Wizkid was involved in an accident around 3: 30am this morning in front of GET Arena as he left the Nokia Lumia Beat party which held at the Oriental Hotel in Lekki. Fortunately, the only thing damaged in the accident was the Porsche Panamera S car worth about N15m which he recently bought. Wizkid and other passengers in the car were unhurt.
According to my paparazzi who witnessed the accident and took the photos, the accident was caused by a burst tyre. Wizkid, who wasn't the one driving, was quickly taken away in another car. His bodyguard stayed behind to get the vehicle towed. See more photos after the cut...
i sincerely hope he has insurance for that car.....mehn!
How sad! Sorry bro! May your ruthfulness be turned into joy.
Shey na d bodyguard get kleg so
Na wa o! Enemies! Thank God no1 was hurt... Meanwhile dt guys k-leg&posture in d 2nd pic eh! Odi egwu!!!
Sorri wizz boy,
Vanity! vanity!! vanity!!!........so dis d end of 10m.
Is it wicked 2 laugh??? Ds a lesson 2 all ds celeb! Niaja road is 2 bad 4 all ds expensive sleek cars! If u must buy an expensive car,buy a jeep! Ndo baby boi! Via london gal
Hmmm tank God he ws unhurt.
OooopssS....2nk God he wasn't hurt...he has a lng life ahead of him
Thank God he wasn't hurt. That's why we should always check the state of our vehicles & never assume.
Enemies everywhr!.can't a young niccur get money anymore!.I go just leave matter 4 matthias hand!
Just like that? N10Million almost gone in a flash. Thank God they were unhurt
Whiskey,pele o
big man big trouble....carry ur cross
I fink Ayo Balogun ma broda 4rm a diff mother shld stp going into cars. D 1st, its a mistake, d 2nd, an accident, 3rd, it was a coincidence.......wat if it happns d 4th tym. Sum1 mite nt b lucky
Hope they would learn from DAGRIN saga.........Porsche or Porsche life na jeje period!
Grim is calling
bros abeg go dwn on ur knees n 10k BABA GOD 4 saving u
what can i say but thank GOD that you were unhurt. 10m porsche car okay ope it it be fitted or rather you can replay it with another one.
Millions don pafuka b dat, hope he's doin fyn sha.
Thank God no one was hurt.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
WOW..... that's just another reason to to necessarily splurge on cars in NIJ.... but then again lets hope he has insurance!
Sorry, next time be careful.... Onye ofe mmanu
Tank God u ar safe
God will heal you oo star boy
Wow!! Awon aiye at work. Thank God no life was lost
Thank God he survived it. 10million naira car destroyed within a twinkle of an eye. Vanity upon vanity .......
Lindiway, Mamarazzi extraordinaire trust you to cover events before they even unfold. Thank God no life was lost, Porsche is damaged, bible will never be wrong all is vanity upon vanity. My first time of commenting.
Oops!!! Glory to God, nt another death news.......spycat
thank God 4 safety
Now dat d car has been damaged, wat next. If he had invested it in landed property it would have appreciated by now. If he wants to repair dat car to sell it off,his only profit would have been dat he posed with a porsche of his own. Chikena
OMG!! Tank God 4 his life
Tnk God 4 his life
TOo bad. S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ sorry k. Next time invest more on beTter things,
Ur eye netwrk sharp no b small,I no see any k leg till I read ur comment & had 2 scroll up 2 see 4 myself
God gave him a second chance
I want to assume he has insurance. I know Porsche must have advised him to do so at the pointy of purchase so No big deal. The car self na useless motor. small accident see as e just turn yeye
We Nigerians doesn't like rules, Speed kills..10m won't kill him dou
As innnnnn, this is when one learns the importance of insurance. And roadside mecs can't fix this one o.
Wth!!! OMG!! I hop he's dead tho!
Lmaooooo. Ur eyes tho
Thnk God for his life but Linda,dat guy drove his car himself with girls in d car. All tyres r intact as u can see. It's just his youthful age dat caused him to drive dat way.
sorry *boi
Thank GOD hold up is always in lagos during day time if not hmmmm..........Anyways wizkid u 4 go US go celebrate with ur babe,No sorry *tongue out* u get d money to fix it.
Sorry o *boi
sorry *boi
L☺L@k-legged bodyguard o
Una no go kii person!
Tank God nobdy waz hurt....carful next tym bro..
I think this comment is just full of hate. Is it ur money haba! Besides he's not worth only 10mil, how are u sure he doesn't own a land? Leave d boy to enjoy d money he's worked hard for. Kai! Nigerians tho.
I think this comment is just full of hate. Is it ur money haba! Besides he's not worth only 10mil, how are u sure he doesn't own a land? Leave d boy to enjoy d money he's worked hard for. Kai! Nigerians tho.
Lollest!!! Y al dis sympathy?? Huh? D bastard doesn't deserve it...let truth be told always.Ndesime kpo!!
Hello Linda, did wizkid tell you e bought that car Tukunbo, a brand new porsche panamera sells for 24m Niara. Go to porsche centre at akin adesola and find out the price
If you knew anything about cars, you would know that jeeps are more prone to accidents
The Nigerian youth is genuinely ANGRY. May God deliver us. Amen.
Dammm star boy
Insurance for Naija? Ok oooooo
Wizzy I rejoice wit u dear, thank God 4 his grace on U, car can damage evn if its 50m, but life is most important.
Vanity!!!!!!!!!!!! A lesson to all... MI take note..
Thank God no one was hurt sha, in btw dat guy with d k-leg and jump up jeans na body guard???? Just asking o!
Lwkmd! Na the kleg Ɣ☺U̶̲̥̅̊ Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ abi? Person get accident, Ɣ☺U̶̲̥̅̊ no even sympathise with ȽϦε person na bodyguard with kleg Ɣ☺U̶̲̥̅̊ comment! Lol
Buzz and drugs.
Wizkid baby sorry ooo its well
Our LIB grammar lord,i hail o. "Ruthfulness",i cant believe the meaning of that word and I have never heard it before. Thanks PC
Hahahahaha... U are bad
Thank God Wizkid is unhurt. I really hope he has a comprehensive insurance cover so he won't lose out fully. Shame to bad people, God's got Wizzy.
Insurance in Naija? Hahahahahaha.....I laugh in Amharic.....ok, wait for the payout now, hahahahahahahahahaha
Mama ifu
LOL...thank God for His mercies sha..
Seems like a case of overspeeding and losing control
deres smtn calld insurance.
U mean an SUV right retard?
Thank God for this tragedy averted! There shall be no loss in the entertainment industry. Enough of that!
Na same question I been wan ask self
Linda did u say 10m? Its 50m porshe car,pls update wit correct info! Tank me lata.....post ma comment
Oh Jeeezzzz....I had 2 go back 2 see it oh! Na wa for ur eyes oh! Had a good laugh tho!
Thank God nothing happened to him. what was he doing outside at 3am in d morning?
Thank God nothing happened to him. what was he doing outside at 3am in d morning?
Insurance for driving under d influence?No chance :(
Sorry wizzy... God is well behind u
But N10m car tyre no suppose burst anyhow na....my Toyota pencil light tyre sef dey warn me. Whizzy go buy baby boi......shikeena
Saw d k-leg too.....lmao!!!
Saw d accident wen it happened
If u can't afford to buy such don't bad mouth it for those who can. Hater!!!!!
Replay or replace? Go back to school.
Pls enlighten urself. He definately would have insured it.
Bad belle people too much for dis blog sef
God!!!! Why do pple like displaying ignorance like this? How can a sane person by such a car and not insure it? No matter the cost, insurance will take care of it.
Thank God for your life Wizzy. You shall not die a premature death.
*thinking aloud...shei that 10m for done buy better land+foundation and buiding*
Replay or replace? Go back to school.
Geez,how did u even see dat.
No be small K_leg ooooo
Sowie wizzy. U suppose knw say niger road no good reach dat side. Tnk GOD u r safe. But wait 10m nna mehn
He was out preaching the word of God.. Ode mumu..
Thats y is good to on ur Airbag thank God ppls i dnt want to write RIP again ijn hand dey pain me jor
Just get Another one the money is there, thank God also 4 saving ur life is well.
Jeje wizzy, thank God .
Thank God no one got hurt
Mhen! That our porsche? Aww!
Wizkid, sorry oo..hope he's fine though?
Shey na u get self esteem and body odour issues so
Hahahaha lobatan!!!!
ThankGod for his life...he should get anoda one..
WIZKID!!!! PAY YOUR TITHE TO GOD. This is what happens when a man refuses to pay his TITHE. The devil will collect the money from him through one way or the other. You will even loose more than the 10% you refused to pay to GOD
Fuckin hilarious.
WIZKID!!!! PAY YOUR TITHE TO GOD. This is what happens when a man refuses to pay his TITHE. The devil will collect the money from him through one way or the other. You will even loose more than the 10% you refused to pay to GOD
Hmmmmmmmmm,just passing.
U no well anon@klegged bodyguard,hahahahaha
Btw,if it's a new porshe Wizky can get replacement from the company cos its a new car.
So wizky we are waiting to know,where u buy ur porshe#rme
I guess all the peeps in the car were high on skunk. Even wizkid,, After the accident his eyes will clear sharp sharp....Life goes on starboy
2face had many chance...he should thank God.Enuf of dis Vanity upon Vanity talk...u only live once
Rubbish tithe. Not everyone is Christian and not everyone believes in tithes.
Mama Ifu such ignorance. There's always been insurance in Nigeria.
Hehehe! Heheheehehe! I was beefing him for that car. Me I'm happy
Lmao! Me tooo...I had to go see d legs for myself....badt people!
he was not the one driving? yeah right!
Nothing maked me laugh more than the kleg comments n sm ppl's comment......naija, bad mouth, bad mind. Haba! And na una pray pass.
Most of u no get sense..wat do u mean by saying "invest on other things"?? Like if sum1 has d cash d person won't drive an expensive car?? As for d car they will fix it..just d tires n lil body work............THE DON
Panel beater no fit revive the good shape of this porche.Insurance get different type and wizzy porche never mature to collect insurance money.wizzy that driver purposely damage that fine porche.lin,lin!!post ma yarn o!
Next time don't buy tokunbo!!!
Cos JAJA Says So!!!
U are right o..I just went to check , mine is from Edo state...
Shut d hell up its ten milla.,ode oversabi
Hey lil porsche I wanna try ya.nelly thank God 4 u tho!!!
Is this not the car we just washed? E pele o whizzy baby, thank God for life and for insurance.
Lol abi oh... he cometh to take wat he gave. I wonder what kin Porsche plastic this is to have succh damage looks like a kia
Oh my God i cant stopn laffing.... ur eyes sharp like abino
Life no get duplicate,wizzy invest ur money wisely,not on material things,hell is real,tnk God is nt ya life dat crash,pls put God first in wateva u do,life witout christ is full of crisis,kpele ooo
Wizkid don fuck this 1 leave o...buahahahaha
wizkid, im happy u r alive. Just take it easy, abeg.
Linda are you a learner? Porsche Panamera 2013 for 10 mil? u must def be joking......that ride costs way much more than that
that's a $100000 car online.. i am sure it's around 25m down here... but I'm glad wizzy is fine... "loke loke, sebo'luwa lo seyio ...." and that k'leg iss epic...
in all i give thanks
Insurance or no insurance 2things re important here 1) he wasn't d one driving 2) d person driving how sure he wasn't under influence. What's d position of the insurance company on dis 2 issues
Thank jah no one is hurt.
For those screaming insurance, if the driver wasn't included in his insurance as a co driver. He is getting no dime
Lol I laugh.10million gone just like dat.thank God for his life shaa and its also a lesson t all those other stupid celabs who use a big amount of money in buyin unnecessary things(like don jazzy dat bought dat wine claiming its a gift).God help them
@anon12:42,yes insurance in Nigeria.We do hav those nowadays dear,d country isnt as bad as u tink
Na wa o...Grammar too much o.@1:44pm.Its like "definately" is a new English word 0!
Jeeezz! my very own whizzy? oh thank you Lord for saving him and the others.
what is a car?
it can be replaced, but a life is irreplaceable.
Thank you Jesus!
Da ride is fake sha... Stil tnkin God 4 ur lyf
a porsche panamera cost more than 10 million naira....something like the 20 to 30 million naira mark
Thank God for your life.
You'll live to become more successful in life.
Fuck whatever happened!
He's still young and needs to live his life to the fullest.
dat is how dey get drunk and also drive at a very high speed.He would have wasted his life like Dagrin.
I thank God for ur life ooooo......se na u compose the car, the car look like fake.....the body of the car look like Ayo folohunso home of plastic and the bodyguard has coma.....u need to straight hin leg oooo
Na real whiskey, schnapps nko?
The replier
so 10 milla don finish be dat
Shit! Dat car...
~D great anonymous!
Thank God no one was hurt. This should teach our Nigerian (pseudo) celebrities that cars and visiting strip clubs and buying sneakers and chains are not tangible investments. Invest your money wisely so that tomorrow you wont come on blogs and newspapers begging for financial help to cure one disease or the other. I can understand older musicians and actors asking for help because during their time, there wasn't much money to be made from showbiz but these younger ones have no excuse whatsoever to not save the money that they are making. I'm out!
sorry bro..thank God for ur life...
sorry bro...thank God for ur life...
Fenk JAH for U̶̲̥̅̊я live bra, JAH їƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇ involved, pls take heed.
man you time will soon end so pray for god to forgive you
Should this kidne driving such a powerful car ? What if he had killed your wife and kids ?
Thank god whizy is alive and unhurt coz tongues for begin wag rubbish.
Stupid boy, I saw the idiot & some low life guys smoking weed heavily inside the car around mid night. I guess all the occupants were high on some shot... He needs counseling, the weed he dey take is damn too much for his brain. Watch out Wizzy so you don't ruin your success. Be a good boy father, Bolus and we your fans still want you around. You will not fail o... amen
Thank God for saving your life Wiz, and i hope the car is insured, if yes, then you have nothing to worry about.
Thank God for saving your life Wiz, and i hope this car is insured, if yes, then you have nothing to worry about. drink some more and wait for the insurance company to do what they are paid for.
Huh? Dead??? After ur family @ large..... I just can't contain d bitterness in pple. Hian!!! Y wish someone u don't know dead? Y?.... Dat's after u and ur lineage sha.Idiot!!!
Be safe Wizzy. We love u
Wizkid..... Invest on a good tins... Thank God u ar alive tho....
I thank God u are alive but 10million??? In a car? For wht! Wizkid let's see hw much u will give God fr saving ur life, Linda pls kindly follow it up
Please insure ur cars,houses,vessels n lots more wiv GREAT NIG INSURANCE!
U sure won't regret this! Our office is on Omo-Osagie,off Awolowo Rd,ikoyi.
Thank God 4 saving my darlin AYo
Lmao....rotfl..... laughing thru my nose..... mine is also from lokoja
Lmao..... rotfl.... laughing thru my nose.... mine is from lokoja tew
Pls take several seats abegi... hez wasnt d one driving
Heyah. Nd I had a dream about dis dude yestday....strange! Thnk goodness es aiit
Thank God nofin happend to him and the passengers
did you say burst tyre? yeah right....me thinks you should probe more...
Mehn, me sef bn don go check o!!!! Mine na from Osun State.....
"That's y it's good to on your airbag??????? Wat d fuck does that even mean looooool
Which tyre was the car using, a tokunbo tyre, a winter tyre that is not for Nigeria weather? do Wizkid has insurance for his car? We thank God that none is hurt in the accident.
D repairs for dat porsche will cost like 2.5 to 3 million naira.. Money for a brand new Camry
u see! if he invested dat 10m naira as tithe or seed sowing in a church e for better.. sigh!! 10m don waka troway like paper...
fank God 4 ur lyf wizzy...nd such a money on a car??hmmmm
Dat leg pass kleg oh! That's an xleg
Hi what can I say we thank God for that but wizzzzz plz stop all sins you are doing nd ask God for forgiveness for another good things plz dnt forgive to go for thank give today by chilota
We thank God almighty for saving u...... Wizzy be prayerful.
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For all those still thinking Insurance doesn't work in Nigeria, I pity u all.God protect us all and let's help ourselves by insuring our valuables. We got ur back protected at Zenith General Insurance Company Limited. We are known for prompt settlement of claims in the industry. You can reach me on O8023800517 for all your insurance needs or enquiries.
Thank God for multiple airbags...shine on wizzy
Wiz is a very humble young man! Anyone can make mistakes and loose their Pride and joy. Thank God he is in a great shape. My prayer is that he will grow and blow. More big boy toys to come.
Sorry 4 de accident, bt my broder, dere ar lot live's out dere dt nid's support pls lts be of help nt jst spendin million's on a property dat cn go anytime nd I guess u shuld be careful wit ur life, at least u do hear abt Jesus christ,pls be careful. U surviving dat accident is nt a luck or ur power bt de grace of God, ask urself after death wat next? Where am I going, nobody is perfect bt wit God we ar perfected, I pray u get back wat u lost soon
Wizzy tnk God 4 ur Life. And as 4 LIBR I hailooo, u guys wil neva let m dwn wit ur hilarious comment***kudos***.
obviously this car wasn't bought new. Anyways a reckless wrecked it no doubt.
hmmmmm.......guy u need to be very careful, be extra vigilant @ADETOYE OLUDARE ON fb
i suspect sabotage
Guy if u get money again make u go buy volvo nd even if u buy jeep ugo still get accident wit dat jeep again so make u go buy volvo.......
Why driving a car of 15m at his age? Wasting of money
Thank God nothing happn 2him but guy buy a car of highest 4million ok...... 15m is gone just like dat. Infact you must be probe by senate......
U hav 2b querried ok.
4 those of u who envy. Am sure u knw deep down u ll never grow/go up. This's a young boi. It was not intentional , read carefully. It was an accident. It can happen to anyone , even ur father. Wiz. More love and more Bentley , no more porsche 4 d haters. 6feet hypocrite. Wish d poor boi well , busy commenting trash. Una go die in poverty. Whr were u wen dis boi was suffering. One shirt ,1 jean. If God blesses u 2mrw with $5m , ow would u live ur life ? Idiots. Commenting rubbish bcos u r poor and can't afford 50cent/ 75 Naira. Bastards. Well wishes I see u. Ggmub. ( God go make una bigger).
Live Tv
You should thank god as nobody was hurt in the accident. The car damage and then its repair is seriously a very big issue in this fast paced life. Well if your car got damaged and you need a genuine repair centre then you should log on to pearsonspriorlake.com.
Glad no one was injured.
Tragic!! But ok, it's no loss.
nice cars.............
Porsche Cars Wallpaper HD
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