Photos: Yvonne Nelson, IK Ogbonna & Adokiye donate to pry school | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 22 June 2013

Photos: Yvonne Nelson, IK Ogbonna & Adokiye donate to pry school

Actress Yvonne Nelson, actor/model IK Ogbonna and singer Adokiye visited Courage Primary School, Ikota Village on Wednesday June 19th and donated pencil, exercise books, chalks, eraser and money to the school. See more photos after the cut...



porche baby said...

Ik ogbonna marry me plssssssssssss

Anonymous said...

Nice of them to give and send the photos for public to see

Anonymous said...

Now I am inlove with ik Ogbonna , adokiye am proud of u and Yvonne Nelson God bless u guys

tyronne said...

Nice charity! Hope d reasons ar not for cash, aniwais nigeria needs help

Anonymous said...

Ik Ogbonna now this is how to spend ur money was expecting you to start buying cars and club bursting .

Anonymous said...

•Estrano Lala
Uhmm.reel gud,buh had loved if it had been snt to ojb's accnt

Anonymous said...

i love Yvonne Nelson. It shows she understands the plight of the poor children. Didn't go to d 'rich kids' sch. Love her more for that. Intelligent, Kind and Tender-loving are her attributes.

Anonymous said...

@lindaikeji why do I've a feeling there is more to this story than the donation of the school materials???don't worry I can see what you are seeing...

Anonymous said...

Fine boy beautiful heart wot next . Joan miller

Anonymous said...

Nice one guys, such charitable stuffs are nice.... Peace

Anonymous said...

What exampls is she showing the kids by puting on such a short dress

Anonymous said...

nice one, more blessings

Unknown said...

Good for them.....

Anonymous said...

Make una donate money for OJB abeg

Chipsy said...

God bless & reward them...Amen

ibukun Oreire said...

Oh Well what more can I say??? They did well and I am so sure people will come and hate oh, just watch and see. Lol now with my Popcorn.


Dat is so good of dem,may God give dem d grace 2 kip doin good

tonyoneweek said...

I love this deed.

Anonymous said...

Gud ...luv yvonne,linda luvz her too.


Rily nice nd thoughtful of dem... But dis slum tho.. Pple r really suffering sha...

Anonymous said...

Dats y i love Yvonne.shez very down to earth..kip it up dear

Anonymous said...

That's nice of them. I am really impressed.You are lending unto God by helping the needy and God will surely reward you in Jesus' name.

Bonaface said...

Atleast they did not Buy Panamera that crashed in days time or borrowed Amosu Champng drink to Pose. They remembered the Poor, the Less Privileged Kids(Our Future Leaders). God Bless Yvonne, Ik and Adokiye.


This is too damn small... Pencils? Erasers? Haha I think they forgot to add some diapers too..

Nma said...

Awww..Nyc of them!!! But linda ka m jo gi ajuju o..whch country is this ghana i guess???

Anonymous said...

I love u guys..the lord wud continue to bless ur endeavours..peace

toyinallday said...

God Bless You People ok! Keep up with the Good Work, May God Replenish your Pockets in Thousands. Amen

Anonymous said...

Touching I feel you

Anonymous said...

Is dat yvonne nelson doesn't have. Any dress sense or is it dat she's just daft?smh*adokiyeand ik,thumbs up guys!I pray yvonne sprained her. Ankle or got robbed there!silly skinny sexy girl

Unknown said...

God bless you more for remembering these ones. Yvonne and IK..very cute.

Unknown said...

No b smal ghetto

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Very commendable! Nice one guys!

tuffcookiey said...

Just cant imagine wht ppl go through for education.. thank u for ur kindness, I wish I could support them too. But still wondering how u people discovered a skool in a location like that??

Anonymous said...

So kind of them. More blessings to them

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, look at the environment. i guess this place will take a few millions to develop, yet we have people who are stealing billions. it's not fair,not fair.

Anonymous said...

Nice one

Bad b said...

They tried but they can try even harder. That environment doesn't look conducive for learning in any way. Thumbs up tho but it would have been much better if you had donated a landed property for their use.
Also, remember to help OJB


quite thoughtful of them.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Ugo Dosh said...

Awwwww, so nice of them. We need more of such benevolence from our celebs. May God bless their pockets.

Visit's biggest funny pic sharing and voting site....laff go BOMB your belle!

Chinedu said...

good move

Anonymous said...

That is very nice of them

Anonymous said...

Awww,look how cute yvonne and ik look,they shud totally date, I love wat they r doing,going deep into d slums of lag,to give those who dnt have at all, not like omotala nd her crew dat will go to d tushed skuls,love u all. Ps- yvonne u no knw where u dey go before u wear heels, u wud av fallen in dat ditch, next time wear sandals,ur nt on d runway. Loving IK's dressing, mad swagz eh.

Anonymous said...

This is More like it..... exactly what we wanna be seeing. good good good. Atleast they are using their money well, so now God will provide more for you guys.

AnniePUM said...

Nice one...but do I see Yvonne Nelson wanting to be married in Nigeria?

Anonymous said...

Nice One Guys. Charity begins at HOME. Yvonne tried to think she is not even Nigerian but doing for Nigerians. SMH our own Celebs will be borrowing Luxuries and be posing up and down. God pass Una, learn that's all

Anonymous said...

Lindsiway they did well oh. Eyah kind Hearts.

esther said...

All those Retards hating on Adokiye, I told you people she better pass una, now see?? She does what you guys will never in your Life dream of doing ever. Pisuan

June said...

Thoughtful of Them... Good Bless

Anonymous said...

Good gestures, thumb up 4 u guys! But come o, is ds a govt or private sch? D environment alone fit gv d children cholera, haba! Cleanliness is next to godliness! ~Ritty~

Unknown said...

Nyc one!!!

Anonymous said...

But ik Ogbonna which juju u use carry Yvonne Nelson enter here with heels . Nice one bro

Gideon George said...

Adokiye Balls Hard yo! Y'all Getting Tired, She Is Just Getting Started. Lol, She Is A "SOJA" like she calls herself on her Instagram Page. Go Girl You Rock. Gideon George

Anu. E said...

That's very nice of them

Anonymous said...

Nice 1 kudos #mr lucky

Anonymous said...

Kip it up dear

Anonymous said...

Hmm I fit smell the dirty of the area from my screen

Anonymous said...

Don't forget #OJB. ~ Breeze

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Nelson should try and cover up if she's going to a school, what kind of tarty outfit was that? Her skirt is too short and not appropriate for a children Smh

Anonymous said...

Look at the classroom and the surroundings that kids are "schooling" in. Fuck.

Mma Ifu

Anonymous said...

Nice work! But mehnn!! Dis school is rugged.

Anonymous said...

Miss nelson is so pretty. I love her stature, infact i love everything about her and yvonne okoro.

Anonymous said...

Una well done for una dey perform una @ PRS (persopnal social responsibility). Thank u and Neessst pls.

Anonymous said... luvin dat ur handbag

Anonymous said...

Mtchewww!!! #Paparazzi tinz! ...Personally! Ε̲̣̣̣̥ Be like say dia new film wan come out soon.

Anonymous said...

Dat was really thoughtful of them....

That Girl said...

Yvonne Nelson, always in Nigeria hunting 4 Naija men!
I say u should go bk 2 ur poverty-striken country n GET WITH those of ur ilk!!

*I remember she tweeted a nasty pic abt Lag airport some time ago*

Admin said...

Good service to humanity

olisa said...

Great picture-story.This is "Beauty and the Slum"!
The silent majority in the continent live and work in such neighbourhoods.

Anonymous said...

Na so instead of them to change d black boards to maker board nd give dem maker dey r giving dem chalks

Anonymous said...

Good be a whole 2baba wey auction akpola shoe for charity.what about ojb na?

omotayo said...

WOoow, just imagine d state of that classroom and d environ and we say we have a govt. Na to build bridge with 25billion them know.

Barbie said...

Nice,dat Ik ogbonna sha *whew* my defination of sexy dats my dream guy.

BARBIE said...

Nice,dat Ik ogbonna sha *whew* my defination of sexy dats my dream guy.

inspireify272b3120 said...

Adokiye....hope u still practice Architecture as u studied in Sch?......remember dos days in sch.

Anonymous said...

How did Yvonne Nelson find this place?


Good work! thumbs up Yvonne and Team..

Anonymous said...

Cheap publicity, alot of people spend more money but they never ever show off,eg Uche Jombo,Genevive,only your God should know when you give to the less privileged not taking pictures and showing off

Anonymous said...

Fake people just letting the world know they are giving out

Anonymous said...

Just, letting people know that you give fake people you must not take these pics and show the world that you are giving

bold 5 said...

Dats nice,atleast cos of dis, if yvonne was given award as among d 100 most influencial pple I d world I won't complainm.unlike omotala dat I can't really lay hands on what she has really done to affect d society positively

Anonymous said...

Attention seekers

tasha said...

Ik pls come and marry me nauuuuu bikonu.....I love u soooo much!

Anonymous said...

It's only on this Blogger I hear of Yvonne Nelson

Anonymous said...

So Yvonne Nelson still fine like dis?

Adaobi said...

They will soon say Yvonne and IK are in a relationship...

Unknown said...

Ik is a handsome guy, bt is this place lag? Nawa oh!! Congrat!!

Tosin Joseph said...

Wat an area! When I see places like this, I just say "thank you jesus"! Sweet thing to do, atleast dey've done sumtyn 4 d kids! Little things really count! God bless dem! We need more of this and less of beefs, competitions and show offs!

Poopoo said...

They could have joined funds and rebuilt the small school or done something major, like their drainage. Good visit anyway. Sad environs.

Poopoo said...

They could have joined funds and rebuilt the small school or done something major, like their drainage. Good visit anyway. Sad environs.

staff said...

I don't like that IK boy one bit, comes off too phony. Na igbo boy sha so I give him props

Unknown said...

Who is this Adokiye girl? Neva heard her music....

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Nelson don turn Naija babe finish o! I like jor! Vry humanitarian of u guys. God bless u guyz, atleast u can start frm d little u ve n as God blesses u, u increase on humanitarian activities. Btw way yvonne n ogbonna look really nice.

Anonymous said...

Luvie Jobbie!!!!!

Ola said...

Doesn't Yvonne Nelson know what is called a strapless bra. Mtshewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! SMH.

Anonymous said...


Prince said...

Nice one guys...God bless you guys for this act. By the way Yvonne and IK are looking so good!!!

Prince said...

Nice one...God bless you guys for this act!!!

Anonymous said...

If it a picture of Angelina Jolie or beyonce visiting africa, it will be nice to see and praise. Learn to appreciate ur own people, Nigerians.Let's encourage them to do more. Its not showing off pictures for cheap publicity. Its the fact that dese pple are stars and the people around took pictures and posted. Kudos to the trio.
Keep up the good work.

jideofor said...

Wait oh no be IK and Adokiye wen dey date that time? Yvonne Nelson don join? Hmmmmmmmm I see Marital Problems soon! Lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you guys for at least having that touch of spirit to give the little you can afford..Appreciation to me is an application for more. Appreciate these little things they offered these kids and they-(yvonne,Ik and Ado..) might as well appreciate God for blessing them by giving out more........PepJay

Anonymous said...

Adokiye has been doing these for a long time. Before she even entered the music industry. I know this girl from our university days.its not for show ooo. How many will she show. Keep up the good works guys. We appreciate you.

Anonymous said...

Nyc job,am so motivated rite nw,God bless your works

storyteller said...

Lol this Adokiye girl is always Smiling like mumu. Lol she is Naturally beautiful too. Thumbs up guys

Anonymous said...

*for a children?come on!

Anonymous said...

They did well. Nice one Ad baby. Josy

Anonymous said...

Linda ur not posting comments today

Anonymous said...

But come to think of it . This is really good . Ik Ogbonna and Yvonne Nelson should get married already . Beautiful kids anticipated

Anonymous said...

Na d girl wey Linda dey always post her bikini body since last week.the girl with flat breasts like mine n big tommy like papa ajasco bt she still dey wear bikini n post d pictures for lindas blog...also she comes as annonymous to read ppls comments abt her n abuses anyone who condemns her body

Anonymous said...

Sup with Yvonne and IK tho? That's all I see :D


Anonymous said...

Have u given anything yet? Set d pace! T

Anonymous said...

Shut up if u dnt hav anytin nice to say

Anonymous said...

Adokiye you're doing Good everyday. God bless your hustle.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It look all false to me. Look at how she is dress? Like she knew there are going to be pictures taken so she looks good.
I hate when people use charitable events to make themselves look good.

Anonymous said...

@Ruby Godwin don't mind the fool. You still insulting Adokiye? Where your own Body dey? Oya display am if u no dey shame na! Hater like you. Stop hating on people, with your Akara and Fish Mouth. Nyama

Akpache said...

Nice one Adokiye...
You have tried but hope u not dating IK oh tru tru? You go break my heart ehhHhhhhhnn baby.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, look at how she dress. Like she is going to tea party.

YorubaKingdom said...

Linda Adokiye must be your Biological sister or you just love am? *rolling my eyes* Confess Hian

Anonymous said...

Adokiye again ohhhhhhhh. You don leave Ik finally? Oh I get, you don't enjoy him rather, you know what I mean. *SideEye*

Anonymous said...

Adokiye e be like say you need strong thing to calm oh! Just as Yvonne calm after Iyanya strong thing touch am. Just wait for me

Anonymous said...

Jeeeez...Your mentality is dead!!So u u only look good wen u want to take pictures

Queen Bee said...

@anon 9:43pm,dont mind the hypocrites!
Do they know the charity some of us have done in our lives?..well dey don't need to know!
#cos they gave 20leave note book to one child,the whole world hears it!
Just BS!!
Onto the next abeg#

Anonymous said...

Yvonne really like NAIJA ,,I wonder if any of our actress can do the same in other countries

Anonymous said...

Isn't she ghanaian???

Anonymous said...

U ar a devil and a very bitter person. U need help fast and lastly God dosent answer those kind of prayers dat u ar praying for a fellow human being, cos she wet to do charity.

Anonymous said...

That place needs love. Good for them, but that area look like a place time forgot. I pray for the children's prosperity and physical and mental health.

Imelda Attah said...

Lol. I am beginning to like this Adokiye Bikini girl. But Lindi where are Song na? Singer u dey call am oh. You did well girl God bless you very much. Yvonne you won't go back to Ghana? Lol. Imelda Attah

Imelda Attah said...

I love Adokiye

Gistreel said...

Yvonne just a girl with money but no style. Mwessshhhhhh
Next Please.
Nice one Adokiye

Gistreel said...

Yvonne just a girl with money but no style.
Next please.
Nice one Adokiye

Gistreel said...

Yvonne just a girl with money but no style.
Next please.
Nice one Adokiye

Anonymous said...

Nic idea. And God will reward yu abundantly if u do not ve worldly motives. Encourage ur colleagues to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Miss Nelson look very good a big thx to all of u may God bless u as u remember to give to the poor and 4 those hating miss Nelson u can go hell cus I know if where to be in her position u will dress wroser.... over sabi ppl

Anonymous said...

Yvonne should be more down to earth,you don't go to a school for charity reasons and dress like u r going for a party,next time cover your legs and look as humble as you can get not to go and show them you are rich and better off by dressing up in your most expensive dress and heels.God always reward the humble

Anonymous said...

Yvonne look at adokiye looking as simple as she can be next time follow her lead...even though you like showing your legs am sure you have flat shoes at home

Televise Ent' said...

Adokiye, would really love to work with you. I like you.
Televise Ent'

HOUSE of JASMINE****** said...

Is it just me or does Yvonne nd iyke look gorgeous together like OMG!!!!!!!!

princess Helen Paul'sGirl said...

Just like how Angelina Jolie looks when she's out on her UN visits to Africa! Looking all simple as she can be. To be free.
Adokiye achieved that. I love her.

Babaa said...

and u think donating pensils, chalk nd 10leaves exersize books is worth emulating? FUCK.

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