Mr Oloyede, who said he's not happy about what y'all been saying about him online, told the mag
"They wrote that I am a tout, from what you are seeing here now, do I look like a tout or garage boy? They also said I'm a drop out, from the way you and I have been speaking, do I speak like someone who did not go to school? I have decided to follow the advice of those who said I should not join issues with her and her supporters. I am not a celebrity. I am an estate developer. She is the star that has her career to protect and I don't want to be the one to spoil her career.
Odiegwu ...
Tabloids so much news
Before God gave the man a wife, he asked him to "name the animals". I think every man should "name his animals" before marriage....
Awwwwwww,so touching,buh dn wu cares?
Aunty funke,you did not tell us what this man did to you oo.chai.
Good for you both.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Omg 1st!!!
Building a "HOUSE" without a "HOME" is HELL.
"She is d star dat has her career 2 protect nd I don't want 2 b d 1 to spoil it"
Hehehehehe...Please dont make me laugh, You are not a tout yet you broke up with her on face book? I am sure Funke can afford to build her own house . ( She work's hard ) Mumu!
I feel so sorry for him. He was obviously smitten by her but she must have discovered something she was not too comfortable with for her to have left. I wish all parties well sha
sharrap dia!womanizer jatijati!!!!!
forst to comment?!!!!
Awww!!!! Poor you! Too late to speak up....don't u think??? P.S:Don't rush into marriage!
eyaaa. Seperation hurts. If Funke left him what did you do to her to make her leave or what did you not do? Funke you too, go and wash your head for barbeach this one that all your relationship dont last....
Then why does he have to say anything? silence is golden, some people are yet to learn that. He doesn't owe anybody any explanation. Let him keep quiet please, like she has.
Well Mr Oloyede, you do sound more educated from this interview but your facebook status a while back made you appear uneducated. God will redeem you. Dont mind naijas. They are always behind the comfort of their computer screens putting people down and they wonder why their lives are so miserable,.
Hmmmmmm al lie! D fool wanna defend him self oloriburuku!
shut up dere ma frnd lets hear sumfin else u r nt d 1st 2 divorce na
He he....come n marry me, I want a house
People should let this man B̲̣̣̣ε̲̣̣̣ for God's sake.he ain't the first t̶̲̥̅̊ọ̥ divorce and won't B̲̣̣̣ε̲̣̣̣ the last.
Who gives a Damn about funke's wedding falling apart. After all na another people husband she take. Abi no be wife no. 3 she be? Oga u can keep the house for wife no. 4, no shaking
Are you trying to say this so that people will say you are a responsible man or what is the essence of this?plz explain to us...Linda you are the one to help me get the question to him and i am waiting for the response...Linda make sure u post this...El~vincie
You too like toto.control your libido na.
Go lick stew, stay ur house or sell am.
Why trying to paint d gentleman look after u rubbished her publicly ofcourse her fans k abt her welfare so go sidon for buto buto
Let funke be Mr oloyede...ve u nt done enof damage?funke can build herself houses if she wants 2,she is hardworking.go live in d house wt ur harem of women.had enof already!!
Let funke be Mr oloyede...ve u nt done enof damage?funke can build herself houses if she wants 2,she is hardworking.go live in d house wt ur harem of women.had enof already!!
One thing I've learnt;Never read anything that's written about you especially without your consent on the internet.
I've seen cases where famous people got really hurt and almost fell into a depression because they read other people's comments about them on the internet.
Its hard to pay a deaf ears and give a blind eyes but its worth it in the end,especially if you haven't got tough skin.
Shame oo u just want to cover u shame. Old papa youngi. Abey go rest may we hear word
Keep all that private to yourself if you got a little respect for her.
No mind all d pple wey no get work
Well its a personal matter between you guys you don't have to justify yourself by telling the whole world that you were building a house for her seriously its nobody's business..
Oga abeg let us hear word.
Go find another lady and put in your house.
na so!!there he comes trying to portray himself as an angel
nice answer
Eyha, I kinda feel for him sha oh... Being called a tout and all sorts of names
Hmm buh I dnt get wat he meant by pple advicn him not to join issues wit her nd her supporters,was she d 1 dat called him a tout nd drop out?
First of all to announce to the media that u were building her a house makes u major tout! U cant hide from ur origin.bush bush man. Smh for funke.dem jazz u? All this marriage pressures here and thr.wn gbese come dey no go follow u dey o
Well its unfortunate it had to end this way
Story! If a relationship is over not even a million houses will make one stay.
So what are we supposed to do with that??? Next pls!
Pls u talk to much abeg so if u were buliding her a house nko! I hate men that talk to much especialy abt their relationship and what they have done for their spouse abeg make he sharap siddon for conner.
this women tink dey can hav it all by been a celab....dere will be a time wen fame will no longer be d ting want in ur life den she'll begin to sleep around with small boiz...u ladies should tink will cos in as much as i knw money is good to get but is not every tin.
So wh@ do u want her 2 do now?come runnin bck cuz u wr buildin a house for her?some ppl sef.dd u rly v 2 say th@ seriously?no vex o,bt it doesn't look lyk u r well educatd..#jstsayin
Eeya I feel so much 4 dis dude,funke plz go bac 2 him if nt 4 anitin 4 d huz he's buildin 4 u
Mr man go and sit down remember to zip up while sitting.ewu Gambia
Nice one bro....don't know why Nigerians are so sentimental with our female celebrities....they are sluts and opportunists waiting for someone's image to tarnish....na funke self be the tout and agbero....#Hiss#.....
Mr man go and sit down.remember to zip up while doing so..
i am nt really intrested, if u both can tell us wat led to d break-up.. wat really happun? y did d marriage pack-up afta a year.. if both d husband nd wife cant tell us dat then they shuld stop disturbin us wit rubbish talks.. if u r buildin a awz fr her am sure u bought d land nd awz in her name then hand it over.. y shuld dat b a news? abi 1 year wey she spend wit u na mai mai?
Ok sir. We have heard you sir. Building a house for her......... What are we supposed to do with this piece of information coming from you sir? The marriage has collapsed, are u trying to prove a point to urself or to ppl? Who says Funke cannot build herself 10 of this kind?
If u still love ur wife, go back to her and see if u guys can compromise. Take her back, love her and give her the house.(Lol....) If not, make we hear word jare. For all we care, u were building the house for urself.Lol.... Empty barrels make the loudest of noise. Oshisko
If u r not a drop out wat skool did u finish from? U both deserves each oda.if her suppoters claim u r a tout meaning funke herself is a tout bcos the royal dine with royals while tout dine wit touts
Gez i saw all dis comin...not surprised bout d divorce,funke shud ave waited a little bit 4 her rite man 2 come
na waooooooooooooooooo
Abeg make he park well joor..Things agbero says.
We can only judge if we know the reason why d marriage crashed,i dont judge one sided story..Goodluck
Ta! If I hear...Lier lier pants on fire....
Since we do not av all d fact,bin biased is not fair enof.abeg make una free d man atleast nah him know whr shoe dey pinch am.nah bot of una I blame not even looking for ways to solve wateva problem.for bter for stay for worse for go.una no try.
Well,Unfortunately it doesn't really matter whether or not you were about to buy her a Private Jet before she Left,what matters most is whether you two were truelly happy in the marriage...Its sad it had to end so quickly..Ps:When you marry a celebrity,you become one by default..so you should really Learn to ignore things you read on the media,it'll do you a world of good.
Will u shut the fuck up!Bloody retard,toutish garage boy.
Go&convert the house you are building to a fatherless people's home&put your 10children there cos u are jus an irresponsible waste!
ok that is ment to a breakin-news brother so who go come get the house now
well from what this guy has said, i can see that Funke has bn talking about this guy to her friends, family and foes
funke move on wt ur life, even if he's a tout or garage boy, were u blind to all these before u said 'i do'?
i can relate to what this guy is saying, some women have elastic mouth, they talk and talk about their spouse, his financial standing and all, rubbishing the man and at the end of the day u cannot buy what u have said about ur spouse back
live and let live, it didnt work out life goes on!
Lmao...Mr u sure sound like an illitrate....
Just stop talking..we dont knw what to believe anymore...*sigh
What Funke needed from you is a responsibility to build her a home and not a house,of which you've not been responsible enough to build her one.Anyway your deeds and character define you tout.If you are a responsible man, you should know that you have greater responsibility to protect your name on her as i quote u saying "u don't have a name to protect because you are not a celebrity as you a bricklayer" You could see how Mercy Johnson husband is guiding and protecting her wife,without scandal like yours (as of now).Try and be mature...Tout Oloyede and keep quiet,Your teeth is too feeble to chew the good meat of Funke.She is not for ur type.So go along with touts of ur type..those omo-alata girls is ur category.Idiot tout.
U were building her house,so? Abeg u and ur wife shuld parkwell joor.
Hmmmmmmmmm? I don hear. But what ever, u guys should stop dis divorce issues,what ever is d case should be handle maturedly.people must always say good/bad about u, bt dat shouldn't boder u, so long as u are @ peace with ur conscience, u should move on with ur life.
A piece of advice Mr Kehinde, go back to your first wife.
Funny shaa... But Kai!!! She 4 wait collect d house oh!!! Wonda wat she will be thinking nw..
U just realize u don't wanna spoil her career?? Foolish man..Funke is so fucking mature than u,u made it public that ur marriage is over,isn't that enough to spoil one's career?? Idiot..abeg go siddown!!
Y do I feel lyk,funke myt b d cos of der probs. As sh acts in d movies
U r a very non sense somebody! Agbero, tout, area father like u! Fuck u n ur house!
Story story
Story story
Pls watsup with the pity pity talk. Mscheeew! Y dint he talk abt wot he posted on FB
Glad to know you read people's comments, that way you know how and what they think of you!
Eyaaaaaaa I pity d young man... Dats wat u get wen u marry a celebrity.... But young man u sure say u dey build d house 4 her? Abi u go snap person house dey show us....linda I no wan find my comment
Eyaaaaaaa I pity d young man... Dats wat u get wen u marry a celebrity.... But young man u sure say u dey build d house 4 her? Abi u go snap person house dey show us....linda I no wan find my comment
So what stops you from completing it and presenting it to her Sir? Men ehn......#SmH#
That's why its not good to judge a book by its cover and moreover this man's cover sef nor bad.
The man should jst give her d house as a departure gift,well, pride won't let her collect it shaa..
This man is still inlove wit funke oo eeya sorry such is life...OAO
he should buzz off like the fly he is a beg! what manner of man breaks up with his wife on social media? he didnt have the decency to do it one one one but on facebook! that singular action tells us without a doubt that hes a tout and a scoundrel! breaking up with your spouse on facebook! how tacky can you be? funke a beg move on with your life. you married a nobody while he married a somebody! after all you are a celebrity! imagine him talking about building a house for her on paper.make we hear word a beg!
he should buzz off like the fly he is a beg! what manner of man breaks up with his wife on social media? he didnt have the decency to do it one on one but on facebook! that singular action tells us without a doubt that hes a tout and a scoundrel! breaking up with your spouse on facebook! how tacky can you be? funke a beg move on with your life. you married a nobody while he married a somebody! after all you are a celebrity! imagine him talking about building a house for her on paper.make we hear word a beg!
Mechie onu gi, nwoke iberibe
Who's to be blamed???? Funke or Oloyede?
She has money to buy and build her own house so ur story gat natn..*hissed and walked away*
make dis guy rest abeg, there is no Funke supporters as u claim... Actions speaks volume. stop seeking 4 attention cos its beggining to look like its paining u she left#just a tot#
Chai..I don pity d guy..they called him a drop out and a tout..move on..u will find happiness again...................THE DON
This dude should relax abi which kind house be this.she's gone move on with your life
Old man end issues. ..don't give yourself high blood pressure, as 4 d house u can give it out 2 one of ur wife, is not a waste. Kindly advice stop developing babies everywhere focus on estate development alone.thank me later.
guy abeg who ask u...if u dey build house den na ur business
Mr man how is dis news,abi mek we help u complete am?stay in ur lane joor#let all dat is past remain in d past#
What is dis man saying?u don't want to destroy Funke's career yet u decided to announce ur separation on facebook.who does dat?where were those dat advised u not to join words with her?if u are enlightened u wouldn't have treated her dat way.u even said she is d greatest mistake u have made in recent time,which husband says dat about his face on social media if not a tout?so what are we supposed to do with d news dat u are building her a house?abeg go siddon for one place.
Hahahah,I laugh in latin!U don't want to spoil her career but u went online and announced ur seperation?To add salt to injury u tweeted that she's d worst thing that ever happened to U.Bros abeg make we hear word.Ur 15 minutes of fame is over.So get over it.
Jkoke of the year...pls step aside Mr Kehinde lemme see road.
Lol.. If I hear say d house wz 4her abi 4him or 'them'
~D great anonymous!
Abegiii,shut your dirty mouth up! Were you not the one that posted on your face book page that she was the once decision you made in recent times? Why ddnt you just get a divorce quietly#mschetwww#
Hmmm,which kyn ouse,sayin dis 2 gt her jealous or wot?men ehn,mak I hear word jor*yimu*,next...
This man sha get strength 2 dey reply world people. My dear, its so unfortunate that ur marraige with Jenny ended like a movie. Go back to your 1st wife and live happily with her. What goes around comes around yeah? God answered her prayers 4 u 2 come back home, so come back home. Give the house u were building for Funke, give it to your wife.
Was the interview necessary? He is just setting himself up for more unpalatable comments.
Well said mr.man...I luv yo well articulated statement...As for being a tout,funke looks more of one to me!!!!!
so cos u are bulding a house for her we no go hear word abi? kuku carry megaphone make u go dey shout am mshhhheewwww oshisko anumpama
Ok Ooº°˚ we don hear! He sounds bitter.Move On bro!
u wia busy buildin a house, mwhile ur home ws fallin apart... I pity u o ds man.
Ok oga wi hv hrd
She's work hard? Your own mumu get PhD tafia
Several seats please... If they say you are a drop out, does that mean you did not go to school? it means you went and Dropped out before your mates! Idiot!
If you don't want to be in the nws, don't be. You were building a house so what? Sell it. Didn't you say you are an estate developper?
Good Riddance Funke.
Funke was indeed your greatest mistake. If you had not left your wife(ves) for her, you would have still been king of your throne or local champion and still be respected in your neighborhood and amongst your co property developers... but you now went to do public marriage with a popular girl like Funke, the end of that marriage now exposed you like "omo ijo mejo". Pele. Try to pick up where your ojukokoro has disgraced you to. God will help you.
Okay am I missing something here. Why are people saying he broke up with FUnke on FB. Did you not all read where he said "she walked away or rather left"? or is he lying
I wish there was thr "like" button,I def love this comment.
linda oooo, your lib readers get bad mouth o,i don laugh tire ,i hail una ooooo abeg make una forgive the man small, i know say una like funke wella
linda oooo, your lib readers get bad mouth o,i don laugh tire ,i hail una ooooo abeg make una forgive the man small, i know say una like funke wella
House with a home? It's nothing *in 2chainz's voice*
@Anonymous 4:56PM...remove d speck of dust from ur eye b4 pointing accusing fingers @ someone else. Ur own mumu is #unlimited
You are so right..
But what do we know about them? Nothing!!!
hahaha... sorry, can't stop laughing... so she left, huh? but why won't she leave? just look at the house you were building for her?! just look at the roof! just look at the distance btw the house and the neighbor's! *reaches out for rose serviette*
Uneducated dude,i don't want to be the one to spoil her career.. broken English
Uneducated dude, i dont want to be the one to spoil her career, broken English..
Mr kenny,u talk too much.pls stop talking rubbish,face ur wife and 10kids
shut up man,you jst said dz xo she will pity.buh u knw wah?she has berra finz to do,oda dan to kip up wid a badass.#shikena#
Hmmnn words
U r so right
Who cares plsssss
And so what...?.
"Forst to comment", nawa Oº°˚˚°Âº
♍Æ” battery is stronger than all her relationships combined.
@ anonymous 4:56 I don't want to call u a Goat. R u pretty sure u r ok?
Oga grow up ohhh! You are building her a house, you went to school, you are not a tout....yadda yadda yadda....hello!!!!!!
Grow the fuck up! Real men don't spew bull... at any given opportunity. They talk less and act big.
Na today men begin build their wives house??abeg oga Mr take several seats backwards .e no concern us
kα̲̅γ̲̣̣̥ oga, when γφυ finish building †Ñ’ξ house γφυ can sell it kα̲̅γ̲̣̣̥!, ᶥᵗˢ no big deal...
Mr Oloyede is still a tout somehow. how many men come on facebook to announce the break up of his marriage as if its some disclaimer. mtchewwww
I must see end of last fight#tieswrappertight#.
Mr Oloyede, what about what Funke did for you. you are a tout really. how many men come out online to start blabbing about what they intend to do for their wife. its not even that you've given her the house o. its an intention and neither are u planning to give her after the divorce. #garageboyruns
Dis I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ jst S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ unfortunate, I'm also funke's fanz bt trust M̶̲̥̅ƺ we all ΔO̶̷̩̥̊͡η't nid to behave like a tout also....Ï„̲̅hε̲̣̣̣̥ question I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ wat I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ Ï„̲̅hε̲̣̣̣̥ cause of Ï„̲̅hε̲̣̣̣̥ divorce? As a legal practitioner, i rest mai case.
Mr Oloyede, what about what Funke did for you. you are a tout really. how many men come out online to start blabbing about what they intend to do for their wife. its not even that you've given her the house o. its an intention and neither are u planning to give her after the divorce. #garageboyruns
mr. Take it easy, itz wei. And for u actresses, mak una b kiaful wt dez una divorce mata abi una d do competition?
Una no go kill me with laff here! Naija sef! Lovely country
He is such a callous human being. After avin 3 wives of which 1 has 6 or 4 children.....well it's a home she needs nd a supporting husband nd not 1 hu comes 2 justify himself after d deed has bn done.....both are 2 be blamed tho.............l.l
He is such a callous human being. After avin 3 wives of which 1 has 6 or 4 children.....well it's a home she needs nd a supporting husband nd not 1 hu comes 2 justify himself after d deed has bn done.....both are 2 be blamed tho.............l.l
But wait oh,what does fluent english have to do with getting a degree or being educated,almost all graduates today speak broken except on a formal setting,if this man have done something wrong to funke,I don't know but his english fluency have nothing to do with a lasting relationship,was funke blind to this flaws before she married him???? Questions Nigerians should ask b4 they become stakeholders in peoples marraiges,we learnt all this divorce trends from the white,what happened to settling of issues
That is non of ur fucking business!
Does ur sis not aware of dis?
Fuck u!
Some pple r seriouly lack sense of belonging....
We talking Money u talking nonsense!
Ask ur Sister Funke y d best tin 4 her was dvorce..
Ride on Man I can't blame u 4 anything!
What is d value of education in dis country?
Buahahahaha Hahahaha comedy at is best.u lot no go tear my belle,some of u are just wasting ur talents...walai
@ Emmie j,
Who r u 2 judge som1?
We talking Money u talking nonsense!
What is ur Bank CR balnce?
Fuck u million tyms!
Mi likey
Ur sound dumb I swear cnt evn read ur nonsense,take servals seats 4 stadium abeg mtttchew
Pretty Girl, it's 'truly' not 'truelly'.
Well,just passing by...moving over to the next post's comments. loooolzz...Lindy nxt post pls.
Talking trash!
Dundi ultd!
Hehehe! Me likey
And Linda, I was building you a shop, before you ran away o
though i don't really know this man that much but i'am very such that if it were to be will smith that funke was married to, i'am not such she would have wanted to leave him......It simply shows that there is no love between the two of them, if she really loves him, she wouldn't even think of leaving him...People marry for marrying sake.
Or what she did to the man?
Maltina cares.....
No mind am, na d other wives take juju drive am comot. She thought they'd sit n fold their arms dey look.
Perhaps funke should let other people's husbands be!
Thanks, I don't know y every 1 assumes he is d bad guy; whereas funke herself is no Saint. Mtchw!
Abeg shut d hell up! Which good meat funke r u referring to? A woman that married nd was flaunting other women's husband, a woman that specialises in sleeping with married men; from femi adebayo to yinka quadri, to kunle coker (Tiffany ambers hubby), to olasco marketer. Mtch! I don't think u really know what you're talking!
Exactly! How else could they have met?
Hehehe! Funke akindele aka kenny oloyede's biggest mistake, Hehehe!
I don't know what happened between these two, but I know these wedding pictures r going to haunt funke till eternity. Lmao!
If this man is a village man/tout, then funke is a bigger tout n village woman. Abi how else does one meet such people?
Na wa o, you don't know what exactly append between them you you na con dey put blame on someone, Na wa o
FYI I'm sure u dont knw me, not every one on dis blog is a broke Nigga aii, and also one more thing money can't buy class.
How many houses have you build for the women before Funke? You Are not a stout but a PHD(pull her down) holder.
Peolple should not judge, why do u fel he is the cause of the seperation, funke should have held tite to her man after marriage and not junping all over.Opeyemi ayeola is married and silent.
He should shut up already and leave her be".....Mumu oshi
He should shut up already and leave her be".....Mumu oshi
I am sure she knew who he was b4 she married him, plus nobody is above mistake hence Ʋ have no right to judge him. We can't have everything in one man, nobody is perfect but God S♡ hold be contented with what Ʋ have.
@Omorusi did u listen to urself...how does will smith cme in?u sound really stupid....I'll take it dat u r a kid of 10yrs old..I forgive u
If its true ,that is to say you cant (Buy)All Women with MONEY .some dont have money ,but they have Personalities and Funke have Both keep ur Hause to urself big Slap on ur Face .
MR. Oloyede please speak no more you have already done enough damage by divorcing her on Facebook, Now you claimed that you are building a house for her that is not a big deal even Funke can also build a house for herself. The truth is You already have kids before marrying Funke but because you wanted to become a celebrity by fire by force marriage to a celebrity becomes inevitable, now You are popular even if Funke stays or lives atleast you will be know in Nigeria as Jenifa's ex husband lol. Please save us the gospel, we know the truth when we see one.
Do you judge drop out only by speaking good English? What about attitude? Attitude is very vital my dear.
That word "oloriburuku" very unnecessary. You never call a fellow human being that.
Mr. Oloyede you "haf" become a celebrity too na. Funke has indirectly given you publicity. At least that is your benefit from the broken marriage. You no lose everything.
Please take solace in fact that you have other wives. When next you see any woman in the movie industry.. do "Ben Johnson" as that is the only advice I can give to you.
from his first action of going on FB to end his marriage i knew he is an idiot, but wid this interview i am convinced beyond any shadow of doubt he is a complete FOOL.
if he is educated, make he talk d schools he attended n d qualifications he get. and how come d only issues he's addressing are those of his being a tout n uneducated? d plenty wives and baby mamas all over town nkor?
he shud shat d f up and let us hear word. indeed "funke's supporters" virtually everybody insulted d babe on his account, me inclusive, and he has d gall to grant anoda interview? chai! wetin women eye dey see on top dis marriage waka. i tire.
All of u should shut up....jobless pple ...who are u to judge???some of u pple own marriages are crashin and u re here judgin anoda persons own instead of focusing on ur own..u guyz are d tout and illiterate*long hissssssss*
All of u should shut up....jobless pple ...who are u to judge???some of u pple own marriages are crashin and u re here judgin anoda persons own instead of focusing on ur own..u guyz are d tout and illiterate*long hissssssss*
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....judge not
Anonymous 4:56 pm,u sure say ur head dey correct. Big fool
Are you trying to lure Funke back with a house or what? Oga move on with your life and face the realities of life.
All her colleagues de buy or buy house for Lekki ...you na Ikeja see to go build house for her ...how she nor go dust you #wakapassjooooor!
Since they have both gone their seperate ways, i hope they find love again instead talking bad about each other.
U r all judgin wich is nt suppose to b so,who amgs u even care to ask wah d so calld actrs did to d man or who amg d ladies pray dt deir husbnd shud av a scnd wife?I guess none. To me God did nt join dm cos God did nt promise us dat our husbnds will av two wives same as d women too.so b watchful of wot to write ki oro oloro ma di ti wa
linda i feel so sorry for Funke because people really loved her and knew that the wedding was not going to last. Felt so sorry for her
Lmao....@ kels maltina Ko alomo bitters ni
Lmao....@ kels maltina Ko alomo bitters ni
U guys made quite a no. Of mistakes 1. U ar jst buildin a hs where u ll both stay i tink dat shld cm b4 d weddin or ws she suppose to be hangin on with friends b4 completion? 2. Since dere ar orda wives here an dere u guys shldnt av publicised ur wedin in dat manner maybe it wld av worked out. Now dat its over btw u give one anoda sum respects by keepin quite, u both shld be ashamed dat at ur age u made such grave mistake save ur faces by keepin mum forever. Its quite a pity thou no one is above mistake an i wish funke d very best in her next attempt at marriage an pls oloyede keep to d ones u already av u need no orda woman again. Tak care
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