A six-page suicide letter was found by Jiah's mother at their home a few days after the suicide and has been released to the police and the press. In the letter, Jiah blamed her boyfriend for ruining her life, cheating on her and forcing her to abort their child.
Jiah's ex-boyfriend, 21 year old Suraj Pancholi, the son of famous Bollywood actors Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab, was arrested yesterday Monday June 10th, on suspicion of abetting her suicide.
Suraj, (pictured above leaving a court house after his arrest) had ended things with Jiah just weeks before she killed herself. Read Jiah's heartbreaking suicide note after the jump...
These days I see no light I wake up not wanting to wake up. There was a time I saw my life with you, a future with you. But you shattered my dreams. I feel dead inside. I've never given so much of myself to someone or cared so much. You returned my love with cheating and lies.
It didn't matter how many gifts I gave you or how beautiful I looked for you. I was scared of getting pregnant but I gave myself completely.
When I first met you I was driven, ambitious and disciplined. Then I fell for you, a love I thought would bring out the best in me. I don't know why destiny brought us together.
After all the pain, the rape, the abuse, the torture I have seen previously I didn't deserve this. I didn't see any love or commitment from you. I just became increasingly scared that you would hurt me mentally or physically.
Your life was about partying and women. Mine was you and my work. If I stay here I will crave you and miss you.
So, I am kissing my 10-year career and dreams goodbye. I never went with anyone else. I am a loyal person. No other woman will give you as much as I did or love you as much as I did. I can write that in my blood...
You never even met my sister. I bought your sister presents... You never appreciated my love, kicked me in the face... The Goa trip was my birthday present but even after you cheated I still spent on you.
I aborted our baby when it hurt me deeply... I wish you had loved me like I loved you... I leave this place with nothing but broken dreams and empty promises. All I want now is to go to sleep and never wake up again...'
1 – 200 of 362 Newer› Newest»The guy is useless
I too fine dey worry am
He will get what he deserves sha
And the lady too RIP .........ladies don't waste your time with immature narcissistic Guys please abeg o
he sold her the 'dream' and she bought it . how sad but she shouldn't have killed herself , there are people who have gone through much worse and are still alive. my heart goes out to her family, that man is finished
Sad!!! So because of man she took her life. A very stupid thing to do. Too late to correct the mistake
This is really sad! Bt nna men, taking ur own life is weakness! God save us
So sad darlin rest in peace !warning for girls don't ever think of dying for a guy co he won't even miss u wen u re gone !Linda first to comment o
Hmmmmmm!..Very touching. But not the right decision.
This is touching , really she gave everything her life.but do men worth it? I cant stop crying cus many are in this situation nd frnds nd family do not knw until dey harm themselves. Gosh!!!!
Eeya,& i sabi d girl o,she dey ghagini...So sad ,worse things happened to pple but death is not the solution,can't blame her tho....indians too emotional,she tink say na movie she dey act ni,no over,cut...that's a wrap....you pai you pai be dat...hope ur soul finds peace o
Men are just useless!!hw sad!!RIP
Awww. Dis is sad. Rip dear
she dey craze!so who lost now?
Dis is so serious..it's a painful thing
D girl foolish oh. A man leaving u is not the end of ur life. Hell awaits u
This is just plain ridiculousness! How can a woman kill herself simply cos a man don't luv her back?! To all the women out there: please give unaselves brain oh! No man is worth dying for.. especially if he hasn't put a ring on your finger! Hian!
Stupid! !! You had everything to live for girl. You have your mum and sister, you had your career, you are young and beautiful and the future iis definitely bright but you chose to take a life you can never give ( your life). What a waste! Someone I know would give anything to be here today. That person was my sister, she died five months ago aged 26 cos she had infections in a lungs and her breathing was affected. I feel so terrible that you did this to yourself cos of a man who cares nothing about you. Pathetic! !! May my sister's soul rest in peace. I pray God forgives you for choosing to end your own life. !
awwwww such a heartbreaking letter.. to all the cheating guys and husbands, see what your actions could lead to.. I pray I never come across someone like that boyfriend of hers. Boys under the skin of men.. SMH SMH SMH
Why did this post end with mosquitoes?
Gosh! Too bad, am touched, ife love na-eme, but its not enough to take your own life. May God have mercy on your soul.
woow so deep! like guys are heartless...but that does;t mean she should have killed herself. now she has gone straight to hell. how sad
So so sad....
hmmmmm but no one is worth you taking your life boo.
no man or woman.hmmmm dis one is really touchy.
An unreciprocated love is more dangerous than a stray bullet.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
really touching and sad.
love is meant to be reciprocal otherwise, difficult as it may be, try to walk away and breathe!
her love was deepppppp though...
she deserved better but not suicide.
really sad! RIP
What a world
Jeez! How touching!! My heart bleeds for her!
"Never be held too high up on a breakable thread called love "- Avril Lavigne
Its nt worth it.....so sad
Oh my
Sad end of a beautiful soul
But she didn't need to have put herself 'to sleep and never wake up cos of a man,a bloody male born of a woman?NEVER!!
She truely let herself get lost in him.
How shocking! I feel for her. The guy was full of youthfulness and at 21 was young and free. He never wanted to commit at his age. If only Miss Jiah knew that taking her own life is just an easy ride to anther abyss of suffering. If only she knew that she had friends and family who could make her feel loved. If only she knew that she could have found love elsewhere. If only she knew that God abhors SUICIDE. If only she knew!!!! I will only say God shows His mercy on you but its too late to be honest. May God help us triumph over every temptation that comes our way and have mercy on us and even on me who wrote this!
Seriously because of a man!!!! It is good for a lady to love and pamper herself, and also believe in herself and God above all..
Not judging her but i believe no man is worth the sweat not after how she's been treated.. Anyway RIP.
Could this be Love??? Kpele oo!!
Oh, what a good soul lost. She would have moved on without giving in to this empty asoul that didn't ever love her
This z so sad...bur d guy's life rily shudnt end cos she ended hers. D letter z enuf punishment 4d rest of his lyf. May her soul RIP, Amen.
Omo see Love which Naija gal go fit do dis kind thing for man, But dat guy na God go punish you oh!!!!!!!
No human being is worth losing your life for.It was a really selfish move on her part, because she leaves a lot heartbroken people behind.She did not think about the pain her family would endure...Selfish
This is way too deep
Stupidity, she is dead the guy is alive. She is crazy to have killed her self, she can't create a human being why kill herself. No matter how touchy the letter is, as she commited suicide d letter is a waste. She thought it was a movie
A sad one indeed but a man cheating on u or vice versa doesnt mean you should take your own life. You just condemned yourself to hell. Its better to fall into the hands of man's wickedness than eternal damnation.
God rest your soul but all tis is still not enough to have taken your life, Jiah.
If only she knew that there were other ways to go about this than killing herself. The guy was young and free at 21. If only she knew that suicide was an easy passage to eternal suffering. May God have mercy on everyone passing through temptations and even on me writing this.
This is way too deep.....
well she is so stupid for taking her life shekina... No matter what look for help and move on. Blog heart are you calling your readers Mosquitoes or making fun of your previous post?
See her fine teeth.
He's only 21, what else was she expecting from him for pete's sake! He is not to be blamed. Pple are begging to live one more day and here she has wasted her life...
touching but she took the wrong decision her strong will to move on would have nailed the guy rip dear
It hurt to see people's who truely believed in love die for it. Jiah K. That why Nigeria woman can never love a man above his car.so! Sad that of all the things of Life is Love that killed you.RIP
Suicide should never be considered. Where there is life, there is hope. Killing yourself ends Gods plan for you. Every rose has a thorn!!! Nothing good comes easy
Shey na movie she thought death is!?
Total bullshit. The suicide thing was so unnecessary. No guy is worth a woman's life. God brought her to the earth for a purpose, not for suicide mission for a guy who isn't worth it. So sad she ended it like this. It would have helped if she talked to someone about it than keeping it all inside.
Commiting suicide for a man dat u already no doesn't love u. Hmmm ur own beta. No man is worth any womans tears not to talk of blood. RIP. Juliet without romeo
Sad but selfish thing to do. The guy is 21 years old and boys at that age have fun and most definitely should not be having kids. This girl did not take care of her self. In a year's time this guy would have been history to her. Love is not for kids. What a waste. The guy should NOT be held responsible for her death. She killed herself. Na fine boy dey shack the babe abeg. They should also check her for drugs or any history of depression. Naija babes catch their bfs with their friends. Some girls have been used and abused and promised marriage then the dude marries another girl for her father's money. So the girl had one abortion? scheew. Naija girls, you are strong abeg. I HAIL YOU BABES O!
Commiting suicide for a man dat u already no doesn't love u. Hmmm ur own beta. No man is worth any womans tears not to talk of blood. RIP. Juliet without romeo
Killed yurself over man? Hian! Yu get serious case wit baba God.yur life isn't yurs for the taken.....
Hmmmm....things r really happening
Sum guyz arent worth it... So she thought d only way out was to kill herself for sum guy,dat jst dosent cut it.well killin hersself was stupid fin to do.
She should have sold her hair to me before taking her life,silly girl,why on earth would a beautiful lady,with a promising career and future give up on life,for a silly Cow called a man???? Na her hair pain me pass for ds matter,after reading her suicide note there was strong indicator the guy never loved her and she kept forcing herself on him,person wey she take 4 years Senior......Shioor.
aww!!! this ghajini lady, she had a beautiful heart in d movie, i guess that is just d way she actually is in real life. but u sure did have something to live 4. y take ur life? i pray God forgives u!omolomo
Hope say them cut her hair before them bury am.... Some quality 22 or so inches there.... No need to waste it all.
Why suicide biko nu..no man or woman should taker his/her life..we only live once..am not moved cos I hate it wen pple kill dem selves..as far as dia is life,u can smile again.sad story.it will be a wonderful storyline for an indian film tho............THE DON
how sad you didn't hv to go as far as killing yourself, rather you should hv picked up the pieces of your life..
Never have sm1 in ur life dt u can't do without..life is not a movie..well..really sad nd pathetic. D way ds pple dey breakdown sef,I trust naija babes,anoda boo in 2hrs..no time.RIP
Judges of africa! I dey hail..
Every1 wants to pass a judgement on the guy,I'll pass on that..
Moral of the story,u should be able to use ur haed at all times and not let ur emotions lead u to ur grave..
U should know when to take the walk,no matter how bad d situation unfolds,time will heal it.!
Let ur head guide u,ur heart is too fragile,too many emotions in a relationship does more harm than good.
RIP to the dead,a big lesson for the living.!!
Interesting...she's a very stupid girl for xpectin committment from a guy of 21. Person wen still dey suck his mothers breast. She had no business being wit a boy dat didn't care bout her in d 1st place. She wrote dat letter to get d boy into trouble nd it won't work. He will move on wit his life nd shag enough babes even b4 she's buried. Wat nonsense! I wish she fit wake make I beat her well well. Anyway na India tins cos dis wuld neva happen in Nigeria where men even sleep wit their gf's sistas nd so many nasty tins. Hell too sure for her. She's pathetic.dat she culd even allow herself choke to death wit all d pain of hanging. She get liver sha.
those of you talking about her hair are sick ass mofos i swear..somebody died and its her hair that you are worried about about????? choi!
She has no reason 2 kill herself
She ddnt kil herslf 4 him; she gave up on herself. We can only imagine hw heartbroken she was b4 takn dat decision but wteva hpns, u ar solely respnsible 4 ur actions. Wish her God's mercies.
This letter is not up to six pages o.
Jiah, suicide is not an option, but since U've taken it, RIP.
Y on earth would U kill urself over a guy?Mourn ur heartbreak nd go on wt life.#When d wrong one loves U right#
Suicide cases are rampant in India. This one died for love. What will you guys say if I tell you that a woman in India poisoned her family and killed herself because her husband said the food she cooked didn't have enough salt.
It's a normal thing in India. My heart goes out to her loved ones though.
I hope her mum/sis won't do same out of frustration.
In case it isn't blatantly obvious, she didn't kill herself because of a guy - she was depressed. Her reason for being depressed was because of the horrible relationship and person she was with. She needed help. Had she got that, she would have been able to toss the loser to the side and moved on in her life. But unfortunately, people who are in a state of depression are not always able to seek the help they need.
1 abortion? I know a lady who aborted 5 times for a man, still he didn't marry her and she didn't kill herself. Its just too sad she thought suicide was the answer...
Awww so sad;bt I will never for a guy commit sucide cos all of them aint worth it.RIP
Am very sure,one 9ja girl is planning to do the same
I sense she was not mentally stable. She might have looked ok to people but her mental state was not. That boy leaving her cracked her up. Please visit abimboladebayo.blogspot.com for latest information.
I sense she was not mentally stable. She might have looked ok to people but her mental state was not. That boy leaving her cracked her up. Please visit abimboladebayo.blogspot.com for latest information.
I couldn't help but laugh at the hair comment Lmaooo.
Back to the matter she has no right to end her life she is not GOD
Rest in Pieces Pretty!
Devil n his agents will organize a red carpet party 4 u!And the letter?only shows how foolish u're. myzchic
I wont cheat again but wat if my girl cheats? Life is really hard nut to crack.
Chai! Dis fine babe jst die like fowl!
Absolute rubbish! All dis indians believe in honour hence they take their lives protecting their yeye honours. She's a very very crazy person, It might be becos of not letting the boy breath he ended the relationship. Always on his neck all the time.
Rest in Pieces Pretty!!
Devil n his agents will organize red carpet party 4 u in Hell!dem go flog u tire..
This is called 2ru LOVE but finally e no make sense,I wish naija girls dey reason like dis,I no mean say mak una die 4 guys oooo!!but atleast show us small love,dis girl has everytin but she choose to take her life 4 a guy,dis is courage,Linda abeg make naija girls learn 4rm dis india babe oooo!!RIP shaa!!
All that hair gone? Choi! See original Indian hair 30 inches
people need to learn that love is not a joke. if they r in it for fun they should make things clear and not lie just so they get their satisfaction if you understand what I mean. I did the same gave up my family and friends too for my girl cause she was my life and so did she but then to her it was just an experience in the end cause she cheated on me and I did try to kill myself too when I came to know about it and the worst part is she was with this guy when I tried doing so but in the end today im here because of my parents they brought me into this world and then later on saved it too but did she care no she din. Well that's life just to conclude it's not bout men or women but it's bout knowing what love actually is you don't jus play with somones feelings, to explain it in better terms think of it this way one day we are all gonna be parents rite so would we want the same things to happen to our children be it a son or daughter I hope the answer is no. and her killing herself was a wrong decision but the burden she had to carry knowing that the person she loved and wanted to spend the rest of her life with was with someone else n not only that but knowing she aborted that's a huge weight to carry in you cause it's your own flesh and blood you killed how can you live with it we cant judge what she was feeling.
It took me four years to get over this girl and now im still recovering all I can say is if not for god I wouldn't have the strength to go through life I can imagine the way she felt.
So people stop putting the blame on women or men.
Pray that her soul finds peace and that she reaches the gates of heaven. Pray for her family to have the strength during this time.
Stop criticising and start feeling we need to start thinking with our hearts and if we do that will stop a lot in life like the rape's and murders and everything bad in this world cause we are the only ones that can make a change. If we've been through stuff in life put it behind you don't go throwing that anger out on other lives infact we should do our best not to do the same thing and try and make everyone elses lives better around us.
As for the guy I don't know how he's gonna live the rest of his life knowing that he is the cause of a death in this world.
Make peace not war I know it's easy said than done but then if everybody tries to do so it will definitely make it easy and make life better and the world a safer place for our future generations to live in.
Cougar, what is she looking for.....poor boy
So she wants to trap the young boy abi......people are in Igbobi praying for the gift of life, this fool thinks its cool to take her own life, leaving her family and loved ones.....oshisoko
Women are as thick as bricks.
And before any of you skanks say anything, look at the man-hating comments above first ;)
As sad as ur letter portrays, how dare u take ur life? For wat? A 21yr old boy? How can u love a boy so much that u completely forgot to love urself? I still can get y women take their lives becos of foolish guys really. I hate weak women. May the good Lord have mercy on u.
For all those criticising her for the suicide and saying she shouldv moved on *its easier said then done* Sometimes one love one abortion one soul is enough to end a life. She obviously loved truly and deeply and was desperate to feel pain free. Its not a easy step to take to commit such sin *so that shows her desperate measures to leave this world. Some people are stronger then others she was obviously one of the weak ones who saw no point in living after such abuse. The guy is a prick he was old enough to use hes dick but not to commit? People like that ruin innocent hearts. If he wanted fun he shouldv stayed at a brothel not played with ones heart and feelings. He should be hanged by the balls! RIP jiah ...
All thz Indian love movies has eaten deep into d girl dats y she fell in love so deeply to have gotten lost nd out of control. Wat a wasted life!
May her soul rest in peace. On a side note. Indians kill themselves a lot
For all those criticising her for the suicide and saying she shouldv moved on *its easier said then done* Sometimes one love one abortion one soul is enough to end a life. She obviously loved truly and deeply and was desperate to feel pain free. Its not a easy step to take to commit such sin *so that shows her desperate measures to leave this world. Some people are stronger then others she was obviously one of the weak ones who saw no point in living after such abuse. The guy is a prick he was old enough to use hes dick but not to commit? People like that ruin innocent hearts. If he wanted fun he shouldv stayed at a brothel not played with ones heart and feelings. He should be hanged by the balls! RIP Jiah khan
God bless you killing yourself because of all dis crap . Wow waste of life and now she gave the guy power over life
I will not feel bad for stupidness . Cos you disappointed yourself and family. Taken your life because of a man, n cod u abort a child. Now you are dead and he move on dating other girls
This is so sad in so many ways. i wish no human have to go through what she went through. suicide is not the answer the answer is living your life in a way he'd regret loosing you.
Naija babes ilove naijaaaas tho
@ Anon 11:44, Ishi agwoola gi ! LOL....What loving someone deeply can make u do.I feel so sorry that d guy couldnt reciprocate d love she gave him. Am sure she was commiting suicide and hoping d guy would walk in on her just to see how much she loved him, but sadly it didnt happen that way and she lost her life. Rip dear thats all i can say. *(Someppl sha Love with everything in them. Also coming from India with all their make believe Love story, I'd believed there Love was the best in d world)
Lucifer was the highest angel in Heaven God deliberately made him special. He was close to God and was the only angel that walked in the midst of the fire where God dwells…U were on the holy mountain of God, u walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones(Ez. 28:14), by reason of his position every angel in Heaven paid obeisance to him. Bcos of this he became proud and longed to overthrow God and sit on the throne of God. As a result God demoted him but he put up a fight by deceiving and converting one third of the angels to his side he made them believe together they’ll win(And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought back but he was defeated; neither was a place found for them in Heaven any longer[Rev 12:7-8]). He fought back bcos he lost 5 things. 1) He lost his name-Lucifer and was called Satan, ancient serpent, dragon, devil, etc. 2) He lost his beauty (he was extremely beautiful…Every precious stone was ur covering; the sardius, topaz and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and emerald w/ gold[Ez. 28:13]) 3) He lost his office 4) He lost his position, and 5) He lost his home….Heaven is sweet, I’ve been there several times and each time I never wanted to return to the earth. On a particular occasion I adamantly refused to come back the Lord said to me ‘U’ve to go ur children’re waiting for u’ I told Him no they’ll find their way, but He insisted ‘U’ve to go it’s not yet ur time’. I still remember the breeze in Heaven, the fragrance and joy. I was privileged to see worship in Heaven, one sound of a harp in Heaven u’ll forget ur name. Do everything u can to make Heaven I promise u when u get there u’ll never want to leave. A yr after I visited Heaven I still found it difficult to describe, all I could tell my husband was ‘I know what I saw’…..To prevent Satan from doing more damage in Heaven God decided to prepare a place(hell) for him and the fallen angels beneath the earth and they were cast out of Heaven. Bcos he’s banished from Heaven Satan determined to prevent man from making Heaven by all means. The Lord explained that a meeting was held in the kingdom of darkness. Satan reckoned that since he fought the first battle w/ spirits(angels) and lost he’ll fight the 2nd battle(Armageddon) w/ a combination of spirits(angels) and man(Satan respects man he knows man is a great instrument in the hands of God that’s why he uses man to execute his schemes). To achieve this he sought to’ve blood covenant w/ man and in that meeting they decided on 666 which is the mark of the beast/biochip(It’ll be inserted under the skin and make contact w/ man’s blood). His plan is to cause problems globally and eventually introduce the biochip as a “perfect” antidote to the security problems which the world’ll embrace. Jesus said to warn His people that the biochip’ll be introduced in different forms that anybody that wants to be part of God’s Kingdom should not insert any kind of chip under his skin whatever the reason(If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, “He himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God…He shall be tormented w/ fire and brimstone…forever and ever[Rev 14:9-11]). Satan is smart he will not introduce it directly as a number 666 but in a deceptive way, all this is written in the bible and’ll all come to pass. To make Heaven one must surrender to Christ and wash himself daily in the blood of the Lamb which means to keep away from sin and constantly rely on God’s mercy. Some people think their righteousness’ll get them to Heaven, unfortunately self-righteousness can never take anyone to Heaven
Sis. Toun Praise
The Ten Virgins Ministries
2348091278087, 2348088468956
E-mail: tenvirginministries@gmail.com
When they said Naija Babes hearts are like "KPORMOR" U think say na joke? Seriously, Our heart strong no be small with al d shit our Men here do and yet we still de carry on... Kick a babes heart and it bounces back. Tell her u want to break up with her, she will tell u she has been in bondage being in a relationship with u but now that u made it open, : "WHAT A RELIEF" She moves on to d next available guy. We re not afraid to move on .sharperly....
The letter is so touching; understanding why some women don't want fall in love but keep it platonic. Women love for real, guys don't play with their heart.
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The girl was mad. How could she have taken a 21 year-old seriously? If nor be clinical madness dey worry am, then she must have been high on drugs. Anybody wey sympathise with am must be possessed too.
She dey mad join sef.... Se na film she wan act ni wey she write this kain story. Wo she will be fine. Bye bye
5 months after my attempted suicide, I would like 2 make my story public. Not 2 get any sympathy, but 2 show those who are in troubled relationship that if you hold on tight, things does get better eventually. I’m a 26 years old Indian girl living in US for about 13 years. For me my family, my values, and my education was everything as we moved to US to get better education after my parents struggling as a farmer in India. At the age of 20 I fell in love with this cute Indian guy. He wasn’t rich, so don’t say that I went after money. We both fell for each other as we were made for each other. We both didn’t party, no drinking, no smoking nothing. In the beginning, everything seemed perfect. I came 2 India 4 my brother’s wedding 1 year into relationship. He broke up with me on the phone a night before my brother’s wedding. I couldn’t tell anyone. My trip to India after 7 years was a hell for me. I came back 2 US and we got back together. He constantly lied to me about his whereabouts. He slap me on my face outside the college library, where so many people walk cuz I couldn’t decide what I wanted 2 eat. I left after that, he came back behind me instead of saying sorry he pushed me against car and being more abusive. I don’t’ know what I saw in him but I couldn’t help myself to get out from that relationship. I kept on going back to him eventhough he didn’t love me. I was mentally abused. I was called Wh***, Bit**, and Cu** by him. Then he went away from for 3 years to finish his pharmacy school. We both were in pharmacy school, but in different state and different college. He said he loved me every day. After 6 years of relationship, and getting closer to being pharmacist (only 3months away). I brought up the topic of marriage and he cursed me out. He came 2 the state that I lived because that’s where his parents stayed as well. He said he has talked to his parents about our marriage. But, then him and his family started showing their true color. He texted me on the Christmas day (12/25/2012) saying he can’t marry me cuz my doesn’t think you can cook. All you have done is spent your time after getting education. His mom said my son is only 25, and he has to stand up on his feet. He is not ready to get married. But, told me that you should get married now since you’re 26. And she said she would find me a guy to marry like I didn’t have my parents. Then, the last time he called me the day after our breakup he said that “All he did was used me for all this year, and he never loved me” and then he hangs up. He said he deserved someone better than me. He also said the I’m type of girl to have as a girl friend, but he can’t marry me. Since then he has blocked me, stopped answering my calls and everything. His family said that we want someone from our caste. I’m patel and he was Brahmin (really what century are we living in? and specially being in US?) He told me to go “KILL MYSELF.” I felt betrayed with broken heart, broken promise
Continued story from below ....... 1 month after the break up, I attempted suicide. I survived the suicide after being in ICU for 2 days and with the strength and courage that I got from family. Him and his family didn’t even come see me. I was at point of quitting college, but I decided to continue as I was only 3 months away. I had emotional breakdown everyday at the internship that I did. That time I felt like my whole world fell apart, my self-esteem went down, I lost all my confidence. I started getting worried about my future and whether if any guy will ever marry me now. I lost myself into him. I didn’t care about career eventhough I had really bright one. Now, it’s 6 months into break-up and 5 months into my attempted suicide. I’m now a much better person. I realized my attempt to suicide was really selfish as I realized how many other people are there to love me. Why did I do that for some bast*** who didn’t love me for once and who didn’t even courage to stand up for me. It gives me ache to think that I have caused so much pain to my family because of one stupid idiot. I know so many of you will blame me and will call me selfish. But, I had no other choice due to the amount of emotional and mental pain that I went through as well as physical pain. I get panic attacks every night. I can’t even sleep peacefully. Please anyone do not blame my parents either, like some of you are blaming Jiah Khan’s mother. It’s never our parents fault. It’s the culture and value that we are brought up with. I didn’t have courage to walk out of the relationship because I thought things will change one day, but it never did. I know we are taught the value of staying relationship once we get married and we are taught to tolerate everything as our culture doesn’t permit the divorce. My message to everyone out there whether it’s girl or guy, don’t ever give up. Hold on tight, it may seems like world is falling apart for while, but things do get better eventually. It’s only been 5 months but I’m little better now then what I was few months ago. I don’t have that suicidal thoughts anymore but I’m still fighting. This is my fight, I’m going to fight it every day and I will come out stronger tomorrow if not today. Don’t lose hope. Hopefully god has someone better out there for all of us.
People who say hey don't kill yourself for a guy, yes I understand where you are coming from, BUT the bottom line is you were not in her shoes! Everybody deals with problems in their own way and Jiah just gave up on herself! Rape, abuse, constant work pressure and also aborting a child against your will, how many of you could really understand her pain?v NONE, unless you've been through the same. Some people are strong to fight it others are weak. So don't judge unless you have been through the same fucking shit! RIP Jiah and may that dog who did this to you rot in jail. (Actually I'm not surprised that Suraj Pancholi turned out to be a woman beater and rapist as His own dad Aditya Pancholi was once sentenced for raping a 13 year old girl who was his maid!)
How ignorant. Some people really don't use their brains properly, well if they had one, perhaps! Do your research properly, analyse info before you condemn. Hindu law?? She was muslim silly GIRL! Get raped several times, get beaten up several times, feel the pressure and get a abortion against your will, after you've been through this shit, then only open your big mouth.
I agree with you anon 11:14PM! Her her was sooo beautiful! Why a 25 year old woman wants to waste her time with a 21 year old boy??? Didn't she know that women mature faster than men? The guy was not ready to settle down at all, she took her life for nothing! This same guy has already found another girl to fool around with!
Stop using Indian hair which is branded as exotic Brazilian hair on your Nigerian head! That Waeve or real humain hair wig on your head is Hindu its Indian! Proud of yourself and black people? Well it looks to me most aren't otherwise you wouldn't be ashamed of your real hair and wear straight hair Indian wigs! Get a grip girl, before you condemn look AT YO SELF FIRST!
OMG so agree! People are so easy to judge someone's life without knowing that person. Jiah Khan was known as one of the moste quite and shy actress in Bollywood!
Girl is useless, the man is useless but a typical man. So what is big about this story? Let us call it what it is - she had mental illness. If a man does not like you, you can abort the baby only if you care to. If you want to keep your flesh and blood, you don't have to continue to be with him. Killing yourself over a womanizer as you know him is a straight he goat ride to hell.
Yes its an "Indian thing" indeed! What about that waeve or real human wig your wearing on your Nigerian head? Its an Indian thing!
Are you God to judge that hell awaits her? What about you? Don't you sin? Are you a saint? Hell awaits you too!
Omo mehn! Anon 11:44, me sef I thought abou the hair too.
Anyways, it's sad and it might have hurt badly but she shouldn't have committed suicide tho!
everyone commenting on here that the woman is stupid...YOU ARE THE STUPID ONE!. the woman is hurt and she was hurt deeply, yes i agree that she should not have killed herself but geez you dont need to cal her stupid...this blog don tire me sef with all the unreasonable post people dey post..linda post my comment abeg.
Have you read all the 6 pages of her letter? She was raped several times, beaten up and had an abortion against her will. Yes she shouldn't commit suicide but she lost herself.
How someone be arrested for abetting a suicide? The girl has shown she has low self morale, so someone should be blamed for that? Yes, the guy is a douche but you don't arrest douches. You grow a thick skin and go on with your life. Now that she killed herself, what has she left her family? So the guy will feel guilty for the rest of his life. Has she got her revenge? She needed help but couldn't get it but its nobody's fault she died abeg
Even with all the stories, she does't suppose to killed herself. she's going to hell. Look for another Man is the answer not this stupid accident.
very sad! The guy never killed the woman, so he probably won't go to Jail. It was the girls responsibility to report the abuse. I can see the guy going scot free since he has no witness to testify against him. Suicide is a very tragic disease. very common in Asian countries where saving face is more important to them than their lives.
The guy doesn't look 21!
Very sad news. Lesson learned from this is to always use your brain in thinking instead of you allowing emotion to control you.
Anon 11.44 u are so heartless it is beyond believe. Make all the fake hair u fix strangle u one night, wicked, vain soul
She for date naija boy for internet and collect better value for her love.
Stupid girl, she for come Naija make them teach her how to love and dump a guy ASAP if he misbehaves. No MAN is worth even a drop of tear not to talk of taking one's life.
Suicide was not an option.How would one take a life that is not their own.The life we are living is not our own but God's.Any one who does that is a muderer and u know what happen to muderers.People have gone tru much worse cases but they survived be they seeked advice and people helped them.pls every body never ever think about suicide cos u think u have solved your problem but it has just started.
Now I see d reason why the guy couldn't have loved her back; its not enough to be beautiful,caring and loving, you need to be matured and be sound in mind and intellect ladies! Someone that could kill herself because of a man only displays her level of intelligence and sound mind to the world which perhaps have put the man off in the first place! I hope the devil is punishing her with frog jump at .the moment...Dear Lord, pls don't punish me by giving me such a daughter (she's jst an ingrate to the mother and sister). she's guilty of the same offense she charges the boy for; in the hands of her family (by killing herself, she's saying their love is not enuf to keep her warm and alive)
I trust naija girl,she go tell u say life is to sweet to commit sucide,make the guy go to blazes,when guys never finish for this world.
You never heard of 'walk away' before? A man abuses you physically and emotionally and you still stick around? Suicide is never an option, it's selfish and stupid. Okay it stops your problem but then it makes your problem that of those you leave behind. What about them? Rest your soul! I hope the Lord welcomes you
Ladies pls add me I shall never leave u hanging some call me tray songs or kessy Kelly's
Suicide is permanent solution to temporary problem. R I P.
Like a moth to a flame so also good hearted ladies love abusive wicked men. The flame always destroys the moth yet the moth is attracted to the flame. One of the many mysteries of life.
How is he finished? Did he kill her?
Wicked girl..u were following 21yr old n buying him gifts n presents.maga like u..ahan!u nau kill ursef so the boy can be caged.e bu ekwensu!
All i can say is...that is her side of the story! We shouldnt just jump and say the guy is useless! I once dated a girl in university days who would threaten me with suicide if i leave! She would eat soap and do crazy things and at the end, i will spend like crazy to revive her!
Guess what? I travelled to South Africa! Shebi na who she see she go dey threaten!
Anyway sha, RIP!
Naija una too much, coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i see dis
Very stupid thing!
Sucide is never an option!
No one, I repeat, No one is worth taking your own life!
Naija. Girls una too much ,so na hair concern una for this matter ,u no even care if na dead body weav u dey carry for head
So sad. Very typical a story. If it were the woman that appeared d one cheating, the sonofabitch will look for acid to bath her with. I am so broken. So smitten. It really takes a heart so loving, so soft to die for love like this angel. Now i understand the meaning of Jesus....I am sure the heavens will welcome her to warm peace and embrace after her dark experience on earth. Men are wicked.....see what love can do!!!!!
This story is similar to our own Jenifa.lmao.thank God she didn't kill herself.sshe just sorted herself quickly nd settled for d agbero.sharp girl
@ nkaylicious... Even if he has put a ring on your finger he is still not worth dying for. He is not even worth your emotions sef. Cos while you're there crying and losing sleep over him he's out there busy enjoying himself. My advice: women should find their happiness in what pleases them and gives them satisfaction, not in men. I don talk my own!
Suicide is not an option,depression made her kill herself too bad.DEPRESSION IS REAL
Her best revenge would have been to have dusted herself, gone out with a richer and finer celebrity hunk publicly (even if na for show), have a rewarding career. That thing dey work everytime.
"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy."
"Love can sometimes be magic...But magic can sometimes...just be an illusion."... They that sow in tears shall reap in joy
Many a very fine guy are Satan! Either they are GAYs fucking each others' anuses and sucking each others' cocks or they are demonic heart-breakers! Ladies beware!! And the way you people fall for them can be so pitiable. All that beautiful woman needed at her hour of grave pain was JESUS. HE'S the BALM OF GILEAD!!!
I tire too o!hahaha
Mayb one mosquito was biting linda as she was posting this!
Linda buy baygon its gud!
sad i can't even say r.i.p because she's might not be in peace where she is
Lmfao!! "Shud hv sold hee hair first"
Even wit all d heartbreaks and abuse,naija babes can't just commit suicide.hw I wish she had thick skin like us.
I rili feel 4 her folks sha.RIP swt girl
What a heartbreaking story buh taking your own life is not the best cus the guy does not worth it. RIP
It was so obvious dat d guy didn't love her but love blinded her eyes so she couldn't see it,Damn,how could she?he's 21yrs wat does she expect frm him?she did one abortion and she wrote bout it,even her fellow indian sisters some of dem don do pass 5abortion and we no hear d news,she die no mean say mk d guy no shag naw,its her choice,bt she should hav stayed alive,she has a career and a family,wat more could she ask for?suicide no b new tin 4 india,just lik fraud in home Naija
Even if he has put a ring kwa, I will nit insult her but she sure didn't make d right decision chacha. Cos anyone who takes his or her life is bad ooo cos dat judgment is for God alone. Pls ladies, I am begging u all on my knees, even if d guy promises u love every seconds, if ur not happy and it's dat bad as in bad, leave ooo cos at d end of d day if u kill urself, d man might end up repenting b4 he dies n dats ur loss...
This is plain insanity!!! Why woulD you commit suiside because of unreciprocateD love anD affection?? You were obviously throwing yourself at him, we all neeD to grow up laDies, if he aint your life partner,he aint worth suicide, and even if he is, take a chill pill, he's just a man!!!"you bought him bla bla bla!",,, Did this and that!! No one gives a hoot! You aint the first!! Rip but it's NO to you!!
You just saiD it all my dear!! Stupidity at its peak!! That's what she did
Sad... She 'loved' him sooo deeply, but killing herself?
y would someone kill her self because of boy when de re many fishes in de river, for najia dis no fi happen . May her soul rest in peace
Why? Because a lady chose to kill herself over a guy?
this is sad
Na wa o,imagine taking smtin as fragile as life cos of one nonesense love story.straight ticket to hell.brainless girl.to even think u are 24 and died for a 21yrs old boy!gosh
@anon.11.44,ma dear u ve never been in da kind of situation.am nt in support of wa she did o.bt men! It hurt 2 see d person u re dyin 4 killin u.d most anoyin fin is dat wen u re tryin 2 stay away u find urself still fallin 4 d fool.vexin
@anon.11.44,ma dear u ve never been in da kind of situation.am nt in support of wa she did o.bt men! It hurt 2 see d person u re dyin 4 killin u.d most anoyin fin is dat wen u re tryin 2 stay away u find urself still fallin 4 d fool.vexin RIP dear
God!!!! Dis is serious, @anonymous 11:13 I agree wit u
Choi! See hair oooo!!!! I hope they shaved her hair off before burying her o? Nobody sent you to kee yaself, hair cannot waste jor.
Not all Cos am not useless...some ladies too are useless so don't u ever generalize but this babe fucked up sha cos this guy already showed her red light. Lesson learnt: never ever ever in your life force some1 to love u no matter how rich,handsome/beautiful the person is cos u might kill urself too
why on earth should a die for a fellow human, they say na me be christ?, that devil is a lair.
biko who send am to kill herself? Hair cannot waste pls.
Why evils!!! Are u God???
This jiah girl is really very selfish and self centered,for dis sweet life wey I dey so I go con kill mysef bcus one guy treat me bad,I die well o,she is really stupid and a weakling,she forgot the pain she will cause her family,friends and fans over the world and she did dis.its was a bad decision to make and a very selfish one,dts why I like expressing myself and my problems bcus two heads are better than one,its very bad and a risky thing to be mute about ur problems or sometin,if she had expressed herself to someone,am sure she would have gotten the strenght and the courage to move on despite the pain,I was heartbroken in 2009 and it was hell and it took me over 3yrs to actually get myself back but talking abt it helped a lot and tinking positively abt life and trusting in God for healing,thank God that today,am getting there,I have enough guys to choose from and my shakara nor be small,please its better to be strong and openminded and ever positive than to give in to depression and discouragement,please fellow libers,no matter what you going through,suicide is not the answer.Lovi says so.
PATHETIC!!!.....I don't blame the guy, I blame her. She had a choice. To all the ladies reading this, you have a choice to leave an abusive relationship....May her soul RIP.
why should she even think of commitin suicide,datz another sin.rip
RIP...that's what happens to you when u give a guy control over ur life, he gets into ur thoughts, messes with ur self-worth to the point of running u mad or taking ur life....it takes d Grace of God to return back to sanity.
I hope the indian law sees reason with our finest judges on here.....
At 21, groupies and countless orgies would be any man's dream. She must have big peer problems to expect more from that relationship.
@oluyomi odukoya...can we know the lucky guy in ur 5abortion story....cod im guessing he cnt know before committing to her.
The best thing in life is life itself. No matter what you do, stay alive.
why why why? Why on earth did she take her life because of a he goat. Didn't she know dat there are many cute guys out there dat can gv anytin 2 luv her d way she deserved. No man is worth my life.
Indians are very stupid why will she even think of sucide silly lady jst dat a guy is cheating on you and the abortion you did for his own sake won't b enough reason for you to take your life... I trust naija babes dey no fit try this shit
I agree wiv u on the hair part...cuz i actually tot the same thin wen i saw her hair.
Oh ladies, pls let us learn not to force mingle ourselves with Ļ̣̣ŃŃ worthless, those who don't deserve us. R.I.P Girl.
Isn't she d bbe dt helpd ghajini 2 tk his revenge. Ds is defintly nt khapana.. Wow. Poor bbe.. Y commit suicide cs of a guy. Guys neva finsh 4 d world nw.
I totally concur!naija gals are strong oo cos most of us hav gone thru 10times wetin she kill herself for.Though heartbreak can be so depressing but taking ur own life for some idiot who doesn't care is no worth it one bit
this is soooooo stupid!
why the hell did they arrest him? is it illegal to break up with someone?
abeg make her lifeless corpse park well jare! even after death, she's still bringing negative drama into the dude's life. kai! woman! woman!
Its very easy for most of u to criticize her and call her names maybe cos U've neva experienced somthing similar. I'm not saying taking her life is right,but I can relate to it. I dated a goof like dis dude 3yrs ago, he tortured me with verbal, emotional and even physical abuse, made me feel worthless and think dat I didn't hv anything else to live for besides him. Thankfully I confided in few friends, especially my married male friends, they hv a wealth of experience and they helped me shake off the looser thru sound and practical advice. Its been 3yrs and now I'm happily married to an amazing man and hv a gorgeous baby to show for it. I'm writing this for the benefit of those who r still having a hard time in their relationship(tonnes of ppl r) don't suffer in silence and get out as soon as u can.
This is what is called true love.she really love d guy bt d guy misuse the opportunity.I feel for d gurl so much,aww beautiful she bUt d beauty is wasted.she died for love.RIP in peace.dis serves as a lesson to d guys out there that treat lady any how.
Nigerian girls fit commit suicide?....una 2 like una sef die...abeg mk una stop 2 blame de guy...@ 21 he's sopos 2 be exploring and getting experience nt commiting in some love shit.
Oh dis is vary touching but she's wouldn't had gone as far as killing her safe rip all the same
Can't kill myself 4 luv.But I feel her pain. ETTA
annonymous 11.19pm u speak speak with so much wisdom and i have learn frm ur talk too that there are really boys under d skin of men u are really wise and intelligent keep up.
I usually don't post comments but I am posting this because there is a lady who is facing same and thinks this is a great way to escape. Please do not take your own life or the life of any other. Jia Khan cut short what would have been a happy life. God's plan for us is perfect! He surely comes through for us. We must put all of our trust in only God. Jia misplaced her trust. Trust God in your wife or husband. He never fails. Olu Banks
To be fair to the guy, dis girl is utterly stupid! First She's a cougar dating someone young enough to be her baby brother! 2ndly she wanted to trap the boy down with pregnancy! The boy is not to be blamed in this situation at all, her family want to just put the boy in trouble. I'm sure the boy must have told her severally that he wants out but she thought presents and attention can make him sit. How can my aunty be dating someone I'm older than. Most 21yrz boyz are busy fighting over FIFA 13 and reading for GST. Imagine u were the boy's sis, what would be ur take on this matter? They should free the boy Abeg, infact they should pay him for abuse of age :p i feel for her because she didn't realize what she had. Most of u insulting the boy now are double standard human beings, I can imagine the number of girls that have pulled pregnancies for u as u don reach 30 sef o and u r insulting a smallie that a girl his elder sis' age aborted for him. Itz not right to talk bad abt the dead but the girl fucked up from day 1. The boy wanted to just flirt. I'm sure if Pero had committed suicide after dropping 3 4 6Baba, u people wld have had pity for her too forgetting she left her husband and baby in the US to comaan start warming innocent's loin hoping giving birth to 3 wld make him marry her! As a lady, all shld be concerned abt ur career and life more than a man. The best revenge ever still remains success, evn if y'all didn't come back togeda, atleast he won't refer to u as an NFA or loser.
I'm always depressed half the time. I can't explain why but I can't say anything to my friends and family because in Africa, people think that's 'nonsense'. Most of the time I have wild thoughts flying through my head but I ask my self 'how can I do this to my mum after all she's been through because of me?'.
See people, it's really difficult, especially when no one understands you and nobody makes an effort to do so. You simply feel you're alone in this world and you feel so miserable all the time. You can't eat, can't sleep, you're always restless. You feel like you're in a dark place where you have no hope of ever seeing the light. You feel you're in a pit and there's no way you can get out.
The worst thing that can add to this is the pain from being heartbroken. I have told myself I don't need a man to be happy. In fact, part of me believes I may never get married. I have hardened my heart because I know if my heart gets broken, there's no saying what I could do.I could get married, but I'm not sure it'd be for love.
People, look around you, do you see a friend or relative who is always sad, prefers to be alone all the time, complains of restlessness and insomnia, losing weight, pessimistic to a fault, believes he/she is nothing and avoids speaking of the future? if yes, please pay attention to him/her. I know how this feels.
The good thing is, there are days I get up and I smile at the sun and I feel happy. Those days are rare though, but they are always cherished. Reach out to someone and be their sunshine today.
D girl na caword, she is very stupid 2av taken her own life. A woman way get mind kill her sef won't mak a gud wife cos she fit even poison u. Guys planty. I no its painful 2lov sum1 who doesn't even kia abt u, by stil. Dat is nt enough reason 2kil her sef.
Chaii I can see this story really touched hearts of LIBers sotey they forgot this First to comment Yeeeyy ish. D babe taking her life for a toddler is bullshit though, naija babes no fit try am for any reason, I hail Naija anyday. Now first to comment yaayyy!!!
No! U're wrong. Its not about men. I'm in a similar state cos of how my lady started treating me about a month now.
Am a guy and i want to cut off my dick right now... damn shame so sad i would ve married you in a moment
Its soo sad...rily loved ghajini cos of you..rip dear...guys aint worth a drop of our tears...
It's really sad that she had to take her life. As for incorrigible guys out there, if u're promiscuos in nature then pls do not engage innocent people in relationships and use them like rags! Live the reckless life u're called to lead without using people. Idiots!
THIS girl had one of best careers at her age and she could have been on top after few years.
But what amazes me how such an ambitious and bold girl kill herself? For a.looser who's only claim to fame was that he was son of some actor of b grade films.
I think she trusted someone for the first time in life, she lowered her defenses and ended up trusting in him more than anyone. And.biterayal left. Her feeling cheated.
RIP but lesson number one in showbiz is don't get over in colors.
A lot of you guys won't understand how depressing it is when you're not loved back until you find your self in same position. I almost did same on sunday but for timely intervention. Its a difficult feeling to explain. I hope I can get through this cos I still don't see myself surviving without her.
The bobo too fine sha, a prince charming but for goodness sake he is only 21! you know what you do at this age; have fun and never think of growing up!
Ooo my God! So dis girl is gone....ur movie nishbad was 1 of my favourites movie where u played opposite amitabh bacchan and ur costant quotes in dat movie was "take light" means be patient. may her soul rest in perfect...amen
I pray others learn from this. We have all been there, rejected, disgraced, raped,aborted and even divorced after giving our all in money kids time energy name it,even beaten. Even though we taught of ending our lives we will always come to know that God will always make things right if we believe.No man is worth dying for. This guy will still marry and have kids besides he is young and may not know he was hurting her because he feels trapped. If only we can read the bible with better understanding Jesus said it all.May God heal her family.
May God have mercy on you!!!
I also went through these, but believe me it not easy.... i feel for her.... girls it time for you to wise up....
He is 21 for crying out loud. What was she expecting? she must have met him a womanizer & party freak. Was she hoping love would change him? Don't assume love will change anything.
He is 21 for crying out loud. What was she expecting? she must have met him a womanizer & party freak. Was she hoping love would change him? Don't assume love will change anything.
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