Democracy is readily associated with freedom: the freedom to be free in many respects and increasingly in Nigeria, many of our compatriots, particularly persons in positions of privilege and authority confuse this with the right to be disagreeable. The sober truth is that democracy is about rights and responsibilities, a democratic dispensation therefore cannot be a licence for disagreeable conduct as a norm; just as the possession of power in any form does not guarantee the right to be reckless or to ignore the etiquette required of office holders. Anyone in the corridors of power, either by chance or right, or appointment, is expected to behave decorously.
Dame Patience Jonathan, as she is now referred to, our President’s wife, failed the test this week in Okrika, Rivers State.It is trite knowledge that there is a critical difference between Yenagoa and Abuja, and a world of difference between being the wife of a Deputy Governor/Governor/Vice president and being the wife of Nigeria’s No 1 citizen. When people suddenly find themselves in such latter position, prepared or unprepared, anywhere in the world, they are taken through a crash programme in finishing and poise and made to realize that being the wife of an important man comes with serious responsibilities lest they sabotage the same person that they should be supporting.
If Dame Patience went through such re-orientation, the course was incomplete. This week, we got a feedback drawn from her visit to Rivers state to launch her NGO – the Women for Change Initiative, when she ended up in Okrika, her home town. This homecoming became an egoistic show-off as she openly contradicted the state Governor, offering him unsolicited lessons on how to develop the Okrika water front and school system, in addition to pointed comments on the use of the English language. The Governor had reportedly insisted that his administration must demolish some houses which adjoin the schools in Okrika in order to create a proper learning environment. Dame Patience disagreed.
She then gave an unsolicited lecture on the land tenure system telling the Governor: “I want you to get me clear. I am from here. I know the problems of my people so I know what I am talking…” The Governor tried to explain his administration’s policy and the larger public interest. The Dame reportedly cut him short: “But what I am telling you is that you always say you must demolish; that word must you use is not good. It is by pleading. You appeal to the owners of the compound because they will not go into exile. Land is a serious issue.” Wao! “that word must..is not good.” We must all commit that to memory as we re-learn Practical English according to Patience Jonathan!
If it is in the place of the President’s wife to teach a state Governor how to run his state, it is definitely not in her place to veto a state policy (the reason the governor used the word “must”), not even her husband has such powers. It seemed as if Dame Patience Jonathan was determined to impress her kith and kin. She told them she had directed the governor not to demolish their houses. Then, she left straight for the airport obviously having overstayed her welcome and having behaved like a bad guest. She was scheduled to visit the prisons to grant amnesty to some inmates (is that really her duty or something that should be in her itinerary? ); she was also meant to commission some projects. The face-off between her and the governor put paid to all that.
On the eve of her arrival, a group which calls itself “the Okrika Political Stakeholders Forum” and “the people of Kirikese” had actually placed an advert in the papers welcoming “our amiable daughter and sister…to Rivers state and your home town Okrika.” They also brought up the issue of “the land reclamation and shore protection project at Oba Ama, Okrika being undertaken by the Rivers state government.” (Daily Sun, August 23, 2010, p. 2). Either on the strength of this advertorial or private consultations, Dame Patience must have felt compelled to be a partisan stakeholder and intercessor. She needed to put Rotimi Amaechi, the state Governor in his place and that was what did. She recommended “pleading,” – that advice is actually meant for her. A state Governor is a duly elected official; and in a Federal system, he is not answerable to the President, and nowhere is the president granted the powers of a Headmaster over state governors. In Okrika, Dame Patience behaved so impatiently and spoke to Governor Amaechi as if he is on the staff of the Presidency. It may not be her fault though. Amaechi caused it all by bringing himself to such level by undertaking to debrief Dame Patience about his administration’s programmes and activities in the misguided hope of getting cheap political endorsement. He should have asked his wife to attend to her. On the issue of land, Dame Patience should be reminded that the Land Use Act, Section 1 thereof, says the state Governor holds the land in trust for the people. Land matters in the state are beyond the ken of the wife of the President!
The wife of the President of Nigeria, or a state Governor, or a local council chairman, is not a state official. The same applies to husbands if the gender is reversed. He or she is unknown to the constitution or the governance structure. Recent history has however made it a convention to have the spouses of persons in such positions under the guise of providing support, play some ceremonial roles. This has been routinely abused. Under the Jonathan presidency, Dame Patience Jonathan even got a special allocation in the original budget for the 2010 Golden jubilee anniversary whereas she has no official, financial reporting responsibilities! The international standard is that spouses in these circumstances must not only appear but be seen to be above board like Caesar’s wife. They must not misbehave like Marie Antoinette.
When Cherie Blair, wife of former British PM, Tony Blair started buying up houses, apartments and antique furniture, the public raised questions. It didn’t matter that she was a professional in her own right, a Queen’s Counsel with a traceable source of income. There were also questions about the scope of Hillary Clinton’s influence during her husband’s Presidency: Americans wanted to be sure that it was the man they elected that was in charge, not his wife. A couple of weeks ago, the American public was up in arms against Michelle Obama and her poll rating dropped drastically after a visit to Spain where she and her daughter reportedly stayed in a $7, 000 a night hotel.
Much earlier, Nancy Reagan was also the butt of public criticism, with people asking: who is she? And this is not a female thing. In Britain, Prince Phillip, the Queen’s husband, is constantly criticized for putting his foot in his mouth. He once said for example that “British women can’t cook.” He told a visiting Nigerian President, all dressed up in babariga (name withheld): “you look like you’re ready for bed.” During a state visit to China, he told British students: “if you stay much longer, you’all be slitty-eyed.” Prince Phillip’s supporters insist that he is honest, but the majority ask: how is the Queen coping with such a man who is perpetually saying something offensive? There may be persons who defend Dame Patience’s aggressive style, but some of us ask: how is the President coping?
Since Dr Jonathan assumed office, he and his wife have been practically on the road. The Dame has travelled from one state to the other, under the auspices of the Women for Change Initiative. In every state she tells the women to vote and “make sure your vote counts if you like my husband.” Is she now a partisan politician? The Jonathans must be told that Nigeria does not have a co-Presidency. We have only one president and his name is Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. And by the way, what does Dame Patience Jonathan do for a living? She obviously does not have to deal with the challenges of rotation and zoning in her home, unlike the three wives of the Adamawa Governor, Murtala Nyako for whom zoning and rotation have become topical subjects or the wives of South African President Jacob Zuma – that is why she can afford to be so meddlesome!
When she misbehaves as she did in Okrika, she creates the impression that her husband is not in control of his own home. First ladies are prominent figures but their conduct is an eternal subject of public interest. In Nigeria, there was Victoria Gowon, there was also Ajoke Muhammed: dignified and restrained. There was Maryam Babangida – she was influential but no one could accuse her of verbal recklessness; Mrs Abdusalami Abubakar was a court judge, totally self-effacing, No major social party was complete without Mrs Stella Obasanjo, yet she controlled her tongue. Mrs Turai Yar’Adua was described as the power behind the throne and she proved that during the period of her husband’s illness but she was carefully reticent. At the state level, there was Remi Tinubu in Lagos state and Onari Duke in Cross River state who have both conducted themselves responsibly in and out of office. The new First Lady likes to travel, party, and talk outside the script. People are beginning to learn to read her lips in order to understand her husband. Dame Patience must not push her Goodluck.
-This piece was written by Dr. Reuben Abati in The Guardian of Thursday, 27th Aug 2010
Culled from Sahara REporters
Which kia long story b diz,plus dz jargonz speakin woman.
He is gay
This is not new, that is human being for u,it is what they will eat they know. Reuben is just a chameleon he should just stay in aso rock forever, omo Yoruba jatijati!!!
Buahahahahahahaha Dame no go finish us with laugh and embarrasments. Chei
Classic case of he who pays the piper dictates the tune. Sad! That a hitherto principled man like RA could do such a complete 360! Where is d hope of our country?
Linda stop this rubbish you guys are doing,even you linda can change your stand tomorrow if GEJ appoints you..Nuhu Ribadu did the same when he said that TINUBU is the most corrupt governor in 2003..he repeated that in 2004..Today Nuhu Ribadu is dinning and Winning with Tinubu..so linda shut up your mouth.
Its long ooo, will read it one day sha
abeg dis grammar is too much, meanwhile i trust my people in dis blog to analysis nd tell me wat dat long story was all about. Gud a.m. My people. Honeybell
LOL!! Back then he was talking from the wisdom of an open minded columnist, but now, his eyes and conscience have been covered with ASO rock money, hehehe! You shouldn't blame him, as they say, "He who pays the piper, dictates the tone" He can never make such remarks if its now.
I bet if he wants to write anything now, it is going to be 'Praise singing'. Except if he wants to look for his 'daily bread'elsewhere. So ironical...
This goat, Abati has seen government money and is now singing a different tune! Polygamous bastard! Coward! His so called activism was just out of hunger.. May he choke on the money he sold his conscience for. Oloshi!
Wonders shall never end. Abati will enter the Guinea Book of Records as the most rapid turn-coat in the world. What a shame!!!
One day he will have to explain to the Nigerian people why he has decided to self-destruct in this manner.
Abati is just an Ass, but then, alll of them are..
I guess Reuben had to eat all of this page when he became an adviser to Mr president.once a critic,now a praise singer.meanyle Linda d prety Serpent lol,post dis comment o,I no go wake up for 3:am write smtin,n u won't post it.*postoffice
This is just to tell you that nearly all dogs that bark do so because they haven't been fed. There is really nothing like a few good men, everyone's got a price. When his shameful appointment is over I wonder if he would ever return to journalism. Anyway if he is still interested, I have a couple of rags to suggest to him
Loool I actually love this. Read it to the very end
Very sad our dear Reuben Abati has learnt table manners fast enough. "Thou shall not talk while eating". He sees all the wrongs of this administration but he his paid to defend them publicly. He's justifying his pay at the expense of truth & his conscience. Sad indeed.
So long a letter! Unfortunately Linda, your readers are not into serious matters such as this. U can bet not to get as much comments as they come with real amebo gists.
Like IBB said.....everyone has a price, if Judas can sell his Rabbi and a miracle maker, if Joseph's brother can sell him into slavery then Reuben sold his social responsibility soul for a dime. It feels like he has been possessed as this U- turn is too unbelievable.
Ooh now he is chopping with them.No honour to black man.I am sure when she speaks her grammar to him, he smiles now. Olo shi. Maybe this is why Amaechi hates her
Money is the root of all evil...when Ruben can not stand for one thing he falls for every other!!...shikena
Abeg this their story too long, if he didn't write this piece and so many others, he won't be where he is now. So basically, he used sense 2 seek attention n get appointment.
Dame is a political farm animal to her animalistic husband. Power corrupt. Absolute power corrupt absolutely.
This woman sha! Na she be d president Ooo!we are in deep shit.
Lol.. Simply amazing *claps* this shud be posted on his wall & tweeted @ him for the rest of his life. I want to see his face wen he see's this.
My ohhh my.... I still cant beliv i read diz ish from top to bottom. But thanks to lagos early morning traffic.... well, its obvious we nigerians already know the man of house. Which is madam dame impatient jonathan. And it actually looks like, Gov rotimi amaechi has been patience with madam impatient and her confused husband ebele.. According to baba OBJ.... I DEY Laff. *The Big One*
uhmmm....that woman is just dense.
But sincerely, i go like make madam impatient jonathan give me head ohh... After which her vocabulary will change for good. Gat info dat she is really wide (My source, at the national assembly confirmed it) they club 2geda. Take note linda. *The Big One*
I had great respect for Reuben Abati when he was with The Guardian, he was a brilliant journalist and critic and I always looked forward to reading his column. I guess his monthly salary was 'poor'. Now he is the government spokesman, he talks with the other side of his mouth. This is what money does to a man's conscience-ruin it. For Rueben Abati, the season of 'THROW BACK' is unending.
Linda ikeji just gave us the root of the saga bravo babe kudos to u
His writing style is delicious! Hope patience read this already and forgave him or she will be mad now. This proves that her harassment of Amaechi has been in existence for about 3yrs. It was only a matter of time for him to srart resisting. Greedy hag
first to comment
i said first to comment
Expect this mans voluntary resignation anytime soon...this is quite interesting...but ppl bad o..where them go bring out this kind thing from sef..Olorun gba wa lowo eni ti o n sho wa ti a o sho oo.
I think her problem is she doesn't jst know the law.she jst speaks out of pity for the persons whose houses are to be demolished.
Lol, oya Oga Reuben answer. the guy don go chop national cake forget im sense.
double toungued and janus faced fowl. hypocrite of the millenium. immodest coward. he should be banned from press association or whatever there is. God bless Nigeria.
Wow! Wat an honest feature. Now he's gotten fed apponment he no longer writes such. To bad
Linda why are you on this peopls case (the Jonathan,s)?I strongly believe that you,AC,and the nothern leaders, and that's where sahara reporters comes in, because they always report against the Jonathan,s administration.why are you this biased and tribalistic and how much has Tinubu and his cohorts has paid you? For you to be lifting reports from sahara reporters.linda you are role model to me I urge you to be neutral in political matters stop taking sides.please post my comment.
Reuben Abati!
Well man must chop na, abi linda?
Thank God for written piece like this we are to see for ourselves what people are capable of becoming when they get a slice of d national cake.
Mr Abati God is watching U in 3D!
Shame on Reuben Abati,if I were you I will take a bow,meeeen!!
And what is he saying now? Completely singing their praises. Hypocrisy in full display.
Abati don blow.
Thank You Sir. I so hate the firstlady, she's d brain bhind this whole political saga in rivers state. Don't let us break ur ankles.
Reuben Abati is d greatest proof of how successful Jonathan's transformation Agenda is..., lmao!
Started from the??? Now he's there what thins he said in the past doesn't matter
Pls o dnt mrs First Lady hv an Adviser?cos if she has a Good one i dnt think o dis would b happening.
Hehehehe.too too hilarious.
No wonder they quickly employed him! Oya write again make we see you. This is enough to justify the crisis in Rivers state.
Ds is d cause of d problem btw amechi n good luck .
Well said Abati. Prof Wole Soyinka has said it all 'dat is wat happens wen we av an illiterate first lady'
ok linda dis so long *yawns*
Omo see 1st class gobe.
Reuben Abati, you know what? You are fired. (In Biodun Shobanjo's voice)
What money will cause in this country ehn, na only God go help us.
Imagine Reuben is now defending Dame coz he's eating under them.
Silly man.
Well said. But its nt just writing. D question is will der be change? D woman doesn't gv a fuck about wat we tynk or say.
This is a clear example of the saying "he who pays the piper dictates the tune". Jonathan had T̶̲̥̅Æ ̴͡ pay Abati T̶̲̥̅Æ ̴͡ dictate what he says or write about.
Chai! This guy sabi patient o. The president himself should b ashamed of this so called wifeof his. I don't blame her tho cos she neva tot she could b a president wife.nigeria is getn worst everyday, signning silly bills, no job, etc dey aint talkn abt way forward all they do is mess up the whole thing.I won't b surprise if mustapha contest. And am still waitin for patient and my amiable prof debate.lol!*wink
Uhnmm very true, foolish illiterate....
Goes to show the level of this man's sincerety.
Anyway like my people will say THE GOAT IS ONLY OBEDIENT TO THE MAN WITH ITS FOOD.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
He who pays the piper...
i so love dis article
guess she is d 1 controllin her home
Buhahahaahahahahaah!!! This was b4 he was appointed...I guess this is d reason. Ade
Hahahaha I laugh in Spanish... u see wot power and position can cause? Dis same man who condemned dem is nw singing their praises. We are terrible in dis country.
Ok.."Linda God bless u 4 putting this post here...definitely sharing it...lwkmh...in 9ja run ur mouth in d media against d govt..be rest assured u will be appointed as sometn soon...we all knw D pple tht did it, they are in govt office now.linda pls post ooo...1st tym commenter.Ade
I guessed as much that this couldn't be a recent report. Ruben abati the 2timing bastard. He can never again in his life say this about our very own, dame patience jona. Well; that's the power of power
See what public office turned a no holds barred jounalist into,interestin he actually wrote dis piece,fact:money n power changes pple
Lol! Reuben Abati what changed your opinion ? Let me guess a few billion naira contracts have made you full You're so full u can no longer tell the difference btw truth & fiction
Omo ale omo ojuorolari you have gained earthly riches but sold your soul to the devil,
please let oga madam at the top talk about this child marriage issue oooo ... "atleast she was once a child and the senators are once children... lol"
Linda, so you want make I leave wetin I go do begin read this epistle, abeg you shd have summarised the sermon b4 posting.
Anyway I dey wait for you to posts comments bc I know say Libers go blast.....winks
Yeah...and then money happened,appointment came..poor hypocrite or have ur view changed?
Wao! This is one of the best pieces i'v read in recent times! Hmmmm i guess they decided to silence him by appointing him special adviser or is he still as vocal and eloquent and straight forward? Interesting:-)
The Man "Reuben" need to be reminded of his scripts, words and conducts before he was appointed a spoke person to GEJ. You can cee hw greedy Nigga can be. He hs swallowed his pride for placement and money. Shameeeee
Hmmm,women please lean from this.I'm a woman I have learnt from this..ododo oro.Patience think about where you will be when your husband is no longer in power.The truth is no nigerian likes you.
Hypocrisy of the highest order.......
as they say every one has a price Reuben's price was paid now he would have to eat his words!!!
Lindinor u know i like dis blog buh dis ur late comment posting no good o it makes it boring cos d comment is why am addicted to dis blog.biko change ur pattern.kisses n hug.
I love this piece!!! The story is becoming so interesting, i know understand where she's coming from. indeed she has pushed her Goodluck even 'too far' No wonder they gave Abati appointment 'sharp sharp.
Well said!
Gbam ! She should nt push her Goodluck.
linda ur wicked o. where did u dig this one up? I am sure reuben abati must be prostrating before the first lady now for being exposed for the double tongued man he is. hahahahhehehe gosh I laugh in Igbo> reuben, over to you. I know you will definitely reply. IAI
There is absolutely nothing wrong in what abati wrote. We all know the woman has exccesses. That abati wrote this piece goes to show he is good at what he does. The presidency saw this piece before hiring him. That's how to think outside d box. And abati works for the president, not the wife so nobody should say he went against his words
Before they asked him to join government as Presidential Spokesman... now he calls her "Mummy" and speaks/write without decorum (The very thing he accused Patience of in this article in 2010).
Lolz... Dis una 1st lady can blow grammar ooo. Shuuu, abeg make GEJ snd her bk to primary schl
Reuben Abati is a fucking Sell Out!
Am using this meduim to bemoan the high rate of disrespect & insults on the personality of the first lady-Federal Republic of Nigeria- Dame Patience Jonathan, its absurd and aberration of normalcy. She demands our respect even as a mother, nobody is perfect nor beyond mistakes. I have never met her in person, only on Tv screen and dailies and I must not fail to lend my voice on this incessant ugly trend.
This man really made an about face when he was given a government job. Truth remains in what he wrote here. Mrs Jonathan is an utter disgrace to Nigeria and Rivers State. She is and will be the president's downfall come the next elections. Look at her bulldog face!
Heeeeyyyy! Linda you for no post this thing ooo! This man go swear for you... Ah, no be small Namaan be this o....
Snap Snap thats how it ends. Disassociate yourself with your new coded style of politics . Linda remember they dont harvest the young crops unless its mature enough or has overgrown its purpose . keep your star shining . kapeesh
So now he has suddenly gone blind, because he was given an appointment, he now sings praises of them, and defends Dame and GEJ shamelessly sef. GodIsWatching#
Jessica,if that's your real name.which part of this article isn't true.when you say Linda is tribalistic then go on to say she is on the tinubu,Sahara,northern side,which tribe is she then for or against.please raise comments on the message and not at the messenger.
Sahara reporters reminder.
Spot on.
Whaoh! Interesting indeed! Now he has eaten out of the national cake, probably must have compromised his integrity. Smh
Hmmm tought provoking
Pin 2641B970,you are obviously campaigning or soliciting for something.while I do not support the use of insults to others,be you president or slave,as public figures,she must learn some decorum.if she continues to behave as she does,she will receive what is due her.
You guys shouldn't blame the man joor! Put yourselves in his shoes. Back then, he was only doing his job as a journalist, until the juicy carrot of an FG appointment was dangled before him, to take a bite and voila - trust Naijarians, we no dey carry last - he took a bite! Of course, you don't expect him to forgo this JOB OF LIFE, do you? Now he has to play the role of a courtier in his new found job as the Presido's Mouthpiece - he has to dance Azonto to any tune the Jonathans play.*MGFUA* The Irony of Life! * continues to dance to mafikizolo's Khona* #Ko...Khona,Ko...Khona. Khona Khona Khona#
Exactly! Reuben Abati am disappointed.
Abati is a hypocrite and sycophant! Speaking from both sides of his mouth.
Mr BlackBerry pin, Please go and rest or is she your Jesus Christ on earth too? Lool
Abati is a hypocrite and sycophant! Speaking from both sides of his mouth.
Abati is a hypocrite and sycophant! Speaking from both sides of his mouth.
So in your world it is okay when you move from standing on the truth to standing on lies? Hell awaits you o. Besides, who supports Nuhu Ribadu's ways.
Lmao! Your type no go like stress at allllllll!
"Enu ti Igbin ba fi bu Orisa na ni yio fi lale niwaju re" Youruba adage someone in the house can convert it.
Linda there is something called SUMMARY......Next time do it or hire someone to do it. this is punishment.
Linda, i hope you are not trying to put sand into Abati's food ooo. Please allow this man to enjoy his own portion of the "National Cake" till he help his Oga at the Top Uncle Jona Park his things out of Aso Rock in 2015. Prof. Wole Soyinka recent statement has been vindicated as confirmed by this post from the President's "Extended Family Member". We must salute Prof. Soyinka's courage in saying the truth as is it. We surely need more men of courage like our Dear Prof. to develop our democracy.
Long thing
I watched dis Dame's visit live on TV in 2010 and was appauled. I began to wonder who our president was,she insulted Amaechi thoroughly and its a bigger shame Abati is dining with dis loser. Abati is acting lik a bastard.
Guinea ke? Hian
its sad becos these kinda 360 degrees turnaround didnt start today, these are uncommon transformations we will keep seeing from nigerians who r not ashamed of letting down their integrity as well as their brethren. weldone abati chop ur money of life shamefully.
Interesting read, well like I tell anyone that will definitely listen, GEJ were always going to be like this. But they used sentiment to blind those who wanted to be blinded.
Well Reuben Abati (before the transformation) mentioned Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI of France. Incidentally, he oversaw the end of French monarchy as the people couldn't take his rubbish any longer. Same for Jezebel and Ahab.
In other words, GEJ should be careful, lest his wife destroys him
B4 I start, abeg, ejo, sisi, biko LIB readers don't burn me alife 4 my post, its jst personal opinion.
D man was jst expressing his dissatisfaction towards d 1st ladies ova involvement in national n state matters. At some point he was asking or hoping dat d president was nt allowing his rather ova enthusiastic wife rule d country. He is a journalist n columnist, analysing is his job n he did a fine job wit it.
However, his undeniable talent landed him in a position sort afta by all n sundry. Was he 2 turn it down jst becos he analysed a situation lik anyoda dat coincidentally happend 2 b invole his current employers wife? Hell no. He is advising d president on media matters nt giving his excellency marital advice.
So pls let's stop hating, nt dat our hate wuld do anytin tho.
Linda it is obvious dat some folks on ur blog are dunce incapable of serious mental thoughts and projections dey misunderstood why u put up this article Ruben Abati wrote way back.
Simply put abati is a compound fool dat has sold his old soul for moni in this article he clearly xrays the stupid behavior inherent in the presidents wife Abati long predicted that this woman if not held or restrained will be problematic as predicted she is now state trotting every state in Nigeria causing rifts and abati is now defending her as not being responsible for the rivers crisis when ever dikibor and sikibor tamunor knows who is the brain behind the crisis for Abati posterity will judge u for suddenly eating ur vomit
B4 una open that una nicely shaped mouth to curse the guy make una first think am say if I to say na me wetin I for do- remember easier said than don cos we humans we no go knw how we go react to situation till we actually find ourselves in such situation. Dat time Ʋ go throw caution to the wind wetin go dey ring apako for ur head na MAN MUST WACK POKO lol
True!!! Humans na waa
Total embarrassment to the Journalism profession in general and Guardian Newspapers where he left. OMG!
Jessica It is people like you that wants Nigeria to be stagnant. So publishing an article written by Reuben Abati chastising the Jonathans before he got appointment as their publicity chief makes Linda tribalistic? She published this to tell you from Reuben Abati's point of view the PERSON behind the crisis in Rivers state & u are there asking stupid questions. You are very sick. You make me want to puke. Just may be a relative of urs are among the people running the country down. People please let's join hands & vote out the Jonathans.
It is worse than chameleonic, it is about a man without morals or principles. Reuben Abati is not just treacherous, he is satanic. He has been absorbed into the cult of Lucifer that rules Nigeria. He is devilish, a primeval evil reincarnated in Ota. He thinks he has deceived Nigerians, but only fools himself, for soon they will reap the harvest of wickedness. The curses of 150 million Nigerians will propel them to hell.
Hmmm... see them all hypocrites... Including Linda herself... Am not a politician or an affiliate of any party but if u can not do better, i think it is ideal you shut up....
Who are you to judge anybody... dont u do worse in your closet... ok if it were you what would you do...
The man's function differs now.... Pack of hypocrites and backstabbers accusing another... remove the stone in your eye first before you remove another person's...
Worse off animals...
Its not only guinea, its brocade...lol
Jonathan should not look outside for his enemies, they are close to him. He has surrounded himself with lions in sheep clothing. This man must really hate Jonathan, no wonder all his efforts are dead on arrival. Oh, Jona, purge yourself of your advisers!
Mr BB, it Is pple like u That have stunted the growth of This nation, the Day of reckoning Is near.
Can u leave This blog Reuben!!
I still remembered him on Patitio's gang. Pat Utomi Will definitely be ashamed of This Guy. Oby Ezekwezili was also an activist and she was also given a govt appointment, she performed well and didnt compromise.
@My Turn. It is punishment to you because you hate to read details. Linda, DON'T EVER try to edit articles like this.
i believe nigerians are now standing up to let madam know her limits. abati is only doing the job he's hired to do now. not that he doesnt know the truth.
Linda can u please drop dis jonah issue. Most ladies re insulting patience re u dat beta. U dat re learned y re u nt in dat possition n let me c if u can do beta.all we know is talk wit our big mouth. Is amechi an angel as u tink. As 4 abati pls dnt judge till u re dere den u know hw it feels.we insult d president n his wife. D governors n past presidents re they nt d same. People n politics na jonah body ona mouth dey sharp.so many tins re wrong wit d country yet we can fight bt na jonah body ona english wan finish. Grammer pple.
Complete 180....360 get you back to where you are hon.
Madam Davina, can you write in English so we know/understand what you are referring to? Apparently you attacked the grammar part of the whole comprehension/essay, i think you should spend more time writing to make yourself. I am not attack you but your use of grammar and writing skills.
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I agree that Jonathan's Enemies are all around him there. They hav vowed to make his Regime a failed one. May God deliver us cos Jornathan himself doesn't feel anything about the public again. They only think of how the world will see Nigerian economy grow. They are not considering d effect of the growing economy on the poor masses. If not so, why has driving licence become 10,000naira, with the validity reduced to 3yrs only. God have mercy on this country that is never being fair on her members. Always becoming harder and harder to live in. As for Dame and her opponents; na dem dem. They can sort themselves out there, I don't care.
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