Boutique Fashion Champagne Brand, Zarb recently
concluded their Drink Aware Naija! Programme & the excitement of the launch of their new Zarb
Rosé Six Collection early this year in Paris with their ‘Be
Different!’ Campaign & Photo shoot.
The Zarb Champagne Brand, which is based on
an unconventional idea with an unconventional look, is produced in the
Champagne Region of France by a House with over 300 years of Experience in the
art of making fine Champagne & their various Collections or Skins are designed by internationally acclaimed
artists, photographers & designers. The Brand is Imported & Distributed
in Africa by Beverage Xchange & Booze
Ltd, distribution@beverage-xchange.biz +2348180077777,
More information on Zarb
Champagne can be found online at www.zarbchampagne.com & you can follow them on twitter - @zarbchampagne to win exciting
experiences & invitations to upcoming exclusive events happening soon, in
the nearest future. Local orders & enquiries can also be made online at www.beverage-xchange.biz Zarb Champagne is usually only found in Interesting,
Exciting & Unique Places, drank by People who truly are Different &
don’t follow the Crowd.
Isn't this that Beverly girl on big brother? She has the worst accent ever. I can't understand a word she says and I am a Nigerian. Why can't Nigerians speak clearly?
So many champs to choose from,but i really like the bottle design, will like to try it & see!Very attractive PhotoShoot Sha...
The "deer in headlights" look in the first photo? Not twerking!
Yup..d bottle is 9ice nd it looks classy 2,,surpised it doesn't cost 350million. Hehehehehe
I see u beverly
Dis beverly nd dis her green nails sha!! Saw her in a musical video wit dsame nails nd in bba also wit dsame nails...I wonder wat glue she used on dem...
It is as if ds is d only weavon ds beveri(in natasha's voice) has.
Bev dosnt form, her voice Ȋ̝̊̅§ normal guess Ʊя̩̥̊ deaf
She loves Green,nd like painting her nails green...so do ursef a favour and stop hating on the gal! Its not as if i like her to well,bt we ve to give it to her,she's a great Model!!!
@ anon 12:37, its glue of life. If u need some u can contact me.http://visitprofit.com/?ref=18901
I think she likes the colour green... Free d babe abeg
Zarb is amazing !
Chai 9ja nd complains ... Abeg free beverly alone ..stop hatin ...ONE LOVE
Don't knw why pple just love hating on oda pple...it beats me.
Naija Sha...haters too much,we talking Champagne,you talking Beverly is she the only model there?abeg Yimu tomorrow nau she wins BBA & she becomes your best friend!abeg is there any free tasting of this zarb champagne?been on their site, i luv.
Well done Zarb!
This beverly is full of shit,she is such a big pig am sure its the same hair that's she is still carrying in BBA. That girls sha
So now every champagne manufacturer is going to come and offload in naija.....highest consumers in the world and all.
I wonder o. She wan talk queen's
It's no biggie if one likes a particular nail color nd decide to paint it always, let's just assume it's her own trade mark, Go Bev!
Beautiful Bev. Way to go gal
Think she did the photo shoot just before going on bba(considering her nails and hair).Amazing look in the first photo tho.
Forget accent or grammar( there are many successful models who cant speak a word of English ); forget behaviour and personal life ( Naomi Campbell has had a troubled personal life) ; As far as modelling is concerned in Nigeria , Bev has got the X- factor !! Matter of fact, nobody does it better !!!
1st 2 command. #uche face
So wat
An den wat
Sharap,if u dnt knw wat 2 say..........
Beverly irritates me!!! Nothing beautiful about a murderer!
Zarb......one champ u need 2 try n feel diff cos Zarb is diff 4rm odas. D Prime says so.
Is dis about d babe or d drink guys......u guys shld stop hate n drink Zarb 2 feel gud.
All these Beverly haters sef, the girl is very good at modelling so STFU and come and strike a pose! Ps... She's not my favourite person on bba
Zarb Champagne really is fantastic. I had some at the launch event,and I have been hooked ever since. I agree that as Nigerians, we get used to some brands of champagne and don't usually get to try alternative brands. Honestly, give it a try and you'll be pleasantly surprised. A brilliant campaign too. Well done!!
Beveley all the way joor! Haters can kiss my sexy ass!
U r full of pee !!common sense should tell u that d weavon is her own and not on borroW and knows wht fits her or she did this days before BBA but as d say,common sense isn't common!so shut up and make sure u vote 4her !
Lmao...I swrdwn!and the weavonz soo dead!phew*
Gbagaun.....*that girls sha*smh!
Hiaan!how's she a murderer pls?*confused*
Gbagaun.....*that girls sha*smh!
Lmao...I swrdwn!and the weavonz soo dead!phew*
Ma babe chimmy rocks!!Go GAL
Her eyes are kind of scary on this pic though lol.
Idiot take several sits in mushin abg, U̶̲̥̅̊ call her a murderer bcos she she confessed her sins, U̶̲̥̅̊ dare use it against her, U̶̲̥̅̊ fool search ursef, U̶̲̥̅̊ av № ryt wat §Ơ̴̴̴͡ eva τ̅☺ judge her. love bev's strenght. bet U̶̲̥̅̊ cnt G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴͡ tru wat she went tru n stand tall.kudos τ̅☺ all strong african woman out der.
why judge her?na your mama she kill?
its not like you are a saint at least she admitted she did wat she did which is a step closer to forgiveness than your crooked fingers pointing at her.
BTW its about the product n not her its either you like the concept or you shut ya gutter mouth.
Zarb marketer, mscheewww! Abeg shift.
Be dere hatin on her while she keeps goin 100 steps higher dan u. Juz shut ur sori ASS Up niurgga!!!
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