The 31 year old hard working and generous designer and business woman recently got engaged to her 21 year old lover. The couple have been dating quietly since the beginning of year...and will be walking down the aisle in a couple of months.
They look good together. Big congrats to them....but 21 tho, Toyin? That's gangsta mehn! Lol. Enjoy o jare! See more photos of the couple after the cut...
1 – 200 of 289 Newer› Newest»Child Abuse + Child Molestation = jail time.They look cute together though."Age is something but a number"-Curious George 2013
They are both delusional anyway so I can see why they are together. When a grown ass man (my bad! He's still growing) thinks it's cute to do the "finger" in a photograph it is a sure sign of immaturity. An immature man in a marriage = disaster.
No hating, just calling it as it is.
oga oooo
LAWL....Good for her
who is she? stylist where? yankee uk or naija. na wa o 21yr old boy? hormones still raging like mad? gudluck in that marriage... ok o
what love got to do with age
what love got to do with age
Toyin its ur life jare live its 2 d fullest either u choice 2 marry 20yr younger dan u whose buisness is it carry dey go joooooooor
Lmfao! No comments
What does a 21year old man know about marriage? He has not acquired the wisdom and maturity that the institution requires. Is this not just a setup for failure?
Dis is so hilarious...lol old mama-youngie...he really looks lik ur younger bro n u look lik his mum
I give this 2yrs max. This boy that looks like he is in lust for now. In 2yrs he will be chasing the likes of HoneyB marshall
the boy has not sowed his royal oats o. Ask Ashton Kucher...there are way younger and hotter girls out there. his eye go soon clear.
Na so the guy wan take commit suicide? Chai.
They look good together sha big ups to them
He's still a child. Allow him time to play before u marry him. So he doesn't play later!! What am I saying? They dint seek my opinion
lol! obviously toyin is the breadwinner in this relationship. where are they located
Congrats to the both of them
What does a 21 yearold boy knw abt marriage? If I were her I wud think twice abt this union. It's marriages like this that end up crashing before its 5 years old. Stealing away his youthful years from him and luring him into marriage early does not gurantee that soon he won't be looking out for that fun that he has been denied of. I used the word luring because I'm sure she kept insisting that he proposes ....desperation oshi!
Hahaha... She's cute!
Love knows no bounds, even age! I wish them the best!
I honestly don't have a problem with being a cougar, it's a thing of choice d only problem I see here is I doubt if u can make a 21yr old an husband...nigga is too young to know what marriage is,he can never be committed but that's by the way goodluck to her.
Its all good as long as she doesn't complain later & blame it on the small boy...
congratulations..God bless ur marriage. *coughs*
Hapiness all dat matters
Carry go jor. Nothing do you. But you have to drop ur shuggies oh, e.g Aremo, Sifax etc.
If a 21 woman marries a 31 years man, there is no sin but when a 31 years old lady marries a 21 years old guy, people will race eyebrow. Where it is written in the bible or Quran that a man most older than his wife. Get it clear, it is matter of love, if I love her, I can marry 58 years woman.
People u don't have to judge .what is meant to be is meant to be and if not it's not ur position to put a tag on it...she's doing her life n she's happy so the list u guys should do is just chill n smile or mind ur god them business simple ....
U read what he posted "he proposed" am sure at this time n age no girl can force a man to get married so if she said yes is cause she loves him. ...
Toyin it's ur way be happy,stay happy n may the almighty lord bless ur union .amen
Lwkmd.. This one loud gaaan !
Husband Material= -5yards...wife material= -3yards.
She is soooo *looking for a proper word to qualify her foolishness* & what kind of responsibility does she expect this boyoyo to exhibit? #gbesetinz
My Country people,dis union may not last.Na small pickin b dat she wan marry o.Anyway I wish dem luck.
I like dem mheeen....let dem be...
Lmao. Aswear I thought about the same thing. This girl must have lured the boy to propose or put him under duress to propose. Cos seriously, a 21 year old, propose? Wonders shall never end. She's nearing menopause and mama is getting insecure. She has dated all the big boys and sees a 21 year old is the only one that can be trapped.
Whats love here? All celebs and generally pple do this days is to go into marriage with the intention that if I cant take it I walk out as if its a boy/girl relationship. Just watch and see if it will last. SoulE do pass like dis. 9ice Nko? Smh.
Small pikin still dey worry the boy self...he knows nothing abt marriage....he wan go chop 'mama thank you' for this woman hand
She is a cougar right? Hmmmmm let's see how that works in this part of the world! Meanwhile,where is this little boy's mum?
Whats love here? All celebs and generally pple do this days is to go into marriage with the intention that if I cant take it I walk out as if its a boy/girl relationship. Just watch and see if it will last. SoulE do pass like dis. 9ice Nko? Smh.Linda post my comment Oooh, You dont always post my comment.
More Like.. 'I finally got(forced?) him to propose'. What do 30 and 40 yr-olds know about marriage that we have divorces every week. There is no hard and fast rule to these things IMO.
agbaya tinz. yeye dey worry u. from d pic its obvious she's forcing herself on d boy.
Wow I thot she will marry lewa o! Dia love was strong den, so she is no longer with oniru's son...? Congrats anyways
tick tuck! tick tuck! tick tuck!, that's the sound of the clock ticking on them, count down to breaking up!!! i don't mean to be cruel but it's the reality that marriage will help them see. Good luck
2i years ati 32,hian! oga oh!childabusethings
i dont no y but i have dis feeling she is settling for an immature child. Anyway dey look goood together
~D great anonymous!
D guy cnt be 21,I dnt understnd nd I dnt want to understand dis
She's still young, so she can find a man her own age; but then again, our Nigerian men marry waaaay younger women...so who are we to judge. Let dem enjoy their life jare!!!
As long as they love each other, are comfortable with each other, respect each other it's all good by me. Age is nothing but a number. We nigerians, place so much emphasis on this age issue. In my opinion, character outweighs the issue of age. If someone who is younger than you makes you happy. I say, dont mind society and please go ahead and be with this person. Age isnt the same as maturity nor intelligence. The age of consent in nigeria is 18.I love the stability of older women and their sexual expertise. I wish i had me a good, older nigerian lady.
The good nigerian.
Age they say i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ just α number but madam sorry to say this, this young man after α year or two, forget how much γφυ give him will be doin ђã†̥ niqqas ☀̤̣̈̇f his age knows how to do best. †ђξ only thing γφυ can do to him now i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ to invoke "magun" on him. Goodluck tho...
Congrats and all the best. Cute couple
Its all gonna end in tears. He is too young, too inexperienced, probably jobless, immature etc. By the time pressures of life, babies etc hit him. He will bolt like a freaked out dog. Dont do it my dear!!!
Tins are happz!
Cougar! Cougar! Cougar! Madam Toyin e no de pay. Well its obvious you're not grown yourself. hmm!
Luks like Prince charming... Prince R u getting married 2 a Suga Mama?
This is madness toyin your child is 10 wait until she and your husband fall in love .....lmao
Age is nt a baria but 10 years diff is big mennnnn. Pls make sure u knw what u r going in to.
He's obviously a gold digger. What young man in his right senses in a country like Nigeria would marry a 10 years older woman? A 21 of years old for that matter?...I think he got money issues.
Hmmm anyway d couple u posted dis mornin were hubby 21 wife 20 & dey celebrated 70yrs wedin anivasry so wit God all things r possible if only dey hv d rite mind gudluk guys
Let's be frank...the guy is but a kid...so my dear, there are matured and handsome guy out there hu wud love 2 ave u as a wife...
Wish them the best. Hope she took the right decision.
Learn the secrets to burning fat and eating healthy
Happy for her....live your life jare.pple should stop hating afterall she didn't stop the elderly from proposing since they're still busy chasing baby girls
Hmmmmmm! Dis guy is too young and still immature. Dis may never last. But I wish them good luck all the same
They both look like gangsters,razz mgbekes trying to act posh
African mentality!!! rubbish...it is in this country dat a 24 year old male is called a boy and still living with his parents... that dude is a man and knws wat he wants... try commit crime at age 21 and see if u will face trial as a juvi or an adult..... he is not like all u overgrown babies
Confused Lady!
Look at him flippin off d camera in d 2nd pix #sigh# n dts a man dts abt 2 get married?
She is ma role model, i love her anyway, am jst concerned bout her, dnt want her to make the same mistake again. Happy married lyf boo
Meaning I still have a shot with Linda.
So maturity is the key to a successful marriage?
Lmao thot I ws d only one in ds situation,my bf is 22 n I am 27 we hope 2 get married soon cos I love him to d moon n bk.Carry go o jare toyin,younger lovers knw ow 2 fuck n respect u more.Wish u all da best hun
This two are just high on some cheap drugs. The spirit of confusion is dancing zombie and limpopo on the guys head. His oproblem is from the village.
Abi oooo
joke of the year!!!!!sorry decade...m sure she dosent really mean it, toyin fancies herself different, in a radical way(yimu), so i guess she's just enjoying the uproar/attention this announcement would cause. i beg u all to ignore her, attention seeking whore oshi
linda biko post o
congrats to her......finally someone did what i don't have the guts to do. I love this. i am too happy! now i can follow suit.
You're sure? are you their friend? we recognize its awkward for him to be ready for marriage at this tender age but we also recognize the hate in your voice. 21 years is enough to know between left or right, nobody is stealing anybody's years without their consent. Afterall mature ppl have gotten married and failed. as if say if 16yr old propose to u, u no go jump catch the ring for air.
And she did'nt even force him 2 propose, if he is nt mature enough 4 her, she would'nt even date not talkn of gettn married to him.
so all the husbands that are not committed to their wives are 21yrs old. mumu
Children playin who is in d garden
LMFAO. Just 1 year together? LOL! Their eyes go clear soon. Give em 2 years or even less
Don't mind all the nay sayers... just wait and see... the chap is going to be divorced by the time he's 28.. then he'll marry someone he truly loves, not someone he chooses to use in climbing the rungs.
His 18 plsssssssssssss
Just passing by,it is none of my business
Wow. Well I was once loving a guy 8yrs younger than I. His attitude was nothing but childish. We r still friends tho... It's toyin's choice.... all the best
Haba! it is absolutely clear that she is the husband while he is the wife. Abi, who go foot bills now? come to think of it, is he not going to school? forgetti my people, there is more to it and i do not think it will last... just my view sha o
Good Luck to both of them.
But I think this 21 year old is just having Fun!!! He hasn't really lived!
At 21, he just wants to Live Live Live!!!
When it becomes stale, when reality of married life sets in, he will bale out!
GF and BF is not the same as marriage. I think they should wait! What is the rush?
I agree with u ABIT.. Cos there are some who are suprisingly mature.. BUT u will also fine guys who are 40 but complete embarassments.. They lack knowledge.. But this guy from his looks doesn't seem well put together.. Hope he is the financier sha.. And not the other way round..linda pls post ma comment
whats d difference btw stylist and Ashawo?Abeg na same profession dem be,so not surprised at all.
To me she s evn lyin abt her age,she looks 35 to 37.Madam think twice,bonboi no gold digger her OOo
My own is 'Where is dis boy's mum???????
Linda did u say wedding? Like seriously wat does He do for a living??
Dis BOY should go write jamb!!!!
I don't see this as a big deal and i strongly believe age is number , maturity does not come with age so 21 year could be 50 in his thinking & actions.... More also this younger guys understand love better than those older men that nigerian women have always wanted .. Linda post this comment oo ... I love older women alot and dated some in the past they are caring and understanding unlike these hustlers chick everywhere
Gangsta my foot! Toyin should jus go n chill wit her daughter n leave ds small boy alone! Vry soon sh will appear on LIB wit a swollen mouth n head butted swollen for head! Hmmm, dem dn start again, a word they say is enuf 4 d wise! O ma gaaa o
they actually look good together. bless. ASJ
Haba! it is absolutely clear that she is the husband while he is the wife. Abi, who go foot bills now? come to think of it, is he not going to school? forgetti my people, there is more to it and i do not think it will last... just my view sha o
Nonsense... Allow d boy to grow please madam Toyin...
My comments is for all you jugemental fools, a 21 old is old emough to get married if he is sexually active so all of u saying he needs to play are promoters of evil shame on you
Haf men finished in the world ni? Okay, we shall be here when the news of their divorce reaches here on lindaikejiblogspot.com. lol
Child's play!!! what do you guys think marriage is all about? HOT SEX? You guys are jokers!!! big time jokers!!! That marriage ain't working not with a kid as the hubby and an experienced tasted and tried lady as the wifey. Its a no no.
If a 31 years old man decides to marry a 21 years old lady, nobody will blink an eye. Now the case is the reverse when a lady decides to marry a young man. Abeg it is your life, if it works out well it is your luck, if not then you must learn to face the music.
All I see is lust and money not love jare inda post my comment oooo
babe abeg enjoy
How una gho say this old girl dey 21yrs.nawa o
Yes! Maturity is d principle ingridient in marriage.
Menh his fucking 18yrs nd a disowned child frm port harcourt
Bonnie and Clyde?
Prince charming nd suga mama... Lolzzz wen d moni talks d boi gotta sharap nd agree... Y r u lying dah he proposed.. Oya cum nd tell me quietly #u asked him 2 marry u ryt????? D boi luks incredibly small... Anyway still luv ur designs toyin... HML ...wishin u d best
Which royal oats?? Quaker oats nko?
Maturity helps you deal with the challenges that come with marriage.
Jor oo!! Making sense but d boy is still doing hip-hop gan...not for me at all...
I think she's trying too hard acting young. Well, wish them the very best.
Are you sure the boy is not a B*****d. Coz these day too many single perent kid causes all these drama.meanwhile blame the boy for not knowing what to do not the babe. Am sure she didn't force him. Most of this dude don't recognize their age.
Tni Payne senior 9ice?
Eya!! praying the guy does not change his mind when he is 35 and you are 45. Congratulations
am sure the bot must be the dummy in this relationship, but later trust me, dummy wuill definitely open eye. Enjoy it while it last, anyway its not our bizness, so why announce the age difference
All of you should shut up..age is nothing but a number..my boyfriend is 3years younger and he is the sweetest guy i've been with..:-)
a no 4 me!!! he's sure not matured, an immature man in a marriage = disaster coming......NEXT.
no force she de try force dat kiss ooh d boy"s lips are jst straight. she is sure a desperate 31year old if not dat boy is a baby to her
Na so husband scarce????? Chei!!!
Nice one! All of u blasting her some of una papa dey friend girls 30 years their junior o! Wat makes u think women don't like young, sleek n firm bodies too. I for one would LOVE to marry a younger man.
I swear if I say I nor jealous dis "man" make water carry me go, wetin hin papa mates dey empty der bank accounts to service, this "man" just come carry am "wholesale" FREE!! I owe dis Nigga big bottle of Alomo.... Linda beware my 21 year old Nephew is coming 4 ur ass!!!;..........T
i would like to stress that it isn't your age that tells if you are matured or not! Maturity is a thing of the mind. Please they should see older couples failing in marriage and know it isn't a joke. well all of these comments are plainly based on prejudice. After all, na who wear shoe go fit explain how e dey do am for leg! they seem happy... so let them enjoy themselves. but please know it's not a roller coaster ride. There are blindness that marriage heals but once you are in it.
I saw leave them be!!!
Experience is the best teacher!!
Ur english tho *faints*
Oh goshhhh!
Well the guy is far from being romantic. And why was he standing like a dummy in d first picture.lol
Pls ask that question again, man don finish for life? this guy is not mature for what he is going into, he will soon find his way out to get more of those thing he did not finish as a boy.
No more respect for the institution called MARRAIGE...
This is what I called scholarship marriage
heheheheheheeee... havent seen Toyin in bout 10years now and Jezzzzzzz i cant beven recognize her ooo boi she don turn OYINBO finish see cream hehehehehehehehehee...ANY way im happy for her , she now her own personal toy...heheheheheheheeee
Hate it when people say age is just a number, age is clearly a word people! Plus we have a right to be with who ever we choose to be with as long as we're happy. @ 21, he's an adult not a minor.
everyone is asking what a 21 years old knows about marriage. how many 50 years old nigerian men can we say know about marriage and treating their wives with respect? before you answer think about the nigerian definition of aristo and how widely used it is.
Not saying whether or not I support the age difference, because I don't know either one of them, their stories and I haven't been privy to their lives, without the presence of prying eyes.
@ anon 2:18, i know you are entitled to your own opinion but wld you like it if someone told you that your 31yr old sis or female relative who is 31yrs old is near menopause?? As in how did menopause enter the matter now? That is not a nice thing to say at all.......
This babe is just looking for attention. Na runs girl to the bone. Lesbo thingy.
Like the guy is surely giving her some good head :D. Hehehe
Remember peeps, maturity is not defined by age.
English professor. im very loyal sir
Aunty agbaya is dt hw dey marry? R u dt in need of a husby ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡ )
what is the difference between you and a child from bad single parenting if you still reason like this? recognised idiot
go girl. I am in full support of y'all. You Gbaski ooo
You can see both of them having fun in their pictures right? Toyin acts like a teenager so therefore theirs is young love. leave them out of ur badluck mouth
I think she can date him. But marriage? Hell no!
OK o i hope he has a job and treats her right.i wonder what he's parents will say or her parents...anyway he may be an american so in that case it don't matter..but pls learn from demi moore and ashton kutcher ...wild Sex is not love o....personally i would have preferred if he was like 25
Did yours work with all the logical ages in place? if no, mechionu
after insulting them, you say its not our business. all this frustrated old single lib women sha
Lets be honest the age gap is toooooo much o...and you are not madonna neither are we in america.
Enjoy dear i support u 100%
She's cradle snatching lol, seriously to each its own sha
Agbaya 10kobo...so na to fuck u well is all dat matters to u?dnt worry shebi na fuck,u go get am bellefull bt marriage tinz...heheheh u go find am so tey
Yellow pawpaw+yellow pawpaw=abino tinz!lolz....
For correction,Not up to year.d caption is "early this year" and we r still in june.so d max dey wud hav dated is 6months..
Gal is gettin old n finds love at 31 n all ye saggy broke ass low life'rs are talkin shit.. fuck the norms.. do wat ever makes u happy!
Agbaya 10kobo...so na to fuck u well is all dat matters to u?dnt worry shebi na fuck,u go get am bellefull bt marriage tinz...heheheh u go find am so tey
i beg where this boy mama?
abi she don die?
heheheh \\\ many questions????????????????
it is every boy's dream to "experience" an older woman, however, they DON'T ever envisage spending the rest of their lives with them. Miss Lawani can rest assured that as soon as her "boy toy" has had his "fill', he'd be off to other adventures having checked "the cougar experience" on his bucket list.
Heyyzz Afin husband, where your parents?
HA I am a 21 year old guy, way better looking than him Any older ladie$$ wanna marry me
People we need to understand that age has no role to play in a relationship. However, maturity is a serious factor in relationships, and it is not necessarily determined by age. A 50 year old and a 20 year old could be in a relationship and at the same maturity level.If they both understand and love each-other,I wish them goodluck... And if she finds happiness been with him as long as they can both overcome their differences, I see no reason why they cant be together.
Kess go to school ..your mother is crying and in the hospital , y u bringing sadness to her ?toyin you need to calm Down you are soon going to end up on the streets of Lagos ....all aremo money wey u don save u will look for it soon lmao
Hmm...look at their pictures like kids trying to be yankee...
What a Pity...Hmmmm
He should be calling her mummy for real though
Hmmm. Wat a pity
U guys asking "have men finished in the world?" Are callous!! Do you think it is easy if you love someone? They get along and its alright!!
I can't pretend to know the future?but I wish them the best.stop wishing them bad and routing for a breakup to justify what you said!
You urselves are in abusive relationships with men you really love.why didn't you leave them? Or ur man is broke and you really need money but you love him.why didn't you walk out? Is he the only man in the world? Or she can't be in love because he's too young? Or he can't be in love cos she's too old? Pls! Things don't work that way jor
Toyin tomato na u biko, u be small boys lover from day1.carry go oremi.
Nawao this bebe like new blood,no be small shall. Boy yo yo give it to her nothing do u.
To me d 'boy' is after something n is just in lust. Lady u cant tie him down bcos u r not allowin him to sow his wild oaths. If he doesnt do it nw he wil wen his supposedly married to u, dat is if his family agree. So pls lady go look for guys ur age. Someone gave ur marriage two yrs bt I gv it hmmmmmm six mths maximum one yr
Dude looks like osaze...and btw Linda it's never too late for you..Am just 19..#just saying
na wa but d guy is too young for her, i pray God keeps dem togeda irrespective of the age diffence
Ok Linda tell us the divorce and cursing date, am waiting for that not this crab. The Boy should be lucky his Maga has paid. Let him collect enough ok. And miss if anything happen to that boy, I will personal prosecute u.
Dude looks like osaze...and btw Linda it's never too late..am just 19...#Just saying
Lol, was thinking 6months to a year. Marriage is now a joke!
I concur.
Anon 3:19 "a 21 old is old emough to get married if he is sexually active" so if he is not sexually active nko. Shallow much? Lmao
Soul E and His Princess did it and it failed. We all knw the meaning of Gold digging, a man won't bear being feed for long and a woman won't feed u for long before she reminds u that. Be it as it may, marry and divorce later, so u will have experience. And use ur experience to teach others
I bet she turned dis nucca out,she she rims him n prolly even straps his ass
Is this Prince Jobless???
THEY TAKE CRACK TOGETHER, that's the only reason they're not in their senses.
Evryone who knws toyin,knows she likes her men young,light skined and cute..I mean I should know...she is a very good lady,wit good intention
Andd the boy here is 21..no one forced him...he knows wot he want.
If they are both happy..who are u to judge?
If d marriage fall aprt in few yearz,@least they tried..juz the same way any other marriage wud fall aprt.
So quite sayin shit..they are cute,RICH,,FRESH and happy and u wot?HATING#sad stuff/linda post it now!
Judging from the pics....babe,u need a man not a kid...enuf said
Don't u fuck?
She is a runz girl..so freakin wot?
@least she is fuckin and we seein the result
She is a lesbian...and so?
U way no b runz girl,+lesbian..how ur life take b?
U better bow b4 her..make she help ur life small..ode oshi
@babydee U̶̲̥̅̊ go girl #word MMA TOYIN I piry U̶̲̥̅̊ cos dat boy na FAKER and he'll dump ur old ass wen he's done wiv U̶̲̥̅̊ mtchewwwww swag mr ko!smh
Am dating a guy 8 yrs younger than I am... He is more mature than the 40 yr old man I dated for 5 yrs.maturity has nothing to do with age.. No one is in their relationship just them 2 so people should concentrate on theirs. How many of u ol are dating men in your age bracket are genuinely happy? Wish them the best!!!!!
=))ℓǍ̜̣̍U̶̲̥̅̊G̶̲̥̅Ђº=DƠU̶̲̥̅̊Tº¤=DℓƠU̶̲̥̅̊D̶̲̥̅̊º¤=)) @1.58pm so U̶̲̥̅̊ cnt spell correct english abi #kmt
Linda did u notice the way she wrote 'so he FINALLY proposes?? Like she's been pressuring em to and he's finally popped the question. Good luck toyin Lawani may God bless ur union.
Linda u better follow cue,but please bring home 4 libers 26 years and above..unless we won't gree o. Have said my own. Moberry.
Dude looks like PRINCE JOBLESS
*wipes eyes* Abi I no dey see well?
Toyin, your first attempt at marriage was at age 20 and you have a daughter, I really thought you would make a better decision before making a second attempt. Is this the father figure you want for your young daughter? Ooh well, you should know better. You are a grown woman. Congrats. All the best.
Has aremu seen this? ohh cos my hommie pull out of this game now. If you think this woman is going to be ur ATM I think that's even 1 of her nick name then ur mistaken. She is using you man! When she is done ridin ur dick she will get Another. To me I beliv she is stealing ur star! Guy pull out of this game now... AREMU that name should Ring a bell to ur ear! G...pull out of this game! I give u just few months and that MAN will brake ur legs. Nigga pull of of this game. U r just 20+ u still got loads of time to explore!
This girl is clearly in her 30's. For God's sake, who is she trying to deceive by saying she is 21? Person we're don bleach die.....
Evryone who knws toyin,knows she likes her men young,light skined and cute..I mean I should know...she is a very good lady,wit good intention
Andd the boy here is 21..no one forced him...he knows wot he want.
If they are both happy..who are u to judge?
If d marriage fall aprt in few yearz,@least they tried..juz the same way any other marriage wud fall aprt.
So quite sayin shit..they are cute,RICH,,FRESH and happy and u wot?HATING#sad stuff/linda post it now!
cant even settle for a razz 40yrs old nt to talk of a 21yrs old....she no jst no were dei pain her *smh*
Mr kes breezy...ur fast becoming a houseboy. + they are sharing ur meat. Aremu and Toyin. When Aremu is done braking ur legs..... make a resrch on d woman ur getting married to. She is stealing ur star!
21yrs ke? Lie lie. Wondering why some peepz can't just stop telling LIES
I feel u
For real??? I'm not sure this guy is 21 but if he is.. Smth do you o. They say age is just a number, but mehn 10 years!!! and a 21 year old dude. I hope he knows what hes doing.
Will still wish them the best in marriage.
Age no matter 4 relationship nw..na money b love nw if 2 say d boy get money pass her..he can't marry d babe lailai 100percent sure..waiting 21yrs old knw about married..
He is a baby. This madam no get shame?
Ride on girl. Who cares. You pple shud mind ur own biz. Kapish.
Lol.doz she v any more 4rends?afta 6months am out.
Gbam, u said it all
Anon 3:19, there is no promoting of any evil ure insinuating here. From d pix ure seeing, does this guy strike u as some1 matured and responsible enuff 2 settle down? Pls think b4 u type and don't just come here with ur judgemental narrow mind
Anon, 2:55, ure d biggest mumu. Sometimes, I wonder if some commenters here passed tru d 4 walls of a school. Where on earth did he mention dat husbands dat are not commited 2 their wives are 21 yrs old. Anywayz, it's not by force to have sense.
You all get your stupid backward and biased minds outa the way so they can enjoy their lives.......hypocritical nigerians
B4 u marry "58 years woman" my friend, help urself n return 2 school. Dis ur english worse pass boko haram bomb!
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