The students stormed the Arts block this morning with placards to register their grievance and later moved their protest to the Social Science department. Female students of the department claim their lecturers are making life difficult for them by demanding sexual favours before they can pass their courses.
The students say they have had enough and after a meeting yesterday, decided to protest against the sexual harassment that has become the order of the day. The school authority is yet to respond to these allegations. See more photos from the protest after the cut...
Miss Jade said...
See Gobe
"our Mentors have become our Tormentors" I like that.
abeg o, how frog jump and sexual harrasment take conect??? lmao!!
First to comment things@ okay dis sexual harrasment has being from d days of John baptist. Sandra baby
All these happening and no one is being punished. Goodluck Jonathan I salutoo.
wat a nonsense nw adays schools are places of escrutiating pains and all sorts let me get any lecturer near my sis.
order o linda
Who is in charge of these school. No wonder why people thesedays don't want to go to university
about time, people protested, the harrasment is getting out of hand
Hehehehe... This is hilarious...well i graduated from there, and am trying not to take sides..but, i went to school few weeks back, for masters enquiries...but Damn, i realized, its dawned on me, these girls, try too hard, any man wouldnt be able to resist the temptation...I'm nt a critic, i look good too*and am still in my very early 20's..but... Truth be told, most of the girls i saw had bleached, party makeup, decked head to toe.. I dunno, it was just too much...its hard to set up dressing policy in that school..but i wud say, its d students themselves that 1st seek out these men's imaginations.
This ridiculous!!! dis lecturers should be sentenced to hanging of d pen..
I can envisage what they go through for them to get this frantic about this, what I suggest they do is use one lecturer as a scape goat, set the mug up and exposed him to the world!
rubbish,sex for education
Can these allegations be substantiated??
Wow! That mst b serious plus dey gt liver self...
~D great anonymous!
This is just the beginnig...They should come out with the names of such lecturers and proof ot their acts so that the whole world can know what our so called leaders are doing.
Linda, there is a new secret video about what SPDC Swamp manager, Mr. Ehis said he was going to to to an oil company because they did not respect him. Look for it.
I graduated 6 years ago from unilag, I had a close shave with some of this nonsense. Please let us know what you need from us alumni, we will join you to protest! I was in bus ad.
this is sad nigeria!
faculty of arts lecturers have always been notorious especially english and history. Hope something will be done
Linda,please write good English....It's not ''other of the day"but order of the day....oya!!!send me recharge card..
Linda,please write good English....It's not ''other of the day"but order of the day....oya!!!send me recharge card..
Hmmm, dear God, save our youths, dis is jst too much
they will surely pay!!! #lecturers
finally my departmental mates are awake....... enough is enough
any lecture caught in d act of sexual harrasmnt shuld b prosecuted.rubbish
I love what's happening in UNILAG these days. The kiddos are standing up to demand for the respect of their rights. Akokites are no more laid back like before, browbeaten into pusillanimity by their fucked-up Mr. Lecturers. They mustn't end this protest until it gains campus-wide traction. The lecturers being fingered for indecently assaulting female students, SHORT OF RAPING THEM, must face disciplinary panel, which must be set up to investigate the allegations. And the affected students must arm themselves with evidence. Those twats going by the Mr. Lecturer name must face the music. This gallantry by students is unprecedented and highly commendable. YOU DON'T FUCK WITH GREATEST AKOKITES!!!!
I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ as much as dnt like d idea of a lecturer making passes @ students, they too ought †Î¦ dress as they wish †Î¦ be addressed!
How wont a lecturer demand for sex when a female student would be so scantily dressed lithe the one pictured above in a white singlet thereby exposing her bra straps. Dress to be addressed they say.
Sadly this is everywhere
I hup linda wud post my comment 2day..I support d students,am a Graduate of Unilag, I suffered 4m harrasment in my department also, which d lecturer do fail me all d time n I had 2take his course every semester huping he would change. If not for intervention 4m God, wud still be in that department. I just hope the VC wud do something abt it oooo, its gettting too much.
Even in school of basic studies it happends, bur God will punish dos lecturers in jesus name dey will nt see favour, ave passed tru hell in dis my own school(nt unilag) ave been raped, asulted, embarassed sexually, nd its nt d@ I wear stupid cloths d@ xpose my body oooooo.....dey will nt c favour.......ther generation will no knw peace
Stupid lecturers shaaaaar, HOD 4 d@ matter
At last, students team up to support each other!
Haba, female students have been suffering in silence. Hope other universities are learning. together they are stronger and can be heard. All we want is to get good education, afterall lecturers are paid to teach not harrass us.
It's bad enough that our universities are not equipped, let us learn the so called theories to get our degrees without issues. It is not too much to ask.
Hmmm.....It's nice they've been brave enough to come out and protest. The later has been going on for decades in the school. Harrasements as they called it has become so rampant in schools.I just hope the VC will have a good say to all of the accusations!
Lol @"shave ur pubic hair n dance for me",... D lecturer demanding such must be a psycho or he is dysfunctional
Uniabuja Students ..especially Econs dept. Will soon join U̶̲̥̅̊ guys...all of dis bullsh*t must stop
dis is ridiculuosly outrageous...lecturers of nowadays sef..well,unilag gurls,wel done..more grease to elbow...
Useless so called lecturers, thank God u ppl finally found ur voice. School Authority over to u.....
Hmmmmm! lecturer, shebi una c wetin happen 2 d don of italiano politics? abi una cef won go 7 yrs jail? make una take una time o or else i go tell my oga @ d top.....
Sexual harrasment is bad.lecturers should see all these children as theirs.also girls should dress properly.if u see what these girls r wearing ,infact male students find it hard to resist let alone lecturers who one way and other have authority over them.girls dress decently so that u would nt be harrased
My cousin is in dt department and she complains about it all the time. According to her a lecturer got one student pregnant and her parents forced them to marry. Even their HOD is guilty so they have no one to report to.
Shave your pubic area n dance for me?lol
Omo see GOBE
awww! I feel their pain.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Lol......maka why? Frog jump for wat na. Later u gonna run ur mouth and insult private university students. On a more serious note,sexual harassment has been overlooked in our universities. The sch authority should do somefn about it cos dats a very grievous offence.
Lecturers no de try. Ds is how they end up sending out half baked graduate on d street cos of sex. God must deliver them
Unilag authority should be careful with the way protests are happening this time.cus if care is nt taken a deadly and violent protest may occur.these students r tasting this protest little little.stop pushing students cus wen they r pushed to the wall,they will burn down the school.we d old students don't want this.
What da Hell? "Shave ur pubic hair and dance for me" what nonsense?! That lecturer needs to be castrated. Shameless Man.
Sexual harrasment is bad.lecturers should see all these children as theirs.also girls should dress properly.if u see what these girls r wearing ,infact male students find it hard to resist let alone lecturers who one way and other have authority over them.girls dress decently so that u would nt be harrased
castration of sexual abusers should be passed into law...
*first to comment* ;)
I luv dis; ladies now know wat is right 4 dem nobodi no man can lord anytin on u except u agree kip d good fight on u shall win hope comin genaration learn 4rm dis
The lecturers should be dealt with severely.
Lol. Its same Every were.
You see! Dis is nice, I schooled in lag, and I can remba wen one lecturer failed one gal for not accepting to sleep wit him. Common , all dis randy lecturers if u ar sexy starved , go to ashewo junction or use vaseline or soap to activate urself and am sure after 10mins , u will get deactivated. Stop stressin dis kids , grow up from bin idiots to bin a man.
Its about time, sometin needs to be done for this students, our lectures are becoming something else.
Its about damn time,I applaud d courage of d female students 2 protest sexual harassment. This happened 2 a lot of us while in schl but we kept our mouths shut - mimi from miami
Dats hw dese FOA lecturers r..... Go on gals, protect yhur rights jawe. Tired of being d weaker vessels. Greatest Akokite!!!
Linda i knw say u no go post am... Bad belle
They should give me specific names
Looks like y'all getting the purpose of this protest wrong. The protest was caused by a lot of issues and i can categorically say dat d main issue which propelled the protest was the extortion of money through the sales of textbooks not u corresponding with their course of study. Sexual harassment and all other issues are side issues...this is not to say that sexual harassment is not an issue that calls for concern.
This one don tay wey dem dey do am for Unilag Art block o.. I know few lecturers that sleeps with girls in their offices, I can even start naming names and all.. But I really love the way this student showed their anger.. Nice one students..
This is coming from @Iamzhenzen I pray all they said todae enter their skulls #occupyCASA
So pitiful, exploiting these young girls.wish this happened in the US, they would have sue de pants off their corny , stupid ass waists. Dirty old men..
nawah ooo!! even d prestigious maulag, sorry unilag
The most painful part is a lecturer failing you for no reason..God punish Dr Oni, philosophy and sociology lecturer, faculty of education.. Oloriburuku somebody..
This one is not my business, they should sha give us light, I cannot concentrate in class when the place is hot as fuck..rubbish!
Na wah oooh, this our country!
Laughing so hard at the last photo.....nice development though (Y)
Most of the girls that graduated from creative arts unilag slept wiv one lecturer or the other. Uju, chioma and co that finished wiv 2'1 and yes e dey pain me because we wey read, wey no dey miss lecture commot wiv 2'2! But these girls........... Infact ehn!. May God help the righteous!
Hmmmm....lipsealed God help our children.
Oh No....My Alma Mata.. Too bad...
well it is about time... kudos!
so embarrassing what lecturers now do at Nigerian universities. The world is watching and things like this are what devalues our education. Don't get me wrong sexual harassment happens everywhere but it is a common thing in Nigeria and it is hard to find any higher institution in Nigeria where it is not an issue.
well its about time... kudos!
My dear is high tym we talk ....diein in silence n dis pot belly men won't allow us rest..
So sad. The educational system in this country is appalling. The next university should be Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka in Anambra State. Particularly Department of Microbiology. Most of their lecturers frolick with their students.
Lol...good to see they're puttin their various talents to good use
Mr. Lecturer..lol well done
good one
What is unilag becoming now adays during my undergraduate days it was so obvious most especially Faculty of Arts the so called Lecturers if u think am lying just hang around by 7-9 pm inside the Arts Faculty building u will see different kind of girls coming out of the lecturer office and continue to Wonder what are they doing inside till 9 pm even i know sOme Of these lecturers mhen Na God go help
There's need for serious shake-up in Unilag. Some staff, both academic and non-academic need to be thrown out. Their attitude to work (especially the non-academic staff)is unprofessional and zero. You need to meet some of them to understand, so pathetic.
They picked the wrong fellows... foolish and shameless lot,called lecturers.
This is sad!!! I'm Disappointed
Am an Alumnus of that great department 07/08 set. Knowing lecturers have degenerated to this level is really an eyesore. The students should mention the lecturers that are involved in this act of indiscipline! We say no to sexual harassment!!!!!1
You can post on uni lag but you said nothing about GTB. I can see your integrity has a price. Rubbish.
Wow! Am impressed! All these He-GOATS shuld βε̲̣̣̣̥ exposed abeg! I love there courage...
Some lecturers are just so useless...using their jobs to take advantage of female students... Not gud at all....
This must stop, borrowed a course from this department, u won't believe how much I am made to pay. why?
That used to be my department, it's true Linda, this act has been going on for a long time. The females that are protesting are the cause of this immoral act. They won't come 2 class and yet they wud pass, it hurts my feelings when a females in unilag can't be creative and lucrative, if u go unilag and for 4yrs wey u go there u no sabi any trade except "Aristo" then no be curse, u cannever be successful.....Imagine a lecturer saying " I am horny(Igbo accent)shave ur pubic hair"...I move the motion for that dept to be shut down..Bastards!!!! Lecturers worthy of emulation have now turn the dept to a den of lions.......
fools that call themselves intellectuals
Na some of you dey use the thing beg the lecturers, kill those students nd everything will be alrite....
But sexual harrasments always occur,when a student is unserious...its also apparent in my own school, UNILORIN. On grounds of unseriousness,when a lecturer notices that U re serious,intelligent n smart,c'mmon,he will find it difficult to approach U. And then their dress sense is always sensual,esp those of 'em in PFA,cos I am minoring there.
Wen i was in skool, i no tins like dis exist but its wired how open de lecturers has made it now. So shameless & embarrassing. God help de students abeg.
I am so proud of these students!
Ds is hilarious mehn buh ds shii is gettin al d more real. Itz nt only creative arts dept buh al oda depts in faculty of arts...their lecturers are monsters in human form
first to comment
frog jump for unilag student ke
tot this only happens in private universities.............
honey child
I totally support my fellow students in the university of lagos to continue with their protests,imagine a lecturer from the dept putting a student in the family way and administering drugs to abort the baby, now the poor student is in a mentally deranged hospital after losing her womb! Thereby, suffering what I call double yoke. Lecturers who we look up to as mentors and role models acting in such babaric manner, it is sad
lecturers is too much for people.
serious issue. hope d scl authority acts accordingly
I am very happy the students came together and did this because the way the lecturers go on and on about wanting to sleep with the female students in the department is too much especially the very SHAMBOLIC Dr Peter,and its like the H.O.D of the department dosent exist.
this is great, all these sleazy old men should be exposed. women should stop suffering in silence!
WTF! R u kidding me? Na real wah mehn! Read Interesting Stories HERE
I support this girls, I left Nigeria to study in the uk because if this stupid male lectures. Bastard
Linda last I checked there was no unilag listed in the NUC accredited list for nig universities, so pls which university re u talking about?
When deir iwokuwo i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ too much aw d lecturer N̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴͡ go G̶̲̥̅Ñ”̲̣̣̣̥t̶̲̥̅̊ horny?
God bless u fr posting this!
I'm very impressed!
I hope d federal govt sees this! Its too much oh!
Dose art lecturers are bastards! All dey do is nack girls all d tym! Its too much! And derz noin any1 can do abt it!
God help us all! Amen
lol @frog jump for university students, why?...
This is a disgrace to our academic institutions,all the lecturers involved are to be brought to book. but some of these gals are unserious thou, thats why they fall victim.God help our children #smh
Is it not d students who dresses seductively 2 clax, dat gives d lecturers d impression dat they re available. Mtchewwwwwwwwwwwww, protest my ass. It is d same set of girls, dat wud go abt visiting lecturers offices asking 4 favour 2 pass, y won't dey tak advantage of d opportunity. Nonsense.
Babcock and Convenant to follow suit....
Very creative write up especially the second one. Hope these will effect positively.
Learn the secrets to burning fat and eating healthy
I support the protest against sexual harrasments but the frog jump?come on,if you are a creative art or theatre arts student you should know that punishments during rehearsals is normal.checkout University of Ibadan,Uniport,UNN,IMSU,and other universities,they serve punishments because its part of the discipline of the arts.
The lecturers should be punished by the authorities.
This is really sad sha! I salute their courage. Unilag MBA students sld also protest against exploitation; buying of textbooks by force and also paying for grades! Unilag has lost its glory jooor
I get the feeling these lazy bones are just looking for a reason not to go for classes. Frog jump in a University is normal for creative arts student not as a form of punishment, but as an excercise. If you cant live with that, Change ur course.
Simple, investigative journalism ...hidding spy cameras, etc.... Linda take up the challenge
Nigerian Universities are a big joke.
Fa irun obo e ko jo funmi(shave ur pubic hair n dance for me)...lwkmd
How does dis concern President Jonathan?if you like go and thief meat inside your mother soup port call Jonathan to act on that one.
Don't blame ur inability to pass ur exams on Dr oni...olodo,iti boribo
Note pls......its nt all creative arts lecturer ooooooo....pls ooooooooooo,just one out of all ooooooooooooooo...so plsssss
Linda!frog jump na small,a particular lecturer for geography dept dey tell pple to kneel down if dey come late to class,my frnd is taking a particular course 4 d 5th time becos he no give lecturer babe...I dey see fire for dat sch,lecturer go dey ask married women out some even call to tell u dey ar horny....I know deir names well!!!
Old bitch like you claiming early 20s. Delusional old goat
Intervention from God, or u decided to suck his cock stop giving us fake gist. WANTON
Don't tell me U haven't tried it before, well ure missing, d orgasm U get from dat is never-ending. Mehn, it feels so Damn good
Sharrap abeg....I'm very sure you are ugly....ode oshi
Like U haven't done it before, bloody hypocrite.who knows what else uve done, nympho
Why would you refuse to share that cunt, Common, girl, U need to be wired as a guy to understand how hard it is to deflect sexual thoughts, And don't blame the man, we all know ure just an ice brain girl who is looking for excuses for her failure
Bells sef join.....stinking lecturers that can't speak English.....according to one of ma lecturer he wld say let's harmonise....BASTARDS
Coz ure dumb as fuck
Love ur comment, but ure still a stupid ass fuck
Yeah right, and ure still in abakaliki
Fi Le.... great Naija student... No sex no 2.1
Common girls,just phuck and graduate without stress
Am proud of my dept, but not in support of this rubbish.... Am happy this is out and the is unity and 2getherness. The Lect in Qus shld be ask 2 leave... DR P leave.. U re bad ...greatest CASA.
This happens everywhere. Thats how my lecturer told me to come meet him at a hotel did he ask me if i wanted to. No. am 21, he's 47.
I was very polite to him while I kept finding excuses one after the other not to go meet him.
Then he said *am a very good girl with a very good character that most pretty/beautiful girls are very rude* lol. Thank God i left that university i changed my school not because of him though but cause i wanted a diff course.
the lecturers won see yantch na
Wat school??? U're an annonymous u can name names... Dis will help others .thanks
Nigeria ehnnnn! everywhere bullshit!
It happens dere too??? #lobatan
I agree with you my bro. this was the same thing Mr Adodo and his friend were doing at the university of benin ekewan campus. their eyes were already on me but thank God i left in time to study oversea. If not i would have drop out because there is no way any of those dirty things would have had their hands one me
With your level of ignorance, what do you need a masters Degree for? How come lecturers abroad don't sexually harass their students with the nudity here? Women are truly their own worst enemies. Pls go back to painting faces and leave serious issues for serious minded people.
I had the privilege of studying two disciplines in two faculties of the University of Lagos: Arts and Law.
While in the Faculty of Arts, you don't just hear tales of sexual harassment, you feel and live in it! Once it was when one notorious lecturer, now a prof in the Dept of Philosophy, invited a deliriously busty female student into his bedroom-like office and no sooner began to grope her massive boobs. Thanks to the fact that the girl's father was a general in the army. I guess that gave her the boldness to tongue-lash the idiotic lecturer. Storming out of his office with fury, she began to insult him inconsolably.
My then girlfriend also told me a similar tale of how this same good-for-nothing lecturer made deft moves to lay her right in his hedonist den of an office. Her resistance and the fact that I came on time to knock importunately on his door saved the day for my then girlfriend. She could have been raped by that stinking he-goat of a lecturer.
The Faculty of Law was all too different. If sexual harassment did take place, I was hardly aware. But we once heard that a lecturer caught in the act was made to suffer suspension that nearly cost him his job. In the Law Faculty both lecturers and students hold their heads and shoulders high as if the world was at their command. I find that lacking in the Arts Faculty, where the lecturers are nothing more than predators and the students merely meals for vultures.
The Faculty of Arts, PARTICULARLY, and I think Business Administration, as well, must be rid of those scavengers that go by the name lecturers in my great alma mater.
May the protest no end until our hapless female students find redemption from the masked devils called lecturers!
Aluta continua...
yes i love wat dey did....stupid lecturas
It's bad enough for a professor to demand sex from students but a professor of Art?? What would professors from Chemistry, Medicine, Engineering,etc ask for?? Nigeria is a useless Country!
Anon 8:27, take a chill pill the make up babe has got a good point. The way Unilag babes dress is way beyond indecent. They also need to set rules and standards for dem selves too.
I must say sexual harassment happens in most schools, I was a victim to @ moshood abiola poly abeokuta,by one lecturer called sulaimon osho, I told him I was a virgin (even though I was not) cld Ʊ believe the silly man said he wld be gentle on me and dat I ll be his sweet heart for ever and av good grades in his course. I begged and begged and cried, he later settled for a blow job, and after dat he stopped disturbing me.hmmn I can neva forget that experience in ♍γ̲̣̣̥ life.
S'lecturer 1ce told me let me suck ur breast..maths department..d'old man has rumpled face like dis..his office got burnt years back..last office on ur right..lastfloor maths department..old man..
If Na exam malpractice, una for punish dem students...i guess the lecturers are above the law.
Teju u don mad finish. When u dey unilag how did u dress. Am nt expecting dis from an educated lady like u. Do u tink it is only beautiful girls dat r harrased. Go nd pick up ur dictionary from under ur father's sleeping pillow nd look up d meaning of harrasment. Rubbish. How else wod dey dress. It is called a university nt a secondary or primary school. People should wear wat represent them. Abeg u never hear when an alhaja is harrased. I guessed most of dose girls u said r bleached nd too much make up e b like say na u make dem up bcos na so u dey make up too much make up. Abeg sit down for ur pimples face
Lol to "hanging of d penis" na fake lecturers dem be. Toast a girl and u get her laid and not to victimize. To me, dey are cowords. 'Hissss'
On point Prince, probably get like ten prostitutes, rape d lecturer and dance him round d sch naked. I tell u, dey will never try it again. Stupid lecturer. That's how one almost failed me cos my babe refused him. Hmm, na jungle he see himself.
Lol to "hanging of d penis" na fake lecturers dem be. Toast a girl and u get her laid and not to victimize. To me, dey are cowords. 'Hissss'
Stop abusing the lecturers.All these girls protesting re the major cause of there predicament.From my xperienced, creative art dept is more or less a Social club in Unilag.Student will club from Monday to Sunday and still pass,once you know ur way.You hardly see a serious student.That Mushroom depts should be scraped..All they do is to dress to seduced lecturers.Most of them are the Aristo Girls.They never come to class bt want to pass and lure lecturers wsith there punny.They Party from Oniru to Elegushi Ending at Movida..Abeg na Mosquito noise be all dis.You dress the way you want to be addressed.Moreover Lecturer rewards no more in esven bt on earth.
As d name implies..."Creative Arts"...d lecturers are jst been "Creative"..looking for oda means in wch students can pass dier exams#
In UNICAL,that tall ,dark n huge lecturer in Social studies told me I won't pass his course unless I fuck him. Ii refused n failed. The next time I agreed. His dick was as huge as my thighs.I cried cos of the pain n discomfort. I was 18 n in my 2nd year. That was the 2nd time I was banged. I hv nt forgotten that experienc. This hapnd in 1995 or so
One lecture told me I will fail if I don't sleep with him. I told him I was engaged. He didn't care. Ok na. I said oya na. We went. To a far away hotel in town,booked a room, n went down to biz. I had a pack of cd n I told him he MUST finish them. After the 1st round,he said he doesn't go past round one n I told him round 3 is my starting point,that I go 5rounds a night. I climbed him for round 2,didn't let him come n wen he was panting,I jumed down. I gave him juice n we left. The next day,he didn't come to school. I heard he had an asthma attack at night. Chei,I didn't know he had asthma oooo. So,cos of a young pussy he nearly died.
In uniport dem brekete o. One lecturer failed one married lady in a PG class cos she no gree em own.
Prof na prof. But most of them na prof of toto. Ndimele for uniport na number one prof of toto.
It is truly a great and helpful piece of nice information.
I am satisfied that you simply shared this useful information with us.
Please stay us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.
Dats hw dese FOA lecturers r..... Go on gals, protect yhur rights jawe. Tired of being d weaker vessels. Greatest Akokite!!!
Linda i knw say u no go post am... Bad belle
If you have been a victim... List out Their fullnames, Departments, Schools and we will do something about it. Just try to make your name Anonymous. Thank you
So Sad.
I left Unilag and a few of my lecturers made passes at me. One might have even failed me in his course but thank God I still left with a good grade.
can dis eva be stopped in our institution? dis is happening in almost evry institution in naija, let our lady also wrk on there mode of dressings, men is mostly move by what dey see, take 4 instance a lady on mini skirt without a pant seat in first row open ha two legs apart in front of a lecturer. it can only take d grace of God in dt lecturer to overcome such temptation.
I've been there...and I didn't give inn and finally graduated, though it wasn't easy. Go on guys..God will see y'all through an of course purnish dem Stupid lecturers.
@ SIMPLYCOCK said... , na Azenabor
@ June 26, 2013 at 8:37 AM, your story is realy touching o.
Why do people have to do things like this?
I trust u nt even ur name is funny!!!!
Dat foolish tobun girl.....Eli 20s indeed.....arugbo ojo.....shut ur mouth if u ve Ntn 2 say.....
Anonymous June 26 3.05am.....tnx jare 4 finishing dat tobun goathead girl....
We were once told in class by a lecturer while in my year 2 in UNILAG that when a lady sleeps with a lecturer in order to get marks, she calls it sexual harassment. What of when they sleep with "aristos" for money? what do they call that? The truth is that some female students tend to tempt their lecturers with their mode of dressing. If you study hard and do well in your tests and exams, no lecturer will threaten to fail you if you refuse to sleep with them. A student that is sure of her performance will definitely call for her scripts if she discovers that she has been failed intentionally. The truth of the matter is that when you are decently and responsibly dressed, no lecturer will look at you a second time. But when you are dressed to "kill" then, you are in "trouble". Most student dress like prostitutes so what do you expect?
This is cool!
Gurls go fuck, guys go pay money... You go still finish com dey hustle work again. Oh body, E no easy o.
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