I'm sharing this post
for two reasons: One, to introduce Fuji to Nigerians so we can celebrate
him and two, to discuss if it's OK for a 3 year old to already have a
career. He has an exhibition coming up so yes, he has a career! CNN profiled the young budding photographer on Inside Africa yesterday and below is what they wrote about Lil Fuji...
While most children his age in Nigeria - and the rest of the world - are more concerned with their toys than a career, Onafujiri "Fuji" Remet has already embarked on his mission to become a professional photographer.
Proud dad Pius Kugbere Remet sent in these images of his talented young son posing with family and at work in Lagos.
Himself an artist and graphic designer, he says Fuji's inspiration came from the work of his creative family.
See more photos of Fuji at work after the cut...Little Fuji even has an exhibition coming up in Lagos on June 8. Not bad for a three-year-old.

Little Fuji at work

Above are some of the photographs the 3 year old shot. Amazing really, but let's share our opinion on the issue I brought up. Should a three year old be more concerned about his toys or a career? You know what they say; catch them young, but how young is too young?
I am genuinely grateful to the holder of this site who has
shared this wonderful article at at this time.
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Cuuuuute! This is really awesome! I wish this little boy all the best and a successful future!
I love his spirit..kudos.little one.
I don't blv jor! 3 yrs????
3years is too young... Naa.. I dunno... For now , he should be concerned with his reading, Writing and literacy and numeracy skills development,These basis are critical aside any talent or gift.. And by the way, this 3year old cannot edit, brand the works, use photoshop cs 6 to make effects, charge d camera, change lenses etc.. I feel the father is just pushing him tho.... As a teacher.... I feel his critical reasoning skill should be number 1.. Get him to school to know how to read and speak...ok bye*
Never too young! Tiger started playing golf at 18 months and I started mixing chemicals at 4yrs... now I"m an accomplished Scientist.
He is a prodigy!
He ain't too young at all! As far as his brain cells can accommodate his being this creative at such an early stage its ok, its a gift, gifts are bestowed on us subliminally, so he needs to be encouraged, he could become a stellar in the world of photography in the future.
Linda for me he isn't too young. The Likes of Tiger Woods, Williams sisters and most of all the world class icons celebrated in civillized climes all started very young and believe me we have so many of fuji in Nigeria here so it will be a welcome development if things like this can be encouraged in our society plus he has a secured future for himself @ least he would be making something for himself and we all know the hardship an individual faces in our Nigeria of today so let's celebrate this young brain. I will also like you to dig up about a 12 or 12 year old boy who founded a social networking website at a very young age in Benue state or so. I read of him too sometimes ago
It's his passion and as long as no one is forcing him to take pictures, then its perfectly fine. His parents are lucky their son has found a career path so naturally his schooling will be geared towards the arts, not like many of us who do courses in school just because that's where we were accepted/offered.
Parents should nurture their children and discover their passion, that's a better legacy than training an engineer who has become a bank teller. Most of us do not even know what our passion is, we just carry on day to day collecting meagre salaries just to keep body and soul together. I know because i am one!
awww! I wish him the very best.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Am beginning to suspect bonario n prince charmin as linda's staffs.their aim being to comment something dt wil make interest to her readers.(igbo people)cos I hv wondered hw these two manage to get Linda updates immediately she updates news.cos I registered wit MTN for an alert on linda's updates.but these alerts comes in late.unless there r other ways.as for d photographer vry funny
Its a professional hobby..so its totali cool,children suld do wat they luv nd dts obviously wt he luvs...moreova it got him recognzd on CNN..dts a big deal.
Love this young chap....there is no certain age to pursue your dream....carry on brov.
Linda ooo, make una try open una eye,na dis boy papa dey snap dis pictures nor b dis small boy...na 2day...d papa dey lie jare, 3yrs wen fit use the camera hit ground na him una dey talk say get career...abi na him still dey wash the pictures? I wonder...
It is gud t hav a career at a young age.visit http://cocoalahot.blogspot.com/?m=1 for gist uniben
It's an amazing story, he has already activated his creative mind. Can't wait for my son to start exhibiting his wonderful talent.
He isn't too young as long as his parent are there to guide him n he is allowed to play n do do things that his agemates do.my son is 4yrs old,he is soooooo good with musical instruments that we are trying to setup a studio for him.
Dat's gud...........When I was like him I still dey cry 4 breast milk.
No age is too young to achieve good thing..keep up. Good work boy..
Linda i tink its hs father's dream hes pursuin at d momnt n nt his. A 3yr old isnt matured enuf to knw wat he really wnts for nw. Nonetheless its a two way tin. He either grows up to discover its a passion n wnts to continue wt it or he finds anoda area he's interestd in n pursues it. #i rest ma case#
It is a hubby nd nt a career. Here is a guy I found doing wonders with African wears. www.facebook.com/groups/asandreacollections nd ping him on 2A129EA9
I can only admire this young man. Amazing!!!
Am proud of the little genius
Plz Nigerians shld look into it, 4 me is nt good @all......
Nice but he is too young to make it a career,they shouldn't let him miss his childhood fun cos of photography.there is time for everything.Hope they don't get to abbuse the boy's gift.
Unbelieveable,GOD is great..Still a kid so he has to b watched by d parents closely..But kudos to d lil boy at that age "odi kwa egwu o"
I think he should play with toys and go to school. Haba! He is jst 3yrs biko. He can can take pictures as a hobby Fø̲̣̣я̅ now, wen the time is right, he should pursue his career.
I'm still in a state of SHOCK because this little one can Barely write down hhis name, he can barely feed himself without littering the place with crumbs and so on ...
My Question: is this real? Let's see how it goes during his Exihibition.
We are in a fast growing technological age so if he's got it at this age then no harm. He should be supported all the way as long as the basic education is not displaced. Good thing from Naija
This is amazing & I don't see anything wrong with being an early blummer. Some people don't know what they want to do with their lives even @ 40
This is amazing & I don't see anything wrong with being an early blummer. Some people don't know what they want to do with their lives even @ 40
Ħ̀ε̅ ois jst a genius 4m birth. Though 3yrs Ȋ̝̊̅§ pretty small but then again its his gift/calling. Kudos 2 his parents
Ooooooh my goodness! I cant believe my eyes. Though not so surprise as to what he does, but considering his age I am dumbfounded. I am quite sure he his going places, believe you me.
To start with, these days, children don't know any other anything except to play around, watch cartoons and go to bed. I think it is now more important to pay attention what they love and the things they are exposed to. If you are a parent and all you could do to help your kids is to play DORA cartoon for them, thinking you need to satisfy their curiosity, you will be blamed for it when the children get to a stage of low IQ.
I could remember I started building website, at a very tender age, using free webhosting and I grew to build professional website, even develop website for different organizations, popular personality, high caliber of people and even international clients I have never seen with my eyes. You could imagine where I would have been if my parent exposed me to graphics toys and designing children tools. What I noticed about this AMAZING BOY is the fact that he was brought up in an environment that deals with designing and, voilà, here he his with professional camera taken a professional picture. Mind you, the camera that he uses, a photographer will never give me or you as an adult to help to take pictures, even in his studio...
Because he involves focusing, which you need to calculate based on the intensity of the light or darkness. Many will say afterall, we all snap with digital camera. Forget it, this boy does not use the camera we all see along the road at pencinema agege.
I raise my HAT for his GUT. He deserves a trip to the land of te best resort in the world.
Tiger woods was a golf pro at 3. Some talents are inbred and the child will follow that passion which should be nurtured as long as he has a well rounded childhood and doesnt miss out on any opportunities to experience his life as it evolves. We should celebrate it
Never too young Linda. But it would not be right if his love for the camera affects his education. As long as he's in school, its just fine for me. It tells a lot about the kind of toys parents buy for their kids. Some parents prefer to buy guns, power rangers, batman, et al. Am not saying those aint good, but toys like helicopters, aeroplane, cameras, piano, et al are better options. I've always said I'd love my first daughter to play the guitar. Sometimes, it just guides them to find their passion.
Wow. But I started singing at the age of 1. Soooo ;)
Amazing! 3yr old wey still dey wear pampers.
Well, I believe lil fuji has something interesting to offer here being a lover of good photography but indeed, I think he needs (still needs) some breeding, wht possibly cud he knw going by the level and rate of creativity photography has come to exhibit. Fuji needs training, but he's not too young. And yes, his parents should pls not push him too far, and also not let the passion (since its a passion here) dwindle
Lmao, This ia actually cool but Its somehow funny sha.......I think he z too small thou, at 3years??? Who even gonna take a photograph from him? #JustSaying
One word: wow!
That child is gifted.
If this is his passion and not the doing of over-zealous parents then I say go for it little Fuji. Some Africans rarely encourage their children to follow up on their talents. Most kids who can draw or paint rarely have colouring material at home. Parents, learn to nurture your kids talents. Not everyone is solely meant to be a doctor or lawyer.
Linder for me I believe the earliar the better as far as the perents are oppurtuned to see it so and invest their time,energy and even money to get their kids to have skills and not only acquiring only this our naija certificated education, 1luv peace! Happy new month to all bloggers and LIB readers!!!
I'm quite impressed with what I've seen here. But as a photographer, I doubt if I've seen enough to call him a photographer.
We clearly see his passion & budding talent. . .and I feel it's totally ok to let him to play around with the camera in place of his toys; while they let him concentrate in school and explore more areas of photography and build on himself.
IMO, he's not too young.
Great stuff. :)
The truth is that the little boy doesn't know what he's doing. Every 3 year old would want to play around with a camera. His parents are just forcing "a career" down his throat!
This is truly amazing. Thanks for sharing this.
This young dude has discovered his purpose at a tender age while many out there who has passed the age of 30 are still yet to discover purpose. Let the young dude enjoy his career while he is still young so that when he fully mature in age he becomes a professional.
Obviously there is nothing wrong wif dat cos we r in jet age buh it shuld be coupled with education so has to make more sense! Thumb up little kid
Its not a bad idea if he has a career in photography, I take is, he has to study as well. He's taking pictures @ 3 now doesn't mean he will still be taking pix @ 11. Not a bad one for him and his family but d boy has to go 2 sch.
Maybe it started out as a play,then became something he can't do away from.It doesn't hurt that it is a career for him at age three,his parents will be there to guide.Wishing Fuji the best,may the beauty of the Lord always upon him.
Wow!! Way to go.... Making history. Look on d bright side, he is gana b a very great photographer by 15
This is Awesome.Catch dem young!
Mehn.. Linda, there's nothing wrong with it.. This is an amazing talent.
Hmmm... Interesting! If it's just for fun as a hubby, all good for him o :-). Where I'd suspect it'll could get in the way of his overall development is if it has become a "job" for him.
Time Reversal... the effect? When he is older, he will behave like a child because of the fact that he wasnt given the chance to be a child when he should. Everything has time. Too much too soon isnt good for the development of a child.
he prolly doesnt think abt it as work...nd if it doesnt affect his education and his parents r smart enuf to still make him hv a somewhat normal childhood then...go for it!
He can be encouraged but an exhibition and blowing it out of proportion like this on CNN, I totally disagree with.
This is putting 2 carts before 1 horse.
Nigeria nids tins lyk dis 2 bcome a beta place....der s hope 4 d future we long 4
Hmmm, wow! That's good. I hope he doesn't lose interest when he grows up.
1st to comment....9yc one lil boy, I wish i had dis opportunity.. it's alright better than playing with toys...
If he's my kid,I'll encourage him. He clearly loves taking pictures n for a three year old,he's quite good. So yes,he should do it
Waoooooooo!!!! Dis is rilly nyc. D kid is a genius and ma dear Lindodo no1 is 2young 2make money oooooo. If he were mine I'd be dancing azonto by nw. He aint getting toys he wld buy his toys. EMERALD
Kinda cool to me...
Its cool,he wil grow up a gud 1
Abeg madam Linda try dey post ma comments oooooo. Loff u mosh swiry
The funny thing is that his toy is a camera might grow being not interested in a camera. What's different is that he picked an important thing as his oown toy.
these people should allow dis boy grow o!wen i was three,all i had were crayons,drawing books and imagination...hard 2 believe dat this 3 yr old kid walked up 2 his dad n said daddy i want 2 start photographing models. His parents probably realised he had a thing 4 cameras n decided they wanted a genius in their family. The question is what happens if he finally grows up n decides he wants 2 be sumtin else wnt d pressure b 2 much 4 him 2 handle? Take d case of miley cyrus who desperately wants 2 carve an image 4 herself separate 4rm wat her dad created n is now forced 2 do it d wrong way. I fear 4 dat boy o!
Dunno.... for some funny reasons, I'm just bothered about his eyes. Nice work lil man!
Lwkmdh...c as d camera wan big pass him head! Kip it up shaa!#mc#
He would make waves if he is tutored properly. They've got it in the family, guy could turn out like Clarence Peters. Success in life buh they should please allow him go to school Απϑ still use his talent. I believe if they sync it properly, he'll just be the best.
Nija has got talent shaaa
Wow ... this what I am talking about.. locating the need of others that you are created to fill in at an early age.. kudos to the kids parents for giving their son a chance to run his dreams .. cuz not all parents will support their kids.. I believe whether you like it or not Grown up or kid .. all have toys.. its just a matter of which is more resourceful.. so men drive expensive toys ..
Am confused here!Confused about the whole thing,but,Linda,we are talking about talent here,so,its never too early to discover your talent.After all,Michael Jackson started singing at the age of 5 &he went a long way in life.So,let's encourage him ok?
Ȋ̝̊̅ like this,pray mine DƠ͡ greater things than this ijn.knowing i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ carrer at this early stage i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ best prayer α̲̅πϑ one can pray Fø̲̣̣я̅ his love ones.. G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅̊ Βłêšš you little fuji.may you ̷ßξ heard ♡F Fø̲̣̣я̅ greater tins
3 yrs old ma black ass. RME.
He is not young @ all.its his gift from birth dat no one can take away from him.his parents shld just make sure he goes to school.dats all.nyc one
I need to give his parents a hug for encouraging him. My 3yr old daughter is in love with ballet dance. Her teacher also noticed her passion to dance. My husband and I despite out super tight work schedule are so excited to register her for saturday dance classes. U need to see my baby hit the floor in her tutu dress and tap shoes!! lol!!! you never know what the future holds for these little ones..
Well said Akintayo.....well said.
am just amazed! don't even know what to say
God is the giver of talent. The pictures are nice its obvious the kid is good at what he does. But lets not forget a three year old is nothing but a kid. The parents must allow him be a kid and not let him grow too fast just cause he can snap at a tender age. Let the children play cause play is what kids are made of and made for. Micheal jackson and his never never land comes to mind cause his childhood was stolen just because he could dance at a tender age.
The good nigerian
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Linda you always make me laugh
Pure madness wia is kid rushing to early grave like micheal jacson?SMH
He's not to young at all.... Most of the great career people started at a very tender age... People like Tiger Wood as so on ... .... Pls click here for hot naijagist
Make-Up by Teju Tobun, It was never said he was not going to go to school or lack critical thinking skills.
I think of-course not too much emphasis is given to the boy having a career in this and should be recognized that he has a talent and no matter what should be nurtured.
By Miss Jay
My thing is as long as his child hood is not sacrificed for his career I think he should be fine, we all know how most child star end up when de miss their childhood eg michael jackson, lindsay lohan, britney spears etc. When a kid misses his childhood its like cutting out a part of his life which will later tell in his life. Personally I think he should continue with his career but it should be toned down and he should be allowed to grow like every other 3year old, even in playing with other kids the brain develops and build a social interaction and experience that will be useful later in future
U are obviously an illiterate.
There's nothing wrong with a Parent nurturing the talents of a child from birth. My only concern is exploitation; as long as both Parents aren't taking advantage of the kid to draw publicity to themselves - then heck yeah! They should show the kid off to the world. The talents of a genius should never been hidden.
This is an amazing thing!
Just wish he would be given a chance to be a normal child.
Tiger woods started at 5. He was being interviewd den sitting on d anchorman's thigh and cldnt ansa a question. Today he's a big star. This is a good start for dis boy
Everything, ibo people.
Na wa o
If you have the talent, flaunt it, share it with the world. It's never too early. 5 yrs from now his passions may change, at least he made his mark and shared something with us all...Instead of riding his bicycle as "fun" or an activity, he's taking pictures...haven't you seen the child singers, piano player, painter, etc as long as the parents aren't forcing them to do it and making him work 24hrs a day...let it be.
I always look forward to ur comments PC,always well said.
Linda i commend little fuji on his chosen path to become a photographer way to go kid the only issue i have is his age the dad says he is 3 years old Linda my neighbors son is 3 years an he is not as old,not as developed not as composed not as matured as this boy what am getting at is can dis boy really b age 3 take a look at the way he holds the camera his composure a child that is 3 f0r Gods sake cant hold a camera firmly like this little boy is holding
I'm Astound!..the young chap got me. Hypnotized....all I can say is success to Him
U r right my dear,they shd b concerned about his early education alongside his talent,I don't know,if its forced or natural.
I wonder oh! Nna ehn me I tire
@ DADDYSWIFE, follow Linda on twitter and you would get her updates immediately she posts.
This lil boy father na heavy lier joo,I know dem wella,hw come all d pple in d pics r his siblings and parent?first it was their first daughter who was once featured in moments with mo 4 d same talent now dis little boy na wah ooooooo
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was composing melodious Symphonies at the age of 4, when most 10 year olds couldn't even read music. Which means, he also played what he composed for the public, in Courts. So why not Fuji...?
I like the way he Denge...
i hope he truely understands what a picture means at dat age.does he equally go for print out at 3? how does he discuss with his patners at 3? just asking though
Akin u r an idiot! Who cares if u r an "accomplished" scientist? And am sure its still d same u who used an anonymous profile to hype urself
Very young, I also mixed up chemicals, opened up electronic devices, played the doctor and all. Today I'm not scientist nor technician. What is this child's talent? That he can randomly press the camera trigger, then lets his dad select from the lot. I bet if I give an 11 months old baby a camera to play with, I will get publishable photographs!
As una no get Genius for una family,how can u believe? So u think everybody's father is a liar like your father. Mumu
My dear you've said it all!
He's obviously in school. Time his mates stay playing he photographs. Appreciate a good thing when you see one, and yes he might not knw all those bt with time he will.
Na big lie joh ! Unseen hand pushing the buttons somewhere ........
God you're so backwards!! Do people still 'wash' pictures?
Maybe he'll be the photographer at my wedding
Wow!, this is unbelievable, good luck to him
He's obviously in school. Time his mates stay playing he photographs. Appreciate a good thing when you see one, and yes he might not knw all those bt with time he will.
Yes. Well said. The lil man should be encouraged but shld also have an education to give him a greater edge in life. Education isnt just for jobs,its to broaden the mind. Parents should pay attention to thier children's flare at thier tender ages that way we'll have more inventors nd less stereotypes. Im quite impressed.
Pls shut up, make up by teju,ugly gal........ See soo much hate in your words. Just 4 a 3yr old boy. I personlly think he is doing the rite thing if that's his passion, read, write learn,*rolling eyes* soo many 1st class no jobs, its not by school, education is important, don't get me wrong. But up till date I'm still waiting 4 what I'm going 2 use maths I was dut in uni(caleb uni) *rolling eyes*so pls keep doing wat u are doing my darling 3yr old
And who says he's not going to school and learning the photohraphy skills along side. If u think its not possible. I'm sure u have seen kids his age doing daddy and mummy with their mates and the ones who are already professional dancers at parties. We see them often on our screens, don't we? What will u say to that?
Linda any news on Kirk Anthony?
Good luck to him!
Wow...that's great
Linda, this baby is freaking to young for what he's doing. It is not yet the time. He should first of all be a child and do the things children are known for. Some people in the forum are calling him a young man already. Are you freaking kidding me? He's barely a baby for crying out loud. The parents can get him a camera to play with, that I agree with, but to make him develop a career out of that to the extent of having an exhibition, is totally, totally wrong. His teeth aint even developed enough. He's still wearing a diaper and I can bet, he cannot bath himself at this age. All I see is nothing but very very greedy father and mother, who are depriving this baby the opportunity to be a kid.
It is wrong, wrong and very very wrong, no matter the way you may look at it. Let a kid be kid!
And why would you believe? Goodluck to the little boy o jawe..m
U are an utter fool if you have never heard of exceptionally gifted kids... Adults who take pictures do they all wash themselves? Am not annoyed you have an opinion am just annoyed you didn't consult your brain before typing.... Ode
thanks information.
There are always exceptions to the rules....this is not unusual so stop living in a fools paradise else you create a stumbling block if Ur child eve shows such tendencies.... His parents just needs to ensure he gets an education data all..
Fool.... Since u don't know his parents then you cannot talk force... Ple like u never Make it in life cos of Ur myopic reasoning.... Gosh have u never heard of kids with exceptional talents...tiger woods started playing golf at 18 months ....
Dexter clap for yourself... Winch
No, not at all well said. He's 3 yrs old for pete's sake. He's not even able to properly construct a sentence not to talk of deciphering the techniques of photography. He may be attracted to beauty, colours etc like most kids and if his parents think he's creative, they should allow him to use drawing & painting as an outlet instead of shoving a camera that weighs more than him in his face.
I just see pix of a kid with a camera..... And two of his "supposed" shots.. Wish the kid the best tho
Personally I see no talent here all I see is a kid playing with an advanced toy due to exposure by his parent, does not require much to click on a camera button if it was painting, drawing or a genius kid I would call that talent. He would most likely grow out of it with time when he his exposed to other stuffs in life. I just hope his parent gives him the chance to feel other things. I feel the parent are forcing their dreams on the kid for crying out loud his only three, probably can't tie his own shoes by his self
Instead of being small-minded, can you for once try to understand the simple principle of "vision, dedication and hardwork pays". This is in the psyche of every Igbo person and as long as you don't start thinking in these lines, you'll continue to show your inferiority complex next to Igbos. Insult me if you like but you know I'm stating a fact. Afterall it is well known that Nigerians have been suffering from Igbophobia (the fear of Igbo success) since the 50's. Leave Linda, Bonario and Prince Charming alone!
I don't think there is anything wrong, we have kid models making money too.
Follow my weight loss
Lol u are a clown! The camera is bigger than his face true ly lmao. Photography is not as easy as u think, its not about pointing and shooting there is more to it! Check out my blog www.hotnaijaparties.blogspot.com thanks
Nice from fuji,great ambition.wishing him good luck
Hi Linda,weldone pls I want to contact you through email I want to invite you for a programme coming up on the 16th of June
Any positive step and motive should always be encouraged. So what if he is 3? I'll say it's a very bright step for a society that is viewed with contempt outside it's shores. As long as it's based on his interest and his parents are helping him grow according to his age and they are also balancing all of his abilities with regards to his without pushing him at all. Kudos to such development!
Well said dear
He is not too young....they should allow him go to school.
Those 'supposed' shots have gotten the kid on CNNs profile which you might never in your life time be on
Do tell, if this was your kid on CNN wouldn't you be a proud parent?
Anon2.38.... see u are d real hater... dats why u wld never find anytin to do with ur maths edu dat u spent 5yrs in uni reading... why abusing teju now? Cos u no get talent baaah? Ode!... she is only saying he shld get d basic skills first as it wasn't said in the write up if he was getting it or not.. u just open ur foolishness to d world... jobless fool
@ teju dnt mind him joor... I love u n ur work, u wld be doing my frnds make up on her weddin day on 15th in Surulere, hope to see u dia..XOXO
KAI!!! That bit about Tiger is a fucking lie.
There's nothing wrong wiv that I bet I prefer it more than the tom and jerry movies kids of his ages watch
It runs in the family, his parents are artist and so is his senior sister. His grandfather (Ben Odiase of the NIgerian Police Band) wrote the 2nd stanza of the National Anthem.
The lil boy's father is just trying to have the kid forcefully realize his failed dream, and it's working for him. Who knew him before now. My kid operated my laptop by age 3.
If it were abroad now they will call him a special kid. even if his parents are pushing him, let them. We shall still hear more about the boy, so y'all should calm down
does it take a genius 2 press d clicker on a camera??? Obviously sum1 in d family is forcin dis on him, or hw wud u explain d expensive looking camera d lil boy is using??? Jus complete rubbish .
Mr oga! Ur kid operated ur laptop? Or he was pressing keys!! We all lie as nigerians! A 3yr old doesn't even care abt all this!! The camera is a toy to him and he just clicks on the button like he sees on tv!! Its not a talent!! Do u knw what 3yrs is? He hardly knws left from right! Please let's shy away from lying our way to fame!!
You mean 3 YEARS old. Abi Linda u no sabi English again.
Wow!!!I never knew we had such young innovative talent in NaijaD boy should keep on & I'm sure that God will bless him
Na wah for you linda you think say na educated illitrate dey read ur blog?
He is just a kid playing wit a very good camera.... I am nt even sure he knows wat he is doin...... But its a good thing his parent are trying to invest in him.....he might nt want to b photographer sef in d future....
Good for the kid but is he not a brother to Onarietta Remet - an 18 month old painter now 7 years old? If he is, then their parents are just experimenting some cheap fame with the kids.
Not too young to start honing his skills.. catch them young is correct. I'm sure his parents know not to let his education and personal development suffer, in spite of his obvious talent. The photos of him are so cute, Also I expect his subjects can't be that much taller than him, so he can get them in frame, his name even sounds like that of a little star (Fuji Remet). Bless his little cotton socks:)
whatever d case sha, so long is in the kids interest, so be it.
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