us because she was wearing a long skirt with natural hair and a long sleeve blouse.
I was livid and decided to deal with her moving forward and boy did i DEAL with her.
Deeper life members are the boko haram of Christianity, mean ass bastards, bloody hypocrites EXTREMELY WICKED.... Imagine even i won't wear what Kumuyi's sons' wife wore and i am quite conservative, until you look like a house girl abi?God forbid and btw why didn't kumuyi attend his sons' wedding am sure he knows his son is a "rebel" and knew what to expect. At least they are married, if i were the couple I'll port to a new church jare. what arrant rubbish
Fisrt to comment,is not about wat u wear.
I have been a member of Deeper life since birth ( over twenty years). one thing i know is that Pst. WF Kumuyi is not man of compromise. He aptly said 'discipline' in other words he is just suspending them temporarily.
He has forgiven them but to prevent future occurence, it is very important he corrects his son who may possibly take after him and destroy his hardwork of over forty years in one day. Charity begins at home.
Billie Jean where are you?have really missed ur comments..
Their dress code got me cracking. I won't be caught dead wearn that rubbish gabbadin. The bride sef, she shld have at least covered †нƹ arms. But all in all, she was still decent to me.
there is nothing to even be forgiven. True christianity should free people and not put them in bondage. nuff said because im not even about to get into this.
I saw the wedding pictures and I must say the couple looked beautiful but @ the same time its wrong not to practise what u preach.(I heard the groom is also a pastor in deeper life church). I hope this is an eye opener for the members of d deeper life church that ur wedding day is a day to look beautiful for God and yourself and that's exactly what the bride and groom did. They knew exactly what they were doing and knew there would be consequences, their apology is like medicine after death.
Remember we can still wear earings, makeup, hair extensions, drive limousines and still be Godly.(I love d limo d couple used)
As for the forgiveness, whether they r forgiven or not won't change d fact that they went against their church doctrine and so disciplinary action has to be taken. Btw I guess d couple are on their honeymoon and by the time they return d suspension would be over..lol
Please what is the correlation between a wedding gown and the success of the wedding ? Kai !
Hypocrisy as usual! Mtchww!
~D great anonymous!
Wicked people dat preaches what dey don't practice been forgiveness.
We, Christians I wonder which Bible or Christ we are emulating. If I'm the couple, I'll move to another church or better still another religion so that my father will realize that he has achieved in converting me to a different denomination. He was cultured enough to apologise to the church. She's even well dressed compared to some other bride. Ndi uka......mtscheww
was that really a punishment?..linda the church just wants them to go and enjoy there honeymoon..nothing more they will be welcomed back after that. the church has to be strict so that other church members will not start emulating them.
just dont knw wat to say.... a son of the general superintendent of a church dion dis.. short of word ooo
Hehehehe decipline kor decipline ni....if Gpd was to decipline us each time we go against his word even kumuyi himself wount b spared so please let judgement be left to God alone.
The mere fact that they are discipline does not mean they have not been forgiven. The problem with people not in the inner circle of Christianity is that they want to judge people inside with what they think is right. Let me blow your mind, heaven is for the righteous abi?, But the Devil goes to heaven at least twice a day, Job 2:1, Rev. 12:10. Can you beat this? Don't judge people except you have God's mind on the issue, if not, you sin...Mat.7:1, Lk. 6:37 LIB beware, sin is at your door step....
I detest this Humane decision by the church!!!!
I reserve my comments....
Are they not married or will the church "unmarry" them?
Was Kumuyi himself not there? The wedding should have been delayed or postponed when it was noticed that she was 'inapproprately dressed'.
Please all these dogmatism. On her wedding day... girl find your way to a welcoming congregation.
Well, its a dicy situation. Its possible to forgive, but have you thought of the public's reaction if nothing is done to them? The whole world would say 'they didn't even punish them because its Kumuyi's son!' I think Its ok this way even if its just for a week!
Even though i believe the dress is decent enough, I think it is wrong for you (LI) to ask "what will Jesus do?" and saying "you preach forgiven but you cant practice it" as if it is wrong to punish them. Leaders should live by example hence they should be punish if the church believes it is against their rule because people like you would come again some other time to say "but the pastor's son did it and they forgave him"
To me, I see nothing wrong with the dress. after all no part of her body was exposed. Ok now they ve apologised. The Church would ve pardoned them. My opinion.
Hahahhahahahhahaha... Abeg I no fit wear dt deeper life gown to my wedding o, the truth is dt if d guy knew d. Doctrines of d church his dad oversees he should hv told d lady to kip to it or he weds sumwhr else cos churches lyk deeeper life nd assemblies of God still kip to their doctrines nd give backseat to erring members. -Moi
Church wahala
Learn how to do the winged eye here
That's the most modest wedding dress I've ever seen. Don't see any problem with it. I'm a christian and I don't know when we will stop basing our salvation on our dressing. I do dress modestly but when our focus is on womens dressing and makeup, we are totally missing it
Go and enjoy your honeymoon..ur dressing was descent
Na wah oooo but is wrong wit dat dress biko? Y did groom wear fyn suit? Hw wld hv worn coat
I feel the wedding dress & make up is appropriate enough. But if the church says NO after the apology letter, then I think they should just leave the church & find another church to worship. That wedding dress is cool with me.
Linda, forgiveness has got nothing to do with getting punishment for wrong doings. God forgave King David yet the consequences of his sin (adultery) is still evident today!
When you forgive doesn't mean you wont get punished. The Bible says NO SINNER WOULD GO UNPURNISHED!
I am not a member of the church but I am aware of bible principles on the consequences of sin.
The bride rocked her wedding gown and wouldn't let anyone spoil her day. Way to go girl ! Don't mind those religious hypocrites who are rather concerned about outward appearance than the heart. If some people were given a second to play God, most of us will just die!
Its discipline Linda, that's different from forgiveness. Its a standard that's applied even after there's forgiveness. So dis clearly is a delibrate act by d son which deserved punishment whether there's forgiveness or not.
Linda, just shut up! go and read ur bible very well#mind u am far from being a member of dat church bt if its der doctrine and they went against it... it deserves a punishment so odas wont imitate dem tomorrrow.
I think your right linda. What will jesus do????.......
Exactly linda! All ds bornagain ppl! Tufiakwa! They too the preach bt never practice it!
Linda, the fact that you have been forgiven does not mean that you will not get punished! God forgave King David but the consequences of his sin (adultery) is still evident till this day.
The Bible says NO SINNER WILL GO UNPURNISHED but you still get forgiven.
Practice wat u preach!!! Na wa.
That gown wey d other lady wear na war o, so that's d proper way 2 dress on d day dat s supposed 2 b the happiest day of my life? #smh#
De guy fuck up big time. He knows de rules y did he break it? Let him face de music
Personally I blve d GS is concern abt his reputation however being under discipline does nt mean outcast least it becomes unscriptural well dis too shall pass .
They should be interested I saving souls and not condemning people,after all bible never told us how to sew our wedding dress.There is nothing wrong with d bride's dress.pastor W F kumuyi is only showing off,trying to tell us dat he is so disciplined no matter who is involved. He should know better plsss......
Dre hav bn forgiven I guess but dre just bn disciplied as d pastor`s son he should kn bette
I am not a member of deeper life , but as a Christian I know that the Bible says that God disciplines the child that he loves. Why are people so quick to try to catch Christians out for hypocrisy? I think that there is nothing wrong with this and that church discipline needs to happen far more often. Think about it, if you heard that a well-known pastor had been having sex with a child, would it be sufficient for him to just say "I'm really really really sorry" to the whole church, or would some discipline be required? If the couple knew better, they should have done better. Simple as that. They did not HAVE to be part of that particular church, they could have joined a church that did not have rules governing makeup and sleeve-length. But they made a covenant with this particular church which they must honour. It's that simple.
Which kind wedding dress b ds?
Although d dress doesn't look indecent to me, buh every church has their rules which ought to be followed n m sure d couple were aware b4 dey went ahead wiv d wedding, and so in ma opinion dis is more of a disciplinary act rada dan a thing of forgiveness
Sadly, d church is maintaining a double standard, I heard they strictly dont conduct matrimonial service for whoever flouts the doctrine. Why did they join together in the first place? Discipline should have started from the processional... However, christianity is a religion of objectivity and not otherwise...
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