This was what the students were protesting this afternoon when things went crazy. The peaceful protest turned violent after security officials at the V.C's office tried to stop the students from gaining access to the Vice Chancellor.
The students allegedly retaliated by throwing stones at the security officials, who then called for police back-up which led to the riot. The police arrived the scene and aggravated the situation by firing shots at the students, killing at least one student. Some say two. Some say three.
Angry students now proceeded to burn down the VC's office, the exams and records building, and a security office. Students have been evacuated from the hostel, and the school has been shut down indefinitely.
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»What is Happening in our universities?? Please Jah help us.
God save this country. The citizens are being pushed to the wall. Nigeria is about to erupt
Nigeria!! Authorities and their creed is the cause of all this, how sad a country! SMH!
Nah wah oh
Wao!ds is not good at all!it is well!
The nigerian police sha......awon ode!!! Are they happy now?
God help us with the kind of policemen we have in Nigeria.RIP to the dead student(s)
Which way 9ja??? De kind of news u get in dis country are always ridiculous... Linda plz slp so u dnt get to hav α nite mare wit dis ok. Gud nite. Rip poor boy...
Oh my God! Confusion and Chaos everywhere.
thinz are really going crazy in our universities.. oh lord save us
Nigerian police. Who trains these people really? They worsen things instead of making it calmer. Did no one teach them to use sticks and shields? Rip to d dead. Gosh Nigeria, my heart bleeds for u my love
Its a pity, some1's precious life had to go for it. Great Uniuyo! I really wish it went differently.
How much does de poor masses give their kids to skool? #200 to attand lectures, how much food u wan cum eat for skool na? God punish dat mumu VC. Police cum even worsen de case by shootin, motherfuckers. They will neva no their jobs & how to carry it out, smmmmmmh...
More dan 3 ppl hv died sef.
OMG... must the policemen shot self?
they were called for peace now worsen the situation na so we go dey dey? so sad. baba God help us oh
Why will all these no happen wen a woman controls power in an institution, sad one may d souls of the departed Rip.
2 bad, 4 d skul 2 bring in police 2 d xtent of shootin
Chaos.. With students, it gets crazier.
hmm...i dey my papa house o...jus managed 2 carry myself out of d hostel ..thinkin of my tins in d hostel..neva knew 2day wil end like dis..teargas everywhere and gunshot..as at 6pm wen we where told 2 vacate d hostel....no hostel was burnt..dat hostel fire pix is an old pix dat happened 5yrs ago..odas r true...
Oh my god. Why. See hall 1a prefab down. My formal hall oh god. Students have lost valuable items. No no dis was way 2 far. 100 Naija wahala only. Poor vc. RIP poor student. Tears.. still love uniuyo. Can't forget those days...life. those days of actress Anita Joseph hehehe good organizer of such. Gov provide free bus oh they 're students not workers.
Failure by nigerian security system
See what the VC's action has caused now, am sure he ordered his securities not to all them gain entrance to him, is he not their VC? Why not listen to them and promise them something, and our police can like to use their guns sha, must they shot at the student? What happen to teargas? And the student also can over do things, there are ways in making your protest, if you didn't see him that day, you should go and come back another day and maybe stay there till he come out of his office, he won't sleep in there na. The student will pay back for all the damages before resumption now, so who wins? Am just sorry for those lives that were lost. *ThatFunctionGuy*
Hian! Wisdom is profitable 2 direct. Just sayin...D Curious1
Why burn d girls hostel????? Does d VC stay there?
Two wrongs cannever make a right,dialogue would have been a better option,hardly you see any student's demonstration that ends peacefully.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Like I say: Violence never solved anything
Y don't we ever learn,inviting police 2 a peaceful protest and 2 unarmed civilians its jes so crazy inviting dose devilish pple wastin lives unaccounted 4.RIP YOUNG BLOOD
I am very sorry for the student who died.When police join matter, katakata go shele. But burning down buildings make things worse. Upon all the Aluta wey we do for OAU Ife, we no burn nothing.
M short of words....huhh?
What is wrong with Nigerian youth for God's sake! because of N200 a student lost his life. Sad! Then they proceeded to burn down a girls hostel. Are the girls nt students too! At the end of the day who was harmed more? The students themselves or the school authorities?
Why will the student destroy property? This is against the spirit of aluta. There are great measures and techniques to destabilize the school activities that the vc and management can't withstand to demonstrate their grievances. May the soul of the student who died the fracas rest in peace.
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Y shud policemen shoot at students? R dey mad??? Na wetin fit dem. Mschtew. Dey did well to burn down d VCs office.
VC office is the first pic(burning building) and girl hostel the other. Great loss. Why? Who will lose?
At the end of the day riots don't solve anything. And how can the police fire at people like that? What happened to teargas and all? This is just sad.
boys dey vex 4 area
Lol sharp guys. Burning exam and records building
Omg.wats happenin in naija universities eh 1st was madonna uni now dis one.smH...God have mercy on us
We still have a lot to learn....check out the riots in Turkey (over 2-weeks), it was only yesterday they used water canons and tear gas to disperse the protesters. May the souls of the departed rest in peace...
Nigeria sabi waste lives sha...We can only pray for peace to reign.
Nawa ooo...exams and record?...haaa dis is really bad
From nothing to N100 that's too much they are helping student at all and nigeria police no dey help matter sef, how can they fire live bullets into the crowd. God abeg help us o for this our country
God! So so sad
The VC should be held responsible.
The VC should be held responsible.
What will this dead student tell his creator? God save us
saw the whole stuff take place. Linda you're fast oh. like seriously
Wat nonsense why wud they shoot @ d students. That officer dat took dat shot must be made to pay. The Vc shud also be called to order. *S.O.S*
Lawd pls show MeRCY,things jst seems 2be goin.......jst pls Show Mercy,dats aLl i ask
Burnt exams and records......for those of them that need transcripts for further studies or anything, they are strictly on their own o
Nigeria n d educational system.. RIP 2d students.. well, i stay in Uyo, and heard 3 students were killed.. it gets me wondering when our Nigerian Police force will ever learn.. b4 nw, i was made to believe there are things that are called rubber bullets, water and clubs used to chill of riots like this one.. but instead, our 3D (daft, dumb n deaf) Police officers chose to shoot directly at students who were seeking for their rightful rights.. shame! on our leaders and shame on d VC
The Nigerian Police needs training in handling cases like this. They pushed the students to the wall by killing one of their own.
The sad thing is that no one will be held accountable for this,the VC and police will go home and rest while the parents will be left to mourn alone.this is what happened in benue and the matter just died like that.times like this I wonder what cultists do,instead they'll be killing themselves.
Good, Uniyo too dey do nonsense N nobody ever seems to talk, too bad a life is lost.
I can not believe this! Why would the police fire shots at students. That is totally unnecessary. I hope the officers responsible for this are tried and thrown into a prison in another state where their police friends can't let them out. I can't believe this mess.
Only in Nigeria... Poor students!
Wow!! Caeous in the land!
Warahell! Which way Naija? Students being killed, like animals, btw Why would they burn down the exam and records building?????? How do they hope to be cleared and graduate? I'm astounded o. RIP to the killed
Really Pathetic
This is sad :-(
That was how anambra state universty was shut down last week.. Students kn d smile
Lost for wordz•may d soul of d dead one rest in peace
This is utterly wrong. The students are supposed to be more enlightened. Why cause violence in the guise of satisfaction? I am really heartbroken.
three students died...am schooling here (unfortunately).
Exams and record building ke? Wtf wer they tinking? Omashe o,most of their data's haz gone dwn d drain.may d soul of d deceased rip.smh *shakes head and walk away*
These kids are crazy! Of all places to burn, the exams and records building???? Did they just shoot themselves in the Leg?
Uni-uyo is on fire, but wait why all dis universities authorities why dem Dey pass laws anyhow without consulting d SUG or d Reps of students in a school.....
Nigeria higher institution gat wise up oh!!!!!
Holy shit. Nigeria police is probably one of nigeria's greatest mistake. Its full of bunch of stupid-good for nothing-useless motherfuckerz. Why tha fuck are they gon shoot @ students.?
Mehn. That vC needs to dies..
This is serious,y do police men like firing gun @ any slight opportunity. Pls nigeria govt should know the type of people they recruit as police officers,not some taunt and school dropout.
This can not happen in ♏Ɣ school-UNN. Linda abeg post ♏Ɣ comment
D students took laws into their hands,dey will be the ones to suffer d damages. RIP 2 those dat lost der lives.
D students took laws into their hands,dey will be the ones to suffer d damages. RIP 2 those dat lost der lives.
One wrong move after another.
Na wa o. Woman VC that dont have the heart of a mother.i cant even blame her that much because that is what happens when you get positions and powers via illegal means like my Oga at the Top.you start mis-behaving.Wel,rest in peace to the students that died.
Abeg,d first pix in not university of Uyo.it's Lautech.
Atleast additional 1 year 4 does students 4 does dat are going to graduate dis year shld jst 4get about it till next year crazy students is dia no means 4 dialogue? Habba
Sister Linda,our Prefab hostels r also burnt down.dis tin jst start lyk play, lyk play as Engine boys cm disrupt lectures,pursue us commot 4 class 2 cm join protest,b4 we knw wats up students were asked 2 vacate campus b4 6pm,dats wen we knw it was Serz!This tin wey u dey report lightly dey serz well well.
Nawa ooh,God help dem
Dis is not a good tin @ all,y shudd d police shoot now see hw many pple have died,Lorrd have mercy o
oh God, wat kinda tin is this. so now admissn process is held whilw othr schools r proceeding. I dnt lyk tins lyk dis o, dun wana stay anoda yr in d hux biko..*sad*
Τhξ police in this country are just retard, y shud dey aggravate τhξ scene by firing in τhξ first place. They shud have just look for anoda method to calm down d situation rather than firing. Na wah 4 police sha.
oh God, wat kinda tin is this. so now admissn process is held whilw othr schools r proceeding. I dnt lyk tins lyk dis o, dun wana stay anoda yr in d hux biko..*sad*
God help us oh! This is my alma mater.
I hate this fucking country! Who shoots civiluians especially unarmed students,haba Nigerian police! They don't even know what their job description is,its a pity.the people suppose to protect us are killing us!so they've never heard of tear gas abi? Hottest part of hell is reserved for the nigerian police.
Nigerian varsities is turning into something....
May God help Students 2 kill police also 2 equalise the score.
Is protest the answer to every issue now? These are the result of not allowing God's word to guide our life.sometimes I weep for this generation just as jeremiah in bible times did. These are the last days
The 1st pics was wen unical hadd a riot nd burnt dere main gate nd dd last one was in 2008 wen a hostel got fire in uniuyo and d oda 2 pics r d real pics.datz all
Peaceful Protest+ Police=3 dead protesters.... And who said, "Police is your friend"!
May God help Students 2 kill police also 2 equalise the score.
Serves d skool rite,jst painful dat it has involve lose of lives,stupid skool wit stupid govt.#200 everyday in2 a month 4rm a student's feeding allowance no be beans oh.#staight face#
that's the highest grade of insanity to burn down the office of the vc bcos of ordinary N100.
Nawa ooo!Dis security men done cos gbegeoooooooooooo!
It is satanic for drunk police men to shoot at unarmed students! As at this morning, three students have been confirmed dead!
God help oh
Greed na bad thing o.
But come to think of it, can't we enjoy any free thing again for this country? The survived when it's was free right? Which means they still can! Why they intro of a fare...so V.C. & co can get choppings. Now see the results !!!
Greed na bad thing o.
But come to think of it, can't we enjoy any free thing again for this country? The survived when it's was free right? Which means they still can! Why they intro of a fare...so V.C. & co can get choppings. Now see the results !!!
Red is d freedom Road. I weep for ma almaMata. May d soul(s) of d dead(s) rest in Peace.Amen.
Greed na bad thing o.
But come to think of it, can't we enjoy any free thing again for this country? The survived when it's was free right? Which means they still can! Why they intro of a fare...so V.C. & co can get choppings. Now see the results !!!
Greed na bad thing o.
But come to think of it, can't we enjoy any free thing again for this country? The survived when it's was free right? Which means they still can! Why they intro of a fare...so V.C. & co can get choppings. Now see the results !!!
Violence isn't always d way 4ward. These students don't know d consequences/implications of what they have done. *SMH*
too bad..... when will nigeria skuls gain sanity.... vc god punish you
ALUU 4......... UNIUYO 3........ Where is the spirit of ALUTA, why wud a mother knowing the situation of tinz make such demands, in uniuyo I knw how thief are been dealt with, now is she nt pushing them to become thieves, so on the days u dnt have moni and u are supposed to write a test, u will fail cos u cudnt meet the demands. Pls I beg the general public let kaycee and the other boiz who died nt be in vain, Mrs ekpo shud be removed she is so insensitive
They made a mistake,hw can dey burn results nd record buildings,i dey mercy 4 final yr students.
May the souls of the deceased students RIP.
How could they burn their exams & records building? It'll definitely affect them.
I feel bad for them, but they should have just accepted to pay the transport fare, cos right now, they'll ve to pay for the damages caused to the school properties before they resume. I'm very sure that all those students protesting spend more than that on their girlfriends. Foolish children, See the pain they have caused their family. *hisses*
which kind wahala be dis one? Too bad, ....yaxx
Riot z nt gud o,weda peaceful or violent!!riot z riot.
Oh my God. Not again. Too bad for the loss of life. And burning the records office means no results oh. Some final year students may be asked to rewrite JAMB. So sad.
Stupid students. So once you are aggrieved the first thing to do is go on a riot. Don't they have a student's union. Congratulations to all of them, they've just gotten an extra year, or worse still immediately after the strike they'd be asked to write exams, whether they've been thought or not. foolery! Mtchweeeeeee
see what N100 bus fare has caused?
"...Few are called, many arrive!"
~D great anonymous!
Nigerian police are insercurity agents. They have a way of aggrevating thing. When will they learn. All these triger happy idiots that couldn't pass WAEC. God have mercy
the way this people treat students in naija is not fair.
They treat us like prisonners... They will just impose stuffs on us.
God is watching
Nigerian police don't know anything about crowd control. Why can't people just have peaceful protest without casualties in Nigeria? Will 200 naira bring back the dead or rebuild the destroyed property? Never call Nigerian Police to a protest.
Linda haba na lautech pics be the first one
Pls let's oppose violence ........
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Lord ave mercy...bt hw cn student be payn 4 a campus shuttle?dats so uncalled for.nd 4 d police dey re so crazy 4 shooting @ d student.infact d vice chancellor must go she ain't a gud leader.no1 cn try dis shit dwn here in south-west d student wld ve beheaded such person evn b4 d schl management knws.may d soul of d dead ones R.I.P.nd I pray God shld take absolute control nd comfort their family. Amen!!!
The Trigger Happy Police Force. Smh
That's nigeria police for you silly set of people, why will they shoot directlY to the students, that was just a peaceful demonstration for crying out loud, had it been they were allowed to see the Vc, all dis wouldn't hd happened. Now innocent and young lives terminated and buildings burn. I wonder how some people reason sometyms.
its well! nigeria you shall be healed!
they just forgot to burn the math department...
vc n her cabal are all failures#from Bryan..RIP*K.C...ma course mate
they just forgot to burn the math department...
they just forgot to burn the math department...
Wat is happening in nigeria..last week was Ansu,2day is uniuyo..which way nigeria..nigerian police needs 2 b shut down definetly...dose peeps aint got a hrt..##fat fools### with no knwledge of ow 2 use a gun..ah!!Abasi mbom..SMH
i keep saying; this country is better secured wivout this black uniformed animals *very angry* !!create a large farm and move them there to utilise their negative energies ... anyone of dem who is not productive enof should be converted to manure to produce food for useful nigerians... and the VC?? he must be a devil !! wat sort of cruelty ?? i had an ekpo as principal wen i was in skull and she was horrible too.. i think dis name ekpo should be considered before appointing people to position of authority .. *sad*
Nigerian universities. #phew!!
What a pity! And now these innocent ones have lost their lives in this ordeal... May God grant their families and friends the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.
First to comment. Why did the policemen run amok, nigerian education sector is going crazy these days, imagine killing student for protestation. God should come and help us in Nigeria
This is what happens, when there is no dialogue. Where is the president of the student Union Government?.
Those who are yet to collect result don suffer, talk more of those in school. Hope they have a good data base for this!
Its amazing how something so little can turn around to mAke newspaper captions in no time. Something similar happened in UnAd now Eksu in 2009. May God rest the souls of those who lost their lives in peace. Plus think twice b4 taking any major steps....
The nigerian police ar jst so foolish..opening fire against the poor students..
Linda ikeji nawa yu oooo post my first post na
Nigeria my country. Again! Always!
Linda 3 students not 1 mbok...
Exams and Records??...Abasi..God why?
This is what you get wen illiterates are recruited in the force. How d hell do they think firing shoots will stp a preotest..... Police too sha
All thanks to d sch..... Itwas a peaceful protest and the reasons behind it is genuine.
In naija, students and school mangement relationship can be likened to egg and stone relationship where d students are d eggs and d management the stones. Whatever happens, d students suffers in d long run, may God help us.
Wen unical did theirs no buildin ws burnt down n we were labelled bad n asked 2 pay a sum i wish these student had a rethink b4 doin anything
Security operatives lack d idea 2 quell protest nomatter d magnitude
Foolish securities,,,,why will they involve police men in the first place??? and why should the police too start shooting in the campus??? naija police sef.....RIP to those dat lost dia lives!!
Na wah o
Oh lord, this is bad.. *tears*
Ah ah!..Linda wetin na? Dat first pix na LAUTECH school gate na...abeg o! Everytin is peaceful here o
Nig police again, where re we goin in dis country dev turn 2 killer nt police again, is it they lack of training or they dnt ve human feelin atal ?
Good for d school authority cos i wonder hw a student will pay 200# on transport everyday and stil buy manuals and feed his/herself. na so e easy abi no b d Niger we all dey, good for d V.C [IDIOT].they think its al parent dat av d capital of sendin ther child to a UNI "NO" some student hussle on thr own. I jst felt for d great student dat lost ther life in d process, May ther soul rest in perfect peace
@ linda dis 1st pix is my sch gate oo nt uni uyo.abeg
Fake picture.. That's Lautech back gate, not Uyo.. Linda where do U get this story
How can u shoot at a group of protesting students?! Even in western countries, police use tear gas, water or rubber bullets to repel rioters. Nigeria is a fucking lawless state...*just vexing*
Nigerian police are very untrained. you do not fire until u are fired at. or there's perceived threat of intention to cause grievous harm. why dint they use tear gas?or rubber bullets?? its a peaceful protest for chrissake!why are they sooooo untrained?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pure adminstrative ineptitude. A student could have 5 lectures in a day. the studen will hav to shuttle between the two campus if the lectures are sandwiched and sometimes barely meeting up with the lectures. in practical terms, a student could end up paying N1,000 a day on the school bus.
O God!!! What is dis again? God help us. Why charge such amount for transport on students...haba
The 1st picture is not Uniuyo and the last picture is a fire incident that happened about 2 years ago
This is really sad.
Sad and Shameful
So, all dos students will enof carry-overs will b happy dat d record office is destroyed along with der carry-overs eh?
200 naira,datz ridiculous!It's really sad that pple tink only of enriching themselves,and 4get wot rili matters.
Hahahahahahaaha..... This is not a laffing matter i know, but den, u dont wanna mess with students. Dey burnt down everything insight not minding hw it will affect dem. The lady V.C is obviously trying to enrich herself by extorting money from the poor students. Now yawa don gass. Blood on her hands. RIP to the Student(s).
abeg o, we no get riot policemen 4 country? As any time dey say riot na combatant police d show wit guns n almost all riot case eida dem shoot kill or shoot wound rioters...abeg libers if una c riot anywia n police show, abeg run...
Why do Nigerian police always think that gun shot is the solution to peace keeping? Poor students, no more school.
finally its so clear that nigeria is heading for total chaos...........
hmmmmmmmmm dis is sarcastic....i guess d students will realise what they have done to graduated students and to themselves too.....burning down exams and records and VC's office down? transcripts, results, academics records are gone.....i mercy for those ex students needed transcripts or other documents for jobs, admissions and other things......this a serious issue.....
Na wa o.. When will naija police learn how 2 combat student uprising/uncontrolled protest?...dont dey have blank bullets @ most?...tear gas alone wud alwayz do d trick na...rather dan fire live shots @ other pipus children!....hmmmn!!...naija popo need big time re-orientation !..dats if dem get orientatn sef!
RIP to the person that died. However, how can the students burn the exam and records building? That is stupidity at the highest order!
Linda,pls. Publish my comments o
Assurely more than 4 dead.I no 2,so if u must carry dis news,do more research on it
Chai!!!! Records building????? I neva collect my statement of result. Dis is so sad. Throughout my 5yrs in engineering faculty, uniuyo,skul bus has always bin absolutely free. We pay 4 bus maintenance in our skul fees. D vc n ha harsh decisions. May d souls of d departed students rest in peace. Mk I go find work cos I no sabi wen I dey go service
It was not just yesterday misinformed. Please go back to that story from the beginning and learn why the riot got worse.
Another long holiday for u guys
huh? records building got burnt?? very good development... now let anyone come and prove to me say nor be 1st class I get.. hehe
Actually its 6 students got shot dead nt 1....
The nigerian police re jst bunch of armed lunatics,junior waec holders,jst wasted 6 bright futures....
God save us 4rm dis country,no 1da nigerians here in malay doesn't wana cum home,cos home is fucked
The school security should have known better you don't bring in police to quell riots the least you can do is seek out the sug ex-co and have a dialogue with them our police don't ever get it you dont use live ammunition to dispel riots in advanced countries they use pressured water and hose in extreme case they use rubber bullets to dispel crowds well the vc got what she deserved the president should recall her she is not fit to run that institution
Is a petty that our students of today have not learn any lesson from other people's mistakes.
Sorry Government of Akwa-Ibom.
Pls nothing happened in Madonna University, you don't have to bring lies. Its a private University and as such, there are no riots.
Is a petty that our students of today have not learn any lesson from other people's mistakes.
Sorry Government of Akwa-Ibom State.
This one na craze. Meanwhile I am yet to collect my certificate. I made a First Class from that school. Oooooooooo, I cud have collected my Certificate last month o. What do I do now?
This news is really sad. My heart goes out to those killed by the unreasonable police men. But I must say, the students as well as the police is at fault here. People know the kind of country they live in, a few months ago, we heard the Nassarawa State story. Why won't they just learn from the actions of others? Take other measures to resolve the issue! The police completely lacked the incentives to do anything. Shooting unarmed citizens is wrong in every way. And for the students burning down the records department, that was completely uncalled for. People must think carefully before they make decisions. What then is the purpose of the education they supposedly received?
They are charging students to ride the bus, meanwhile Gov Akpabio is giving out millions to runs girls and touts. smh
Shutup!!!!no hostel was burnt...besides did you ever go to the university and be in a situation whereby,you have no kobo on you for at least a day or two...pls reason bfore u talk not d other way round
I wish twas d vc wt was burnt sef..dt woman has neva made sense sinz her regime....dey beta do sumthing abt it..cos being @ home aint on my mind @all...RIP 2 d lovely studentz we've lost
May God save this Nation from senseless leaders.
What do we expect when those fools were ask to shoot at unarmed citizens by their so called OGAs... The I.G, COMMISSIONER, DPO, ETC... Deserve to step down. WHAT A SHAME!
What do we expect when those fools were ask to shoot at unarmed citizens by their so called OGAs... The I.G, COMMISSIONER, DPO, ETC... Deserve to step down. WHAT A SHAME!
All of you cursing out the students are rotten bastards.The protest was peaceful until they started shooting and for your info we do not have SUG.The so-called SUG are a bunch of ass lickers and yes men.Comfort Ekpo anywhere I see you,I will hurt you I swear. Bloody cunt! GREAT TUSKITES! GREATEST KINGSLEY!! RIP Brother
This foolishness' madness or is it stupidity? How can students burn both the exams office and records. the grave implication of this reckless behavior in the name of demonstration is that, even for those that passed through the university technically do not have any records with the institution. This university should be closed for at least one year. leaders of tommorow indeed.
I just dey laff dem, Exams and records building , Na extra admission dem give demself.. Yeye riot.
I just dey laff dem, Exams and records building , Na extra admission dem give demself.. Yeye riot.
"Anonymous said...
Why will all these no happen wen a woman controls power in an institution, sad one may d souls of the departed Rip.
June 12, 2013 at 11:49 PM "
Thunder fire your nyansh there. What does her being a woman have to do with it? you ignorant lizard.
mark my words and mark them well. this is far 4rm ova.The Black axe shall strike.
this goes 2 show hw useless our police ar instead of calmin tension they aggrevated it useless bunch @westino
You are obviously a cultist and have not gained any form of exposure or education at all.... Y should they burn down anything in the name of riots? Who suffers more at the end....
My Country people,it has happened again,police killing students and students setting ablaze their own Exams and Records and female hostel(No sense at all)"First fool no b secound fool na proper foolish"eventually d students suffer 4 d damages done by themselves as well as a delayed academic programe.
pls o..prefab hostel wasnt burnt dwn ooo...i went in and packed my tins dis mrnin in hall 2a..d porters opend d hostels...jus strict security ..no entrance from d main gate..soldiers everywhere..no hostel was burnt ooo..pls..dnt worsen our situation..as for me..am going job haunting..cnt sit at home and count d months
pls o..prefab hostel wasnt burnt dwn ooo...i went in and packed my tins dis mrnin in hall 2a..d porters opend d hostels...jus strict security ..no entrance from d main gate..soldiers everywhere..no hostel was burnt ooo..pls..dnt worsen our situation..as for me..am going job haunting..cnt sit at home and count d months
I was dere wen it all started buh neva knew it gonna result 2 dis buh God knws best.Hmmmmm it hurts me so badly 2 knw d guy I chill and walk wid in skul is gone just lyk dah#smh# I dnt knw wah 2 say buh I strongly believe d blood of kessy and d oda students will neva rest till dah insensible vc dies,stupid police#i hate dis country#sad face# it well wid our soul
nigeria police are the true"tuggs"jus imagin d waste on innocent student,fightin for there right.nawa oooo police wey con settle protest con worsen d whole situation.
Uniuyo students say "a luta continua, victoria acerta"... but certainly victoria wasn't acerta...information 9ja, as@ the time of the protest, lectures and school activities were going on well in engineering faculty so 90% of the protesters weren't engineering students. B4 updating a news get accurate information.... thank yhu.
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